Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 30, 1915, Image 9

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U He EI .
1L rn'i: Si-i1.llUaw
s-'t; i u m r
Many Believe That to See the
Fair One Must Live There
For a Week
Tho campers' parade lead by Mayor
Tozier, of Camptown, and with about
1500of the campers m line formed yeB
terdny afternoon at five o'clock to be
gin their first of the formal enter
tainments for campers. Tho. parade
was a huge success and was one fea
ture needed to get tho campers togeth
er for the general good times that have
become historic and are counted as part
of the business of camping.
The campers have a dance pavillion
nnd a special orchestra and in the even
ings they meet to trip the light fan
tastic and the heavy drag and all of the
latest steps and twists. The camp
ground is the tented city and keeps
alive the spirit of the fair with tho punt
when the state fair was the one big
event of the year and the families
enmo from miles around to camp out
for the. week. Tho crops had been har
vested and dad's old weasel skin was
well lined with cash, all the youngsters
hnd new shoes and new suits for the
fair and the "Fair we." served as a
topic, for discussion during the long
winter months.
Today the farmer, instead of hitching
up, cranks up, and ttcy whiz into
town for the day and then get home in
the evening by milking time. Back
they come tho next day but they miss
the quiet sociability of the old camp
ground and the pioneer spirit that pre
vailed before the odor of burned gaso
line became a familiar rural smell.
There are some, however, who still
believe that the only way to enjoy the
fuir is to camp out and tho following
is a list of the 2000 people who populate
the tented grounds:
Cottages ,
John R. Sawyer, rortlnnd; Cuyler
Van Pntton, Salem; R. A. Wilzcl, Ha
lem; Everett Downing, Salem; W. H.
Downing, Shaw; Cleo. H. Downing, Sa
lem; A. G. Smith, Portland; Monroe
& Crisscll, Portland; Dr. Geo. Hoeye,
Oregon City; Geo. W. Vergen, Aurorn;
K. C. Kevt, Salem; Mrs. W. U. King,
Salem; J. W. Roberts, Salem; .T. T.
Hunt, Shaw; A. A. Gecr, (leer, Wash.;
C. C. Oeer, Macleay; A. Tufts. Oregon
City; Ed Keen,' Salem; P. M. Kirk
land, Independence; . P. Maimer, Scin;
D. O. Thomas, Jefferson; J. T. Beck
with, Jefferson; J. M. English, Stay
ton; F. X. LcDeux, Portland; A. S.
Hurlburt, Albany; Albert Pratt, Can
by; Warren Hurlburt, Albany; Mrs.
Mark Hurlburt, Albany; FrBnk I.ynn,
Perrydiile; W. H. Hollis Forest Grove;
f). A. Smith., Spokane; Mrs. K. T.
Weatherred, Portland.
Campri on WUdom Avenue.
Cottage of Farrington and Van Pat
ton: Cuyler Van Parton and wife; W.
H. Humphreys, Shaw.. John B. Stet
son, Portland. Cottnge of K. A. Wit
sell: R. A. Witzell, wif and three
daughters; G. W. Hunsaker, wife and
fatnilT, Turner. Cottage of Everett
E. Downing: C. B. Wheeler, Pleasant
Hill; Mrs. Henry Yergen and Mrs. A.
D. Yergen, Aurorn. Cottage of W. H.
Downing: Mrs. A. Carpenter, Aurora.
J. T. Warman, Corvallis. Cottnge of
Dr. A. G Smith: A G. Smith, wife nnd
son and A. A. McKiniion; Frank Yer
gen, Aurora; J. F. Kenyon, Aurora;
Fred Yergen, Aurorn. Cottage of Mon
roe & Crissell: Families of M. & C.
Co. Cottage of Dr. Geo. Hoeye: Wife
and son Emerson t'C. V. Chntfield and
wife, Salem; G. H. Ehlen, Aurorn. Cot
tage of Geo. W. Yergen: (ieo. W. Yer
gen and wife, son nnd daughter, Au
rora; W. W. Little, Mrs. Hattie Little,
Silvcrton. Cottage of E. C. Kevt, Sa
lem: E. C, Keyt, wife and sou Virgil.
Meat Market of B. E. Edwards. H. T.
Maxficld, Airlie. B. E. Edwards, Sa
lem, It. F. D. J. T. Warman, Chilo
math. J. J. Hollett, Blaine. J. H.
Woods, Blaine. W. L. Bishop, Dun
dee. T. Fulliam, Dayton. H. A. Kin
naman, Tillamook. P. L. Coulson, Til
lamook. W. J. Warfield, Alsen. C.
