Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 23, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
W i:i)X K8I) A.V K V K X I XO
September 15, I'M 3.
.editor and Man.ger,
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
- Preaident
Sec. lod Teai.
Daily by carrier, her rear $5.00 Per month 45c
lHily by mail, per year
3.00 Per month 35c
New York Chicago
Ward Lewis-Williams Special Agency Harry B. Fisher Co.
Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boya are inatrncted to put the paper, on the
porch. If the carrier does not do tliia. miaaea you, or neglectn (jetting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, aa this is the only
ray we can oeiermine wueiuer or ooi iiiu curnem are xuiiuwuig iuairuviiuua
Phone Main 81.
Our people are frequently and soundly berated in cer
tain newspapers of the state for lack of enterprise in the
matter of road-building and yet the Pan-American con
vention of road-builders, held in Oakland, California, last
week, admitted that Oregon, Washington and California
led the states of the Union in the matter of road construe-j
tion. The truth is that paving companies and bond buyers i
are back of most of this noise m favor of blanket road
bond issues, and it would be well for the people who pay
the taxes to keep on their guard against extravagant ex
penditures. We all want good roads but we only want
them if we can afford to pay for them as we go along.
ft Galley o Fun !
Tommy. What yer going to Sun
jay achool fer all the time? Tain't
o use.
Willie. Huh! I'm going to get a
pood place in the line to Heaven,
nd maybe I can sell it to somebody.
Mere Man. What are those little
If General Carranza can handle the Mexican situation
himself, let him do it, is the advice of the Walla Walla
There has never been a time during the Mexican reign
of terror when this nation would not gladly have upheld
Carranza s hands if we could have been sure that he had
the requisite power, that he meant to carry out the legiti
mate purposes of the revolution, and that he would treat
the United States and other foreign governments with the
proper consideration. Nearly all Carranza's troubles have
heen caused by his own arrogance and unreasonableness.
He shows signs now of common sense and discretion.
His reply to the invitation that he join in the conference
with representatives of the United States ami Latin
American powers to consider the restoration of peace in
Mexico has been dignified and courteous. At least he
recognizes the "sincerity and noble desires" of the govern
ments making the proposal. He is still opposed to any
show of "foreign intervention" which has not been sug
gested by the American powers and is willing to confer
on matters of international interest. He proposes a con
ference somewhere in his own territory, and maintains
that there can be no question now of his richt to speak
lor Mexico, because he controls the greater part of the
national domain."
How well Carranza controls it is open to serious question-
Anarchy still is reported in many sections, and cer
tainly northern Mexico is far from peaceful in spite of
Villa's defeats.
Nevertheless, Carranza today wields more power ap
parently than all the other rebel chiefs together. And if
lie really can sudbue the remaining malcontents and con
duct himself as the head of a responsible government, by
all means let our government recognize him as soon as the
necessary assurances have been given. It would be a
tremendous load oil' our national mind at this vexing time'
10 dc riu or Mexico.
Back in Illinois they let the law take its course and it
isn't long in the taking- A man who murdered his bene
factress in that state was indicted, arraigned, the evidence i aerk-Thore ?eProdw
submitted and sentence of death imposed within six hours. ! lions of the various candidates. A
That is saving time and money and giving the mob no
excuse for assembling to talk over what should be done.
woman couldn't think of ordering any
thing, except from a pattern, you
303 State Street
TVm cfotfl oAMr.nrA 4-t in j. n i ' BEEN LOOKING FOR HIM.
iugoian; (.mwiiai aMuuauuu will meet 111 Daiem; Stranger. Officer, I'm hic-an
November 5th and 6th. That is over a month away but I E,If. an Ea!e.' a BufTa,-and an 0wl
preparations for the convention should be begun at once, !sla Barnum'
Six weeks is none too long to make suitable arrangements 1
for so important event as the entertainment of the mold- the official strap-holder.
era of public opinion of the Great State of Oregon. ,l
1 It happened that her father gave,
A lake of oil has been discovered in Alaska so it is re-' h sHniM T, V"? .f.ace a savei
, i v T , uuviYviv.u in -n.ii6nd su ll i& ic And when he had his lather made,
ported. loung John D. should quit junketing down in And ,hen prepared to whet his bia.ie,
Colorado and get a deed to it before his monopoly isj J.7TA MS S.".'
threatened. But more than likely that little matter was1 .
attended to before the nrpsa onrvacnnnA nn,nA A y"rs went 11 may
to give the story to the public.
