THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPT. 30. 1915. TffREE 1TH0UT LADIES' WAISTS And Middy Blouses; Silks, Crepes, Lawns and Fancy Lingerie. Regular $1.50, $2.00 and up. 49c and 98c MEN'S MACKINAWS Heavy Wool Mackinaws, regular $8.50 to $10. We bought them at prices and can save you from $2 to $3.50 $6.50 Friday and Saturday will witness unprecedented business, a fitting finish to our most remarkable sale. Salem's big store with its thousands of genuine bargains, has shown its popu larity with the masses. Come on Friday and Saturday. : : ATTEND SALEM'S GREATEST BARGAIN EVENT LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WINTER GOATS Ladies' $10.00 and $12.00 English Kersey, Plush and Cloth Coats x $495 Ladies' Caricule, Plush, Persian Lamb Coats, $12.50, $15.00 and $16.50 $7.90 Ladies' $17.50 and $20.00 Long Plush and Novelty Coats on sale at $10.90 Misses' and Children's Coats, Corduroys, Cari cules, and Novelty Tweeds, $2.50, $4.50 and up to $7.50 $1.98, $3.90 Hosiery 18c, 20c and 25c Hosiery for ladies and children; Cotton Ribbed or Fleeced. All sizes. Fast Black. 10c, 18c MILLINERY Ladies' Velvet and Plush Shapes, all new; $1, $1.50 and $2. 49c and 9gc Trimmed Hats, Sailors, Turbans, etc., to $1.50, $2, $2.50 .98c and $149 Latest New York styles trimmed Hats, $3.50 to $6.00 $1.98 to $3.50 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 Chil dren's Velvet, Corduroy, Cloth Hats ....49c to 55c Boys' Clothing $3.50, $4 and $5 School Suits, ages 5 to 15 years. Sale prices mean a saving as our prices are $1,98, $2.35, $3.48 SILKS, DOMESTICS AND DRESS GOODS 27-in. Silk Mulls, all colors, plain or dotted, 35c and 40c values 3c $1.00 Soft Messaline Silks, all colors and black, on saIeat 68c 36-in. and 40-in. All Wool Crepes and Serges, regu lar 65c and 75c 3QC 40-in. Gabardines and Wool Serges; regular 85c and $1.00, sale 4gc 10c and l22c Dress Ging hams and Outing Flannels, during sale . g JJC 122c and 18c Ducks, Gala teas, Cretonnes, etc., sale prices 8 l-3c and q Ladies' Tailored SUITS AND DRESSES Ladies'. $10.00 and $12.00 Plain and Shepherd Check Suits; special for Fair Week . $6.90 Ladies' $14.95 and $16.50 New Fall Suits of Serges and Novelty Weaves Ladies' $17.50 and $20.00 Man-tailored Suits; blues, greens and browns $11.90 Ladies' $22.50 and $25.00 elegant models in latest materials tailored suits $13.90 UNDERWEAR For Men, Women and Children Men's 65c Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, sale price - 39c $1.25 Union Suits, Derby Ribbed, Closed Crotch, sale price 39c Women's Fleeced Vests, Pants' and Union Suits, sale price . . . .23c and 48c Children's Ribbed Fleece Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, sale 23c Cottoir Blankets Blankets of every size, weight and price. Double Blankets from $1.00 to $2.50 the pair. Sale price 68c and $1.65 Ladies' and Child's Shoes Regular $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 dress and school shoes priced for rapid sell ing at $1.18, $1.35 and $1.98 THE GREATER CHICAGO STORE 1 Im ' m m : . V Conversation Between New i York and Paris and London Easy Matter B j Sari Francisco, Kept. 30. "The prob- lem of talkiug across tlio Atlantic has j been solvocl. Before we finish our la-' I bora, a mail in this city rim talk to Lon I don or ravin as easily an ho now talks j to Now York." j In this manner John .T. Carty, oltief j i engineer of the American Telephone j and Telegraph company today discussed j the successful experiment yesterday J with what many regard as the most sic- j j nifiennt invention since the wireless ; I wireless telephony. i Conversation across the continent by; i means of the wireless telephone became j i a reality when President Theodore N. Vail and other officials of the Amer ican Telephone and Telegraph company at New York talked with Carty at Have Island by radio tclcr.snne. The voices at both sides of the continent were per fectly audible. Vail spoke into an ordinary telephone at New York. His words were carried by wire to the government radio station at Arlington, Va. Tho words were transferred automatically to the radio tower, whence they traveled throwrh. spnee to this side of me continent. The message was received at re Island' j by radio telephone, and answered j through ordinary transcontinental tele-i phones. I According to officials of the com-j pnny .talking across the Atlantic to Kurope and across tho Pacific to Japan is now only a matter of installing the I necessary apparatus. j The possibilities of the new Invention appear limitless. Communication from j vessel to vessel at sen, and from vessel i to shore will be possible, it. is believed. The navy department is closely watch-1 ing developments and has been co oper- j ating with the telephone company fur1 several months. - ; Carty at Maro Island, Cal. These feats followed exhaustive tests that ! have been going on