Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 18, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Jones! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Madi
eon lj. .loom of Ibih Meaedowii be
rame the bride of Merrill Jj. Moores of
I'o-tland. ,
The wedding took place at St. Paul'
Kpiacopal rhu rh, Kcv. Robert 8. Gill,
"IIE event ciilminatins society's a a-lord in the the shower bououet thrown !ionive to toe exaltation" of both ma
I tieipatitn for weeks, ami is view ( by the bride, eousisting of the riag.trie an! drama. Among other things
" of which all minor claims have too thimble as'd the dime, were re-: Mrs. lenton makes mention of the
lieen made secondary, took place Wed-iceived by Mins Liicile ISell, Miss Aliee Wagner concert, Sept. 5, by the expo-T.Vdav-
evening when Miss Oertnide ! Hongs and Mia Aline Thompson. ' sitivi orchestra conducted by Dr. iMm-
. , t . i w t n.L t. i . ' i .. -A I. ' i UL- i 1 . t. : ..
ins Drme reeeivea do array or uau- j mm-D. ne mmn eu.ivru mji uu
tiful gifts. " I found the mueii al opportunities there
After the reception, Mr. and Mrs. i altogether satisfying and to be remem
M-oores left on a wedding trip to theibered.
Oregon benches. The bride's traveling I
eoHtume was a chic suit of blue serge' Mrs. fieorge E. Waters, assisted by
tee rector, officiating at the eercuiony. j trimmed with fox fur, with a small; Mrs. William ('. Knitihton, entertained
The ring service was used. A canopy, blue tailored hat to inati-b. After their; at a (harming tea Thursday atternoen
extending from the church to the eurb return the young couple will make their 'at the home of Mrs. Waters rei Hummer
formed an entrance for the guests, home in Portland where Mr. Moore i street, in boaor of Mrs. E. E. Waters,
who were met at the church dirs by 'is engaged i:i the automobile business,; The rooms, which are attractive of
Cheater A. Moores of Portland, a broth-1 Tiie brida, whfi has grown up in,' this ' themselves, were tastefully decorated
r, and Kalph Moores of Halem, a coiis-coniinunitv, is a graduate of St. Helens ' with a pleasing arrangement of dahlias,
in of the bridegroom, as ushers. The i hall at Portland. She is a charming j asters and geraniums. The affair,
decorations of the chancel wero marked girl and has a tost of friends. It may i which was in the :.ature of a kensing
liy the simplicity nnd beauty which be well said of her that she is liked ton, containi-d an added element of
rharacterized the wedding throughout, by everyone. f charm, the occasion being Mrs. Waters '
and consisted of fragrant jasmine and Mr. Moores is a son of Mr. ar.'d Mrs. birthday.
rbryaauthemums intermingled with : Charles B. Moores of Portland a grad-1 Every feature which could contribute
amilax, palms being placed effectively j uate of the Oregon Agricultural college, to the festal spirit of the day was pres
lere and there. The bridal party enter-1 and of Cornell university. His popu- ent, including tiie sparkling birthday
ed the church at N:30 o'clock to the laritv at college has since attended hirn cake. Assisting in the serving were
drains of Ixihcnerin 's wedding march; and he is well known in many circles, j Mrs. C. L. McVary and Miss Ida Sim
jdayed by Miss Lillian Slater, and werei Among the out of town guc-ts at the'mons. The guests were: Mrs. E. Gil
preceded by the two small flower girls, I wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. .'. li. 'lingham, Mrs. Alice H. Jiodd, Mrs. Wil
Sliss Peggy Cannon, a niece f the: Moores of Pu-tlnnd; Mrs. Kaimy Jve linni Patterson. Mrs. E. llofer. Mrs. Ada
iirid" and .Miss Virginia Wells, a niece 'and Mis Alice Hong of Honolulu, H. I.; strung. Mrs. . I,. M.N'arv, Mrs. J. M.
of the bridegroom of Portland, follow-1 Mr. and Mrs. John Witiiveonibe c-f or-' Martin, -Mrs. W. P. Lord, Mrs. J. A.
jug came trie bridesmaids, Miss Hazel , vallis, Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Mon:cs I'ar-iin, Mrs. K. J. Hemlrieks, Mrs. J.
