THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPT. SO. 1915. SEVEN n n ti n u u S3 n n U Sa 0 p p si si m m ;i ea h S3 m a m n El u E3 McCall's Magazine Free Our Great "Family Bargain" - !JM Mpni iiuiiiiiiiiJii! ;iin; aaMMMB m iiinwiiuiwanuiiiiiuiiiaiii iDha ujimw iiMi.uflinmiMirahiniun The Daily Capital Journal, delivered three months bj carrier, with McCall's Magazine one year, and any one Mc Call Pattern free, for the regular subscription, $1.35. .The Daily Capital Journal (by mail) one year, McCall's Magazine one year and any one McCall Pattern, all for the regular subscription price, $3.00. .. . . This offer applies to Old and New Subscribers alike just as War Atlas offer does. It means that if you pay three months' subscriptions ' at one time to the Daily Capital Journal, old or new, back subscription or in advance, you will receive free McCall's Magazine for one year and choice . of only one Pattern free. The same offer applies to Mail Subscription to the Capital Journal any time you pay $3.00 you get the Magazine and Pattern free. Nim:mmmimim;iN!HMiHMiiiHMfl!!iii'!ninniii!W Subscriptions may be tither new or renewal. Write or call at office of this paper. We are enabled to give our readers, old and new, the benefit of this money-saving club offer, only because of a very spe cial arrangement with the publishers of MeCALL'S MAGAZINE. WOMEN Love This Magazine Come in or write to tee a sample copy MeCALL'S is the Fashion Authority and Housekeeping Helper of more women than any other magazine in the world. All the latest styles every month ; also delightful stories that entertain, and special depart ments in cooking, home dressmaking, fancy work. etc.. that lighten housework and save money. MeCALL'S has been a family favorite for forty-five years. It is the magazine that satisfies. Mrs. J. T. D , subscriber of Temple, Ga., writes: "You may put my name on the list with those who think MeCALL'S MAGAZINE is worth twice as much as 50 cents a year for every one , in the family. So many pretty fashions and so much good reading I can hardly wait 40 see tt w Don't Miss This Offer Write tf tail at At office t Out feptt n II II M 11 11 Hi Hi H! 11 M n U ra Ki 13 II EJ El H ri ri 11 11 EJ A Galley o' Fun! A SURE THINS. " 'Tis a fight between a Roman ar.d a Barbarian." "And does' the Roman win?" "Why should he lose? Th??? tar are made to eell in Home;" TEACHING THE YOliNQ IDEA. Mrs. Hosk Don't you know what becomes of bad little pigs when they die? Little Tit; What, mamma? Mrs. Hogg They so to a honibls place where they get thin. 9 FREE McCALL PATTERN Each subscriber (or this Great "Family Bargain" may choose from her first copy of MeCALL'S re ceived, tne of the celebrated McCall Dress Citterns rKEE, lvalue 13c) by sending a postal card request direct to 1 he McUall I oni- psny, New York, nivir.j Number and Sua desired. IBM. mm il sfl 11 I 4 gar.- i " U 11 I Local Growers, Both Amateur and Professional, Take Lion's Share FATES. Of the three Fates, Clotho. who ti spun tho thread of life, was for mak W lug woman to be worth her weight In CKoice of Pattern Free n w n u n II 11 II 11 II II II 11 11 11 11 11 M 11 WW 51 gold. But Atropos, the dread, was other wise minded. - , "Why," eiclaimed Atropos, "if we make her worth her weight In gold, she probably won't do a blessed thing to reduce her flesh, and she'll Just naturally get to be a sipht!" I I.achesls, the fearsome third, sided ; with Atropos, and although Clotho re i sorte'd to about ajl the dilutory tnc- ! ttia (Kai, Irnmvn