Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 22, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    Dallas Businessman
Marries Newport Girl
(Capital .lotmiiil Special Service.)
Pallas, Ore., Sept. 21. Flirt Begin,
o,.,. of , Dallas' uiat popular young
business moil a'd Miss Evalena Xuieiin
0:i fi-ns, of Newport, wero united in
mi-rriiiue at tlie-Kc -ie of the bride's sis
dr. Mrs. Hoy liremnier in Salem, Sat
iinlav evening at eight o'clock. Imme
diately after the wedding ceremony a
wol'liii- supper was served after which
the iiappy eonple returned to their home
in this city which the groom had been
l.sv fixing up for the past week. Both
ou'!! people are well known 'i.V Dallas
nn. I h.ive a host friends who wish
them till the happiness of wedded life.
Tliev will 1)0 at home to their friends
in tiieir eosy cottage at 121 Washington'
utrci't after October first.
County Pair This Week.
The fourth annual PoIU county fair
opens in this city Wednesday nn'd the
nir hoard have been busy for the past
rtfiple of weeks arranging booths for
the display of Polk county products. It
is climated by the secretary that the
dis l'iy of fruits and vegetables t'.iis
year will be the best ever held in the
lOii .'ty. Livestock entries are also com
ing in nt a lively rate and a good stock
show is planned. " Thursday is school
ihihlron day and the entire dny will be
ilcvH'ed' to contests ami demonstrations
by the children of the county. No en
Try fee will be charged exhibitors.
Road Contract Is Awarded.
The county -court last week awarded
the contract for th.C hauling and crush
ing of .00 cubic yards of rock from
(no May quarry for the improvement
of the S.iverv road in the Salt Creek
vicinity. E. B. llallstoad and Henry
('Vin received the contract for crush
ing the rock and putting it in" the bun
I era nr.'d E. Hart and W. Reddicop will
liaul the material and put it on the
ioad. The rock crusher which is now
it Spring Valley will be moved to the
May quarry this week nnd set up. The
court having allowed $-"0 for moving
flio same.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Snyder have re
turned to their home in Albany after a
xhnrt visit vitli Frank Barrett at his
home or.' Cfitirt street.
Mrs. C. 1 Barnes nnd daughter, Miss
Maude, and Miss ITallio Smith returned
the latter pnrt of the week from a sev
eral days' visit in Fortland.
Miss Gladys Cartwright. of Snlem,
musical instructor u the Pallas schools
has taken up her residence in this city
preparatory to taking up her school
work for the coming year.
Mrs. Peter Fi.isoth has returned from
a visit with friends in the Capital City.
Clark Van Orsdel who has been work
ing at Greys River, Washington, the
past summer .haa returned to his home
in this city and will leave in a few
days for Corvallis where he will enter
the Oregon Agricultural college.
Miss Elma Harris is in Portland the
guest of relatives nnd friends. She will
also visit in several Washington cities
before her return to this city.
Mrs. Blanche Thomas has returned
to her home in Spoknne, Washington
nfter a short visit r.t the homo of Mrs.
J. C. White.
Roscoe Eslla'.ityne lias returned from
California, where he has been for the
past peyernl weeks and is visiting his
parents, Bev. and Mrs. M. J. Bulla ntynej
in tins eitv.
T. B. Hc.vanr. of Eugene, was a Dal-1
las business visitor last week
Koy Breininer, game warden for Polk
nnd Marion counties was a Pallas vis
itor Sunday.
Professor H. P. Boudder, of the Ore
go Agricultural college nt Corvnllis was
in the city last week on 'business con
nected with his department nt the col
lege. John Shaffer transacted business in
the Capital City the latter part of tho
Mr. and Marion Collins of Tlntte
City, Missouri, nnd Mrs. Deborah Per
ry, of Sacramento, California, are guests
nt the lioeiie of Mr. ami Mrs. T. J. Hay-.'
tor, on Havter street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. N. Woods left Sun
day for San Francisco where they will
ottend the Panama-Pacific exposition.
They will also visit in Los Angeles be
fore returning to this citv.
Fred Moore spent Sunday at his home
irt forttana.
