FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES " CIRCULATION IS OVER 3900 DAILY price two raraSgaiF3 THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1915 4 ! A Frfir i ftlrtrwirtfffir - 9LMtM0- VS.-"- GERMANS ST OF RUSSIANS OP RETREA 111 Yilna-Baranovitshi Railroad Now In Hands of Invaders Huge Forces of Russians Are Battling For Their Lives ' -France Reports Result of Great Artillery Offensive On West Front Balkan States About To Be Involved In Great European War KAISER SLIGHTLY HURT. Amsterdam, Sept. 21. Kaiser Willielm and t Prince Joauliin were slightly injured in an auto mobile accident today, accord ing to Berlin dispatches. The imperial automobile was wrecked. No other details were given. war office statement tolny reported. Bavarian troops under Leopold. have crossed the Molczafz at Dworzee. g 2 j jj( jj( )c j Berlin, via London, Sept. 21. Field JVInrshnl Von Hindenburg has cut the VilnaBaranovitshi railroad over which the Russians hoped to retreat from Vil n'i, it was officially announced today. This move leaves the fleeing Slavs in a critical position, and promises to throw many of them into the grasp of the Germans. The official statement did not ninke it clear whether the Vilna-Molodechun tine had also been cut. If it has, re treat by railways from Vilna is cut off, and 300,000 Slavs must fight their way out over roads and through fields. General Vou Eitehhorn, participating in the. general plan to capture them, is pressing hard southeast of Novo Gro dek. There the Slavs are fighting des perate rear guard actions. No changes were reported today in the assault on the outer defenses of Dvinsk which has been proceeding vigorously. Regarding the western, front, the Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. L, Sept. 21. Bulgarian forces are concen trating on the Serbian frontier, accord ing to dispatches received here today. Serbia has declared the Bulganiari frontier a closed war zone, and is pre paring to meet the expected Bulgarian invasion. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L.'T., Sept. 21. the success of General Von Kichhorn's flanking movement ' in "the Vilna region has divided the Russian armies into three parts, it was stated today. Around Dvinsk they are cut off from the Slavs driven out of Vilna, and in turn these are cut otf from the Ga lician forces. NEUTRAL VESSELS VILLA'S Ail IS LEI N SUBMARINES Evidence Accumulates That Heavy American Forces Germany Seeks No More Trouble Washington, Sept. 21. Further evi dence that Germany intends to steer ejear of trouble with neutral whips reached the state department today in the form of a request for plainer mark ing of these vessels. "The department is in receipt of a communication from the German ambas sador to the effect taut he is advised by his government," said a statement, "that merchant vessels which desire to show their neutral allegiance by paint ing their national colors on the side, often make the mistake of having these distinctive signs so small that they cannot be made out from a distance. "The German government Huggests, therefore, that the foregoing be brought to the attention of American ship own ers in their own interests." Berlin, bv wireless to Sayville, L. I,, Sept. 21. A German submarine sank a 15,000 ton British transport off Candia according to a Constantinople telegram received here today. The transport was heading for Egypt with troops destined for the Gallipoli opera tions. No details were given regarding casualties. ' Slavs Battle for Life. London, Sept. 21. Huge forces of Slavs are battling for their lives in the most dangerous trap they have yet faced. . The Pctrograd official gtatemen't, Tey eeived here eartv today, admitted that ntuioment auiiiuteu tmir me uermauthe Kussinns nnd retired eastward in jimu reureu irom unienauie UHKKnouses nt Sapignenh near the Aisn'e Marne canal, after having been pounded in a .struggle lasting several days. Clearing Way to Petrograd. Berlin, via The Hague, Sept. 21. The outer defenses of Dvinsk, blocking the German way to Petrograd, have been under heavy attack from German ar tillery for a day and a half. Civilians have evacuated it, in fear that soon the mighty Teuton machine will crash down upon it, as it has done with every town in its path. The strug gle