t'ri nnMlnmontni'V luur she was finally defeated. Oregon State Fair Salem Week beginning September 27th Races, Fat Stock, Poultry, Agriculture, riortieultnre, Manufacturing All the activities we are interested in will be represented.' Seduced Eatlroad Fares from all points in Oregon Sale Pates, Sept. 23d to Oct. 2d Tiekets limited to Oct. Oth All trains direct to the Fair Ground Ask our local Agent for train schedules, aud tickets. SOUTHERN PACIFIC s John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Baptist Quarterly i Meeting At Lebanon The Buptiet quarterly ntiseiiibly of 'the central association of the Haptist 'church will meet at Lebanon in the i First ISaptis't church for a session of three days, bcrinning next Friday. I The first sessioj will be held Friday jnij;ht, with an evangelistic sermon by I the Rev. (Itorge II. Voting, followed by a service of (,'hriptian testimony, 'led by the Kev. Harry K. Marshall, of i tiiis city. . Saturday morning, Mr. : Marshall will deliver an address on j"The Itapttot Assembly Its Objec tive. !' The session in the afternoon 'will be n'ien over mostly to tho (lis 'cttssion of Sunday school work. The I evangelistic sermon for the Saturday I evening services will be delivered by t the Rev. Harry K. Murshnll of this city. 1 The Sunday morning sermon on "The I Christian lirowth" will be delivered by the Rev. O. ('. Wright. The young .peoples' session will be held Sunday 'afternoon, with niblrettnes by Miss Mcr ! rill, Miss Neptune nnd Miss Davis. SEEDS TESTED FREE. Farmers and other visitors at the state fair having field and garden seeds that tliev would like to have tested are invited to bring them to the Oregon Agricultural College Kxhibit nnd hand them to the expert m charge or seed testing demonstrations. The seed will he tested for purity and for germina tion and reports will be made to the growers submitting the seed as soon as possible after the close of the fnir. HTtH)IMtM))tHtTmTfrWTHItHtttttlHH I FOR THE WOODSMAN t We have all kinds of Axes, Sledges, Wedges, Sans, and Equipment for the woods. ., All kinds of Corrtieated Iron for both Roofs and Buildings. A good fSOO.OO Laundry Mangel, slightly used for one-fourth or.g.nul cost. , A good 4 horsepower John P. Gasoline Engine, fully guaranteed. Two Toniea and Harness at price that will surprise you. H. Steinbock Junk Co. The Horn of Half a Milltoa Bargains. 4 Skin 01 reamy is a joy torevr .IL T. fEUX GOURAl'D'S OMCNTJL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAI'TITICI Rwronvit Tan, Pmpl RMb, Mil JilsVftfi 7 mm frr Dirni It Km ilcirllfMi. 1 at m mn, m 1 mo tatrnikM wr Imttflt U)bnrH n 1 1 IN A LIVERY-STABLE TOWN. A livery stiible-town hi usually a mile from the station a mile of dust and mud, goals, chickens, tin cnnn, barbed wire, old. garments, and an cient vehicles. There are three livery stables, a blacksmith-shop, and nine nickel-plated barrooms; a drug and picture-postcard store; and ay grocery store, a hardware store, a general stoie, and a kind of a store. There is a hotel In connection with a livery stable. The llvery-stabloa are most imposing edifices Mission styje, Romanesque, and Gothic. The churches and the hotel seeui to be Caslon Old Style. Your room at the hotel Is over the bar room. This keepj you' from being lonesome. If you want to iake a nnp so as to be at your bst when. you lec ture in the evening, there Is a youth on the sidewalk below your window whose business It la to keep you awake. He can make moro dlltlcult kinds of noises than