The Capital J i r Editorial Page of " WKDNKSDAV KVKMN'O September 21. 1!M. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, 8ALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. 8. BABNES, President CUAS. H. FI3HEB, Vicel'rciident DORA C. ANDBESEN, Bee. sud Treaa. SUBSCRIPTION BATES 1)11t hr currier. or Tear 5.00 Per month 45c Daily by vail, per year 3.00 Per month 35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago Ward Lewis-Williams Spcciul Agency Harry R. 1'iidier Co. Tribune Building 'M N. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boyj aro instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do thin, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81. ON THE FIELD OF HONOR The Medford Mail-Tribune is very much opposed to war in all its forms and in any circumstances. Here is a typical editorial from that paper: "In the Illustrated London News there is published every week a shocking series of pictures. "There is nothing immoral or disgusting about it it is merely a double page full of small photographs of fine- looking young men. The shock comes when one reads the words printed boldly above the pictures 'Dead on the Field of Honor'." "Dead on the field of honor ! "All the pictured faces you see are dead. A fine, up A Galley o Fun ! THE BALKANS AND THE WAR Balkan was the name of the range of mountains which forms the watershed between the lower Danube and the Aegean, but has come to be applied to the peninsula of A SHORT STORY. (From the Lawyers' Magazine.) Comes now Ignatz Waldo, who complains of Miss Lucretia Smyth and declares that by reason of her grace, beauty, and general lovability he lias lost his heart to her, where fore he prays the said Miss Smythe that she take pity upon him and ac cede to his request, to wit, namely, standing lot of young Englishmen they were intelligent, : hoiy wedidck. clean, brave and gay but they are all dead. That boy,! . thereupon the hereinbefore-men- i,i ,i j ii e i ii i,i j. i. i.M ; tioncd Miss Smythe treats the com- witn tne eyes iuu 01 glorious youtn and the moutn sun pi ainant in a cruel and inhuman man sweet and whimsical he is dead. There is a man with ' s,;e la,1h.9 ?cornfli"? ........ -i , -i i 1 li i in as he rests on his knees betore the face of a chief firm lips and steady eyes and square her, and declares that she win never chin-but they led him to death. This one must be a poet,, "laWmffi the beauty of his face revealing his mighty visions for the another giri at the railroad station on future but he is dead, too. And there is a face from the; l1 Vn "o! Canadian prairies, a iace that is strone and eentle and; which she swears is true to the best clear-eyed with looking out across mighty acres of wheat; 0!c;ek;i,rvu;erIetoa1eb1omniai Southeastern Europe which lies south of Russia and! PVPS rin nnw and rlpnd. Tt is nil rlonrlrru vnnth that! mlTSry. 1'' errorC0an!J states Austro-I ungary and east of-the Adriatic sea- j pushed us up and on the laughter and courage that sweet- $e SeW.Lfo 1 his territory is now divided among seven nations:; pnpri t-hp world, thp Hi-pa ms thp etreno-tv, the mnn.nnwer of the i at the railroad station I i) : r..i it,4. a 11 : f i . . . . ' , - ivumaiuu, urnu'ia, out uia, lUuuiuufgru, tuuixmu, uieeue aj dead On the field of honor. and Turkey; but within its limits are found 158 different I ' peoples. Ilence the constant troubles that have made the I '"On the field of honor' Balkan peninsula the puzzle and dismay of the statesmen j The field of honor is a' field in a gtrange land The of Europe. ... . j marchin? men thought it was a preen field, full nf musie By the Treaty of Berlin in 188 the six rowers of j and elon, but it was iust a SUrar bept fiplfl vprv muddv '-' V ' f - O 7' V 1 and full of trenches that in time tirade good graves for the honored dead. On the field of honor there was no music only a roar and a shrieking; no marching of brothers Europe thought they had settled the Balkan question by dividing the territory among the peoples chiefly populat ing it. But they made the mistake of leaving Macedonia in the hands of Turkey; and the two Balkan wars of 1912 1 homWlnnlv lvi flat in th ,id t cht vww mn- and m. upset the balance of power, and left