Jtobb of Portland ami Miss Kliraheth j of White Salmon. Wash.; and the fol- If. Mi-Xary. Mrs. S. c. I Iyer, Mrs. Har-
Iiord of Salem. Tin; matron a" honor lowing from Portland: Mr. nnd Mrs. F. , vev Well"'. Mrs. .1. P. Robertson. Mrs.
win Mrs. George W. (fray, a sister ofj.l. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. fieorge It. ! M. X. ( hapinar.', Mrs. George Mack (.
the bride, and the maid of honor, Miss ; Hovei'den, Mrs. Sarah Hnvemlen. Mrs.. Los Angeles. M r. K. P. Hoise, Jr., Mrs.
Janet Cray. The bride was accnm W'arrie 1 tenuis, Mr. and Mrs. Clarem-e ' K. S. Stewart. Mrs. . I. Wir'stanlev, Mrs.
paniod to the altar by her tuther, whojfirover. Mr. an. I Mrs. Frank l.itherland. ; W. T. .leaks, Mrs. H. B. Thielsen, Mrs.
gave her av in marriage, where she Mr. and Mrs. ( arl .lones, Mr. ami Mrs. jW. II. Hoot, Mrs. A. .1. Monroe, Mrs.
was lin t by the bridegroom, who was! Chester M'nres. Mr. and Mrs. Albert It. S. Wallace, Mrs. R. P. Hoise, Mrs.
attended by ( arl Stejwer f Jefferson,! Wells, Mrs. Sarah ClnrVe, Miss Ether. I. II. I.aulenmin, Mrs. F. A. Moore,
college friend, r l et iimn. Mis!ClHrke anl Miss Hnzei Hobb. i.Mrs. .1. I.. Mi.relnnd. Mrs. A. X. (iil-
Kthel Clnrk of Poitlnnd. a cousin of! ... . tl(,rt Mrii M y n,.ev'Ilian jiis aiita
the bride, sa;ig " At Iaw ning," by Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter penton, who I Moore, Miss Lillian Hoot and Miss Ida
('adman. The bride was lovely in a1 have recently returned from a four- Simmons
beautiful gown of embroidered taffeta I weeks' trip io the Par.'aina -Pn ifie ex- '
lalxirated with exquisite gold lace, and I position, speak in the highest terms of' Mrs. W. II. P.vars, assisted bv bor
earrie.l a shower bimipict of (icaiils andjthe pleasure and instruction which, the . daughters, Mrs. Etlie Wright' and
lilies of the nllcy. ,r veil wasVxposition and its ad.inm-ts afford. .Mrs. Mrs. Konald Clover, entertained the
eaiight with a wreath of lilies of the; Kenton, uo whs iuteresied. ntitnrallv members u'. the Woman's Relief Corps
valley. Xo jewels were worn by the! in the musical features, heard Pade- Thursday afternoon at a pleasant
bride except the handsome gift of the j rewski in a benefit recital for the , kensington at her home on North Com
bridegroom, a pearl necklace, with aj Polish people. Paderewski, who first ' menial street. The decorative nuitif
Tearl and diamond ).endiiiit. The , gave an address, spoke feelingly of the (if vclhe was prettily carried out in
bridesmaids were charming in pink j sufferings of bis fellow Poles, saving the ' dining room where California pop
tulle shading into a deeper ti.ie audi thai, although p s known thev were in (pies, nmrgucritcs and nasturtiums were
rarried shower boniuets of pink chry- worse condition than the Is. lginns. as 1 elfectivelv arranged, while vellow shad-'
jiiey had received piactirally mi help, ed lights cast a soft glow over the
'At toe present moment,'' he said, ' table. The guests who enjoved this
'Poland is in' a measure, only n mem- ! affair were: Mrs. V. O. Asseln, Mrs.
ory; it is a vast desert, an immense j Ida Iiabcock, Mrs. Lois Ueciitel, Mrs.