a memsc-lc. Some of I hem arc so wonderful and ONClte so much curiosity that you mm-t climb out of bed 10 see how ho does it. 9 Ho halls everybody he known and regalea them extensively. When there Ia nobody to be regaled ho whistle. When his tune Is worked out, nnd he can think of nothing el.,e, he rolls a Iteg up and down. In the middle of the night you are awakened by a siartllng appnrnilon. An old ludy Is standing In her night dress, a lamp In her hand, dei.peiately trying to hang hir clothes on lma;;l nary hooks In the air. For Homo rea son or other she cannot locate the hooks. You have Riven up all Idea of rest, and are ready to bo c:iU -h"d by th;.i Intent novelty. She i.i ft nice looking old lady' In Fold 1 !;-.,ried spec k. Her eyes rest upon you, lying I" bed. "Well, mercy me!" aho aays, and closes the door. She evidently Inadvertently mla look your room for a closet. . You then proceed to sink to sleep with a smile. Salem florists, both in the profession nl and the amateur classes, carried away high awards in the big floral dis play at the state fair tiiis year, accord ing to the decision of S. V. Walker, president of the Portlaud floral so ciety, judge of the exhibit, as announc ed lust night. In the professional class, Carl Ritef, the Salem florist, took four straight firsts lor cut flowers, and sec ond in the cut glndiola class. Salem amateurs won all of the awards in the cut flower division with the exception or glailiolaa, in winch class Mrs. K. C Uenniston, of As'.iland, carried away iirsi Honors. . 1 Mr. Walker wns very profuse in his! prnises of the quality nnd scope of tho floral display at tho state fair this year, pronouncing it the largost and best that has ever been hold in the northwest, and he paid especial compli ments to the exhibitors in the displays of dahlias shown flat in the big an nex to the floral conservatory ou the south end of the industrial building. Particular credit for fine display of cut dahlias was given tho Tillamook county exhibitors who filled one table, 72 by 3 feet, with n gorgeous arruy of dahlia blooms, ami this exhibit will be kopt fresh throughout tho balunce of tiio week. The Oregon state hospital has also occupied a whole table in the dahlia exhibit, aud the splendid blooms of more than 400 varieties proves a valu able adjunct to the flower display. Tho iusano asylum has two acres devoted to dahlia culture a-d an expert florist in charge. The total area devoted tn dahlia exhibits aggregates 1380 square! foet of canvas covered tables and t. leva re all filled every day. Mr. Walker and hundreds' of the slato fair visitors nave eomplitiientod l'rof. Arthur L. Peck, superintendent of the floral department of tho lair, nnd his assistant, Horace Skiff, of Salem, for the remarkably fine showing made in all divisions of the show. The awards in tho floral display follows: Display of cut flowers other than dahlias, Mrs. W. H. Parker, Salem. 1: Airs. W. llarvev Crawford, Salem, 2: Mrs. W. It. Henry. Salem. S. Display of cut ulndioli. L. Dennistnn. Ashland, 1. Display cm sweet peas, Mrs. W. Harvey Crawford, Salem, 1; Mrs. W. H. Parker, Kulern, 'J; Mrs. W, H. Mott, Sa lem, 3. IDisplny of cut roses, Mrs. W. 1). Har vey, Salem, 1; .Mrs. W. 8. Mott, Sa lem, 2. ' , Display of cut asters, Elizabeth Lord, ciuii-m, 1; :unrv r.. itaas, nalem, v.; Mrs, Grace O. Chenowcth, Salem, 3, Specimen of aav plant In bloom, iuary i. uaas, .nien, 1. Hest arranged vase, Mrs. J. It. Camp' bell, Salem, I; Mrs. W. R. Parker, Sa lem, 2; Anna .1. Shinn, Halem, 