TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOU Social and Personal CAB0L B. DIBBLh. HORLICK'S The Original MALTED MILK iimin vou say -HORLIOK'ST 21 vu may get a Substitute. liina Doris WiU, of Ion, OreKon, halwaH a giient of Mrs. Gerald Volk over rnniA in Snloiii to tuilv munip. at Wil Uinctte university. Mis Wilt it the iBin.lilor nf .luhn'll. Wilt, a lirOBiieroun iusinem man in lone an'il is a popular Wfrnber of the younger ooial set in that city. Dr. and Mrs. I.. F. Griffiths are en 1crtiniii an uenti, Mrs. Orifitb inter ami husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Handera, of Portland. Tiie two fam ilies motored to Wilhoit Hpringa over fcunday. T'no local chapter of the I'. K. O. will meet; thin evening at the home of Mrs. (. W. Laflar, IIIM) Houth Liberty Ht. All member nf the 1'. K. '. present in Knlcm are ured to attend Miss Gertrude Gray (if Seattle the nouncKiii'iit of the John Mr-Naryu, spent the week end with friends in llills Mr. and Mrs. V. '. (Ciii(,'liton, Mrs. I Gconfb WatHM and Mr. K. K. Waters I motored to Portland this morning to pend a few llnys. Mr. and Mm. W. ('. Kerrrm, of Port lurid, were guest of Dr. a ml Mr. Lee Kteir.Vr over the week end. t Mm. Kstiicr .lohei, a prominent mem ber of the I'. K. O. elinpter of I'oitliind, tho week end. Princens Kahme Itai.ier, m vjn nvo le.inre in Salem recently at the Baptist church, will give dram- atic recital ai ine nt r...r-u IVrtland Tucunav evening. September MiM Helen Huberts celebrated her 2S entitled I nder the ars ninth birthdav Wcdncday afternoon at ; Oriental music rendered bv Ma tte the home of her parentn, Mr. and Mr, in native costume will be a feature of John J. Roberts. 0.r,l State street with j the evening's entertainment. a llennilliui riiiniri-u n jmn;. 1.11.1,5 the enrlv iiart of the afternoon the small folk enjoyed a theatre party, fol lowed bv a dainty birthday collation at the Roberts' home. Tho regulation birthdav cake, arormd with nine spark- Mrs. E. S. Lamport is leaving tis evening on an extended trip to South ern Oregon and California. She will visit, at Medl'ord. Snn Francisco and later sue nil some time in Los AngeleB. ling candles awaited the .juvenile guests tie will r.e tne guest oi ult , . who circled the table. The centerpiece i Lamport at Medford. iMinited nf a gol.l basket filled with . pink carnations, tied with pink tulle.1 yir ani jfrfl Bush have re- The favors were tiny baskets of pir.k ! tllrn,.(i fr(tll a several weeks' trip to can. lies. The small guests present were j H(ln pra ,.).. Hnd various resorts in 1 limit lir and Sara Llizabeth Cannon. ofi(, ,jf ia rortlaml, .ancy i ineisen, noroiny i.iv- esley, Mary Lewis, l-.llu Hop Lee, .Mil dred auil Helen Krilicrt. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. V.iirghardt, Jr., sailed Friday for San Francisco tn at tend the. exposition. Mr. Durghnrdt will return within a snort time but Mrs. Ilurgiiardt plans to renuiin several weeks. "Fraternity rushing" and pledging which ended Friday night at the I'ni versity of Oregon', included as pledges from Salem, iiccnrding to the Oregon .lournnl. Kre.l Dcclicbncli, Kappa Mg- Tliere must have been some peculiar at.mospherjc condition Friday night, by which sound vibrations were carried far for a party of gentlemen standing at the corner of State and ('(umerc.ial, while Mrs. Ilallie I'arish Hinges was singing at toe band concert in Wilson I'ark could distinguish every word of her soi.'g "The Swnnee eliiver." The distance was something more than five blocks, or about feet, and thee words embl undoubtedly have been heard distinctly several blocks further away. Besides this Mrs. Hinges voice lias wonderful earrviug power, and a ma anil Bonnld livid, I'hi (iamma Holla, gentleman living in West Salem states that he has on several occasion" heard hr ot his home, durinir the oand con- cers. This ia nearly a mile from Wil son Park, truly a long distance fur tne human voice to carry, and yet, near her, her voice does not seem l0'"1 in.. c: a :rn has been spending the summer with her mtner, Mrs. M. Simmons, has returned to Se attle, where she teaches in the Domestic Science department of the high school. Ray Iloaenstein, of Tolok Ohio, is visiting in Salem as the guest of the Milton Meyers and the Dr. Lee Steiners. P. 8. Stein'er, of Pasadena. " i!n' le of Mrs. Meyers, is also a guest at the Meyers hame.e The Misses Bertha and Carrie Moorec of Portland were among the out of town guests at the Jones-Moorcs nuptial. 