for the the bridgehead before the city is about to begin. Only meagre reports come from the Vilna region, where two big German nrmics have set a human trap for the fVeeing Slnvs. Reports from Field Marshal Von Hin- denburg that the Bavarian's are closing in and are about to capture huge Slav forces aroused enthusiasm here, but no official indications fef how the envelop ment is succeeding have been forward ed. Reports that the Bavarians had cut the last line ot retreat were without cfofirmation. Meantime military cir cles believed that, while lnrge number f Russian prisoners mav be taken", the iiinin Russian Army will probably tea pe. It was admitted that repeated coun tor attacks have delayed Field Marshal Von Mnckensen'g progress east of I'insk. the Vilna region and admitted that everywhere the Austro-Germans are giving them a most desperate struggle. The Teuton armies on both flanks are endeavoring to close the trap and all reports agree that there is strong prospect mat tncy wm succeed. The stntcment told of bittor battling about Dvinsk arid elsewhere. The German forces, in the opinion of military experts, are planning one mlgnty smash to en'velop the,, fleeing armies, to be followed by a drive for Dvinsk, where they would be in excel lent strategic position for operations agninst both Riga and Petrograd. The Berlin official statement noted progress in the enveloping movement, and indicated that the Russian retreat was proceeding further to the south in the Vilna region. Operations about ' bridge head and the Riga region are proceed ing iunousiy. Bryan to See Wilson. Washington, Sept. 21. Former Sec retary of State Bryan will see Presideut Wilson nt noon tomorrow, it was an uounced today at the White House. This announcement was regarded us significant in view of Bryan's plan to go to Europe on a peace mission soon This will be Bryan's first call upon the president since resigning trom the cabinet.. The appointment seemingly disposed of talk of a "break" between them, friends said. Western Conference Opened In Portland Today Opposes Ferris Bill Berlin Bulletins. Berlin, bv wireless to Tuckerton, N. -I., Sept. 21. A British aviator was tilled and his observer taken' prisoner when a German biplane brought down their machine west of St. Quentin, ae 'onling to official announcement today. Berlin Marshal ins arrived east of Lida, nn important railway junction south of Vilna, the Trench Artillery Campaign. Paris, Sept. 21. The official com munique todny, explaining the three weeks' unsurpassed cannonade in the western theatre, declared it had result ed in the destruction of "divers enemy works." The battle, it said, was intended to destroy GermaH mitrailleuses and she! ters and to impede their concentration. "Day and niuht storms of French shells descended on the enemy's com munication trenches, encampments, bridges ami supply columns," said the statement, "llieir efficiency was prov en from reports of aviators. Prisoners also admitted that the German position had been heavily damaged. The amount of ammunition expended proves France's resources in shells. The nnr s attrition could continue smnll buses for us. ' ' French troops have gained a foothold Portland. Or., Sept. 21. With tire advocates of state control in a strong majority, the three days session of the Western tstates water rower conror ence began here toilii'. Opposition to tne administration water power measure, known as the terns bill, wns heard on every hand The Ferris bill was declared by many delegates to be fundamentally wrong, as it is claimed-,' it takes away from the state's control of their own waters, and gives them absolutely nothing in re turn. Civile O. Dawson, of Denver, who to deliver the keynote address of the conference today is firmly committed to the policy of state control. Senator Walsh of Montana, Clay Tallmnn, commissioner of the general land office and personal representa live of Secretary of the Interior lJine nt the conference, ( hief Forester Graves and O. C. Merrill, chief engineer of the forestry bureau are expected to be the lending supporters ot the admin istrntion policy of federal control on the floor. Governor Lister of Washington dared todnv he believed the only agree ment of'nnv value to the west would be withisome form of amendment