Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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The Fair Is Over
the Children (At ISchool
Now is the time to make up your new FALL
DRESS or SUIT now, while our showing of
Fall Fabrics
is at its best
New Silks
Gros De Londres Silks, Chiffon Taffetas in
black and colors, Bengalines, Satins, Pekin
Stripe Silks, Silk Crepe De Chine in most good
colors, Messalines in the newest Fall shades,
Chiffon Cloths, Silk Marquisettes in plain colors,
also printed, Plaid Silks, Faille Silks and Georg
ette Crepes an unusual assemblage to choose
New Chiffon Velvets
and Plushes
Black and Navy Chiffon Costume Velveteen,
extra quality, fast pile and fast color, 44 inches
wide. This Velveteen has a beautiful finish and
is especially good for Fall and Winter Coats,
Suits and Dresses.
English Costume Velvets and Velveteens, in
black and colors, fine finish, 18 to 24 inches wide,
for Dresses and Trimmings; 50c to $1.50 yard.
Coating Plush, Seal Plushes, extra fine Chif
fon Plush Coatings in black, 48 inches wide:
$3.45 and $4.25 a yard.
For Rainy Weather an
3 "India" Umbrella
Known as the "Little Umbrella with the Big
Spread." Our new Fall line includes all the new,
fashionable handles. Priced $1.25 and up.
Social and Personal
0 Alt OX a DIBBtti. X
' t
Aim. (Innrifd I'ulni.x. !.. ......t I . . .. ... ....
" '" ' """; renin, Air. iiml .Mrs. Ktlwin llinnov.
months v mt in oniMH-tinit. Mrs. Put- ud Mrs. .1. His),,,,, Pulnuni, lit Nve
1K1l,M.M,ryl,1mlrm l.l.n, Wound, Mr 'l nim1
W hyrmnhn an, previous to miiki.. , ft,., l,oinK a member of the i.nl lih
Z ''V" " l " ,,""r.r,,"i;' J' K !"" "t . Inl iinin n so,
I'ulnHH and h. r v " "' l,"HV1Mrr-! A' 'l-anyiim Mrs. Putnam to the
wh L L v i, i m '.. ,,"",,,;,,,,"t' '"' '' l'"tiT. Kilwin Hnnov, , r
wrothcyvisitod Mm. Putnam's pa-1 After a tav hero of several weeks
Airs. Putnam aniFlier sister will be the I
guests of friends at Bend for 10 days
and then Miss mnney ana ner uromer
will (ro to the San Francisco exposition
and thence to Florida to jiaas the win
' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Byars enter
tained a number of out of town guests
during (air week, among whom were
: Dr. and Mrs. Waldo Cheshire, of Eu
gene, who accompanied by Mr. and
IMrs. ( hambers . of that eity, motored
'down for the day: Mr. and Mr,. El
mer Palmer, and son and wife. Mr. i
and Mrs. Arcuie J'almer, motorists from
near Hoseburg. lr. Cheshire and Mr.
' Palmer, .Sr., are nephews of Mrs.
Hyars. Another fcouse guest at the
I Rvars home was Mrs. Lewis 8 tout, of
l.vfehania, a sister ef Mrs. Byars. Mrs.
Stout came to Halem to be with her
i daughter, Mitts Anna Stout, who has
been seriously ill, hut is' now conva
lescing most satisfactorily.
I Mrs. Laura, Baldwin Doolittle. of
Portland, who has been the week end I
I guest of Mrs. Russell Catlin, 1209
Coemcketa street, is a decorator and
furnisher of interiors at 409 Morrison1
street, Portland. She gave an excep
tionally good talk at the state fair art
department rooms, Saturday afternoon
upon interior decoration, illustrating it
by fabrics. She held the attention of
her hearers closely as she unfolded t je
j leading principles of her art, forming
! numerous and appealing color combina
tions. Mrs. Doolittle has studied in
the New York art Bchools, and has had
i unusual opportunities for observation
!in different sections of the country. In
ienrly winter the plans to go on a vaca
Uion trip to the Orient.
