Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 23, 1915, Page TEN, Image 10

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    ti- " imnir-mritT -n lllir 'TV nAmHir" il Hi mini niriifi fr irl -T r I -I ,
m imt hiw iwn a 11 n iinn viiono 1"'"'""''
i t r u. ii n r iun ,1
Ul LI II I U IIWI I"'""'
iggf Sale-Men's Nettleton Shoes
Our $6.50 & $7 Grades-Ten Day Special, $4.95 a pair
Here's a timely sale of high-grade Shoes just at the beginning of Fall weather an
opportunity to supply Shoe needs at a great saving.
Nettleton Shoes are the result of the best shoemaking thought obtainable, applied to the
best mechanical process, and worked out in. leathers
as excellent as the world's tanneries afford. They
fit when all others fail.
If you don't get a pair of these good Shoes it is
p 1j
Blacks, shoe
Meyers' Exposition Trip
Contests End
Saturday Night
Tin successful candidate receives
free transportation to and from San
Francisco unit 5. 00 ft duy for flvn
days wliiln ut the Kui r. A vote with
every 25 rent purchase.
Standing of candidates in Septem
ber rontest nt Inst r'oiiiit:
Mollie I'carmiao fi.11.1
Ethel Triudli. 7l
Hlrdiiie Myers 1021
l'hyliti KhIK'k 30719
Patent, Vici and Calf leathers Tans and
Such popular lasts as Kermit, Composite, Pacific,
Windsor, etc., regularly priced at $6.50 and $7.00.
Extra special price
$4.95 a pair
See the window display.
rTf t".
50 10 m CENT
Hop Growers Say Yield Will
Be Brought Down for State
to About 80,000
Special Sale This Week
Women's Amoskeg Gingham Kitchen Aprons well
made one pocket. Your choice 23c each.
. Better put in a supply during this event.
.ummmmwttRnatmtta .anatiuaumwimrotti unmKUJtttttnmjttmmmm
All Around Tow
" - ' ' - ?
vi. xaenaouoDO, ipeciaiist in fitting
glaeuei correctly. U. H. buuk bliltf.
Th8 annual mooting of tin Columbia
river brunch of thu Women 'a l''oroiii'
Missionary society will ho lit-l.l in tlm
First MiitlioiliHt church in this city
from October 7 to lo.
Dr. Btoiio'g Drug sturt, tf
Oovornor Wilhvcomhe. ret nrncil tl
r n. .... i i i i i. - (if I
iniiiiiiiiK limn i u, i mini, wiieie III' nun . ' -
i ii i- ii ..... - fill r lroillius. Ui'iiiiinMf nil imr tint fmli
una silo mnl the Spuulding 8octioi.nl
lll'CII llttclltlilll! till' Wilt IT IlOWIir COll
(reus, Governor Withycombe left I'nrt
liinil toiliiy Sox IVndleton whore lie will
of fii'iiitt1 at tlio formal opening of the
" Ituuudl'p,"
Tlio Woman's Alliance of the Unl
liiriiin church will meet Friday-ill two
o'clock ul Hie church. The iletailH I'm'
I lie f'liir an. tn In u nil unci mill nil
members mnl friends urn reipiOHled to
iiiK the Clackamas county fuir. In both
1'ollt county mnl Caokuinnn eounty the
exhibits of the iichoo! chililren form
the principal part of the county fuir
William J. Llljequfst returned today
from McMiiinville, whurc lie Iiiih been
,,vl,;i. ;;.,- .....l .1 , .,:.. .i... t...i:
' Ii m nnmm mi my ,11,7 iinn- I
ami Hilo. iniiiiiifiictiiieil by the Siinulilini; ! D:ii:- H-II... T . 1 11
I.oHKiiiK company. Jle w ill hnve chtirg-! J0UUUU Vmidl 10UCI1 IiaS
.it-' ti.,. u.,..i.i: i.:i.:. i ....(
'l im, t 'INIU1M l IIU I A II I MIL U 1 II V Nllllt
Struck Snag and May Not
Be Consummated
Attorney 0. Z. Rumlall wan last ov
eniii) olei'tid Hccreluiy of Hie I niicil
iiriiNiiu iouKe, id Hiii,uceif T. ,1. I'enn, .....
wno remaned on lU'counl of other Inmi- 1
iiciiH iiffnir. Mr. I'enu In cuxlmliiu, of A flr8 ftlarnl wftB tun,od ln Rt n
hiiihoh purk. . 0vi,.k ,,,, lli(,ilt fr01 th(, Hii, ,,.
