Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 30, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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I Sport
Creat Sneed Kings
Will Race Saturday
New York, Hf pt. ;I0. The greatest
jjnlnxy of speed kings ever gathered ,
about one truck will face tin' starter 'n !
gun hen- Knturdny in the first 'AM- j
mile race for tin? Aster e up on the now
Shoopslioud Bay course. About thirty!
'am mi' scheduled to make the start,,'
hut it in probable there will be Bonn'
eleventh hour withdrawals, i
Hopes of mi Anicrieiui mailt onrl
carrying off the honors rented largely j
on the Htutz nnd Maxwell ont ris.
There are four .Stutz ears, two of them
piloted by Karl Cooper 11 ml (lil Atnlor-j
Hon, who finished first ami second re-1
speetively ia the recent Minneapolis!
race, and at F.lgin they divide,! the'
two big roud races between them. Kil-;
din liiiltenbacker iii his Maxwell also;
is expected to make, a bill for honors. I
The IViiffoot entries are ciino,l,.r..,l .
tlm' most ilungeroiis- both of the eursi
and their drivers. There are five of
them, each with a driver of interiiatiiin
al fame Dnrio Resta, Hob Biirinan,
Howdy Wilcox, Johnny Aitkeu und
Ralph Mulford.
Harney Oldfiold and his well known
cigar will bp seen lit the wheel of u
Delnge, and Kulph Dcl'alma, who won
the five hundred mile race at Indian
apolis Inst May, will pilot a Mercedes.
llesldes the custody of the Astor cup,
prises aggregating $50,000 will go to
the winners.
The big oval has been pronounced by
the drivers working in practice spins
as almost perfect. The motordome is
constructed of wood, steel anil concrete,
and will nccomodate nearly 200,000 per
sons. The coarse Is two ,niti,u uiil,
two strnlghtaways and two banks,
Following is a list of the entries and
their carss
Knlph Dcl'alma Mercedes
Barney Oldfiold Dolnge
Harry 8. Hnrkne Htutx
Earl Cooper fftut.
Oil Anderson Htntz
St lit 7.
Dnriri Ifostn Peugeot
Hob Rurnian I'eugeot
.lohnny Aitknn IVugeot
Kulph Mulford Peugeot
Mowdy Cox Peugeot
Bob Moore fltmboum
Kddle I'ullen Mercer
Olnver Itucksti'M Mercer
Kddle Hickenbacker Maxwell
National League.
W. I..
itrooklyn ...
t'hicngo ....
J'ittsburg ..
Ht. l.ouis . . .
Cincinnati 0!l
New York 07
American League.
Chicago ....
New York .
Ht. l.ouis ...
Cleveland ..
40 10S
Jnn IVpornto .
I.nnis Chevrolet.
Kildie O'Doiiucll
Pete Henderson
Federal League.
W. f..
Pittsburg Hi fit
Chicago I."! 04
St. l.ouis n!) 00
Kansas City HO 70
Newark 75 71
Buffalo 73 7H
Brooklyn 70 81
40 102
Pacific Coast League.
W. I..
San Francisco ,..105 77
l.os Angeles 97 80
Hall Lake 00 84
Vernon 88 01
Onklaail K2 102
Portland 75 07
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland Oakland 3, Port
land 1.
At Han Frnnciseo Halt Lake
8, Han Francisco 3,
At Vernon Vernon 7, I.os
Angeles 4.
1 OF
Body Rests In Prison Grave
yard To Mark End of
Spectacular Career
Intercession of Swedish
Minister Secures Respite
for L W. W. Murderer
$ Watching the Scoreboard
I Vail Mulford 8ncel; l
Tom Alley Huron
Ora Haibe Sclirliifr
Orover Hergdoll Krwln Npeelni
Krwln Hpeclal
I-os Angeles, Cat., Hept. 30. Kd
Maier, Veninu magnate who has led in
the fight for 1111 eight club league on
llii! const this year, today opposed tin
euggostion made by ,loha Powers, Angel
owner, that Portland be dropped from
the organization,
"Huch n move wftuld weaken the
league," said Maier today. "I would
like to get Hpokiiue nuii Hen I tin em
braced in the circuit but not at the
expense of Portland. The town Inn
been it winner la times gone by and
will be ngain."