r",n -Xy errand is not oae!C. ('. Clark. Mrs. A. K. Hinsmoor, Mrs.
of hatred but of love." A. Kingslev. M.rs. . W. Matthews,
His sympathy for his neoide even nf. Mrs I W s ;tl. rru iii.i,.,..
inaiesir nais in ine siime siiaoe, irimmeii; leeieu ins playing, and allliough no one ! Stoltz, Mrs Frank Thompson Mrs
yith tulle. The little flower girls werei has at any time uucstii.ned his bril-i Fred Thompson, Mrs. Frederick' Bvnbn
frocked in white organdie, daintily liancy, at this recital the sorrow in the! Mrs. C l Follricii Miss MarvFoll
eoiiiplete.l with pink sashes and bows, mail enriched that nlwavs remarkable j rich, Mrs. I.ickel, Mrs. Benedict t
The mother of the bride was hand execution. Ho was it greater artist New York. A note of interest in this
jKimely gowned in dark blue satin, than ever. It was A Flat Ballade of i connection is that Mrs. Babcock was
elaoomted wil.i l,e. Chopin that he first played, nnd to the first department president c.f the
following the ceremony n receplmi quote Uedfern Mason of the San Fran-! Woman 's Relief C orps in Oregon and
was held al the home of tne brido's cisco Examiner, "I never heard that! Mrs. Hinsmoor and Mrs. Babcock were
l : i.?' , W' ,,rl,V' "" "'i'1," l,',,llu'k' l'lB'"'l '"''"re as Paderewski chaiter members of the Sedgwick He-
1 , '" : " ."
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i. . ' l-., ' .
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x ida c' Ipiunrs t imp ! mm rtet ia r.nmi,n...? . .
resciiinit i.qw iucji - - - t- -I'vrcii or, - r.
in the home. - ; Theodore Hoth, Miss Mafv i P,-
'Mri.ertrude Erixsoa Jth "".
Club politics are discussed continu- zo sopranos, Mrs. Thcmas u V- ,! aO
allv, savs the Oregoaian. Wherever a; Miss Rose Pratt; first cojtrah ?
group ef club women is noticed it is '.Lucile Barton, Miss Mvrtle K '
safe to wager that they are asking eaci secoad conhaltcs,' Miss Ruth v
other who will be the next president Miss Minnetta Magers, The k
and what will be the nature of the j men's quartet, first' tenor h. , "
i. nnttaxtinn The elect inn ; At e In ti re soenn.l 1! W T
!of delegates to the state gathering of baritone, T.4 8. Barton: bass ' ''
jthe Oregon Federation of onian !s : Boas. ' ' . ' B- L
Hubs is an important feature of all the!
;earlv -cason club gatherings. Upon the; The following committees hat v
i personnel of these delegations will de-'appointed by Mrs. F. A. Elliott
; pend the action,' of tiie convention,! dent of the Woman's club t r
I which will be held in Salem next charge 'of the arrangement's J!
! month. " ! meeting of the State Fed.
Woman s tlubs, to be held Z
October: a
Headquarters Miss Btattv
jj.u9piitujig .urn. in:'.rles Tr r
i During the session of the land grant
conference at the state house this week
i t 'nin.flr..ial eloh served 4IjOinM
iur v.u.. . -w- . i - r -' "j -vii.;rics WjS
'and waters, assisted by a competent Mrs. J. P. Jones, Mrs. Ravmn.j ?
j committee nnder the supervision of i McGilchrist, Mts. Baumeartncr
Mrs, F. A. Elliott, president of the j D-onald Miles and Mrs. Marvin -
Jntormation -Mrs. Anderson Mn
.U13, X. - . , . . i
Salem Woman's club. and Mrs.
) William 0. Knighton. The following 1 C. Dyer and Mrs. Stalcy.
! cey Bishop, Mrs. C. L. Dick, Mrs. W.
('." Dver. Miss Veda Cross, Miss Mar
garet' Gray, Miss Elizabeth Lord, Miss
Elsa Diemel, Miss Marjorie Marria,
Miss Aliae Thompson, Miss Winifred
Kvrd, Miss Mabel Kobertsoa.