As years
But Mother never seemed to change;.
And when my sister was at piaVj
And I would lake her doll awav.
Do not make your child suffer with toothaches.
Children cannot study with any degree of success
if they are 'bothered with tooth troubles.
Let me examine your children's teeth and put them
in shape for the school year.
My painless methods will save fymrs of suffering.
Allj Work Guaranteed for 10 Years
p. ht ii 11 i'miu i wuuiu iaKe ner aon a
Down in Mexico tnev snel a name nno wmr nnrl nvn. Or put a can on oussv's head
nounce it another- Villa is pronounced Ve-ya.-Democrat.l AZWft T-S t l.h Sed!
rut in .Washington official circles they seem to think that For Molher llcld the 8trap-
tennis is aDouc tne proper noise for the rebel leader,
Lady attendant.
Phone 926
And since I've crown to be a. man,
1 to with Mother when I can
"Dollar Day" was a success in Eugene and Portland' o? t& frtebW." JSTiS
oecause oi the liberal newspaper advertising done bv theIAml w,,cn we 1,oar(l a crowded car
merchants. As a matter of fact advertising is the great-! c - 'S"'
est builder of legitimate business in the world today. W1,ile Mo,her holds a straP-
That Russian army must be as slippery as an eel. Once ' wni!..-crEea?A&of?,A m'.ni You
more it seems to have slipped out of the tran so mrpfnllv K"'1 to say vou do a,,y
aid bv the kaiser's rrenprnk caieiuiiy i ,,,, wilh t,iat of y(JUr3 who u
aiKA j uk. 4ai&tl b gtneraiS. reported to be doing such awful ca-
- j rousing at college?
Villa began his career as an outlaw and seems likely to!o?. worlV.: .
end it in tne same way. i!,h enough to take him wnu me to
! t lie national convention of my lodgi
. last summer.
Walt Mason j
s re . Mr r y
.KMdmg, Cal., Kept. .Frederick A.
Iloft'inuu, station ary engineer, was
premature iu congratulating a doctor on
curing him of heart failure. He dropped
denl U8 he talked.
In what does heroism consist ?
Is it necessarily dying in battle or hazarding one's life
in some spectacular service ?
Not at all.
Earth's truest heroes are garbed in workmen's jeans,
policemen's and firemen's uniforms and this above all
the simple dress of womanhood in the home.
They are heroes who do their duty, though the world
may not watch or applaud. They are heroes who keep
i mummy at their tasks, though the tasks may not be L-f
significant. They are heroes who give honestly the best j
service they have, though it be but to hew wood or draw1
,-.,J?Snf r f fS in reat bugy Same, because his!
lags hang shapeless on his frame; his trousers bag around!
ms spavined knees, his whiskers shelter!
mimmingmrus ana bees. His hair. unJ &VmmKm
shingled, forms an ugly wreath, his shoes1 SffilI!?-
Porterville, Cal., Sept. 23. One little
mouse who caused a jiower house short
circuit threw Tulare county towns into
durknens for several hours.
New Brunswick. K. J.. Ronf 91
Wesley Gaskill, caqienter, had a fall. '
He liiinsed his false teeth afterwards.'!
Now he's woudeiiiK? if l,n unll,.o
I them. I
San Kafael, (.'., Rept. 23. Henrv
f nntun, who says he's a prominent Vir-
f li)liflll. wnntixl un n,..nl, ... .1:. n .
r : "turn i u iiiu. nm i
he had no luek. He is still alive after
.lumping hefure n freight train, taking1
and ami ulun
o-'-r. t ..mil jimi uif
Fresno, Cal.. Sept. SIS.-Though she's
1 and feels 1SM,-S. Rachel STiehlon
has enrolled in the state normal school
to study "mental science." following
up studies in that line fid yearn ago in
Springfield. Ohio.
Black Silk Stovn PnTtah
Is different It does not
dry out; can be used to the
loat drop; liquid and paste
one quality; ebsolutefy no
waatc; no dust or dirt. You
get your kiooejr'e worth.