4 I'nder the auspices of the Salem Wn man's dub a reception will "C given in Salem on September 28. This date has been set aside as Woman's day at the fair. The program will include many interesting features. Mrs. Kdythe To zier Weathered, of the fair board, will give the'address of welt nine. At.ot.ier address will be that of Mis. I'. A. Kb liott, president of the Salem Woman's club. Miss Alice Skiff will sing. Mrs. Aristenc Felts, president (if the p-gon Congress of Mothers, will speak on " Mothers and Education.'1 MiUK Alice Joyce will speak on the industrial iues tion as It pertains to women'. Other speakers will he Dr. Anna and Mrs. Clara if. Waldo. The Oregon Congress (if Mothers has planned to have a booth which will be an attraction. There will be a free kindergarten properh supervised where mothers may take their 'babies while they visit the fair. There will be play grounds arranged lor the older cuildren. i . - .:ii ,.nn..bida the A community Q , day. Mrs. tlatt.e u -, - i gon degress of Motners, ... --: j I-'::,AJLe",'r. Oman's vited to parue. ... , dav activities. The reception will be !f particular interest to duo memoes. PERSONALS ! Mr and Mrs. Percy Young, of Al bany, were visiting with friends in the city yetterday. , Rev. H. E. Marshall, pastor of the First Baptist church, is in Newport to day. Ray Pomeroy left for Portland this morning to attend the Oregon Medical school for the coming year. Mr. mid Mrs. H. R. Peetz and daugh ter, of Cloverdnle, were in the city this morning. Rev. Willnrd Haves, of Rickrell, left this morning for Eugene to continue hi- studies nt the University ot Ore gon. He officiated yesterday nt the marriage of his sister, which took place in the cupola of the state house. Mr. and Mrs. P. Farmsloy and h. Hofer will leave for San Francisco to morrow, sailing from Flavel on the steamer Northern Pacific. Rev. A. 0. Hartley, of Sentts Mills, was in the city this morning on his way to Eugene to attend the Univer sity of Oregon the coming school yen Mrs. Oeo. L. Holfowny returned to her home nt Portland this morning aft er a visit with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. Mnev. Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Mason wore in the city vesterdav from Albany. .Mr. and Mrs. Al Mi shier, Miss Mario M YES BUSINESS IS GOOD THANK VOU SHOULD ! I AVKSKKN tli crowd of people we had in our store Friday and Saturday. They all seemed to be well pleased with our new Hue of fine pianos, and were astonished at the extremely low prices we are making on the new styles of uprights and especially on the new stvle 88 note player pianos, and baby Grand pianos. YOU SHOULD PAY THIS PLACE A VISIT and see the many beautiful new case designsthe very latest thing out. We have some of the most artistic finishes you ever saw in Walnut finish, all done in piece work by the verv finest of workmen. WHY ' PAY A LONG PROFIT? When we are selling on the big sales and small profit plan Wl 1 V TOT? come right in as others have done and see for your self that we are selling cheaper and that you find quality here also. We would lie glad to have you call whether you buy a. piano or not. Vou should hear the new style 88 note player pianos, they are all but human. We will gladly play them for you any time, or you can plav yourself. CAN ANY OF THE FAMILY PLAY? v 1 f so why be without a piano any longer. Our little down and a small amount each month makes it possible for every one to own a nice piano. Call on us and we will explain how easv it is for you to get one of these fine instruments. HAVE YOU A SILENT PIANO IN YOUR HOME? Or is it one of those ancient Organs if so riirht here is the nlace to make n swan. We will trilec in pvchnnf-p on out upw 88 I note player pianos either your Organ or your straight piano, allowing you every dollar they are worth. See us at once UOOUlHHWUp. SHIPLEY'S adam Your New Fall Suit Is Here We say your New Fall Suit advisedly, for we are sure that this splendid dis play contains the very suit that will ap peal to you above all others'. We know that you will find here the suit that gratifies your preferences and satisfies your ideas of fashion. Prices $15 to $75 JUST RECEIVED Another ship ment of those popular Plush Coats and Corduroy Coats braid trimmed and fur trimmed. At prices unusually mod erate. This store is prepared to deliver your outer garment "by the fair time." Ex tra fitters and a larger work room force, so not to disappoint anyone. Pictorial Review Patterns U, G. Shipley Co. 143-147 North Liberty Street . Salem, Oregon -Iff Witf ?H ' m W' NEVER A large size full 88 note player piano, one of the $600 kind, just slightly used in a magnificent Mahogany case, beautiful tone, will nev er have another chance at a buy like this. TIIKKK IS A TiHASON let us tell you about it. $271 gets it cash. Free bench and Music Holls. TWO FINE ORGANS We have two fine Kstey Organs, like new, high top with nice beveled mirror. These were taken in on some of our player pianos. One of these eost new -f 100, the other $95. doing to sell them for less than half price, (lood stool with