unsatisfied no glory-only hate, and dirt, and horror, and real pain. Bulgaria, which is the most truculent if not the most it vvn thp fiplH whow mon th powerful of the Balkan states By the strategic position j the iove of women the future of children, the existence of its territory Bulgaria holds the key to the situation in, 0f a race, and then-beautiful creative life itself the fipld the Balkans. The present situation is that Rumania wants Transyl or honor ! "We look at these pictures of the men who died on the vania, which is peopled largely by Rumanians but is ruled fieid of honor and offer a prayer for theh. gouls and the by Austria. Bulgaria wants the part of Macedonia which souis of those dead whose bftdips wt livp "Then we make a prayer for ourselves. it lost to Serbia by the second Balkan war and also the territory down to the bchatalja lines, not far from Con stantinople. Greece wants the Greek cities on the eastern shore of the Aegean sea. Serbia and Montenegro want ports on the Adriatic. Italy wants the control of the straits of Atranto, so that the Adriatic may become practically an Italian sea. Albania doesn't know just what she wants, but she wants it very mHch 'Lord! What shall we do to be saved?' " Most of the New York banking and financial interests are in favor of making the big foreign loan. Here is a sample oi the argument put forth by the circular review cause tor action, inasmuch as tne young lady in question was and is a sister to the party of the first part, .ind under the Constitution of the L'nitcd States and the rulings of the Interstate Commerce Commission (Ala. 2-34-0) such kissing cannot be made the basis oi a complaint for unjust discrimination by the fiancee of said kisser. Whereupon Miss omythc reverses her decision and orders that, alter being signed, sealed, and delivered with a kiss, the mar riage decree be duly and fully promulgated. IN NEW YORK. Journal" Jgi PIOliteAllft Qn Round Trin l M W&V FromSale fi (fl IW N W1Ul Meals ad Berth Eluded SWTHv' Free Extra Feature and Refreshments. JllMlM Elaborate Cnisiue. ' ICrflll 2Tein Electric y- The North Bank Prrs- m NORTHERN" and Lz, Bt f"N0RTIIERN PACIFIC" ilfllSSi III ill fi li I f i I ') l! ill) I EV6ry Tuesday' Thuraday. Saturday. Wk M LcaX? PortlBnd 930 m., arrive San I Ml I Francisco 3:30 p. m., next day. U llil Expositions now at their best jJJlUijJJJ Hfvl I J-iW' Kitt'hie' A8ent Oregon Electric -iTtlj hj&4stUllJ -V-' 6alem- San Francisco 665 fj--Mlfflffl' Market St. First Life-insurance Agent. Hou ihoiit Smythe? Is he a good risk! Second Life-insurance Airent. He is no reason why New York alone should undertake1 be if 'e was undci itni,, ,nc i...i ,,f ,.. ,..uu A.f...-., .1 .i 1 issue! i ov j. rjacne ana iomnanv. wmcn rem-esents war on Turkey on August 21; but, curiously, she is not Prc"y wf the VaIl Street viewpoint: "New York alone yet at war with Germany, having no cause of quarrel. could underwrite a loan of $1,000 000,000 on its present The Balkan nations, at the outset of the war, were serve which last Saturday was nearly $225,- annarentlv united in svmnathv with the Pntonto nllinnco. ,000. In fact, on a basis of 18 per cent reserve, this hut for spvoivil month i nst dispnnl h.n nniwrnnt! sui-pius would warrant a loan of $1,20,000,000. But among them. The success of Germany in the Russian! ere 1S "o"eason why New York alone should underta! drive and the natural enmity existing between the Greeks! . . operauon, because tne country-every part oi it j and Bulgars have probably had much to do with this !f interested, and on the whole, much more interested! change in sentiment. Bulgaria seems about to side with! tna.n Ne)v And niry- a a whole is abund'i (.crmany and Austria, while Greece and Rumania will antl? abl take care of this financing. The combined! probably take up arms on the other side, Rumania because su,'1j1"s the National banks and the State banks of the of close relationship with the Russians and Greece to get cuntry is estimated to be oyer $1,500,000,000. As an 18; another chance to humble an enemy of long standing. ! gSnL1' 'SVY1, loans ,f, over i .w,.jUU,uuu,UUU. bo that a 1,000,000,000 loan would be a! the war is problematical Germany would gain a road comparatively