to the Ferris bill. do not believe in giving away our F ALLIHTO AfHAN UN E Moved to 1 Paso To Meet Emergency Dill PADIA MflRII I7PQ AMU HOT A CONVICT IF UULUttlUfl IIIUUILILLU nnu mi pLRfll F.RIII I i i i-rii 1 1 i r un I n hull iiuli 1W n ran Washington, Sept. 21 General Persh- ng, in command at 1-1 Paso, wired the war department today thnt 5,000 to 7,000 Villistns in Juarez. " were fall ing back toward the bonier. President Wilson imii Acting Secre tary of War" Breckenridge conferred over the dispatch soon after its receipt. Pershing reported that there wus "a general movement of Villistas toward border points." Persuing s dispatch created the im pression among officials here that Gen eral Carranza 's forces have routed the Villistas generally. Following receipt of this word, the war department ordered a regiment of ntantry and detachments of held ar tillery, 1,000 men in nil, from Texas City to El Pnso. This move gives General Euiistou nearly 17,000 men there, while there are nearly 6,000 at Brownsville. Labor Favors Carranza. Washington, Sept. 21. lresident Gompers of the Americnu Federation of Labor, has been authorized by the fed eration executive council to draft resolution for presentation to Presi dent Wilson "urging recognition of the Carranza government as uu nuthoritn tive expression of the Mexican peoples best ideals for self government." The council s action fullowed a recent visit of a representative of the Mexican Federation of Labor, who said tlmt body was for Carranza. Washington, Sept. 21. Bulgaria has ordered mobil ization of her army. This announcement this afternoon was based on a mes sage received yesterday by Minister Paenaretoff from Bulgaria. The reason assigned for this order was that it was "in the interest of armed neutrality. It is believed this action will be followed by mobiliza tion throughout the Balkans- AMMUNITION SUPPLY OF GERMANS SHORT By J. -W. T. Mason. , (Written for the United Press.) New York. Sept. 21. Exhaustion of the Germans' artillery ammunition is tne reason operations against the Kus sinns aro indecisive. ' The Teuton advance has slowed down from a run to n shuffle, and their large operations now result in only minor ad vantages. All of Field Marshal Von llindenburg's strategy has been unable to overcome the Dvina defenses which are infantile compared to the Vistula defenses. The capture of Vilria appar ently exhausted the Germans more thnn did the taking of Warsaw. From the Riga operations to tne ua- way theoretically cleared, tho Teutons now seem to tie Hotting into ueeper uu ficiilHos. This condition is not due to the fact that tho cznr is now commanding non to a repletion of Knssian ammunition. It Is duo to the Teuton Inability to establish a decisive superiority in miin itious. The Slavs lost theirs by capture, graft and inefficiency. The Teutons blew theirs up in the unprecedented operations in the pnst tivo mont.is. This hns clven tho Kussinns tho ad vnntaL'H. Absonco of artillery nmmuni tion necessitates cIobb range fighting, and equalizes the casualties. The czar, lician struggle, lnsk of Teutonic vigor however, can afford to lose more men is apparent, llignly important mis-1 man ino Mur.nu.ia 1 ... ,.... Hian positions have fallen, but witn tne ninns must pruemm D Unprecedented Situation Must Be Met Is Explanation of Treasury Officials T In Automobile Collision With Protest Is Made On Ground Her Daughter-Speaks to Parliament via London, Sept. 21. Field on the right bank of the Aisuc-Marue ! newer sites" said the governor. " When Von Hii.'denburg's right winglcanal at Supemereul, and have repulsed a power site is in the hands of a cor- a counter attack. nnrntion for development that site, Noteworthv progress was made last 'really the nrrmertv of the people, is night nt lliirtmnni'swcilerkopf by use : bcnvily capitalized and the consumer pnvs interest upon taut capitalization when he buys current. The logical remedy for high power rates is to keep of grenades and bombs. Balkan States Involved. Rome, Sept. 21. llulgaria, Rumania in the hands of the people that most and Greece mny jliingc into the war vnlnalilo of all hydro electric, assets, the before snow fnlls in the Haitians. 