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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1915)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOU" MAT.. SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, OCT. 1, 1015. NINE ! - - - t I Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 . Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Diego, 1915 . For Flavor and Quality Baker's Cocoa IS JUST RIGHT It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-erade cocoa beans; it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process; without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. It is pure and wholesome, conforming to all the National ,to u "' and State Pure Food Laws. . w Caution: Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package. WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASSACHUSETTS 9r HAYESVILLE ITEMS (United Press Staff Correspondent.) IT . Ml- i t T i . nayi'sviiif, Eeru. oj. -Denton ivuig 1... Lj 1 & 272 BOYS NOW ATTEND , CLASSES IN SALEM HIGH Silem Schools Appreciated Pupils Do 1 arrived here Saturday from eastern r-t nin fl,i nf Ifnner ftrariaa . Ociirnii fnr viait with relatives I Ernest Denny left for .Washington "One of the gratifying features of j last week to visit a brother and fuin tho attendance of the junior and senior ily. Iiitili schools, is the large proportion' The ground,1 was Woken Tuesday of' I ' in the classes. Formerly, as I morning for the foundation to the new the "rndes advanced, the boys grndu-j addition to the church here, nllv "dropped out. But now not 'only I Miss Mable Starr Tisited Miss Mat ure the boys attending in a larger! thews at Fruitland Saturday and Sun percentage, "but the six upper grades! day. chows an unusually large percentage) The Hayesville school will open Mon- iif ntteuuance, eompareu to tne roini'uuy, ueroiier t, wnu xuiss nuiu-n no ,. . . 1 i r: ri..At .. I t THE MARKETS J . . A general feeling of weakness is no tienble in the livestock market, and veal aud pork are off about one cent a K)iind. Wheat and oats remain unchanged, with practically the game conditions governing the market that hare been : in effect for. the past month. Several I nouses are now paying 30 cents cash fot eggs, cash count. Commission men whit Iiuva ltiion in I'nrtlnnil lntplv 1'lniltl ' that the l'ortlund commission men are mixing storage eggs with shipments ot fresh. Anyhow, fresh eggs are now worth 30 cents iii the Salem market. WHOLESALE MARKET Orama. Hay, timothy, per ton . . 113.00 Oats, vetch . $9$10 Cheat 9I10 Wheat, new crop 75c Oats, new crop 30(ff32e Rolled barley $31.00 Corn $40 Orneked corn A41.50 :Bran 27.00 j Shorts, per tou , $28.00 1 m J u Classified Advertising Page j! 44M i ir nrrenilinrs. This summing up of the situation by Superintendent Elliott indicates to a gnat extent the appreciation of the parents in the city of the vnlue of the ttii'ly of the :higher grades in .the city schools. Out of a total of 101 students in tli senior-class of tint high school, 4.7 ure boys, and for a graduating class, this is an unusually mrge number. In the third year-classes of the high, the buys hold their proportion, as the girls number 80 and boys 55. But it is in the second year of tho high school that shows a remarkable increase in the pro portion of boys, as in this clnss they number 112, against 93 for the girls. The evnerieiice of ml hitrh schools ill the past has been that the girls are principal and Miss Patterson in charge of the "primary grades. Rev. Lawrence came over from Me Minnville Monday. Miss Ida L. Denny will leave the last of the week for Sublimity near where she will teach school the coming year. Mrs. Moon and Wayne were expected home from Tillamook Wednesday even ing. About 45 people from Hayesville at tended the Suudoy school convention held at Rickey on Rundny. The con vention was held in doors on account of the rainy weather, the school house being filled to its utmost capacity. The program was helpful and inspiring. The songs by the men's quartet were grently enjoyed, me next convention Buttwr. Butterfat 33c f!rnnm,rv hntter. Tier nnund 35c Country butter ...17c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash ...... 30c Eggs, case count, cash ...t 2Sc Eggs, trade 30c Hens, pound lie Roosters, old, er pound IVi"- Spring chickens, pound .' 13c Fork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed .- Be Pork, dressed Sfti'K'jC fnnt :Vn)j)lie Spring lambs c Steers o(a;a 1-zc Cows ; 3 (a 4c Bulls 33e F.wes 3d Ttie past nus uitu uiiu me fcinn iuu t.