Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 18, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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ttt iprima
National league.
W. L.
Philadelphia 5
Brooklyn 73 65
Boston "2 64
St. Louis 6S -
Chicago 65 J9
Cincinnati 6 I1
Pittsburg t7 "5
New York 67 75
American League.
W. L.
Boston 1 45
Detroit 1 49
Chicago 80 5S
Washington 75 61
New York 61 73
St. Louis 58 79
Cleveland 52 85
Philadelphia 3S 96
Federal League.
The Grand
ou can
quickly tesr
uxury for
to pafee.Creamy smotWss
Note the inimitaWe Ervn,- '
. Note, above aI rf, ' ff P a" aroma
. & owj ""Wacy of flavor
Lux"ry costs youfr I' C,gare"e ?
Don't J Cen&
until vouC for
fat i:: w,ca l
W. L,
Pittsburg 75
Chicago 71
St. Louis "5
Newark 70
Kansas City 69
Buffalo 69
Brooklyn 6S
Baltimore 41
Pacific Coast League.
San Francisco ... 98
Los Angeles 93
Vernon S4
Salt Lake 81
Portland 72
Oakland 75
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland fortland 7,
Vernon 0.
At Los AngelesSalt Lake 3,
Los Angeles 3 (called sixteenth,
At San Francisco Oakland 4,
San Francisco 2.
Low Round .Trip Fares
to the
to be held at
Dallas, September 22-23-24
Ticket will be sold September 21 22
23 24, and will be good fur return until
September 26, from nil "Went" ami
"hast" stations Portland tit t'orvallisj
aim) from Airlie, lllnck Ho. k and Willa
iiiinn inclusive and Siilem. I'rom sta
tions on Die Independent o and Mon
mouth It V.
Cull particulars, fares, tin in schedules,
etc., from nearest agent of the
JOHN M BCOTT, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Portlaui, Oregon.
Type of National Heroes Is
Shown by High Decorations
Fairgrounds, Ore., Sept. 17. Secre
tary W. Al Jones is installing cluster
lights between the depot and the main
entrance. He is also having the water
system extended.
All who can do so are urged to pitch
tents now. The camp grounds are in
excellent condition and should tents be
pitched now rains will not affect the
The J. W. Roberts cottage is com
pleted. Mrs. D. H. Looney, Jefferson, has set
up her tent.
State Senator W. H. Hollis, of For
est Grove, was a visitor to the tented
city today.
The Browning Amusement company,
Sulem, selected three camping sites to
d:iy. J. S. Aslibnngh, Dallas, was over
yesterday and selected their old lot, No.
22 (nilloway, adjoining that of Ed
Hendricks, of MeMinnville.
(irunt Mc.Uuire, Woodburn, will be in
camp this week.
O. K. Freytng, superintendent of the
pavilion, announces every foot in the
building taken.
By Wilbur 8. Forrest.
(Tutted Press staff correspondent.)
Lomlou, Sept. 3. (By mail.) The
type of men that aro becoming national
heroes in England's greatest wur is ex
emplified today in tne story of tho ad
venturous career of Midshipmnu (leurge
I.. Drewry, of London, who lias becu
decorated with the vrctoriu Cross for
valor lit the Dardanelles.
Not yet of age, Drewry ' brief twen
ty yenrs have been packed with thrills
that rival the most romantic heroes of
Marrynt 'a tales of the sea. He has
sailed the world urouud, had thrilling
rescues from watery graves and has
been shipwrecked ou u desert Isle, but
no finer story of heroism has becu told
during the war than his conduct while
I uiscmunrKiug iroops iroin ine sictimsiiip
' liiver Chile otf (lalhpoli peninsula.
! The voting midshipman was placed In
I; charge of a flat boat at 5 a. in. on the
! memorable day or the landing of the
1 British expeditionary force against the
j Turks. From the side of the River
Clvde the vessel which was litter run
I ashore to facilitate the lauding of sol
diers from n hole cut in its plates, he
steered straight toward Cape llelles in
the face of a furious fire, to beach his
craft where, with others, it would act
us a landing stage for the soldiers.
