Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 30, 1915, Image 1

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nn rmirA mvirfl ON TRAINS AMD NBV.B
riuuJCi i n yj Kjiui xj stands fivb omnm
"vi 4 f
Reports Defeat of
English and Admit French
German and Russian Cannon
Thunder About Dvinsk
Fortress Today
Paris, Sept. 30. Tho most intense
fighting of the vast; combnt on the
western front is raging along a line six
miles from Loos to Hill 140. The An-glo-French
forces have penetrated the
enemy's defense in some sections and
have been halted in others. Their ob
jectives are Lens, the Vimy heights and
Douul. Between Souchez and Vimy, the
French positions have beon maintained,
it is officially claimed.
The heaviest battling continues in
the Champagne, but there is no cessa
tion of the struggle at any point. Mean
time, the German forces are making
strong attacks at several points in a
desperate effort to draw off the allies
from the Artois and Champagne
Thousands have been slain in the
battlo west of Lens. There Germans
are dealing big counter attacks in an
effort to maintain at this highly im
portant point. The bomb battle before
the wire cntagleliieiits thoro has been
The first wounded arriving here from
the Lens combat reported that the
British became hopelessly confused
"luring the fight. Smoke of the artil
lery enveloped regimonts and. blotted
from sight fields and hills, while the
roaring guns made it impossible to
bear the commands of officers.
"We got our directions at the start
to charge," said a Trench officer
wounded in the head, "and wo just
tried to keep running that way. It was
impossible to see through the dust and
smoke after wo had gone a snort dis.
L lance. If a bullet or a piece of shell
hit a man's arm he would spin around
.Mini perhaps start in the wrong direc
"Rut when we got close to the
'bochos' entanglements, we always
Know whore we were. Though the din
of the guns was great, it couldn't drown
out the jells of the men fighting their
way through the entanglements. Every
fresh yell meant that another group
had penetrated the entanglements and
were giving the 'bodies' the steel."
A famous French commander, it is
known, participated in a cavalry at
tack and drove the Germans from their
guns in the Champagne. Prisoners de
clared that the appearance of cavalry
surprised them, for it had been be
lieved cavalry could not be used, par
ticularly in the hilly Champagne region.
The cavalry charge against the Ger
man guns was planned by. General
.loffre, the French commander in chief.
For weeks, the horse had been trained
for the dash into the Teuton fire
zone. ,
" Mobilization cannot 'continue in
definitely," said Premier Venizelos.
11 Greece is prepared to defend Hie in
tegrity of her territory and to with
stand efforts of any other nation to
b"i ome predominant in the Balkns."
French Continue Advance.
Paris, Sept. 30. Several new points
(Continued on Pace Mix.)
Ther'a very little discussion o' peace
"r war down our way, 'cept by folks
talk too blame.l much on any ut.
J1!, fi hate t' belong t' th' Bankers'
"-wiauon an' have t' listen t' an an
'"ens ever few davt.
Polk County Wins first Place
On Its Agricultural Ex
hibit At Fair
The Portland Day, Transportation
Day and Elks Day at the state fair was
drawing thousands of spectators
through the gates but it is doubtful if
the attendance will reach the record
made yesterday which will stand as the
record breaker for some time to come,
according to old fair goers, who are
confident that more people were in
side tho enclosure yesterday than ever
The general program this morning in
the new auditorium was largely of the
nature of a welcome to the fair visitors
and George Hardy, manager of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce, made
tho principal address. Mr. Hardy is a
genuine booster and the things he suid
about Oregon made every citizen of
the state proud that they had selected
Oregon as a home. Mr. Hardy's re
marks were substantiated by the exhib
its shown and all who attend the fair
this year will see the actual works as
the evidence behind the volumes of
booster talks that have been aivon in
the punt.
I lie livestock parade was pulled off
this afternoon and the blooded stock
filed past tho grandstand bearing their
ribbons won in the competition. The
race program- began at 1:30 with the
grandstand jammed to the roof and the
two special races scheduled for today
aroused keen interest among the lover's
of the sport of kings.
