Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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    0o F Satwday Aad
NEW COATINGS Week End Bargains in Every Department BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS
Astrachan, c h i n c h i i la, UNDERWEAR CORSETS BLANKETS ggj $0Xt78'
Persian Lamb, Etc. Ladi6s, and children's Two great specials for $1.00, $1.50 and up to $3.00 c1 0Q
75c 98c $175 FleecedestPants and Friday and Saturday Cotton Wool Nap Blankets L 10 SA
, 23cd 48c 48cand98c '65cand1.98 m. SWEATERS
Mohairs, Serges, Crepes, 15c, 18c and 20c Ladies' Ladies' Missi on Handle Ladies Dress Shoes Chn. Sweaters for Friday and
Gabardines and Novelties Ctojft Fart Black $1-00, ' rens School ghoeg Saturday
39c-58c-98c 12 l"2c 48c and 98c $1.18 and $1.69 98c and $1.98
It Will Pay You
To Trade With Us
Will Promote and Have
Charge of All Student Activ
ities During Year
: The student council of the Salem
h!irh school this year is composed of 10
members, three from each of the two
higher classes and two each from the
sophomore and freshmen. This -student
council will in a general way, promote
and have charcc of all the student ac
tivities for the coming year. This will
be the first entire school year in which
the affairs of the higti school will be
directed by the students themselves, as
the student council was Iirst organir.ea
last February.
Elections were held this week, result
in? in the scleetiou of the following:
For the seniors. Edward Rauch, Allun
Carson and Victor Bradeson. The jun
iors will be represented by Oral Hugo-
dorn, Ha Spnulding and James walker
Ina Proctor and Ira .Mercer were elect
ed from the sophomores and Richnrd
Sinter ami Hnywnrd Fowle will express
the sentiment of the freshman class in
the student council.
Two regulnr meetings will be held
ench month. This system of permitting
high school students to practically man
age their own genernl activities has
been adopted in almost all the progres
sive schools in the west.
With the closing of the schools for
the week this evening, children of all
grndes will enjoy once again the free
dom of vacation days, as Monday is a
holiday for all schools and pupils will
be admitted to the state fair without
charge. Tuesday is regulnr school day
noain. but Wednesday is flnlem day al
the state fnir and once more, the schools
will dismiss for the day. However,
ticcianlnir with Thursday of next week
no more holidays are in sight until.
Thanksgiving day.
Independence, Ore., rtept. 24. The
Wigricti ranch finished picking hops
Wednesday noon. This is the last of
the large ranches to finish. It is lo
cated about five mile south of Inde
pendence and the yards consist of abont
.120 acres. The estimated yield Is 3,000
)aUs, which is a greater number of
bales than has ever been grown on that
. Tha entire shipment will be mode
direct to London. The ranch has al
ready shipped 20 bales of fupgl's, and
each day a ssmple of hops Is forwarded
o their London office by parcel post.
The estimated enst of harvesting the
crop will b about $30,000,
We have secured additional sales people and are prepared to handle immense
crowds. Our store has already taken on a Holiday Attire. Bright, Crisp,
New Merchandise fresh from the Eastern Fashion Centers is here in great pro
fusion. Styles, Qualities and Varieties are Unequalled and best of all are
Prices That Cannot Be Duplicated
Ladies' $12.50 Chinchilla
Coats, priced special for Fri
day and Saturday
Ladies' Plush, Caricule and
Novelty Cloth Coats, $10.00,
$12.50, $15.00
Silk Plush Long
first showing; $20.00
and $22.50
The Greater Chicago Store
Daniel J. Fry, the popular druggist,
has been in the drug business long
enough to have his own opinion of tho
best way of gelling medicines. He says
the plan adopted by Ml-o-na, the great
dyspepsia remedy, is the fairest he has
ever heard of. He doesn't believe tnat
medicine ought to be paid for unless
it does the user some good. And Mi-o-
na is sold under a positive guarantee
to relieve dyspepsia or to refund tho
money. You simply leave 50 cents on
deposit with Daniel J. Fry and if, after
you have U9ed the box of Mi-o-na you
decide that it has done you no good, all
you have to do is to tell him so and he
will return your money.