each free. YOU SHOULD SEE The line of slightly used pianos we htve on our floor. Some of them like brand new, rangingin price from $138 to $175. $178.00 SPECIAL. Don't fail to see the new and up-to-date guaranteed piano we are selling direct from the factory for $178. .If it was not for our establishment here in Salem you would have to pay $275 and in some eases $:!00 for a piano of this grade. See them at once as we onlv have a few a t these trices. IMPORTANT. Do you know who (HIT piano prices first in Salem i Hull. Do yo uknow who has done the most piano business in Salem, for the past eighteen months I Hull. Do you know who has sold the most player pianos in Salem in the time mentioned above? Hull. Do you know who the manager and proprietor of the Valley Music House is? Hull. The country around Salem is included in the above. Out of the many carloads of pianos sold by Hull in and around Salem there has never been a misunderstanding or any t rouble of any kind and not a single piano has been repossessed that was sold by II nil personally. There is not a piano firm doing business on the Pacific Coast that can beat this. There is a reason in the first place you get the truth about the instrument you buy and if it is a cheap piano you get it at a cheap price and if it is a higher grade you pay a small profit in proportion. Jjarge sales, smallprofit has always been Hull's mot tor. REMEMBER THIS. We have a three years' lease on our store room and expect to make the Valley Music House a permanent business in Sa lem, r . . Hovdebo and Miss Infra Ashliy motored to Woodburn yesterday for it visit with friends. Mrs. John Arnold went, to Portland Suiidav. where she met her dnuchter, Miss Nellie, who had been visiting friends in Hood River. They returned to Salem Sunday night. Dr. H. II. (dinger, who spent Sunday at Newport, is expected home this even ing. A. M. dough and family arc visiting this week in Portland. C. A. McCrow, of Dallas, was reg istered at the Bligh yesterdnyc I.. W. Buckner was in the city yes terday from Oregon City. J. K. Smith was u visitor here yes terday from Corvnlhs. CHEMAWANEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Chemawa, Ore., ucpt. 18. Henry Hawkins, who has hnd charge of the dairy work, and teaching this branch of study to the students here, will leave shortly to take n higher position in the government service elsewhere. Mr. Hawkins was instrumental in se curing the herd of llolstein cattle at this school. This herd being considered one of the finest on this coast. School opens at this place on Mon day, September 20, Recording to Super intendent Wadsworth, und numbers of the students are coming in on every train. Birmingham Age Herald: In a short, while the ultimate consumer will be ad vised to d his Christinas shopping earl v. ' Sacred Heart Academy Under the direction of the Sisters of the Koly Names a SALEM, OREGON BOARDING SCHOOL AND DAY SCHOOL Most approved methods, Pri mary, Grammar and High School Departments, Com plete Course in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Violin and Harmony. No interference with religion of pupils. Modern Conveniences Domestic Comforts Scholastic year begins second Monday in September Address, SISTER SUPERIOR : Salem's Educational Directory : Music Business Law Art Schools and Colleges Capital Normal and Industrial School' Terra of 12 weeks opens September 13-13 i 13th and Wilbur Streets, Salem Willamette University Onens September 13-15 Carl O. Doney, president. I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law School Music and Art VALLEY MUSIC HOUSE 2G4 North Commercial Street Next Door to Fullertons, ' Frederic a Mendenhall Piano Organ Theory. Myrtle Long Mendenhall Voice Culture. Studio, Iiooin 211, Hubtmrd lildu. I"rnk E. CTrurchill, Pianiste. Pupil of Emil LieblinR, (.'ricao; gradi!-' ate of Western Conservatory, Chicago.! Studio Rooms 1-2, Opera liouse Bldi. tRei. I'hont 16T1-R, I Miss Beatrice Shelton I Teacher of Tiano. Studio 345 Marion St. Phone 1209 Elm Waller j Pianist ! LischiteiVy Technie and Dunning 8yi tem of Improved Music Study for! ' Beginners .Phone 1351 695 N. Liberty, Dan F. Langonberg Basso-Cantante T,ate pupil of F. . Arenr.. Studio 314-13-10-17 Hubbard Bldg Thone 207!) Mrs. D. T. Junk China Artist. Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby Teacher of Piano rhone 1050 W. 679 N. Cottage Pt- Mlsi Laura Grant Tiano and Musical Kindergarten 859 Center St. Thone 2016 H Miss Luclle Barton Teacher of Voice and Theory Studio Room 404 Hubbard Bldg. K' dence 1017 North Twentieth street. Phone 5tvi. William Wallace Graham Teacher of vioun N?ne and en. half v p Ut,', 0f hiheet "e.d.tion from them, ginne" 9 EuroP" "Pcience. A specialty made of be- iC isll . Misa Mary Bdmlti, Assistant, 180 N. 21st St., Salem