THE DAlt.Y CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 2. 1915. THREE Margaret Mason Writes of Gotham Fashion Fads BY MARGABET MASON. If you want to be a dashing Little run about tbU year, Pray don't cut out your muffler They are very smart, my dear. PURE RICH BLOOD . PREVENTS DISEASE Bad blood, that is, blood that is im . pure or impoverished, thin and pale, 18 responsible for more ailments than . . - (anything else. ' , . , ' , .. I It affects everv organ and function, shown m the arriMgcment of these tell-; n 80me casi, Causes catarrh: in oth- V." ititacnme-us. .une imm,et. dvsponsia: in others, rheumatism; with killing coquetry knots hers under her left pink err, the Ingenue wears hers tied be'rind'like a doting mother ties a napkin around the. neck of her offspring in lieu of & bib forgot. Yet another wrnps hers iealouslv close Muf fle up a little ; about her chin with just one long end New York. Oct. 1 .lnser even if these are dog days, In- given its freedom to float seductively dian summer and all that. If you could i behind her shapely back. Oh, there is he foxy in a white fox neck piece on as much art required in adjusting your ' .l I .. i,. H i:.i i Ai : ; : iL. . the Fourth of July surely a little thing like a worsted muffler can't put you out of the running now. Prostrated vic tims of the hottest day of the season seekins the solace of - a long cold muffler as there is joy in the perfect attainment. ., Whet with, the high engulfing collars the nil swathing mufflers and the ail enveloping fur neck pieces I fear me draught pleasnutly a tinkle with cubes Ichiuning will become a lost pastime, of ice in a smart hotel nearly swooned 'For chins will bo moro thnu receding at the appearance or a cnic young nap ncr in a Chinese tasselcd hat swathed to the nose in wide fringed worstad muffler, red and whito striped like an American flag. Since then though the jat abatoth cot mufflers iucreaseth 'mightily. i fiuch hectic hued affairs they arc too in glowing combinatnions of stripes and sppts and splashes whilo some are one color nn one side and another color on the other. Solid colored ones ot' bright purplo are fringed in gold with a quaint gold embroidered monogram on one end. A tempcrmental flame toned one has the roverse side in asi grey and e- tigerish confection has black stripes on a tnwny background. There are all silk ones and fibre silk ones but the worsted ones have the real stamp of fashioLable approval and some of these in.' vnrigntcd stripes of rainbow hue are decidedly reminiscent, of Hi Holler. Indeed the old time farmer and rural character would soem never to have been without his muffler as a first aid to chore doing. The maid today is quite as tenacious of hers on Fifth aventto as a first aid to heartbreaking. . Much originality end artistry is and in still others, weak, tired, languid feelings and worse troubles. It is responsible for run down condi tions, and is the most common cause of disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the greatest purifier and or.riciier of the blood the world has ever known. It has been wonderfully successful in removing scrofula and other humors, increasing the red-blood corpuscles, and building up the whole system. Get it today NEW EVANGELICAL CHURCHDEDICATED Special Exercises Tonight and AU Day Sunday New Church Cost $1,500 Organized 51 Tears Ago. Dedicatory exeereises of the new Liberty street Evangelical church will be held in the church Sunday morn ing, afternoon and evening. Services will be in charge of the Rev. F. 0. Ber ger, of Cleveland, Ohio, general sec retary of the Young Peoples' Associa tion and Sunday school work of the denomination. Assisting iu the dedica tion, are the Bev. F. M. Fisher, of Monmouth, president of the conference branch of the ioung copies' assocm- CASUALTY LIST More Than Five Hundred Are " Dead From Storm About Los Angeles ijmmtm hold .TOM INTERESTING MEETING I NEW AUDITORIUM this seaso.1 they will be absolutely re tired from public gaze. Alas the poor swain who yssms to espouse a duuisel with the weak chin ana tne plastic tcm permcnt of tiio clinging vine may dis cover to his consternation after mar riage when he first glimpses her thin unmufflcd that che hus tho firm and stable jaw structure of the advanced feminist. This ought to bo a most successful season for the lr.dy with the triple chins. Sho i3 sure to own a collection of mufflers from A to Z for she knows to her joy thtt two chins in a muffler are as good as ono in the open any day. It oucht