Powers suggested Vancouver be giv
en Portland's place. In the Pacific Coast
league if the war ends this winter.
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 30 While there
is truce today, It will not be until Fri
day afternoon that the caddies strike
here will be definitely settled.
Fifty golfers carried their own clubs
and censed their own balls Wednesday
afternoon on the municipal golf course
on lleucou Hill. The enddica were on
Thev are paid 20 cents 11 round of
ulne holes. The boys demanded that
they be paid a flat rate of 20 cents an
hour, as, with ninny novices 011 the
links, they ure just as likely to be en
gaged two or three hours on nine holes.
The caddies will tnhe up the matter
with the pink board Friday.
Kent. 30. The New V,.ih k
nnd National leagues and the ItiooMvn
Nationals will, mt play nu Intercity
baseball series this season, it was
learned today,
Asiieville, N, C Hept. 30. Connie
back's s Iliirl Mcllilliciiddv, todav
is a benedict. He married Miss Mary
Cain, of Morgantnwn. Mctlillicuddv is
manager of the llalelgh baseball team.
Clucin'iati, Ohio, Sept. 30. -Asking
1,200 said to be due him as back sal
ary, Aiurdecal Hrown has filed suit .
w:.crio:,mnl,,;:l "-Ambassador Dumba
in I llil-HLflk tlluV.t.,, will. tl... L' . I . ll
' , , "' inv reiicrm
iimium cum mere
drover Cleveland Alexander that 's
lie oust Philndeljihin $750 nnd now
look ut him.
Crawford 'a double nt Ht. l.ouis wou
for Detroit. anil Lent :,. a
league pennant from being cinched by
Hhailos of Cusler and the Alamo.
Washington made only 30 runs yestor-
'"V alien u during two games, and
Philadelphia made five.
' nn IIiono be the old Athii' letloj
Hot the Wnsliinirtun nntlM uiii I,,.,-..
to buy new shoos linlny.
Holt Lake bun ,1 Si,i,l,.r it. i,.,,.i
in (lie ninth und won out.
The Tigers ngain bout the Angels, 7
lo 4.
The crowd was excited to the last,
lie (the crowd) didn't leave until the
I mill gasp.
As he passed out, the crowd waa
hoard lo murmur: "Some gnine."
Plough sat on the lieu vers effective
ly und On kin lid won.
Ht. Louis, Mo Hept. 30. St. l.ouis
baseball fans wore highly excited todav
over I ho. possibility of 11' pennant final
ly floating over the city, with the lo
onl Federul league team standing an
excellent r'.iance of copping the hunt
ing. The season only lusts four davs
The race Is so close, however, that
Kansas City, Cnicngo, and Pittsburg till
have a chance to win. Only five points
separate Pittsburg, which is leading the
league, and Ht, l.ouis, which is In the
third place. The two lenders, Pittsburg
and Chicago are fighting each other.
Han Francisco, Sent. 30. The pur
ported intoniow with John Puwers,
owner of the Angeles, in l.ns Angeles
yesterday, ia which lie is said lo have
advocated dropping I'orlluud from the
Const lenune. slirre.l un n i,,,- ....-
of interest hero todsT,
Hutu President Hnum ami Henry
Horry of the Heals described the pur
ported latorxlew as ridiculous, and de
clared thev did not lieliev-ti il ,......
from Poweis.
Today the body of Otto Hooker, the
convict who killed Warden Harry Min
to in a battle ia the darkness Monday
night, was borne out of the rear gate of
the penitentiary to the grave yard at
. 1. . 1 .1. .1. . . .
me mi- 01 ine penirenriary ground.
A simple heeilboard bearing a number
nnd the date. .September 28, 1915 marks
the last resting plnce of the 21 year old
COUVil-f whose strirmv lnror una
brought to n close bv a bullet from the
-!!.. ..It , t
imr ui i niroimau l.ong.
