THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. ORtt., THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1915. TEN - . IMU 5 ii 1 ilNfllflN Bm m m u ilii 11 1 uivvibw kbk I I HUT tT7 I nnnnrnn iiniim mil It DON'T THE "Electricity On the Farm" EXHIBIT at the STATE SELL YOUR CROPS to YOUR OWN CATTLE Through YOUR NDIANA SILO It Means MORE FEED CHEAPER FEED BETTER FEED See our exhibition silo and get our free Silo Books at State Fair THE CHAS. K. SPAULDING LOGGING CO. Mfrs. Douglas Fir Lumber. Salem, Oregon. Watch this Space Tomorrow R. M. WADE PORTLAND, OREGON IVIlOkJ 1 Bl LAItol IVItlllUUi , Ml FAIR I to become acquainted not only with every farmer in this locality, but every citizen of Salem. Come and visit us. You will always be welcome- Yours truly Charles R. Archerd Implement Co. Salem, Oregon Capital Soap and Angora Rug Co. Tanners of Furs and Leathers Manufacturers of Fur Rugs and Robes We buy or tan all kinds of hides. C. LACHELE, Prop. Phone 683. 1230 Ferry St., Salem, Oregon PLEASE READ - We will have a branch at the Fair. We wholesale and retail. We sell the best Cider that Apples can make. We sort and cleanse all apples before grinding. We don't use preservative unless or dered so. We deliver anywhere in the city and We do custom work promptly. Bring plenty barrels. We l)iiy (rood eider apple. We Hell vincgnr aged from pnro apple cider. We want you to use our goods. Why notf Remember our pliono ia 2191. Commercial Cider Works SALEM, ORE. AMERICAN NAVY BEGINSTO GAME" Norfolk, W. Va., ffopt. .10. While naval force of Kurope are in death grips, tho If. 8. navy today was play ing at war. The gray fleet of Admiral Fletcher, comprising over eighty ves sels, wan stripped for netion tint a gainst oirly an imaginary foe. Actual war condition prevailed among the thousands of bliiojucots and murine, but their hnm liBttle was In marked coal rnst fo the real conflict abroad. For tho next few days the Ncini Mil ium I "war game" will' occupy the en tire Atlantic, fleet. The battle ground thin fall I off the southern Atlantic const. Last spring tho war game wiih Your Grocer Gives You Choice Of Either .EPPiiBS AKIN6 POWDER PUTUPlNGLASSJARS 0r EPPLEY'S PURE PHOSPHATE Made in Salem Tj nni . Hfif i ui I mi 1 1 umn u ir vijii riii a i, in 1 1 1 1 1. 1 iiiiii in ih i it held off the northern coast. Hamp ton Roads is the present base of oper ations. The "fighting" will occur at sea however. The fleet is divided into two di visions the red and blue fleets. The actual strategic maneuvers to lie work ed out are being kept a profound se cret. Nne but tho highest officers of the fleet are advised. The two fleets are practically suiting to sea under seal ed orders. According to tho best information today, the red and blue fleets will en Rage in a strugglo for the defense of CliurloHt S. (',, nvy yard, the Ports mouth navy yard ami test the defenses of fortress Monroe, which guards the entrance to the nation's rapitul and the Chesapeake. Conditions on the fleet today were those of real war. wrtm, earnest and determined, as if a real battle, the opening maneuver of the big "game" .wrought the bluejackets to a high pitch of excitement. Kails and super structure of battleships, emitter and torpedo boats have been hauled down. The ships are stripped to buttle con dition, The present war fcme is of pecul iar importance and interest among nnv la officials. Lesson of the Kuropean war are to he tested. Submarines, bat tle cruisers, scout ships and mine laver are to take an important and larger part in the maneuvers. oine of the battleships have been "designated" as leviathan battle cfinsors. Fuel uud tender vessels have beeu designated as submarine craft. Stratagem of the war game was plan ned at the WaslunMion war college. Several problems tested out in the of fices of the college this vear are to be tried out under actual fighting condi tions. Ability of the sunninrlnos, with out other support, to successfully de fend harbor entrance similar to' that of Hampton lioads will be tested. Naval hydroplanes will also take part in the war game a scouts, Rough weather imi.ti.... -;n, i, is hoped for to test their ability to I return io their stations In heavy sens. Signal practice and torpedo tube drills will also be given. I poii the war gams 3epond to a groat extent the policy jif uaval de fense to be adopted by the coming con gress. The success of the submarines ill be a factor in determining how extensive the sul, murine building pro gram will be. DELAY EXECUTION Washington, Sept. ,10 President Wil son today wired Governor Sprv of Utah, to delay the execution of Joe Hillstroin, I. V W I I A. J.-- the hands of state firing squad at Salt t ake tomorrow morning for the mnrderl Chemawa Girls Give Demon stration In Old Pavilion To Housewives The work of the Chemawa girls' can ning club is attracting favorable atten tion in the old pavillion at the state fair grounds. The domestic science department? of the Indian Training school, for the past two years has given specinl attention to flie latest process es in canning, and the regular canning club of Chemawa has been brought in to favorable notice by flic prizes won iir competition with Salem, Koseilale and the Thurston canning clubs of Lane county. As representatives of the Chemawa club tho following girls have been dem onstrating their methods each dny: Alice Kceley, Leona John, Marion Mc C'lusky, Mary Lester and Julia Hills. Tuesday, the work of demonstration was taken up with canning tomatoes, by what is known as the cold pack process. Tho girls have put up several hundred cans this year, and those on display showed the canned goods to be preserved in perfect form. Practical demonstrations of the cold pack process were given Wednesday with beets, while Thursday, the day was taken up with a demonstration of the proper method of canning chicken by the cold pack process. Last year the Chemawa girls were in competition