The judges awarded the prize for the
agricultural exhibit to Polk county for
me counties ot tlie second district
which comprises the counties west of
ttie cascade exclusive of tho coast
counties. Benton was second, Lane
third, Clackamas fourth, Linn filth,
.lackson sixth, Multnomah seventh and
Washington eighth. Of the counties
of the third district, which is the east
ern Oregon district, Union comity took
first place. Morrow second, Wallowa
third, Malheur fourth and Umatilla
The premiums were awarded nro-
rata for each district, basing the
amount or money to be divided from
each district upon the number of Coun
ties entered. The money to- be divided
according to the score which has not
yet been compiled. Each countv exhib
it draws $100 if its exhibit qualifies
mm in auiimon mere is a special
award of $30 for first, $25 for second
and $15 for third to go to the three
counties scoring the greatest number
of points in each district. Marion coun
ty eompeter tor the beauty of the ex
hihit alone and will doubtless be award'
ed first prize in this department.
lue i'ortland public scuools won out
over aaiem in the manual training de
partment by an extremely narrow mar
gin among districts of the first class,
The quality of the workmanship count
ed ior wo points ana tue beauty of the
exhibit for 10 points and the judgc9
wrungieu upon tnoir decision uut I 11
o'clock this morning.
inree special trains in addition to
the regular trains arrived this niornine
over the Southern Pacific and the
Transportation special alone carried
tiOO passengers. Two Elks specials ar
rived over tno uregon Klectrie at 10:30
and the roads were lined with autos.
lesterday there were about 4.000 autos
parked inside the grounds and this
morning at W:30 every inch of available
parking space was occupied.
vt hen Aviator Alunter flew this af
ternoon be enrried aloft with him a
package of cards which he turned loose
in nip nir to noat down to ine specta
tors. The cards were from the fair
board and bore the welcome of this
body to the fair visitors. The cards
were printed by the students of the in
dustrial department of the Deaf school.
Difficult To Understand
Changes In Market
(Copyright 1015 by the New York Ev
ening Post.)
New York, Kept. 30. A market such
as today's, with early advances of one
to five points and subsequent decline
of three to ten points in numerous
stocks, followed by subsequent violent
recovery to tbe.day's highest point will
be regarded differeutly in different
To the speculative outside public, the
fact thnt the violent mid-day break
brought such heavy buying orders as to
promptly cancel losse, rs the outstnnd
fact. Their inference will be that noth
ing can really shake the market.
The more conservative are more like
ly to remnrk that the mere fact of n
break testifies to the precarious nature
of tho present speculation.
, The dav'a news was only on the pro
gress of plans for floating the European
loan. This has no immediate bearing on
stock values, but is of the utmost im
portance a an indication of confidence
of our financoial houses in the financial
strength and resources of our country.
It if particularly fortunate for the
borrowing governments that the opera
tion eomes at a time when their armies
on the western front are achieving
Fatalities In City Alone Fill
- Number Not Less Than
' Dozen
Fishing Villages Wiped Out
and Railroad Traffic
Washington, Sept. 30. Con- .
siderable loss of life, and great
damage to property was report-
ed in New Orleans In a direct
mossngo to the weather bureau
this afternoon from the hurri-
cane swept city.
Galveston, Texas, Sept. 30. Fragmen
tary wireless reports from New Orleans
picked up here, indicate storm fatalities
there will not exceed a dozen, and that
property loss is not us great as at first
feared. Tho waters are receding.
The message was not complete as the
air conditions ure unfavorable for trans
mission. it is believed fatalities along the
Louisiana coast are heavy and the dam
age millions of dollars.
Traffic Is Resumed.
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 30. Railroad
traffic between here and New Orleans
was resumed today when a train passed
over Loke Ponchartrain, where com
inunication was broken last night by
floods following in the wake of the New
Orleans hurricane.
Passnuuinchic reported that the storm
struck it with terrific force. Wire
communication with New Orleans is
still interrupted nnd no direct word
had come from there.
Albert Fritz waB reported to have
been electrocuted by a live wire.