I Among those who are attending the
I'niversity of California from Halem
this year nre: Seth Axley, Percy Wau,
II. (i. Hehroeder, Hong King Seung;
Mbs Hula Woods.
Tho Misses Margaret and Gertrude
Gray, of (Seattle, the guests of their
! mint, Mrs. .lohn McNary, invited in a
few frionds informally Thursday even
!ing. Part of the evening was passed
with bridge, two tables being used.
Miss Helen Farrnr, of Corvallis,
spent tho week end at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Mury Farrnr on North
I.ibortv street.
The I. E. O. will meet this evening
at the home of Mrs. Caroline Seleo, on
the corner of Commercial and Hansen
'street at eight o'clock.
Mrs. fJenrge Coolidge has returned to
her country home at Liveslv, after a
short visit, as the guest of Mrs. L. K.
.Page during fair week.
Mrs. Heth Herrou and son, James, or
.Portland, w'un have been visiting at
the homo of Mrs. Fvwk's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Fuwk returned home
yesterday. Other house guests at the
;Fuwk home are Mr. and Mrs. Fred
erick West and daughter, Miss Helen
! West, of Scuttle, n.id James Osmont, of
An attractive church wedding took
place Tuesday at the Seventh Dad Ad
ventist church when Miss Flossie fiery!,
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ciiaries
Kollo.ii, became tlu bride of A. J.
Meiklcjnhn, The ceremony was per
formed at eight-thirty p. m. by (ov.
H. (i. Thurston. The church was pret
tily decorated in white asters and ivy.
Little lluldiih Sprnd ami Master Sam
uel Thurston led the bridal party and
scattered flowers. Miss Maude Htiff
ler played the wedding march and Mrs.
111. (1. Thurston sane "Faithful and
True." Miss Vera Thurston was the
lliriilesmuid and Titus Kiirtichniiov at
i tended the groom us best man. Tho
ushers were the Misses Krnie Klsnor
iiml Sflm fer. Following tho ceremony
a reception WIIH given nt the home of
Uev. 11. (). Thurston. After a wedding
trip, Mr. and Mrs. .Mo.ikle.inhn wil
make their home in Wulla Walla, WaBh
Ruddy Cheeks-Sparkling Eyes
Moat Women Can Have
Says Dr. Edwards, Well-Known
Ohio Physician
Dr. F. It Edwards for 17 years treated
scores of women for liver and bowel ail
ments. Durlns the years he gave to n s
patients a prescription made of a lew well
known vegetable ingredients mixed with
olive oil, naming them Vr. Edwards O ivs
Tablets, yon will know them by their cuve
color. , ,.
These tablets Are wonder-workers en the
liver and bowels, which cause a normal
action, carrying off the waste and poison
ous matter that one's system collects.
If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull
eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a
listless, nonfood feeling, all out of sorts, In
active bowels, you take one of Dr. Edward s
Olive Tablets nightly lor a lime anu
the pleasing results.
Thousands of women, as well as men,
talcs Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets now and
then Just to keep In the pink of condition.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the success
ful substitute for calomel 10c and 2&e
per box. All druggists.
The Oltvs Tablet Company, Columbus, a
ington, where ti.ey will attend the Ad
ventiBt college.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. (abler left Sat
urday for California. Mrs. ( abler will
spend the winter with her parents in
.Sacramento, but after a short visit in
that city and at San Diego, his former
home, Mr. Cabler will return to Salem.
. ... j
Alius F?fhpl Plmlnn lino no her aneat I
Miss Hope Burdiik, formerly of Ash
land, who hag been engaged in special
library work at Portland. Miss Bur
dick will remain in Sulem. havincr ai.
cepted a position in the state library.
Hurley O. White is in Albany today
on business.
W. C. Tischner, of Falls City, is in
the city today.
Dr. P. A. Loar was in the city yester
day, from Silverton.
K., A. Harris, former state printer,
went to Portland this morning.
K. T. Albert of Fugcne, was an' over
Sunday gucBt with his father, T. (1. Al
bert, v
Miss Leda Henderson, a teacher in
the Jefferson schools, was here over
Sunday with her Vurcnts.