small matter. Furthermore, it would be a 'J wucriy. through to assist her ally, Turkey, but on the other hand "a lk ruum LI11S enormous creau TOO MUCH. He plucked the dandelion and blew upon it. "She loves me she loves me not!' ho muttered inanely. Now, the flower had suffered long and il its patience hereupon brokt down under the strain, what wonder! "O, ask nie about Schedule K, oi something relatively easyl" it ex it would enable the entente powers to drive at Constanti nople by land without violating neutral territory, over coming a condition which has forced them to attack by way of the Dardenelles with its almost impregnable fortifications. There is a movement on foot to "standardize dances.' power which the country now possesses, and which is, in itself, a menace and an invitation to wild speculation and tremendous credit inflation- For many years' this coun try has been cut off from participation broadly in the business of the outside world. Since the Civil War, our banking system, and our navigation laws practically destroying our merchant marine, have made us. in a While Bandit Fought He Comforted Hungry Woman and Children Sun Francisco, Sept. 21. Mrs. Sarah Krow and her two babies are in want in the "death house" at Buchanan and Oak streets, where George Nelson, the Los Angeles bandit, made his last stand for life. They are destitute in a bullet-riddled room adjoining the chamber where Nel son blew his brains-out. In this room the littlo mother conversed with the bandit before he died and while he bat tled. Nelson whispered her words of consolation through the thin partition, she says, and finally called upon the police to take the woman and her children out of the danger zone. "I believe this bandit was every inch a man," sobbed the mother today. "He gave my children food the day before he died. He heard them crying and when the oldest boy told him he was hungry parted with his own slim store of food that my babies might have something to cut. "That night when the battle with the police was at its fiercest he tried to comfort them with soothing words when he heard them crying. "I dirt not hear him fire more than five shots. The police were doing all the shooting." Mrs. Krow fared ejection from her dingy room. TEAMS WILL TOUE THE COAST. Chicago, Sept. 21. President Ban Johnson of the American league, and meniDcr oi te .National commission, ex pressed the opinion today that permis sion will be given for the two teams ia the world 's series to go to the Panama Pacific exposition after the big games, for a post-season series with a picked Pacific Coast league team. It is understood a delegation of San Francisco men will eome east soon to make the request. WELCH WILL SOON RETIRE. San Francisco, Sept. 21. Declaring himself in perfect condition after bis long rest and ready to don the gloves , as soon as cooler weather prevails in the east, Freddie Welsh, lightweight champion left with his family today for Chicago, Welsh said he is figuring on retiring the ring at the end of a year. Fine scheme. Next thine in order will be a salaried com-1 sense a narrow commercial nation. Here Is the first I mission and inspectors for the tango parlors to see that. great Plortunity for us to take a commanding position." all the rules and regulations are properly followed out.; At present there is still a small number oT people who are not on the public payroll and they should be taken care of very speedily or face the dread necessity of going to, work. ! Portland's big brewery is to be converted into a near-' beer factory when year. This fact wil ject of the value o rohibition .U'comes effective next naturally arouse interest in the sub-near-beer as a beverage anil many residents of Salem are strong for it especially when it is as near as Independence. If, hf Ml - I M. 1 LV1 m w ill rm wjtwu RipplingRhi)tr.GS -fy Walt Mason WHERE? "And where," demanded his wife with Hashing eyes, "would you b now, only for me?" l lie man glanced at the clock. Ii i was verging on midnight. Hi sighed, and was silent. UNREASONING CHILDHOOD Mother (to tive-ycar-old daughter) -ics dear, Heaven is the most beau tiful place there is every one ii nappy there and it you are good so"ie day you will go there. Daughter. Well, mamma, if it'a sc nice up there, why did vou have tin doctor come and save your life whci vou had such a good chanca to die K GOOD REASON.. My Mabel cannot sinu a note, She writes no verses free, -lie cannot paint a little boat L'pou a wavcless sea. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the uu dersigned will receive sealed bids up .i or hick p. m. Monday, October 4, ' ; 1 ' ,"r 'be construction of a cement sidewalk on the west side of Liberty street between nl, o.i r..i:.. w.... "lie riKht is herein- reserved to reiect mil' .i.i.l ..11 1.: I. . . J " .....i uu inns ia uic interest of the city. (TIAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder. Information for Lung Sufferers The milkers of Kekman's Altera tive will be pleased to send reports of recoverlos from tuberculosis and a booklet of interest to sufferers, with information about diet and fresh air. Investigate this case: 2141 XnnquehiinDa Ave.. 1'hllii., Vn. "Mr l)r Slrl For two Jtarn I vrxa afflicted with hemorrbnue" of the lungs, and later I a'" wltk a never artnek o pawimnnla. Whn I recovered aumrlently ta walk about the bonne I wan left with a frlejhtrul, hacking eonKn, which no medicine I had tnkra could alleviate. It waa at thla time, March, 1H02. that 1 atarted tnklnn Krkinona Alterative. In a abort time mr couKh waa none and I wan pro nounced well. I eannot apeak too klahlT for the rood It ha. done." (Abbreviated.! SIKned HOWARD I.. KI.OT. Kckman'a Alterative l most eilica eloua In bronchial catarrh and se ver throat and lung affections and up-building the system. Contains no harmful or habit-formInK drucs. Accept no substitutes. Small sz 1; regular slie, $2. Sold by UadinK druggists. Writ for booklet of r coveriea. . . . Eckmaa Laboratory, Philadelphia. nt friend, I bid you, do not paui And say with knowing look: l'e lovo hi lii,..l i. Mie certainly cm cook!" The "dollar day" is becoming almost ns popular as the! "dollar dinner" was when Hryan was at the height of his1 popularity ami lame. What's the use of worrying? William Jennings Bryan is going to Europe to stop the war. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Capital Established 1S68 $500,000.00 Transact a general banking business Safety Dvposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT fatty i not that she cook., n 1'hat wiiu her nl.ce liili in and do love l:il,il ... Mccause she doem't try I THE UNLUCKY NUMBER. Mn. HcitDcuuc W rrr von u.-... V C-i A VU V4AirV 1 IUU UJL I I . , V . J vfu (Will- yan, who jumped the ship of state, when1 Z"' h" u should he a-tryin' to make vour record 1,1 V ,u:"iie tregretfuivv-Xv, roight. Great truths you ai? parading,! " M TALKING TOO MUCH The man who's always talking will some day talk too' " 1 much, and with disaster shocking he then will be in i I, toucn. 1 OU jabber ike a nwver nhnttf frio blooming war; is that what your employer is paying money for? You talk a lot of bry you ,..... BiiittKiiu vueai i rut is v and ologies profound, when you should he out spading the fertile garden ground. You1 talk about the neighbors, and charge them' up with crime; are there no wiser labors' to occupy your time? Go, mark the down-! ami-outers, who th the most of them were spouters, who always talked too much. Go, watch the bums who sidle around with empty! maws; they let their arms ham their jaws. The man who still discourses when there is' TlJZlZ:: naught to say, until his larynx hoarse is, will get the' , -V'-By-v. .r; ;nt m 0i bounce some day The boss will bar and ban him, and' VSIr (.rrwv-n. VoU , ni'nn.f li,i .i n .l,, ...... 1 l . . ' . ... I..... ... , , . M "am vuumit, unu snoo ana hit? anil enn him ' uimoinie cneap? and semi him to the dump. M THE HORoriR "We bad an I'nole To'm't Cab'i at the Up'ry Home ni8li octore last. "Ah!" returned the facetious drum nier. "Did the venerable drama cen 10 .depict the horrori of slavery a' vividly ai it lined to?" "Wf'1.. .dqnVleil th horrors a I ndc Toms Cabin u vividly ever." WHAT THEY ALL SAY. PENDLETON ROUND UP Sept. 23-24-25 reatures of early Western Dayi Reproduced Low Round Trip Fares from all stations on SOUTHERN PACIFIC ' Ask the nearest Agent. JOHK M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent