Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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4rw 77; i lyrQTnpi CVUIRIT 111 "
When You Come To
Don't fail to see the many beautiful styles of Pianos,
Player Pianos and Iiaby Grands, at the Valley Music
House, and talk to us about our easy payment plan, you
can't help but like it. We are receiving almost daily
some of the styles that will please you, they are the new
est of the new.
our line of used Pianos and Organs, lots of extra good
bargains in this lot, most of them like new.
All Around Town
Dr. Mendolsohn, specialist In fitting
glasses correctly. U. ti. bauk bldg.
Just for this week, during the Lane
county fair at Eugene, the following
conductors have been transferred to
that point: W. K, Mend. .1. A. Irvin, 1
P. Cutler, and J. . Taylor.
Dr. Btone'a Drug Btom.
John Dutton entered, a plea of guilty
to a charge of being intoxicated this
morning and whs fined I0 by Police
Justice Klgin in muulcipiO court. DiM
ton was arrested lust night.
Dr. Btone'i Drug Btore.
Tor the accommodation of those who n',"u' 8 wi" 1)u demonstrated each I out at a little after 3 o'clock yesterday I ,0 "u,,'t -Monday evening at N:.'iO o'clock
live beyond Mill creek the Seventeenth ''"'V Kt "", '"'r ''-v "l0 I,",,',""B Log-1 afternoon to handle a brush fire that!"'. 11,0 I'oinineicinl club, when coin
street street cars will run throuirh to'"'"" rimPll".v ' hiir building on the! had got beyond control near State and ! "11't'es for the week will be appointed
the fair urounds This schedule was nut ' N,",,, fnir Rf01""1"' '"'Ht will , Twenty first streets. Thc firo was fob ; arrangements made for special
on todav nn.l will bo continue, 1 until the
close of tho fair.
Dr. B. T. Mclntlie, physician and
iurgeon, SI4 Masonic bldg. I'hnnn 410,
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
208-209 Hubbard Illdg. Phone 109
'Salem's Best
We beg to announce to our
customer! again that we havt re
opened the fresh meat depart
ment In tho Westlcott Thlolteu
Co. store, and quote the following
article aud prices for approval:
Choice Steer Beef lie and tip
1M Krtk Clgk Itmt Orecery fhono 30; Meat fhoa 140
Sale Men's Nettleton Shoes
Our $6.50 & $7 Grades-Ten Day Special, $4.95 a pair j:
Here's a timely sale of high-grade Shoes just at the beginning of Fall weather an
nnnnrtimifv fn snnnlv Shoe needs at a ereat savin e.
Nettleton Shoes are the result of
best mechanical process, and worked out in leathers
as excellent as the world's tanneries afford. They
fit when all others fail.
If you don't get a pair of these good Shoes it is
your fault.
Patent, Vici and Calf leathers Tans and Blacks.
Such popular lasts as Kermit Composite, Pacific,
Windsor, etc., regularly priced at $6.50 and $7.00.
Extra special price
$4.95 pair
See the window display.
Manager. 261 North Commercial St
Frank Rich Musical Company at the
liligh Theatre Sunday. ,
The Rev. Oeorge Koohlor, pastor of
the (leruian Lutheran church on State
street, between Seventeenth and high
teeuth streets, was given a birthday
party this week, by the members of his
church. Tho party was in the way of a
surprise, thu guests bringing a basket
Traiik Rich Musical Company at tu
ltligh Theatre Sunday.
How to fill an Indiana silo, how to
pack and how much water to use, nud
1. . i I. ! il.. I.. ... 1
iii nu i i1 i i i i ii i ng mere is in kiiiiw
1,1 ' rK''
n,.v ... - ...
the llliuh theatre Siiudav
1 . ' ' i
between eyes that are an endless
source of pain lind annovauce and
eyes which give full service and
the maximum of comfort is easily
overcome by
Individual attention is our hobby.