Four trusties carried the coffin and
the bodv Vent into its lust resting place
with few expressions of sorrow beyond
the formal burial service of the peni-
leunary. rno esteem In winch Warden
Minto was lild by the convicts of the
penitentiary served to quiet any ex
cept muffled comments from the fellow
Tistiiicrs 01 iiooHor.
The same grave yard holds the re
mains of lliirrv Tmcv mul ntlmr la.l
men who have made a wide reputation
but none were so linwent nr., I niiim
, , , ...
us iiooser. ins record of other states
shows him to have n Innir iuM .1, r.,n-
and all almit he brought his Huddeu
ending upon himself.
hile his career us a desperado was
a short one it nrousod the emmtrv
"i nioauy wnero Aliuto was liilled
and about 75 men were formed into
parties t0 hunt for him. After the
shooting of Warden Minto Hhorlff I!,.
dine, of Linn ennntv. wlmm tint r,n.lo
ui-curreii, snoweu nnnseir to be incom
poient to nunilie the situation and Shcr
iff Kaon of this county, was uiven en
tire charge of the mnn Ikimt r,n,n t'A
time-the news of the shooting reached
hum ciiv 11 111 i 1 uooiier was in the hos
pital. Hheriff Ksch waa on tlm
piuce guarns at every possible ave
Hhenft i'.sch. IIOOII his return tn itiiu
city, stated tiiat he wished to comple
ment me loriiaim otficers especially
" 'on 1 r vorit 1 uroiie innr the n ia
and tlfl'icers liobort Phill ins ftnnrcTM
Yatens, It. McHlmne nnd others worked
without rest or sleep for the entire
hunt. Officers Long, Christofferson,
and tiiiaid Tulont wore placed in the
1 '' .yiiros 111 Aiiianv to be on the
lookout for llimker if he should nt-
tetllld to Clltctl n trnin Tli,u. nri'l
oera were unfamiliar with the country
it wcce nr. noinn 11 t in mt -...!.,
and their courage ami vigilance was re
warded llV Hie cailtlllO of the mnn
TheV broUL'llt, Hunker 1I11WII r n.1 ni,T.
ed one of the most disastrous but spec-
esoum-s ever mime t runt the
Oregon state pea.
Halt Lake City, Hah, Sept. 30.
Following request from Presi
dent Wilson for a stay of execu
tion, Governor Spry this after
noon reprieved Joe Ilillstrom, I.
W. W. poet, until October 16.
He was sentenced to be shot to
morrow morning
Did It Ever Happen to You?
By Mort Burger
Vi" &L
It .1
Hun Diego, Cat., Hept, 30. II. T. Hut
chler, of Dallas, Texas, a guest todav
nt the I'. H. (iruiit hotel is making ar
rangements to bring a string of 100
horses here to compete on the Tinjuana
race course. Work on the race course
is to begin October 15, according to
Is Given Safe Conduct
Bis Warshins Will
Continue Naval Reliance
Tokio, Hept. 30.--nig warships will
continue in the future to be the chief
weapons of naval warfare, despite the
accomplishments of submarines us dem
onstrated in the European war, in the
opinion of Admirnl Kato, new minister
of navy.
"The naval fighting of the future,
as in the pnst," he said, "will be a
struggle between steel and guns. There
will be no change in the structure,
shape and urmninent of warships
though of course, the strength of indi
vidual fighting vessels is likely to con
tinue Increasing. We may see a dreud
naught shortly with u displacement of
40,000 tons."
He declared that submarines and tor
pedo boats are only scouts, "and their
activities do not have ns great a bear
ing upon the course of the war as the
amateur critics believe."
The admiral desires that Japan have
by .1020 a buttle fleet of eight super
dreadnaught battleships and eight bat
tie cruisers.
A lit
tljurotte fift,cn years ago
are am liter of
Turkish Trofhjes
Uxarrtte today I
wy;; iU-,..yi n., nuMu.tw. 'a-el
Washington, Hept. 30. -The British
ambassador today delivered neisonullv
' "c nine iiopuriinent Austnan
lutssador Diimbit's safe conduct,
quesie.i iiv tins government in con
nection with Vienna's recall of nlui.