since spring. The effect wireless telephony will hnvo on the wireless telegraph basilica's 1 commercially officials said frankly they do not yet know, as the commercial angle has not yet entered iuto tho discovery. PURE FOOD DEPARTMENT 35c Fresh Roasted Coffee, our own special blend, sale 23c I 45c and 50c English Break fast and Ceylon Teas; buy for cash at 39c Aster Brand Condensed Milk and Krinkle Corn Flakes 4 for 25c Full Count Safety Match es, Pacific coast product, 1 dozen boxes 40c Hawaiian Sliced Pineap ple, regular 25c size, sale price 20c 2 oz. bottle Extract, regu lar 25e size, sale price now only Jgc fnnnvl A snnrncriiQ rocn. lar 25c size, Fair Week j price 19c 1-lb. can Columbia River Salmon, regular 20c size, 2 for 25c Pay Cash for Groceries and Buy for Less. , Telephony tb Hawaii, New York, Sept. 30. Wireless tele phony from tho Atlantic senbonrd to Hawaii, a distance of 4,(100 mjles, is mi established fact, the American Tele phone and Telegraphic company an nounced today. . Speech, sent from Washington last night wiib received by the small wire less antenna established by Lloyd F.s penshied, the company engineer sent specially to Honolulu for the test. The message went 2,1)00 miles overland and the rest of the way to Hawaii over wa ter. The distance thus covered is greater than from New York to London and other important Kurrrvun points. Officials said that wireless telephony between America and Kurope is assured as soon as conditions abroad are set tled. Talking to Kurope will be easier than to Han Francisco, as sound curries better over water than over land. The Hawaiian conservation followed a few hours after President Vail hud talked with Chief Knglneer Carty. Hayesville District Sun day School Convention v (Capital Journal Special Service.) Rickey, Ore., Sept. 2(1. Tho Hayes ville district convention which held its quarterly session here today wus well attended. While not so many as were present at the two great summer con ventions, yet tho crowd was not only large but appreciative. Dr. Kpplcy conducted his round table in a manner both pleasing and help ful to all. Tho program printed in these columns was carried out in full. The day was showery but tho large crowd took it good niituredly. Tho close proximity of the state fair kept some away no doubt. Hut. those who attended were amply repaid for the effort of reaching the hospitable little settlement of Mickey. I'm turn did herself proud, She se- Largest Show In Salem TODAY VAUDEVILLE Bob and Peggy Valentine nVhimsicalities'' Singing, Talking and Dancing Act Pictures Nestor Comedy Feature Lizzie and the Beauty Contest Kex Feature Cleo Madison In "The Pine's Revenge" Universal Weekly All the World's Latest News. Entire change of program Tomorrow. WEXFORD THEATRE Matinee 2 to 3 dally. Always 10 Cents Bligh Theatre "Best Show In Town" Complete Change of Program Today Vaudeville AND Pictures cured both of the beautiful banners. The Monnonites with their splendid at tendance captured one. The l'ratuin Methodist Sunday school making a get away with tho other. Kverybody wuu pleased, evea the Sunday school who got nothing rejoiced with those who went successful und iclt thnt both of the winners enrned their bnnners. Tho next meeting is scheduled for Hazel (liovo, December 2(1. I'ittsburg Chronicle Telegraph: Thorn is a widespread hope that this 'year's: turkey crop will bo as bountiful us tho uther crops. Setting Gum 5 PEPPERMINT-IN RED WRAPPER ' CINNAMON -IN BLUE WRAPPER L Rockefeller's Visit to Colorado May Mean Important Business Deal to issue a statement to the public late today or tomorrow regarding its fail ure to prosecute Rockefeller or any of the operators in connection with the Ludlow strike riots. According to Attorney Belcher the statement will make a last appeal to the authorities to administer "equal jus tice" instead of prostourtng only form er strikers. HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY Seventeen Year Old Girl WAR BULLETINS to make her own way, rather than to live in the lap of luxury, with her own rp. rw - ill 'electric coupe and every attention a I ires oi Luxunous wicness i giri could desire. . , , ,. r Hut she found that to shift for her- Amsterdam, Kept J0.-S.jc eppebns self she had to struggle along on a mea-1 wpre '"'' noumng westward over ger salary, not mere than enough to A"r".' J1"1- Helgimn, today, in a course P . . I ilikul I tn it. h it f In. ! h mi nm iff Denver, Colo., Sept. 30. Preferring to mane ner .own living, miner man . ,juy fimie Tl(.t) to()f h,,r stay in tho ltixurous home of her weal-' j,uy ttB department svore eleik, was in thy parents in Seattle, Wash., eveu-j sufficient to provide car fares so she rl.l Ho.,l Hill iim l,r.rn : warned eacn iny iu worr, ana wneu teen year three weeks ago. ! she returned . ' night (lit destined to take them maintained. i laundry in the Y. W. C. A i in order to "miiKe tiotn ends meet." ( She will be sent home to her parents, RURAL CREDITS DISCUSSED De nver. Colo.. Sent. 30. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. 's, presence in Colorado j "t a time, when it is charged a big merger of Colorado coal companies is under way, led today to a report thaf he came to attach tho merger to his uther state interests. Rockefeller, -who is in conference with Colorado Fuel & Iron company officials, however, ridiculed the report and insisted he came to inspect living "mditiont and to otherwise study the situation in hia mines personally. A demand has been made upon the attorney general of the state to stop the alleged merger as a violation of Colo rado anti-trust lawa. ' The committee from the United Mine Workers' executive board is expected Today a detective found her as she i. ...i.flA. nAnn.Bl Ijl. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 30. How 212,- lvetv w;n(i,)W jr jetter in the name) 000 women are building up a mighty of Mp,.RRy (Hark." I national organization for helping mi-1 Wn0 lnH detective told her her par- fortunate Humanity, is Dcing u"'"1"" . ents w;ro frantic at her absence and she to Heattle today during, the second day ! wBs ,,onvinrc(i he identified her, the Kncrnmcnto, Cal., Kept. 30. That a of the 34th annual nieeting of the board i girl bro),e ,)own , tll him all about i form of rural credits is absolutely neces of managers o fthe Woman 's Home Mis- V(1ltur0Ug trip. Mho disliked school sary tr. check the ever increasing prac sionary Society, in session at the First jlie ui(1( 9nd nt,., l0 g t to seejtke of leasing land to orientals in Cali Methodist EpiscOl church. some of the world outside of Seattle. fornin. is one of the important points The afternoon session promises loW, ma)e ), way ,prv ,,) changed , brought cut at public hearings being ono of usual interest for it is to Mi),, I1(lmP cre t,a obtained a room eon-l.'Ctcd by the state rural credits featured by reports of heads of mis.(jn ,)C y w c A 8n(j wori,eu even-1 commission which is to report to the Cardiff. Wales. Sent. .10. For the her own fourth time within a few weeks. Wales basement, i had strlko troubles today, for 5,000 ; coal miners in the soiillierp district quit work as a protest against employment of non-union workers. ."1 sions from all sorts of remote and ln- j i(e ( , dancing academy, after work-! state legislature following an investiga lv corners af the country, even into the, j 1)al(1 g) di Bt gn,al i,ug,. a $e. t;on far nortnern pan vi ECCENTRIC MAN DIES Prl.n. Or..' Beot. 30. Believed to be the result of injuries Sustained whenj oartment store, Tho craving for footlights was upon her, so she answered aflvertismenta for girls to appear in a local vaudeville house. The manager admired her beauty struck bv an automobile whila carrying! and Immediately engaged her at i siruiK , ,. v Inilirl nnl ml. . mnnt-ia .ion an advertising - t ..-m .-. ...i r.r I. .!o.i. tnliiv .iiut-v ....t-.-, r . 1 l..l hof liiaann hllf all crin. She admitted that her three weeks Bank books shew hundred dollars in deposit. Berlin, via London, Kept. 30. Rus sians are retreating southeast, of Vilna after making counter attacks, today's official statement claimed, Fast of Hmorgon, the Teutons broke the Hlav ' posit ion snd captured ,0U0 men, , I fessed the bad been extremely auxious i prohibition at the next election London, Kept. 30. Major Ocneral fieorgn Thesiger, a hero of the Hoer: war, and Lieutennnt (lencrnl Hir Tliomp-! Tli r,iiii.;ii)n was told how the ! son Capper, urnininent in rmndun Bt- practice is making it hard, under pres-1 fairs, have been kiUe.l In France, it Wss1 ent conditions, for whiles to cope with j officially announced today. I orientals, particularly the Jupanese and Imfh urged a form of rural credits to ) London, Kept. 30, The American ship encourage whites to purchase and settle Vincent of 2,000 tons, owned In lU.ston.l on lands. i burned at e en route from ,Vew York Kev. O. 5'. Candier, president of the to Archangel, according to dispatches California dry federation, predicted , today. Her crew was reported saved. thnt California will vote in favor of Three of tho crew, however, were In jured. MUTUAL MASTER PICTURES Ye LIBER TY Thursday - Friday - Saturday The TOAST OF DEATH Or "A Woman's Duplicity" The nay that Created a World Sensation. ROMANTIC REALISTIC DARING THRILLING l'rodiiced by tho Famous Motion i'icture Director, TIIOMAH H. INCK. Featuring the horeeu Favorites Louise Glaum, Harry G. Kcenan and Hcrschcl Mayall From the moment tin; 1'ilneo fulls a victim to the wiles of I'oppen, of the Imperial Bullet, until he i! rinks "the toast of death" to his t'ul-e friend, you will hold your breath with wonder mid suspense. The beauti ful Louisa Glaum will win your hearts. - Impressive Stage Settings COMEDY FEA TURES REGULAR ADMISSION Adults. 10c Children 5c