Market Place
Choice pork Steak 16c
Choice Pork Chops 18o
Choice Lamp Chops. .. 13o to 17o
Country Veal 11 1-Bc to 20c
Choice Break fast Pucon 20c
Fancy Ham 210
Boucher Cottage Kanos 20c
Country Style Saunage lflo
the best shoemaking thought
the Fair
Something new but good Hygrade
a Salem undo .1 cent cigar of ijualit.v.
The Wcnatchce Commercial club Is
endeavoring to do things about right
and with this in view, has written the
( oinniercial club of this city, asking for
general information nH to how we do it
hero. The letter states that W'enatchee
has n population of 8,000, with a mem
bership in the Commercial club of 250.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Mary Hench wishes to thank
her Many friends for their attendance
ami also their floral olfei ink's at the
tuneial of hor deceased husband, Mr.
I'. . Kench.
To lnvstlgate reports of fire blight
in tho neighborhood of llopmere, C. 0.
Constable, county fruit inspector, was
woming in runt section or tne county
today. Beginning next week, ho will,
take up tho work of inspecting nursery
stock in tho nurseries and nt the sinne'wl,l become effective here in a day or
time continue his search for fire blight. ,wo-
The Salem fire department was called
lowinir down a ditch filled with rubbish
and had reached a sign board which was'
then bnrninir. The deiuirtment laid
The department laid
o !""" appoint committees for that
The fall moving spirit seema to be ;''"' ,0 mi'''t trains and to officiutc oth
or in different parts of the country, '""'Ihp in milking strangers feel at
according to the number of letters ri-1 ll,,ln.
ci ived at the Commercial club, asking : o
for information regarding land in the j State Engineer John II. Lewis return
Willamette valley. Today, laud iuipiir- 'I1 "'ght with Percy A. Cupper, ag
ios were received at the' club from K. "'"'""t engineer, from the water power
K. Uuckles, Siiierior, Nebraska; Oeorge ' conference which has been in session
Hrodenklrcher, Kmporla, Wis.; P. V. ! J'V'tland. .Mr. Lewis was unable to
Howies, of Looking (llass. Ore., and It. ' ""v ,u,w farrenching the effects of the
W. King, Lake Hay, Wash. .conference would be. However, he said
-o j ''J ws much interested in the discus
Dedicatory everclses for the new Ev- j ,ious sy,", of the ablest water power
angelical liberty street church will be m,'a lc nation were: present. The
held one week from next Sunday. The discussions though failed to influence
Hev. P. 0. Merger, of Cleveland, Ohio, '""5' votes on tfie finul resolutions as
general secretary of tho Yininir Pemde's , Alr- Lewis expressed the opinion that
Alliance and Sunday school work, w ill
no nero.to deliver the principle address
of the occasion, assisted by the pastor
of the church, and K 0," Hornsehuch
and the Hev. K. D. Uorusrhuch of Port
Th R. II. E. Hornschnrh, castor
of the I.therty street Kvniu'clienl church
returned today from a three weeks', "Me engineer's foaye to check up the
hunt in tho Cow Creek country. AVith I '"""""rviuouta of th stream gauging
Mm on his vacation were his brother, 1 ,in,'un. 1'rom Eugene Mr. Uinnhaw
'the Hev, K. IV llornschuch. nastor of."'" oss the mountains to eusturn
the Kirst Kvangelical church of l'ort-'
I laud, the Key. T. K. Horuschuch. ias
tor of tha I,eni Evangelical church,
! lortininl, ami A. h. Hiiruschuch, a mer-,
cnnin 01 roriianu.
The McMlniivllla Elka will b hen iu
full foreo next Thursday, Elk day. m
die siai lair, accenting to A, I.. Wal- navigniion.
luce, who was over reiiferriig with thel o
I McMinuvillo Klki ye.terdov. Ite.Tles During state fair irMk. an and a
j arranging with the Elka to attend, he',lulf uiinute service tu the grounds will
was fortunate in securinir a promise i maintained bv the hialeni (Street Kail-
from Mrs. T. J. Warren to be- here and
assist with the music program Thursday
evening, Mrs. Warren ta well known
in musical circles, aud ia a sister f
(lew, O. U JSnyder.
