Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 01, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social i
The contributors to the musical pro
Eram at the state fair, consisting of the
adies' State Fair Olee, the Business
Men's Quartet and McKlroy' band,
have fulfilled all expectation and even
delightfully surpausod thorn a baa been
demonstrated by the repeated encores
responded to at toe evening concerts in
the new pavilion. In fact the high
quality of the music at the fair and
the pleasure it has afforded the large
audiences at the evening concorta, not
to mention the numbers given in the
afternoons at the races by the men's
quartet and those by the ladies' glee in
the auditorium at the new pavilion,
have aroused much favorable comment
among both the Halora and out of town
fair visitors. This evening the two
quartets will sing at the banquet of
the State Press association at tho old
auditorium, following tho rcgulur con
cert in the new pavilion.
. Dr. and Mrs. It. L. Btecves have been
entertaining as their guests during the
etate fair, Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Ashby,
of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
1'inkston, of Uakland Oregon:
Delegates from the Corvullia Wlom
an's club to the Htato federation of
Clubs which meets in Hnlem October
25 to 2H, were named at the regulur
flub meeting Monday iu timt city, as
follows: Mrs. Lewis Wilson, Mrs. H.
Jlartsoek, Mrs. Minnie I .en, Mrs. W.
McOrcadv, Mrs. Dick Kiger and Mrs.
W. J. Kerr.
Minn Afyrtlo Albright, a student nt
Willuin.'tte university, spent the
week end in Portland us the guest of
Mrs. R. V. Jones, .lr,
Tho Mothers ('Inns of tho First Meth
odist church held their regular monthly
meeting Tuesday ultcrnoon at tho home
of Mrs. VV. C. Voung at the Leonard
hotel. Mrs. H. V. Clark assisted tne
hostess iu eutertuiniug. Following the
liusiniws meeting, a social hour was. en
joyed, Mrs. Kwearingon, tho guest of
Mrs. K. VV. Morclaud, giving several
readings, whilo Miss Jeunette Vando
vort gave a number of musical selec
tions. The guests adjourned to the din
.Sng room for refreshments, which wns
richly decorated with purplo asters for
the occasion. About twenty-one guests
joyed the afternoon.
w '
Baldwin Dnolittlo. a deeorntor of In
feriors, at I'ortlunif, will give a talk
tomorrow afternoon at thu art room at
the state fair on Homo Decoration.
Word has been received hero of the
marriago of Miss Leonn (Iray to Clark
Atkins, two former Halcm high school
students, in Hpokann, on Heptembor l.
They nre mukiug their home in Hjiangln,
. .
Mrs. .1. .1. Tingle of Uladstone, OrsJ
r,n, is me guest oi her aunt, Mrs. T.
W. Davie at her home, 23 1) street,
during fair week,
Mrs. 8. A. .loiies bus arrived from
Long Iteacu, t 'flii luruin, to visit her
many friends iu tho city. Mrs. Jones
is a former, well known resilient of
Hull-in, having resided in the capital
city 1'or Jfi years previous to her de
parture fur Umg fe:ieh three years ago.
She will remain iu Sul until the first
of November, nml on her return trip to
California will visit at various points
along tun way.
Mrs. Adeline Smith nnd iliuiulitor,
: ti i.... ... . t . I. ...... P '
"iHiiuii nnnin, or I'm tiiinil, nre
week end guests of Mr. mid Mrs. A. I,
Johnson, at (heir homo on North Hum
mer street.
It Would almost, seem Hint llwira I.
booth equipped for every pussing fancy
of tho sightseer, wandering through the
rountlcss rows of exhibits, but none is
more ipiick to uwnkeu u languishing
thirst, nor to instantly ipieuch than the
"Loju'' boolJi. Much of th popular
ity of this euiistuiitlv thronged, re
freshment stall, I lies, no doubt, in the
tasty flavor uf the cooling beverage
itself, but n valuable unset to the ex
cellence of Lj itm.tf i the sparklitig
personality uf the server, Mis. i'loroiiee
.1. t'liapinuii. It U nut oulv tint ready
quip, and the winning smile', Mrs. Chnp
man gives free gratis with a sample
glass of Loju, but also her enthusiasm
tor the article she is introducing to
the public, at pres.uit "Loju." "(five
our best handle the best nml you
will receive the best" is Mrs. Clinp
inan's improvised slogan, Mho also feels
Individually ami an a result, has made
huudrcds of other fair visitors fool
Our prices arc always the lowest.
