Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 27, 1915, Image 4

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"The: Capital Journal" -fS
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
L. 8. BABNEfl,
Bee. and Treat.
DnilT bv carrier, oer Tear 5.00 Per month 45c
Daily by mail, per year
8.00 Per month 3Sc
New York Chieogo
Ward Lewis Williams H peri til Agency Hurry 11. Fisher Co.
Tribune Buildiii( 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boy are inntructed to put the paperg on the
porch. If the carrier doen not do thin, miasPt you, or neglectH getting the
f iper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is the only
ray we can determine whether or not the eurriera are following instructions,
f ione Main 81.
fl Galley o Fun! j pf jfw
I ( vLJJ rv
The Naval Advisory Board appointed by Secretary'
Daniels represents American talent and patriotism at
their best, says the Walla Walla Bulletin. These men,
standing at the head of their professions, are riving their
best thought and effort to the nation without any ex
pectation of reward save public appreciation. And even watching political straws
that will be felt only indirectly and at a distance. -i nave just been attempting, re-
m, . , , f . . ... ,i i marked the editor of the Houndiown
. . Their work for the navy department will not be done Gna Shouti ..t0 take a vote of my sui
with a blare of trumpets. It will be carried on mostly in termers to And out how they stand on
secret.. The public will never know of the thought and lhe Trust Question.
labor devoted freely to the purpose of national safety by Ld int 51
Chairman Edison and his 22 associates, speed with which the edition of the
The manner in which these men were selected was ad-1 c:lad Shout wa8 printed on the wash
mirable. Mere fame had nothing to do with it. Few otlZl
them are famous, in spite of their genius. The average i hie, how the presidential election wiii
citizen knows something of Hudson Maxim, Peter Cooper so
Hewitt, and one or two others, but most of the remaining i
Well er not exactly! The state
names are familiar only in the professions to which the Htnd rhe piatematter, either for or
men belong. No mere government official would have ; against Trust, free of cost, i-tardi
rhnspn nrfp isplv this rrrnun nf ctippi'iHctc r.v rmil Vinvo know which to get."
. .... j.-w.-w. Ul VVW.V.
iney were selected by eleven great en-
In the early days of the petroleum discovery a Pennsyl
vanian, lured by the fortunes being made over-night in;chosen them
the county next to his, sold his farm and moved to what; frineerinP and scientific societies, which knpu thriv snpcial
seemed to be the more favored region. He bought land: fitness for the service expected of them. The onlv one of
that never produced oil at all, and was not good for any
thing else.
The purchaser of his farm took his cattle behind the
barn to water in a brook his predecessor had partly
boarded up so as to divert the flow of an obnoxious scum
that polluted the water. This scum had caused the form
er owner trouble for more than 20 years. He had not been
the entire number who combined great reputation with
the homage of the engineering and scientific professions
is Thomas A. Edison, perhaps the greatest of living
Americans, who was naturally selected bv Secretary
Daniels to head the board.
i The ready response of these learned societies, and the
unhesitating acquiescence of the men they chose, afford
awe to get rid oi it. lie nan tried nam out laiied. inspiring examples of good citizenship. And these are
That scum was petroleum. That stream near Titus- not the onlv natriots awaiting the word - Tt.'s likf.lv that
Vtlle has since lioured hundreds of millions of dollars into anv nrnfpssinn or trade wnnid rpsnnnrl insr n nmmnt.lv: declaration r,c .uneocM
ii... i- . r. - r r- J - i . r-v
w poehcis oi us owneis. i and clad v to anv cal for co-oneration in Derfectine the . dence.
.. .mm Aicvici xani. nine yei
voted fer two plunks an' dis time yei
kitkin' fer a five spot; what d' yei
We may not all be able to find petroleum in our hoe lot
or cow pasture, but there is an equally great and gratify
ing find in store for us if we can but sound the depths of
national defenses against possible danger.
Be next door to every customer
Your customers three thousand miles off
think of you as nearly a week's journey
away. By the sun you are only three
hours apart. By Western Union you are
just around the corner.
You can accustom distant trade to think
of you in terms of minutes instead of miles
by frequent use of Western Union Day and
Night Letters.
Talk with your local Wiittrn Union Manager
our own intelligence if we can, through reading and; the revolution down there will end in due course of time
If those foolish Mexicans persist in crossng the border! nican to doin' Par,y dirt?'
ii -ii .1 i if The Voter Rernrrn! f)l nnt
study, discover the peculiar calling for which Nature has
skilfully adapted each ol us.
That Pennsylvanian who did not know petroleum when
for 20 years he was trying to get rid of it as a nuisance
was not destined for success in petroleum producing.
A large part of opportunity lies in preparation. The
mind must be fitted to meet it.
Few indeed are the men, Americans at least, who have
never felt an irresistable impulse to forge ahead, to be
come leaders in some profession. Such men, if they fol
low that impulse along the. road of preparation, are pretty
sure to reach their goal.
