Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 30, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"Salem's Big Department Store
I Men's Nettleton Shoes I
: Our $6,50 & $7
Special, $4.95 a pair
Here's a timely sale of
high-grade Shoes just at
the beginning of Fall
weather an opportun-
at a great saving.
Nettleton Shoes are the
result of the best shoe
making thought obtain
able, applied to the best
mechanical process, and
worked out in leathers
a s excellent as the
world's tanneries a f-
f ord. They fit when all others fail. If you don't get
a pair of these good Shoes it is your fault.
Patent, Vici and Calf leathers Tans and Blacks.
Such popular lasts as Kermit, Composite, Pacific,
Windsor, etc., regularly priced at $6.50 and $7.00.
Extra special price
$4.95 a pair
See the window display.
The House
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting
glasses eorreotly. U. B. bank bldg.
Philip S. Bates, of Portland, Is lu the
city today culling on acquaintances mid
visiting the state fnir. He In publisher
of The Pacific Northwest, at Port
land. Try the People' Meat Market, open
tomorrow, 135 North Liberty stive.
Th Oregon wlU carry this week,
4,400 cases of prunes to 1'ortlninl,
where they will bo rehlppcd fur New
Tork, taking tho all-water route, via
the Ptiiiumii cunnl,
Board and rooms at the CotUiie
hotel, Mrs, licnts, proprietress, Hnpt'-'W
Tor the first time since July 20, the
gauge of the Oregon City Transporta
tion company shows that the river is
rising, the record this morning reading
J.8 feet below low water murk.
Dr. O. A. Olson, dentist, 2U Masonic
llldg. I'liono -140. Oct!!
o -
The annual meeting of the Columbia
river branch of (ho Women's Mission
ary soelo-ty will be held t the First
Methodist church of this city from
October 7 to 10.
Comphtc Lines of
Crockery, Glass,
Community Silverware
Wm. Gahlsdorf
I 135 N. Liberty St.
Grades Ten Day :
of Quality
Scandlnanvlan Dny at tlio fair tomor
row, I'rogruin begins ut " p, lit. AlF
When It conies to something really
gorgeous, the rortluud Elk bund cnii
put it over the average bunds of the
country with its fancy uniform. With
their patent leather bouts, gold bruid
trimmings und scarlet uniforms, the
bund boys are wonderful to behold and
a delight to tlio eye.
It has made a hit I Salem made S
cent cigar "Ilygrade."
As part of the program this evening,
to be given by the Kllis at the new
pavilion, the Orpheus Male chorus will
sing the Soldiers' Chorus, from Faust,
u Sorenndo by Ncliuhcrt, und the ever
popular sextette from l.ucin. As a final
number, they will sing "Good bve" In
Tost!. Dr. Stone's Drag more. tf
A new meat market will be opened
tomorrow in the building formerly jir-
cupicd ly Dr. Murk S. Skiff, us dentist
on North Liberty street, Mr, Gooiue
Thomnson is the proprietor. Ho was
formerly owner of the Independent
Meat Market and has lately been en
gaged in the wholcsule incut business.
Salem, Ore. J
M- A
Fresh strawberries were on the mar
ket this morning. Solum grown, retail-
ine for 15 cents a box. They were
rained by John Builey, living four
miles north of the eity, and are ot a
fine flavor. Mr. Bailey states they are
from an "Everlasting" variety, and
will continue to ripen until frost. It
lias been about three months since
strawberries were on the market.
Dr. Stone 'i Drug Store.
Estimates are being, prepared by the
several committees of the city council
for the budget of 11) HI. Among the
committees who nave already finisned
its budget is the one on sewers. For
the coming year thin committee will
request 15,000 to carry on their work.
lor the present year, this committee
were allowed $1-1,000, but with the ex
tensive improvements going on, the
committee will auk for a Jnrger appro
priation for the coming year.
Barber Shop The Hotel Bligh.
Neer, Prop.
F. S. Myers, postmaster at Portland,
is in the city today, dividing his time
between visiting the state fair and talk
ing shop with Postmaster Huckestein.