Black Silk 1
Stove Polish
Is not only moat economical, but It pfvos ft brilli
ant, silk y lnilro thnt atumut lw oblmntl with aiy
other poliMh. Blurk Silk Stove 1'olish dwR nt
nib off-ll Imti four timet aa Innff an ordinary
polwh-ao it uvea you titno, work and money.
won't forget when yon
Want ntnve polish, oobhto in
Blt for Mock Silk, Ji'iltwi't
uned yrurdealrwmrclund
your money, ,
Black Silk Stove PolUh
Works, Sterling, lllinoii,
Dae Bhick Silk Air Drying
Iron Limtnul on Rratoi, ri n
intprn, a'ovc-p'pea, anil nitto
mobilo tire rims. I'mcnta
ruatins. Try it.
Ufie Black Silk Mctnl Pol.
lah for E.iivi;rwnref!m'kol,tiii.
wrire or brasa. It worka
quickly, easily and leaves a
brilliant surface , It h;is no
equal for use ou tutumoUitts.
are brown he doesn't clean his teeth;-he i
always looks as though he'd been asleep in'
some straw stack or ancient rubbish heap.) WkmM
To get a job he ambles down the earth, ex- M$MM
gaining that he's long on sterling worth. WWW
Give me a chance," all eagerly ht pleads,!
te my ra judge me by my! &W-m0m
deeds. Ill cut more wood nnrl Wn'1 55:, mrf-tfM&
eriticised rreaident Wilson for iiis
stand on international affairs and in-
nn Fnuicisi'o. Sent. 2.1. hmuu v. ; tininted that hp is influenced lv the
j'luipu HMiiiuNuuor and pru-r.nmisu
menihcrs of his cabinet. .
Ilmd heart failure and feared he miht
dmp dead and lie buried in an umfer
I Kn'U,d grave. Fred Harris, of Slmnrn,
Mexico, had his name tattooed on his
. - .vv iwtu uiuic
water. . , , . w inu.man any dude who is the!
. . hm;o whodares to say no, though fools accuse' Ev?i man appears;
mm oi cowardice. He is a hero who will not follow where i,. tCl r ""ceai nis ears, the tangled
i 1 1 tt- i. , ,ut11 mai lorms a measlv rutr. the shit-r.fi
proves himself firm when folly lures and appetite burns Vf? neetls a soaking in the,
and blisters. U ; the trouserloons that like twin corkscrews look.!
Ids ev
sincere soul is wrung in the
If Carranza is willing to assume the responsibility for
the future control of Mexico and tho Movipnna ho ha
-- oivtlllK t , tIKO
struggle of purpose with sprung
I At Tuesdays Session By
. . - i C i.r nt i 1 .
ocuaior ueo. uiamDeriain
Mrs. Kooney). Whal
i yon nave, ma am!
J"i the floor ntw.l
slob scllin'. Mr. R00n
Ross. Pal.. Sept. .I.l.-The water ,vaK
on disturbed the slumbers 0f Marion
eountv's bon ton population, so the town
trustees ordered that it should be equip
ped with rubber tires for its nocturnal
Investigating Alleged
Treasonable Remarks
Nin Franei,en, Sept. 23. Dr. Fred-
i , J;l,l-.'l",'tor in chief of
the Innaina-IVme exposition, todnv
I'livestnjuted alleged "treasonable" re
j niMrks l.y Walter W. SchltZ. in char
t the (.ernmn exhibit nt the exposi-
... ...... ,. ,-,,, t. ot tne
: otiiee ot the exposition.
. ' s eiinrj,., that
The pro-Perman stutenien'ts aio said
to have been made before ft meeting of
the Uermnn-Ainerican Xntional Society
Stomach Bitters
foreign It is a splendid Appetizer and remedy
''hnltz severelv
for the Stomach.
