Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journa
Editor d Manager.
SeptcmWr S. 1015.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
8e. tad Treat.
DmilT br c irrier, per year
Daily by trail, per 7r ...
.15 00
. t oo
Per month..
Per month..
Tork ti ?ifJ?h r
. win: w.!l Anenrv Harry B. Fisher 10.
11U ........ -
Tribune Building
30 X. Dearborn fct.
million dollars weekly. This amount is needed to pay
interest on England's gigantic war loans.
"Therefore, the British are not paying for the war by
the hard financial duty they are imposing, but instead are
simply shouldering in advance of other nations, the per
manent load which the war is creating. Other nations
must soon follow suit. If the war continues Great Britain
will be forced to again increase her taxes in order to meet:
the interest on further borowings. 1 he only way to evaae
the dead weight of these war burdens is to collect indem-
nity when hostilities have ceased." j
A Galley o
'mtnmiim nm
Tht Capital Joarnal carrier boys are inttroeted to pot the r J'
porch. If the carrier do, not do thi,. mim you, or neglect, get ing the
J". . ;ou 0B time, kindlr phone the circulation manager, a. this is the only
aSwiii rtrtlir or not the carrier, .re follow .nstrucHons.
Phone Main 81.
Oregon is cursed by having only one large city. Mt
n,. tha worth nnd larpe commercial and industrial
The Rogue river valley and the Coos Bay country are;
,vo sections of Oregon which are never satisfied. They!
"The Hon. Thomai Rott isTery
restive under criticism, isn't he?"
j "Oh yes! He thinks the phrase, ;
j 'Officer, do your duty!' should be con- i
t fined exclusively to melodrama." '
"He cleared the sill at a bound and
vanished in the darkness!" relatcc j
Komance, breathlessly.
"But," scoffed Realism, "only i ,
moment ago he was riveted to the
a unnrr ucq PACT?
two sections of Orezon which are never satisfied, ineyi t?JlY"l.r:;u .-,-f,-,
always have a grOUCh On because Of alleged neglect Of i admitted old Brother Gaumpers, "am i
fK;,. ;nf0,.Mfc n mrf nf ctsro -mrl nofi'nnol nfflriala T?Pr: dat. whilst we 'gree most o" de time
men iii.i.iv-oio uii v vji. owuw. ..v a.uwvui - - we don t gree at de same time, i,
is a sample of the editorial matter the people are treated kin 'gree "bout anything, and she kin
to there, except that this one from the Coos Bay Daily ! .Mdef'w W v ;
Tide is unusually cheerful : "Senator Chamberlain was in ( i'm wiii.n' to "gree wid her she won't ,
Coos county a short time ago; Senator Lane is now en-j jt 5' me rve "chanVeVmuh i
route and Congressman Hawley is coming during the ' Pij ."d. "frafe 'but X'kaln't
Bridge Carnival. What is up? It has not been the good we0toeeder"n1ameWthing,nat
urillv the wealth and large commercial and industrial fortune of the Coos Bay country to receive such visits.; e same time. and demo1 we tries d
uian iut ... i n.l 1 1 V-n woine that'll' !.. tU 11: ! i wuis e B,ts-
;in,.ttc rntr tnprp. .111(1 i oriiai u naa larwcn Moiiw ,e ewueuu aic Keuum uji me ciuiuikr ui oi uic uiuui-
none of the other towns in its territory got anything in j jnent politicians and maybe we shall soon see our section
the way of manufacturing that it could secure for itself, j 0n the political map."
it nnVirv. pvprniilified bv its jobbing houses, working with
the riilroads in tne matter 01 rates ami iium ;rjivc, , me ituioru cuy vruuiicii is consiuenng uie issue uii spot, uid he hie the nvetsr'
lieen'to strangle growth and development especially in! $1,020,000 of paving bonds, bringing the total bonded in-' in;dh'unn ren0erLRateiynCu "wa",
western Oregon, while its money has been invested, lfj debtedne'ss up to $1,701,250, on an assessed valuation of j only a small spot, so that by a super
ever it went outside of Portland, in southeastern Wash-j only $4,200,000. In addition to this load Jackson county, in !ahJacnarr
ineton where it was necessary to wage war with the j which Medford is situated, has road bonds outstanding of i
Sound'cities for the trade. Oregon has been milked dry , something near $1,000,000. That's where the paving trust Hw ?bE0fM?J Zfi
liy the rortland commercial interests uecause us jnuuiai goi in us worK goou ana nara
hnd no other outlet, and the big city itself j
is sutTerin.tr from its selfish policy. The Baker City Demo-.