to offr wonderful oppor tunities for reduction also for a rubber chin strap could be worn efficaciously ana unseen Dcncp.m ine mumer uuu even the muffler on Its own account ought to bo cblc to induce a profu3C enougn persjiraiioi. mcse lorriu u)i to reduce any knov7n or unknown quan tity of chin3 without any guttapercha Lid. Whether you be eiiinny or chmnless however, you'd better muffle up in a muffler or you'll muff tho hit of the season. PYTHIAN SISTEES ENTERTAIN An evening's entertainment for Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Olson was arranged by the Pythian Sisters and was held at their hall Wednesday evening, Septem ber 23. Cards, dancing and a fine spread were part of the evening's pro gram. While seated at a table enjoy ing a game of cafds, Mr. Olson was seized by the strong arm of the lodge law and cast into a dungeon, the charge placed against him being that of stay ing out late night and unbecoming a benedict. He was taken before Judge Sastman for trial, r. W. Potter ap peared as counsel for the defendant, while Al Nickerson plead the cause of the lodge. A jury composed of Mrs. Geo. Cusiter, Mrs. Chas. Hartman, Mrs. D. McCleary, Austin Eastman, Ed Adnms and Ciihs. Youngren -a mixed chorus, listened to the hair whitening charge. The jury, after a Bhort deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty. Judgo Eastman sentenced the prisoner to eat supper alone nnd nllow his bride of a few days to take supper with his couwrff. C. A. Hurt ley caused the tentncles of the law to reach out after him, but he made his escape. The charge against him wns that of taking food from the table be fore supper and feeding it to two fair damsels who intercepted him at the foot of the stairs. The mock trial, and the other ar rangemcnts for the evening afforded a great deal of enjoyment. A beautiful silver frn dish with plant was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Olson as a remembrance or tne occu sion. Silverton Appeal. HERMIT OET8 FORTUNE Baker, Ore., Oct. 2. After living the life of a hermit in a cave near Bnker for 10 vears. and having barely enough to subsist on, Cyrus Tedrow; 80 years old, is en route to Kansas City today to claim a fortune Buid to amount to thousands. His relatives had long sought him. . ILL-HEALTH CAUSED SUICIDE Condon, Ore., Oct. 2. Ill health was believed today to have caused the sui cide of E. David, aged 75. a former state representative, who hanged him self from the fire escape of the Con don hotel. Blood poisoning recently caused the amputation of ' of his legs. f PERSONALS 3 Mrs. Nora Spring, of Dallas, is in the city today. Wayne Beals, of Alsea, is a Salem vis itor today. Miss H. McManiua is here today from Monmouth. Miss J. Benedict, of Aumsville, is in the city today. C. W. Kirk and wife are here todav from Brownsville. H. M. Johnson, of Jefferson, is a visitor here today. Miss Florence Cooper, of Albany, was in the city yesterday. Miss Delma Towell is attending the fair today, from Corvallis. Chas. U. Wilson, of Oregon City, wns a visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. J. J. Houser nnd mother, Mrs. Chandler, are here todny from Alsea. C. F. Jumes and C. A. James, of Brownsville, are registered at the Bligg. J. P. Howard, of Boise, Idaho, is in the city this week visiting with friends. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Wrightmand, of Silverton, were state fair visitors Fri day. Homer Egan, who is attending the O. A. C, is home toduy for the week end, ft Mrs. Mary A. Long and Miss He gina Long are Portlund visitors to day. Miss Caroline Sigmund and Mrs. Eng lish, of Stnyton, are in the city to day. Dr. C. E. Randall, a dentist of Port land, is visiting friends in the city today. Mrs. J. J. Burcfi and Mrs. E. F. Graven, of Rickrcall, are Salem shop pers today. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Marsh, of Mollola, Ore., are here on business and taking in tho fair. Miss Burnice Nelson, of McMinnville, is here this week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills. Miss Mary Tischer is home today from Eugene, where sue is attending the University of Oregon. Malcolm Greig, of Wren, Ore., stop ped off a few duys to visit Earle Hunt, on his way home from the exposition. Mrs. E. T. Albert nnd children are visiting relatives and attending the state fair at Salem. Eugene Register. -Mr. and Mrs. Knumgartncr, who have been visiting for the past tlrree months ju Ohio and other eastern points are expected home this evening. New Orleans, Oct. 2. More than 500 dead ami 200 wounded stood today as the appalling estimate of casualties re sulting from the recent West Indian tion of the church and other ministers !"""''"" Louisiana and Mississippi of the church (Reports tabulated early today, based A general rally of the young people J" i",7 from "? townf, con , , . i.,,, 5.' ' firmed tears that ton hurricane reaped of the church was held this afternoon hnrriMa tnl1 T,, .,,l)K ln J. Free Methodist. No. 1228 North Winter street. Sun day services: Sabbath school 0:43. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. nl. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m. W. J. Johnston, pastor. and another session tvill be held this Orleans was not swelled appreciably, evening, when tue caemeKeta street lt was .,at.0(1 at 22, wltl, an additional churcu aim otner neignuoring ennrcnes , 04 i tno environs, are expected to take part iu the exer cises. ! The services of Sunday will begin with a short session of the Sunday school under the direction of the super intendent Wm. Garnjobst. At 10 o'clock in the morning, the celebration of the Lord 's supper will be observed, fol lowed by the sermou of the morning by the Rev. F. C. Berger. Special prep arations have been made by the ladies of the church for the serving of a lunch in the baseii.vnt, immediately following the morning sermon. Continuing the exercises of the day, services iu English will be held at 1:30 o'clock by. the Rev. Berger, wheu special stress will be placed on tho work of. the Sunday school and the Young Peoples' association. Lunch will ngnin bo served in the church at 5:30 o'clock. For the evening and final services or the dedication, the sermon will be delivered in English by the Rev. F. C. Berger, followed by the dedication of the church, iu the German language. The sermon Sunday morning Avill also be spoken in tho German. Besides the Rev. H. E. Hornschucli the present pastor, who will assist in tho dedicatory exercises, arc Rev, A. C. Matzke, Rev. P. Conklin, Rev. H. R. Geil and others. The first step towards the erection of the new church was taken on the first day of this year, when tho mother of the present pastor placed with him a gift of $100, us the first subscription. The figures on known dead included Harntaria district, 43. Rigolets, 24. Pointea La Hnche, 31. Lake Catherine, 17. Yeloskev, 17. Shell Beach, 16. Bayou Cotk,12. Cheniere, 0. Grand Tsle, 6." Bayon Portage, 6. Pass Christian, 4. Daisy, 3. Bayou St. Louis, 2. Hamilton, 2. Ostrica, 2. Xestor, 2. Nichols, 1. Bavou Dufon, 1. Two hundred and eight were reported lead along tiio Mississippi from Mvrtle Grove to Biirmas. The figures on re ported dead: Lahrnnche, 25. Bayou Dufon, 30. Island De La Croix, 2". St. Sophie, 17. Harvey, 4. Killma, 3. Ilouina, 2. On launch, J. N. Rid, 2. Hundreds are still marooned in the flooded sections along the coast, and boats have gone to their rescue. Three hundred are marooned at Empire, Ln. Seventy took retugo in a hotel when Grand Isle was swept by a tidal wave First Methodist Episcopal Church Comer State and Church streets; Richard N. Avison, minister. II a. m. Class meeting: 9:45 u. m. Sabbath school, Messrs. Schramm and Gilkey, Draft Resolutions of Condol ence In Policies of Presi dent Wilson With resolutions of, confidence, loy- Malty and greetings to President Wilson, atti,tit,.ttiilii,tii 11 n ,n ninrmmr worship, sermon' by the pastor; 3 p. mJof Bt,c. n,l """""os of Rev. J. O. Spencer will speak at the old greeting to King Gustav. of Sweden, peoples' home; 0:30 p. m. intermediate , King Christian of Denmark and KiiiH league, Mrs. M. C. Findley, superintend-; Haskan, of Xorwav, the "Americans ol cut; b:30 p. m. hpworth league, Scandinavian descent" closed the eelc. Eva ScuJtt, presideut; 7:30 p. m. even-1 , . ing worship, sermon by the pastor. Nation of the first and a most sue- United Evangelical Church North Cottage street between Center m...:.... k a w:. ...... ..V - . .J ',.... - 4 V.I....I.... 1,11 m. preaching; 0:30 p. m, young peoples' cessful celebration of Scandinavian day at tiie state fair yesterday afternoon. The exercises, which consisted of 11111- both band ami vocal, and infomml meeting, leader Miss Pauline Iteming' tou; topic "What will make our society a greater success;" 4 p. m. junior en deavor, leader Mrs. Harvey; Thursday evening 7:30 midweek prayer meeting. Public cordially invited, First Baptist Church H. E. Marshall, minister, Sunduy service, morning sermon, "Destroying Jesus"; evening sermon, "A Gospel for