Mrs. Winnifred Clarke returned today
from a month's visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. ". T. Itigdon, at Kan
D. T. Sears was a passenger this
morning for Portland on the Oregon
Miss Aline Peterson t.f Aumsville,
was a visitor over Sunday with her
sister, Miss Minnie Peterson, South
High street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wulker returned
todtiy to their home at Springfield,
after a short visit with the family of
R. F. Richnrdmui i
Walter Kirk, who is attending the
University of Oregon, spent the week
end at home. He is a member of the
A. O. T. fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. H. Burghardt, ,lr.
arrived in the city last evening, from
San Francisco. They came up on the
steamer Northern Pacific in rough,
stormy weather.
Mrs. Dora lieed Bnrher left Salem
Saturday evening for Forest Drove af
ter spending a week visitiug in Salem.
Mrs. Harlmr is prominent in rescue
work on the cffiisf and is well known
throughout the state.
New Fall Dress Goods
We place on sale this week at an especial
ly attractive price, one of this season's
most Desirable Fabrics
50 inches wide Pure Worsted made of
a long fibre, finely spun yarn, the favored
style goods forfprevailing fashions
Wo have in stock all the leading: shades,
rej,rular$2.23 value, special Sale Price,
per yard,
This is a value that should interest anyone who is
contemplating buying goods for a Fall Costume.
115 North Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
The French war office admit
ted that the allied forces had
been forced to fall back slightly,
after terrific fighting, but de
clared that the situation in gen
eral was satisfactory.
The German army headquar
ters declared that the battle in
the Argonne district is proceed
ing successfully. Three Antwerp
forts were declared captured. It
was announced thp.t the left
wing of the Russian army had
been defeated and 2,000 pris
oners taken.
Petrograd reported that tic
Russians were prepared to makj
another attempt to invade East
Prussia. .
Vienna declarea that the Ser
vians and Montenegrins were
being driven from Bosnia.
This was denied by the Ser
vians. German forces have been en
gaged by the French in the Bel
gian Congo.
(Capital Journal Special Service.
Woodhurn, dr., Oct. 4. Misses Nellie
and (lliidvs llinkley entertained a few
of their girl friends at a theatre party.
After the show the girls spent the re
mainder of the evening at the Binklcy
home playing oOil. Mifm Nellie served
a light lunch. The girls invited were:
Sadie Hichimls, Nettie Hro.vled. Liln
Jcrinan, Lois Itcebe, Avron McKinney,
Aletha llilnc.v, Delia Heck, Miuv Seo'l
liird, Nora Heck, Hazel Bifnev, Mrs. W.
T. Jenkins, and Nellie and Oladys
Miss din Ilroyles spent the week
end with her aunt in Silverton.
Curl (iuslat'son who has been work
ing I he past 4 years for the Honihoff
bakery, left I'lidiiy for Medford where
he has a position, his wife and baby
expect to ioin him later.
Mr. C. K. Carlos returned home af
ter spending several duys in Portland
on business.
Oscar dlson, Lee Sims and Harold
Olson spcit Saturday- in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mills and Mr.
and Mis. II. V. Duiilnu were camping
at S'lleni during the fair.
Miss Medii Hubbard returned home
after siicndiiitr a few days in Portland.
W. T. Ilinklcv, Jr. and Karl Ffwin
returned home rifter pending a few
davs in Salem.
The marriage nf Raymond Fisher and
MIsh Catharine Kvaus came as a snr
I'lise tu the Woodhurn people as they
were, married the ISth of September
nnd the first their friends knew of
their marriage wna when they received
invitations to a party to be" given by
the bride and groom at the Moose
Indue October 1st.
The bride has lived ia Woodblirn the
past year and has been Major Settle-
mier stenographer. The groom is bag
gnuemsn at the S. I. depot here. They
were married at the hon of Mra. A.
Fsson, liev, Albvn Kamm officiating.
The young people will be at home to
their frieuds at the Arms cottage after
October lth. The well wishes of tiieir
manv friends ar with the happy
Mr. snd Mrs. Kik-n, of Ponald, left
Moudav for Minnesota. Mrs. Kilen has
been ill tur several mouths and was
taken on a cot for her old home.