Sept. 27 -:- Oct 2
Every body is comingExhibits
will be larger than ever
You never saw
.lames Simontoi, of Salem, is a guest
at the hoine of his ton. Willis iuuon
tjin. o.: Lisle street.
W. V. Fuller iias returned from a
business trip to Newport and Toledo.
Mrs. II. L Veasie left Saturd'av af
ternoon for her h'.:ie in Portia id after
an nil summer s stay at her rauAh north
oi tne city,
N. L. Butler, a nromiuent atrornov r
Independence, was a Dallas business1
visitor Saturdav. ' !
Professor Gilmore of the Ore"on'
State Normal at Mo.-.'niouth was " in I
Pallas, Saturday decorating the Normal!
booth at the county fair pavilion. Pro-'
fessor Gilmore was' formerly' an instruc-'
tor in Pallas College. ' I
Clarence Shultz and Henrv Stump I
were business visitors in Falls Citv the:
latter part of the week
Arthur Alien, a former Polk county
boy now living in Portland was iu the
city rrmay greeting old friends.
Otho Hart manual training instructor
in the Pallas high school came up
from his home in Corvallis, Sunday to
be ia readiness for the fall term of
sohorV which takes up this morning.
Mrs. B. Casey and daughter, Miss
Helen has returned from a several
month's visit at the iime of relatives
at Rosebiirg.
Gilbert MacGregor who has been con
fined to his bed for the past two
weeks with stonincj trouble is reported
as being much better.
Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Starbiuk were
West Salem visitors Sunday afternoon.
Miss Madge Gage who has been a
guest at the home of Mrs. Harold Rich
for the past couple of weeks has return
ed to her home in Mitchell, Oregon.
Miss Maude Parks has returned to
her hnme in Walla Walla, Washington,
after visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. G. Black.
Flush the Kidneys at Once When Back
achy or Bladder Bothers Meat
Tonus Uric Acid. .
No man or woman who eats meat
regulnrly can make a mistake by flush
ing the kidneys occasionally, says a
well-known authority. Meat forms uric
acid which clogs the kidney pores so
they sluggishly filter or strain only
part of the waste and poisons from the
blood, then you get sick. Nearly all
rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, constipation, dizziness,
sleeplessness, bladder disorders come
from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts, or if
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irregular of passage, or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, get
about four ounces of Jad Salts, from
any relinble pharmacy and take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your kid
neys will then act fine. This famous
salts is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithin
and has been used for generations to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to activity, also to neutralize the
acids in urino so it no longer causes
irritation, thus ending' bladder dis
orders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makeu a delightful effervescent
litQia wtttcr drink whicl1 011 regular
meai enters snouiu tune now ana men
to keep the kidneys clean and the
blood pure, thereby avoiding serious
kidney complications.
City Marshal Without
Jail Is Puzzled
Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, Sept.
21. The city marshal here is in a
quandary. lie would like to arrest some
people but having no jail hesitates to
make "the pinch. '
The officer has been puzzling ever
since Sundav afternoon when two motor-
boat loads of "sea joy riders"., foamed
up to the Avalon pier, disturbed the
quiet by "ragging'' on the wharf
which is against the law and departed
to the melodv of a well known hymn,
played on a mouth organ and a cornet
such pumpkins
J j
Although wheat is worth, from a
stnl't of the Portland market,. 75
s '" alom' tllore 18 VIM-V ,lttle Sl11"
U'S- n! small lot ,os sold here yes-
,l'r,ltt.v f"1' 72 cents, but the grade was
th" inferior.
Prices paid for oats vary. While,
most the dealers regard 30 and 32
eents the market price, others regard
35 cents about right, although there is
no buying at that figure.
Flour was off this moruincr 20 cents
a. barrel, but no changes have been
I ntucie yer locally.
Poultry is still slow stile, with the
Portland market 11 ceuts. Eggs are
now on the established price of 30 cents
a dozen.
ffnv. tinmthv. npr Inn
Oats vetch ' "" sottitin'
(Wt !Sn!