The conduct was forwarded to Dum
ba 's minimer home a. I.onoi, Massa
chusetts. It stipulated be must sail
from New Vurk tvtober 5.
Portland, Or., Hept. 3tf. After pleaj
lK guilty to a charge, of arson, Wil
liam Stewart, said to be a member of
the alleged ring of lire starters under
arrest in Oregon and California, is
awaiting sentence toilav. It will be
pronounced by Judge, (liintenbeiu to
morrow. Fred W. Castle nnd Mordi Keener,
other aliened arsonists, are iiin,'j
nun, imwiig entered pleas of
Portland Will Remain
In Pacific Coast League
Han Francisco, Sept. ,10. That there
is no occasion for the present talk of
expansion of the Pacific Coast league
was the statement made today by Presi
dent Hnum, who gave It ns his opinion
that the matter will not even be con
siderod ut the November meeting of
the board of directors.
"This long ilist mice talk about
pansimi is to be laughed nt," said
Hnum. "The suggestion that Seattle
and Hpokane or Tuooinu be tukeu iu is
foolish, because the owners of the
Northwestern league franchises in those
cities will have something to say."
Chicago Herald: In order to prove
he was simply messenger boy Mr.
Archibald ought to adduce sumo evi
dence that he was rending a copy of
"Nick Carter ' nt the time It n
Salt Lnki City, Utah, Sept. 30. Ten
sion, caused bv fear of the I. W. W.
in the scheduled execution of Joe Hill
strom, I. W. W. poet, tomorrow, de
creased today with word that President
Wilson had sought a delay from Gov
ernor Spry.
Detectives have been guarding pub
lic buildings, lest dynamite or fire de
stroy them as the nri'finizutiou 's re
venge. All high power lamps illumin- j
aieu me grouniis aDoui dovernor opry a
mansion while guards hid in the shrub
bery, following threats ugaias the gov
ernor for failing to reprieve the doomed
The death watch had been set when
word of President Wilson's request
reached here. The five riflemen were
nuii n mi nfc; n no ill 1,01111.
es to shoot Ilillstrom soon after dawn
tomorrow for the murder of J. W. Mor
rison and his sou Arling, in January
rrk.. ...n:,inMt ..i: i t
t ii ,7 ,i ,-niiii-ii i. iiuij lift Illicit LU ui t un
til the Swedish minister requested his
inriuence in obtaining a reprieve.
Milnv nersons hml nntiealed to the
executive to intervene, claiming that
Ilillstrom s trial was unfair. Among
these were Mrs. J. H. Cram of New
York and Elizabeth Hurley Flynn an
T W W mnrlA
The brcsident's message soiiL'ht to
..I....!- ,L. 1.1 I.
ooiuui a siuy until ine uiuiier coiiiu uw
taken up diplomatically. Minister Ek
engren is making representations to
the state department to obtain a re-
PivillAaf Ta TTnnnrlul
Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 30. An
ticipating receipt of President Wilson's
rdnilAdl fv rial,,., nf In liat..m a nw.
ecution, Governor Spry today stated he
would reprieve him. The length of the
reprieve will be decided at a meeting
of the board of Dardons called for this
Wilson's telegram had not reached
Spry at 11:30 but Spry commented.
will most certainly honor President
Wilson 'a request if it is received."
t,J I " inl''iW ' i ii ii 1 1 .1 ri i l M jnuimi --M-J-i-j-r, "'i ni ui. ,,i.
in-: vji.m . n hi . j.w.sm ip ntpn-.m-yca l -ti.i..ij- ').
3C ije 3 )c ic jC 3C 5j( SjC
Nome, Alaska, Sept. 30 With
200 Alaska dogs to be used at
the war front in Alsace Lor
raine, Rene Haas, formerly of
Nome, now an army officer of
France, is aboard the steam
ship Senator today on the way
to Seattle. Scotty Allen, the
famous dog driver will accom
pany the outfit as far as Que
bec and will not go to Europe
as had been previously report
ed. The dogs cost $6,000.
id tmim pitAii mi
u iuuk aiuiMin r. i a .