Mr. Myers run down to tho capital city
yesterday just to tuke iu the state fnir
nud take a look at Surein's model post
office, but ho found that one dny was
not sufficient to see a state fnir and
talk over the trials and tribulutions of
being a postmaster. So he is here today
celebrating Portlund day with his
friends from the north.
Dr. R. T. Mclntlre, physician and
surgoon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
Several Oregon Electric railway of
ficials arn in the city today visiting
tho stuto fair und on .a general tour of
inspection. Tho officials represent the
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Huilwny,
Oregon Trunk Itailway, Oregon Electric
Ruilwny and the United Huilwny. Among
the visitors aro fl. H. Crosier, assistant
generul pnssenger agent for the four
lines; C. M. Fowler, contracting freight
iigent of tho same, and W. C. Wilkes,
UHsistuut generul freight and passenger
agent. These officials all live iu Port
lund. The People's Meat Mar.'oet will open
tomorrow ut 15!) North Liberty street,
iu rooms formerly occupied by Dr.
Mark Skiff, (leorge Thoiiiason.
O. II. Stewart, postmaster of Albany,
is here today to confer with the execu
tive committee of the Willamette Val
ley Exposition association, iu regard to
keeping up a supply of fresh fruit dur
ing tlio lvuininding months of the
Puuiiniii-Pucit'ic exposition, The offic
ials feel Unit the Willamette valley dis
play ut the exposition hns inude a deep
impression on eastern tourists, und are
desirous that this display should bo kept
in fresh condition. U. W. tint tin, a
member of the executive committee
from Kngeno, ulso attended the meet
ing of the nssociution.
Attornoy Honry II. Turner recently
of Los Angeles, has opened luw offices
.101 1 1 1 1 I mi it t llldg., comer btnto 11 lid
High streets,
Eugene Bosse of this city is glad to
be homo once again from Brussels, liel
gium, where ho was detained on ac
count, of the war. During his nbsoneo
iu Belgium, ho (lid much to advertise
Oregon as a country for a linen indus
try, and iu the producing of the finest
of flux, having hud 20 yeuis' exper
ience in this valley in flux growing.
Tho Chamber of Commerce of Portland
sent, u portion of the flax fiber and
linen mii.lo from tho fiber to tho ex
position ut Sun Francisco whero it was
awarded two gold medals. This whs
part of tho exhibit that was awarded
five gold medals ut Portland and
Who Is Prof. Ounn?
An ordinance will be Introduced next
Mouduv evening nt the meeting of the
city council regarding the parking of
automobiles in the business section of
the city, lu all probabilities, the ordin
ance will puss. At tho Inst meeting of
the council, Alderman Mills culled tin
attention of the council to the park
ing of curs, suggesting they should be
purked with the front to the curb. The
ord inn nee committee was instructed to
prepare nn ordinauco to this effect.
Should tho ordinance pass it will be
come effective at oiu. and in such case
about this time next week, all antes
standing on the streets will be there
head iu, slanting west.
Watch Commercial street window for
Prof, litinn.
Interest In the work ef the high
school is on the inorense this year,
judging troin the overflowing crowd
that attended the program given lust
evening by the students from the
music, physical education and public
speaking departments. The applause
ami close attention given to the per
formers Inst evening was highly com
idimcntnry, not only to the students,
but to the teachers of the departments
represented. Miss Evelyn Cash has
rhnrge of the physical instruction work
in the high school, Miss Ida II. Davis of
department of public speaking, and
Miss Miuetta Mugers of the music in
the high school,
In these strenuous times of war and
fire alarms, it might be well for the
average peaceful citixeu to remember
that tomorrow morning opens the
pheasant itenson, and also to bear in
mind there Is no pheasant reservation
and that Immediately after sunrise the
I sounds of firing will be heard on the
outskirts of the eity, And the hunters
might do well to remember that the
license must bo tucked sway securely in
a handy pocket, as any owner or renter
of land may demand to see the license,
if on their hind, or any officer of the
law. The limit for pheasants is five
in one day, including one female, and
ten In any seven rousecutive days, in
cluding two females.