Behind htm came the River Clyde. As
the transport crunched Its bow on the
snndy shore, Drewry' lighter hit the
beach at her port bow. Jumping ashore
' with u hnnser he secured the small craft
I it ml went to the aid of Captain I'nwin
I who by this time hud jumped into the
! ....' i.. .. ..-?.... .. ..i .i
j Zr! Both! ' dni; machi,: guns
5!? ""TT"" aaaManannannaaaa df,,.,!,,, .HCUped dentil llV Inches
THE TILE FROM j but were unable at once to accomplish
nr..Tnr .... 'h'r task. Drewry leaped aboard a
WHUTIl WE TArvb neuter Rmi then Into the water again
lumber for delUerv has been there '?. M"irt ;"J"J '"''" ' h
long hile. Long enough to tll(lr. threw away his revolver cost sud hat
o.iKhly season and ,lry it What ,, '" e.,t back to the aid of the csptain.
ltlOIIH.1 .ItrirV lllull mIi.i Iiu ll l ll.l I.I.I Itllll. '
ber knows. So when you want lumber i
gel it hcie. Tit at will insure it being'
. I I .... i .1... . :t :it .... '
iti v or im-ii hiio uinv i w in uoi iiiop
Chicago Post: T. R. has gone up to
Canada to shoot moose. Remember,
they're getting scarce, colonel.
A Full Bill of Sullivan and Considine
6---High Class Acts 6
Within the Lines, Dramatic Playet.
Rouget & Company, Equilibrists Supreme.
Alpha Troupe, Comedy Novelty Jugglers.
Karl, Wizard of the One String. .
Christy, Kennedy and Faulkner, Harmony-Hilarity.
Washingtonians; Instrumental Quintet.
Charlie Chaplin
In Motion Picture Scream i
Prices 25c, 35c, 50c. Bargain Matinee Sunday 15c-25c
Matinee 2:30 Evening 8:30. Box office open 9 a. m.
A band has been organized at Moro,
with 20 charter members.
Heppner'a council has passed ordi
nances establishing a building permit
system and providing for the condem
nation of old buildings.
I !
Shortly afterward a bit of shrapnel
struck the youth on the head, knocking
htm uowu. lie was Lurried aboard the
River Clyde, his wound dresyd, mid he
immediately rushed hack to the aid of
Cajtnin I'nwin. With A rope in his
teeth he swum to other lighters and
fastened them to the grounded cruft.
Twice he executed this feat under snip
ing fire until rescued completely ex
huusted. The story of Drewry 'g gallantry at
the Dardanelles drew the atory of his
other adventures from his father tind
mother iu Loudon today. He left school
at the age of sixteen, joined the Mer
cantile Marine and n-as apprenticed
aboard the Indian Empire, a large Lon
don sailing ship. An ineident of his
first year at sea was a fall from a high
niast into the sea. He wan rescued with
difficulty. This incident was nothing
compared to the adventure which befell
him Inter.
While sailing around Cane Horn In
the Indian Empire a storm arose and
the vessel was wrecked on a desert is
land. A heavy sea literally washed the
crew Into a shallow bay, which was
filled with scnweeil. Swimming and
crawling over the vegetublo mass, the
crew succeeded in reaching shore. For
fourteen days thi sustained existence
on edible roots t-cd shell fish and man
aged to hold out until rescued bv a
I hileiin man of war.
After this in I'M 2, the youthful mi-
venturer returned to England and was
given an officer's berth on a merchant
liner. Since then he has traveled all
over the world, and nsppened to be in
Port Said In July. l!1.1, wheu he joined
the Rovul Navai Reserve as a midship
man, tn August, ISM, he was appointed
to H. M. S. Kgmoiit, gunrdship at Malta
and later to the torpedo gunboat Hus
sar. Afterward he was transferred to
the transport River Clyde,
He will be tweaty ene years of age
in November.