with Salem canning clubs, one from Rosedale and the Thurston club from i.nne county, but this year the work Is being done only by the girls from Chemawa. Under the direction of county agriculturist L. J. Chapin, in co-operation with the superintendent at Chemawa, the girls have been working all summer, and so much interest has been taken in this practical work that at present tho class numbers 153. As this cold pack process of canning is of special interest to every woman, the booth has been crowded every day with interested spectators, asking ques tions and learning every detail of the work. tu cunning pears, the girls worked as follows: After peeling and quartering the pears, they wcie packed tight in an economy jar, filled with boiling syrup, two parts of sugar and pne part water. After dipping the lids in cold water, they were tnen placed on the jars and clamped. Tho jars were then placed in a pressure cooker and brought to a pressure of five pounds for fifteen minutes. Where thu years arc full ripe, they are left iu the pressure cooker but ten minutes. Tho pressure is then let down and the jars tuken out and cooled. Where there is no pres sure cooker, any boiler may be used, only a much longer time is required. Time tables covering the fanning of fruits and meats may be secured of county agriculturist L. J. Chapin, or by writing the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis. The same process should be followed in the canning of apples, peaches nud other soft fruits. The tomatoes canned by the girls were almost perfect in shape and had th appearance of fresh fruit. In this work the process was as follows: The tomatoes were scalded to loosen the skins, then dipped in co4d water to set the color. After reeling, they were packed solid in tho economy jars, and one tenspoouful of salt water added to each quart. The lids and clamp arc again carefully cooled before placing on the jars. They are then cooked for fifteen minutes under a five pound pressure. That this process is the right one for canning is sunwn by the sam ples now on display in tlie canning booth. In the tougher and harder veg etables, a pressure of ten pounds is maintained. With the tougher or harder vegeta bles like beets, after being scalded and dipped in cold water, thev are packed ia the jars for 10 minutes" under a ten pound pressure. It should be remembered that where the pressure cooker is not avnilnble, all this can be done with an ordinary boiler, only about three or four time as long is required for the boiling. LIST OF PREMIUMS (Continued from page 0.) don, Newberg. Cliampiou senior stallion F. C. Wolf, Woodlnirn. Champion junior stallion M. S. Levy, I'nion, Oregon. Oraud Champion stallion F. P Wolf. Grand Champion mare M. S. Lew. Nest show of ponies and equipment 8ecial premium X(. . Lew. French and Gorman Coiieh Cham pion senior stallion C. P. Clover. New berg. Champion senior mare II. O. Hoed igheimer, Salem. C.rand champion stallion C. P. Clover. Grand Champion mare B, O, Boed igheimer, Hockney (Horses) Champion junior and grand cham pion stallion I.. O. Armstrong, Oak land, Oregon. Ayrshlres (Cattle) Grand rhamnion Lull vult T tMKMMtt LUMBER In fact a complete stock 1 l ij t i t i Kinas. quality tne oesc, Capital City Lumber Co. A. B. Kelsay, Manager. 349 S. 12th Salem, Oregon. Phone 436 :: Champion senior and junior bull Walter J. Domes. Champion senior and junior marcs Walter J. Domes. Percherons (Horses) Chnmpion stallion A. H. Hartley, Island City. , Champion mare J. B. Stump, Mon mouth. Belgian Horses. C.rand champion stallion Waldo Hills Belgian Association. English Shire. Grand chnmpion stallion W. R. Led better, Alice!, Oregon. Grand champion mare W. R. Led bctter. Livestock Judges. All horses E. J. Iddlings, Moscow, Idaho. Dean of agriculture, Union City, Idaho. Beef Cattle B. O. Cowan, Santa Monica, Cal. Dairy Breeds Geo. P. Grant, Duluth, Minnesota. Sheep H. H. Koim, Ridgefield, Washington. fudging progressing well will be finished today. Excellent educational feature of judging this yenr is a lec ture delivered by judges after making awards calling attention to the points of merit upon which stock is made perfec tions of winners and defects of losers. TO STUDY FOERESTKY Missoula, Mont., Sept, ,10. Word was received here today that E. H. F. Swuin,! district forester at Narrabri, New South I Wales, Australia, was en route to the! United States to make a study of Amcr-! ican forest administration for the Aus-I tralian government. He intends to en-1 ron in tne forest school of the Uni versity of Montana at Missoula and will inspect the timber properties in the state. FAIR WARNING Falls City - Salem Lumber Company Main OmC0 .at 299 orth Commercial Street Telephone 813 fHH Cement, Lime. Plaster, Roofing Paper, Sash and Doors BUILDERS HARDWARE Paints, Oils, ). Varnish, White Lead and Glass of building materials of all f 1 1 i i T price me lowest. Knight's Pickles, Vinegar and Condiments are being demonstrated during State Fair week on sec ond floor new Exhibits Building. We would like to have you sample our Products. Knight Packing Company Portland, Oregon HORSE DERAILED TROLLEY Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 30. Striking a horse which had wandered on tho tracks, a Pnyallup trolley car was de railed near Firwood station early today and four persons were injured. Tlicy are: Mrs. D. II. Hogue, B. S. Hunter, W. L. Lagquist and Don Bacon, all of Puynllup. Motorman Hoffman was bruised and cut by b'eaking glnss. If you have in mind the erec tion of a HOUSE, or a BARN or a GARAGE next year or year after next, PLEASE RECONSIDER the time for buying LUM BER, and BUILDING MA TERIAL at a real SAVING was never more opportune than NOW. We give you FAIR prices and FAIR dealings during FAIR WEEK and every other week throughout the year. Inspect our stock and get our prices. 'i . .uorrunn ana nl son, Arun in January, 101 1, Ponies, McCoy,