Mis Madge Seoltartl of Monmouth
spent the week-end here with her br
ents. Mr. F.d Rethlefsou, after a week's
visit at the home of Mr. tad Mrs. J.
A. (1 rover, left for kis horn in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poor-man and son.
of Tillamosk, are visiting at the bom
ot kis partite, sir, asd Mrs. J. ki. s'vor-
Mr. Perrv Arms formerly of Wood-1
burn was married at Mountain View,
Missouri, to Mrs. Ella Belle Watson,
of that pace. September 22.
Mr. and Airs. Jonn Jjinwiuine re-;
turned Monday from a month s visit
in North Dakota a:id British Columbia.!
Mrs. J. M. Robbias left Thursday;
morning for San Francisco.
A large crowd ot bovs charivaried
George Brune and his bride at the Ken-1
nedy farm Mondav. There was eight ,
auto loads of the serenaders and they
sure made the noise.
Mr. atld Mrs. Perle Love returned
home from their visit at the San Fran
cisco fair. . I
Announcements were received in
Woodbnm of the marriage of J. Roy
McKinney of Woodburn and Miss Clara
Brune, of Oakland, California.
Miss Brune is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Brune of Oakland. i
The marriage took plnce September
22 at 7 p. m. at the Oakland Trinity
Luthern church. !
Mr. McKinney is manager of the;
Woodburn Foundry and Machine Shops,
and is very popular among the young:
people of Woodburn.
Mr. McKinney met his wife while at
tending school in California. Tho bride
and groom arrived in Woodburn Thurs
day and will make their future home
A pretty wedding was solemnized in
St. Luke's Catholic church Tuesday
morning at 7:30 when William Niblcr,
of Woodburn, and Misa Alice Krauss
of Aurorawere united in marriage by
father Maher. After the marriage cer
emony a nuptial, mass was celebrated
during which tho pupils of St. Bene
dicts 's sel-ool eang several Jiymns.
Miss Nibler, cousin of the, groom,
sang Ave Maria. Mrs. Henry Hunt
acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Henry
Hunt was best man. '
A wedding breakfast was served at
the home of Mrs. Henry Hunt.
The bride and groom left on the
morning train for Salem where they
spent a few days at the state fair.
Mr. C. Smith, who has been visiting
at the home of T. I'. Soules, left Thurs
day for San Francisco.
Ralph Richards, who has spent the
summer in Florence, Oregon, returned
homo Tuesday,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Burg and two
children returned to their home in Til
lamook after spending a month here
with her parents. Her father, J. A.
Grover, and uncle, Narvie Knutson,. ac
companied them home.
Tho first can) party of tho season
was held at tho Masonic Temnln f,,..
day night when the F.inera club enter
tained with eight tables of 000. Mrs.
Ultimo McCord and R. L. Guiss received
first prizes and Mrs. L. II. Shorcv the
consolation. After the gamo a lunch
wiih served by members of the club.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newman of Horn
arton, Texas, arrived in Woodburn
Inursday morning for a visit.
(filbert Cole, who has been working
near Salem, is home this week.
Mrs. Will Grover and children, of
I ortlnnd, are too guests of her ptireuts
Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis Feller.
Word has been received in Woodburn
of tbe marriage of Harvev Althnow.
formerly of Woodburn, his bride being
ft Vancouver girl. Mr. and Mrs. Al
thnow will make their home in Port
land ns he has a position with the
lloneynmn Hardware store, of Port
lend. O. V. Wilson nnd wife have moved
to Newport, Oregon lor the winter
A largo number of girl.' surprised
Miss Delia livers at the home of Mrs
C. K.t arlos, Tuesday evening, it being
the anniversary of nor birthdav. The
evening was soent in pluving finil. Mi
I nrlos assisted by Misses Etliel ltonnev
and Alelha Hituoy served a limdi
rhose en.ioying the evening were: Nel
lie Hinklev, Kthel Houuev, Sadie Rich
aids. Delia Heck. Nora Beck, Murv
Scollnrd, Uis Bccbe, l.ila Jerman, llii
?e hitne.v. Aletha Hitnev, Gladvs llink
ley and Nettie Ilroyles.