So many of our customers have asked us, on account of the low prices marked I
n . . ,3 I C ! - .1 1 ll i J 1 1 i i 1 . 1 ' ll J .. T
un uur guuus, n we camea accounts, mat we tnougnt it Dest to explain tnat we axe
glad for you to open an account with us. We will make you terms that we feel
sure will suit you. We've a great stock of popular priced furniture, carpets and
rugs, and shrewd buyers tell us our prices are right. We want your business.
Come and see us. Try out our easy payment plan.
you trouble hereafter.
Dtty your builders' hardware, paint,
oil, glass, lime, cement and plaster of
S It) & l'Jttt 8t Thou 4:10
! A Big Surprise for Hop Pickers
400 Tenti at cost prloea for this week only. Also everything aeejel
I for ramping. Don't fail to net in If you need anything In tbia line.
H. Stcinbock Junk Co.
Th Kou.it of Uilf a MlUloa Bargaltu.
342 K. Commercial St. Phon lot
Advertiser September 1"
Adams, Mrs,
Addeson, Mrs, ,T. B.
Andregg, Mr. Dan L.
Armon A Co.
Itnldwiu, Orville.
IUsIiriii. Mr. Jasper X.
Hum, Mrs. Oeorge.
t'arlesoii, Mr. Wilding,
f 'happell, Mr. Henry,
Clark, Mrs. n.-ssle."
-Conner, Mrs. J. W,
Davis, W. V.
Doty, Mr. Fred.
Kills. Mrs, ,T. O.
Vlliott, l e Roy P.
Verris, Charlotte.
Verrls, Mr. O. I
Vraiiklin, Kdith.
Ilaiden, Miss Leon
Hnthawar, Mlw T.
Jones. Mr. John R.
Joy, Mr. Ida.
Kline. Mr. J. H.
Lewis, Mrs. S. V:,
Fot, Kdward.
McDonald. K. S.
Mal'.ov, Mrs. 11 M.
ManK ve, Mrs. L, L.
Moorv, Mrs. (V'ngland)
Moorland. J. W".
Morgsr. Mrs. D.
Morris, Mrs. Roxie. ,
Myew. W Ulinh.
Nsee. Miss Vlelaido,
O'Brien, J. F.
I'artlnw, Mr. Karl.
Russ?ll F. K.
S.'h.ink, Miss Kathrvn.
S. l,weltrcr, Vhillip Oara.
Silke, Mrs. Paul.
Simiwon, J. T. Atrr, '
St-ele, Mr. George.
Tsdmage. C. W.
Thompson, Mrs. A.nna.
Tui.U. Miss M. F..
Vaughn, I.esbv.
Werner, Mr. Elsie,
V,.;-, t v n
Combined Vacuum Cleaner and
Brush Sweeper, simple to operate
and very light in weight. The
brush adjusts itself to rugs with
uitterent naps; wide dust pans,
which hold all the dirt; twelve'
inch no.i.le gives you a "wide
sweep" and It ffoe In tti enmnra.
cloth dust bag stretched on metal
frame. 1 lie Duntley will cleaa your
rugs and carpets all the way through
tn On OporaUon. A regular $1)
value. Special,
Suitable for either flowers
or potted pi ants; three
sizes to select from
10c, 12c, 15c
Mattress Special
Forty-five pound high
grade Empress cotton-felt
mattress, roll edge, art
tick, one of our high grade
mattresses and guaran
teed on thirty nights trial,
regular price $12,
Special $9.85
$10 9x12 Tapestry Rugs
lake advantage of this
price reduction to replace
some oi your tloor cover
"ifco. uuuu patterns in
small, conventional and
Oriental designs. At the
price quoted they are
Here is your opportunity to buy
high grade Portables at low grade
prices. There is nothing that adds
so much to a room as well a being
an article of necessity to read and
see by as an electric portable. Two
new shipments just arrived. See
window display.
W.B0 Lamps .;
J $2.85
$5.60 Lamps , , . $4.10
$8.50 Lamps .
$8.75 Lamps
$10.t0 Lamps .....
$11.50 Lamps
t t M M