crat puts it about right in the following editorial: , yesterday and only six persons were killed. Even Albany,
"rortland is a beautiful city but it is overbuilded, far j Oregon, might have made a bigger showing than that on
beyond the possibility of the country tributary under ; a busy day.
present stage of development to develop it. The lack of; .
manufacturing and the absence of payrolls, too, is One 1 Somehow the only men who know just how the govern
great cause of the business depression which is so serious- ment should Je conducted are never giverr the oportunity
!y felt. The Portland Commercial club in the past has to demonstrate their theories,
paid too much attention to boosting real estate in the;
metropolis and overlooked the importance of state-wide) We literally have money to burn in this country, and' you more of them tc
development of the natural resources of the country. The i lots of it, too. Our tobacco bill is $700,000,000 every twelve wf0 "k for rai
result is that mere is notning to sustain me cuy s great montns.
population and thousands of people are out of employment j
and real estate valuations have declined nearly 50 per; It will be a fair week whether it rains or not and a
cent. How long the depression will continue no one big one too, beginning next Monday,
knows, but that a serious condition confronts Portland in i
view of approaching winter is evident. To care of those
who are out of employment is a problem that will require
resourceful devising."
Golden Rule implicitly.
Never refuse to make a loan.
I Don't hurt anyone' feelings
l wo DlocKS or a town down rsew l ork street eavpri in saying. -0.
. the Most Wonderful
The Most Beautiful
The Most Important in History
It U artistic, it is symetrical, it U world
wide, it is complete.
Only three months more will it be
opened. No intelligent person can af
ford to miss the opportunity of visiting
this exposition.
Low Round TripJFares to San Francisco
on sale daily from all points
If you contemplate trip East you can
travel through California in one direc- .
tion at small additional expense. ,
10 Days at San Francisco
10 Days at Los Angeles
and 10 days at El Paso are allowed on
all tickets to the East reading over the
- Let our nearest Agent outline a trip for
you. Our folders "Wayside Xotes"
and "California Expositions" will be
of interest They are free. '
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Give up your seat in a street-car to
a lady, and learn from her silence
or otherwise that she isn't one.
If someone bumps into you on
Broadway or in the Subway, stop and
Give your rival in love a chance to
be alone with your girl once in !
awhile. Then spend two weeks' pay j
on a wedding-present for them.
Hunt for chances to do outside er-
rands for your bosses. They will
how their appreciation by civina
to do.
raise in salary; just
Today we have "shaving parlors," "manicure parlors,"
parlors fur shoe repairing while you wait. The name of
junior in our grandmothers' days would not have yielded
to sucn a use.
Parlors thev were those of our
wWra it V ,Ti FiViLLr
?7t NN-J-AV "1 -We PCJ M
Write a short story and send it to
the magazine?.
And. if you are not a Cynic when
you get through doing these things,
there is no hope for you you are
juit a lovable old fooL
every sense of the word. Little or big, they were stiff and
stately rooms. Who that has know it wilj ever forget the
aromatic anil faintly musty draft that stole out when the
door was opened and the dim light that made mystery
Those pal lors had an elt-gar.ee and a grandeur all
their own. Walnut framos on steel engravings and mir
rors on the gilded walls; lace-covered windows outlined
with lambnquins of rep or plush, corded, tasseled and
fringed: rep or p!uh again on the "sets" of parlor furni
ture, unless the set was of stulTines and puH'ings covered i f
- .. mm 4M.
We all have dreams when we are young, sweet dreams
' of future splendor: we see uDon our mrhu-nv flnnrr oil
grandmothers in' kinds of legal tender; we see ourselves achieve a fame that
spreads from Troy to Goshen, so all the peo
pie speaK our name with fervor and emo
tion. Then some of us sit down and wait
the vision's sweet fulfilling, depending on a
kindly fate to help us make a killing. We
wait till we are weak and old, for Fortune's
kindly token; we wait till we are green with
mold, and all our dreams are broken. Our
hearts are filled with bleak despair when
wintry age approaches, and to the poor- cld-;
hnnsp vp rprm'r f J She I coul
."viiu buiue nave c reams ot eor
! lia C'reeth. Stayton, 09.2. The cham
j pion girl of Linn county is Helen Bren-
ner, of Lebanon. Her rating was 99.33.
Marble Crahtree is again running his The boy champion is Frances Leroy Ar
rural mail route. ; nold, of Albany, who is 3 years and 2
Mr. Kirby, of Salem, was a guest atjmontlls old and scores 99.5. Mail,
the Ed Young home Fridav, !
