THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPT. 27, 1915. FIVE 1 Great Reductions on Leather Handbags $10.00 Bags ......$8.50 $ 5.00 Bags .$3.78 $ 3.50 Bags -.$2.88 $ 2.50 Bags $1.98 $ 1.00 Bags 74c 75c Bags .......... 56c Spiral Mash and Fancy Purses 10c Purses . . . .' 6c 75c Purses . . 39c $2.00 Purses $1.19 $3.00 Purses'. $1.95 Women's Hosiery 25c Lisle Hose, all colors 19c 50c Lisle Hose, all colors . . . 35c $1.00 Silk Hose..'... 75c 15c Hose ...10c A Wonderful Array of Women's and Misses' Coats Priced from $4.95 to $50 We meet all mail order houses' prices. See . our wonder coat at $5.95 . THIS IS A GREAT SPECIAL You will be extremely pleased with all our values. "The Hearieltaw Tonight at the Grand I 1 1 , . ' - ' .':.;;... ., ' ; ' I i . . . i . ) .' . ' . . . ' "v. .; ; . f " ' t ; 1 1: ;-1 Good Roads Boosters Will Gather at Fair f 1 ! Jt r i Bigger and Best THEATRE Always the Best Pictures Under New Management BIG SPECIAL PRODUCTION IN FIVE PARTS Better Than Ever MAGDALEN A MODERN Featuring the Two Greatest Screen Stars Cathrine Countiss and Lionel Barrymore TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY M Mablo Taliaferro, who appears In person with the five-star agiogaticn present ing "The New Mem'ietta" it the Gran a tonight. Oregon good mails enthusiasts will assemble at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn ing in the auditorium at the state fiitr. where the good roads day Program will be given. From all indications the meeting will draw hundred from all sections of the state. Julius L. Meier, of I'ortland, who will bo chairman of tlie day, has promised to allow all per sons who have some definite plan of state wide road construction, to pre sent their propositions. Itv inviting suggestions and discussing various phases of the subject it is hoped to ar rive at an understanding as to a de fined procedure in practical road plan ning and road legislation in Oregon. Special invitations have been ex tended to public officials and promin ent men throughout t "no stnto to at tend the meeting. These include Gov ernor Withyeninbe, Secretary of State Olcott, State Treasurer Kay and mem bers of tho state highway commission and the advisory board. It ,is expected tluit several well known road, workers of Portland will be present, including S. C. Lancaster, engineer of the Columliia River high way, .lohn H. 1 eon, rondmaster of Multnomah county, S. Benson, A. S. Benson, and batmiel Hill. A delegation from the I'ortland Luamber of loin merce hIso will attend. V. V. Myers, editor of Mntnroad, nr ived in Salem tins afternoon as a spe iiil delegate trom the Chamber of I'om- nerce to assist .1 working out details i'nr tomorrow's program. French Advance In Desperate Straggle Today 1 1 (Continued from rage Ono.) from Athens was immediately forwarded to the Greek minister who is in New York. . The legation said that tho call would bo made immediately through (ireek newspapers. About fj.l.OOO reservists are in America. Simultaneously the Bulgarian lega tion received word to call all reservists in America between the ages of 21 audi 4.1. FAIR WEEK ! BUY FROM THE THOROUGHBRED CLOTHIERS FOR MEN AND BOYS A good play is always welcome to can stage is better qualified to give iMlWIJIJ CnCalJ HlVPC him who feels, if he does not know, I the droll distinction and humor the , flUllo CtlKtClu 1iVCo that there is no art quite equal to stage author intended. .Mai lyn Arbackle is art for refreshing the spirit of a way I the selection for the fashionable doin faring mortal. It is cheering newsinie who puts tho zest of living into to read that one is to be offered here 'his work of Baving. Laura Mope Crews for our enjoyment. appears as the1 ch'iiming widow, and And the pleasure is doubled by the i has inspired the raviewers to write