AU"; violin solos, Mrs. A'ioln Vercler Holman; music direction Miss Minuetta Magers. ' German Methodist Church Corner Thirteenth nnd Center streets. A. J. Weigle, p.istor. On account of the dedication of the new Evangelical church there will be 110 service at our church Sunday morning, but Epworth league meeting at 7 and sermon by the pastor at 7:30 p. m. Reformed Comer Cupitol and Marion streets, This was soon added to by tho mem-above tide water. .Vorc than :0 schooners are reported V. G. Lienknemner. nnstor. Sni.dnv ashore between Gulfport nnd New Or-Ht.hool 10 a. m.t morning worship iu leans, ainny or tnem are wrecKe.l, Hn(i;rt(lrml,I1 t n 0t.i(tck. ,linjPct "The .num. mnv urvu mm,"! inirru irei , fnllvpr ,. I bers of the church and friends, until curly this spring Wllcn definite plans were made for the moving of the par souage from Liberty street to part of the lot owned by the church facing on Center street. The plans were pre-, pared "by the pastor, and erected un der the supervision of H. Wcngcr of the building committee. . Iu fact, since the beginning of the work, the pastor has been active iu the actual building of the church, and could be seen any day dressed in overalls, working with Mr. Wenger and other members of the denomination. The total cost of the Four houses are reported to be the only structures left in Empire, near tho Ikmlloth canal. In these rem. nants of the village, 200 persons arej jammeii, unxiousiy uwnmug 1110 coin- iii English at 7:30, sijiject iiKeness." evening service "Christ- Lutheran Church the afternoon from 1:30 until 4 o'clock, and they were marked by a strain of loyalty and patriotism both to th country and the state- fair which wuh manifest throughout. Rev. John Ovall, of tho Swedish M. E. church, of Portland, presided at tin meeting, which took place in the 110 auditorium, and. the band music finished by Hebel's Cherrvhud band 1iinl Mc Kirov's famous baud music. which latter rendered several Swedisli and American patriotic airs following the completion of the program at tho race course. Rev. Ovall opened with 11 brief introductory and complimentary address and introduced Governor Withycombe, who received a great ova- , tion, ami spoke for several minutes dur ing which he complimented tiio Scan dinavian people, for their high order of patriotism, industry nnd thrift. Gov ernor Withveoinhft was followed by Prof. J. O. Hull, of the Willamette uni versity, Mayor Fred Johnson, of Astor ia, Rev. Sadie Larson, of tho Norwegian , M. K. church, of Portland, Rev. Hor vick, of tho Swedish Lutheran church, of Silverton, and Mr. Ilicllnn, of Astor ia, former member of tho house of rep resentatives. All of tho speakers expressed great pleasure and wonderment at the scopo and educational value of the state fair exhibits: niuisod tho state fair mnn- jagenient for the courtesy and honor ox- teiHUMl 1110 dCUlllllllUYlilll Clll'.i'lin 111 I"'.' Enst State and Eighteenth streets, , Htute and for tho full measure of sue- Quality First This is the Heater That Is Going Into So Many Homes This New "Mission" All-Cast Heater for Wood or Coal .Is the Most Economical Heater Produced Today .00 Weekly Any Heater in the Store $1 And the Best Most Attractive Heater Ever Displayed by Any Store Over Twenty-five Styles on Show. This New "Mission" Heater . Is Made in Several Different Styles It is beautifully nickled, has a large extra sized feed door to admit large chunks of wood. The body base and top are made of cast iron, which retain the heat hours after fuel has been consumed. It has a swing top, fireplace front and high sanitary base and is the most economical heater we have ever offered at any price. Priced from $14.40 to $21.00 I church will amount to about $4,!)(l(l. The basement ot the church has been carefully built, and will be used us a Sunday school ruui nnd general as sembly room. . The auditorium is constructed in ap proved church methods, ' with choir space and study for the pastor. The first work of the present Evan gelical Association ..ns begun by the Rev. James CroHsiuau in 1804. The fol lowing year the frame church, which has just been rcmnvtid, was built and dedicated. Since that time, tho names of pastors who appear on the records ore James Crossinan, J, Bowersox, S. Heininger, W. C. Kniitiier, A. W. Boner, A. Krelter, Wm. Ackerman, F. J. Stray or, Hollenbough, J. M. Dick. E. S. Bel inger, J. M. 1'reis, I. B. Finher, C. J. Katts, A. A. Englebardt, V. Ilittuer, H. E. Hornschucli, S. Copley, E. J). Hornsehueh, J. J. Hoffman, W. A. Guef froy, G. F. I.iening, Otto Sehultz, and the present pastor, who is serving his second pnstorntc hero. The officers of the church arc us fol lows: S. Heist, class leader; F. Kurn, exhorter. The Stewarts of the church are A. Rex, A. Hilfik, and J. Vogt. Trustees: A. linger, rt. fichultj!, R. So ger. The superintendent! of the Sun day school are B. Moves and William Gurnjobst, Mrs. Arthur Englebardt is president of the Young Peoples' as- J sociatiou. 