, , " lei M il the department nikIiciI to the
VT. Htoneg Dnij Btor. tf scene wMli viHimiB of a hotel tire on
luif. I
when they found that an nolo
n front of the hotel had
ooTiiraj crates 01 liUIIKMlim pllllns i kih'I'Iiii" ii front or tlio Hotel liad
were nhippeil loduy by Fred H. By non : 1 uiiuhl i:n fire and that Ine flames had
to (he horticultural exhibit in thu )n-1 1 xniijfuiHlied with a hand cheiuicul
Kim liuildiiiK ut thu Hun KraaciKco ex
lioBition. They were from the utiilc
IiuHitul farm ciiHt of the cily,
. Mlu Minuotta Magorn will receive
vocal pupiU al'tcrnooiin from 'i till i
'the week boKiiiniin; Moiidnv, Heplember
Dr. B. T. Melntiro, phyRlcian nd 7 v 1 ,..- "i. .lrl0"V"' "VT;
urgoun, m Ala.onle bl.lu. 1'hono 4 10. i ,'" T i , - ",,,0 1,1"'Nt .Ntiuna
u " ntfa liidn., corner onimerciiil and
iiriiivitniii mii'vin, ncpitj
Mmoh BiMhop, with the blacksmith
firm of A. .1. ltinhop Hon, .South
Liberty ntrect, and mi aiitiiinobile be
toiilii to Hie ripeacer Hardware com
pany I'ollided thin innming at tlio in
temcction of T.ibcrty and Court streetB,
remilliii); in n bruied nhoultlcr and
eveiiil cutii in the face for Mr, Hiidiop.
Nntlo tn )ia Pn lit If
Secretary of State Ben W. Olrntt nn.i
Slate Treamuer T. II, Kay left today
for Vendleton where they' will ulteud
tho I'ondletoii " Koiiad I'p." Hoth Mr.
Kuy and Mr. Olcott will (jo on tlio Jour
nal special from l'ortrund.
The Salem Juvenile Band will head
(n i-iiiiiprriT imrade WeducHilnv uiulit.
Weplember anili, '
The itudenu nf tii ini,i,i...
of the hlKh mho.il mot yenterdav and', ''"r'",m"t, J',n Hr'''"'" ll"1 ''""'"'''i
Hooted On. following orflcem: Vemil " , ,0 P""e timi
lleadow, prcaldenti Heed Hi.1,,,,,1 vife ! " or,,i,,"",e r'',1,;,," , ,h',1r,",,,!.n "
nreniiliiiit !.'.. .1 .. L . . 11 J , 1 lare of doKa will bo atrictlv enlorcod
K ,1'.1 iL V ,,,""""H,1-M,M,I n and after (h lober 1, 110.1
1 rootor and Ira MVircor wore elect,.,!. nlA.s. K Klj(UN( ( Uy i(l,(.or(ler.
The Ladlee Aid Society of the rirst To aecire theTery beat bookings
I re-byte, lau church will meet at the I that are to lie had in the market for
h ..,"fp I"' ,,'"f'' 'V1" ' "Y" ''rt.v" theatre
1 Oh alrcel, t rlday' B:.I0 p. 1.1. xt KutllriHV, T. (1. liKh left for l'ort-
w.4i...'.u . .? ' . . . lund tliie inoriiina;. H is bis intention
Now that the ladles of the Unitarian J to Miow at Ye Liberty 01.lv the name
chinch wivo ,,.,.,l,.d to conduct a lunch high g,),, films that have appeared in
Hi !!'.r l','! f"!r' .VHi,"r" r1"! I""" "J t maintain (hi. standard.
lia no diiriiullv in irntlinir 1 in r
food acordiiiK to O10 way it i served
Up al hoiue, as now It seems they will
be able to dine a In Methodist, l iiilnri
mi, Kpimopal or rreshyteiinn,
Oeorne Talmer Putnam, secretary to
Superintendent of Public IustnicUon
J. A. Churchill went to Pallas today to
attend the county fair which is now- in
session . In J'olh county. Kinnk K.
