99 CHAKLE8 58 H. FISHEH, I and Manager, f THIRSDAV KVKM.VH, reptemler W, lffl". Editor itorial Page of "The Capital Journa Ed PUBLISHED EVEBY EVEXINO EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OEEOON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co.,. Inc. t. 8. BARNES, President CHAfl. H. FISHEH, Vice-President DOBA C. ANDKESEN, Sec. and Trcas. SUBSCRIPTION BATES Bnjly by carrier, per year 15.00 Per month 45c Daily by iraiL per year 3.00 Per month .'.35c FULL LEASED WIBE TELEGBAPH BEPOBT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago Vard-I.ewis-Williams Hpceiul Agency Harry K. I'iHhcr Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boys are inatructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglect getting the ptper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only ray we ean determine whether or not the carriers are followiag instructions, f 'lone Main 81. PARCEL POST EXTENSIONS In spite of the prediction to the contrary by the express companies, the government parcel post system was a suc cess from the beginning. It even excelled the expectations of its most sanguine advocates. And now the post office department is reported to be working out a plan for the furtherance of our export trade through a radical ex tension of the foreign parcel post service. The details have not been made public, but it is understood that the plan contemplates taking off the present size and weight restrictions and making it possible to mail abroad any thing that can now be mailed from one point to another in the United States. The purpose is to bring the American manufacturer into direct relations with the foreign merchant or consum er. Hitherto the biggest manufacturers have had an ad- cantage in the export trade, because they alone could af ford the expense of developing it. The object of the gov ernment in this new project is said to be to give every body an equal chance at the foreign markets, just as the domestic parcel post has already served to equalize oppor tunities in our own markets. It looks like an admirable move. The federal trade commission is understood to be directly interested in it, along with the general promotion of export trade, al though it was supposed to be primarily created to "regu late" business. Maybe business doesn't need so much regulating any more as the people thought. Anyhow, it is well to have the various administrative departments of the government co-operating in a campaign to win all possible legitimate trade advantages abroad for American business, and in fostering business democracy in both our export and domestic commerce, is the conclusion of one of our able editorial exchanges, and we quite agree with that opinion. There are things about the management of the state fair that might be much improved if somebody connected with its affair would only stop and think a moment. Here is one of them: There were 10,000 or 15,000 people on the grounds last night and the principal attraction and entertainment was a band concert, and most of them tried to get into an auditorium, probably large enough to hold 1000 or 1200 people by violation of all rules of safety in event of fire or accident. Naturally nine persons out of ten were disappointed last nierht. when if the band had! any ten-cent piaster casts or Romeo, played out of doors everybody might have heard it and! "gj SiJSL enjoyea n, wnne a iew wno were packed in tne audi- A Galley o Fun ! Mrs. HIGH ART. Cornerstone-Smith- -H.ive you Mrs. Madam. Cornerstone Smith Oh! How torium like sardines, sweltering and uncomfortable. The' dreadful r i-ve embroidered jaiiet, reason why an open air concert was not given was that ! Z TZZ nobody thought about it because there could have been;my snukespere-cozy-comer without no reasonable objection to it. There are other evidences Itbose men! that there should be an official thinker around the state fair offices. Regarding the Frank case, Georgia wants to be "let alone." But when it comes to sharing in the thirty-million-dollar cotton money which all the rest of us have to contribute to well, that's different, remarks the Boise; Statesman. WHAT MAN OWES TO HIMSELF The San Francisco fair will be entitled to national praise if it performs no other mission than to provide an! escape at one point in this country for the stream of thej numerous tad conventions sandwiched in among the legitimate. The state fair is a big institution because it fills a want in a state that is growing in population and industrial im portance very rapidly. It will be hard for a good many to choose between the state fair and pheasant shooting tomorrow. The "Welcome arch" on Court street really belongs in the art department at the state fair. The weather clerk has behaved like a gentleman this week. Some crowd at the fair grounds yesterday. RipplingRhijmos welt Mason WASTE OF WORDS Ever since the little' affair between Cain and Abel men have debated whether or not man is his brother's keeper. The question is properly debatable. But there is no room for debate on this proposition that; every man is his own keeper that he owes it to God and' Nature, his country and his community, his family and mmseir, lo Keep his ideals high and make his