CLOGGED WITH WASTE? wireiessuperaiortonimeain
iiuau Domeo neaa nun
ters' Camp by British
Daniel J. Fry Guarantees to Return the
money ll iui-o-na uvea not
Relieve You.
A ll if R Jll IliMllV Dl. U HIVIII1.IU1I
when my customers come in afterward
...II 1 .1 .l !A 1 .1
uuu ion mo not IIIUI U gOOU lb UUS UUIll'
III,.,,,"' all .l 11, I liW tlla ,,,,,,,,lr
a...u vu j...r ......
druggist to a .louriuil man, "and that
.i t ill... ii , i
is wuy x line io sen uuu recuuiiiieuu
Mio-iia. the dvsnensia remedy. The
distribution of samples that I made
created so much talk and so largo a
proportion of thoso who received a
samplo have bought a box of Mi-o-nn
that my clurks have been busy selling
the medicine ever since. I have ao
nioi'li fllilli In thin nett.iln that T am
going to guarantee it in the future, and
will return the money to any purchaser
nf Mi-n-nn u-linm it .litna n,t K.iln Tknl
may seem rash but my customers have
iuu nu mauy kouu wurus in us ravor
that I do not exnvct to have many unck-
ngeg returned.
Auyone who has dyspepsia, whose
fitOlt iloen not iliinwt nrnii nn.l wjKn hnu
to take thought as to what lie enn eat,
and when, can leavo SO cents deposit
at my store and take home a box of
Mi-o na nnd if the remedy does not
regulate his digestion and help his
dyspepsia he can withdraw his money.
I lion 't know hut u-hnt vtn u,nnl.l Kn
wining to pay him interest."
This shows Jrcnt fnith in thn merit
Of Mi-O-nn. It in fnnllv mnal imiia.
un! medicine and the rapid increase of
m since uniuui ,i. fry introduced it
iu Salem shows that it cloei all that it
is claimed to do relieves dyspepsia,
regulates digestion and enables those
who use it to eat just what they want
wan no ieur or trouble arter.
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 30. fearing ar
rest because he was short in his ac
counts, .lnnnia 1 1 li,..n..lr m al.,B...
- .:-. ui r., P Nlliaillllll,
today shot ami killed his aged mother
.inn men commuted sutciua.
I m talvinir mother with me because
my act woiiiu pronably Kill ner any
way," he wrote.
The Dalles. Or si.it 311 Th
from the wmiiln tin wu .lrU-lm iii.I
trampled under the hoofa of tho six
otuM ami MuM,
A cnf a word twill fff ypui
lory in Iht Journal Au Today
Pulls you over ilie liilli
Red Crown
he GAsolm
of Qualiiy.
Standard OH Company
ll illl.ir,,,.! r
it :
San Francisco, Sept. 30. "Thoso ter
riblo sightless eyes, day aftor day. And
the droning of armies of great tropic
flies. And then more siuhtless eves the
next day 100 of them. It waa terrible.
Thero was no escape except death, and
I wanted to live."
Thus did Thmnns ViMirtlna n.-n-mon
wireless expert todav tell of his exper-
inn.,,, no llH:,:..U .l - n ' . -
an i.ininii iiisuiier oi war in a
head hunters camp in the wilds of the
British North Borneo,
lie declared the Rrltiuh t ...!,
nnd two of his assistants prisoners, as
the government feared their wireless
installation work might be used by
privnto interests. After being held teni
nnra'rilv nt Snn Ibiken tn..v tni,n..
to interior North Borneo, Nicholas said.
-lucre we were placed in a head
hunters camp," he said. "A war was
raging between two tribes of savages.
r.acii morning i would waken to tae
terrible hll7.7.incr nf trnni,. fli.. .i
through mv windnnr T
bodyless heads being smoked upon the
nva'i mens, xne next tlav there won M
be more and for aiulit mnnih. .A
white men had to look upon theso sight
less c es.