Kafoury Bros.
115 N. Liberty, near State.
The Store f r the Feople.
so, also, that "Loju" is the official
beverage of Oregon. He that as it
may, the Loju booth in tho upper gal
lery of the new pavilion attracts crowds
of samplers daily who are unanimous
in thoir pruiuo of "its being the best
ever. A navel device by which vis
itors at the booth receive numbered
slips of paper and on matching their
numbers in the nir.ss of humanity pour
ing througu the buildings, may receive
a free sample bottb of Loju, is proving
another much favored feature. The
Northwest Products company who haa
dlcs "Loju" plans to cover the coast
territory with advertising agents un
til the opening of the next loganberry
season, a fact that augurs well for the
loganberry ranchers. The children are
royully treated at the booth also, where
candies flavored with "Loju" are
handed out with an amazing rapidity.
Mrs. Chapman is from Heat tie and she
is proving one of the individual factors
that is making tho fr.ir a decided suc
cess by her good will, her personal in
fluence and her interest in the state
fair as a whole.
'Miss Clara Koppe, of Kugene, is vis
iting friends here this week.
Attorney Dana II. Allen, is in Htnyton
today on business.
tirey Kyle is spending the week heic,
from Htun field, Ore.
Miss Lelu Carver, of Portland, wai a
stnte fnir visitor yesterday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Peter Wells, from Yam
hill, are guests of John Noud.
Verle (loode, a lawyer of Htayton,
wns a Hnlcm visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Deun. Crawford, of Stuyton,
was a fnir visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Maud Mclntyre, (if Portlai.d,
is tho guest thi-j week of Miss L'ninn
Mrs. Kd Brittnn, of Portland, is in the
city this week, visiting the fumily of
A. J. Davidson.
Mrs. Maud Cornell returned this
norning from Newport, where she litis
been spending the summer.
Mr. mid Mrs. E. A. Canning of Lyons,
Ore., are hero for the fair, visiting with
the family of Olen L. Adnms.
Airs. W. II. Lnos and Airs. C. K.
Cooper, of Forest drove, nre here visit
ing with relatives during the fair.
Mrs. j. T. Mbert and children, of
Kugene, ure visiting this week with
Mis. K. Brigg.i, on Nineteenth slr.-et.
Hurley 0. White is in Htnyton today
arranging for the shipment of another
carload of clover seed from thut vicin
ity. Mr. nnd M'. Marion Tuylnr, fr.,m
Tuylor's drove, on the Hnnt'inm above
Mtcamu, aro at tho fair groumlu this
nek. . .
Kiehnril Wicklund ui.d wife, of Port
land, were visitors at the state fair ves
terdny. Mr. Wicklund is deputy slierilf
of Multnomah , ouuty.
I'on. II. K Hudson, of Portland, su
preme muster of the Artisans, wns n
vlhitor here y.v,e:diy. lie is a former
htudeut of 'Vii.i.ipeltc university.
C. K. Al'ney, western immigration
and industrial agent of the Northern
Pacific railway, with headquarters at
Hpokaue, is iu the city today on coin
puny business.
Mrs. Clyde Appetson, Miss Mildred
Apperson, Norwood Apperson ami
Hemic Nelson, of Me.Minnville, motor
ed to the city yesterday ami were the
guests of Mrs. Frank W. Durbiii.
Uev, 11. F. Marshall is in Lebanon
tins morning to preside lit the Baptist
Quarterly Assembly, central ussocintioii,
which will hold its session three dnvs
beginning today.
William F. Walker and wife, of
Hpringfield, lire spending the week with
(he family of 1?: F. (tichurdsun.
