THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPT. 18, 1915, FIVE NEW TODAY j On Mat Pr word eaek hw Copt for advertisement ma t der thia he4ia ahould b la by 4 p. m. PHONB MAIN U. J1 New mniv FOB SALE Gentle nonv mare. cheaD FOR SALE 4 head Jersey eows. D. R. namrnac,, Kt. 8, Salem. Sept 21 HABKY Windowcleaner. rhone 768. Octl LOST Nofolk coat belt at hand mi-' cert last night. Leave at Salem ice Sept 18.! "WANTED A oae-horse wagon. Phone 68F2. Sept 18 FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rocnis. 339 Center. Phone 20 M. Sept 21. OLD LUMBER for sale, cheap. 430 Court street. - Call tf yOK RENT Houseekeeping rooms. 336 North High. Phone 4. tf FOR RENT BccBis for house keeping, furnished. Phone 2093.M. tf GOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE at oC7 S. 18th for rent. Phono 2348J. Sept 21 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room: cl030 in. G. V. Johnson. tf FOR SALE Good work team, weight 2700. R. W. Batt, phone 21F3. Sep20 ASH AND OAK WOOD At a bargain. John H. Scott, phone 1552. Sept 22 FOR SALE 12 White Leghorn pul lets, 50c apiece. Call !105 S. 21st St. f! ROOM MODERN bungalow for rent at 431 Front. Ennis D. Wait. Sept22 DRESSMAKING at home or by the day. Phone 2381 M. 2359 Center St. FOR SALE Choice pointer dogs, train t field work. Phono 24-F-2. Chas. Sweelo. tf 1 WILL NOT be responsible for debts contracted only bv mvselt. V. vv. Caninbell. Sept. 21 WANTED An experienced coa'i and housekeeper. Call 1800 W between 9 and 12 a. m. Sept 18 W ANTED Man wants-plowing or oth er farm work with team, lioute Box 33, Salem, Ore. Xt SALEM firm wishes to rent glass show ease for fair week. State price. Ad dress G. S., care Journal. ' Sept 18 FOR RENT Housekeeping Tooms for ladies only, 910 N. Church, phone 745.T after fl n. m. tf TTIR T?RNT FURNISHED Two mod oTTt alenuintr rooms: close iu. Call 250 S. Cottage or phone 773R. Sept 18 EVE WING MACHINES Ono almost namr ArniihonA 10. and one new drop head $10.50. 265 S. Church St. Sepl8 ABOUT 25 ACRES of E. H. flory place for ren't including house and bam. mum 12. over Ladd & BuBh bank. - Sept 18 BOUND TRIP TICKET to San Fran- Cisco exposition ten, ou it hub, road $30. For sale at Fred's Night Luucli. Sep"8 SAtkT.T, PLACE FOR SALE Or rent. " 3 miles" from Salem. Enquire John Simon, West Salem, Oregon. Phone 2154W. 8optl8 AUTO TIRE PUNCTURES, blowonts, etc., easily and quickly mended with lnr9 fJnm. Sold nt 165 S. Commer- " cjai. 8eptl8 FOR SALE One nico chiffonier $5 one nice library table $5, and Beveral nthor nieces of furniture. Cheap. 265 Church St. Sept 18. FOR TRADE $750 equity in $2500.00 residence leased for Sflou per year. Would consider auto or good lots, AddresB M, care Journal. Sept 18 for cash, Phone 76 pon' F12." Sept 21 BIG 'Becond growth fir A No. 1. Also gruo oak. Phone your orders to 11F14. Sept 21 BLACKBERRIES 25c per gallon, de livered, rnone or call. Kcyal bakery. Phone 378. tf LOST Tabby cat last night, weight about 12 lbs. Return to 233 S. Church. Reward. Sept 21 ROOM AND BOARD in private family for one or two Btudents. 1195 Marion. Phone 1027 R. Sept 18 LOST Ladies' small black purse con taining .f;.4o. Reward lor return to this office. Sept 20 BOARD AND ROOMS Very close in. Host home cooking; furnace heat. 514 Chenu'keta St. Sept 20 WANTED Horse to keep for his feed this winter; to drive to high schcol to buggy each day. Phone 11714. WANTED Refined elderly lady to do cooking and light housekeeping for two gentlemen, no washing or heavy work to do. Address K.' E. L. care Journal. Sept 20 WANTED By university Btudent, stenographic work, two ci: three hours a day, all of Saturdays. Call 797 M between 7 and 8 a. m. or 6 and 8 p. m. P. F. Green. Sept 18 r"" """"" r : ' J I .... ..... v l . ... ... -( - ... r, '" : 1 ' Vf'tr.'