Pages and ushers Mrs. P W c.
Mrs. C. B. Cross and Mrs. EU iSJ
Badges and pVinting-Mrs. Boren'w
Mrs. Goltra.
. Comfort-Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Fam,
anil l rQ lutlin wo
Decoratireis Mrs. H. C. P,Uti .
Udden, Mrs., Cay, Mrs. Satherlani
and Mrs. Spencer.
Mrs. Robert Eakia and her Sabbath i
school class of the First Presbyterian
church were afforded an opportunity j Press Mrs. Galloway and itn C fl
to exteiid greetings to Miss Kuth Gib- j Hamilton. '
son en uer return irom Seal Rocks, Ore-! Trains ana baggage Mrs. Minto
gon, by a kensington which Mrs. A. O.I Mrs. A. M. Hamilton. Mrs, Hazard.
tondit gave on fnday atu-raoon at uer
residence on Oak street.
Needles, shuttles, crochet hooks, etc.,
were very willigly laid aside while Miss j
Social Mrs. Kirk. Mrs. .T. H i:.
Mrs. Clements. Mrs. Fish, Mrs. 1 p
.icary ana .urs. xiusn.
(Continued o Page Three.)
Miitliemumii tieil with pink bows.
Tho maid of honor iil"'i wore a
dainty pink tulle truck and carried
an armful of deep pink roses.
Tho matron of honor was attired in a
amart frock ot pink taffeta. Tiie at
tendants of the bride all wore crepe
Mreet. i ne drawing room was tasteful-1 played it. It was steeped in sorrow
jy n.i simply necorutcit with an inror-1 1 onsnleratious of tec.iuiqne seemed fu
irial arrangement of delicate pink asters tile in the face of the elegiac elociuence
and ehrvsanthemunis, while the tiink
shaded chandeliers were festooned with
milax. During the evening Miss
Oeorgeubelle Booth and Miss Elirabeth
Hchultx gave several piano and violin
numbers. A wedding collation was
lief I orps.
As r, t'nl t.Prt.nm,;,.! 4n.,:nn
it thai inn.;,, II.. .1 i .. ' ., . ' .
, " ', v i'irn ine music . Mir -miss iicrtruMe .lones, wnose mar-
of nopiii as if every flower of mel- ringe to Merrill Moores occurred on
ody, every progression rich with racial Wedi'esdav evening, Miss Elizabeth
sap, was n poignant reminder of some- Lord entertained at a tea Tuesday af
thing winch could be recalled but foniernoon at her home on Si. ith High
a iieenng instiint. ami t hc-n muut re. :tr.r A ..,..f..-;.. f ...,i.,rri i...
Photo by Bushnell Photo
Mrs. Merrill B. Moores. (Miss Gertrude Jones) whose marriage to Merrill B.
Moores of Portland oa Wednesday evening was an event of much social interest
Credentials Mrs. Albert ar,.i v:.
i:ii. i w: i w: n:ii.'r . . .. U1M
-i:iurel i,yius uuu .iiss itia x'liicv j nvaiiy.
sang several selections accompanied by I Eeception Mrs. Knighton Jin
Miss Luciie Ross. jDodd, Mrs. Hendricks. ' '
Games called the company to the
lawn later where an enthusiastic eon-
i resr tnnk r laee. following which dain-
itv refreshments were served. The fol- i
lowing young ladies are members or 1 u. jj. uiaei :T j
the orga'uization: Lois Martin, Lucilel Diplomee de J'Acadfm: de
Ross, Grace McCall, Ruth Eosebraugh, Lyon (Frame) j
Dorotiiy Buchner, Vera Dilley, Winnie: will give lessons in 'renoh
Edwards, Margaret Rodgers, Mildred Grammar and Conversat on at t
Wiggins, Ruth Gibson, Odell Savage, her home, 11-50 North 15th
Irene. ( urtis, Carol vn Dick and Mrs. street, Salein, Ore.