Arthur Minis, u former Willamette
I'tudent, was here yesterday, from Port
The 2:2( trot nice nt tho fair grounds
today resulted n n follows-
Fust heal- I'lorndoiii. 1st; Novella,
2nd; Kloiso I ell, 3rd; Sen Wnt'o, Jth.
Hecond heat Noieln 1st; I'loradoni.
2nd; Men Wnfe, Hid; F.loiso Pell, 4th.
Special race First heat; Helium-, 1st,
Williniu (1 Hello Hmith :l, Jennie
Muv 4, Uulli 1 1 itl .". lime 2:21.
The track was miiddv and slow.
For Women Misses and Children
We are prouder to show you these handsome new
garments than any our stock has ever contained.
We carefully selected them from the lines of Amer
ica's best manufacturers and we are certain that no
store can offer you better garments at their respec
tive prices.
BOX COAT SUITS $15.00 to $45.00
SEMI-TAILORED SUITS . . .$15.00 to $75.00
CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS, $2.39 to $10.00
LINEN TAILORED WAISTS, . .$2.95 to $7.50
Silk and Lingeree Dresses, $7.50 to $50.00
Corduroy Coats, Plush Coats, Furtex Coats, plain
cloth and novelty mixture Coats the largest line we
have ever shown. Priced from $7.50 to $65.00.
"Every Wanted Item for My Lady's Wardrobe"
Pictorial Review Patterns "
U. G. Shipley Co. I
145-147 North Liberty Street Salem, Oregon i
Portland Tennis Players
To Finish Tournament
In Salem Tomorrow
The Portland ten-iis plnyers who were
here lust week for the tournament held
nt the courts at tho Oregon state hos
nital will return tomorrow to finish
their mutches, thut is, if the wenther
permits. It was decided Inst week to
piny off the remaining semi-finals anil
the f inula in Portland but since the
Portland plovers have taken ndvnntaire
of the opportunity to visit the fair the
mutches will be played off here tomor
row beginning tit 1 It ; ilO B. m.
The Portland plnyers who will re
turn to complete the tournament are
.lames Shives, A. I. Wiikeinnn, A. S.
Fiuhiniin, M. Kasthnin, Brandt Wick
ersluiin, Miss Stella Fording nnd Mrs.
W. Northrnp.
Paris, Oct. 1. Heports from Italy to
day said there had been several recent
cliishes between Hulgarinn and Serbian
pntnds. Hoth nrmies nre entrenching1
along the border,
Madrid, Oct. 1, The crew of the
Spanish steamer Milla Carriseo, (iil7
tons is reported to have perished when
it. ..I- t-..uu..i r. ...... i i fri....u.iut. ..ft
their vessel
1 .1111 rcn
Late Arrivals
Newest -
and Latest
Coatings and
Dress Goods
The following list of newest
weaves and latest colorings :
Zebelines, Stripe Serges,
Poplins, Flain Serges, Plaids,
Velvets, Epinglc, Velvetines,
Empress Cloths, Corduroy,
Popular Cloths, Coatings.
You will always find the latest in
our store.
Rain Cuts Down
Attendance of FairiStronS Counter Attacks
(Continued from Fage One.
recovered his ninney without trouble.
This morning Mrs. Cbuey brought her
troubles to Chief Burnett of the fnir
grounds police, who, with the assistance
of Officers Cummins and Keller, round
ed up one of the "queens" and the
money wns recovered.
Numerous complaints have come into
police headquarters of thefts commit
ted by the gypsy fortune tellers upon
the grounds and though not sufficient
evidence wns forthcoming to warrant
prosecution, iu every instance the stol
en money was recovered. One old lady
wns robbed of but Officer Cummin's
recovered the amount for her. In the
case of Mrs. Coney and her friend,
whose nnme she would not divulge, the
theft is alleged to have been perpetrat
ed while the gypvy wus in the net 'of
blessing" t).,r ready cash, peured
loosely 111 the open palm of the victim
while the gypsy passed her hand mvs
teriously over the cash aud mumbied
a few unintelligible words in the cvpsv
Indian Exhibit Good,
r'or the first time in the history of
yregun stnte tinr this venr there
leeu nttcnii.ia.l u .,.,,,......1.
