Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 21, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social and Personal
AnmnV the. sojourners returning from I Island and various cities of .Southern
atonded vis.it at the California eipo
eitioni and other points o.f interest to
tba general sight wr. is Misa Aline
Kawk who arrived lu Salem sunany
......... .1.1. Kiirinu thn fore part, i'vthian Sisters. A Pythian
k.- .iv Mini ISawk was with a club
Mrs. Geo-ge Winsbell entertained de
lightfully Kridav afternoon at her
ia the 'home on North High street
re pi
Mrs. Ma M. RusK-ll returned today
from a business trip to Tendleton. j
Albert Kgun attended the opening of
the O. A. C. yesterday at Corvallis. !
R. F. Kichardfon returned yesterday !
evening from a motor trip to Tillamook.
Dr. Mark S. Skiff is on a vacation. '
On his return, will open his office in i
a new location.
iliss Rita Steiner was a visitor in i
was organizes during ine aner-
i.rrv of Patera frieudl, but later was I noon, with, Mrs. Het. hoi as president,
ioined b her sister, Mrs. Claude i Mr. Gilson as vice-president, and .Mrs.
Knight, of The Italics. Though Misa I Barbour, secretary. Mrs. Heteaol then
twk derived much pleasure from her appointed Mrs. Shipp, Mrs. Navies and
viait and thought Kan Francisco a city, Mrs. Kitch as a eonmittee on rules and
of much tbann and beauty, she is mot , regulations. Following the business
karipr to be back in Salem, which ahe i nieerting Hiunlv retreshnients ware
Joels' is distinctly city tor borne lev-, served. Mrs. I'armenter will entertain
ine C1UIJ uu m lwrr o.
tit?r ' CorvalliH yesterday, to attend the open-
Mra. William Mcfiilchrist, Jr. enter
tained informallv Friday evening in
honor of Mr. McOilciirist ' birthday at
delightful picnic supper held in the
garage. Seasonable; decorations of
sters, red salvia and autumn leaves
formed a (ray actting for the supper
iiarty. Cover were laid for siitcen.
.ater the guests adjourned to the house
where tbey spent too evening playing
Word has been received from Mrs.
Frank Mvers and children who left Sa
lem a short time ago to visit relatives
and friends in the middle western states
i hat ihev are cnioving their trip ex-
eoedingly. They are now at Mapleton,!
Jowa, and as yei are eiperiem-ina uu
i(r.Mne of weiither. merely a tKieh of
the familiar Oregon mist
eool evenings. Mrs. Myers plana
return about the first of November,
Mj Leda Henderson of Morningside
'left last Friday evening for Jefferson,
! where she hold a position as a teacher
in the public schools.
The Eugene Ilible university will hold
a rally this evening at eight o'clock
at the First Christian ehurej. A most
entertaining evening is planned, with
speciul music furnished by the K. H. U.
Ladies' (uintot'e nnd the Male (Quartet
of the local church. T. H. Kny will be
the toast master. Among Me out of
town guests will be U. S. O. Ifuuiliert,
field secretary of the K. It. V., I-eon
I.. Meyers, pastor "of tho Christian
church at The Dulles, K. C. Sanderson,'
president of the K. H. l' ami lltlui 11. j
Williams, the leader of the team. All
noi those interested ure cordially invited
i in i,ri..,i,l '
..n 1 ' ...
llilH'nrtl i'
The W. ( Miller home, ou North
Commercial street, was the scene of a
pleasant gathering Sunday a number of
Mr. and Mrs. l'ercy Young and Mra.
Korky Mason, of Albany, were guest
of the Ciiauncey llish(i;is over the week
end. Taking advantage of tho ideal
weather, a picnic party composed of the
Itiahoi'S. their house guests, and Miss
A l,n. Thnllilisiin. Mills KliJlhoth Lord. ' Irll,,,. I'ahn
Misa Klsa Heiimd, Carl (lubrielson and j a. .
Walph Moore, motored mt to the got , iyo nWrl Rrwr WJ
iiuuuuiu vivnui iiiu
incr of the school year eiercises.
H. T. Mclnturff, I- T. Rigdon and
Col. Aumstead were among the Knights
of Pythias who motored to Dallaa last
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, president of
Willamette university, is in Roseburg
this week attending the eonference of
the Methodist church.
Mrs. C. C. Jeffreys and son Bert, nr
rived in the city today from Lewis
ton, Idnho. for a short visit with her
daughter. Mrs. A. K. l.aflar.