Mr. and Mra. R. Q. Millar of this
city, will wake their home la Portland
obtainable, applied to the
I cherons from .Illinois, sheep from Ken
jtuekv, and chickens from everywhere!
this winter in order to be with their j wm " (e shown this year and for the
sons who will attend college in that j first time the state' fair crowds will;
city. Carl K. Miller, who has been do-1 be enabled to compare eastern prize;
ing laboratory work this summer in the stock with the western product.
office of Dr. B. F. round, will leave! In (HI Mr. Hogg estimates that therel
tomorrow for Portland to attend the j will be about T.jO head of cattle, 300'
Northern Pacific College of Dentistry, j sheep and swine, 1.10 goats and -10
and Albert Miller will also leave In "a 'horses to be shown. This does not in
few days to attend a undo school. elude the race stock which is in a sep-
inrate department. There will be about
In the construction of the new build-
mi; jor me nuiil unirrrv rum tuny nil '
Liberty street, Theodore lioth is holding
pretty close to the . "Try i Salem lirst"
oca, as so rar, an tne contracts nave
i been awarded to Salem firms. One of
the most important contracts, that of
heating, was awarded today to the
plumbing firm of T. M. Bnrr, who will
install one of his own inventions, Burr's
lOconomy boilers. This boiler will have j ington state fair is now in progress
a 2,0(10 square feet radiating surface! that a good exhibit of livestock would
ami will be brick set. I come to Salem from North Yakima this
o I year. Among the lists of Washington
Tomorrow la again market day, but It ' stock coming here Mr. richoel enutner
is not known how immv of the farmcrj j llt'd, 24 llerefords, 10 Shorthorns, 33
will bring in prodi 'Those who have i '"soys, 22 Ayershires, 42 Guernseys.;
been biiiurinir in fruit mid verretnt.le I 1 Holsteinn, 110 sheep, 15 goats, 18
! as well as chickens and eggs, have been i
(fairly successful in disposing of theit I
' ,r,.,it, n,.,,ui,i. !,. t
! concerted effort the r,rt ,,f the 1
fanners, or any assurance given the
town folks that there would be a mar
ket to patronize. Many of those inter
ested, expect a better market after
the farmers decide on a local ion.
, .
xiie x,moit riuiung nouse today 4.10 bovs and girls alone in this coun
closed ft lense for tho basement of the ty who have been working since earlv
Salem Bauk of Commerce building, nndspring to prepare thc best exhibit pos-
will move into their new quarters j
about the fifteenth of next month. Theit
new location will include the etitiro
basement, formerly occupied by the
Salvation army barracks. The h'llintt
Printing house has been in its present
location on (Vnimercinl street for 12
years, five years on the upper floor,
and seven years on, the lower.
Here Is good news for the housckeep-
.. ouKnr is going own ana is now nt
1 the Iffw price of last January,
best cane sugar is now quoted at 0.25
11 hundred. Last February the highest
price, of the year was reached, when
! ""g'lf sold for eight and three-quarters
! "'"I n pound. On top of this good
l"'"n reuuecu prices in sugar comes
'ho announcement in the Portland
; l,orK ot reduced prices In flour, which
I A tall has been made to the Cherrians
1 drills and other exercises of the week
w''ich the I'heirinns will take an ac-
u" ll"r'' ' It. Lautermun, chair-
have charge of the cneirians Monday,
"10 would have been the same if L
cusion luul been given, each man
"''"' m"ri' or less or an expert aud
, ""'ing opinions of his own.
Fred F, lUnshaw. of the U. S. c eolorf-
cal survey, left Salem this morning
.' a trio throush the Valley an
'''" Oregon in conjunction with the
r,'Kln d will check up the stations
i " ,Hr wu'h os Warner valley in Lake
wty. This department of tho I".