J. R. Miller and wife left for Gilliam 'SALTS IF KIDNEYS
county Thursdav exiting to be gone nATUTO
w,m coUn and Quin.in visi,. OR BLADDER BOTHER
ed several davs last week with Port-'-.- , . . .
land friends. " ; Harmlees to Flush Kikneys and Nen-
Miss Vida! daughter of Mr. and Mrs.j traUze Ilttln Adds Splendid
Ed Young, left Thursday for Corvallis; for System
to attend the O. A. C. t.7T,
Merton Burson has begun moving his j Ka"y and Bladder weakness result
household goods to his ranch on the from unc acii My t0,el authority.
Little North Fork. ! The kidneys filter this acid from the
A. E. Bradhaw captured a large tar-1 blood and pass it on to the bladder,
antuia on n bum-h of bnnanan one day where it often remains to irritate and
last week. It was a savage looking in-; inflame, causing a burning, scalding
sect. i ; sensation, or sotting up an irritation at
Miss Emilia Streff. accompanied by the neck of the bladder, obliging you
Miss Mullen, of Fort Podge, Iowa, is. to seek relief two or three times during
spending the week at the 11. .1. Mark-1 the night. The sufferer is in constant
iiil! home in Jordan Valley. i dread, the water passes sometimes with
Mrs. Maude Harlan and children ar-a scalding sensation and is very pro
rived from Oetroit Inst evening for a; fuse: again, thera is difficulty in
visit at the W. S. Waiters home. i avoiding it.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hartley and Mr.! Bladder weakness, most folks call it,
and Mrs. Moffit and son of Halem, . because ther can't control urination.
; visited Sunday at the J. F. I'eery home. I while it is' extremely annoving and
l Mrs. Otto S hcllhurg of Salem, spent , sometitncs very painful, this" is really
, the week end at the home of her mother: one of the raost g;mpic ailments to over
i Mrs. Anna tnyton. come. Get about four ounces of Jad
j Mrs hox.e Mayton who has been Palts from vou r pharmacist and take a
makma her home in Rattle, is at the. tab, nful in ,a88 of wat before
home of her patents. M. A. Stayton and breaUfast continu ,hif for tw0 or
'ZZZtXr fr"m a" """"'".tbree day,. This will neutralise .the
m." v w i - i i..v.. - ti ' oeids in the nnne so it no longer is a
house we
with brocade; carpets laid out in geometric patterns, or
strewn with garlands, hassocks and corner cabinets; the geous hue, fine dreams of coming glorv "Well make those
family album and the family KiMe all went toward dreams," the say, "come true, before we Ye old and hoarv"
striking awe to the hearts of the very young folk and With willing feet and eager hands thev're chasine For
making them feel their insignificance in the general plan tune always, while t'other dreamer idly stands or sits
of society t and chews his galways. Oh, dreams are fine if vou have
Ue could not jret our parlors luck into their old state siuink to fo low m Hip vidnn w ji ,u. j
.... - - " i . v. uul si i i hiiik -j ru
i. i . . . . - . ' - ' VVM. u V
ley. visited at the A. It. Oardner and
E. i . La n homes the last of last week.
John 'Henberfer, of Sublimity, a
tfood friend o( the standard editor,
made us a pleasant call Friday. It was
hts first viit to Stavton in about two
Mike rtr-ieeher and daughter. Alma,
of Ransom. Iowa, are visiting at Geo.
Spaniol's. Mrs. 1:. is a brother of Mrs.
Spani'd and formerly reside,) here.
and vou' ho.liior .Montnomerv and wile of
could love rou until mv hus- : Mthama were isiiuii: friends in town
una geii noil
He I could love you until the sut
source of irritation to the bladder and
urinary organs which then act norm
ally again.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless,
and is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and is used by thousands of folks who
are subject to urinary disorders eausod
by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is
splendid for kidneys and causes no bad
effects whatever. "
Here yon bare a pleasant, efferves
cent lithia-water drink, which quickly
relieves bladder trouble.
it we tried, localise we ourselves have changed. The hv- simply bunk which bring free gifts elvm
iog room answers a new social feel inc. Life todav is too
full to have patience with formalities
J. W. T Mason, the war expert of the United Press,
who writes for the Capital Journal daily on the meaning
and significance of the developments from day to day, has
this to say of England's war tax levies: "The new and
heavy taxes which Great Britain proposes to levy upon
the nation will not bo temporary, but will continue in
definitely. The waste of war and the staggering debts it
involves are seen vividly in the new budget suouutted to
parliament by Chancellor of Kxchequer McKenna. These
huge burdens cannot U eliminated in the future, unless
a substitute for the taxes is found or unless peace ex
penditures are reduced. The now taxes will raise ten
Famous Austrian Violinist
Had Thrilling Experience
On BattleSeld In GaEcia
T .:na. W5.t... fs.pt. Si. His Ut j
t!i .i mt i-f f ft. id the n:,u Auftriiaj
unci. d--it'i ly im ';u!l fir 1
l fitVilj k!m't tili:?ed by j
.i k r !ty t luiic. in bich be as j
"'.i;.!v ,.ui.V.l by a lanr tkrti;t. !