'power site. Undoubtedly a form at' Huclmrest was most excited today j ,,,., that will protect the investor and over rumors that large German forces 'vet keep title in the hands of the ore concentrated near Temesvar, within i ppopln can be made." striking distance of Serbia and lin-l ninniu. Tiio Jterlin announcement that . Germnii nrtillerv had mussed on the .ao1 VnrMfin I nan Serbiun border to Bid the Austrians had plUal rUICIgU LUdH apparently not reached llucnarest yes terday. Despite Austria's promise to do so as sooa' ns "important operations" had been completed, Austria has not yet opened the Rumanian border. No trains have passed for more than a fortnight,' and furthermore, travelers have been' halted by Austrian patrols. Is Fully , Agred On and WiD Be Closed London. Sent. 21. Increase of 40 per cent iu the income tax, ami other drastic, levies to meet the greatest de 1'icit Great Britain has' ever faced were prbpoied in the government's bud get introduced in parliament today by i.naneeiior or r.xcueuuor AieKcnna. " I ins is an unprecedented gitua tion," he said, "and it has resulted in placing unprecedented burdens upon the nation. Consequently I apnea! to you for approval of tiiese measures how ever drastic they may seem, as ecessary to me economic lire oi me nation. " He estimated the annual revenue at only l,:i()i),000,0(M), as against an ex penditure of $7,!"i0,000,000. "Taxation must be on a scnlo never before imposed by the British nation," the chancellor said. "At the end of the year we will face a dead weight debt of 2,200,000,000 pounds sterling (over 10,000,000,000.) It will not cripple our resources but every section of the ii ii t i o ii must contribute and make the greatest sacrifices." The navy, he snid, is costing more than ifOOO.OIIO.Oon iinnuully while the artuy cost runs over :i,."i00,000,000. "Kxternul advances," that is, aid to the allies, amount to 2,100,000,0011. Among the proposed taxes wus nu ad valorem import duty of 3.1 1 !1 per cent on imported nntomobiles, watches, motorcycles and a long list of luxuries. Taxes on beer and spirits were nut changed, but duties on these ami cof fees were increased M per cent, pro viding a mentis for raising a vast amount of money, because of the uni versal consumption of these commodi ties. Mutes on patent medicines were doubled. The duty on g.'isiilino and motor spir its wus increased six cents a gallon, This is expected to be a source of con siderable revenue. I ii In ii il teligniph rates were I lie reused fiftv tier cent. The new taxes will go deep into the ioeketbolis oi' persons with incomes over "0,000 n year, for they propose to take 12,415.';. Half pennV postage is abolisueil by the measure. Tho new taxes nre expected to prn duce more than hnlr a billion dollars. The Hague, Sept. 21. Queen Wil helmina, of Holland, and tho six year old Princess Juliana Louiso, narrowly escaped death or serious injury today when their automobile crashed lieadon into another car, wrecking both. Both the nueen and princess wer sliuhtlv bruised. Occupants of the oth er car were seriously injured and had to be sent to a hospital. The nueen and her daughter were re turning from tho opening of parliament where tho queon mado an address. Tho queen was applauded when she tnld lmrlinmerit that the iovernment will Introduce .a bill eliminating tho present hindrances to woman suffrage. 1 ... . . .. i i . . ii... l: rsne announced uisq iiiuv giummm-ui will be asked to vote credits for an in creased navy and for special defense of the Indian colonics. Dills for state insurance and for re orgnnizjition of the taxation system will be supported by the government. The or ncess leaped as tne cars rnshed. but the queen remained seated. and was showered with glass. Hhe was calm, and alighted unassisted instructing her chauffeur to summon liVHieliiiis to attend too others. The accident occurred near parlia ment. Members were excited over a report that the queen hail been serious ly hurt, until a statement was made from the rostrum that she had escaped. Vcw York. Sept. 21. The gigantic Rumanians believe these forces have i,,an souiiht from American bankers by been massed close to their frontier for the allies will undoubtedly be consum mated this week, it was learned today nn umiiiestionahlo authority. ine tnrnm will be: A loan of KJOO.OfMi.OOO to 800,000,000. The interest will le