Methodist church at Newherg. the n.-.'g : ist. Mrs. Holman has been a student ' Johnson. ; Seasonable tenns.
service being used. The miptitil group ' under William Wallace Graham and has! . !!!
...... i i ..... ..... ! tu. a .......... . . . i. . r l 1 7
siooo oeneatn a iiainty canopy tr sn::i- ,af two vears of professional orchestral Iuf riccuuvr ruuuuuiev oi uie jur
al entwined with white streamers, the : work at 'Berkeley and San Francisco en-Teacher association of the Lincoln
drawing room displaying an' attractive and six years of church work The ; sciiool met Wednesday at the home of
arrangement pf pink asters and roses; i-hoir is composed ctf' W. T. Jenks, M"1"9- Luther J. Chapin to discuss plans
lhe bride made a sweet pi"ture. be-' te.-or: Mr. Theodore Roth and Miss;'r tne coming si-hool exhibit, Septeui-
eommgly attired in a gown i f waite'Rose Pratt, sopranos, and Miss Min-il"'f - U was decided t.iat any work Societv and Cnmmerri.l
messaliei. Sh . ,.t ... ,.. l.,. ..' xr... .....i.: .. ,l.,ne .last venr hv nnv ..hibl i .-.' : f SW,el na VOmmerClal
-.. .. .... ... .... ltia ....iri. luiiiidii't .ills. ViOUhl.l? --. .. ... r. ....j ....... ... ...v
broidered net and to complete the brid- is organist and Mi:s Magers is diree-! ,r't't ' eligible for entry. And although; f
al cciitume carried a bouquet of bride's tor of the choir. On Sunday evening, 1 ,ne boundaries line of the district has; f
roses. The bride was attended by her j S-j t. If. P. S. Barton will sing a solo! j ot'" somewhat changed any child who' I
sister, Miss Mabel A. Boug.iey.' who a.-ccmpaiued bv Viola Vender Holman! ' 'i i ! work last year in the Lincoln j
wore a pretty white ami blue frock.; Mr. Barton is a baritone soloist Hp school may participate. The exhibits;
jonn smaii, a orotaer ot tne brute-. has sung in oratorio and in a men"
groom was the best num. Miss Alice ; (juartet at Syracuse, N. Y.
Judd, a cousin of the bridegroom.' ' ".''
,mucu io in ig waren t rom M..ien-, The re,ion ivpn hv the Er.worth ! wor? re,'"v'1 last semester. Special i t
i coin, an ied 1 hv T " M .Vro 1 ,,'au of t,U' Methodist 'rburcb i eD,I ""f'8 '" T'"' ' lal1' "1'ontne
of fX, ci v t . lii"t- -iKht to the new students of Wil-1 Pr..ea work.
of ullf l.".v-. Ml's "' I 'a-v,d;lamctte university was a gratifying sue-1 la ,he exhibit' first prize,
sol tly during the ceremony. ' in rr ;'" ' 'boys, will be $1, second prize 30 cents;
i u li Lur M il il l' ll. lit-, mm' , ...
s will include agricultural work, gardeu i
i work, -canning, making of jellies, bak-
iing bread, cake and the best school i"
l Beaver StatePrinters j
Phone 1512.
Eooma 1-3, Patton Block
tw,.i,v..uK ir ser ice a we. i ng; tiv(,,, were presented with canl ; lrls- "m Vtlze setl,J'1 V'"-" 30
breakfast was served in the dining 011tli lh -he evn .rogram 1 In lhe agricultural exhibit, three
room wuich also earned ut the J consistd of ' The t oll Vear in a i l,est vegetables first prize, will be $!,
eral decorative scheme of pink, rhe ; Nut,M1 , U was . Mded "nto ,i5 '-cond prize 50 cents; best 10 ears cor.,'.
fiTl frien l,'";1.' i',,Vr ' " tt: The f r san t prize, 30 cents second U5 cents;
MrlGrFnfNe, initiation, socie" J 'rJ0.
icMiviii. larewen nitrrv. i t . ...