exhibit showing tl,e attainments of the
various tribes f Oregon Indians. The
I mutillu Siletz, Klamath and Warm
'-rings iiio nui reservations are rep
I resented by displv of the products of
I their own rsu.ii,,;, including grains, veg
etables and fruits. The exhibit consist
of a series of booil,,, ueeupving the en
' '"T w,,,t l'l of the new pavilion, sec
ond floor, under the charge and manage
'7T. 0f.r"l'"ri'"'"dent W. II. Freer, ef
: of the Mnmnth reservation.
I ,.0" ot the booth is devoted to a
! display made by ,he men of the two
I ri ,e Klamath nnj Warm Springs.
I Others show the profn-lenry of the res
I "Vlltl' women in eedlework. blank
I Hrv ",,J cookery. One booth is given
v.-r to an exhibition of forestry aud
lirngat,,,,, ,hown hy p, statistical
chart a,,,) photograph. Other photos
how the Indian. nt work in their fields
owing, reaping Hd harvesting their
crop. . " . !
The entire .lisplv attract great at
. tendon appraising the public of the ad
vantage of their red brethren under the
tutelage of the government an ad
vance gratifying i the highest degree.
Band Concert Tonight
March "The Banner" Von Men
Overture "Morning, Xova and
V"1 . - -- PP
Walt "Spring, Heautiful prH'
- - - Line.
liceolo Solo "U Tourlelta" .. Damn
lHdioitHii aad K,dictio from
U Huguenot" M(Vrbr
Huinoroua IWriptie Hketcli ' 'A
Southen Wedding" Adolph Lottr
Topia. I. If Biaht. Th coon
sleep peacefully and dret.ni of at
Caused by Disease
The- close connection which exists
between the heart' and the kidneys is
well known nowadays. Aa soon as
kidneys are diseased, arterial tension-is
increased aad the heart functions are
attacked. When the kidneys no longer
pour forth waste, uremic poisoning
occurs, and the person dies and the
cause iB often given as heart disease, or
disease of brain or lungs.
It is a good insurance against such a
risk to send 10 cents for a sample
package of "An-uric" the latest dis
covery ef Dr. Pierce. Also send a
sample of your water. This will be
examined without charge by expert
chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Ho
tel, Buffalo, N. Y. when you suffer
from backaehe, frequent or scanty ur
ine, rheumatic pains here or there, or
that constaot tired, worn-out feeling,
it's time to write Dr. Pierce, describe
your symptoms and get his medical
opinion without chaige, and absolutely
happy bachelor days, his favorite clog
and sand dances appear to him in a
vision. He snores lustily. Dawn ap
proaches. The clock in a neighboring
steeple strikes seven, A cock crows.
The alarm clock in his bedroom rings,
2. The coon arises from his slumber.
It is uis wedding day. 3. He indulges
in a merry dance. 4. He soliloquises
on his future happiness, whistling his
favorite negro melody. 5. The wed
ding bells ring and the guests assemble.
6. Wedding procession starts for the
church, led by a coon band playing the
wedding march in their own peculiar
way. 7. Arrival at the church. The
villuge organist plays a short volun
tary. The Wedding Se me.
The parson, bride and bridegroom
come forward. The parson is represent
ed by the Bassoon. The bride by the
Flute, and the bridegroom by the Trom
bone. The wedding ceremony begins.
"Wilt thou take this woman to be thy
wedded wil'ef" The bridegroom ans
wers, "I willl" The parson then turns
to tho bride, and after putting a simi
lar question, tells her to repeat the us
ual words after iiim, which she does in
a shy and retiring manner. The par
son then ends the ceromony by giving
some words of advice to tho newly mar
ried couple.
9. Amen.
10. The happy couple now leave to
the strains of tho wedding march, and
amid the clanging of bells and general
congrntnrations, this descriptive piece
is brought -to a joyful conclusion.
Bassoon, played by Mr. Heit Kem
per. Mute, played by Mr. Merigiolli.