-.? ' ' , i ' ., ...... -I i ' ; I if:1 SU' " I i " . Stove Time Is Here We have a complete stock of heaters in all sizes and styles. . , . . . ... Prices Very Reasonable V45 J A"-'f.y 1 C'W mm Laurel Ranges Have Special Features Laurel Ranges have special features. The Laurel twin flue Range is of a fuel saving construction, being made so that you can always control the heat and put the heat where you want it. You can heat the first lids or the whole ONE HORSE POWER Stover gasoline engine, pump jack, 1 galv. iron tank, 1000 gai. Price $70. Also 4 ft. - in. galv iron pipe, 7'ic per foot. In quire i L. Terwilligcr, Moose. club. FOR TRADE Good gentle mare. Just the thing for women or children or old pcOpla to drive Will trade fee cow or wood, chickens, sheep, goats, wheat, oats, or good bicycle. 1155 N. High St. - Sept 18 FOR RENT Six-room house $ 7.00 Six-room house, furnished 8.00 Five-room house Twelve-room house 12.00 Nine-roon house 12.50 A. E. Bell, Room 229 Hubbard Bldg. WANTED A buyer for my modem five-room horise, lot 50x130, east front, paved Btreet, lawn, fruit and flowers, or will trade for modern buncalow; located near North Couv hiercial St. to move onto my vacant lot. Owner. Too N. Co n '1. Phone 60H.I SHOULD A MOTHER TELL WAS GREAT DRAMATIC ACTOR Edward Poland and Thos. W. Ross In a scene from "The New Henrietta at the Grand Theatre, Monday Evening, geptemner 27. Movie News Notes Strenuous Feats Performed By Actress Marie Dressier New York, Sept. 18. Supposing you were built "on rather generous lines about six feet or so altitudinously and fairly well hohizontally supposing bo, how would you like to: Fall twice off moving automobiles, Be pushed through a brick wall, Be yanked up into the air on a steel cable, Be rolled under the open spigot of a , molasses keg, Jump from a culvert onto the top of a moving freight train, Jump from the aforesaid moving train into a little boxf : "Mnrifl Th-essler. comedienne, does all these thincs and a lot of other slightly less bone-breakiiitf stunts in her new movie and likes them. In fact, she is0( tno 0t),er members of the company ,.,n.,.r ahmit Ilia movies and insists, in ,inn uml rmiuli water. Ho fought nevermore for the stage. She i taking; bravely after thei other members of the a vKiiliin iiiKt nt nresent after working! eonuianv had returned out "Tillie's Tomato Surprise" heri fi.-.'ally triumphed; reol lanuli uroducer in which 1 been for his "Well, you dear old things, how beautiful vou arc!" That's the way Knthlvn Williams talks to lious and tigers. Sho doeB truly. First she walks over to the cage and looks 'em in the eye. Then sho spenkB to 'em kindly, and after, that they .lust naturally oe- cnniA her friends. It is all the system ulio ;mn. nnd Kathlvn sayB it's uot ' when Andrew I.orence, of Hilverton, and i'i,..ut..r Pnnltlin is some swimmer. If Miss Marjory Hayes, of Rickrenll, be vou don't believe me you should hear como Mr. and Mrs. I.orenc.e. The wed ih .tnrv thev tell about one of his ding is to be strictly a family affair, adventures in the briny deep. In inak- however, in spite of the fact that it is ing a new two-red Keystone there was t0 ,e consummated in the most public a scone that lett Chester in a state of building in the state. Tho groomsmnn nxhnustion at the finish. It was a live- ; Tlbert Haves, and the bridesmaid top without the oven, thus a large savi lg of fuel. See thft Laurel before buying. 1 Marion County Couple Will Be Married In Dome of State House The second marriage ceremony' that feet reserved. Therefore, tho decree ir.jtho state mnkhig liberal allowances to this suit shall bo without prejudice to the company should negotiations bo any other suits, rights or remedies' entered into with a view of purchasing which the government may have by 1 the grant. iu conclusion let me suggest that "In analyzing the claims of tie rail-1 whatever plan may bo submitted to road company with a view of arriving! you by the governor of our state should lv scene, with Chester and n half dor.en Mabel Hnyes and the officiating minis ter is to lie vt ninru i nayes, 01 mi- gene sho pulls the stunts enumerated above. "Yes," she remarked, "those stunts are a little hard 011 the nerves, and I've accumulated a number of bruises but i there was an awful lot of fun in mak- MONEY TO LOAN $ 1,000 up to $10 win on improved farms. Tnos. A Kobcrts, 209 V. S. National Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon Oct.15 In the latest William Fox