Wheat new crop . . .. 75c
Oats, new crop 30(fi't2c ' ln earlot bulk, or tile equivalent of ioO
Rolled barley !31.50 1 carloads, and 10 per ncnt of the bar
Corn '. . . : $40 ' re'1' shipments, the equivalent of about
Cracked corn 41.50 I carloads, were of such poor quality
Bran $27.5(1
Shorts, per ton .$31
Clover seed 13 to 15c
Butterfat ."
Creamery butter, per pound
Country butter
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 30c
Eggs, case count, cash 2Sc
Eggs, trade 30c
Hen's, pound , 11c
Boosters, old, per pound 7e
Spring chickens, pound..... 15c
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed ; lOffTU.
forK, dressed y(if9 l-2c
Pork, on foot 6c
Spring lambs 5(S!6c
Steers 5(ff5 l-2c
Cows 3 (! 4c
Bulls 33MsC
10WC8 ..3C
Wethers .., 44V.jC
Cabbage , 40c
Tomntoes, Oregon 75o
String garlic 12 l-2c
Potatoes 75c
Cucumbers .'. .. 25c
Walla Walla onions 85c
Beans 4c
Sweet potatoes 2',c
Oranges, Valencia $55.25
Lemons, per box $4.004.50
Bananns, lb So
California grape fruit $3.00
Dates, dromedary, case 3.25
Fard dates $1.60
Cocoanuts, per dozen 1
Cantaloupes $1.25
Watermelons $1.25
Grapes $1.40
Retail Price
Eggs, per dozen 35c
Sugar, cane $(1.05
Sugar, D..G. $0.45
Creamery butter 40c
Flour, hard wheat $1.053.45
Flour, valley $1.451.C0
Portland, Ore., Sept. 22. Wheat:
Club, 83 l-2c.
Bluestem, 89c.
Oats: No. 1 white feed, $23.
Feed, $23.25.
Hogs-: Best live, $0.55(fi 0.05.
Prime steers, $0.50(u7.
Fancy cows, $5(S5.25.
Calves, $7(a8.
Spring lambs, $0.50(g7.
Butter: City creamery, 31 l-2c.
Eggs: Selected local ex., 30c.
Hens, 12 1-2(513 l-2c.
Broilers, 17c.
Geese, 8c, ,
Hops Not Yet Moving.
Portland, Ore., Sept. 22. While the
hup crop has beon gathered in prnctical
ly all yards of this state, there is still
moro or less doubt regarding the netunl
yield. Definite figures will not be avail
able for several mouths, or until denlers
personally gather samples and ascertain
the number of bales each grower has.
Even then tho later lists usually show
from 10,000 to .25,000 bales more than
anyone had figured upon.
Just now the trade is estimating tho
state hop crop at 95,000 to 150,000 bales.
While this is a Blight increase in the
ideas of some dealers, the figures are
generally loss than anticipated a week
While a smnll amount of business
would be available for fnggles around
13c, holders of such stock are unwilling
to soli under 14c, witteh is not now
available. For clusters there is absolute
ly nothing stirring in the local trade,
and only a nominal amount of business
I has been reported in the Hiilnmn, Cal.,
section ut i.e.. r.veii tins trade was
closed several days ago.
Even those inclined to "bull" the
market here arc reporting s general
lack io f inquiries fmiin the -ast or
abroad, everyone seemingly wniting fur
samples and full details of the crop.
North Portland, Ore., Sent. 20. Cat
tle. Cattle market opened up this morn
ing with a run of 1,200 head. Prices
ruled around the Ort.HO mark for choice
steers, ') for best cows, bulla at 14 and
stags went as high as $0.05. The stock
went fast with bulk ranging from ffl to
$0.50; outlook fair.
With a fair run of 2,000 hogs, trading
in the swine division was not very
brisk, owing, probably, to lack of qual
ity. One load of good hogn brought SO.
75, 10e over last week 's close. The
bulk sold at 0.50 to 0.r5.
Sheep transactions were made rapid
Iv with sn advance of 25c on yearlings.