Hadley, Dayton. C. A. McDonald.
Blaine. J. F, Jackson, Cloverdnle. J.
E. Price, Tillnmbok. C. E. Donaldson,
Tillamook. L. McFny, Tillamook. M.
8. Titus, Stnyton. Geo. Kirk, Silver
ton. Vilas, Phillippi, Kingston. Bert
Howard, Silvcrton. Arrs. Carrie Weiss,
Salem, Perkins, James, Carlton; John
son, H. B., Tillamook; Maroff, Pres. nnd
wifo, Tillamook. ' ' . t
Physicians in Camp.
Dr. Geo. Hoeye, Oirgou City, 20 Wis
dom. Dr. W. L. Bishqp, Portland, 14
Ministers In Camp.
Rev. D. Bevan, Woodburn, at No. 7
maiu entrance.'
Campers on Gahoway Avenue.
Brownings. Wm. Summerville, Sa
lem. Tho Browning. The Roberts
and Brooks, Salem. Mrs. W. H. Fran
cis, Salem. Mrs. H. Beck, Salem. Mrs.
1 W. H. Francis, Salem. R. C. Runisdcn,
Salem. S. H. Mchlmurry, Indepenclence.
I.. S. Compton, Independence. E. F.
l'nrtoiiw, Monta, Villa. W. E. Niles,
Gladstone. E. P. Carter, Gladstone.
A. C. Branch, Howell Prairie. J. A.
Burns, Shaw. Ray' jtocves. J. W.
Smith, Aurora. Miss Lena Gribblc,
Miss Louisa Gnstrock. W. A. Sherman,
Sulem. W, A. Bauer, Aurora; J. S.
Ashbaugh, DalluB; Solon Kinzcr, Hug
bard; Judge Wm. Gullowny; John Hend
ricks nnd wife, McMinnvllle; Ed Hend
ricks and wife, MeMinnville; W. H.
i Logan and wife, MeMinnville, J. E.
Mitts, Aurora; C. D. Ilurtmnn, Silver
ton; J. V. Starr, Aurora; H. Hewitt,
Monmouth; J. C. Read, Lebanon; D.
M. Galbrnith, Monmouth; W. C. Jack
son, wife nnd child, Cornelius; Geo.
Reuf nnd wife, independence: A. C,
Sperling, Hurrisburg; H. A. Lewis,
Campers on Moores Avenue.
T. L. Davidson, Salem; Henry Keyt,
Perrydale; H. Squires, rortlnnd; cot
tage of John R. Sawyer, Portland; J.
G. Ktzel, Salem; F. P. Wolfe, Wood
burn; J. F. Peffer, Dayton; F. W.
Fry, Hubbard; Henry Staats, Perry
dale; S. C. Mills, Woodburn; Chu.
Staats, Dallas; Isnac. Simpson, Dallas;
Geo. Dunlnp, Woodburn; (ieo. Finney,
Vancouvr; I). H. Ferrcll, Sulem; Fred
Yergen, Aurora; 0. L. Ferrell, Sulem;
J. C. Morrow, MeMinnville; J. W.
Hobbs; T. A. Munkers, Albany: A. T.
Jones, MeMinnville; Bert. Edwards,
Salem, rural; Floyd Smith, Dallas;
Walter Toon. Dalian ; J. A. Breeding,
Amity; A. W. Newby, Amity: O. H.
Guthridgc' Monmouth; F. Walling,
Amity; H. L. Stewart, Amity; Frank
Lougiiary, Monmouth; F. Doerflor, Sil
vcrton; A. A. Nicholas. Dayton; C. ('.
Mnrks, Monmouth; H. F. Goodspeed,
Tillamook: F. M. ' Trout, Ti'lnmook;
Dnn Murphy, Tillamook; S. IL Day,
Corvallis; G. T. Jenkins, Tillamook;
When Purchasing, Ask For
"Made In Oregon" Goods
Record Crowd Packs Grand
stand to Watch Horses
Sprint for the Purses
The 2:0S pace was the feature of yes
terday's races at toe lair grounds and
although i'otero Hoy took tho three
atraight heats the line for places was
i Keen anil every licit was a real race.
! Dinniheller took the relay rnec coinplet
'i;ig tiie foil'- laps in 4:0114 with jArm-
strong behind and finishing in 4:01 y.
I I'p to the time the horses hit the
j straightaway in the last lap Armstrong
!and Drumheller were together and it
jwas a royal race for the finish.