t'ic V!iii'tfr i.rrted I. r Kritt '
tHr fftni'us Ak,MitH viwiimt. ;
snay qukkly fol-
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established ISCvS
Transact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Boxes
!. nrrurd hrrr
f.t.t t. ur .f ttie I nitcd Njim in-e thr
Kur.'i.sn r hrvle hut. The antrti
iu.iiim a t'.cultiant in tKe Awn
tnn mt'aptiy. He m,,r !f.J litt
t'ltli tl.t p'fi-.sl.--l ht enotare of
t!if fitt vf l'ifhiuj bv the Sg."iit
Km'rr .. a urdrtir,
.-f ti.M. l-l c-i!.i l.-k er.MA
niiu i iria. i e or
derty r-ivd ki and t.o'th'r !
tarud on L.tg iuif.d trip t.i tSf
Aiir,n bue. It fitta drk nl
tS burtVf-vH tovrrrd wit
and aKnutsl. Jn.fr they Vl tc, 1,
tilt l fietetij be dl mi
mi k ftnli, ramr sa tlim and
a ararty H (-d oa Krvilpr. The
m nu.k-1 rm.-,riaa a arnt hark t
iruua tuj did . rr rr frtmi ki
ini! fur i initti.
Krei-Wr in rafidrnt tV Orr-t t l
AtTin vftul" W tirtorionn
la tW ar.
rrt Biej ZtY..zi Ij Silfra Peop:
A l.ti.V , i., ,. ,
Ua.f an 1 ..
I ni.arv
li-y and . f:,t, Bnitht't diwaw.
Tl.j Ir.-.-f-ut: r U tba downward
M-urf of j
IVn't tV th. nmrw. FuUvv the'
dvir ut a S,'i-a- .-itiixn. t
W. 1!. in4;. fanv.rr, 611 S. lt
St, Salrn. Mi, About two years
ado Vi-nir tn rmt oa m. Kirt.
' y la k l-ria t - ack. th-n ia
r..i t..i ,,. i.j ail 0,,r mr b,vy, liW'
I uwatinu. fi,.. ki.tncy amrvtiooi
!'? rniiiit-.trai u i I kurm tkat bit'
kidrey, ,r, !lMl, j r,, ,
i rwr.rt i.f m,t , Kidfy I"lli tiTa
by thf f o i- -;i;kt,ra, and I got
n.m. Krl.irc I tarr4 k box '
I pf lt.it o.o-iii, ii J , alnuvt atirrhr
irr thni i aia act wiv Lidaeta art.l
t-v.UrK l i.-si UMaS Kida
I'lil. imrt a,ij .,..K flta.'
1-r.r ,t .i j.-aVr IV.a't nm-'
r-lv fr a twlav rvmtJy wt
iHa KiiUry l-i!i.t" that
Mr. Uta Urr ki.i Kojt-MiU.r Co,'
J'r,f., lutfl. S. V- ' !
Pi '5)
ft fipit.il Journal Special Servire.)
Kniitland, Or.. St'pt. 2-1. Mr. Mincer
had ok of his horos badly hurt ou
t'.'irh wire fen-e this irwk,
Walter Ransom has returned from a
hop rnni-h i. p river where he was em
ployed for three weeks or more. He re-
the rnip was quite good miu-H
i better than last vear bv several hun
dred boxe. The r-wner, bv outtin;
For Shopping Toor.
Trotter Wh.le I was in England
I rr.et one nobleman who actual !v bt
revt.i in tht tboliticn of the lioaac
ci Lorda.
Blotter Did yen, really?
Trotter Ye. He laid it such
a cuiMfKt to (0 thert.
The ar.gltr drtami tt' catciirg pick
erel At fait at te ran ytnk
Tht pole, and that they're Copping
'round pell-mell
Upon tht brteiy bank.
Birmingkaai Ace HeraM: If the'
Haikaa a'atm frt lata tk EiJTMpaa'
wr tt day eat ff tht ip1a!ioa af
wreatkra mt Aaterirm.
iY for tut; Journal,
Want Ad will $,U it.
lit rtt tV pcrck writk ahminf ill ret
riporttp oa the c-d ; -H
wet frcat aaotiak a their alinay -
tailt - . i
UT.;1. t;M a-AM .v- Mil 1
ridav and alo doir.j nome tradiin;.