Portland, Or.. Sept. Sl-. onsntion
! was sprunK at the W estern States Water
Power confere
niMi.uuui iuc iuiivm lpe OI UK' iUCXlCanS Ot the pfes-, ro"",rh"1" f,,r " directness, chared
Mit generation, both in character and educational ami "'" '"",v h,,,'H '"r'y ip-
ImsilieSS (llialiticationS. julatcl i tl, interests ( ,,.fi,i ater
certainly taken upon himself a grave responsibility. It is' pi
a task that Medero found too great and he no doubt t
Grain harvest and hop and prune pickinc are 0vcr'sMr.',h',,.r,,sr"llf inVl,,,lemunJr 1
v. Kvmbody in the state win have the leisure to at-' ffi
gest and best state fair m the history of
1 I Al
u'nti me
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
Capital $300,000.00
Transact a general banking business
Safety Deposit Boxes
upon their arrual. were unfair
Senior Walsh. f .Montana, followed wwvtfD
S'.ia or I'hnmbe,;,,,, with a speech inl r,o,! n, R .
which he -tt..i.Klv advocated the Ferris 1 tied snT tl ' r.0" m"St h, i,en,i
bill and po,t,, ,., mnllv KtUM whv i the bank wlm t?m M,f ni her in
"I !' "I 'h M the contention, ' '"m . V2lT ? c tu
of the proponents f tl le 1 oil ' -! : . i ""rsenot. Spose I'd
wiiy title to pewet Kites, he declared ! '
r such a conteat.on to carry in con-1 lf,E ESSENCE OF LUXURY
Kress, lie said, the nin.. ,.'.i ,..,.i.i ' .'f,i I welcome the er ( i.i.'.t.
i have to be al,,,,,! , f8Vor of itj ,, rr'"f-0"e'y live so much more
... .....nci a list ,.f western senators! .., """')'
who strongly mm0 alK.h Ull ,,("' how do yon make that out?"
meiit. i..""y. there are n..
power interests. , VllU, f,l0wed'by Ho-i'l"Ma lha 0,,e fford."
I he KiMint.ir iuit...l ..... u... , i l... v .....
,. . . . , , i .... . v., i mil. nno in recoL'iiiKeil
y I nited e imt powerful opponent of the A GLEAM OF HOPE
nilnorily J-err.s bill at the enferewe. Senator "r hr that Bitter'! dauchter
lull .l.;i. i ..,(, ,n in inn w-nuilllir ' nauiicur.
"in, wn le he was the only one who denunciation of the .,!.. ,.f il, ! ' t. and B.ltef u:.
""' inimnu cnuirol of water sites,
lie frequently diverged from his set
peech to reply ( lnc ,nrfre that
NMintor ei,nu,l.rli1, im,j nm,Te.
siK'ie.i tne nia.iorily report.
I He called attention to the fact that
I senator Smoot. of I tnd. Senator Jones
of Washiiieton, Senator Works of t'ali
forinH, and Senator t'lark of Wyoming,
H sik'ners of the inliioritv reit, all
ere on the program an,l significantlv
'"tlle, Hush.. !-,Pt. M. Mcnttle im.l
- ....
iii hat 1i(1 he do ,ni,t fof?"
lie aid he thought now th.,
m.BM be .chance for" him",?,,
i ne Lop.-tt im., 0. ,h .
'1 lons the
t door, and
00 en ih ml...
Ill till no 11 im it l.u.l, . : 2. . .. ' ........ B r . , "
o, intended , he.r .11 sides of "hi.i, , , J""ri ' C"h ""d Mr. . (everely).-Do
question at thia emifereiifn " i '"'tier contniuing cheiki and v" """k intoxicant?
enator (hainlierlain nls,) deelnred l'rl,r" ,vor,, U.00. I. 0"r" ooner lat the door). Be-
"Where oh wl.er 1 , --pt. Seattle hi.,1 , 4 lie Lop. , h oi t
f.ud the .ulhor'of the' vVr, is ! " a clue to clear up the st f l
h::lr , ,.-..vscrnis dis,M,pea,.uce last 1'riday J the only on. 1 cln't 0Pe
This may W .1 right, l.ut to .th. of , ,i pllurU ,,.. wv I nt pp.
permit me to
that the man and fu-ur... i.l,ii-i....i i i The l..t.. ... t .v . . ,. i'or..rfl1
A poor or inferior butter will make the best
bread distasteful
Marion Creamery Butter
"Meadow Brook"
Tt costs no moi,e and you Get the Best