These were n rraim. nf .-n,n.. .k first prize -jOo; second Hoc
daughter, Mrs. .Mia Mosher. old time'
friemls of the Honghev familv.
ltoth Mr. Small and his bride
tn rtU."l I i in rtv
were a resume of some of the!ur5r rrlze
'imrortant college events of th year
well krrown in this vicinitv, Mrs. Small: A . " (',m',e1 ,n, the idea
being a member of the iiil:i class ati m- ,
Willamette university and Mr. Sian' . Lerji Dotsou jdayed several in
having graduated from the Oregon Ag !, "i"1' 'l'''tio-is. Miss Jean Mcla
ricultural college the same vear After' , """ a so!o !"ul Save 8 humorous
aimed goods exhibit tho first prize
will be oo cer.'ts, and second -5 cents.
There will also be prizes for the
best loaf ui bread; first 50 cents, sec
ond 25 cents, and for the best cake.
either layer or loaf, first prize 50 cents!
lion as an encore. Arlie Walker secom' 25 cen,s- The exhibit will take
pwvru m ,.,o mmng room, wnero no(.urn t tne i.ourne or things lost for-1 graced the looms, the living room being
... ! .e. li . . ' . u ,.'.. " " rg.u- .tworateu
U. i I h t.itiL- nut...-., n h'.I
A 'Vl i" i' 111 "'" """"""I apologist, I reeeptioi hall with golden marigolds
"" "iiincioiiH orana-laun wnite anemones, win e the tirnrv
out in soft shading nnd golden rolor
ingi, which produced tin effort akin
t.. a flood of ge-ule, sunlight Hun.igj ion of that octave passage reminded us glowed with red asters and the dining
over the room The table wa centered : that grief ha, ,,, weakened lis mus-, tmuii w laborated with pi.ik snap
with goldelirod ajd Uluuiinated w.th cles nor relaxed his sinews.'' idrairoiis. A.mstii. the hi ... in thL
rive thousa.-.d people listened to ,iim, , serving and pouring were Mrs. (ieorge
staudliig room tickets even being W. (!rv, Mrs. U. K. Page. Miss Janet
sued to the number of M. The recital , tirav. Miss Winnitred ltvnl, Miss Mu
was omewliat of a society event. Many! bid Hobertson! and Miss "Aline Thoinn
protiune.it women of San Francisco and son.
alio it tho bay acted us patronesses ...
while society girls sold boutonnieres A ipiet but very pretty home wedding
and emblems for the Polish people. Mrs. i was that of Miss Sadie E. Houghev to
lieiiton also saw the "Electra" of Hug'.. Tal.nage Small of S.lverton,
Kophocles. by Mnrgaiet Anglin. the or! which toik place Wednesday noon at
ehcNtru under the .iire.-t i.i of pr. Wal- tne home of the bride's parents Mr
f.ll 1 ll, K nt it,.. I ! , t. .1 '.In ...... ' '
" MV ""' uicnii-r. mill .Mrs. l. t . lloiiunev. mi Slul..
fillS WHS n tlllUllallflcd I Street. Till, ..remnnv an'- ..rf ,.l o.
It. r. Konnd of the
yellow shaded candelabra, tied with
tulle. Howls of richly hited marigolds
adorned the sideboard, while a trailii.'g
f autumn leaves here and I bete lent
a aplasii of vivid color to the decora
tive sc'ueme. Alternating in pouring
wern Mrs. John Withveomhe, Mrs.
Sarah Clarke, Mrs. A. . Moores a .'d
Mrs. Chester Monies, Mrs. A. M. Can
non, Mrs. F. J. Patterson, Mrs, Chaun
rey Hiid.np and Mis. Harry Clay as
aasted in the serving.
the ring In the wedding cake fell August
a xi;. - i-.. i . . ' . ' i ' ' . i . i ue ceremo
1 Miss .Mjitjorie Marx in, and the h.n- success the great audience being re- 1'J o'clock bv Key.
a ul,,.-t U....I.1I... i.I. t. .t... I.