Om Ck4 Bal Efta'4 Bscazlty
THO& s. roxs
Ort 1M& Bum Baak. sUIsh, Off a
Find Apple Markets
Injured by Poor Fruit
Cooperative Organizations of Producers
tha Best Agencies for Profitable Dis
position, Says Government Report..
Washington, P. ('., Sept. 22. Effec
tive co-operative organizations afford
the best meaiisffor profitable marketing
of the country's increasing apple crop,
according to a survey of marketing con
ditions iu the industry just published as
bulletin No. 302, "Apple Market In
vestigations 1914-15'' by the Uuited'
Stntes Department of Agriculture. In
States where apples are boxed instead
of barreled, growers' associations turn
illo a large percentage ot the output
and in seeming uniformity iu the pack
and advantageous distribution of the
crop are niueh more successful than in
dividual producers in other sections.
Where individuals act independently
there is little Uniformity in grading
and much podr frqit is shipped which,
in seasons of large production such as
ioi i v .i;,. .:. i.i..
cannot be disputed of profitably.'
Observations in the Chicago market I
stowed that 25 per cent of the arrivals
tlint tne price woiuu noi nave punt tne
freight charges had these apples been
shipped by themselves. By throwing
out this poor fruit the farmers would
not only have saved the cost of pack
ing and shipping, but would have clear
ed the market for their good stock.
Similar conditions were found else
.In this connection it is suid that the
grade and package laws now in opera
tion in a number of states are proving
effectivo in stabilizing the market. Un
iformity in state legislation of this
kind, the .authors state, is, however,
most desirable.
. The effect of the war upon the indus
try has been found to be less disastrous
than was apprehended. Ilecnuse of the
cheapness of the fruit, consumption was
stimulated until the exports far exceed
ed expectations. The German ports bo
ing closed, largo quantities were ship
ped direct to tho Scandinavian markets
for the first time and this should prove
of considerable benefit iu future years,
piroct trade with South America has
also increased greatly nnd should con
tinue to do so, especially if the growing
trade in meat products affords addition
al return facilities for Bhipment. Care
ful seloctiou, grading and packing by
hand is. however,, essential to tho do-
livery of the fruit in good condition and
only stock that may be classed as
"Fancy" or "Extra fancy" should be
exported to Bouthiiiericnii piirts.
Lambs arc hriibbcd up quickly nt $7,
ewes at $5 and wethers ut $5.50.
The packers can easily handle many
more sheep than have hern coming in
receipts for today totaled to about $4.25
Representative sulcs are as follows:
30 steers t 1050 $7.00
20 steers 1 1 20 $0.85
38 steers 1097 .5
1)5 steers .imwv. . .1140 $(1.0
102 cows ;'.'.,.." 10.18 $5.00
2ti cows .'..'..'. ...1130 $1.85
6 cows '. 1023 $4.75
3 cows 1093 $4.50
2 bulls 13(10 $4.00
' 1 heifer 1120 $0.00
10 calves 370 $0.00
1 stag 1000 $.5
103 hogs 192 $0.75
309 hugs , 200 $0.70
1.291 hogs 170 $0.05
304 hogs 175 ().
153 lambs 70 $7.00
2 yearlings 110 $0.00
10 wethers 153 $5.25
35 ewes ' 107 $5.00
Philadelphia North American: Rus
sian cabinet has resigned, according
to Petrogrttd dispatches. Next we will
hear of the Holyi Hynod going on a
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Hat medicine which
will cure any known
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
and Stove Works
R. B.Fleming. Prop.
Depot American Fence
To Hop Growers:
Motley's Pat. Breed Basket
Stands the strain. Buy now sod
save money. Don't wait on til
yon need them. Or order now tod
get them later. , . ,
SCO Oourt Streot Phona IS
Back of Chicago Stort
1L Clough morticians Bud funornl di
rectors. Latest modern methods
knows to the profession employed. I
.?u IvUun pircc.. jain iv,jniu poo.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
Hijgh street. Da and night phone
eorner Comuerais. and Trade streets.
For wster service apply St office.
Bills payable monthly
ly in sdvs
CONSULT DB. MAY, experienced and
successful Chiropractor, for ncuto and t
shronic disorders. Has pructiecd six !
years in Oregon, iree onsultntiou.
