Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social Personal
The second annual tennis tourna
ment of the Willamette valley is in
(nil swing now, having opened yester
day at the Kar.t Center street courts
with a large attendance and much in
trrent evinced in the games played.
Today and tomorrow will bring a large
number of out of town players and
tennis devotees to the tournament and
many Salem residents will throw open
their doors for the entertainment of
the out of town guests. Through many
port enthusisHts witneaned the games
yesterday, in spite cf the threatening
weather, a greater number was In evi
dence today,' with the promise of fairer
akiee and the anticipated arrivals of
jlayers from a distanec. Many motor
ri lined the curb, filled with eager
on lookers. Tables attractively adorned
with haakets of flowers, formed dainty
refreshment booths, where hot tea,
punch and wafers were served. Astiiitt
ing at the tables yesterday wero Mrs.
Cuauncey Bishop, Mrs. J. Huberts, Mrs.
Miss Klla Hmith, of Hilverton, is vis
iting ber aunt, Mrs. lioma ilunter, at
her home on South Liberty street. Mjss
Smith will attend the Salem high school
this winter.
The parent-teachers association of
the Richmond school will hold a meet
ing this evening at seven-thirty at the
iiichmond school. 1'ians for organizing
the year's work will he discussed ami
a full attendance is desired not only
of the members, but of all those inter
ested in the organization.
Mrs. William P. Lord is making a
short visit in i'ortland.
Sirs. II. A. Ililli'ird and Miss Dillard
are entertaining us guests,. Mr. and
Mrs. W. K. Hmith and daughters, Miss
es Bessie and Aletha of Hums.
An interesting program has been pre-
...in, v. llU'ai 11. ill I ft, 1 . , . -.. - v . . .
Clifford Ilrown and Miss Margery Mar-' '"T'1 ,y ,lbe of I'ln('"1" "' ''"o'
t .. . - n . J . nnil UL-,11 it, niuun . . n kl. .. ,.ln .. aft,..
m, wnnn me nostCKS ror toilav was
Mrs. II. II. Olingcr, assisted in serving
by Mrs. L. V, (Iriffiths, Mrs. I
Hteiner, Mrs. ('. I,. McNnry, Mrs. (iio.
Jtodgers, Mrs. L. M. Meyers. The dance
lichediiicd for this evening on the
courts will he held if the weather con
tinue favorable.
Mrs. .1. 0. Nadon hod ns gtieKts Wed
nesday, her brother, I', flearin and his
on in law, Edward Hmith, of i'ortlund.
The St. Monica's Altar society held
. a parcel post mower yesterday after
noon at St. Joseph's linll in prepara
tion for their bu.aar to bo held In
Mrs. M. K. Rodgers has returned from
a two weeks' outing at Tillamook.
On Sunday evening the choir of the
Central Congregational church will givej
.-reii concert, wnicn will be the
first or a number to be given through
mo winter season, i tin elioir has se
eured the aBsistuiice of I'rof. Walsh and
iss joi AHIiliy. ,,f ( aubv. and
atrong program will no doubt bo ren-
Mr, n. (.. flyer hna been spending
.c.y ciays ai jeiierson, as the guest
Mrs. II. ('., Htover lias returned from
JJenver, Colorado, where she was called
iy me nines 0r lier mother.
nni er r.uwin Meamster, tho sou of
nirs, una rtaamster, celebrated his
fourth birthday Sunday afternoon at
tha home of his grand pnrcnts, Mr, ami
Mrs. I. Seanmter, Mil Kust Mvers
afreet. A number of friends nud reln
taves gathered informally at the Heams
ter homo for tho occasion, During the
afternoon several selections of sue red
music wero given, alter which a birth
flay supper was served by Mrs. Una
Heainster. I'lnk and white'asters form
ed protty table decorations. The guests
who enjoyed the afternoon were: Mrs
Anna Meamster, A. I,. Heainster, Mrs. A
I. Hawthorne, Mr. and Mrs. ' (i. ('.
jlivnia, Robert Henmsler, Virgil Senilis
ter, Lela and Verdit Hawthorne, Hu
bert Meamster, Kvert (livens, Mr. Uiiu
Heamntor, Walter Kdwin Heainster.