K'i'iogieai survey checks over the nieas-
i u.-lm., vl lM lH,M ltht,tina ,0 utcr-
mum auvi rsiuttiisH the higa anil low
""'' murks of the atrenms iu the in
' ,m'"' of irrigation, water power and
"y. The cars will be run in sections
of three, and will b put on with the
early morning runs. In order to give
good service and properly handle thc
crowds here next week, six large open
car have leen rented from the Tort
land Kailwav, Light A Tower romps it v
o( 1'ortlaud, aud will be ia constant
Industrial Department Crowds
Space and Others in-4
, creased In Proportion
The state fuir grounds is a busy place
these days with dozens of hammers
pounding in hundreds of nails to make
the booths to exhibit the greatest array
i of products that has ever been assem-
t'bled in this state. Not only will both
; pavilions be packed to the roof but
all ot" the available space for live
i stock of all kinds is. taken up and Wil-
liam Hogg, superintendent of the live
Tlstock department says without hesita
tion that there will be tne Iinest as
sortment of livestock shown this year
that has ever been collected outside of
the J'anaiua l'ucilic lair at ban trail-
in fact considerable of the stock that
is to be shown at ISan Francisco is stop-'
ping off at the state fair here this:
year. "That is the reason that Tarn-'
wort.li swine from lown. three herds of:
cattle from Minnesota and Jowa, I'ur-:
W head ot Shetland pomes at the
fair this year, the Lew stable of Cnion
-ii vi,:t,:4. ;u i, j vrtn: ivnll i
.,,,,,. H- K. "; ,,,; of Nt-wberg, C.
,'al(ins( 0 Ail.lip ,, m,lm.r0s
:,,, wi)1 show thc .li,,,,,, horses
that become the pets of the children (
and the pests of the grownups. i
lid School, a well known exhibitor
of this state, sent in a telegram today i
troiu .North lakima where the Wash-
- ' C ''?'"' 1S M""'"-. 45 Hmp-j
M.1."":8; 2.. lannvorth swine. L. K
Mrlalob, ot Moniiiouih will also have
i"' ri('s 1,1 the ..Mule Footed hog class, j
These strange swine are a rarity on
the coast nil. I their coining will prove
an event of interest to stock men. j
There is one department at the fairj
this year that promises to far eclipse
I an otner years anil that is the liulustri-
nl and school department. There are
sible for the state fair and the other ;
counties in proportion have as many.
! eager girls nn.l boys. In nearly all of
I"1'' counties district and school fairs
liave already been held ami the prize
winners are coming to the state fair
with their exhibits to win more laurels
and to compete for the short courses of
fered by the Oregon agricultural col
lege. The 24 club winners will receive n
free trip to O. A. ('., where they will
I mi- K'cn m-nni instruction in the IOI
Hie li ,.; .
h ' ..mi. k'm""K. 1'uiii-
lo growing, vegetable gardening, poul
try raising, pig feeding, dairy herd
record keeping, seed grain selection and
production, field pea production, fruit
growing, and for the girls especially,
baking, canning ami preserving, sew
ing, and farm and home handicraft.
la the old pnvillion in the center of
the building will be set up a booth I
wnere J.uthor j. t hnpin. county agri
culturist will hold a canning 'demon
stration with some of his prize canning
clubs each day. All of the most mod
ern methods of steam canning and pre
serving will lie demonstiuted and ex
plained to all interested parties.
Not only in the industrial depart
ment, however, but in all departments
is the fair looking up this year and
considering the start that is already
made at this time the optimistic specu
lation of the "biggest and best" ever
held in the state appears to be based
jnpnu real facts and are confidently
expected to materialize next Monday
morning when the gates open on the
Fifty-third annual fair.
service during the week. The Salem
Street Railway intends to maintain its
reputation for good service, and with
the additional six cars, and n seven
and a half minute service, the company
will be prepared to handle a record !