Welles, nssistunt state school superin
teiident, is in Orciin ("itv tmlnv visit-
Good Oak $4.50 and $5 per cord :
Its worth $6.00, but traded a piano for this wood and
am cutting the price to sell it quick. See me quick
before it is all gone.
J. F. Tuchudi, living one and one-half
miles south of the city, yesterday 'ex-1 XT v , c, ,
chuiiKcd his five ucre improved tract . w York' 'J'1 1 llullC" lulmit
for a farm of 170 acreH near Drowns-1 '"S "'"t tho liiliiiu dollar allied loan
villi., owned by Tripp & Utiatton of that proposal had "slruck a sang " of mnnc
city In tho trade, tho five acre tract ort, local financiers today would t
of .Mr. Tbi'IiuiIi was vntueil at S.OIIO. ., . ., x. , " H
The deal was made by l.afler, HoliiiKcr ' y t,,ut ,ltll,lt""' as deudlockcd.
& Harbor, ..Mr. Tuchudi and family will ! Attlr mj'fteriously keepiiiR nut of siht
niovo to their now homo this week. I yesterday, Hie' foreign roinniissio
0 w,r0 rcporti'd today to bo ntteinptiim
Football fans will have ft chance to to arrive at a compromise
come out and cheer for their favorite) No comment tfu made on (he f,,
hon.o players as ,i i,.ar,lH aro oul : n-1 reception the loan is reported to hnve
nouneiiiu the first football game of the mot i tho wt.Ht ,, to , r j? ''n 0
season, to be ,da.ve,l on Willamette field jtude toward pac'kinR im ' s m ,f , , ! !
between ho V U. Alum,,, and the W 8uro of pro-Ocra,,,,, Inferests. '
l. Varsity. J ho Bii.no will be called I.ocnl parties to tho necotiations om
Friday aflernoon at 3:30 o'clock n,l ,, to still c'nffl ZX
tho price-of admission w two bits. loan would (; thrmifih.
,, . T1" fKreijru representatives went ia-
Five Chemawa glrU wlU have charge to an extremely Important conference
- "V.M.. ni, mo arum i,i urn in,, i ii i- iincaoon aim it was reenrd-
grounds, under the supervision of Conn-! od as possible a statement would be is
ty Agriculturist I.. .T. C'hapin. Last i sued nfterwnrd.
year special attention was given to dem-1 .T. P. Morgiin, Frank Vnnderbilt and
onatrations of canning fish, but this Thomas Lament joined tho conferoos
your the special work will l.o Oikon ! and it was intimated they wore discuss,
up mostly in showing how chickens ! ing terms for a compromise
and various meats may be canned. Tho J The subject of tlio timonnt'nf interest
demonstrations under tho Cheniawa , the bonds shall boa, eonstltutod the
tanning club will beg... Tuesday. principal point for discussion. The
0 compromise suggestpil was said to be
The Sunset Country Club Orchard. 'nt they pay five per rent, and sell be
company with its principal of f ices near '"w par, thus hrinftngf In larger re
Merlin in Josephine county, applied to! turns to Investors.
Corporation Commissioner Hehuldormun The commission denied tho "report
for permission to dissolve the com pi, ay . of friction with American bankers. "
and a certificate of dissolution was is-
sued by this department yesterday. The Only Eastern Banks.
Sunset Orchard company was iacorpor-1 Washington, Sept. 2.1. The allies
ated during tho boom times in real es-' must depend upon eastern banks for
Into in southern Oregon and since the I their loan of Imlf a billion nr more
real estate business is a little dull at j Western luiuls cannot help them, no
present a number of realty companies : eording to a lu asurv department of
have suspended business and dissolved. : ficial's statement todav.
.... ,- r;, . , s,,nr,,,ly aiil in Chicago, bo said
Man orders from Dallas, Independ- dares to slioul,,.r nnv portion of the
oaco and Albany indicate that the sur-1 hmn, liecnuic Oiey fear the stronelv
rounding towns will bo well represent-j intrenched Herman Interests Other
od at the opera hous,. next Mondav ev - banks are involved with tho tmckino
oiling when "The New Henrietta'' will and Rockefeller interests both of
be presented. This show and .Margaret which an' antnirouistio to the' loan
lllmgton, billed hero for IVoonihor 'JO, ! . .
are perhaps the two best shows on the! EMPLOYES MAT STRIKE
road this winter. Five stars of recog-
uiced national reputations is at least u rittsburg, Pu.,. Sept. 2.1. Twenty
novelty as well us very unusual in the thousand Westiiichouso Klectrio coni-
Mllllir llllul II11UM .1.1.1 1 .1.1 I.... . : ' 11.1,1, I... ... 1 . ...