Miss I.inna Richardson and mother
returned today to their home at Van
couver after a three weeks' visit in the
city with R. F. Richardson.
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent of the 8. P. company, and U. A.
Henshaw, general freight agent, were
calling on Salem business men today.
Mrs. Ross Kurtz and two children
returned to their home at Salem Sun
day after some time spent here visit
ing with the former's father, Ben
Agee. Knsoburg Rcvrew.
John P. Burton, formerly of Salem,
but now living at Hoquiam, Wash., is
in the city, the guest of the Steusloffs.
He was associated with them in busi
ness for 10 years, before going to Ho-qunini.
Mr. Schumann, who had charge of the i
marine recruiting oftice in r.ugene for
friends being informally asked to spend six months and who recently opened of-
the afternoon and en'.iuy a late tea in 'fires i uWm. was in Kugerie yesterday
the evening. The guests were: Mr.; visiting friends. Mr. Schumann said
and M rs. Karl Waiter mid daughter. . thnt ht, llul , ,,nlistod gnv mPn int0
Miss l-.inimi Hinklev, Mr. and Mr, h. ' ,i, c; ,,,., ,i, ,,.,;,", ; v, .,,
hoen and son, Miss Kiln Scboen and . . ,, , ,,- ...f, yA'
. ('Uiiru.
links where a delightful day was spent
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinney stopped
off at Salem vestonlny on their return
from their wedding trip to the Panama
jaciric exposition.
1ms aftornoon for
Kinney will reinuin
homo of her mother. Mrs. A. N
tin ( heinclictii street.
Make Soft Drinks Only
Portland, Or., Sept. 20. Soft drinks
for prohibition days is the future plan
decided iiihiii by the Weiiiliard brew-
jery, one of the largest beer making eon-
District Attorney Ringo returned
, from Silverton and (iervais last night
Rev. George Knehler of the l.utiicrnn
rhun h was happily surprised last even
ing by the members of his church who
gathered at his home ii State, and
Kighteenth streets, in honor of his
birthday. Tii evening was on.rovably
taM.I will, ntrt ax. I I,a nl ii.,a in.
lormal diversions, which usually link
tneniselvoa witn a genuine surpriso
party, followed by tho serving of refreshments.
Ir. Kinney
Asturiu, but Mrs. cerns in the northwest.
a few days at the Paul Weissinger, manager (.f the
1 II i ....... - o
..loorcj, jiirewery co-npanv nmiounee.i to.iny tn:u fter spending tlx- day lu trying cases
laiit-r ,initinr, I, w.ivn I II I Sline in
comes "dry ' near-beer will be mil nil
factured ia the million and a half dol
lar plant.
The Weinitard brewery has been
eonstau't operation for ";l years.
Miss Mary Kckcrlen
lives at Subliuiitv.
is visiting cla-
that he is seriously considering going t
r.urope on a pence mission, ns repreen-
i tutive of Anierii-nn peace sentiment.
Mrs. Anna Ciilbeitson and son. I,eon lhf 'urmer premier eonferred a few
Culbertson. have returned fruu a ,ll,.v" K" with Henry K. rd. of Detroit.
inonth's sojourn in California and Ari-1 who is said to have a lO.tHHi.niH) pence
nona. Outside of the expositions they plan. Reports some time ago snid Brv
visited many other interesting places, an was planning to go to Berlin on
including the Yosetuite Valley, the such a mission, but he indicated that
Orand Canyon of Arironn. CatBlina ' he did not so intend then.
in the justice courts of these two cities,
At (iervais an alleged bootlegging j
Japanese, Yoko Katnki, Roy Fukuda, '
and Charlie Hurt being I'ound over to'
the grand jury under bonds of 200
; each which were supplied by the men
and they were released. It was charged
I that while in a hup yard at (iervais the
I men mnde a business of disposing of
liquor unlawfully.
At Silverton the case of the state i
L-.l.l:.. l- i , I
tary of State Bryan said this ufter n ! ,7n l T . . . LZ l
irntiiornip was tried. It rb alleged
Bryan Goes to Europe
On Mission of Peace
New York, Sept. L'l. Former Sci re !
It's Useless To Pay
Exorbitant Prices For
ou will purchase here at a substantial saving and
with much more satisfaction if you will take the
trouble to make actual comparison of qualities and
Our Coatings were all bought as soon as the new
fabrics were shown, which was long before the sharp
advance of prices on woolens. The early buying am
our cash selling makes this the logical 'place to buy
your Coatings.