Hours. 9 to 13. 1 tO'tS. 305-0-7 Hub-
bard Bldg. Lady attendant. Phoue !
office 672; residonco 982-R,
DR. 0."L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro-I
nrnntin'a Vi, ,.(;., II. ,..,1 n..,,t '
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and have got no relief, try Ckiropruc
tio spinal adjustments aud get well.
Office 400-7-8 U. is. National Bank
Building. Phono Main 87. Residence
Mnin 828-It.
Pressors, re
pairers and dyers. One trial will con
vince you that our work nnd charges
are right. Cleaning parlor open to 8
p. m. Goods called for and delivored
freo. Phono 728. Apparel Service
Co., 138 8. High street.
BACK Go to Dr. Hngel. Ho can
get circulation when all othors fail.
He treats for all bodily ills, aches or
pains. Come and boo me if you are
ailing. Treatment, $1.00. Bush &
Breyman Bldg.
LEUM The better way. Pry and
sanitary. Building always open to
visitors. Sunday 1 to 4 p. m. J. W.
Gaskill, manugur, 828 South 12th.
Phone 1308.
DR9. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer
ican School of Osteoputhy, Kirksvillo
Mo. Post graduate aud specialized in
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college.
Treat acute nnd chronic. . diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office 605-506 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phona 859. Residence 346
North Capitol street. Phone 400.
v proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yards and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residence Main 2272.
A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2,
. Meets evory Monday evening at 8
iu the McCornack hull, corner Court
aud Liberty streotB, A. E. Aufrance,
M. W.; S. , A. McFadden, recorder;
A.. L. Brown, F,
CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P.
McCornack building. Tuesday even-'
ing of each week ut 7:30. F. F.
Schrnm, C, C; W. B. dilaon, K. of It.j
and S. I
SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M.
Stated communications first Friday
in each month at 7:30 n. m. in the
Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.j
i 8. Z. Culver, sccrotary.
PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, .A. F. & A.
M. Btated communications third Fri-
day in each month at 7:30 p. m. in
' the Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Niles,
: W. M.j Ernest II. Chouto, secretary.
B. N. of A. "Oregon Ornpe Camp,"
No. 1300, meets every Thursday even
ing in McCornack building, Court and
i Liberty streets elevutor. Miss Hyl-
I via Sc'naupp, 1701 Market, oracle;
I Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Co.,
i recorder. ,
TER No. 1, It. A. M. liegular moot-
; ing second Friday in each month at
8 p. m. iu tho Masonic Temple. Al
fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Bus-
; sell M. Brooks, socretary.
HODHON COUNCIL No. 1, K. & 8, M.
Stuted assembly first Monday in
i each month, Masonic Temple. James
j Plant, Thrice Illustrious Master; Ulon
i C. Niles, recorder.
T. liegular conclave fourth Friday
in ench month nt 8 o'clock p. in., in
' 'Masonic Tomplo. Hojournlng Sir
Knights nro courteously invited to
meet with us. Oeo. II. Burnett, E. C;
Frank A. Turner, recorder.
' t). liegular meeting every first and
third Tuesday at 8 p. in. in tho Ma
sonic Temple. Elizabeth Head, VV.
M.; Ma M. Babcock, secretary.
everv Friday miMit at a e iocs in
McCornack block.
Oscar Donaldson,
c. c.:
L. 8. (Jeer, clerk.
507 Court
Phone 50S.
! bly No. 81, meets every Wednesday
' at 8 p. m. in Moose hull. Mrs. F. V.
Cook, M. A.; J. T. l'cnn, sccrotary,
413 Masonic Temple.
Koclcr, president; Mrs. I.ou Tillsoo,
, secretary. All eases of cruelty or
i neglect ot dumb animals should be
; reported to the secretury for Investi
, -Oregon Cedar Camp No. 61i4fllmcets
very Thursday avenlng at 8 o'clock
in McCornack hall corner Court and
Liberty streets. Klnvator service, W.