Mrs. .Toll n Lewi
week in rortland.
is spending the
Mrs. 0. R. Thilliber, of Portland,
eaa been vlsitinir her mother Mr. A
Mrs, Thilliber was accompanied
1. Cady. of I'urtland.
by Mr. W.
and will be given on Haturday after
noon at three o'clock at the school
building. Tho exhibits raised nail pre
pared by the pupils this year will be on
exhibit all day on Haturday and the
patrons of the school are cordially in
vited to attend. The program follows:
Assembly call, bugle, Kddie Hansen.
Holo, "Garland of Old Fashioned
Roses, " Maeyl Hunter.
Addres, .Superintendent Klliott, in
troducing Trot. Durham,
I'iano solo, "Dance of the Wood
Sprites," J.ois Fellows.
Original poem. "Autumn" Catherine
Original composition on the piano,
t.iarnnea wenger.
Duet, I'iano mid Violin, "Cavatina,"
(Huff), Agnes and Jessie Hassell.
Vocal solo, "Excuse Me, Teacher,"
Maliln Marcus.
Heading, "(Secln' Things at Night,"
Hanson Chapiu.
I'iano solo, "Dixie, With Varia
tions," Helen Pollock.
i'iano solo, "Kdlcweisa," Frederick
Bugle solo, "March," Kddie Hansen.
Holo, "My Honnie Lies Over the
Ocean," and "Tipperary," (iodfry
I'iano solo "Lelion I)u Jour, II. Lieh-
ner, Aim .iolinson.
I'iano solo, " llutterflies," Ruth
Vocal duet, "When the Dew is on
the Hose," Roberta and Kddie Hansen.
I'iano solo, "Hong of the Mathers,"
Kiigciiin Itrnndliorst.
I'iano solo, " Hpirmlieil, " Litoff, Ag
nes Hassell.
Holo. "Ocurina" a nniuilnr sir linrvl
I'iano solo, "Valse," Lois Orge.
I'iano solo. " Waltz Faust." Moth
Vocal solo, "Perfect Dnv," Kilnn Ac-
Huglo, Kddie Hansen.
How Mrs. Hurley Was Re
stored to Health by Lydia
. Pinkham's Vegetable
Eldon, Mo. - "I was troubled with
displacement, inflammation and female
weakness. For two
years I could not
stand on m&,Ieet
long at a time and I
could not walk two
blocks without en
during cutting and
drawing pains down
my right side which
increased every
month. I have been
at that time purple
in the face and would
walk the floor. I could not lie down or
sit still sometimes for a day and a night
at a time. I was nervous, and had very
little appetite, no ambition, melancholy,
and often felt as though I had not a
friend in the world. After I had tried
most every female remedy without suc
cess, my mother-in-law advised me to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
compound, i did so and gained in
strength every day. I have now no trou
ble in any way and highly praise your
medicine, it advertises itself." Mrs.
S. T. Hurley, Eldon, Missouri.
Remember, the remedy which did
this was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
oompouna. t or sale everywhere.
It has helped thousands of women
who have been troubled with displace
ments.inflammation, ulceration, tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bearing down feeling, indigestion,
and nervous prostration, after all other
means have failed. Why don't you try
it? Lydia E. Pinkhara Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mass.
A juvenib) department of the Tnited
Artisan lodge was nriiiini.ed Wednes.
lay evening. Tho nue limit, for mem.
hcridiip will be seventeen years. It
is planned to run the iuvenile division
along the same general lines as the
regular lodge. The department is
composed of the Court of Fairies, the
Court, of Legends, the liny Hcouts and
tlie. Ilrownies. A pretty feature of the
organization Wednesday eveniiur was
the formal presentation of the .iuvenile
unparunnni 10 the loiluo by Mrs. Klla
Walts, supreme instructor of the Arti
sans. Tho various snlidcnnrttneiits
formed an attractive procession thev
marched around the room in their offi
cial robes and uniforms. Tho Court of
Fairies wore elaborate robes of velvet
and satin of gay hues, trimmed in fur.