3 Begonia in bloom, Mary K. Haas. Sa lem, I: Mrs. ,1, It. Campbell, Salem, 2. ttarn plants, Mrs. rc. s. Hudlong, Ha lent, 1; Mrs. G. H. Crawford, Salem, 2; wary r.. turns, .aieni, 3. Professional. I Best showing of grecnhotiso product t THE MARKETS : The market seems to have settled down, waiting for something to hap pen. While the wheat quotations are 7.) cents, very little has been offered. Weather condition in tho central states, the prospective forcing of tho Dardanelles, throwing Russian wheat open to the world, and the scarcity of ships for shipping wheat from the eoast, all combine to make the wheat proposi tion one of uncertainty. A Salem dealer was conferring with the poultry and egg rueu in Portland yesterday, and reports the market un settled, with many commission houses throwing storage on tho market. N changes arc recorded in the live stock market. James Kill Sentenced To Fifteen Year Term i v.- ..... : . , Stockton, Cab, JScpi. SO. James Mc Gill, the self-confessed I. W. W. fire bug; who pleaded guilty to a charge of setting fire to tho barn of Joe Dits, of Lodi, on tho night of August 25, was this morning sentenced by Superior Judge C. W. Norton to 15 years iu San Queutiii. The limit for the crime of arson is 25 years. McGilt refused to gt any further details of his operations. The sheriff has no trace of Ander son or Williams, whom MeOill said were implicated with him iu numerous fire settings. - FIREBLIGHT FEATURED. WHOLESALE MARKET v Cframa. Hay, timothy, per ton $13.00 Oats, vetch $!1(7?10 Cheat Wheat, now crop Oats, new crop Rolled, barley Uorn Cracked eorn Bran Shorts, per ton Clover seed Buttwr. Buttorfat Crcamory butter, per pound Country butter One of the interesting features of the plant pathology department at the stiite fair is an entire pear tree badly infected with f ircblight. By means of inspecting carefully the characteristics of fireblight and the symptoms as they appear on the tree, growers will learn .l,.ul In reuard to identifying $l(o'10 tiroblight, and from panels and charts, ... io aiao on tlisplny, tney may icarn now 10 30(ff32e Lonlroi It. . 31.00 $10 ... 41.50 ... 27.00 ... 28.00 13 to 15c 33c 35c .170 Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 30c Eggs, case count, cash 2Sc Eggs, trade 30c Hens, pound 11c Roosters, old, per pound 7c Spring chickens, pound , 13c Hirrs Mil to s Mr r ' t"n pallrirt'; MAa fi Ln will thus) I rslnll4 jamaT Cnm' m lt Iwjs all la Ikm tnttMWU. r r 1 tT !! dr-iulrts aM Jm tf Wa lt I Uu UUI SUUS, C-J-M uvt ClllvH-. mia.T.HQftJIl Pretj. V lit! John SM toTtr. CHICHESTER S PILLS t 302 North Commercial Street. Ilone m. Try a Journal Classified Ad. sVMlMl il?MrPrlfltHfi ft v.l T mhnt. Rr f " SOU) 11 DRUiUSTS YLRsliiKLRt HIS OPPORTUNITY. Teller I heartily Indorse the Idori of the United States Mint coining half-cent pieces. : Askington-Why o? ' Teller BecauKC It fill enable Dei ron Plnchbrlck (0 coiitiibnto to pub lic enterprises all ln antt to wi'n out ilskinn bearldlseassi. A POOR TIME TO PflOPOSG. Cblmmy Here's Aaellna, now! Jf yer love her why don't jtr go ihjht up an propose matrimony T Johnny-Wot? After she's bin a boldln her lstr' teethln' baby for over four hoars! Kay! she ntniidirt marry de" Crown Prince uv Ocrutany if be ast her now I - . JEWJODAY On cent per word wtta Inser tion. Copy for advertisement der this heading should be in by I p. n. PHONB MAIN U. PHONB P37 for a wood taw. Oct2 DARBY Wiadowcleaaer. Thoae 768. Oetl Fork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 10c Pork, dressed 8 1-2D l-2c Pork, on foot 6c Soring lambs (' Steer 5(ff5 l-2c Cow "8 Gii 4c Bulls 33MiC Ewes -..3c. Wethors : . .44M;e Vegetables, Cabbage 40e Tonmtocs, Oregon 75e String garlic 12 Potatoes 75c Brussels sprouts 10c FIR WOOD $3.50 2411. per cord. Phone tf WANTIOD Light five passenger auto. Phono 2140K. Oetl KOIt SAliK 12 July pigs. Unmsden, 8HK21. Phone tleo. Octl 8KVEN BOOM rout. Phone Sweet potatoes I .ounce 2Vie . 