1 he liuiMing committee, com : posed of the Rev. H. E. Hornschucli, ; S, Heist, H. Wcngcr and R. Soger were ; careful to see thut the cnurch was core j fully built, most of them tuking ac tual part in its construction. , The present pastor is the oldest of four brothers, four of whom arc now ; uctive in the ministry. This year will ( end the twenty-third of the pustor's active work in the ministry. From May ixi'7 to May 1001, he was in charge ' of the church, and is Here in his see 1 ond venr. In this eonfurencA lm him ! served the follow uiir i'lii.ric' l'urt. I land Imniuuucl, one year; Oregon City j and Canby, three years; Sulem, Liber I ty street church, four years; Seattle, j First church, four years; Bcllingham ' Mission, one year; presiding elder for j eight years, and fur the past two years, again with the Liberty street church. ' In 107, he was elected a member of ! the general conference, which convened at Milwaukee, and iu 1WU, of the gen 1 erul conference, meeting at Cleveland, Ohio. ing of a rescue boat. j from points nt some ilistnnco trom tho city on me reports that many per sons were marooned in tree tops. Relief bouts, loaded with food, sup plies, nurses and doctors have gono to the aid fif tho stricken districts. Lruiisiiinn nni Mississippi plan if pos sible, to take care of the situation with out nn appeal lor help from outside. The city is handling its own situation admirably, mnl the work of clearing debris is progressing rapidly. Wire service was practically normal with the outside world today, the plans for repairing and replacing wrecked structures was proceeding rapidly. MOVE ON A FARM George Ko'eliler, pastor. Sundny school iu German und in English nt 10 o'clock; divine service nt 10:30 a. m. quarterly business meeting at 1:45 p. iu.; no evening sorvice. Highland Friends Church . Corner of" Highlunil and Elm streets. Our Sabbath school begins at 10 a. m Kurl 1'ruitt, superintendent; meetings for worship II a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Christian endenvor 0:15 p. in.; prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. in, Josephine lloekett, pastor, phono 14(13. ss attained for the fair, and ex pressed delight in tho hearty welcomo nnd treatment received and promised to eomo again another year with a larger repiesentatiou and more elaborate prep arations' for fitting celebration of the day nnd honor. Messages of greeting and regrets were received from limny Swedish, Norwegian und lanish soci eties in different parts of the state. Mr. nnd Mrn, John Hchoen left, Tues day to tnko up their residence on a farm three miles from Turner, their household goods going by auto truck. Mr, Scl oeu is a son-in-law of Joseph B'cker of this place and hus been em ployed in Mr. Becker's sulnon for the past four years. Albert and Remie Becker accom panied Mr. nnd Mrs, Sehoen. Albert will remain several weeks to assist John on the farm, but Remie expects to stay indefinitely. Tiio relativeh and friend of the fam ily relict to have thffii leave, but wish them success in their new t future. (lervnis Star, NEW MINE DREDGE. Casserole Special This week we offer'you a high grade fireproof, white lined Casserole in nickel plated frame with black ebony handles, regularly priced at $2.10, Special $1.25 Your Credit Is Good We Trust You I ORGANIZE GAME PRO TECTIVE ASSOCIATION ' The Western Farmers' Protective as sociation was organized at the Eldridge school house Tuesday night, September ! 