Nicholas managed to get word nt last
to an American consul at Sandakau,
and was released after proving he was
a non-combatant.
"MV two friends." n ani.l "n.ov
V' mad by this tiuio. They had mill.
tnry connections and couid not get
lrL' iti iui' In
i mmm
"I fni i m ir .
$30 P-Zffi
With Meals and Berth Included.
Free Extra Features and Eefreshmenta
Elaborate Cuisine.
Oregon Electric By., The North Bank
Boad and the Palatial, 6-DecJr, 24-Knot
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
Leave Pbrtland 9:30 a. m., arrive San
Francisco 3:30 p. m., next day.
Expositions now at their best,
w U,chie Agent, Oregon Electric
ay., Salem. San Francisco 605
Market St.
Ornat Northern Pacific SS. Co.
French Advance But British
Are Checked In West
(Cfntinued from rage One.)
in the Herman second line west of Tah
ure in the Champagne have been oc
cupied by the French, said the official
communique today. Other gains were
noted west qf tho Navarian farm.
The' Germans linvi. .envilv l,,,n,i,,.i.
ed the ground gnincol hy the Fntifh
easi or mtuoiicx una southwest of l.eus.
This is believed to lm
strong counter attacks at Hill 140. I
noma or nipnnt, in tlu-region of Hill
1S5, tho French hnve improved their!
positiou by capturing a Herman sun-1
The commuuinue admitted th., V',.,.,K ,
had relinquished part of their gnins in j
the Champagne before a heavy fire I
against their flanks. I
Squadrons of French aeroplanes have I
joined the attack, nnd are bombarding I
railways, supply stations and reserve
Oarroana Defeat English. '
Berlin, via I.nndnn Rout 10 I'... i
man troops defeated both wings of the
nrmsn army in a great linttle yester-,
day and last nirht in the r,.oi,.n c......
I.oos to Yprea, tixlay's offirinl state-1
nieni auiuxiured. At the same time.
French aains at the Vimr heinlit. sn.i
temiwrary French successes in the
( hampague were admitted. I
"North of nop fm,4..
.--...ii,, nunins-
agMnst the nritish procecl slowly,"
ma inn sisiomenr. "Severe fighting
ip iirouressinir iner. K..nth.,.
bouchea the French penet rated
smnu tedious or our lines.
"Ia the western Champsgue, a
French hriirsde hruVm ilr,,,.i. .......
trench. Bcserves attacksd thorn, cai'tur
if fahA'-
ing 800 and destro-ing the remainder." German and Russian cannon about
said, but the allies still continue to ! 8,rBte810 P0lnt continues unabated. The
fiirht . Tlia namnn notlnn I Wlir nffi'ca tmlnir Dmiila ann.A rla.ma.
--n.... . --t. iinuuu niu .con
fidently trust in a heroic resistance,
aespite tne enemy 's strongly organized
efforts, the papers add.
northwest of Massiges, a stronu
rrencn attncK was repulsed, but we
withdrew from Hill 191, north of Mas
siges." Admit Decision In Doubt
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I.,
Sept. 30. Berlin papers today warned
the public not to minimize the import
ance of the Anglo-Biench offensive in
the west, and admitted thht the final
decision is still in doubt.
Fighting on East rront.
Fetrograd, Sept. 30. Tho thunder of
war office today admitted some Gorman
gains along the eastern line, but at the
same time reported ' progress for the
Slavs at others.
Northwest of Friedrichstadt tho Teu
tons made ineffectual attempts at two
towns. Some advantage in the Dvinsk
region waa claimed by the Russians,
but the battle progresses as ffriously
a Bit has for days past.
North of Krewo and southeast of Os
miann, the Teutons succeeded in push
ing; back the Slavs, it was admitted,
while at Ciartorisk, south of the Pripet
marshes, the enemy drove them across
the river Styr.
In tho long struggle about Nowo Al
exiniec, the Teutons are threatening the
81nv lines, but the latter have main
tained their positions.
A poor or inferior buttei will make the best
bread distasteful
Marion Creamery Butter
"Meadow Brook"
H costs no more and you Get the Best