Here is an immense
showing of Military,
Astrachan, Covert,
Plaid, Chinchilla, Ziba
line, Cream Plush, Vel
vet and Corduroy Coat
ings Most every shade in all good plain colors and a host
of pretty plaids and combinations These materials
come in the widest widths, cut to the lest advantage,
make the most stylish coats at a very reasonable
JhrnU Calhjjcrc
that F.vens with two companions weut
to a hop yard dunce and were ejected
from the hall and that they then en
tered their auto and charged through
the crowd a few times und navigated
the machine up the hill backwards. The
two companions of F.vens pleaded guilty
and wore given small fines. Kvens
pleaded not guilty and demanded a trial
after which he was acquitted aad the I
case dismissed.
Chickering Pianos, I he Uldest In
I : America, The Best In The World
a reX house liZS! tell New Style Baby Grand now on display at our store. This the
y OrltivbeloS SnaUiano8andyou prefer some other make; we can show you the Marshall & Wendell,
tABi S Kimball, the Krehlling, or Strauss and Sons, and many others, ,t
greatly reduced prices-
Don't fail to see tie new scale up to date guaranteed pianos we are sell
ing for $178. IF IT WAS NOT for our establishment here in Salem you
would have to pay $275 or maybe $300 for pianos of this grade.
sn "v r
if Yah Would Not Object we have one lot of like new slight- vP 1 O. UU
ly used pianos ranging in price from $138.00 to $17o.U0, an oi
which you can buy on easy payments. You will have to hurry
if you want in on this lot as they are going fast.
HERE IS WHERE YOU can save $235 a $450
Davenport and Treacy Piano, like new, for $215 cash, with
fine Bench to match.
Do You Want To Trade that Upright ?
If so call on us, we have some of those new scale player
pianos, the $700 kind, that we are selling for $485 and $461.
These are the newest thing out in player pianos all full 88 note
metal tubing and are easy and simple to manipulate, the small
est child can play them.
Twelve Months Free Trial
If you purchase a piano at this store and after using it twelve months find it "in any way different from
what the salesman that sells it tells you, you will be given another piano of the same make and style or
the one you have will be put in first class condition at our expense, What More Could We Do?. Could you
ask anything more of us.
To Out of Town Customers
We will pay your railroad fare to and from Salem if you buy your piano of us, and will pay freight to
any point in Oregon. You Should write for catalogue of the new styles of Smith and Barnes professional
service pianos. Just received carload fresh from the factory, all styles both in players and regular pianos.
Two fine Organs taken in part pay on player pianos : will sell these at half price, see them at once.'
C. N. HULL Mgr. 264 N. Commercial Street
C. Crow Si Co. has brought suit
circuit curt of this county
C. C.
i in the
against M. I.. I'liillips aud T. McKae
alleging failure on the part of the de
fendants to fulfill n piling cotitract.
The complaint alleges that a contract
was entered into wita the defendants
whereby they were to deliver a certain
amount of piling at price of 14 cents
per lineal foot K. (). B. the cars at Hub
bard. The plitintiff alleges that the
contract was not fulfilled and when
forced to go into the open market to
purchase the piling was obliged to pay
2J3.l5 .more than the contract price
for the necessary amount.
deceased. The estate consists of per- j V i p l Tf A
sonal property to the value of $ti5 und ; IlOl 1OIlYlCt It UU
one lot in this citv valued at 14.500. D 1 C f j.
Frank Wrightmuu,' Mrs. Kug.uia Oil -( larOlC OUprCIHe tOUll
lingham and Frank ioothnere were the (Cortinued from Page One.)
Nineteen of the road districts of thij
county have nlrcndy signified their in
tention of raising a special road tax foi
next year and Lave made application
to the countv clerk for the proper
blanks for the petitions, notices and
other complicated procedure that they
must go through. One sen of simple
blanks consists of 26 pages of procedure
and the complicated eases require more
papers than thnt. Road districts N'i.e.
2. 4. 5. S 10. 12. 13. 14. 15 1 2. 2.1. 1 appeal
! 24. 2. 32. X 12. 29, 48. 5(1, 64 and 6ri ', Kakin.
i.rpe N". Pavis, of the circuit
A marriage license was issued today
at the office of th ouuty clerk to
Alveu J. Mieklejohn. a minister of this
city, and Keryl Folio n. also of Nileni.
Lafayette Horn, a Salem laborer. ,(
court of Multnomah county in the case
or tnc state against K.lwin HulHiishcao.