production "Should a Mother TelU" there is seen dramatic action thut is rarely it ever , th(J pi,,tlire, j 0ne scene I'm sup beheld upon the screen. The story it-1" . ,lllulll1 throuoh a brick self, bv Rex Ingram, is ono of ex ccptionul power and presents a problem that calls for dramatic uction of such intensity as could be portrayed by per haps no other actress than Betty Nan sen. As tho mother torn between an almost fanatical sense of justico and a desire for the happiness of her daugh to shore, nnd but if it hadn't swimminir we wouldn t have had any more Chester. ! posed to be pushed through a brick wall. Naturally we Duia mar wan wan watery . mortar, not. expecting it to stick together very much. But some thing intervened and we couldn't take that particular scene on the afternoon the brick wall was constructed. The next dayvhcn we came to filming it, wo found tho mortnr had dried and I want to tell yon that it was a mighty lfiST Smnll. tarf-colored nurse, con taining gold crown for tooth and about $(. Finder plcaso return to this office. Reward. Sept 20 "WANTED by experienced men, dairy ranch to take charge of either on salary or shares; must be near school Address W. P. R., ejirc Joirnal 24 ; er and is advising all her stage friends to take up the work. She had a private exhibition of her new film nt tho Ged- ter, Mibs Nansen has opportunities to UiBii ay lier wouuerrui emouoimi powers - , . . , 1, .., T rnmnd exceptionally. Indeed, it may be said , hM b wall that. I as rained ,...i v,d,;,l lm. been found for this' Misa Dressier is a great movie boost extraordinarily gifted actress. Stuart Holmes, who supports Miss Nansen in this production as Gaspard the part and liuroiH'ss UtlUllliri, uv -v..,... -------- . .. il. well with their respective roles. In other stage nnrs 10 wiu.ess u.c many respects this picture is one of the All through the evening she was as most remurkablo released in quite some nervous as if she was going through timc , the "first night" of a real slngo show. ' T- IT..,,! WViIia Plntna rPnont- scoundrelly husband, portrays tne ney ran ' '. - ;'", to perfection, and Arthur Hoops ly, nnd invited William ( ourtney and Claire Whitney, as the Baron and bis wife, Virginia Harned. Unusc Dres- Myrtle Stedmnu has been chosen 1 to (.v(i) play WITH JIHI'IVH rtium:i': Reformed Politician" for the Morosco the Hosworth studios. The II be directed bv Frank Lloyd Himluinn is deliehted with her new part. When securing the permission of Sec retary of State Olcolt today Air. Lor- ence slated that the honeymoon would include a trip to Portland, Seattle anl Bellinghnm. In Scuttle and BoJIing- hnm the newly news will visit relu- has ever been performed in the dome t the amount which is justly due them I we mould keep iu nund tno ilH'Kiil mi. oh . lUr Bltttli "pivi .w. ... ... . formed tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock wnicn nave ueen init io ... r0.......,.-r er ecpiity in the grant than ,H,000,000; tliat its receipts from sales, leases, ere, amount , to over 5,000,000. leaving a balance due of less than :i,()00,0(HI; fiat if the prevailing rato of assess ment and taxation had been njiplied to said coiiity ol' $H,000,000 .luring the years 1H72 to 1915 its tax payments would have equalled if not exceeded the amount it claims it has paid to date; that the administration expense the company claims to have inclined was of its own making and can be properly be charged as against, its equity in the lnn'ds. These facts, how ever, should not slund in the way o'. receive your inont careun considera tion. " "This holding company could, with the consent of congress, take over tho grant, ami alter pledging it for secur- ' it y for the funds necessary to satisfy the claims of tue railroad company, deed the lands to the state for the ben efit of the school land. 'Tho grant, of course, would bo tak en over by the stuto subject to tho mortgage i.