I he queen ot the Court of Fairies is
Miss Margaret White and the maids
of honor, Mucyl Hunter, Leetha Wil
son, and Mona Schauni. The iuvenile ilc-
purulent will contribute features of tho
program which will be given by the
artisan longo on fruicm day at the
Fall Fashions Ready
The new fur-trimmed Rox
Coat s"its $15 to $35
Semi-tailored Suits, Braid and
Fur-trimmed t $17.50 to $73
Strictly tailored Suits, Fine Serges and
PPlins $19.75 to $15.00
Junior Cloth Coats, Corduroy and
Novelty Mixtures $7.50 to $25.00
Women's Cloth Coats,
Sizes :W to 46 ....$7.50 to $35.00
Women's Plush Coats, Tlain and
Fur-trimmed $19 75 (0 $30.00
Special Sale
Women's, Misses' and Children's Fleece Lined Under
wear, Vests, Pants and Union Suits at Reduced
Pictorial Review Patterns
U. G. Shipley Co.
145-147 North Liberty Stmt Salem, Orcjon
1'ana II. Allen is in Hilverton tndn
on business.
K. I,. 'Blackburn is in the city today,
from Albnny.
Olfnn He tlnire, of Hilverton,"was in
othe city yesterday.
(1. A. Bulkhendof Monmouth, was in
the city yesterday.
Ole I. Hoff state labor commission
er, went to rortland this morning.
J. t. 1 erry, or tho Ferry drug store,
is in Portland today on business.
K. V. Htrong, one of the leadinir mer-
chants of Monmouth, 1s in the city today.
W m. J. I.iljequist, of the Hpaulding
Logging company, is in Portland to.
Miss Marie Meagher went to Port
land this morning on the Oregon Klec
Carey F. Martin reiurned this morn
ing from a business trip in southern
Wm. Prown was a passenger this
morning on the Orrgon Klec trie for
-Mrs. Kiln Watts is in Lebanon to
day in the interesrs of the Vnited
Arthur Allen, who has been visiting
friends in the city the past week, re
turned to his home at I'ortland today.
Mrs. Lenta Westncott drove to Port
land today in her new lllil Htudebaker
cur, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gide
on Htolfc.
Mrs. C. A. Hchlbrcde came in on the
Mnrshficld stuirc vesterdav nftermmn
Tennis Tournament
Opens With Lirely
Interest' In Matches
The tennis tournament promoted by
the Salem Tennis association, opened
yesterday with a .number of lively
skirmishes which assured the spectators
of exciting brasses in future matches.
The Portland players who are scbeduld
to take part in the contest began com
ing in today for their matches and
more are expected to arrive for tomor
row which will be the big day of the
The surprise of the morning's play
eame with the last match when Brandt
Wickersham and George Rodgers defeat
ed James Hhives and A. D. Wakeman.
Wickersham arrived on the 10:11 train
without a partner and Mr. Bodgers was
rushed in to fill the breach. The match
went nip and tock, with the .Salem man
holding his own in the fast company.
Several times Wakeman and Hhives
needed but a point to win. Tt was not
forthcoming, however, and Wickersham
and Rodgers took the second set 10 to 8.
About 2 p. m. the third set closed with
the same couple winners. Mrs. Francis
Adams, of Silverton. put up a plucky
game against Mrs. W. J. Northrup, of
Portland, former women's state cham
pion. The bad weather has congested
the schedule so that the play will have
to hold over Saturday. A fine schedule
of matches will be on all this after
The following is the results of yester
day's games:
Bates won from Jfclntyre, 011, fi 4,
Griffith won from Wallace, 97,
Slndc won from Hteiner, 01, fi 1,
62, 75.
.Tames won from TIegel. default.
Frohman won from Rodgers, 3 ,
6 4, fi 1.
Harbison won from Eastman, 11 9,
57, 63.
Mrs. Bush won from Miss Lord, 0 3,
7 5.
Young and Crrx won from Wallace
and Bishnp, 0 2, 63.
Mrs. Bush, and Putnam won from
Miss Deimel and Thielsen, f 4, f 4.
Miss Gray and Jnhn won from Mrs.
Kinney and Oabrieism. fi 4, (i 2.