Yesterday afternoon one of the cars
of tho Salem street rail ay was stand
ing at the intersection of" Center and
Commercial streets'. An automobile was
heading for the fair grouudt at a pretty
fast rate, when another auto came down
Center strrt, striking- the rear wheel of
the sutt traveling north on Commercial
German Official Reports Ad
mits That Joffre's Army Is
London, Sept. 30. Smashing through
a valiant defense, the French are stead
ily progressing toward two main ob
jectives. . .
The Berlin official statement today
claimed victories against the British,
but admitted the Fmuch had captured
two small trench sections toward the
Vimy heights and had been temporarily
successful in the Champagne. Jt was
admitted, too, that the French forced
the Teutons to withdraw from Bill 191
in the French effort to reach Mussiges,
the all important railway junction.
Tho crown prince in the Chullerange-
St. Menehould railway region is at
tempting to stein the I renin advance
on the ruilwuy as it feeds his forces
around Verdun, The struggle there
abouts is marked by hand to hand com
bats. No British official statement has
been issued since Tuesday night.
street. The impact on the front wheel
of the car coming on Center was just
enough to throw it directly towards the
street car. J ho car going toward the
fair grounds never slacked its speed,
but the Center street car smashed into
the steps of the street cur, pretty badly
damaged. The street car was ulso laid
up for the day.
Over 11,500 passengers were hauled
yesterday by the Salem Street railwuv
nud the business was handled us smooth
ly mill with no more delays thun just uu
ordinary day's business. The officials
were prepured for the rush, which was
tho largest day'B business in the his
tory of the company, ami the cars und
men were reudy for the traffic which
begun at 8 o'clock. By ! o'clock in the
morning, eighteen cms were in the ser
vice, doing a capacity business until
12::i() o'clock. After u lull of about
nu hour, the rush Wus on again until
2 o'clock, From 3:l"i, when the people
begun coming homo, the lines did a cu
pucity business, witnout any hitch or
congestion, until the big rush was over
ut 10:15 o clock. Curs were continued
ill service until midnight, One year
ago on Salem day about 0,000 fines
wero carried, compared to ubout.il,
fiOO yesterday. ...
On million, flvo hundred thousand
dollars, is th estimated value of auto
mobiles that were on tho stnte fair
grounds yesterday. A count of curs
entering the grounds was kept yester
day afternoon lroni 1 until 7 o'clock.
Boring these six hours, 800 cars entered
tho grounds, of which 410 were Fords.
Thoso on the grounds familiar with the
automobile business, estimated that
fully 000 or moro curs had entered be
fore the count begun and that, includ
ing those that enme from tho city in
the evening, fullv 2,000 were on the
grounds. Estimating the ears at a value
of only $750 each, tho total vnlue would
amount to 1,5110,000. If each of these
cars drove on an nverago of 25 miles
yesterday, fully .f!(H) worth of gasoline
was used, figuring automobile values,
money spent on gasoline and repairs and
incidentals, brings tho total sum up
almost to tho figures talked about iu
war loans.
Detroit News: Critics of prison re
form indirectly level against society :
a charge worse than any made by the
most gloomy anarchist when tney sny
that humane treatment behind the ban
might, induce men voluntarily to relin-
push freedom rather tnan hustle for,
a living on the outside.
. v 1 V
f 1
In a I-ondon draper's shop the git Is havt taken the place ot the men
now in th army who composed the fire brigade of th establishment
During the drills which take plc daily they answer the call as quickly as
did the mU members and they ar almost as capable as th mtn when fe
coins to handling th bos and noul in stubborn blai
Portland Elks Arrive
In Special Trains
The Portland Elks, accompanied by
their justly celebrated band, attired in
their brilliant uniforms, arrived in the
city this morning on the 10:30 Oregon
Electric. To meet them' at the Btation
was a goodly array of Snlem brothers,
wearing the national headgear, repre
senting the branching antlers of an
Following the arrival of the' Portland
delegation, a line of march was iormeu
with thfl Portland hand leadinp. follow
ed by members of the home lodge and
the visiting .Portland meinoers.
After the parade of the business dis
trict, a buffet lunch was served at the
lndiro rooms. During the afternoon, the
Portland herd was allowed to roam at
their pleasure. For those who wished
to attend the races, a portion of tne
grand stand was reserved.