Tho levee below New Orleans is re
ported broken with the Mississippi
flooding in there. Several-fishing vil
lages are said to have been wiped out
Communication was still shut off at
Terrv Out of Commission.
San Francisco, Sept, 30. A message
received at the Southern Pacific rail
road company's offices here today
stated the storm which swept over
ntirhem Louisiana vesterdav effected
New Orleans and adjacent for ninety
miles west.
The messace stated the Southern Pa
cific ferry service to New Orleans is
out of commission, but it is expected to
be restored by tomorrow. There have
been no trains out of New urieans since
yesterday, the mesasge said.
Pnrtlnud. Or.. Rent. 30. Seventy
flpven electric traction mniruntes of the
east and middle west, en route to the
convention of tho American r.iectric
Railway association at Kan Francisco
next week oje bei'ig entertained hen:
today. They nrrid by spcjml train
a .'l.J thia itlnrnlntf nnit will leave
for the bay city at 8:15 tonight. There
are also women ami children, rum
ilies of the delegates, in the imty
San Francisco, Sept. 30. After bat
tling with one of the worst typhoons
along the Jupunese const in the past
Id venrs, the liner China arrived today
with 120 passengers, l.OO0,000 in gold
nnd an equal amount of silks. The craft
was in the 100 mile gule for 30 hours.
Washington, Kept. 30. A small slide
iu the i'unnina canal was reported to
the Washington wnr department.
Passage will be impossible before Oc
tober 5.
Orgon: Gen
erally fair to
night and Fri
day; variable
your I
Press Day Manufacturers Day
Scandinavian Day.
. : (Morning.)
0:00 to 12:00 Concerts on
grounds by Hebel's Cherrybud
11:00 High Wire perform-
ance, Prof. C. C. Kck.iart.
. 12:00 Aeroplane flight by .
Herbert E. Muster.
12:30 High Wire perform-
ance; t
1:30 Racing program at
Lone Oak track. Music by Mc-
Elroy s oand, with vocal se-
lection by Salem Business Men
Shetland pony race. )
Great western relay race.
. 4:00 to 4:30 Aeroplane
flight by Herbert E. Munter.
, (Evening.)
7:30 (New auditorium)
Music by Mchlroy's band. . Vo-
cal selection oy Ladies' Fair
Glee Club. Vocal selection by
Salem Business Men's quartet.
8:00 Annual hnnqtiet of Or-
egon Purebred livestock nsso-
ciation, in Y. M. C. A. cafeteria
on grounds. Annual high jinks
of state press in conjunction
- with Oregon 'manufacturers, in
old auditorium, followed by a
big banquet. The manufactur-
ers exhibiting at the state air
grounds will furnish the viands
to constitute the "Feed" and
the press representatives will
make a "noise ' like the con-
Burners. Vocal selections by the
Busiiii'Hs Men's quartet, and the
Ladies' State Fair Olce. . .
9:30 Fireworks display in
front of grandstand nt Lone
Oak track.
New Appointee tlas Made Ex
cellent Reputation As An
Officer In State
.John W. Minto was electod by the
Stale board of control this morning to
succeed tho late Hurry Minto as wardon
of the Oregon State penitentiary . John
W. Minto is an older brother of Harry
Minto and was one of the applicants
for tho place when the appointments
were first made. John Minto, however,
withdrew when the race narrowed down
to himself and his brother. His appli
cation was taken up at the meeting of
the board this morning and favorably
passed upou.
Mr. Minto was sheriff of Morion
county for four years and before that
was chief o fpolice of Salem. From
Sulem he 'went to Portland and was
chief of police of that city and later
served eight ycurs aa post master of
He ia the son of John Minto, one of
the earliest pioneers of the state, and
has always been a staunch republican in
politics. As an officer be has made nn
excellent reputation and- his appoint
ment is expected to preceed an admin
istration of success and honor at Jbe
state pen.