W. Hill, V. C .; Kcx A. Turnor,clerk.
DRE8HM AKINO at home or by the
day. Piioue 2381 M. 23fil) Center St.
cliff, 482 South High street. Phone
1123. OctlO
os do your weekly washing. We use
sanitary methods. We call and de
liver your wahing for SO cents.
Give us a trial. Phone 2(71. Fif
teenth and 1 street
Advertising Page
- - 4
Room 214. Phone 440.
Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon
m i t
NIjSLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
reasonable. 855 North Commercial.
! FOR RENT Close in 7 room house
with gas, bath, hot and cold water.
340 I.' a ion strout. Phone 580M. Sept22
FOR KENT In' exchange for room and
board of gentleman, 9 room furnished
hiv.iso. Address 178 . Liberty days,
or 125S S. Com 'I evenings. Sopt22
LOST Gold Elgin watch, closed case,
Independence road or in town. Re
ward. Return to Journal office. Sep22
farm. Route 7, Box 139.
80 acre
WANTED Position on ration by voting
mnn. Phone 21F12. Oscar Millen,
Kinto 3. Snlem.
J. T. JOHNSON, Prop.
645 Ferry St. Phone 297
Board and Rooms. Rooms 25c
aud Up- Attractive Rates to
Students, We can please you.
Something New
in Salem
Poole's Drug Store recently purchased
a supply of the best Eczema remedy in
the world. Ask him to tell you about
Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin
and Moist Zensal for all watery erup
is tho ONE reliable Chinese herb doctor restoration. Any known sick
ness of men and women without operation. To those who may concern,
don't miss, come to see him. You will find him at 163 S. HIGH Street,
Salem, Oregon,
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quickjjhandy reference for busy people
fulcra Electrle Co., Masonls Temple,
Salem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 21
T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial Street Main 191
Bigdontiehardson Co., 254 North Iligh street...... Day and night, Main 188
Salem Truck Dray Co., eorner State and Front streets.... Main T4
Boaver State Printers, Patton Block .. : .... 1BH
North Bound.
No. 16 Oregon Express ... B:00 a.m.
N0 84 Sound Speciul 0:12 a.m.
No. 28 Willamette Limited 6:22 a.m.
No. 12 Shasta Limited ...11:55 a.m.
No. 18 Portland Pussonger 2:00 p.m.
No. 20 Portland Passongor 6:00 p.m.
No. 14 Portland Express . 8:00 p.m.
No. 222 Portland fast Fr't. 10.38 p.m.
No. 220 Local way Fr't ...10:39 p.m.
South Bound.
15 California Express 8:32 a.m.
17 Roscburg PasBengerll:20 a.m.
153 Exposition Special u:43 p.m.
19 Cottngo Grove Pas. 4:20 p.m.
11 Shasta Limited ... 6:43 p.m.
27 Willamette Limited 6:10 p.m.
1 No.
No. 13 San Francisco Ex..iU;da p.m.
No. 221 San Francisco Fast
Freight 12:35 a.m.
No. 21i5 Local way Fr't... 8:10 a.m.
Salem (Jeer Lias.
jt0 73Arrivcs at Salem.. 9:15 a.m.
No. 70 Leaves Salem ... 0:60 a.m.
No, 75 Ar. Sulem (mixed) 2:00 p.m.
No. 74 Leaves Sulem .... 4:15 p.m.
No connection south of Oeer,
No. 101 L. Snlem, motor.. 7:00 a.m.
No. 103 LV. Salem, motor 9:45 a.m.
No. 105 Lv. Salem, motor.. 1:40 p.m.
No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor.. 3:25 p.m.
No. 109 Lv. Salem, motor.. 6:15 p.m.
No. 239 Way Fr't lv. Salem 5:00 a.m.
No. 162 Ar. Salem 8:40 a.m.
No. 164 Ar. Salem 11:25 a.m.
No. 100 Ar. Salem 3:15 p.m.
No. 168 Ar. Salum 6:30 p.m.
No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 p.m.
No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem 1:35 p.m.
Lv. Salem Tiain No. Ar. Portland
4:35 .ra 2 Owl M B:u3 a.m.
6:30 o.m..,., 0 8:45 a.m.