rive per rent. Bonds will be sold the public tt par. I'mlerwriters will make about two la demonstration of what wilj happen to them in case they aid the allies. Military activity is increasing at Sofia ami Athens. Troops are passing through Sofia daily. Pro-German agents are stirring the people to induce Bul garia to aid the Teutors. i .runner inuicsnun F" ; , mnt paring for emergencies were seen today , r probablr will be for a five , . in tue fact that an u.sp.une. . ,, ,, ,WOT "How f Disguise Elderberries tet there were heayny censorea. . , bo,h 0rMlt f amily Fae." i. tV title o' th latest Greece, likewise, is getting resuy 'ill.:..:. ,l IVanea -f fort from th' pen o' Mis. F.wn Up- Premier Veni.elos hi in daily c rerenc. f,Vnou. bitch in negotia Wneut.Tn' boos, fighter Ilu -loflM VSfe p.rty' 'tion. .re ridiculed today b, conferee.. THE WEATHER BETTCR BOVSl BASEBALL TODAY That England Cripples American Commerce Washington, Sept. 21. Representa tives of big Chicago packers today or ally complained to Acting Socrotary of State Polk against Urent Mritain's crip nlinff of American commerce. A writ ten complaint will bo submittod later !gnl aspects of tho recent British prize court decision confiscating mil lions of dollars worth of American meats were discussed, as woll as gen ernl remedies. Another conference with Importers and shippers will be held later when definite stops will be determined upon as a basis for future diplomatic protests. , Tho state department Is also study lug charges that British distributors nf rubber and other raw products nre black listing and boycotting American manufacturers who refuso to Bign ngren ments curbing American export trade amnnfl Groat Britain's customers. Linked with subjects of trade in ts'rferenco. there was an unconfirm ed rumor thnt the hitch In the allies ' half million dollar loan negotiation hn been dun to federul obstacles. The fail ure of financiers to consult the govern ment concerning these negotiations was deemed significant In Ttew of this re Odd Felfows and Rehebhs Will Entertain Visitors OF SUPREME COURT aw Prohibits Sale of Liquor Only to Convicts Inside Walls of Pen National League. Brooklyn l'ittsburg gnmo postponed, rnln, .. it. ii. r,. lUiston 4 1 ' Cincinnati 2 I 2 Bnrne. ami W lulling; Lear, Wale and Wiugo. " T t l. 11, II. I.. w York M (iiiesiro 4 1 1 Wriuht mnt llresnuhsn. R. H. K. Philadelphia N ' St. l-ouis l U Mcijuillen and Burns; liulk and Snyder, lfoehc. UDGE KELLY REVERSED IN CASE OF JOE PERRY onviction for Bigamy of Man Who Married Salem Girl Is Affirmed As soon ns a prisoaer is released from tho'oregon Stnto penitentiary 'on parol he ceases to be a convict according' to the ruling of the supreme court this morning in nn opinion handed down In the enso of tho State of Oregon against Joe Perry, a resident of Salem. Thin nso appealed rrom tne am-isnm ludiro Percy R. Kelly, of the circuit court of this county by the defendant end Justice F.akin in his opinion re versed the ruling of Judge Kolly. Jns- tico Moore and Justice Harris concurred in tho opinion nf Justice Kukiu and Justice Bean dissented. Perry wus Indicted by the grand jury this county and convicted of furnish ing liquor to a convict, namely, iravm Snyder, who was then out on parole and in business in this city, inu neiim... offered to prove at the trial that he did not know that Snyder was a eonviut u this testimony was refimed and an ex ception taken. Justice Eakin in hi opinion, upheld the ruling of the lower court that Ihck or Knawieiigfl no u- fense. District Attorney Ringo, for the state, contended that the act prohibit ing the giving of intoxicating liquor to a convict applied to every convict in ' tho state whether in the pen or out on parole. This titlo of the act says "in". the pen and the supreme court up held tho contention of Attorney Roy F. Shields, for the defendant and nppel-. hint, that nowhere is tho subject en larged upon neither can the title be enlarged to cover convicts not actually confined within the walls of the pen. With this contention Justice Eakin closed his opinion reversing the decision of .ludgo Kolly In the circuit court ana . holding thnt the statute applies only to convicts "in" tne penitentiary. The decision of Judge U T. Harris, ot it., aiiwiiit onurt of Lane