The achieve their ambition, not by merely changing one
place for another but by diligent, persistent determined
endeavor and unremitting study of the profession or busi
ness they would master.
because of lack of material for the contending armies.
Are the allies smashing the German line for sure or is
it only a bluff to delay that Serbian drive until the
Dardanelles are forced? . .
The Voter Bororra! Oi cot n cood
lob now an" Oi don't give a dum whih
er Oi vote or not!
For some days past the trend of the European war has
been to indicate that it might end where it begun in the
Balkan states.
Oregon is to have a "fire prevention" day on October
0th. But old Jupiter Pluvius seems to have beaten us to it.'
There are rapidly approaching conditions which ought
to end the war but will they? The British war debt nowj
amounts to seven thousand millions of dollars and is in
creasing at the rate of seventeen millions a day. France's !
war debt is four thousand five hundred millions, Prussia's!
pnq Meson ,
i When overhead are summer skies
With cunning, crafty finger
Love spreads a tempting paradise
Where two in;iy sweetly linger.
He hangs Lis net within the shad
(The crickets low are singing)
4nd baits it with a witching maid.
Slow, swinging, swinging, swinging
) Love! entangled In your weave
I wish no KUen dearer
hammock, nook, a Summer Evf
And I, the Adam, near her.
Husband Oh! don't be so nartlru
Uii'! I assure you the people who gt
:o the ball game won't care what yot
I wear.
Wife-Tiideed? What very peculia'
: i-cople they must be!
,,., . ,. . . . . ' , , I lencher Yes; the Constitution wai
is four thousand millions, and Germany has increased her; "00 S1 Plng siowiy ; some nay nis gran unnoiy , w in is: Now. johnny,
debt since the war b.-gan by three thousand three hundred )vlU. fzle out or burst; then all of us will totter to i Z $ rrlnd
.... . . . ' . ... : hvili-nnrc tni' fno worm' tn c ibn nm. U,. f A ' "ul"" nuiiij.
w oiam uui uuisu jm Johnny Ooe! I should say I could!
uooze ins grip is losing, tor worKingmen 1 f'p ' been nmnin
. 'II 1 " A .. 1. A l I
iiiiuions ami is assuing a great new loan. Austria nas no
credit in the markets o fthe world, is bankrupt, and Italy
is in not much better condition. Turkey has been a beggar
for half a century. At this rate the whole group will soon
be bankrupt, and it's only a question as to which will first
find itself unable to pay for provisions and cannon and
guns and ammunition and ships. At most it seems that
it cannot be long. Annies like snakes, said Napoleon,
move on their bellies.
.a -2
fer office evei
are choosing to loaVP thp snda nlnnp- Inner1 51111 - I kiu remember.
years of earnest thinking has shown themj )N THE coming era
how the drinking good men has over-! First aiimi-My wife and i havn'i
thrown. Not sentimental speaking, not! "ol,,d fo1' flflen 'ears
lurid platform shrieking, has brought this ZV cl,lzen-Not ,nteres,f(1 "
thing about; not irony or seal ring, not fran-j Mmt citizen-oh, yes! deeply inter
tic John 1. Coughing, has put Old Booze to! ,Mod' but we'10
rout. An age ot competition won't stand
fRrO RouncL Trip
APOU From Salem
With Meals and Berth Included.
Free Extra Features and Befreshmcnts.
Elaborate Cuisine.
Oregon Electric By., The North Bank
Bead and the Palatial 6-Deck, 24-Knot
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
Leave Portland 9:30 a. m., arrive San
' Francisco 3:30 p. m., next day.
Expositions now at their. best..
J. W. Eitchie, Agent, Oregon Electric
Ey., Salem. San Francisco 605
Market St.
Great Northern Pacific SS. Co.
Here is a progress and prosperity item from the Bend
Tress: "The railroad situation in Central Oregon is
week u local niTto comnanv tok a la. oo nun Ihm- of pn. Employers plead no longer
eineers and surveyors, with their supplies, out townn
Lakeview, and those who knew
s ime men w ho surveyed the line
Riverside to Harriman. This is
cates that Central Oregon offers gr
the investor than any other part of the Pacific Coast
for the condition that Barleycorn entails;
the world a weary stage is for - one who
blows his wages to open kegs of nails.1
with one whose breath is !
stronger than is a gas exhaust; they say, "You're quite I
them sav they are the : , ',? V' 14 wnisT; 1na so yur
that is nmv building f,,,m ob you vc lost. No sentiment is wasted; if they suspect!
" --- - 1 . a r" 1 . .1
another sign which i.uli- 1,, . , ; Ul uw, U17 ,n!'c m tnrou2'n int:
eater inducements to l"u,'"" "- J .umj-iuiimiiiii-, ne s in ine-street named;
1 jjrl,!-.y7
An army of ;i5(),000 in this country which is the lowest
estimate made by the advocates of "preparedness," will
mean more taxes, no matter whether we levy them in
directly through a high tariff, or directly through the in
come tax and other departments of the internal revenue
Queer. So men of sense are quitting the touching up and
hitting of all the drinks that foam; they drink from bab
bling brooklets, and have their savings booklets, and hap
py kids at home.