achivements worthy of him. No man can escape responsibility for wasted time. Here and hereafter he will be held to account. Hours are keen-edged tools with which he must work out his tem poral no less than his eternal destiny. m Oregon Electric Ry. DURABILITY. ' "These foreign noblemen are get ting more particular every year. The) not only expect n. girl to have money, but now they Insist upon her being beautiful also." "Well, you know that beauty Is ore lasting." TEA AT FIVE. Candles on pink-petaled globes, Daffodils aheathed all In green "Buds" In bewildering robes, Dainty, demure, and serene Think when they ask me to come Teas are for women a bore; But here's a comfort crumb Lilith is certain to pour! Llllth In flower-like guise, Putting the dnffles to shame; Smiling in friendliest, wise, Saying: "So glad that you came!" Likewise bestowing her smiles On men, and more men, for these Flock where sweet Llllth beguiles- Even to afternoon teas! Five and I haste to depart, , So do the others galore, Saying each oiie in his heart: "Llllth Is certain, to pour." But, at disquieting whiles, i Know, (i wonder do these?) , The gifted statesman makes a speech; we hear him rumble, growl and screech for weary hours together; we murmur, as the moments pass, "His lungs are surely made of brass, his larynx is of leather." In order to express a thought he springs five miles of tommyrot, of words that have noM-mio Miudi of smiies- bearinCl and how he hates to PPase tn snmit!1 vou r the afternoon tense! He cannot see he's wearied out his audience despairing. When will our public speakers learn that brevity will always earn the gratitude of hearers? Let speeches all be' shorn of gutf, until they are just short enough, and we will bless the shearers. No long oration is a treat; a man may have a voice as sweet as mockingbirds' or linnets, SPECIAL TRAINS SALEM TO PORTLAND Daily, Wednesday to Saturday Inclusive A special fast train will leave Salem at 5:00 p. m., stopping onlv at West Woodburn 5:30 p. m., Donald 5:38 p. m., Tualatin 6:00 p. m., Tigard 6:07 p. m., Garden Home 6:20 p. m. Arrive Portland, Jefferson Street, 6:40 p. m., and North Bank Station at 6:55 p. m. Connection arrives Woodburn 5:3S p. m. Thursday -Portland Day-and Saturday, Oct. 2 Leave Salem fl:15 p. m., arriving at Jefferson Street at 11:15 p. m. and Hoyt Street 11:30 p. m. These trainswill make stops to discharge passengers from Salem only. Regular Fast Trains Leave Salem Xorth bound 6:30 a. m., 9:45 a. in. (Limited), 11:20 a. m., 4:33 a. m. (Owl), 1:50 p. m., 3:40 p. m. (to Woodburn); 4:00 p. m. (limited); 5:37 p. in., 7:55 p. m.. South bound 10:11 a. m. (limited); 1:55 a. m. (Owl); 12:55 p. m.; 4:33 p. m.; 6:40 p. m. Low Kates to Salem from all Oregon Electric stations daily to Oct. 2. Good for return until Oct. 6. J. W. RITCHIE, Ageat, Salem. Leaving moral responsibility entire v out of consider;!-' but he becomes a drearv bore if hp is plomHnrr mnvo th1 nun, iimeer, me wonuer remains that any man can be twelve or htteen minutes. Condense, my friends; again, so stupid and so lacking in manhood as to neglect to make condense; don't let the words outweigh the sense, in good use of his time. j speeches or in writing; boil down your lecture or your To every normal human king Nature has given a1 screed, and all the folks who hear or read will find your jiiiuii. nus aim mis uiorie u is mat manes mm superior, work inviting, to the beast. .He can neither neglect his mind and avoid - the consequences, nor improve it and fail of his reward.1 Pq County Wins It may not be incumbent upon man to make something! r r I R A of his brother. Hut he cannot shrink the obligation to rirsS. ,ln. . J"1). H'.ake something of himself. j Girls Industrial Work Hill Asked To Assist In Big German Loan l&r V;) An Iowa editor asserts that the first man he 1 'oik routifv niifi Hvvnftlt'il first ltrii' saw via-... ... .... . :. ,.. , lating Iowa s new anti-tipping law was a senator who had pnrtm.-nt h ti.- ju.iK .vterjny .-v voted for it, and the second was a supreme court iudce.1 nft,'r '""s deliberation upon the nut in tin t'nuiif tition in this i'Iiisk !. Tnul. Sept. .10. .Tnmes J. Hill, rnilmnd iinigiinte, who played n promi nent rule in negotiation!- for the allied .riW,OOO.nou Imiii j being sounded out eoneeriiiiiii piirtieipation in the seeond liitf (iermau loan now being cubseribed to in the I'nited State. linns tirunon, tho Oerman consul here, tun npnroai'hed Hill's ON THE GRAND STAND. She Oh! every one knows that It takes nine men to make a team. He Oh! I don't know. Some of the pitchers seem to think they are the whole team. HUIE WING SANG CO. Big line of Waists, House, Dresses, Silk Goods, Men's and Boys' Suits, Pants and Overalls, Ladles', Gents, and Children's Underwear, Overshlrts, Sweaters and Shoes. Ladles' and Children's Fancy Dresses, Neckwear, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery, Gloves, Comforters, Blankets, Embroideries, Laces and Mattings. We make up Dresses, Wrappers, Kimonas and White Underwear. All goods selling at lower prices. , 291 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET Fourteen Speeders Arrested In First Three Days of Fair The Salem traffic officers have made fourteen