Mr. W. .1. Stephen. and little daiit-h-
i tor Maxini. or Tillanifiok, ste here tor
an extended visit with her mother. Mrs.
i' arrie Hi .vi. hatnp, and brothers, (.'. -A.!
land Pr. H. A. lVsu'hanip.
' K. T. Matthien and wife left Monday.
n.ominc t-ir I'ortlan.l. returnirn; last
i-ve.iiri:. Wm. Fitton had eharce of the
; 'icr store durintf Mr. Matthieu's ab
' sen.-e. !
Mike Neitlins has Wen sufferinc
f rutn an als.-e on the si.le of his fa. e
hot is intp'iw-inj. Me sayr. a hundred
.loiiar wouldn't induee him to have port
jsnoilier one.
-mis r.:i".t.netn t ornelius was a guest-
, of tr I S I tt.Kd, U. VAL.
Mrs. lVte 'tiraWr and son. .'f s,.:!vn the ,.iie ci -hirg 30 "Bt
' Inn. weie quests at J. M. Ringo's ' "nts a box. swiped enough from
ftoiu Wednesday to Sunday, Mr. Graber ' B' I'i-kor to pay for the drying. This
moti'rintf ,i;. on thct day after them. !"mn 1 supiose congratulates himself on
I Mrs. OraWr is a sister of .1. M. .what a tiiw bussnes man he is. Uocla
11. X. li-.iTitiey au l family are home ' thinks he would be ashamed to face th
I from Ftrooks, wher thev have et n looirig giass when be tombs the hop
(for several week. While a war thev uai'l out ot his whisker. But he prol)
iwere en ployed at pi. kin,! loganberrie.inl.v "'
.ever jr. va bWkberrie and hops. larenoe itoling ia moving his hous
John A. Yanllandel and Win. Fitton 0l,d J'-irn down onto ano'her port ot
jp-.t in a new fire p!a.-e for Mr. and ,he trm for greater eonvenience to
: Mrs. H. .1. Kollis this week. It is saf,. , the main road.
; to say that these worthy people will I M. '. t-erink is painting hi tarn,
jg.-t considerable satisiVtuin from it. lr- Firua lioweis and family, of
I use the eonung winter. i this place received notice this week ot
( frabtree and Riiiiv the milk dealer. ' the death ct an esteemed uncle. '. A.
lost a hore Thnrs-iav. Kverett t rab-' Hsggi'ia, of Stwkton. Kansas. Mr. H.
tree was delivering milk. Miss Theresa w in his 77th veer and wa at on?
Fchlen Wing with him. He had got , tin-., proba'e judge of Hooks roiintr of
ont at W. A. F.lder't. leaving Mi,which Stockton i the county seat.
J'.hlen in the rig. The hor Wcame' 1 'ee the statement made 'iu a Salem
frightened at an automobile, started to newspaper that soniebodr Is "agitat
run. and the young la ly jumped out. ling" the recall against '(.-ountv Jiidii'
The aunual ran a. rws the Fl.ler gar-1 Busliey. Now that 1 abort' as di
den. stepj.1 intn a M and got a f all j verting as the rhymv-s of Walt Mason,
tkat .lisl.-ated the tones of the neck. 'Judge Bushey is' about the last man
J. H. )kwije and fan.ity eame over'in aMiion county the rev all ouwht to
from Turner Sua.iay evening, (lur C.,' strike. II? i 'an efficient cftV-ial,
Unffia and wife, of Wet Staytoa were' square and honest, and withal has a
bIsm among the out of towa ople'lt of "horse Vase,'' tucked within
)r-ent. Manage Kirw pot on an at-i his cranium. He doesn't believe in
tractive bill that was worth -going . looting the rountv treaxirr and fling
""; V i"1 pu 'he pe.ipie's mone'r right an I
At th Lngn,c, eonlet held at the left a is often done. Oh. no. Let Judge
s:o fair several children of thi. vicin-i Hushev s:v where k it He is need-
so rel prue. In the boys division I ed. 1 think I ran st eak for Fniitland
nth. Orlaa.l leaver, Suv iwhen I nv we nut hem would vote to
I divition. l' l.i let well ',,, v . H.l . (n,tc
I-4 PJ?n.thU m. rhlI;H'!. Kii.k-.ton.iis (imil envnh to be let aK.tie. theee
cort w. -I to a n.onths. N,vS Titn. are the nentinient with a eapital t. ot.
Kington, 36 to 4 months, J.l IKM IA Ml'KR.
.4 to R r.
Inn, eored