9:45 s.m 19 Limited -....11:35 a.m.
11:20 .m- 12 ... 1:43 p.m.
1:80 p.m 14 4:10 p.m.
4:00 p.m... 16 Limited - 6:80 p.m.
5:87 p.m 80 1:00 p.m.
T:65 p.m 22 ...-.10:00 p.st.
SMALL general stock of merchandise ,
for sale. Inquire 1190 North Cap
itol street. . tf
FOR SALE 10 head Shropshire ewes
and 15 head goats. Phone 22F2. C.
B. McElhaney. Sept22
FOR SALE Durham Jersey cow heavy
milker whe.i fresh. Due December.
23S5 N. Front street. Sept23
SPLIT BODY OAK wor.1, $4.50 per
cord; grub oak $5.00 $5.50; ash $4.50..
Second growth fir, $3.50. Phona
1954. J. H. Eaton. Oct 11
FOR SALE 5 room modern house,
large porches, 2 large lots, chicken
house. Price $1100 if taken soon.
504 S. Kith. Phone 1150J. Sept2a
FOR SALE Used heating stoves ga
lore! Good stock of used furniture
of all kinds. Good stock of new
goods. Exchange department. Pcutsen
gesprochen. Come. Peetz Furnittire.
Co., 233 North Commercial. tf
40-ACRE well-improved farm to trade
for modern house, close in. 82-acre
farm for rent. Stock and implements
for sale. Geo. B. Jacobs Co., Bayne
Bldg., 841 State. tf .
WILL ACCEPT city property for my
equity in teu acres of good soil well ,
fenced and watered by spring brook,
on good rood and near school. Phone
470, or call nt 304 V. 8. Bank Bldg. tf
Telephone ,
.Main 1200
127 North High
Lv. Portland Ar. Salem
0:45 .ra,...,.....'.. 1 . 8:05 a.m.
8:25 a.m 5 Limited ......10:11 a.m.
10:40 a.m 7 12:55 p.m.
2:10 p.m . 9 , 4:33 p.m.
4:40 p.m....... 13 Limited . 6:40 p.m.
8:40 p.m Daily except Sunday.
fl.00 p.m 17 Local . .. 8:10 p.m.
9:20 p.m 19 -11:25 p.m.
11:45 p. in 21 Owl 1:65 a.m.
Lv. Corvallis
4:10 p.m 20
Lv. Eugene
Ar. Salem
... 6:87 p.m. '
Ar. Salem 't
... 9:45 a.m.
7:35 a.m 10 Limited
l:fi0 p.m
10 Limited 4:00 p.m. -
0:10 p.m
22 7:03 p.m.
12:05 a.m
Lv. Salem
4:35 p.m.
Lv. Salem
2:00 a.m.....
10:15 a.m
Lv. Salem
1:00 p.m..
Lv. Salem
6:40 p.m
.... 2 Owl
3:10 a.m.
Ar, Albany
9 5:35 p.m.'
Ar. Eugene
7:05 p.m.
Ar. Eugens
.. 21 Owl 7:50 a.m.
, 6 Limited 12:25 p.m.
Ar.. Albany
7 . - 8:05 p.m.,
Stops al Corvallis
Ar. Eugene
13 8:60 p.m. ,
Woodbum Local Dally Except Bandar :
No. 64 Loaves Salem 3:40 p.ss. 1
Arrives in Salem 8:25 p.m.
Lv. Corvallis Ar. Sale '
8:28 a.m 10 9:45 a.m.
(Local Albany to Salem.)
2:32 p.m , 16 4:00 p.m.
4:10 p.m 20 6:37 p.m ,
6:05 p.m 2 7:05 p.ss. ,
Southbound. (
LV. Bslem r, i;orvaiiw ,
10:15 a.m - 6
4:35 p.m -
1:00 p.m 7
6:45 p.m 13
...11:34 a.m.
.... 6:02 p.m.
.... 2:32 p.ss.
8:00 p.m. ;
Oregon. City Transportation Oorapsn
Steamer Pomona and Oregona learn
Salem for Portland sad way landings,
daily except Sunday, at . m.