The other opinions handed down
were as follows:
Margaret Martin vs. William Honder-si-hot;
et. al nppeilants appealed from
Marion county, motion to dismiss ap
peal licnied, opinion by Justice Eakin.
R. J. Freeman vs. Southern Pacific
company, apn-llant, appealed from
Multnomah county, motion to dismiss of
iecied. opinion bv
I taken from the high school building aud
! placed in the junior high schools, yet j
the high school enrollment will come'upj
to almost the same as one your ago. This j
i is due to some extent to tile recent stute I
; laws permitting outside districts to send
to the high schools of the state on pay- i
ment of the actual cost per capita. This
win uring many here trom outside dis
tricts, including eight from Chemnwa,
who will enter the ninth grade.
have filed their intentions to proceed in ! .'essie A. Miller et
the regular mni.ncr to raise tax to be! iVrtland . appellant,
used for road purpose.
Mrs. Annie Harrington, of Salem, e-' would
If the work
pains they sut:
figures, what
! Multnomah countv, suit to enforce lien
i for improving streets, opinion by Chief
; Justice Moore, circuit Judge Morrow's
judgment for plaintiff affirmed.
Henry Landers et al.. appellants, vs.
Foreclosure of Church
Cause of Retrenchment
1 ortland, dr., Sept. 2. In the face
foreclosure proceedings aouinst its
Justice building and property the congregation
ot the (er.tral Christian church has
al- vs. (Sty of voted tn discontinue aggressive evan-
apealed from gcin-ai woiiv. .otitication was given
tint women do and the
.p maiiIiY Iw. mpa.iirt.il in .
a terrible arrav they I ' ",lfn" fi'llection of a tax for a
pres.-i t Through cirllit.od. i . . . V ' r'""' " mirneu,
cure,! a n,-r,,. i,..a. ....i i.n.,k..i i ...u.u 1 , mini .iihige Mann
ernm.n. ' 3 lt..il. . ff-,i i.k i,.i.. I -Jant, at tinned.
to the pnstoi, Kev. A. L. Cruin todav, to
close his work within 30 days time.
Rev. Crum was bronuiit here from
Tai-oma six months ago in an effort to j
run tiie church out ot its financial difficulties.
iFree from Benzoatt ofSodm
Its delicious
flavor comes
from right ma
terials and light
making. '
And in flavor Has made it
famous in every civilized
country of the world.
Onto M ST
:n-s judgment for
ache, pains in side, headaches and
An inventory and appraisement ia the! nervousness which are
matter of the estate oi Johu Minto. de-1 toms of oic:un,- derangements which'
ceased, was filed in the probate court j 1-5im K. l'inkh.im'a Vegetable Com-J
today. The invent. irv shows the estate I pound mude t, m mots and herbs i
to bv alue,l at 2,.lS.ol, and to consist jean undoubtedly correct WonifB
mostly of csh in the Hank. V. J. Cub who suffer sh. i.ld not nive nn hona on.
Wnghtman and A. U lKmn til thev bse cn,, it , trial.
er. F. T.
ng mere appiuiaers.
The Kuwness Men's Adjustment com
pany t,Hly secuted a judgment bv de
fault against J. W. (iaskill and wi'fe in I
tne istice court. The judgment as
in the sum of J.iti and the costs of the
action mil for goods Id and delivered
to the defendants by IVrtland concern.
The tingle beds at the county poor
farm were tcni complicated for Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbam Ibx-ller and when both at
tempted to sleep in cue of the narrow
c.iiKke Mrs. lWlier fell out anj broke
her collar boae. The old eoupl wete
committed to the reuaty poor farm last
Saturday by the county court and Mrs.
Horller fell out of M Saturday night.
Mr. llorllcr rfu.( t ttav at ike po.r
farm mar. Via. Ho. Her was taken to
the hospital and insisted npoa wan
derirg ay. Ty Mr. Hoeller was
committed to the (rrgot state hiwpital
a it waa adjudgrj that kit taiad was
affected thiouga via a and hit har
rowu j eiperieacet vith sisgle bed,
Faaaie F. Harding, who was arretted
with t'4 Keyt at Kose't hop yard and
l.slgrd in tae couaty jail on a charge f
diorderly toaJuct, was reWaseJ today
oa iS rash bail which she put a p. Keyt
reaaina in the eoaty jail The char
at taadt against the by Deputy thr
iff literf iiotxr, of Pjlh eounty, aad
he will appear at the hearing 'which
will b held ia the jurticv court Thart
day afteraoca it I t'cKKk.