T ,, , uiuiiis lire : i-iii . iiipimcs tlcterillllie tolllgllt
f tliey will jday here Monday evening to whether to strike when their ultimatum
T:S ClllilieitV IiuIIHI.. : iliiliinn.liii,. on . .
s. per cciii increase in
,, 7r0rTr" t ' 1 W'ia''H nuA l,u "! ur day expires to-
The National Dahlia show win y. ni.-lit 1
Jj belli this week at Portland for three Hundreds of employes, however, are
... ...k.uiiii.k uru i iiiirsuiiv, ami win auvismg caution as thev suspwt that
occupy the entire sixth flow of the pro Oermai, workers seek to cripple the
Meier Si Krauk buib iiiu. A irm li.l i 11 .:
I of premiums have be;,, oYforod. ,,. ' ,:: ," 7 .'."'V"y m",B
I eluding all flowers that bloom at tuis! . '
.time of Venr. A feature of lh .. .i ... ...
.will be the Kraml merit min. whi.h . "!ln 1 "",! "'ling for JnjHin
While stories of increased vicld this
year in Oregon hops are being circii-j
luted the hop growers wno arc not ileal- j
ers stick to the original estimate of the ;
Hop Growers' association that the to
tal crop of Oregon hops this year will,
be in' the neighborhood of 80,000 bales.
No business is being done, the growers'
refuse to sell at the prices offered and
the dealers are still looking for stray
growers to sell small lots and a few
sales have been reported but these are1
said in some quarters to be on early
contracts. Jn general the hop grow
ers of this state are looking for good
prices this year and are sitting tight.
It is stilted on reliable authority
that the hops in the Independence dis
trict are a normal crop this vcar and
even a slight increase, the few hops in j
tin. Lane county district show an av-1
erage yielj but the reports from the I
other parts nf tho state show that the'
average yield will be far below the!
first estimates, according to the Hop!
(I rowers' nssocintion. j
la I'olk county down tho river toj
Lincoln the crop is said to be about oO '
per cent of the average. A' ear liallis-j
ton ami Sheridan the crop is 50 to 7o
per cent short, in the S'ilvei-ton and
Mt. Angel districts the growers claim
a shortage of from 50 to T.i per cent.
A few crops checked up today indi
cate the shortage:
lleo rhii'ig, last year T.jO bales, this
year zou utiles.
, Malionoy & Breed, Inst year
bales, this jear 173 bales.
Kennedy, lust year JJ00 bales,
ji-ur nines.
Oitinur, last year a to bales, this year
1-0 bales.
Sohu, lust year
i no iiaies. -
If. (louley, last vear 2.S0 bal
year 100 bales.
I'M Kuvaunugii,
this vear (ill bales.
Marty, last year liiO bales, this vear
li'i bales.
Ous Aral, lust year (ill bales, this vear
ill bales.
Kd Worf. last vear ,S7 bales H,: ,..,, .
ill. bales.
.Some ol' these are small ,.rm.. l.t
they aro taken merely to indicate the
outlying yanls throughout, tho state and
this is bolivved will Inwnr tlio cf..t
yield to considerable less than 100,000
bales for the year. Lust year the viol,!
was J 2,,mti Imles for Oregon and earlier
hi tne season hop men estimated the
yield llns year to be as much as .l.",0,000 i
hales but these figures havo gone!
tumbling down as the lico climbed high-
or. The Independence growers have I
been accustomed to deal with hop lice!
and began si.rnvinu- ,.,.iv iir, v.,J
while in the upland yards the lice were
a new element mid their inroads were
much more serious. This accounts for
the greater yield ii, the Independence
district than in other parts of the state.
I he Laglish crop this vear is given
at from 27.1.IIOO to 300,0110 hundred
wcignt, while lust year it was over "i00 -11011
hundredweight. ,i,,litiml ,,, tll',
tact Oerinan hops will not invade
lapaa and South America and these
smaller new markets will be opened to
miu-rx'un imps as no hops will be ex
ported from Knglaml with the present
crop shortage in that cnuiitrv. All of
these facts point to a higher price in
Oregon according to th(, mvcvn
while the marker is dull thev evidently
teel that they can afford to wait until
something moves before thev senrrv
about to find hovers.
PACKARD Tinogtjt
You will find every thing you want in
style and price in the famous Packard Shoes.
Lace and Buttons in black and tan. Lace
in Cloth Tops. English or Walking.
Conservative Shoes for men in all walks
of life. ' 1 1 a1.'
141 North Commercial Street.
300 !
3S0 bales, this vear
last year 103 bales.
421 Court Street.
Southern Pacific Special
Train For Fair Week
To accomodate those from Portland
who wish to attend the state fair next
week, tho Southern Pacific will run a
special each day of the week, leaving
Portland nt S:;) n,i, ,,; .. ,
. . - "K null !
rm"B , t tho fair grounds at 10:4.-,
- -"' mi- special returning to I'ort
land w,ll leave the fair grounds at 4-".",
0 clock each afternoon, arriving "i
Portland at bV,0 o'clock.
During the fair weoK, the Southern
1 acific trains 14, 17, 18, 27 and 2S will
make regular stops nt the fnir grounds
Iron, September 24 to 2(1 inclusive!
and October 3 to K Win.;,.. ,-'
and IS stop on flag at tho fair ground
I'uriiig f,r week, train No. 73 will run
through from Salem to tho fair grounds
V) i 4 will stnrt fr.in, "
,.t A o- i i 1,,lr KfOUIIltS
at 4:0,, o clock p. m. so as to take pas
'engcrs d.reetly to and from ',,
ror the benefit of those who aro not
fanulmr with train numbers, it nib-ht
bf well ,,, rc11,,ll.r m.nt
a. oven number run north, d those
with uneven numbers, run south.
Stato Fair Orounds, Sept. 23.
Weather: Kaining n little at I) a. m.
Cloudy all morning and showering at
5 a. in.
.M. H. Squires, the fireworks man is
preparing tor the big display next
Tuesday night. A bust fire picture of
tiovernor Withycoinbe and of President
Wilson will be shown that night.
The cainpers will have an opening
dance next Saturday night when there
will be some real fiddlin' and dancin'.
Friends invited. City folks welcome.
W. A. Hard and J. A. Shipley write
f iinn Kstacadn that they will be in
camp at "7 nud oil Looney avenue.
State Fair Director II. U .Jones, of
Brooks, was a caller yesterday.
Jus. .M. licigg will bo found in the
I.i'Dcux cottage.
(). K. Moeller, of Portland, brought
his mother with him this yrnr, and they
are staying at the LcDetix cottage.
O. A. Noyes of Shnw, has up a
double tent and says "Let 'er rain."
He and family will bo hero until the
show is over.
Seventeen counties making exhibits
this year as against eleven last is very
encouraging to state fair directors anil
boosters for the Oregon exposition.
The stale fair of l.Mio closed on Oc
tober '7111.
P. M. Sherman, of Lebanon, received
such a flattering offer for his farm es-
mint that ho sold the same to Linn
county, and what was to have been the
Sherman farm exhibit will appear
among the finest of old Linn.
Tents aro going up in all directions
and the Tented l ity will have electric
lights tonight.
lion (ico. ( handler of Baker, has the
largest display of beef cattle entered.
Senator Chandler was former vice-president
of tho state board of agriculture
and has been an exhibitor for fortv
years. .
Hov, 1). (', Brown, of Woodhnrn, will
occupy the Mrs.'N. J. Priest lot. on the
paved highway.
Tho .Methodist People have the most
unique camp in the dtv, thero being
nine tents nrranged in u circle where
cnmpfires will bo burned.
Portland, Ore., Sept. 23,-Snfo crack
ers blew off tho outer door to tho safe
in the grocery und feed store of Young
& Nortrup early todny but were fright
ened away before they could penetrate
the inner chamber which contained the
"Where You See the Best
Last Showing of Marguerite
Clark In "Seven. Sisters."
Tomorrow and Saturday
Pauline Frederick in "Sold.'
The Play of the Season
Presented by Beautiful
A Salem Girl
and an
All Star Cast
A Four Act Mutual
Today, Tomorrow and
Bligh Theatre
will entitle tho amateur winning it to lZ 2.11"''" m? !, ' ,hl"
the title of amateur Dahlia ki.itf. Al- ! l w h yolhm peril
though there are several ...ti..-i.,MiiM ""' " ""ow or promise.
W E Cuvlor left for hi. w.,,,. iJ NotwltnstKUiig threatening weath.
Whi,Bt,: ,X! V:?r, SV- I'-r fr Mt lance at the
night WMiuig with his brother. S. TJ :. . '"'f'" r,-' for the open-
had not seen fur SOI. " ",r """"" r "-iinis
- - M
A $60.00 Columbia Talkinc Machine t&V&p
I for SlLi (Ml Jinn flnmn wwvmsJj f.. C4- 4
v -v ..v k'viuv ivviiuo live n tin Alt
Two Esty Organs, choice for $13.00.
One riayer Piano, was $Go0.00, now $2Qo 00.
Tianos so cheap you will womler how I can sell
them at the price.
i , m m- WW 14 li w A 1W mil j t -i"'" ,in rmer man "i ri ai-aruuiru ror tomorrow
I mmm X . ... uf ti(, 1 . il,. :,,.. fli.ril.i.m V.. k. 1
v . , . a.i
j tournament. Thin afternoon wverHl
( nylor, wiiom lie had not aeon for 20 1 KK",(
.Ur hmiI bin hnthor vint tho niuht' , ltU'9m tlou, imii(j thr
.1 i .. . , ... . . M num. till, ij h .t . : . .
in mi, i i lUCU'lnv n.'UI tnev weuti, i '"." "", rHiaunani are
t lu.lcieudcnco and vialtoil and that ,,m",linK """.vfJ up for the hg cnnioa
Yi..i,iK ... i, . ii i n-i run riiiiii ul ,n,'f ....,. .iinn, .ni j viiimiii
J jolicc and wont to tail on a chart; of l'lyT will f,n on the niotni.iK train
T lii.iim intavi,'illl Ydl.ii..lMv ..k.,.'aild M'Vcml nf tl. Kj,bi n.mn. .. . l.
'av n flue of will, iiU.hk ina ' aftornoi.n. Km,. i,,i..i k.. i
i. rot ncr , . h. t uvler, wa brought in taken br the bl i'uUi. . iM.
!..,,, J lil,iklcUsl and thi morning h paid ea.ou haa added ..verl plavera who
f ,io ltI C(, (ot w,,,,,',,,, ire dveU.,.ig into fa.lplayeri.
rhiladelphia, Sept. 2:i.-S,.v,.rH ir
independent Mod compia Bre nl,(m,
to meruy into one concern, according to
peraiatent rumor, today. It win under
stood interest!, behind them .ubmitte,
their plan, to Attorney Oouerul Oreir.
ory at Wnsliincton for his approval n
to the vnlidity of ch a move.
I'harlea M. Schwab is said to be th,
dotminnting force.
remlleton, Or., Sept. 23. With the
ropers miors and bull tW.,n ln
i..r won,, in competition the Kound-Vi,
at I'endletoa'i Wild West Show bona!,
thia afterniion.
Thousands of ctafnr .ianimed the
ttrand stands as the frontier carnival
was launched on its rack leu HV
llrilliantly blanketed ludia'u's lent
color to the tcn.
More cowboy, and cowgirl, wore en
fert l in the vnrioua tventa than at inv
I'levioiia round up.
I! Women's and Misses'
Silk Knit Sweaters
of a better grade are becoming
very popular. By an exceptional
buy we are able to sell silk knit
Sweaters in all leading colors,
while they. last, at only... $5.95
'For Fall wear a Silk or Cordu-
' ' I n'W serviceable We have a fine as-
S0l tment at 50c to $1.25
Ostrich Feathei-s-Neck Ruffs all of the season's
latest in plain black or white or mixed, black and
hite, best grade of feathers, and you will find our
prices on this grade of goods very much lower than
elsewhere. Prices. 75c to $2.00
Kafoury Bros.
115 N. Liberty, near State
This Store is for the People