45c rrulta. Oranges, Valencia (5.25(5.50 Lemons, per box $3. 75(4.25 Bannnns, lb Ga California grape fruit (3.00 Dates, dromedary, case (3.25 Fard datos (1.60 Cocoanuts, per dozen (1 Cantaloupes (1.25 Watermelons (1.25 Crapes (1-40 Cranberries (11.00 Peaches .". . . 60c Pineapples 7 Vic Eetall Fries Eggs, per dozen 35c Sugar, cane (11.23 Sugar, I). O. '. $6.03 Creamery butter 40c Flour, hard wheat (1.55f 2.35 Flour, valley (1.351.30 ia cut flowers, palms, floral desiun nnd decorative plants, Curl K. ileuf, Salem, 1; ttann ti iieruert, t'ortluncl, i. Jiest disidnv of cut. asters. Carl Heuf. I; IIuliu & Herbert. 2. Best display of cut chrysanthemums. Carl Heuf, 1; 1,'alin & Herbert, 2. Best display of cut gladioli. Carl ftctif 1 ; liiilnr and Herbert, 2. Jiest display ot cut dahlias, Willam ette Dahlia & Floral Co., Portland, 1; (.ill Bros. Seed Co, Portland, 2. Ainaieur uiass. Collection of blooming uernniiiiiis in pots, not less than five plants Mary r.. llaas, Salem, I; tilcun rurvino, Sa lem, 2. Best specimen of house plant, Mary K. Haas, Salem, I; Mrs. W. II. Parker, Salem, 2; Mrs. W. I. Ilnnry, Hnlem, 3. Collection of blooming plants, not less than 20 plants, Mary K. linns, Sa lem, I; dlenn riirvine, Salem, is. Hanging basket, Mary K. Haas, Ha lem, I; Mrs. A. .1. Kdwerds, Halem, ft; Mrs. .1. If. 1 nuiiihidl, Salem I.i. Porch basket, Mrs. W. II. Parker, Sa lem, I; Mary K. Barfs, Halem, 4. SERIOUS TROUSLE ON SHIP San Francisco, Seid. 30. News of se rioiiH trouble with a Japanese crew 011 board the steamer Minnesota was brought, here todity by officers of the liner China. The Minnesota lay in Na gnsaki for nenrly a week, helpless, be cause tho crew refused to wnrk. When the China reached Hongkong word wns received thnt a Chinese crew was to be rushed at once furnished '4." house for tf BAUBKK WANTKD inquire ai once 424 North Com I streei. HOl'SK FOB HUNT Near Mcruniey. school. Phono aouuu. I""" FOB 8Al,K-New L. C Sm tn 1 typewrit er at a bargain, mono u.i. WILL 11AVK ON PUBLIC MARKET Saturday, nresseu nonn. vu... v- Sept.lO MOTORCYCliE FOB BALK or trade ... ..i.iiii.niit niiro. i nuiio if mr " Main. Octl FOB BALE-(:holce pointer dogt, train- tn it wnTK. Swcglo. it BliACKBKBKIES 25c per gallon, de- can. noyau uj- 11 livered. Phone or Phone 378. WANTED (lerman girl to do house work in small family j sleep ai Phone 221). tf FOB HALE 20 acres 2Mi miles from Hnlom. (70.00 per aero. VV. M. care of Journal. Octl WANTED Desk space and telephone ) tnro or office. Addresa D. ., euro Journal. Octl "III" GUDDENS SORE. TIRED FEET PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., Sept. 30. Wheat Club, Stic. Bluestcm, 00c. Oats: No. 1 white feed, (23(fi 23.50. Feed, (25. Hogsi Best live, (0.35. Prime steers, (0(i;tl.75. Fancy cows, (4(i-4.25. Culves, (7(;i8. Spring lambs, (0(t7. Hut tor : City creamery, 31c. Kggs: Selected local ex., 32c, Hens, ll(ii l3c. Broilers, 15e. (leeso, 8e. San Francisco Firm Will Build Submarines Washington. Hopt. 30. The Union Iron Works of Han Francisco today was tho lowest bidder on contracts for 16 new const defense submarines. The company's offers, opened before a big crowd, proponed to complete five or more of the vessels within twelve months. Their price was ("1 10,000 each. Other bidders required from 20 to 25 months. Tho Hun Francisco time limit was tiie shortest time ever proposed for such a eontrrct. The Electric Boat company of New York, controlled like tho Union Worki by ( harle M. Schwab, presented the second lowest hid, proposing to con struct eight or more submarines nt .r)2.'l,000 each. Other bids Included: California Shipbuilding company for from three to fivo vessels, (3(8,000 each. Abnr Xeff of Long Beach, Culifor- 1 ma, for one at (JiiL'5110 with a new secret type of propulsion. Congress fined the maximum price, at (5.'(,000 ami tho navy department win apportion tno sixteen awards WANTED TO RENT A farm of 100 acres, drain rent. M. J. Oillenhcrg, Independe ico, Oregon. bept.iu FA UM KKS We wnut your beef, pork, butter and eggs. I'eoi'i""' Market, 1"5 North Liberty St. Octl TAKEN UP Dark red cow and 2 year ..1.1 i.wic nnd white heifer. Owner can secure by pnying expenses. Phone 73F23. Oct'J Hubbard Uhlg., or 121 street FOB IUT-t room notiM), ioi ot l,u",' T Octl FOB KKNT 6 room house, two lots, large bam, chicken house Bd park. (10.00 a month. Inquire 1415 N. 4th street. !'" YOUNU MEN and young women should reail tho advertisement of the Cap ital Business College elsewhere in this issue. 0ct WANTED To give contract to cut 1200 cord wood on shares, give four for one, or trade for horse aim nnK irv U Kdwiirds. Route 2. Ocu sj ' FOR SALE Ten acros, with new tarni buildings, purtially cleared, 0 miles from Dallas. Will accept fivo hun dred in trudo. W. A. Liston. Octl WANTED Boy over 15 on farm, must be good milker and understand care of stock. No idlers need apply. Ad dress It. A. Blivins, Shaw, Oregon. Route No. 1, Box ID. Dct- TIZ make, sore burning, tired feet t M,uii,. aches and pains, the corns, callouses, blister and bunions. "TIZ" draws out the acid arul poisons that pull up your fert. No matter how hard you work, how long you danoe, bow far you walk, or how long you remain on your feet, "TIZ" bring restful Toot comfort TIZ" is won derful for tired, aching, swollen, smarting fee. Your feet Just tingle for joyi shoe nerer hurt or seem tight. Get a IS rent box of TTZ" now from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, keep your feet Iran, iweet and nappy. FOR RENT Five room modern house, close in. (12.00. inquire lid Marion street. Oct2 FOR HAI.E OR RENT 100 acres near Hoiith Silver Creek Falls. 8 acres cleared, rent can be paid In work, (lood stock rango all under fence. Luther Meyers, Hospital Station, Sa lem, Oregon. Hl't:ll UK CAME BACK If you have any old carpets you wish woven into fluf fy rugs, notify H. A. Dobncr. Phono 1207M. Hugs on exhibition at state fair. Hl'llt:l No matter what Kipdota Want Ad uou put in our papcrwewivourcJt3 ROOMS FOR RENT Two pleasant rooms, modern in every respeeet, 4 block north of state house, 1-2 block from carllne, terms to iiiit. 840 Union street. tf CIDER APPLES WANTED The Gid eon Ktol. Co. will pay cash for app u offered up to December 15to, Also make cider on share. Octl MONEY TO LOAN 11,000 up to (10, 000, on improved farms. T'nos. A. Hoberts, 2Ut U. 8. National Bank Wdg., Halem, Oregon Oct.l MONEY TO LOAN On improved farm at 7 per cont arinual iaterest. I am representing the Commerce Safe Deposit Mortgage Co. of Portland, Oregon. Quick delivery of money. Write me or call at Marlon Hotel. K J. lierger, Salem, Oregon.