! I'tMHiuinn thut vuu
It ik nil unusual thiiiij for a ilrunu'ist minute of them"
to m'11 iiu'ilii iiie mi'b'r n KiiurHntev to -mi-refund
the nionev if it dor not cure. I .
Yet this Is tint wi'iy lnnlnl ,1. 1'ry, the T0 0,9 FollcjrnOldew
I'oiuilar dnmiMst, m si'llmu Ali o nu. the THE
i utiimlard ily.sipnia rcnu'ily. i
Anyway mere win do no tiust to Dottier tlurine lai?1 't " irs
No wonder that billion dollar loan is likely to fail.
They haven't invited the newspapermen to participate
in it.
Mi o n.'v. A few .lavs' treatment shnuUl !
show voiisicleriihle 'uin iu health while!
n oonmlete enre ,,d.,.. f.tl.ni-a m:,iiv
These ilavs are the best in the whole' J A SURE THING,
year for the enjoyment of jjoo.j health, i Silas Hiram says he really expects
and Mi o mi will put y,iH in inch perfect! let 8it elected ter de offlce of coiista-
can enjoy every
ble this time, fer sure.
Joshua-He does? Why, that's hli
pollticsT He hain't fer expansion net
Tree sliver.
Silas-Oh! ney PRy ,' got
scheme ter make the foreigner pay all
the Internal revenue tax. He sprung
It down ter the More the over cvenln'
n' It took like hot cakes. ,
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
Transact a general banking: business
Safety Deposit Boxes
n..m...T oa i-usioiiirrs (eu mm mai .m i u r: in herein- given that a meet-
nie.lu ine has lieeu fiieeeasful an with i"it ef the polii-t holders of The I'm-
Mi n na. I'eople ho a f ew months ago dential Insumme ( oiupany .of America
looke.l like w.ilkiu skeleton ht nut will hehl nt kA 11. iirt;.... nr
on flexli and today are ruddy and vitf- "'d t'oinpai.y iu the Oitv of Newark, fc COURSE NOT.
orous with perfeit digestion' and Rood I w Jersey, on M.mdav, the sixth day To T0,e 'f Xoitr bill," said the Con
health. j of Deeember. iy 15. at twelve o'eloek Iranian, "I would have to Btulify mv-
There Is no longer any need for uv.i""on' the purpose of selecting fit lelf."
one siiftenin or making their friends le,n r"r'",n to le voted for bv the "Just no'
suiier on atvouni iu it spopom. Mi dim i""."' niisieo us niemnpr oi ly
..i . i . i ' .. .... thit lloi.r.l nt iw. u. ... .t 1 '
fan myitis I'l' reuevl upon. I lie IH'r- 7 ' -MeviiiiTt it ( nir Hiiuimi . Ya ...!:.. ti ...
.f e.v, i, ,o ;( that th..re,,,,v,l'1 ' Oi'eotors of the Cmpwyi 8,"if? ,llm,eIt rr UOthlw:."
aid the lobbylnt. blanrt.
"And, 9f course, we dont expect
''""" wrtM1 it...H. . trT7i!'a:gaW'?h
,.-JflP 'l..MIIJIMt.l.r - . II ' i -s I'llW i
i i M
'A :J
is little rik to Pnniel J. Frv i Bi,r.l '""'d " he tenth day of January,
mileem,; to return the inoiiov if the' , '.
i..- ..... i: . . .i M atletl hieetllKT evrv nnlirvnnMnr
. . . . mm. itb no i rr tie r. .,ni He t . i i - . i j . v.
stand, re,lv to do so without anv m.! . rl'"-tioTi w'uo is of th atfehy poetic license?
iinetoric Teacher What la meant
Il.'s l.n In-
whose policy Im's ,,vn In
..Villi ll I It I 1 k, I'M I I II II, i lit u . I . . I II
spe, -k. betore the eves du.y feeliuK, t.tUM i one vote in person or br " uU rWlcult U Used br the
poor sleep, riu:.n in the ear and all proxy. nntUKj-T F. PrJYlKV. ' ' unedVted..UiUlU-LaSii
lortm of lixer trouble are keled hyj rreident " '
none to IfKV
save, and
the habit of putting
money in tne Bank
is hard to break"
You cannot work continuously without rest, neither
can you succeed if you spend all the money you earn.
Put some money in the Bank be it ever so little and
learn the comfort and relief you enjoy in the knowledge
of doing the right thing for yourself and those dependent
upon you. Their future depends on present actions, so
do it now. $1. starts you.
of Salem, Oregon
Try a Journal ClassiRed Ad.