arrests for speeding during the first three days of the fair and most of them have appeared at the po lice station to contribute the usual U) for stepping upon their accelerator. This morning Otto Klett's driver "was called upon to answm- a charge of ex ceeding the speed limit, C. J. Skeen, J K. I'attee, 11. Oilhman, W. J. Savage and a -Mr. Fitchard, of Independence, were ou the books on similar charges. Tuck O'Connor was arrested last night by the officers of this city upon a warrant from Portland charging grand larceny. O'Connor said he hud been soliciting for a Jitney bus in this city during the fair but claimed he did not know what the charge was for. Portland officers will arrive here today to look the man over and see if he is the one wanted in Portland. I SAH FRANCISCO EXPOSITION ) A good question to ask about any law is whether it' is practicable. It is no use to pass laws which public opinion1 "."" wmmerman"!'' of - s' w' w will not sustain-unless they are framed like OiiMn'! prohibition law which invites compliance with its nrnvis- ,M,V" Hml ',rU ' ""' K",,,, ' i . . . . . . . ions ny maiung liquor more plentili than urnier the old system. to te railed hefore 1924. It is not secured like the allies ' loan, and Is r j . , , ine stx iuites, who were members ,,. .. , . . . . , fill aild easier tO get' of the faculty of the Oregon Agrieultnr ! o, ""I 0,1 h'' ,"",, of ,0"r ,,,nrk" ,for I al college, e.e un,tinti.. in their r"'''' th" tmT "Some one has discovered," says the Baltimore Amor ican, "that there are live million hunters in this countrvJ and suggests that they would make a mighty good reserve,! but what we want is men who can hit something." Then1 ,'i why not induce the enemy to disguise themselves guides? asks the Hoston Transcript. praise of the evhibits as a whole nml, proclaimed is t'r in advance of ay other rvliibit ever hIiomi in this ntnte. marks equalled !it cents. GERMANS WERE STRANDED Snn Francisco, s,.i,t, ;t0. eighteen -l-l... r..n.... :.. . :.. i:-t .. .. i.. i... ' Mennan meri'lt!iiit ami ilnr tmn,l eil tit Manila as counties Boys' and OiiU' Industrial Work, l'istrii t No. I. .fl counties west of he Cascades: LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1$GS Capital $300,000.00 Transact a general hanking business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT First Polk county. Second l.nne county. Third IVugln county. Fourth Tillamook county. Fifth CUeViiutvs couutv. I'istriet No. B. all counties east of I . , . . I v. ny t tVITW in Manila and Samoa when their ships were interned, reached Sn Fran cisco today en the liner China. They brought word that 21 German freight ers, with big cargoes are interned in the oricht, fearing destruction or enp ture and th hmulred on board are leaving for the I'nited Mates. the Cascades Fii st Wnso county. Second- Malheur county. Third Morrow count v.' The basis of awards follons: Field products. Si) points. Onrdeii products, S3 points. IVflu'sti,' science, SO points. Club work, IS points. Possible cor 100 point. I l.u.-.. i',J' " t trunk J. Chenrv make onth tht he li snlor partner of the firm of K. J. Cheney to., ilotnir bn.in,.. in th nty of To leilo, Countr anil Hint .ron-wlil, ami that snhl firm will par Vr sum of ONE Ml MMtKH IHM.I.ARft for h ant v. err cm of Tsturrh that rsnnot N rirn by tli un of H Al t,-a c ATARllH orUK. FHANK J rilKVET. Bworn to oefer m mt autwi-rlheil In rny pres-ric, this th duy of IWembar, A. IV UM. (8.-B1) , Notary Puhlte. Hall's Catarrh Puro la tkt Intwnalty Indianapolis Nc' As awn as the war ends, it scorns, the proroM of iav- eta illrretlv upon ttia blond ami mi- ng ..eu-s must beg,,.. Slay he ; htah fwl ,n my",m luni t ne reason tne w-lliorents don t K J. CUKXRT CO. ToWdo. ( care to uicu pvac. I "r an nmlt. Tic. NEW LINES FOR A GUEST CHAM BER. Sleep cold hctween these chilly sfcjcta, Foor guest, whoe'er thou art, An,l nrnv Ihnon liAn,n.lni. May nerve thee to depart j Nor let the morrow find the, M ! Long suffering and meek. j Content to ey those comforts which ' Thou dost not dare to seek. j Nay! In this bleak and barren room' Indulge sweet dreama of Dlaht: Nor qunke when cast-off furniture Snaps out Its last Goodnight! HAPPY FAMILY. I Mrs. Scrapplngton A clergyman re-! ecivea five or ten dollars for marrying a couple, and by-and by a lawyer la paid a hundred dollars for getting a' divorce for them I Mr. Sempplngton Well, it's worth that uuch more, tint It? i EASILY WORKED. Crawford-The rich seem to bare trouble In dodging the duty on the things they bring over. I Crabshaw Why don't they engage the same lawyer who show them how lo dodge their taxes! SEVERE CRITICS. j Alice I like Tom Immensely, and he's very much the gentleman, but he 8nd for ! does like to talk about himself! ( Grace-Ye, dear, your knight hath 1 I thouiani Dr. W. A. COX Whew! PAINLESS DENTIST 303 State Street SALEM, ORE. Oh! Do not make your child suffer with toothaches. Children cannot study with any degree of success if they are bothered with tooth troubles. Let me examine your children's teeth and put them in shape for the school year. My painless methods will' save hours of suffering. AlllYVork Guarantcd for 10 Years Lady attendant. Phone 926 Taki Hall rinur rtu rr oattptloa