Trombone plaved by Mr. Schiebe.
Grand selection, "My Old Kentucky
Jlome ' Dalbey
Introducing solos for all instruments.
Saturday Evening's Program.
March "Ping of Victory" .... Von Blon
Overture "Orpheus" Offenbach
Waltz Spanisn "bspana," Waldtenutel
Duet (for Flute and Horn, "Titl's
Serenado" t'elebrated
. Messrs. Meriggioli and Walrath.
(b) "Album Leaf Wagner
Morceau Characterictie
(a) "Whispering Flowers" Von Blon
(b) " Almub Leaf Wagner
('rnnd American Fantasia Bendix
Made by German Army
(Continued from Page One.)
was officially announced today. The
press bureau added "this is regarded
with the utmost gravity."
Foreign Minister Gray authorized the
press bureau to state:'
"This action is precisely similar to
that which preceded Turkey's entrance
into the war on the side of our enemies.
It will be remembered that German of
ficers forced Turkey to make an un
provoked attnok upon Russia in 19 H.
Since, the allies are bound to support
the states threatened by such proceed
ings, the news from Bulgaria is re
garded most gravely."
The announcement created a sensa
tion, Kverywhere it was taken as nn
indication that Bulgaria has finally
cast, her lot with the Austro-Gernian's
and is about to enter the world war.
Lnd Troops at Salonika.
(By Henry Wood.)
iomion, tct. 1. Tho allies are not
Salem's Educational Directory
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal and Industrial School
Term of 12 week opens September 1315
13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem
Frederic B. Mcndenhall
Fiano Organ Theory.
Myrtle Long Mendenhall
Voice Culture.
Studio, Room 211, Hubbard
Frank E. Churchill, Planiste.
I'upil of Einil Liobling, ('ricago; gradu
ate of Western Conservatory, Chicago.
Studio Room 1-2, Opera House Bldg.
Re. 1'hon U71-R.
Miss Ladle Barton
Teacher of Voice and Theory
Studio Room 404 Hubbard Bldg. Kcsi
dence 1017 North Twentieth street
Fheae 504.
William Wallace Graham
T cber of Violin
rnpU ef Royal High School, BerlL, G.romny, nader Joachim. M.r
tean, Hahr and Mark... L.tWr ef klghe,t commendation Wth.
JtaSerV roP MP""- A .peei.lt, D.eft
Stdi 8toivyi el' tack week at Hotel Marine r.
of the Kidneys.
free. This "An-uric" of Dr. Pierce's
is 97 times more active than Iithia, for
it dissolves urie acid in the system, as
hot water does sugar.
Simply ask for Dr. Pierce's An-uric
Tablets. There can be no imitation.
Every package of "An-urie" is sure to
be Dr. Pierce's. You will find the sig
nature on the package Just as you do
on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
the ever-famous friend to ailing wo
men. Kidney Disease is suspected by medi
cal men when patients complain of
backache or suffer with irregular urina
tion, disturbed, too frequent, scanty or
painful passage. The general symptoms
are rhumatic pains or neuralgia, head-:
aches, dizzy spells, irritability, despond
ency, weakness and general misery.
Worry is frequent cause and sometimes
a symptom of kidney disease. Thousands
have testified to immediate relief from
these symptoms after using Dr. Pierce's
An-uric Kidney Tablets. Adv.
only ready to land troops at Salonika
but are considering military occupa
tion of Serbian Macedonia, bone of con
tention in the Balkan situation. If this
step is taken, it would be for the pur
pose of protecting Serbian territory
while negotiations between Serbia and
Bulgaria continue. It would also be
undertaken for its moral effect on the
Balkan states.
As an offset to German financial in
fluence in the Balkans, the allies are
planning to 'oan to the states to meet
the expenses of mobilization.
The allies are determined to check
mate every German move calculated to
secure Bulgaria's aid.
In some quarters, it is not believed
that the Austro-Germans plan to fight
their way through to Constantinople.