-.'debtednesB which could be cleared in duo time through tho sales of timber. Under stato ownership tiio control of the grn it would pass to tho stale liiml board, and as it could un doubtedly ho handled with little or an increase of force i.t that Hie cost of ndininintrnlioii would be re duced to the minimum." Seven Life Certificates Issued to Oregon Teachers i, Tim iirnttv little iiiifeiiue. Neva Or- ber who bus lliousunds ot menus sne Seven life certificates were issued during the past week by Huperinlon- TAKEN t'P At my farm, Eoute 8, Kaiser Bottom, one irongray and ono bay horse. Owner please call for same and settle. O. O. .UcUelian. oepuo 1 nOtrmV iWrlWrWen-WBril KOOMS FOR RENT Two pleasant ""-- v n roo-ns, modern in every rl'et. rrc., . . . F. FWT U blocks north of ptate house, 1-2 block ( SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT j 1: n .III R40I.MI jrom eajiiuu, w " Tilwl V nion street. " 3-XIR SALE Used heating stoves ga-1 lore! Oood stock of used furniture: ll kinds. Oood stock of newl 9 DOROTHY DAPHNE LEWIS S The Popular Contralto in Songs I hat riease KS noods. Exchange department. Deutsch , W iTOUK "tflB Should a mother MISS MINNETTA MAGERS will re ceive vocal pupils afternoons from L till 4 the week beginning Monday, Sept 20. Voices will be tried free of charge. Phone 1295. Studio First National Bank bldg, corner Commer cial and ( hemeketa Sts. CORDWOOD Niie cords big fir, good straight wood, cords second growth fir, 2 cords ftrub oak. Threo dollars per cord on the ground. Five miles from Salem. Good Toads. Phme 45F24. . Pfl't 18 ItONEY TO LOAN On improved farms at 7 per ecnt annual interest, eI cat her heart out in 11 silence, to protect n those near and S dear to her, when 5j by betraying her could save herself? 1 am representing the Commerce Safe' -Deposit & Mortgnge Co. of Portland, Oregon. Quick delivery ot money., j; . . 1 1113 Yiiai ijuwiivii is answered oy Write me or cull at aMrion olltel. J. Berger, Salem, Oregon. I'Oll RALE Four pure bred A. J. O. C. .Terser bulls from 8 months to 2 years old. Nre of 3 of them is a son of tiolden Ulow'i Ihicr. I'am 01 ""7 j and graud dam of two gavo over l0.-! 000 lbs. of milk testing over 5 pcr, cent in one year. Priced reasonable W j II n si O makes it a i.iiint to find out wiiat ner frl,.n,U rnSllv think of her. Every week she takes a different group of them to see her new releases and binds them in imnnr n Kxnress their true opinions whether favorable or not. In this way sh learns Knw to correct her faults and accentuate her talentB. kev in Philmlelphia. And some monkey is Mike, lie receives 3 a day and .... .,1. i,..nniits amf candy to feed a whole fauiilv of ordinary monkeys. Mike'B pet aversion is the office cat lie spends most of his spare time teas t. 'l' l. i wn .in v n t 111 I- I'lIHUV. 1 I1H H.IUI .HIT took his best friend, who is the Liibin dachshund, in his arms and curried him to where Pussy was and dropptil i,im nn loo of lier. The dachshund, lie- i; i.lnvfellow. dill r.VA object to the vovagc, but even he did not like the contact with tho cat and a lively fiiilit ensued, to the amusement ot Mike. move quicK. ville. Ore. Jos. A. Ditter. Aums Bept 21 8ALKKMKN Pocket side line, new live proportion, all mechanti, in town's of 100.0IH) and under want it Paya ! commission on each sale. No eollccting, no risk to merchant. We ' take back unsold goods. Easiest, bi(t pest pavinn sile linn ever offered. ! Canfield Mfg. Co., 208 8igl Ht., Chi- , eaga Wept 18 Betty Nansen The World's Most Eminent Tragedienne PATHE WEEKLY WITH LATEST NEWS AND STYLES Sunday and Monday Eve 20c Monday Matinee 10c SiMMI II n El ii n ii El 11 m u o a n ii ii n n ii ii ri ts El 11 II 11 M 11 II CI ilMMMlklUil made in "America Beauty" (Mutual), dent of Public Inst ruction .T. A. Clnirch- 111. l.lie eerTmenien mi iiii.y ,-a-ceptingin a four year high school were issued to Minor u. rrouter aim ji. .r. '.rslnnd. The former is a graduate of the Oregon Not mill school and the lat ter is a graduate of the Iowa Htnlej Teachers' college. To Flora I. Fore man was issued a life certificate based ntimi nn evuMiinnlinn iii twentv-four! Mike is Hie name of the I.ubin men-1 HiilijcctH. Special life certificates based upon graduation from the Oregon Agri- cultural college were issued to Geo. E. I Sanders to tench ngiiciilture, to Gladys! Roliev to