This eveninu. the local Elks win have
,-lmrcrp nf th urogram at the new
pavillion, whirh will include numbers
by the Portland Elk band, vocal selec
tions and several rousing choruses by
the Orpheus Male chorus.
Bank Concert At
State Fair Tonight
March "Folios Bergere" Lincke
Overture "Poet and Peasant" - Suppe
Waltz "Vienna Beauties" .... Ziehrer
Baritone Solo, Grand Fantasia "The
Garden of FIow.ts" Gatti
Eugene Cioffi.
Scenes from "The Wizard of the
Nile" Herbert
Zylophone Solo Overture "Lutspiel"
Keller Bella
Mr. Henliel.
Bnllet, "Dance of the Hours" (La
(iioconda) , Ponchielli
This fascinating "Dance of the
Honrs," from Ponchielli 's famous Op
era "Ia (iioconda," is the best known
excerpt from this impressive work, It
occurs in the third act of the opera,
the scene of which is laid in the House
of Gold. The music begins with a ten
der episode indicating the hours of day
break. Then the movement becomes
more graceful and refined and the
dunce of the horns of the Day begins.
This in turn is followed by the hours
of tho Evening nud finally there enters
the hours of the Night. The masked j
dancers representing the hours of the i
Night enter into combat with the other I
forces represented for supremacy, all of
which is prettily set forth. Finally,
Dny is victorious, nnd the music goes to'
n close with rushing brilliancy.
Finale "The Star-Spangled Banner."
San Francisco Chronicle: Those who
believe in war preparation on a Eu
ropean basis should be reminded that
the belligerents are wasting enough
money every day to maintain the en
tire IJnited States niniy for a whole
year, and enough every week to replnce
the entire Pennsylvania railroad sys
(Capitnl Journal Special Service.)
Stnyton, Ore., Sept. 'M. .Miss Eliza
beth Cornelius, of Turner, was a school
fuir visitor.
Theodore Rizzo left Monday for the
Sen Francisco exposition.
Miss Gladys Hill was down from Mill
City tht lust of the week.
Mrs. E, D. Alexander returned the
first, of the week from a visit with her
unvgLter, Mis. W. C. Parry, ut Junction
Miss Mary Beebler, of Portland, is
visiting nt the home ot her sister, .Mrs.
J, T. Kenrns.
L. S. I.umbert, rond supervisor, has
just finished work on the Cramer rond
nnd is now busy crushing rock at the
quarry near the Giles Thomas place.
imo risner nrnveu Miturdny from
Detroit, Mich., for a visit with his pa
rents. He covered unite a bit of terri
tory in coming to Oregon, going first to
Neiv York, and from there by bont to
New Orleans. From there lie took the
train to Los Anceles. visitine the Snn
Diego exposition. He also took iu the
Panama-Pacific exposition at San Fran
cisco. E. B. Wttttcrs and wife will move
. ' yi
. .wtw r 1. 1
a I
r Y? Q
I ill
Prices $10.00 to $25.00
141 North Commercial Street.
293 North Cottage Street
We tiro the only ones in Salem who have a lady einbulmer to cure
for women and children.
We ore the only ones in Salem that are open day and night, nnd
where the remains of those entrusted to our caro aro absolutely neve r
left alone.
We arc tne only ones in Sulem who employ the latest methods in
caring for the dead, as Mrs. Leffiugwoll, our Lady Embalmer, has re
cently finished a Post Graduate course in this work.
Our telephone number is 724. If we fail to answer cull messenger
or taxi at our expense.
I? this Is what ycu deBire we will be pleased to serve you.
Remember our Parlors are always open Dny and Night.
next week to Fox Valley, where ho will
teach school this winter.
Hurry Sliunk nnd Ethel Smith, prom
inent young peoplo ot the Mt. Plensunt
neighborhood wero married on Sunday,
at the home of the brrde's parents, Ed.
Smith und wife. Rev. Blair, of Albuny,
performed the ceremony. Only immedi
ate relatives and friends were present.
The young couple are on n honeymoon
trip to southern Oregon.