; The Shetland rme was a special
! event and was won by Ado with Floyd
iSkaggs up. Firefly was piloted into
second place by John Ward, and Jlajipy
with Dwight Sknggs up, was third. Toy
ridden by Harry Sknggi was forced
into fourth place. The distance was
one-eighth mile and the time 14 seconds
j flat.
The result of the races follow:
' .'1 venr old pace Hondulene (Dnn
liels) i' l-1; Unvo d'Oro (l)url'ee),-1-2-2,
Janice (Kirklimd), .'1-3. Time: 2:011 3-4,
2:10, 2:12 J-4.
2:.'I0 trot Flora Dora Z (Guiiie), 1-1-4;
Columbia T (Daniels), 4-2-3; Novela
(Stetson), 2-3-1; JVnico (Lindsay) 3-4-2;
Bulletin (Hognboom) fl-5-5. Thne:
2:1.1, 2: IH, 2:10 .'i-4.
2:0H pace-l'otero Bov (Daniels), 1-1-1;
Delmas (Wilbur), fl-7-4; Mack Kit.se
siiiiinons (Hvliniin), 3 2 2; Scarlet Trent
(Brown), SO-ii; lliiltuniont ((lorninn),
Francis .1.
((inint), 4-5-.1; (lion-
rose (lyfing), 2 -.'l-S
Tune: 8.0(1 1-4,
J:07, L':tw.
Three quarter mile dash Sterling
(.Inrrett), first; Sorrowful (Deer
field;, second; Leo 'I. (Powers), third,
Time: I: Hi.
A. Jenkins, Tillamook; I. D. Thomas,
Silvcrton; E. ( Loe, Silvcrton; John
Alunnry, Silvertnn; ('. K. Loe, Silver
ton; Fred Jaeobsmi, Silvcrton; C. E.
Poh(. Ilnvtonf .Tunics Perkitis Cn rlli.t,
I H. B. Johnson, Tillamook; T. J. Wallnn'
iinnoiobk; I res. Alorofr, and wife, Til
lamook; Chester Mickclson, Montn V il
ia ; ("has. M. Anderson, Salem; Mrs.
Harris, Salem; F. Dwrflcr, Silverlon;
G. O. Swales, Salem, rural; A. D. Ilos
kins, MeMinnville; E. A, Thomas, Sn
lem; Mrs. W, H. Morgan, Salem; C.
P. Kizcr, Hnrrisburg; Fred Kicer, Hnr
risburg; M, J. Myers, Portlaud,
This Evening's Program.
Marc h "Folics llcrgere" Lincke
Overture "Poet and Peasant " .. Suppe
Waltz "Vienna Benutiea" Zichrcr
llitritone Solo, (frand KanUsia "The
(larden of Ilowrs" Gatti
Eugene Cloffi,
Scenes from "The Wizard of the
Nilo" Herbert
Xylophone Solo Overture "Lutspiid"
Keller Bella
Mr. Hcnkel.
Bullet, "Dance of the Honrs" (La
lioi'onda) Ponchielll
This fakcinitiug "DancA of the
Hours," from Ponchielll ' famous Op
30, 1915
era "Ln Giocnuda," is the best, known
excerpt from this impressive work. It
occurs in the third act of tho opera,
the scene of which is laid in the House
of Hold. Til music, begins with a ten
der episode indicating the hours of day
break. Then the movement becomes
more graceful and refined and tho
dunce of the hours of the Day begins.
This in turn is followed by the hours
of (lie Evening and finally there enters
the hours of the .Sight. The masked
ilauceis representing the hours ot the
Night enter into conduit with the otBt'r
forces represented for supremacy, all of
which is prettily set forth. Finally,
Day is victorious, ami the music goes toi
a close with rushing brilliancy.
finale " I ne SMnr-hpiingleii isnniier.
Friday Evening's Program.
March "The Banner" Von lllou
Overture "Morning, Noon and
Night" Suppe
Wultz "Spring, Beautiful Spring"
Piccolo Solo "La Tourtelle" .... Dnuiiu
Mr. Meriggioli
Dedication and Benediction from
"Lea Huguenots" Meyerbeer
Humorous Dcscriptivo Sketch "A
Southern Wedding" - Adolph Lotter
Synopsis. 1. It is night. Tlui coon
sleeps peacefully and dieams of his
happy bachelor days, his favorite clog
nnd Blind dunces appear to him in it
vision, He snores lustily. Dawn ap
proaches. The clock in a neighboring
steeple strikes seven. A cock crows.
The ii In rm clock in his bedroom rings.