teach domestic science, nnd domestic art. nnd to J. W. Motley to teach manual training. Funiiie ftchlnnp ! received a special life certificate for i drawing and writing based on her grad-1 nation from the art institute of ( In cneo and the Fort Madison Business college. i Portland Golf Club House Is Destroyed Portland, Ore., Kept. 18. Htnrliug from a defective flue, fire totally de stroyed the club house of the Portland ((If club nt Fltirluck station early to day, The loss, including the building, furnishings and the members' personal property, is estimated nt between 4,01X1 , anil fi.OOO. Hcveral club member, who were mail-1 in i? their homes in the club house dnr- inL' the summer months, were handicap IC( in Ilgllling IIIC riHIIIl-S Oil urnjum m t'm li. . immie Daly ih one oi im- tne hick o iwuier, most important people in rue i.unm atudiiM. He is 60-odd, but doesn't look ....... .in Tun score Years auo he be came ari actor and played many parts in manv production. Thirty years ago li. Im,r iliainBtic aehooL in Philadel phia, and today some of his pupils are stars of the theatrical world. SPECIAL By All Odds the Best and Biggest Show in Town Tomorrow and Monday BATTLE OE AMBROSE AND WALRUS Extra special Keystone Ccmedy. 2 Parts THE AMERICANS Full of thrills and heart throbs. OLD JANE Of GAIETY Comedy drama. CHARLEY CHAPLIN At his best. Bligh Theatre Adults 10c Always the Best Children 5c vl;eYn.l Greenwood has the record ' - . .... re- of plaving the greatest number ot I ,.f m,'v film favorite. You will tier lis tho trifted voing Amer lean (Mutual) player, fhe has played over H0II purls and has only been in the movies a few years. Thiring her i.. !, leiriiiiiiiite" she l.layed .10(1 tinrts, vsiving from tont ot ennu in "ZigzaK Alley" to leading woman in her own road company. THE NEW HENRIETTA Former Governor West Speaks To Conference On Land Grant Question Former Governor West made iris of the principal addressc before the land grant conference Thursday. In conclud ing his remarks he said: "In the consideration of tho con tentions of the riiiliond company we should keep in mind that the court in en o n nir furtlicr sines oi um ninun Maclyn Arbuckle, who plays the Rev, Murriiv Hilton in Joseph Hrooks' five star combination presenting "The New Henrietta." his associates being Wil liam II. Crane. Thomas W. Rs, l-aorn h ,, ,,. ...v .lB. n(.e., salest IIoie Crews and Mabel Taliaferro, has jn vi,.w" r,f the disregard of the been emnlovinl! bis talents as a cartoon-L,,v,.nniitH. icit i ri' uf illegal emolu- I t in cnriciitiiring the entire group of ..,, an,i jn view of the govern tor. Mr. Arbuckle has exhibited bril- ' intercut in the exact observance liant faculty for catching likenesses ano 0f t.m ,t might seem that restrictions upon the future commi t or mo rnurouu ,ompnny and it various agencies is imperfect relief; but the government has not asked for more. In otlr words, had the government asked for a greater relief they would undoubtedly have received it. "It also mid: . . " 'This suit whs brought, it is al leged, to lU'terinine tnj" rights and remedies as to the unsold lands and il.,.i iil,i.(ioentIv other suits will be impressions in his cartoon work and has mfirA frcniietit ly employed the art of caricature upon himself than upon any one else. Ho use the pencil merely nt a pastime and as a means of giving pleasure to his frienmt both In and out of the dramatic profession, by the gifts of works from his art shop. Baltimore Htar: Jlerlin Hermans arc "cutting off II ..-A f.ttiA Inwn. In th asm region that are In greuter need of 1 instituted n:i to tho sold lands, rights .hiirleninir. 'a'"' remedies cm to tnem bem in ef- says the Grodno"; GKANI) TIIEATKL1 Singht Monday, Sept. 27 The Pre-eminent OiYering of the American Stage Joseph Brooks presents The Great Five Star Aggregation WM. II. CRANE THOS. VV. ROSS MACLYN ARBUCKLE LAURA HOPE CREW S MABEL TALIAFERRO Supported by an excellent company in "The New Henrietta" Seats on sale September 2;?. Prices: Lower floor $2.00, balcony $1.50, gallery re served $1 00, admission 75c. Mail orders filled now. innnnssacsBEaa lttaMaitajMlatt