Hundreds of people have been relieved
of stomach ngonies by using this re
markable remedy. It is not simply a
food digester; it is a medicine that puts
all of the digestive organs into normal
condition and (fives ruddy, glowing, vig
orous health. A change for tho better
will be seen after the first few doses
of Mi-o-na, and its continued use will
soon give the power to cat anything at!
? - 1 .. ... .. I
anv time ana not sutler distress aner-
Mi-o-na is sold under a positive guar
antee to refund the money if it does
not cure. This is the strongest proof
that can be offered as to the merit of
the medicine.
Nothing lessens a man's success in
his work or a womnn's fascinating per
sonality more than a weak stomach,
with its attending evils. I so Mi o ns
and see how much more there is in life.
Victoria, it. (,'., Sept. 24. Tho liner
.lara, umvuin nuru imiu twu.i.i,
X. Z., brought a consignment of gold
sovereigns from New Zealund banks
valued at tl ,000,000. Jt was consigned
to the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali, fchick is very
injurious, ns it dries the scalp und
makes the- hnir brittle
The best thing to use Is just plain
mnlsifled cocoantit oil, for this is pure
and entirely gressless. It's very cheap,
and beats soaps or anything else all to
pieces. You can get this at any drug
store, and a few ounces will last the
whole family for mom lis.
Pimply moisten the hair with water
and rub' it in, about a tenspoonfiil is all
thnt Is required. It mnkes an abundance
f rirh. cresmv lather, cleanses thor-
ouchlT, and rinses out easily. The hair
dries quicKiy arm rvrmy, -,
fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and
easy to handle. Besides, it loosens ami
takes out every particle of dust, dirt
and dandruff.
Children's Felt, Cloth and
Corduroy Hats, worth 75c,
85c and $1.00, at
49c and 65c
Ladies' Velvet Shapes, all
new, sailors and turbans
49c and 98c
Ladies' Trimmed Hats, reg
ular $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50
$1.49 and $1.98
Ostrich Tips, three in bunch,
18-inch Ostrich Plumes
Judge Webster Thought
the Crowd Could Stand
It and Case Proceeded
After the stnte hud offered its evi-l
dence i:i tho preliminary hearing of
Fannie Hauling and 12d Keys, charged
with disorderly conduct alleged to have
been committed at a hop yard, in just
ice coure yesterday afternoon, Attorney
Miles for the defendant moved that the
ease be dismissed. Mr. Miles said thnt.
n his opinion tho state had failed to
make a case and thnt. if the .defend
ants were placed on the stand it would
be necessary to go into details which
he said were of an unsavory character.
"This looks like a pretty tough
crowd," said the justice. J think they
can stand it, tho examination may pro
ceed." Sirs. Harding and Keys were bound
over to the grand jury under bonds of I
J!0 each. .
Boston, Mass., Sept. 24. The Boston
Red Sox will stand put in 11)10. They
will stnrt next season with practically
the same lineup as will play in the
world's series this year, it was learned
TV.n Vn,i Rnv fhuvn fivn IttnVAi-a
today. The Red Sox nave five players
on the reserve list and if any changes
are mnde, these will fill the gaps.
You want
cigarette "comfort'
Your "steady" clgaratt
must suit your own ftm,
of coarse.
FatimM majr or may not
do that you can't Ull until
you try tbeco.
But In addition to tha right
taste you want"COMFORT"
too comfort for tha throat
and tongue and no "maan"
feeling after smoking. You
Tatt any other clgaratta In
tha world etonpitdt of
Fatlmaa and you'll agraa
that Fatknas are tha most
"eomforfafce' and "nu
bit" dgaratta that you avaf
The Turkish Blend G&uette
L, rftr iff
r i t. vi i
I I II. Vil I
Ladies' $15 and $16.50 Tai
lored Suits, two new ship-
ments just received
Ladies' $18.50 and $20.00
Novelty Suits, latest mater
ials and designs
Ladies' $22.50 and $25.00
Man-Tailored Suits, exclus-
ive Models
Under New Management
A Gold Rooster Tlay
(In 5 parts)
These plays are Pathe Feature Productions
Also a Good Comedy
We feature the Best Comedies
Ye Liberty Theatre
Five Accidents From
Marion County Reported
To Accident Commission
Five accidents were reported from
Marion county to tho state industrial
accident commission for the week end
ing yesterday, two of which were from
Salem, two from Silverton nnd one
from Stnyton. Jiilin Delos, of this city,
had his fingers crushed in a brick and
... fc . M U f I
tile factory; B. Donaldson, of Salem,,
suffered uii injured knee with a trans-1
portMtiou company At Silverton O. J.I
McKce smashed n finger in a sawmill
and William F. Wilson cut his leg also
in a sawmill. Frunk F. Foster, of Stuy
ton, suffered an injured back iu a
During the past k, September HI
to September 22, Inclusive, there were
reported to the state industrial accident
commission a total of 151 accidents, of
which two were fatal.
Of the total number reported, 111
were subject to the workmen's1 r.omen
nt ion art; 21 were from public utility
corporations; VI were from firms or cor
porations who have rejected the pro
visions of the act a nil six were from
firms aud corporations who do not em
ploy labor in hazardous occupations.
W eels o0 II
; 51 -m
We Name Prices
Others Cannot Meet
Following Is shown the number of
accidents by industry: Railroad corpor
ation, 2"i; sawmill, 25; logging, HI; iron
nnd steel works, 7; construction, 10;
paper mills, 7; department stores, 6;
mcut packing, S; planing mill, 4; bridge
construction, ,'); transportation com
pany, 3; nnd the following have two
each: Rock crusher, laundry, railway
company, dredging, foundry, light nnd
power, glass mfg., ami one each for the
following: Trespasser on railroad, ex
press messengc;, auto works, tank and
pipe mfg., ice mfg., woolen mill, print
err, millinery shop, pnving, telephone
company, stove mfg., biscuit mfg., dye
V till! I l II T , PI'IU ""KM .r..u.v ....p,., V
. . ,(,k , tj)n m,u., mf
quarry, brewery, water works, con
struction, bldg. construction, woodsnw,
wood pipe mfg., fuel company, oil com
pany, ship building.
Oregon Normal School, Monmouth, j
Or., Sept. 21. The second week of the
Oregon Normal school opened with a
totsl enrollment of 310 students.
Thiii Is a 5(1 per teat gain over the
first week of last year, and it is
thontiht the 400 mark will be reached!
by June. I
Work on the new training school
l.nll.linir ( bcinir rushed. SO US to ac
commodate the urnmmnr grade and;
practice teacher In February.
$12.00 Great Suit
Over Eight Hundred Register-I
, ed Up To Neon of Open
ing Day
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvul
lin, Ore., Sept. 24. Thero wore SO!)
students ret .stored ut tlio Oregon Ag-,
ricuitural college on m outlay, JSeptem-
ber 20, the day on which class work
began, Registration since that time has
been proceeding as rapidly as the office
force in charge of the work could at-
tend to the details. Pro-registration
ditto indicated an increase of approxi
mately 12 per ccut In attendance over
that of any previous year, and a. com-1
pnrison with registration figures of
previous years indicates that this fore-
j east will be realized.
Of the first 874 students 438 regiter-
ed from Oregon, 01 being from Port
... p...... v. ... ...I, . ...... ....
and Kiiiimis two each. Four students
cume from Montana and two from Vtuli.
There was one from each of the follow
ing states: Georgia, Missouri, Massa
chusetts, Connecticut, Now Jersey,
Iowa, South Dakota and Oklahoma.
I'p to noon Monday there were 23
foreigners registered as follows: Bri
tish Columbia six, India five, Japan one
China, flermany, Finland, Scotland,
Hawaii, Norway, Sweden, Kiigluiid and ,
Australia one each. Most of these for-,
eigu students have registered in agri
culture, although home economics, com
merce nnd pharmacy are included in the'
courses of the foreign residents. !
There are five students from states i
other than Oregon taking work in for
estry, one from each of the following:
New York, Massachusetts, I'tah, Ohio
und Illinois.