-un, ru.iv.jvu. .... ...... greatly in the majority in the highest will be held at Hnzelgreen, last Sunday .,...1.. T.. tl,n tnl ltnil.lnna nf in Hapum hpr the high school, the boys number Hi; nrminsfr 500 for the pirls. Evidentlv the advantages of a higher education for the boys is fully appreciated in !-alem. BARN IS HURNED (Capital Journnl Special Service.) (Juinaby, Or., Oct. t. Fire of un known origin destroped a large new barn belonging to Alee Hnrold Sntur day night. Three fine horses perished unit forty tons of hay were consumed, f ie building was -insured, liut the horses and liny were not. P.natnvA Atulprnnn nnd sisters. Alisses Esther and Hazel, arrived" home after more than three weeks stay in the east qud at the exposition at Son Francisco. VIOLATES OPIUM LAWS Seattle,' Wash., Oct. 1. Albert Donne and Robert Raphael nre under arrest here today for alleged violation of fed eral laws forbidding opium traffic fol lowing their claiming a trunk with a false bottom which customs inspectors had been watching five weeks. The false bottom contained 48 fivc-tnel tins of the drug. Can be used on new, old or can vas covered floors Does not soil delicate fabrics. Sprinkle it on the floor and the dancers do the rest. Satisfaction Guaranteed . OPERA HOUSE PHARMACY CHIROPRACTOR CONSULT DR. MAY, experienced and successful Chiropractor, for acute and chronic disorders. Has practiced six years in Oregon, iree consultation., ' Hours, 9 to 12, I to fi. 305 ti-7 Hub bard Bldg. Lady attendant. Phone office 572; residence 982-R. I CHrROPRACTIC-BPINOLOOIST j OB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,' i Iowa. If you have tried everything and have got no relict, try iniroprao tie apinal adjustments aud get well. Office 400-7-8 U. K National Bank, Building. Phone Maia 87. Residence Main 828-B. , Something New in Salem Poole's Drug Store recently purchased a supply of the best Eczema remedy in the world. Ask him to tell you about Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin and Moist Zensal for all watery erup tions. ' DENTIST. DR. O. A. OLSON. DENTIST. Room 214. Phone 440. Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon DRY CLEANING PRESSING CLOTHES CLEANERS rrcssers, ro- pairors and dyers. One trial will con vince you that our work and charges ra rirrVit fllin ni ii r narlor oDen to 8 p. m. Goods called for and delivered j free. Phone 728. Apparel Service Co., 138 S. High street. P. A. CHAN Is the ONE relinble Chinese herb doctor restoration. Any known sick ness of men and women without operation. To those who may concern, don't miss, come to see him. You will find Uim at 163 8. HIGH Street, Salem, Oregon, Wethers Vegetables. Cabbage Tomatoes, Oregon Strintr garlic Potatoes Brussels sprouts Sweet potatoes Lettuce ...44c .... 40o 75o 12 l-2c .... 75c . ... 10c 2c ..... 45c rrulta. Oranges, Valencia Lemons, per box Bananas, lb '. .. California grape fruit .. Dntes. dromedary, case Fard dates Cocoanuts, per dozen , Cantaloupes Watermelons Grapes Cranberries $5.25(5.50 , $3.754.25 5o $3.00 3.25 1.60 tl 1.25 1.25 $1.40 $11.00 Pi.nnhea ti GOc Pineapples "MsC Retail Price Eecs. tier dozen 35c Sugar, cane $6.25 Snirar. D. G $6.05 Creamery butter , 40c Flour, hard wheat $1.55(( 2.35 Flour, valley $1.351.50 PORTLAND MARKET. oPrtland, Or., Oct. 1. Wheat tub HOV-.c; Kluesteni 93c; Walla Walla HSc. Oats No. 1 White Feed $23((j.2o. Barlcv Feed $24(a'J4.i.. Hogs Hest Live 6.33. Prime stoers $6((i 0,7o, Fancy Cows $o(o.5.2,t. Calves 78. Spring Lambs $G(u7. Butter City Creamery 31e. Eggs Selected Local Ex. 32c. Hens lll3c. Broilers i4(al3c. Geese 8c. ANARCHISTIC rOSTERS Los Angeles, - ChX, Oct. 1. Large posters depicting' Mr. A. Schmidt and David Cnplnn, alleged dynamiters, as being strangled by a monster lubeled "Capital" nppeurcd nil over this city todnv. Tho posters pore the caption "Is anybody looking!" Schmidt goes to trial Monday on a 'charge of murder in connection with the dynamiting of the Times building here. MAGNETIC MASSBUER AND SCIEN TIFIC MANIPULATOR IF YOU WANT YOUR HEALTH BACK Go to Dr. Hagel. He can! get circulation when all others fail. I He treats for all bodily ills, aches or pains. Come and see me if you are! ailing. Treatment,' l.uu. nusu Breyman Bldg. - THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL MAUSOLEUM. MOUNT CREST ABBEY MAUSO LEUM The better way. vry ana anitary.' Building always open to visitors. Sunday 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. Gasklll, manager, 828 South 12th. Phone 1368. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopath io physicians and nerve specialists. Graduntos of Amer- 1 D.knnl nf ("Wannathv. KlrksVlllO icnu uv.iivvi v. v j ---- Mo.' Post graduate and specialized in nerve diseases at i.os Angeica cuih-Ko T.not nnntA nnd chronio diseases Consultation free. Lady attendant. ' Office 605-506 U. S. National Bank Building. Phoc 859. Rosidonce 346 North Capitol street. Phone 469. Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quickhandy reference for busy people Telephone EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salom Eleetrie Co., Masonla Temple, 127 North. High Mala 1200 LAUNDRIES. Salem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Mala 21 PLUMBING, BTEAM PITTIUG AND TDSNINO T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial Street Mala 191 UNDER TAKERS. Bigdon-Riehardson Co., 254 North High atreet Day and night, Mala 183 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE. Salem Track Jb Dray Co., eoraer State and Front streets.......... Mala T4 JOB P2INTIN3. Beaver Stata Printer!, Pattoa Block.. lSli LODGE DIRECTORY. SCAVENGER. SALEM BCAVENGER Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse ol all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Rosidonce Main 2272. I A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday oveuiug uv o in the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. A. E. Aufranco, M. W.; 8. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, V. of aJ Lotto! shortening an ene is - supreme a Tying iiiiiiiiiiaieiiiiBiiBiaiiiii'ti''"'"1"1 Iti fi'M r.l k ! Mi-Ma. iira?ffn -W --t't 1 1 ''' f f ' ,IMS mii n'"tMi'"" ''"" "Wl GiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiifliiiiiiisiisBsiiiaiiiiffiaBi mvtm umar tots w tiam IMP torn im tows mm (M ma am mm Cottolene is an exact combina tion of the purest, richest, most rnrefiillv refined cottonseed oil and the choicest beef stearine obtained from selected, high grade leaf beef suet. Cottolene is itself one of the purest of pure foods. Cottolene makes foods more digestible-more wholesome-makes them taste better. Use it for eveiy kind of shortening and frying and for making pies, cakes and pastries. 11 Wilier y UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN ft CLOUGH-C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticiaus ana lunorni ai rectors. Latest modern methodB known to tho profession employed. 445 Court stroet. Main 120,Main 988. EIGDONBICnARDHON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phone 183. THE BAKER J. T. JOHNSON, Prop. 645 Forry St. Phone 207 Board and Rooms. Rooms 25c and Up. Attractive Rates to Students. Wo can plcnso you. : CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. McCornack building. Tuesday even i,.rr nf n.h wnok at 7:30. F. F. Schram, C. O.j W. B. GllBon, K. at K. and S. SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. P. & A. M. Stated communication first Friday in ench month at 7:30 p. m. In tho Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.; S. 'I. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Nilus, W. M.; Ernest 11. Choate, secrotary. R. N. of A. "Oregon Grnpe Camp," No. 1300, meets overy Tnursoay even SALEM FENCE and STOVE WORKS R. B. IXEMINO, Prop. Depot American Fence Gates, Plalu and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooks. 40 Years Making Stoves t Stoves rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and Bold. '. ' 250 Court Street. Phone 124 Back of Chicago Store. MM is not offered as a substitute or as being "just as good" as other shortening and frying fats. It is an original product and better than anything else that you can use for shortening or frying. . HSa. You can use .Cottolene over and over for frying. It does not absorb tastes or odors. Always heat Cottolene slowly. Pails of various sizes. Arrange with with your grocer for a regular supply. L. M. HUM Care of , YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Ha medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. lug in McCornack building, Cmirt and Liberty streets eiovnior. Miss Syl- Hyl- viii Hinnnnn. 17!)1 Market, oracle; Hazol Price, lmperlul Furniture Co., rocordor. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER No. 1. U. A. M. RoRiiIar meet ing socond Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in tne Miisonio jempiu. Al fred F. Marcus, Kx. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, secretary. llODSON COUNCIL No. 1. R. 8. M. HlntoH awiemhlv first Monday in ench month, Masonic Templo. James Plant, Thrice llliiBtrioua Master; Glon U. Kilos, recorder. Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook book "HOME HELPS," IThTTTTFAI R BAN Cottolene makes good cooking better - 0m WAR NEWS OF ONE YEAR AGO TODAY nn mot.av firiMMANDEUY Na B. K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in ench month nt 8 o'clock p. m,, in Masonic Tonilo, Sojourning Sir Knights aro courteously invited to meet Willi us. ueo. n. iiurnou, iu. Frank A. Turner, recorder. . WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office eornor CoinmerciaJ ana l raue streets. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advnncn. FOR SALE. SMALL genera! stock of merchandise . . , nut xr-.k i for sale, inquire mV Hoi stroet. tl SPLIT BODY OAK woi.l, 4.50 por cord; grill) onK aii.uu ;i.iu; ann Second growth fir, 3.50. l'bone .813, during business hours. J. H. Eaton. 0lt- 11 The rreiuh war ott'oe ib' rlnred Dint the b-ft flunk of the allM'it' forces h:id retn'hed Arras and that on the right flunk the Ucriuun hud been iliiven bli'-k u-riinn the Mi-use. (ionium iinny iienibiinrlers reported tluil the allien were being haniiiieied with artillery, and that all attempts of the ul lies to break through had been n'tuilsed. Today opened the fourth week of the battle of the Aimitf. IVtrngrad reported that the GerniniiM had suffered a terri ble defeat in the provinces of l)(id. and Huwaki. Berlin reported Diat the Itns niii n offensive axainst the Her man advance in the provinea of Huwalki had failed. The Gorman cruisers Kchnrn burst and Dneiseiiini bouibnrd ed and half destroyed Papeete, capital of Tahiti, French posses sion in the South Pacific. CHADWICK CHAPTER No. 37, O. E. S. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ma sonic Tenitile. Elizabeth Read, W. M.; Ida M. Hnbcock, socrotary. WOODMEN OF THE WOULD Moet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornack block. Oscar Donaldson, C. C; L. S. Geer, clerk. 007 Court st rent. Phono 5I3. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. in Moose hull. Mrs. F. W. Cook, M. AfJ. T. Ponn, secretary, 413 Masonic Templo. . FOR SALE Used hoatlrig stoves ga lorol Good stock (if used furnlturo of all kinds. Good Block of new goods. Exchange department. Deutsch gesprocben. Coma. I'eetn Furniture Co., 233 North Commercial. tf Folt HALE 5 piisiicngor lluick in good condition, electric lighter all around, will givo ft literal doinonntrution to nnyouo moaning business. Call or write, Antor Smith, Independence, Oregon, euro of Heaver Hotel. Oct 2 8 KOH HALE A fino large houso on ear and paved street near school. Price iliL'.ililO, aliio six lots on a mam street with cheap house and well of good water, fine barn. Tclepnona 470, or cull on Hcpiuro Deal Realty Co. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Kccler, president; Mrs. Lou 'lillson, secretary. All discs of cruelty or neglect ot dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for lnvesti. gut ion. FOR TRADE. 40-ACRE well-Improved farm to trails for modern house, close In. 82-acre r. tn, r..i,t Htnck and Implements for salo. Geo. B. Jacobs Co., liayno Itldtf.. 341 State. tf MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6240,meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In IdcCornack hall corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator aervioe, W. W. Hill, V. 0 .; Rea A. Turer,elerk. MISCELLANEOUS. Is Angeles Times: Appropriate slogan for the Russian armies we lend, others follow. CATARRH of th. BLADDER rtiv"ri in 24 HOURS Tjfh Cv uhiMniixlMIDY ram - DRESHMAKI.VG at home or by the day.. Phono t.iHl M. Z.o Lenter ni. riti A tiif ATK MJK.HK Mis Anna Rat- ,.iiff 4X2 Month lima street. 1 none 1123. Octlfl POR RENT. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 808 North Commercial. FOR RENT 240 acres dairy farm, stock for sale, consisting of eows, horses nnd lio. Plenty of feed for the winter. Heo .lacob & Co., Bayno Bldg,, H4I Slate street, tf WANTED. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY Let us do your weekly washing. W as sanitary methods. We call and de liver your washing for B0 cente. Give us a trial. Phone 2471. Fif- teenth and 11 streets. BL.J ...JJ. - A aent word win tall four want ia a Journal Ad under New Today. Try it. WANTED -To give contract to cut 1200 cord wood on shares, give four for one, or trade for horse and butf rv ) Kdwards. Route 2. OctS rj - . DON'T HE DRY Maka your hop beer at home. I do. lt'a a simple, easy process and the result la mighty sat isfying. Send 1.00 for recipe to The Hop Malt Recipe Co., Salem, Oregon, Hot 2IS. Do It. no- tM"7 MONEY TO LOAN Ot Ooo4 Seal Estate faculty TBOB. K. roRD Orac Ladd m Bash a C lalaa, Oram