2. The coon arisen from his slumber.
It is his wedding day. 3. Ho indulges
in a merry dame. 4, Ho soliloquises
on his future happiness, whistling his
favorite negro melody. ,1. Tho wed
ding bells ring and the guests assemble.
(I. Wedding procession starts for the
church, led by a coon band playing the
wedding march in their own lieculiur
wny. 7. Arrival at the church. Tho
villngo organist plays a short volun
tary. The Wedding Scene.
The parson, bride and bridegroom
come forward. The parson is represent
ed by the llos.oo:i, Tho bride by the
Flute, ami bridegroom by the Trom
bone. The wedding ceremony begins.
"Wilt thou take this woman to be thy
wedded wifef" The bridegroom ims
weis, "I will!" The parson then linns
to the bride, and after putting a simi
lar question, tells her to repeat the us
ual words after him, which she does
in a shy and retiring manner. The
parson then ends the ceremony ),y giv
ing some winds of udvice to the newly
married couple,
1). Amen,
10. , The happy couple now h ave to
the strains of the wedding march, nod
amid the clanging of bells and general
congratulations, this descriptive piece
is brought to a joyful conclusion.
Bassoon, played by Mr. licit Kem
per. Flute, plnyed by Mr. Mcrigiolli.
Trombone, played by Mr. Nchiibe.
Grand selection, "My Old Kentucky
Home" Dnlbey
Introducing solos for all instruments.
Tacoma, Washington, Sept, 30.
Guilty of most everything except his
name, George Persvagskoggu was fined
t0 in Justice (I minim's court today.
George is a Greek from Constantinople
and he pleaded guilty to doing these
Hunting In game preserve, using
firearms In the yly limits, killing a
duck out of season, Violating the stale
act forbidding aliens to carry weapoi.s,
violating state act foibidding aliens to
hunt game,
lie j'siti the fine.
More Awards Made In
Livestock Department
The following additional awards have
been made in the livestock exhibit. The
Guernseys and tho Hod Polls owned by
Grout ami Arp were unloaded yester
day outside of the -fair grounds and
the judging of the caltle in this class
will be held tomorrow.
Tho list follows:
Awards for Horses.
Kuglish Shires,
Champion stallion, W. If. Ledbetter,
Alieel, Oregon.
Champion mine, W. D. Ledbetter, Ali
eel, Hregou.
Cattle Awards.
haiupioii- senior bull, George Chand
ler, linker, Oregon.
Chuiiipiuii junior bull, Henry Thies
sen, Sweetwater, Idaho.
Champion senior cow, George Chand
ler. Champion junior heifer, Washington
state college.
Grand chauipion bull, George Chand
ler. Grand chniupion tow, George Chand
ler. Swine Awards.
Duroc jersey, Specials.
Exhibitors' herd, C. A. Hoover, first;
G. Osborne Swales.
Breeders' young herd, silver cup tro
phy, G. Osborne SwiiIck.
Barrows, under 1 year, C. A. Hoover,
first nnd second.
Pen, 3 barows under 1 year, Hoover,
Sheep Awards.
Middle Wood Breeds.
Wether, 1 year ami under 2, first,
I'niversity of Idnho; second, Nolan i
Finch, Soda Springs, Idaho.
Wether lambs, first, Nolan & Finch;
second, I'niversity of Idnho.
J'cii of 3 wether lambs Nolan & Pinch
Long Wool Breeds.
Yearling wothi'm, first, I'niversity
of Idaho.
Champion pen of the show, fat sheep,
silver cup trophy, pen of .1 wethers,
won by University of Idaho.
Champion ram, K. He F. MO, Nolan &
Finch. (
champion ewe, K. & F. Ho, Nolan &
Best flock, Willamette Valley Live
stock k Land Co,, Corvallis, first uud
champion ram, F. A. Kozer, Rick
reall. champion ewe, F. A. Kozer, Hick
reall. Lincoln,
Champion ram and champion ewv,
llawley k Son, McCoy.
Oxfords Downs.
Champion rani and ewe, C. P. Kizer,
Chainpion ram, J, O. 8. Hubbard,
Champion ewo, C. C. Beers, Lyont. .
Champion ram, J. G. S. Hubbard.
Also cuiiiiipion ewe.
Standard Bred.
Champion senior stallion H.' C,
Fletcher, Slileni.
Champion junior stalli'jii T. C. Da
vidson, Salem,
Cliampion seiiinr mare Lucy F,
Smith, Fair Grounds.
Champion junior mare 1', C. David
on, Salem.
Grand Champion stallion II. C,
Fb telier, Salem.
Champion Junior mare II. K, Gor-
(Continued on Pujo Ton.)