Armenian Babies At
Mother's Breasts Slain
New York, Sept. 30. Armenian ba
bies at their mothers' breasts have been
torn to pieces, and men and women have
been tortured by slow fire, in organ I zed
Turkish massacres, according to the
report of the Armenian atrocities com
mittee which will be made public Mon
day. Detailed information from mission
aries and others will describe the whole
sale violation of girls in their 'teens
and will tell how babes have been im
paled on swords, humans burned alive,
tee is convinced thnt the Turks are
tee is convinced that the Turks arc
determined to wipe out the Armeninns,
Ran Inlnnln Ti fionf 30. Flirt
Sam Houston's wireless today talked
. i . i . u .. r i ii.ii
miles ct of (Jalveston, probably in
ni.nl. avltll l.ia ir.lMA nt allllkM at VltMt
Orleans wharves, and she reported eon-
UJIIUUS m inn niwiiii fvt;ffc viijr wem
not as bad as at first feared.
Washington, Sept. 30. Na
tional banks mny invest almost
any amount of available funds
In the allied, .'i00,000,000 bonds,
Comptroller Williams ruled thia
Kansis City Times: The Layfayette
county read district that includes both
Wellington and Napoleon is Just bound
to be a winner.
By Ed L. Keen. .
London, Sept. 30. Conscription
draws nearer with each fresh charge
alonir the western battle Hue. The new
allies' successes increase rather than
diminish the possibility of such a step
on the part of the British government.
Something is necessary to fill the gaps
made in the linea by soldiers killed or
wounded in this, perhnps. the greatest
battlo of the war.)
Lord Kitchener, it was learned todny,
put the situation franklv before the
labor union officials during a confer-1
ence Tuosdny. He told them the army
is now of required size, but that the
greatest, prouiem ib io supply irumeu
mon to replace the wastage in France
and the Darlunelles. Ho preferred that
the situation be met by voluuteer en
listments, but warned them, as things
are now, recruiting is inadequate to fill
the gaps.
Taken Across Rio Grande and
Shot, After His Ears
Are Cut Off
Washington, Sept. 30. An
American private wns taken
across the. ltio Grande Friday
night, shot, nnd his ears cut off,
General Funston reported to the
war department toilny.
Galveston, Texas, Sept. 30. Uencru!
Carranza hns issued strict orders against
violation of neutrality nt the border and
has provided punishment for any viola
tions, ,a cablegram from Vera Crui to
Consul' HuriiB said today.
' Gcuerul Nafurotte, tho Cnrran.a com
mander at Matamoros, wired that Amer
ican troops, instead of aiding in stop
ping troubles at the border, had fired
on Cnrrnnzistas, killing and wounding
Detroit, Mich.. Sept. 30. It ia now
mathematically impossible for Detroit
to win the American league champion
ship this season. This was the situa
tion todav as the result of tho Tigers
losing to' St. Louis 8 to 2, while the
Ked Sox were Inactive.
Up until today the Tigers had to
win every game for the remainder of
the season and the lied Sox would
have had to lose every game for the
Tigors to land tho bunting.
American League.
H. H. E.
Philadelphia 4 0
Washington 3 10 4
Sherman and Perkins; Harper and
Williams. Itoehling replaced Ilnrper.
R. II. E.
Hi. Louis 8 14 4
Detroit 2 8 3
Weilman and Agnew; Dauss and Ba
National League.
II. H. E.
New Vork
0 4 3
2 9 1
Preffer and McCarty; Tesrcau and
Me vers.
n. u. e.
Philadelphia 2 3 4
lioston 8 9 1
Kixey, Hauiiignrtner and Adamij
Huirlies and li ackburn.
H. II. E.
Cincinnati .'. 0 Q
Chicago 8 5 8
McKenery and Wingo; Lavender and
Federal League.
First game K- K.
Newark 10 '
llaltlmore 1 3
Kaiserling and Itariilcn; Bin. -It and
II. H. K.
Kansas City 2 (I 15
St. Louis 4 7 O
Johnson and Hrown; Plank and
R. II. K.
lluffnlo 3 7 0
Urnoklvn 2 11 2
Krnpp and Allen; Marlon and Simon.