28, with G. A. Miller, president; Arthur Oof fin, secretary; H. J. J. Miller, trcai- I urer. I A very enthusiastic meeting was held. The object of this w:niiizutiiin is to ' prevent the unlawful killing of game birds and protect the farmer from b , ing trespassed um by having hit gates ' left open and his stock shot up and i their families lives endangered, It is planned thut other districts will organize ai d they will work in eon 1 junrtiuu and lie under one. supreme j bead. Gervuis Star. ' Mrs, R. M, Knighton, of Buena Vis ' ta, who hs been visiting her duugh I ter during the week, returned to her I borne laet evening. Sacramento, f'nl., Oct. 2. The Xnto inns company which Is operating exten sively in tho Sftcramenlo valley dredg ing for gold, is having designed a new type of dredge which Is expected to revolutionize tho system of gold dredg ing. At present thousands of ucres are laid wnsto because the dredges deposit rocks and coarse nuiteriul on the land, lint the new dredge will deposit fi:ia soil on top of t'ie coarse stuff leaving it in fine shape for cultivation. Sacred concert, Sunday evening nt nstle Impel, corner Seventeenth anil Nebraska avenue. Rally day exercises at 10 a, in.; communion service at 11 o'clock, A cordial invitation is extend ed to all. Commons Mission 241 Stato street, J, 1). Cook speaks Sundny at 3 p. m.; services on Tuedny, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sun day evening at 7:30, Rev. W. J. John ston speaks on Tuesday and Kev, U, W. Shaver on Friday; Free employment office; second hund clothing received and given free to the needy; all wel come, J. D. Cook, superintendent. Pleasant Sunday Evening Service. The members of the First Coiigregu. tional church are heartily supporting their minister in his endeavor to create a new interest iu the Sunday evening service, Sunday evening there will be held the first of u series of eight spe cial services. The important subject of education and our city of interest to so ma ny fathers and mothers will be ably presented by Salem's lending edu cutors, superintendent Elliott tf the public, schools, and Dr. Carl G. Doney, president of Willamette University. All students, teachers and persons in terested in education are cordially in vited to attend this service. t t j A Good Thing To Keep In Mind Is Hygienic Tooth Paste, a fragrant dentifrice that cleans and beauti fies the teeth, sweetens, purifies and gives the mouth the pleasant sen sation of cleanliness. It aids in the preser- i vation of the teeth and I checks thafermantation t of food on and between i them. There are many I I kinds of tooth paste found at our store, but twe recommend the Hy- 4 gienic first for its pres ervation of the teeth. Poole's Dm? Store 372 State. Phone 276 Gum 5 PEPPERMINT-IN ROD WRAPPE") CINNAMON - IN BLUE WRAPPM Associated Bible Students n. II. S, A.) will hold regular weekly Bible study in upstairs hall, southwest corner High and Ferry streets, Sunday at 10 o'clock n. m.; All Bible students welcome; no collect inns; phone lid V. The Lone Oak Mission Ther will be a gwpcl service on Tuesday evening at 7:45, the Gospel band of tho Highland Friends liuviug charge of same; everybody invited; opposite fair grounds grocery. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday services lire held at 410 Che meketii street, at 11 a. m. und H p, m. Subject of Bible lesson, " Unreality." Sunday school at 0:45 a. m. Wednesday even ing testimonial meeting at A o'clock. Heading room in the Hubbard building, suite .103, and is open t'very day, except Sundays and holidays, from 11:45 u. in. to 4 p. m. All lire welcome to our ser vices und invited to visit our rending room. FTN Salvation Army. Sunday meeting will be held in the new S. A. hall, 334 1 4 Court street. The hull hus been fitted up in first class condition and the public are heartily in vited to attend meetings as follow: Sunday school 1:30 p. in., Christian praise meeting 3 p. in., Salvation meeting H p. m. Week-night services Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Si.tur day. (.'apt. and Mrs. Kelso. HE LOVE of comfort and toothsome food is inherent-nothing foster it like itay at Hotel Hortonia Scarcoly it one well Within 'doors before he realizes that II his unspoken desires ere beind fulfilled. Little thoujlitfulness Hasten to meet him gracious smiles trect Kim-good cheer sits oil is right-perfect service-unostentatious quiet holers near-always-ever. And it's these little-ven? little-things done at the right time and in the right Way which 'g't' him Choice viands faultlessly served "the flavor of home. The tlung tint pplt. modtrtle pricm. 114, off Wnlilntton WatluiutMt t Urn L4 PartUrul Unitarian. Corner (.'hemeketa and Cottage streets, Rev. B. F. Ti"her, minister Morning service at II o'clock. Sun day school at 10 k. in. No evening erv ice. Ail friend 01 liliernl ami progress- TUve thought are cordially invited tst-')!)! STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Columbia QUALITY Carbons? Made In Oregon 3 1 10 CnJ'ics (liuiruntecd from Kadi Sheet. Columbia Carbon Paper Mfg. Co. a.lrd I UrouiLvay, l'ortlund, Oie. tend, .