breaking crowd. i
Elks Will Come Thursday
Led By Splendid Band
The Portland Elks' band, one of the
finest in the northwest, todav notified
Hcerornry V. K. Slater, that they would
arrive in the city next Thursday morn
ini with the Portland dclcinitioit nf
tojLlks coming to take part in the exer
cises for Klks' diiv
Immediately after their arrival here
on the Oregon Electric, the parade will j Nelles. had nothing left to'istwn ex
le formed, with the Cherrians and Cher! cei his life. He had sold hi watch.
rian band lending, followed bv the Port
land delegation and Portland Klks'
hand, the local lodge and the delccntions
from Eimeii and Albany. Although
M.jdefinat arrangements have not bfen!.t,"'l,.v. "as found dead
J made, the Eugene and Albany Elks will.
probably attend in a body. The morn-
ing parade will form at the Electric
boring the afternoon of next Thnrs -
day, the Portland Elk band will idav
the Portland Elk band will idnv
it the races track, where accommoda
tions will be reserved for nil visiting'
Elks. The evening program will bei
given In the new auditorium, and will
include an address by tiovernor Withy -
combe, .election, by the Orpheus MieXeare,t to .11 Depots, Theatri. a.d
chorus, eolot by Mrs. T. J. Warren of
McMinnville, and several numbers bv
the Portland Elks' band. In fact, the
Elks are working hard to make their
day, Thursday, Sept. .W, the big feature
dav of th state fair,
Price and Quality
Tell the tale you get Both at Damon's. The cash
buyer gets the closest possible price as he should.
Watch our ads and compare our prices with stores in
the high rent district and give us your next order:
Saturday Specials
16 pounds of Sugar for $1.00
No. 5 Pail Lard 60c
Damon's Special 30c Steel Cut Coffee, Saturday,
2 cans for ,. 53c
Arm and Hammer Soda, 5 pkgs. for 25c
Creamery Butter, pound 35c
25 pounds Sweet Onions for .25c
Per Sack 85c
Pure Maple Sugar, pound 25c
2 Quarts of Fresh Sauer Kraut for 15c
Gold Dust Flour, sack $1.25
Per Barrel $1.83
Every customer who buys $1.00 worth of Groceries
at our store tomorrow can get
855 N. Commercial St.
Wc deliver any place in
Last Performances
The Girl from His Town
A Romantic Drama of the Theatre full of Vim and
Go and Startling Climaxes.
is at her best in this vividly pictured drama of love
and the stage and The Girl from His Town will prove
one of the most enjoyable photo plays you ever saw.
A Four Act Mutual Masterpicture magnificently
staged and acted.
With C. Elliott Griffin and a fine supporting com
pany of leading screen artists.
Your Last Chance Today and Tomorrow
Adults 10c
Always tho
See .
Today and Tomorrow
Leo. Frank Lynching
Sail Kllllleiseo. .Sent J 1I...I.....
ue pin, cum links and nobody would
take what clothes he had left, bo he
turned on the gns, for he couldn't unite
rinnre out how he was coinn to eat
n"0 ,tt RAIJ:M. OEEOON, stop at
i u L, i ii ii ii ii i r. i.
Strictly Modem
Tit and Private Bth.
RATES 75c, $100, $160 prw riAT
lTha onlv kotel 1. ).. k'...:J j,,.. .T
lapttol Buildings.
A Bom Away from Uoma
T. O. BUOIL prop.
Both Phooea. fin Aut4 Boa,
a Son
Phone 68
Salem and to Fair Grounds
Best Piltares
Children oo
A cent a word will tell your
orv in th Journal Nu) Tod
At the '
Orbussauy' Coehutoos, funny
4erforniing birds; ,lohn A. West
i Co., niusicsl act, including the
fatuous operatic wolf; Vietorson l
a rurrest, "Outwitted," a sensa
tional novelty; Jean King (iiar
tet, from grand opera to ragtime;
lingo Lntgen, new preacher Im
personations; Stevens troupe,
world's greatest arcobats, featur
ing the world's smallest top
mounter. Price. 28c, 35c, and 50c
Matinee at 2:30; any Heat, 25c
Evening Perfoimance at 7:30
Paulina Frederick In "Sold"
Comedy "A Pipe Dream."