The 300,000 troops they have massed on
the Serbian frontier are deemed in
adequate for such a thrust. There is
a strong belief among some authorities
that this massing is merely a plan to
terrorize the Balkan neutrals, so that
they will submit to any scheme for the
relief of Turkey which Germany may
A Berlin wireless report Wednesday
reported that the allies had landed
troops near Salonika. London has not
thus far confirmed tho report.
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
Malted Milk
Upbuilds every part of the body efficiently.
Endorsed by thousands of Physicians,
Mothers and Nurses the world over for
more than a quarter of a century.
Convenient tio cooking nor additional
milk required. Simply dissolve in water.
Agrees when other foods often fail. 1
Sample free, HORLICKS, Racine, Wit.
grNo Substitute ls"JustasGood"
M HORLICK'S, tho Original
is "Crowded with
there are
tlx more in
Sterling Gum
The7- point (Sum
Willamette University
Opens September 13-15
Carl O. Doney, president.
I. IL Van Winkle, Dean of Law 8chool
and Art
Dan F. Langenberg
Vocal Ttncher
T-ate pupil of F. X. Arenz.
8tudio 314-15-16-17 Hubbard Bldg.
Thone 2079
Elma weller
Lichiter.ky Technie and Dunning Sv.
tern of Improved Music Study for
rhone 1331 693 N. Lit arty
Miss Beatrice Sheltoa
Teacher of Piano.
Studio 345 Marion St Thone 12W)
ft Galley o' Fun!
So Placehunter has been appoint
ed to office?"
"Yes. He will now take a rest from
the cares of office-seeking."
The Turkey Dear me! Although'
I've been told that bean shooter!
wounds are not necessarily fatal J
can't help feeling a bit nervous!
"Aw, tell ye what!" triumphantly'
declared the landlord of the Puxico
tavern, "Hi Spry Is the most public-'
spirited citizen in this community!
He'a just chock full of local pride!1
Why, he went up to the city, week
before last, and ever since he got hack
he has been bragging around that dur
ing his three days' stay there he was
robbed of a reasonably good umbrella,
was arrested aud smartly clubbed by,
mistake for a confidence-man in (lis-;
guise, had bis pocket picked ot sev
en dollars and eighty cents In cash,'
came pretty near being drugged byj
an adventuress, lost his gripsack In a
fire, like to have choked to death la
a Chinese restaurant while eating
something he couldn't pronounce, got
swindled by a ticket-speculator, had
a run-In with a taxicab driver, and
was run over by a chorus-girl's auto-:
mobile; while he declares, as far as
be can learn, that no citizen of oun
rival town of Torpid ville ever went!
to the metropolis and cut an more n!
ger than just to fall down a coal hole
and get his nose skinned."
rercy They' say a person is nearly
half an inch taller after a good nitlil's
Dolly Ideally? Then why don't
you consult a hypnotist? ;
Tercy (in Burprlue) What for?
Polly Why, he might be ahle to
put you to sleep for a couple ol wttlis
or bo.
Out went the light in Kelly's room,
And like a path In the opaque gloom
The cold steel shaft of an arc lifeht
I gleamed, .
I And this Is a dream as Kelly dreamed:
; Drifting alone on a bar straw raff, j-
A violet set tosaing his craft;
And a far-flung spray of a possue tint
Was sending the seaweed that flavor
ed of mint,
Sending white berga of lump cracked
That rattled the straws like the rallle
of dice. . . 1
e !
Tbe sea did toss the frail straw baik
On an Isle that loomed like a pink o(
dark; -
And lemons there were on a thousand
trees, !
Sliced crosswise and ready o
squeeze; I
And a fountain ot selzer spouted Its.
spray I
On a bevy of nymphs disporting a
A ten pin crew came filing out
And passed the nymph, and the
seltier spout;
And each held under his Yvctte
A cocktail cherry big glob:
And they bowled away on a doien
bars, , 1
And used a. plm the blackest cl-;
fan. .
I Cr-r r! and tbe dock said dawn, ,
j And Kelly spranf vp with a sUH"'.
; yawn, ,' -
! Dressed himself and hurried away
j To deal out "plnta" tha reel of t)ij
j ; day. -- ' ' J
( ----- .