Ai iaveatory aad apprwiwtserit
ti4 ia the probkt court todar ia the
matter at la ettat tf taiUy i. Smith,
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names
Most approved methods, Pri
mary, Grammar and High
School Departments, Com
plete Course in Harp. Fiano.
Voice Culture, Violin and!
uarmony. No interference
with religion ot pupils.
Modern Conveniences
Domestic Comforta
Scholastic 'year begins
second Monday in September
I John T. I'avis vs. Carlton Lumber
tell tale svmp-' w:, ." .?' ' "I-ra.ci from arn-
MaiMflicrs inr lier
s:iial injuries, opinion bv Justice Hean
drcuit Judge llolm.s affirmed, judg
ment for jlaintiff. J "
K C. Mauu, appellant, vs. W. A. Cor
don eomny. a,,jon fl)r riVpvrv .!
jwiiey. appealed from Multnomah conn
's opinion bv .liisti.-., ii.,
l.i.. i . . . ' lrcuit
' -"""in s judgment
uv aiiirmeil.
Mate vs. Juhn
Salem's Educational Directory
Schools and Colleges
for defend-
A. Locke, a, ,,..,11.....
opinion by l,,,,!,.,. 1Wa, y
tv A' M''..e, V"- ,'"rl,on timber com-
kill "rivaled
...inn,, opinion br
I l,.n 1..,.. .
Plaintif, Ju"Kcnt for
Capital Normal and Industrial School
Term of 12 weeks opens September 13-13 '
13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem
Willamette XJniyersity
Opens September 13-15
Carl O. Doney, president. .
I. H. Vn Winkle, Dean of Law CD
Music and Art
from Yam-
Justice lWan.
rrcderic S. Meadenhall
IMano Organ Theory.
Myrtle Long Mendeuhall
Voice (.ilture.
Studio, Doom 211, Hubbard
rnnk E. Chnrchill r:....:...
r, , . i iiipiv.
i upu or tjm, Uebling, Cricago; gradu-
IVtition, for rehearing wa, griil,t,,:
V,;-W- R- Or.
Hotel Mi : TTZK W"f tl,,uiel i ,f W;es"r Conservatory; Chicago
SilwrtonV "' VSl,ors- va. Stuibo-Roo..,. 1-3. Opera liouc Bldg
Motion to ,a . i?"Lj rhon 16:1R- "
:'os. va. ti.ge. " iB
Salem "Enrolirnenl
In Schools Increases
1 M1m Beatrice Shelton
j Teacher of IHano.
QIUU.O jq ,Mtri(,n st. j,hoBe
Dan F. Lng en berg
Late pupil of F. Arfr,,
Stuaio 314-13-16-17 Hubbard
Thone 2079
Mrs. D. T. Junk
China Artiat.
Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby
Teacher of Tiano
Thone l!j0 W. 679 21. Cottage
the aift! Uitrl lfc H-M of ;
different rwla .. .."' i
l'p to
wla a a. full,,,. I Tkone 1351
t.a.:i.i . ... r
Und. .a,
lthre. junior high schocl. Mroll
to-l.T, klUia( primary uai ju
C-W M follow,:' Grant 'vS
UK SM; Waahi.jr,.,. 82J, f.,
v:"-: .it -hoo! T.
. . VL!"1 tendm that kirk
V,kii aU earollmeat. .e. ....
r ii m raimatre
Elm Waller
. . .. , l'ianist
UKbiteihy Technic and n c...
, tem of Improved Music Study
Miss Laura Grant
Tiano and Vttsicsl Kindergartei
SoO Center St Thone
6W N. Lihwtv
Miss Lncile Barton
Teacher of Voice and Theory
St.i; B mi TI..1.1..-J nlrtff. Kc"'
Nlence 1017 North Twentieth frecfc
i Thone 5t4.
mat ftmal tatMl
ore vnpiin -riu atte.it tk
C Althtmfk tke atntk grade .,i
William Wallace Grah
Iapil of Royal jjjr,.
Teacher of Violin
Hik 3.L. , a, ..
teau, Halir and MarkeV T V. ' Wrlin' G""iny, under Joschim, Mf
d one half wars iTrl" f bi,,,,t commendation front th
iriMer. y"r Euror eipetiene. A apecialty mit of
phone "011 w iirVc lnVM ,l nto1 M "0B- Tor ippointment,,
Hone IM? M. 1 Mw Aasiatant, 180 . tM St,