Friday A. M. Results.
Monres won from.'McAlpiu. default.
Wakeman won from Fry, default.
Shives won from Watson, default.
Kay won from Gingrich, f 2. 6 4.
Danielson won from Edgar, default.
Wickersham won' from K. McAlpin,
default. . .
Cox won from Culberson. 62, 61.
Putnam won from Jnhn. fl 2, 6 1.
Putnam won from Harbison, t' 3.
Miss Gray defeated-Mrs. Olingcr, de
fault. Mrs. Northrup defeated Miss Adams.
Miss Dieinel defeated Miss Kinney,
64. 75. .
Wickersham and Rodgers defeated
fihives and Wakeman. 46. 108, 75.
Moores and Putnam defeated Edgar
and Partner, default.
Thielsen and Harbison defeated Mc
Intyre and Gingrichj'd 1, 6 2.
Miss Harvey and JTrohman defeated
Miss Ryder and Partner, default.
Making Elaborate Preparation
For Receiving and tnter
taining Guests
Pierce "for Kidney trouble and bs,l
ache. Neglected kidnev tronM. !.
It or diseased, these j sponsible for many deaths, an(j
not cleanse the blood surance company ex'aminlrn; .'lo,t
the poisons are car-1 ways test the water of an , Vi' J
of the boiv. There before a policy will be issued T w
. aches and . pains, vou ever set nsido o , "v
Kidney, Bladder and Uric Acid troub
les bring misery to many. When tho
kidneys are weak or diseased, these
natural filters do
sufficiently and
ried to all patts
aches, chilliness and rncumatism. jn ment or
some people there are sharp pa,ins in kidney trouble
depression, aches and . pains, j you ever set aside a bottle of
ss, drowsiness, irritability, head-1 for twenty-four hours! A heavy v
settling sometimes inJioX
ouble. The trno ,IM
the hack and' loins, distressing bladder, charm-tor nf lluo.. ,. rB M
t. i. ;n ...rtoinlr be a very disorders and sometimes obstinate drop- of the kidneys and urinary oriran. .
Fair week will certainly be a ry. gometinles formg in.often be determined by a careful AMa
busy week for the members of the , to grave or kidney stones. When thelical analysis and microscopical 1
Cherrian organization of this city. A. uric acid affects the muscles and thejination this is dona by expert eh
meeting has been called for Monday ! joints, it cause, lumbago, rheumatisni , ists of the Medical. Staff of the W
B . , . , gout or sciEtioa. This is the tune to i lid s Hotel. If you wish to
evening at the rooms of the Commercial , . , An.uri(, , , condition scn j slmpie e VOw 2?'
club at which all the members are j During digestion uric acid is ab-ito Doctor Pierce's Invalids' Hot I
urged to be present in order to take sorbed into the system from meat eat-1 Buffalo, N. Y., and describe vour sv,
action on some of the more important en, and even from some vegetables The ptoms. It will be examined withoot
events of the week. kidneys get tired and backache; any expense to you. and Doctor PiZ
A reception committee has been ap-! .- " ' t I ... . -oia 1 01 Assisting Phvsiciap,
n ' f .... .ill An. tin.. ' tha nfvo Hiaenverv nf Tlr i vil infnrm -...L . t,i-a
...... ..w.-t, v- uv., jvu IIULUIUUV. A,l-
pointed for Monday, the first day of
the Fair. Monday is Children's Day.
Mr. .1. H. Laudermann will act as chair
man for that day and will announce his
committee who "will act with him as a
reception committee for that day.
The most imiortant events of the
week will be &Uem day, on Wednes
day, Elks and Portland day on Thurs
day, and Hhriners day on . Saturday.
Special arrangements will be made in
time for properly welcoming our rair
guests on those days and no doubt the
Hhriners will make good their former
record as hosts and entertainers.
They will co-operate with the local
lodge of Elks and the resident Shriners
and a program will be carried out that
will make gala days of these special
features. During the week every t'her
rian will wear a badge which will iden-1
tify him as the proper person to ap
proaeh in order to gain needed informa
tion. This is intended to help the
many strangers who will attend the
Every ("herrian was notified today
by postal card to be at the Monday
night's meeting. It is very important
that a full membership be present.
Omaha World Herald: Sueakina of
-little issues, $10,0lMi,O00 worth of meat
lis quite a bit. It can even be seen
beside a ;00,000.(IOO loan.
: COURT HOUSE news :
To Select Meats Here
one docs not have to be an expert. We
handle the choiee grades only so tbs
least experienced can do as well th6
most expert housekeeper. And remem
ber you never pay more at this market.
Independent Market
157 S. Commercial St.
Phons 7$
Salem Man Elected
Deputy Grand Commander
Portland, dr., Sept. 24. Five hundred
Knights Templar of the Oregon and
Washington grand eommnnderies, ar
rayed iu beplumed .yfhapeans, broad
cloth and with glitoring swords at
shoulder, paraded thebusiuess thorough
fares this afternoon.
The newly elected officers of the
Oregon coinmanderv were installed to
day. They are:
Louis tllafke, Portland, grand com
mander; W. F. Lnraway, Hood River,
deputy grand commander; George (J.
Urown, Salem, grand captain general;
O. F. Robinson, grand recorder; J. R
Vleland, I'ortland, grand treasurer;
Frank S. Ilnillie, liaker, senior grand
warden; D. C. Tomasini, Portlnnd, Jr.
grand warden.
Alois P. Hessler went to IVrtland
this morning and will lehve for Snn
Francisco tomorrow .afternoon on the
steamer Northern Pacific, leaving Fluv
el nt 1:30 o'clock.
H. Pivkwith , commissioner of the
state industrial accident commission,
nnd Dr. Thompson, phvsician for the
commission, returned to' their homes in
Salem yesterday, nf ter trnnsnetino hnui.
ett lust lilL'lit for a visit nt Si,.
j lem. Ruseburg Review,
.miss eiiuu lc i er eft th a hm. .. i.- . . . 7
I , . ,. ; ,M no nere enn ici-ied with their riennrt-
fr her home at llawkeye. Iowa, She; ment. Mr. Hecki,h v sited I h sdaugh-
j ,V J' K'Wr, West Salem. I Eugene Register. '
A. W. Elliott has brought suit against
T. J. Bowles, of Aurora, in the circuit
court of this county to collect four ac
counts aggregating $210.0 alleged due
and unpaid. The plaintiff states in his
complaint that he worked for the de
fendant in a livery stable for $1.25 ner
dny and that he earned $255 of which
$127 is yet unpaid. He also desired to
collect on an assigned claim nf J. V.
Kerr who charges a board bill against
the defendant of J!f2S.10. G. A. Ehlen
alleges that the defendant owes him
$2(ii) on a hardware bill and J. F. Oh
lert is endeavoring to collect $33.10 for
blacksmithing. The interest of the do
fendnnt in a hotel in Wtfitesun in Yam
hill county has been attached in con
nection with the controversy.
industrial exhibit of Marion countv.
The U. 8. Fidelity & Guaranty com
pany has brought suit against the
Abaqua Lumber company, J. F. Hertzler
and G. W. Huffman, alleging that there
is still due and owing the sum of $0,
051.75 on a promissory note for 10,000,
All of the plant of the lumber com
pany, lumber, tools and machines has
been attached as well as 2.35 acres of
land upon which the sawmill is located.
The plaintiff seeks judgment in the sum
of $6,051.75 with interest and $i00 at
torney's fees. John Bayn6 is attor
ney for the plaintiff.
Judge Percy It. Kelly will open court
tomorrow in department No. 1 at 10
a. m. to hear motions and demurrers
nnd to clear up other court business to
The city of Silverton has brought suit
in the circuit court ut this county to
condemn a 15-foot strip of land across
the line of the P. K., I- & P. company
to be used for laying a pipe line to sup
ply the city of Silverton with water
for drinking purposes and fire protec
tion. The city finds it necessary to
take its water supply out of Silver j
creek and it is stated in the complaint j
that the two parties concerned were j
unable to come to nn agreement in the i
matter. As a result the plaintiff asks
that a jury assess the proper amount of j
damages to be paid by the city fori
crossing the railroad company's right of
way and that the city be granted an '
easement to the property in question.
McNnry & McXary are attorneys for
the plaintiff.
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
halted Milk
Upbuilds every part of the body efficiently.
Endorsed by thousands of Physicians,
Mothers and Nurses the world over for
more than a quarter of a century.
Convenient, no cooking nor additional
milk required. Simply dissolve in water.
Agrees when other foods often fait
Sample ttt, HORLICK'S, Racine, WU.
EWTNo Substitute Ia"lu8t as Good"
as HORLICK'S, tha Original
prepare the slate for the October term
of court which convenes Octuber 4.
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names
Most approved methods, Pri
mary, Grammar and High
School Departments, Com-'
plete Course in Harp, Piano,
Voice Culture, Violin and
Harmony. No interference
with religion of pupils.
Modern Conveniences
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
second Monday in September
County School Superintendent W. M.
Smith left this city today with Super
visor Smith for Stavton, where thev
will attend the school district fair to
be held in that place. Tomorrow Su.
perintendent Smith and Supervisor J. E
Drillette will go to Butteville where
they will attend the school fair. Mr
Smith expects to select a large numbe;
of exhibits from the school fairs to be
shown at the state fair this year in the
o,,u Sr ? 0f ya,st8 House- Dresses, Bilk Goods, Men'i and Beys'
suits, Pants and Overalls, Ladles', Gents, and Children's TJnderweat,
oversnirts, Sweaters and Shoes. Ladles' and Children'! Taney Dresses
rlv i ,ei' and 6ents' Hosiery, Gloves, Comforters, Blankets,
Embroideries, Laces and Mattings.
ffJe "m nP P9568- Wrappers, Kimonas and White Underwear. All
goods selling at lower prices.
Crrlfkt lUrt JrWtw k Mm
As To Fabrics
We feci it's a very larger part of our business to offer vou
wide selections in fabrics as well as slyles-from our
Bishop's All- Wool Suits
Hart, Schaffner, Marx
this yearboth Suits and Overcoats show a reallv wonder
lul range In suits we sho wall manner of stripes, plaids
checks and pla n cloths. In overcoats the same-aid at
oXary- "" far of tSe
Suits and Overcoats
$10 to $25
: Salem's Educational Directory :
Music Business
Schools and Colleges
Capital Kormal and Industrial School;
Term of 12 weeks opens September 13-13 i
13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem !
Willamette University
Opens September 13-13
Carl o. Doncy, president.
I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law School
Music and Art
Frederic & Mendenhall
I'iano Organ Theory.
Myrtle Long Mendonhall
o. Voioe Culture,
studio, Room 211i ,i,lWllra
Trank E. rrhnrrMii . .
rjpil ., ; Emi, Ueb,irCr!crgradu
S ?,.t-pfA,Crn '"""story, Chicago
I'hone 1671-R,
House Bldg.
j Miss Beatrice Shelton
Stv ,,.T'ner of riano.
' g'uJ' M5 Marion St. lhn,, 12jl9
Elm Waller
ri .-. . Tianist
, ten, of Improved Music Study for
t,. Beginners
Dan F. Langenberg
Late pnpil of F, . Areas.
Studio 314-15-16-17 Hubbard HMg
I'hone 2071)
Mrs. D. T. Junk
China Artist..
Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby
Teacher of riano
rhone 1050 W. 679 N. Cottage Si.
Mlsa Lanra Grant
riano and Musical Kindergarten
859 Center St. Thone 2C1C-B
Miss Ladle Barton
, Teacher of Voiee and Theory
Mudio Room 404 Hubbard Bldg. Resi
dence 1017 North Twentieth street.
i none 564.
William Wallace Graham
Fupil of R0 d- urr 01 violin
?, Malir a.V MarkeV Le"' ?"T. Joachim, Mar
ine and one fcalf jean Eurnr-.? eommendation from them.
P Stalro EurPe experience. A specialty made .of be-
pWe ittt UotirVrtMta Z?k J Poitl Marion. For appointment,
1'koae 1M7-M. H " Bchulti, Assistant, 180 Ji. Slat St,