Miss Carrie Kngeiine entertained the
Luthern Aid Society nt her home on
r.we street. Wednesday afternoon.
Hie afternoon was spent in sewing. A
lunch was served bv the oostess
Dr. F. L. Marsh left Fridav for For
est Grove, where he ami his faniilv will
make their future home. Mrs. Marsh
and children will leave shortly alter
few davs visit with her Bister, Mrs
Brown, (f Gervnis.
Mr. and Mrs. Wagonblast and chil
dren, of Portland, motored to Wood
burn Tuesday end visited nt the home
.., .,,. ungonoiasi s pareuts, Mr. and
. rs. i. .ioiiusou
Sliiplejs g
This is a Season of Practical Styles and Sensible
The keynote of 1915: Richness of materials, splendor
in dark colorings, simplicity of lines and practical
Hundreds of Items to Interest You
! Suits Coats Dresses
Skirts Petticoats Waists
Gloves Hosiery Handkerchiefs
Neckwear Ribbons Underwear
Stationery Notions Blankets
Linens Bedding Jewelry
Umbrellas Leather : Sweaters
Infants' Children's
Wear Children's Dresses
Curtain Toilet
j Nets White Goods Articles
Pictorial Review Patterns
V. G. Shipley Co.
145-147 North Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
Wood ! Wood ! Wood !
I have 10 cords of the best seasoned oak wood left,
at $4.50 per cord, delivered; this wood retails for
$6.00, call quick. Phone .187, at 421 Court street.
I will let it go for $268.50.
I have one $650 Player Piano left, if taken at once
Two good Esty Organs that retail for $110; choice
for $45.00; these organs are in a-one condition and
are cheap.
One very fine violin and case for $10.00; retails for
$35.00 a great bargain.
I will sell you a standard make Piano at the retail
price of a stencil, only a few of the best left, come
: Salem's Educational Directory :
Music Business Law Art
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal and Industrial School Wlllaraetto University
; Term of 12 week, opens September 13-13 "1? Srtber 13-13
1 Carl O. Doncy, President.
13th and Wilbur Streets, Palem ' I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law Sdica
Music and Art
rrederic S. Mendenhall
Piano Organ Theorv.
Myrtle Long Mendeuhall
Voice Culture.
Studio, Room 211, Hubbard Bids.
Trank E. Churchill, Pinniste.
Pupil of Emil Lieblinp, Cricac; gradu
ate of Western Conservatory, Chicago.
Studio Rooms 1-2, Opera iiouse Bide.
Res. Thone 1671-R.
j Mr. and Mr, to. HoKner, of Jdahn.l
visited a lew davs at the home of their
old friends, Mr. and Mr. N. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Hogner are on their way
to the San Kranciscn fair.
Miss Lnclle Barton
Teacher of Voice and Theory
Studio Room 404 Hubbard Bldg. Resi
dence 1017 North Twentieth street.
Phone 504.
THE ontautAL
The Food-Drink (or All Ae
io u. suur cun otkact. m roruu
( jrosf $uty HOmjOX'3
rvvmMja m Smbttltmf.
Dan F. Langenbcrg
Vocal Teacher
'Tate pupil of F. X. Aren'.
Studio 314-15-18-17 Hubbard BUg.
Phono 2079
Elma Waller
Lischiterky Technic and Punnintt v"
tern cf Improved ' Music Study or
Thone 1351 6H5
Miss Beatrice Eneltoa
Teacher of riaffo.
Studio 343 Marion St. rbon 1-J
William Wallace Graham
Teacher of Violin
J'fi1 ?f By' H'h fc'ol, Berlin, Germany, under Joachim, Mar
v.B. . M,MarkM- Letters of highest eoramendation from them
fZt M ye, EuroJ?a "PC'icace. A tpwMty made of be-
t,f?di.C? Py " "'b "ffk at Hotel Marion. For spo'n"D'",,'
Pbone im-M qmr' 8cllftl,J' Ait". 180 2l8t St-
Journal Want Ads Bring Results