announcement of a star' cast, one of ! many positive lines of appreciation, wiiich could not be or would not be as-j Mablo Taliaferro, the of I'olly of the sociatcd with other than a congenial , Circus, Springtime, and Young Wisdom part. It means the piece mnse be, very effective in character roles (and it is), and that the fame parts have a singu fame, is the bewitching engeaue of the romance. What more could a critic and patron ask for the best expression lar appeal to the star actors concerned. ! of this sunlit comedy, The Henrietta This is just the enviable .status of things in the forthcoming engagement of "The Henrietta," scheduled for this city tonight. Tiiis is the best comedy written by Bronson Howard, and was first, prodnecu by Kobsou and Crane, when that fun mnking firm was than a east of individual fitness of t'.iix summary. Here is the" piny of demonstrated worth, . refreahed and refurbished by Winchell Smith and Victor Mnpcs to harmonize with another generation, ami interpreted by actor stnrB perfectly at the heiuht of its eaieer. It made suited to the parts liiey assume. them and tke author a fortune. Wil- Tho sequel f thin combination is a liam 11. ( ra ie is the only ono of the iir.iquoly delightful Hud satisfying per- trio left, and he is now gleefully en-1 formance, and a toll of business unlike acting his original role of a lion of Wall Btreet. Thomas V. Koss is easU as Uertie Iho Lamb, Robson 's old part and no young comedian of the Ameri- anything known for a long time. "Too New Henrietta. will be pre sented at the (iriiiul Opera House on Monday evening, September -7th. Through Windshield and Escapes Serious Injury ft-' & I 1 vs-ni mi FALL OPENING Our Fall Opening takes place this week and we have on display the very latest models in Clothing and Furnishings to fill your immediate needs. GREAT VALUES $10 and $15 REMEMBER Our stock is absolutely new and up to date, in ex treme as well as conserva tive models. For High Grade Clothing at low grade prices call on BRICK BROTHERS The House That Guarantees Every Purchase COR. STATE AND LIBERTY STS. Pony Contest Now On Votes With Every Purchase W of ( ing illis Scofield, the 1.1 year old son . V. Scofield, of Marion, whle rid his bicycle on North Commercial ticet at 5:110 yesterday afternoon was hit by an imtomobilo and thrown through the windshield and when he re covered from the shock of Iho collision ho found himself standing on tho mu ni ig board of the opposito side of tho car. The boy suffered two gashes in his scalo and another gush that began at his jaw bone and extendod down his WORK OF I. W. W. neck to tho collar bono barely miss ing the jugular vein. Tho auto brought j him to Hr. (larnjobst's office where j his woundH were dressed and he was. sent to tho hospital for tho night. Tho ; hoy was riding north on Commercial i rXmllrrid out d tafron;. "KM. U is believed the fire, are of him and thev smashed together. The 'work of members of tho L w. W. as all Modesto, Cal., Sept. 27. Hundreds of :tons of hay have boeu destroyed by ! lire near Modesto in the last few number of the car was taken by tho boy and the records show that it He longs to Klnn Copenhagen, of Portland, have been of incendiary origin. Ilia sheriff is scouring the country for sus pects. , , ei Heavy Buying Renewed On Wall Street Today (Copyright 1915 by the New York Kvening Post.) New York, Sept.