W. W. Elder's household goods -arrived
the first of tho week from Rose
burg and the family will be hero ulmn
the first of the month to occupy the
old homo place. '
Robert Grounds, of Monmouth, n
grandson of Mrs. J. B. Trnsk, visited
the first of tho week at the Trask
Mrs. W, H. Harlan and children re
turned yesterduy to their homo inT)e
troit. Mr. and Mrs. Helgersnn, of Oregon
City, visited their daughter, Mrs. Tim
Sweet; west of town, this week.
John Snndner and family, of the Mt.
Pleasant neighborhood, have moved to
Deputy Sheriff Henry Smith, Tom
Riggs, Geo. Keech, Joe Perry, Teter
l: i- t r., , . ....
iieuncn, ,iosse nnepnerd, Oliver Lesley,
and a number of others spent Tuesday
in the Jefferson-Albany section assist
ing iu tho search lor Otto Hooker,
the convict.
A gloom was spread over this city on
Tuesday when it become known that
Harry Minto, warden at the state peni
tentiary, had met death nt the hands
of one Otto Hooker, an escaped convict,
while he was trying to reenpturo him.
Minto had mony friends hero who were
indeed sorry to learn of his trngic
death, while performing his duties ns a
stnte official. If wn n.i. ,. u......
day Inst thnt Warden Minto in company
...... v.uicruor Hiinycomne visited the
school fnir, renewing old acquaintances.
The school fuir on Friday nnd Sntur
day was a great success. The exhibits
in all dennrfments
number of valuable prizes were civen
" """" ic cnuoren nnit elder neo
, pie who were also legible to some of the
As n result of n controversy at AVest
Stnyton between two men of" that citv
! a luw suit vm held Vr r I....
eouri. one of the merl
as ooumi over to the higher court in
the sum of 2o0. It is stated that this
case was one where parties got into tin
argument over something of which thev
knew little or nothing, that excitement
waxed so Inch that tlm hot-i;...
I , 1 ' n . Hint- IU
j blows, with the result that one man
..-.-US.-U me oiner of assnult with u dan
gerous wenpon.
On Saturday evening Dr. E. H Hob-
sou and Jack Owensby came over from
Scio in the former's car. Later in the
' " ""K w'"ie it. Hobson was in at
tendance nt the dance, Owensbv decided
to quietly borrow the doctor's 'car for a
trip to Sublimity. He had evidently
had little experience with a far, as he
managed to ditch it in the slough noMh
of town. When the doctor missed hi.
car he and a party of friends started to
Sublimity and back without seeing any
Waldo 11,11, Max Hill, was returning
u tL i'" V hrVa waning
in the slough an(l ,t,ip.a to
gate. He found Owensby. who had been
Injur,, bT m ,hi(,wn
steensg wheel and brought him back to
light on the Hobson ear, and it i,
Fair Weather
Is remarkable but we may ex-'
pect rain at any time. Prepare
for the wet weather now and
buy a guaranteed Raincoat.
We have a large line of dres
sy Raincoats unexcelled in
Salem at prices that cannot be
ini ii ,1111111 mn.i i i.i i iiiums
An Employer Is Not A Schoolmaster
He does not pay help to teach -them tho
things they should know when they lim
ply for work.
These things muy be learned nt th'i
school, so thnt work in a business of
f ice may be undertaken with confidence
There will be new classes in Shorthand,
Stenotypy, English and Oominercinl
Arithmetic next Monday. Plan to en
roll. Talk it oyer with tho principal
thjs week.
Capital Business
High and Ferry Streets.
thought this uccounted for his accident.
Hud it not been for the car being ditch
ed in the mud and water of the slough
it might huvo received greater dam
ages, but as it was scoped with a brok
en windshield, a bent axle nnd other
minor injuries.
HE LOVE of comfort
and toothsome food is
inherent-nothing fosters
it like a stay at ,
Hotel Nortonia
Scarcely is on well tftthin
door before he realises that
all hit unspoken desires ire
beind fulfilled. .Little
thoughtftilnest hasten to
meet him gracious smiles
greet him-good cheer sits on
nil right-perfect lervice-un-ostentatioul
"quiet hovers
near-always-ever. And it I
these little-very" little-thingi
don at th right time and in
. th right Way which 'get' him
Choic viands faultlessly
served - th flavor of hom.
Th thtnf thai ppwk-iwW
IW..L- Vt
Washington !
LA ri