county, waa upheld In the case of the state against John A. Irfieko, the (regon Electric con ductor who was convicted of bigamy when it was shown in the circuit coun that he married one Nellie Gilmore, in Halem, and lived with her In Eugene, while he had .a wife living in Portland. Locke was convicted in the circuit court of Lnno county by the jury and appealed because Judge Hurris denied tho motion for a directed verdict of acquittal. The defendant's attorney took exception to the ruling and ap pealed to the supreme court and the affirming opinion wns written by Jus tice Benson with Eakin and Chief Jim- tiee Moore concurring. It was brought out at tho trial that John A. Ioeko wus married to Jesse A. Locke in 1H117 and lived with her his wife and that she was not divorced lit the time he married Nellie Gilmore, March 2.r, 1011. The defendant main tained Hint he secured a decree of di vnreo from Jessie A. Locke in Clacka mas county but this decree was set aside when it. appeared that Mrs. Locke No. I had not been notified of the suit anil given a ehniice to answer the com pluint, although she was residing In the of the county court, county school super- , , , .linteiideiit niiil the cointy clerk and that Preparation. nr being mnde byjt)l(i t,mln,)r, ollM ,)lllv ,,,nK(,, hy C'hcliieketa Udgo No. 1, I. O. O. ., toj(i rifl,r m v00 of ttlfi pt.,,itt f the entertain a large number of Odd Jfol-i 1 int rat-tr. lows and llebckuhs nt tho regular meet- ,H ln(m jH,.llp ntnfH neM ing tomorrow night, at which ime a ,he district is a municipal cor- program will be given, followed by u , I)()r()in lt ,1timl1i ,hart(,r lm,st banquet. , ,, general laws of the state. Thie 'll.e special program for he evening (,,mr(ir ,h wou,( ,,,,, , is the presentation of a 1 nst Grand boundary board ami an- . umer rn n. .us- ..,.. ;(hri.e this body to shape the district American league, Kirst game R. II. K. o :t a o :i I'leli and Nunu St. Louis New York Koob and Lcary; ,.,,.l,..r Cleveland-Boston KBI,I postoned, wet grounds. j( ) y Detroit .' 7 t r I'liiln.lclo'uia 1 I'nst, Grand 'list Grand hier ramnrcb Tim., r. ityan. i ... . ,,,,. . nlllliviMtf tfl ,h Among the prominent ()ddhellow.o ,n( iUo ()f (fc Vnthe case, the state who are expected to attend ,,.fl ,,,,,,,, t)mt, ,,, mnln,,. ar. the following Pnst Grand M.istersi ,, , , , ()f , u , ns it saw fit. As to tho claims ot "gerrymandering," the supreme court ii. tr if ..I ..d ....... . nr ft ... ... ... .,,, " , ,,,,11,.,, J, , ,,,, ,iMtri(.,, , whp m,t of Albany, J K. V etl.erford of Al- h; nmr , ,hf fimM thfl bsnv, J, 11. Nelson of Mc.Minnville, William Galloway of Halem, and J. A. Mills of Hnlciii. Other men prominent In lodge circles to attend are Grand Muster John E. Hull, of Marsh field, Deputy Grand Muster Henry M, West brook of Portland and Grand Secretary K. E. Hhnrun (if Portflnd. 1'Mst Grand Muster Dr. W. T. William son of Poriiiilid. formerly a resiilmih nt this city, ami who is still a member of Oregon! Tonight jiartly cloudy am occasional threat ening, Wednesday generally fair; westerly wind.. LoiidermilK, iiiiinniu bio. ""i ' iiemcReia lAiug o, I, and also a Bush, Hresaler, Knowlson, .'Naiior. ami member of Rubekah lodue No. 1. will deliver the presentation address. Many i-ild fellow, rrom the .iirroiinding towns have aignifled their intention, of (lending the exorcise.. MitAi'iitr I.iiitn. R. H. E. IVvW ' . UL'ul. .(f,.n 7 1.1 2 i Eaber and Hehaliii Johnson and Wilj lianifc Second game. 'j'j r'J i.i.si.-.Wi visitor the latter part of lustjjustiee Benson affirming the ruling of - ,WifiiU. u ... . boundary board demurred to the com plaint and the judge sustained the de murrer and the suit was dismissed. Tho war of the Chinese tongs between the Bow Ieong tong and the Hop Sing tong in Portland came up for a roview this morning when Justice Harris wrotrt nn opinion reversing the lower court which convicted loiuu Ming or nian slaughter and remanded the case for re trial, Louie lhng wns convicted nt kill ing one Lum Kong during the tong wnr In Portland. Mc Bride and Moore con curred. A phvsiclan nr medical company, so called, has no right to advertiso It remedies to cure private diseases ae- Curl Palmer, of Salem, was a Palls cording to an opinion handed down ny New York .....3 7 J ' (Continued aa erne two)