-27.ln view of the speculative excitement of several days past, tho renewed heavy outside buy ing today was not especially surprising. As a matter of fact, tho momentum of the market was emphasized by the days news. Tho morning papers contained def inite reports that Impont and lictulc "ncm Steel interests had bought con trol of the Haldwin locomotive company whose "war eo-.itrn.cts" have been ex tensive. Simultaneously came news of allied successes on tho western front. Tho sentimental effect of the Bald win purchase lay in the fact that, to the speculative mind it suggested a possible general program .of amalgama tions based on war munitions business. This is always a possibility wiiich api peals to Wall street, and especially in it present mood. Only in the closing hours did prices show signs of reaction. Realizing sales were heavy, but tne market took them without a sensational break. Hales ran far above 1,U()0,0UU shares. THY A JOUETIAI. CLASSIFIED AD THEY ABE BUSINESS GETTEE8 ONE CENT A WOED. f j I I;. j I ; . SEE Q O H OREGON E THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL Theda Bara THE FACE Face That the Continent is Talking About in The Remarkable Success THE TWO ORPHANS THE VAMPIRE WOMAN AS A SISTER Special Vaudeville . HELENE MAINWARING Late of England Concert Halls Character Ballads "I'M GLAD MY WIFE'S IN EUROPE" So Says Our Dusky Friend BILLIE WHITE Clever Monolgue and Musical Numbers. ADMISSION 20c ' J " ' :? ? R ostein $z Greenbaum The new store at the old location. Con venient and pleasant place to trade. Big assortment of new merchandise. The Misses Hamilton and Davenport of the ew Frank Rich Company. WTf:H no. RIVES FINE SHOW. .robe are as good as ever seen in any of I With an entirely new chorus, ami the high class mini snows and tne wnoie (several new principals, the Frank Hn-h production is the same as was uscu hi Co. opened a nights' engagement at; Portland. Messis. Burton, Knignt, on Ithe'ltllgh theatre yesterday to thre'ijfer ami Kvans are stiK strong favor capacity houses. This company is bylites and the Misses llamiltou, (lardincr ifnr the rv best organization that Schiller, and Davenport, were henr.l in j.Mr. Hich lias ever had, and also the. five musical numbers and all wore (largest. The company is composed of , stunning gowns, ir yon want to reanj ! twenty people ami tno oiieiung miii, "The (irent White Way" is' surely worth seeing. The scenery and ward en joy a gooil snappy snow anil near tho latest music, and have a hearty laugh, by all means go to the itligh. Millinery department in rear room now running at full capacity Right up to the minute in styleExpert trimmers. Big assortment of velvet tarns. RIGHT FURNISHINGS ENTRANCE O! ATTRACTIONS AT TE LIBERTY. O; ! Oi In keeping with its standard of pre senting alwuys the best pictures, Ye : Liberty will offer ti its second feature ; photodrania under new management the tense emotional story of a woman's soul barred to the quirk, aptly named, ! "A Modern Magdalen.'! j Jn selecting a cast for this elaborate. photoplay the Lifa I'hoto Film com-1 I pany selected athorine Countiss, one! ff of t'ne brightest lights of the molern I stage, anil Lionel Jlarrymore, a nun i favorite for many years. This happy j ! combination of stage and screen is sup- ported by a rniit of wonderful excel- ilence, and the produrtioa has created I a far greater sensation in picture eir- j Iclcs than any of the releases of the. ' past season. ; ! This pnxliiction will be presented to-. I morrow, (Tuesday, eud Wednewlay, at i regular prices and special comedy at tractions will rouad out the bill. Journal GRAND TONIGHT The Crest Five-Star Cart ft Win. H. CRASSE ft THOMAS W. ROSS ft MJICLTH MEUCKLE ftkUBEL TALIAFERRO ft LAURA KQFE CREWS mm Beat Bale September 23, Prices 7&o to 12.00 OUR SPECIAL BOY'S SUITS 2 pairs of pants $3.00 a Suit and up NICE PATTERNS $4.25 A SUIT Extra Heavy all Wool Suit$ 2 pair pants $5.00 DRY GOODS LEFT ENTRANCE Big Assortment of Cotton Blankets, 75c and up Blankets, 60x76, $1.00 pair Blanket?, 64x80, $1.25 pair Blankets, 72x80, $1.50 pair Jumbo Comforters The biggest on the market 240-246 North Commercial Street If it's for $alc, a Want Ad will Bell it. '---"r'-ilrti r " ' I" i"""-L