Funeral of Late Bishop
At Los Angeles Today
Los Angeles, Cnl., Sept, 24. Scores
of children sorrowetl for the late Bishop
Thomas ,1. County, of .Monterey ami
I.os Angeles, at a special children 'si
mans in Ht. Viliinna s cnthelrul toilny.
The mass preceded the regular fiiueriil
services, which commenced at fl:.'IO
O I'lOCIt.
Long before that hour the street In
front of the cathedral was crowded
with mourners seeking admittance.
Only a. small percentage of the throiiK
was permitted inside, admission being
by card. Jtepresentatives of tho feder
al, state, city, and county governments,
and the honorary pall bearers, inarched
to the church in a body,
Hisfiop (Irace of Sacramento celebrat
ed solemn pontifical high mass. Jle
was assisted by Monsignor Harnett.
Arilibishiip llanna of San Francisco
was to preach. I lie funeral luuitinn,
while absolution was to be rend by
Archbishop llanna und Archbishops
Mendoscu of Oiiningo anil (lillo of Oux
Portland, Ore., Sept. 21. The dele
gates to the Western States Water Pow
er conference were leaving for their
homes toilay following one of the storm
iest sessions in the history of the org
The opponents of the Ferris bill were
enthusiastic over tho adoption of the
resolution yesterday advocating state
control of water power instead of fed
erai guurinunsnip.
The conference, adjourned sine die
shortly lifter the vote on the resolu
tion was tiiken.
land. The number from California was! "eng "'asinr mis auornoon lor in
50, Washington 42, anil Idaho 14. F.nst-1 vestigutiou in commotion with the rnur
crn and middle western states were wolldur of Marguerite Fuvor, ono time aw
represented, the lurgesr number, seven, I tress wife of Uamliniister Creature nntl
being from New York. Ohio was next I her companion, a Mississippi mill man.
with four, Illinois three, and Indiana i tth men were ucnuiiiuted with her.
We have all kinds of Axes, Sledges, 'Wedges, Saws, aud Kquipmont
for tho woods.
All kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Itoofs aud Huildiugs.
A good (HOO.00 Laundry Mangel, slightly used for ono fourth uiigiual
A good 4 horsepower John D. Gasoline Engine, fully guaranteed.
Two Ponies and Harness at a price thut will surprise you.
" H. Steinbock Junk Co.
The House of liulf a Million Uarguins.
nn2 North Commercial Street, I'liono 08.
Values $15.00
Every man ought to
have at least two or
three good suits they
last longer, look better
and you always look
well dressed.
We can give you some
splendid values at
$12 and $15
Let Us Show You to
Prove It.
Brick Brothers
The House That Guar
antees Every Purchase.
Corner State & Liberty
TVtrogrnd nays German troops
lured into Russian Poland by
Gen. Rcnnmknmpff, have suf
fered a great defeat, Przemysl
is declared about to capitulate,
Reporting on the sinking of
three cruisers by a German I"'
boat, the British admiralty culls
attention to the violation of
orders by two of them in go
ing to the reseuo of the one first
British ship Indian Prince
sunk by the German Kronprin
Wilholm off Brazilian const.
German press charges Bel
gians with using churches ns
I 1
j C-nw,l TlirnOrl I nnco
iiSU&pCU 1 UlIlCU LUlfdC
But Arrested Again
; empnis, ienn., nopr. b-i. Alter lie-
lind gono free once, "Professor" Joe
Cue, dancing instructor, wag taken into
custody, with Louis Ruber, another
, , , .. , . -
No formal charges
against either.
Knhibitrug at the
Tho greatest In the State's his
tory. Special Premium
The Spokane, Portland A Seat
tle Huihvny company offers a
chime, iiictul-enscd clock, vubie
afjO.OO, to the county making the
best exhibit of grains ami gnoses
the number nnd quality of va
rieties to be considered iu u.uk
ing the award.
a-aniaMiilMi IM Ilia I'll Willi l I II II '"b
mLAf kt, hZ . .iaaM.aal a
rj m .n .wi.r.ii ill iiruiiM r . n
Ll! It
n ior ueiping iu wane
R the hair grow. I
11 Sold on it merits and aatls. j
li faction guaranteed or your f t
VI money back J
1 Opera House ji
Pharmacy ff