' - It, H. E.
Chicago 4 7 2
Plttsbnru- 1 8 13 0
liuilev, Hendrlx and Fischer; liogge
and O'Connor.
Second game n. n. e.
.Vewnrk 5 10
DaTVimore 17 0
Henlbach and Rarlden; Black ml
I'ittsbnrg still retains the lead In the
Federal league with fit. I-onU. second,
Chicago third, Only three games to
play and the pennant race, still undecided.
Kitchener said he did not want to
press conscription except aa a last re
sort. Personally, he said he planned
to divido the country into districts and
ask each to furnish a specified number
of men. If these wore not forthcoming
voluntarily, tho government then would
draft among the eligibles, as the
United States did during the civil war.
This statement deeply impressed tho
labor men, and the result was announce
ment of a vigorous campaign to recruit
the workers.
Headquarters telegraphed to recruit
ing stations: "The falling off in re
cruiting recently has caused Lord
Kitchener and the war office the great
est concorn,"
If conscription bocomes nccessnrv It
is prohablo that the government will
start its drafts with unmarried men be
tween certain ages.
Chicago Man Will Handle
Publicity Matters For Cap
ital City Organization
. O, H. Luck, of Chicago, was today
clouted manager of the commercial club
for the coming year, ut a meeting hold
at the Marion hotel, attended by nil tho
o.fficiiils of the club and the directors
of the seven departments. Ho succeeds
Hnlph I). Aloores, resigned.
Mr, Luck is at present publicity
manager for The Hirsh-Wickwiro company,-clothing
niiinufucturers of Chica
go. Previous to holding this position,
he wns assistant advertising man for
tho Ed. V. Price company, Chicago. Ho
fore engaging iu the publicity business,
he was engaged in tho rutuil business at
Albany, Oergun.
Mr. Luck wns selected from a list of
several who had mudo application for
the position of munugor. Ihu high
recommendations of his present em
ployers and those from tho Ld. V.
Price company, together with his years
of experience in the publicity work,
impresses tho directors and otiicruis or
the Commorciul club, and there is a gen
eral feeling among thorn, that the right
man has been chosen.
The opinion in general of the club of
ficials was that it would be better to
securo an outsido man for the work,
rather than a Salem man. After thor
oughly discussing this proposition, and
also tho merits of those who had ap
plied for the position, a vote was takon
resulting In tho election of Mr. Luck.
It is expected that the new manager
will be able to make arrangements to
be here and take up the work by the
first of Novombor, although this is nut
pomtivuly settled.
Tho new manager of the Commercial
club is 37 yours old and was married to
an Albany girl while a resident of that
city several years ngo.
Fresno, Cal., Sept. 30. Twenty cars
got away today o nthe five mile elimin
ation races for selection of the ten to
enter the California raisin classic, 150
miles, $5,000 purse nce Saturday after
noon. The hest tlmo today was B4.5
seconds for the mile, while tho tracR
record held bv Oldfield is 47.'0.
The ten qualifying, in order, were:
Lou rinmlv (Uandy Mpeciai); .inn rar
sons fHtutz: Oeoriie Hill (Mercer);
Hoy N. Francis (Stevena Duryea); Ed
die S. Waterman (Overland Special);
Frank Elliott (Hordon Bpeciul); Dave
Iewis (Mercer); V. O. Uood (Unders
Special); Clyde Ithodes (Hindi-linker
iedal); Dan Francis (StevenesDur
ya.) a
Oakland, Cal., Kept. 30. " I've been
burning for six years. I couldn't quit.
Soini-times I'd try and force myself out
of tho game. But the lure of the fire
always got me. I had to burn again."
This was the statement of Charles
Bnrrlght, eonfessd arson king, in po
lice court in' Oakland Today just before
he was bound over to tho superior court
for triul on the charge of burning homes
for insurance. IDs bail was fixed nt
10,000. That of his wife, who whs ar
rested with him, wns set at $5,000, They
co'ild not furnish the money and went
to jail.
Cincinnati Times Star: Transatlan
tic exchange may be uncortain, but it
has not that continuously diminishing
value which ia the distinction of Mex
ican currency.
Seattle Post Intelligencer'. Providing
Ktcfansson. finds the new land still at
Its Arctic ot when he goes back, just
what is he going to tlo with It!
After All Night Session of
Parliament Decisive
Action Taken
Rumanian Statesman Demand
War On Side of Entente
Athons, Sept. 30. Without debate,
the chamber of deputies has passed the
bill declarlnir Macedonia in a state- of
siego and authorizing a $30,000,000 loan
for mobilization purposes. Another bill
authorised the government to relieve
soldiers' families in ease of war.
Greeted with an outburst of cheers,
Premier Venizelos explained these pre
cautions were necessitated bv Bul
garia's mobilization. He characterized
the Bituution as grave, but expressed
the hope that the air may clear booh, so
that llroece can discharge her mobilized
Tho deputies session continued from
yesterday until pust midnight thia
morning. Members and galleries joined
in an enthusiastic demonstration when
former Premier Oounurios, heretofore
a violent advocate of neutrality, spoke
in support of the "War Premier"
in support
Rumania Ilaatlly Prepared. "
Home, Sept. 30. Rumania is hastily
preparing for war, according to the
Tribuna today, Meantime, Bulgaria is
trying to "back out of a perilous posi
tion." ' - '
The paper clnlmed that Rumnnla is
moDlllzlng despite. Ausiro-uerinnii
threats against her. The resignation of
two ministers from tho Bulgarian cab
inet was interpreted as meuning thnt
Czar Ferdinand has chunged front. M.
Mulinoff, who is reported to have asked
to form a new ministry, is understood
to bo an open sympuvnraer with the al
lies' cause.
Rumanians Want Wax.
Bucharest, Sept. 30. Led by Take .
Jonesco, former minister of Interior, (IO
statesmen todny demanded that the
Rumanian premier tube immediate steps
for gonernl mobllizntioti to meet Bul
garia's. They likewise demnnded that
tho Austro Oorman propaganda be stop
ped, and declared it is dishonoring and
imperilling Rumnnin.
Confirmation Received
of Telephone Success
San Francisco, Sept. 30. Confirma
tion of the success of the experiment
in wireless telephony between Washing
ton and Honolulu lust night was re
ceived by wiroless telegraphy today by
the officials of the American Telephone
and Telegraph company here.
Confirmation in the form of a tele
phonic reply could nut be received from
the islands last night because there wu
only a receiving instrument there.
Today's illspiitches told the official,
and ,1. J. Carty, the inventor, however,
that the words "hello, hello, hello" and
the numerals "one, two, three ,four
und five" could he distinctly heard in
Honolulu shortly after they were spok
en in Washington.
"The success of this achievement,"
said .1. .1. Carty, chief engineer for the
American Telephone and Telegraph com
pnuy, "depends entirely upon high
wiivo vibrations.
'We can take any ordinary telephone,
hitch it to our apparatus and so modify
the current that It will be strong cnotiga
to kill any person touching one of the
"I cannot give out any of the techni
cal details because the apparatus is not
patented, and we must protect oiusclve
from haying our ideas stolen.
"Trnns-Atlnntie, wireless telephone
communication is assured as soon aa the
European war Is settled. Telephoning
by wireless across the continent i
much more difficult feat than it wouhl
be to talk across the Atlantic.
"Communication can now be estab
lished between points where it Is im
practical to extend wires. Wireles
telephony will novor take the place ot
wiro system bocause of the Interfer
ence of ntnuiHpheria conditions, but it
may bo expected to supplement them in
many ways.
"One disadvantage that must he over
come is the fact that anyone suitably
equipped tuny listen in on the wireless
Snn Francisco, Sept. 30. Toyo Klsen
Maisha, the JapuncAit steamship com
pany will put four more transpacific
steamers into commission it was an
nounced today. This will give tho lino
control of the Pacific pusseuger busi
ness with retirement of the Pacific
Mail linu, j