Pacific exposition Mr. and Mrs, Small '! ' hl"f r of events for the ,la,'e on Sa!r,,?y, and there will, be
wiU be at home to their f,ie.-'.U nt i I g tee cream and cake was " ,'"' g'u oy tne ciuktren
Silverton, where Mr. Small is ideuti- i!- V- , r, lr,s'lme,s. several of the
fied with farming interests. I.,' !' a?s!s'i'ig in tho serving.
!-Ml"'h "edit is due Miss Ruth Spoor for
Mrs. T. II. Van Winkle was hctess j ,h(' !"u'',--'s ot the evening's entertain'
at a prettily appointed dinner Mondav ! ...
evening ir. honor of Mr. Van Winkle's
of Portland.
Ifl i u nil... II. .1 tr I vi ii
....... .i,- .,n. Rnu .urs. n. var.ivi
Winkle, lr. and Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle ! '.
. ll :.. . ' it'll
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
tluJle; Sisters of the Holy Names
Most armroved methods, Pri-
Imary, Grammar and High
... iiuiiur oi .or. ua vvjuKie s. . . , . -.i. , ----- ........
Mr. and Mrs. It N Van Winkle' " ' pleasurable and unique gath- Wltn ""gnesa of purpose to the work
and. The table 'was daintily -""f Vls J10''1 at Berkeley, ca., on,u h.'1; To illustrate the quality of
u-itti i,ii. .m i i. .. ;' e pieuiber 1J. when a mimk e t. i music that mav be expected, it nnv be
...... r. Mill, flint Hi . I'lMIIT USll'IS ,.,. ll ll , 4 " . , ...
pink sweet peas intermingled with',- VVi. ta'h'"u met t thei "'"-tioned that three ot the singers arc
den hair fern. Those circline the' ''k ,noa,,'r the Sunday afternoon yocal '"''hers, and the remainder pro-
Ir. and Mrs. K. N. Var.ivi , gT Mrs' I'earce. ! onal singers. Miss Minetta Magers,
ml Mr, I ii Vim .;., l i.. ! 1,,,'n I'earce. Miss T)nrr.-v 1 who has charge of the music at the fair
Stanley Van Winkle of Albany Mr ' ' """ -"r- n. Mrs. Hav Smith I" WPM P'eased at the progress wnieh
and Mrs. Frank Van Winkle of'stnv-' r e" r0"u" ,0 the Fast. After I ,ht' q"tets are making, tin Woman's
ine business men s quartet and theinv"'t Ttt,..4-w,v,ft- Trim
ladies' double quartet which as before i bCllOOl Departments, LOm-
announceil will furmsh the vocal music j nJete (JOUrSe 111 HarP, rianO,
at tne state lair, beginning Seiitember iT . , ni i: J
devotinghem Culture, Violin and
Harmony. No interference
with religion of pupils.
Modern Conveniences
Domestic Comforts
Cliiocf? voor ViAtmns
ton, Miss Kosnlind Van Winkle, ,l'r ! "''' ,ne '"avert, "old times'' in! ;'' (-'00'1 Hoa'ls day and Portland! , J. Cr-,V,U0,
ai.'d Mrs. i. II. Van Winkle. The eest''. w,'r(' wviv.J and interspersed "lil.v at the lair, members of the ladies' i SeCOnd Monday 111 beptemDer
. .- L . . . nil I'll V n nli,, . . 1 . . 1 ., 1. 1 'ii . . . -
oi nonor returned that same evening :;. r J ""'l'"on ior tne times iust .: 'luari.-r. win give stuos. and on
ic e and husband, Mr. and i " "'tormally assem-' f r"la-v evening after the regular con-
Van Winkle, to Stavtcn. i ... ... '. !'""t .ot ''omnuci interest andl''"1, at ,he Coquet of the editors and I
.."mis were: Mr. an, Mr. newspaper men ctf the state at the
wnn tnpir nice
Mrs. Frank
An i iteiestimr lino of music Im. I...r. . -M.ilr''"- Miss Mabel Fralev. ti m'w pavilim the two nuartets will for.
planned for the First Hantist church 1 '.. ' "appe . Miss Huth Hover. Missinisil nuisic.
me coming yc.r. Viola Vereler llol-! ii, J' ' . , s -vla Charles
man has been imaged as violin sola-!,. , ' ,,,b Harter, Mrs
1- , " ! 2t7''''' S !U'U'n 1'""' Miss
; I'eio'hy Peane and Mr. and Mrs Rav
55- N" " h Uiertrude licues) '
THE time to buy clothes is when they are New, Fresh
and Plentiful not when theyVe been picked over
Brandegee, Kincaid & Co.
Camo in just a fow days ago. They will appeal to men and young men who see
the advantage in dressing smartly in clothes of positive worth.
But, a man cannot judge the style or quality of a suit by reading about it
lo get a thorough understanding of these points, the garments must be tried
on and the other features demonstrated by the salesman.
A Splendid Shoe
With Cloth Top $4.00
A style worn by a goodly portion of Salem men.
A trim last made of tested leather. A White
House Shoe of the first class in gun metal or tan.
Ut your next pair be one of these.
We Sell the Best
that $2.25 can buy. We have
the shape for your face and the
quality for your purse
$1.75 to $2.85
Mrs, Id,, (,,, ,oft t0,,.lv
ere .h , f,'r Francisco'
vev WeM ""nMr- Mrs. liar
ItWlftrt l ii .. L t
haj.u.an. for the m .,' '.' .0;
,' Hit
KUIm .lone, t, ,0,i f Mr ,
k '' '" ''".es of Uhish Me .I,, "'
b"H gone Kast to attead the lo , ia'
''hool ot jo.rnali,,,, in Miwonri
Mrs s tieorge Gray and small datigl,
ir t Mideuee. mmn. il... i ... . "
uav in fort-
turned", r?1"' "' Ilo"!,,on kv, re
limed lrom an eniovaliU. two-week.-
Cisco and In. .... .1...
deinostrnted to thein the
The ladies' double I
: Salem's Educational Directory :
Music Businees
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal and Industrial ScUool
Term of 12 weehs opens September 13-13
Willamette University
Opens September 13-13
"thand WUbur btreet, Salem I. H. Van Winkle, Dean of Law School
Music and Art
Frederic 8. Mendenhall
ISano Organ Theory.
Myrtle Long Mendenhall
Voice Culture.
Studio, Room 211, Hubbard
on Tuesilav
of the southern Mate l,v
M r nZ r0'SKt however,
rla.i r "u,,,,oii were equally
!.t retch leli .: woll'.ome
"irmgni to iSalem.
Mij llorten,e Kpply ,ft
for Hoqmam, W,,,,.; he
'(! of the ,UMtii
'lerartment of the high h.l.
The eonsre, and the aswociationJ
throuftnom the state are '
ar;uiea which represent the skill in
Wuu.ty. lB,lleetu.l hieve' '!
n rrank E. Churchill, Tiauiste.
rupil of Emil Liebline. fri.-i.en. ...i
r V v oiijervatorv, Chicago
' Dan T. Langenberg
Basso-Can tante
Late pupil of F. . Arenz.
Studio 314-15-16-17 Hubbard BIJg.
Thone 2079
R ?T 00 -V8' rra 1IoU5C BUg-
. -V ,VI I'll,
Miss Beatrice Shelton
c. , Teacher ef Tiano. j
tudio 345 Marion St. Thone V'l.o
Mrs. D. T. Jnnk
China Artist. -.
. Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby
Teacher of Piano
Thone 1950 W. 679 N. Cottage St.
Elm Welier
r . , . Pianist :
LisctuterVy Technic and Dunning Svs.j
tern of Improved Music Studv fori
m. .... Binners
Miss Laara Grant
i Tiano and Musical Kindergarten
: 859 Center St. Thone 2016-B
Miss Lneile Barton
T,.hnr nf vni. mt,A Theory
695 N. Liberty , Studio Room 404 Hubbard Bldg.
William Wallace Graham
., Teacher of Violin
teaTiiah, "siSlSi. C"'
Nine and one half s otters of highest eommendatioa from them,
pnnen, ' Eu"ra experienee. A specialty made of be-
1'hoa. 1547 M. S 01 1Ul y Bclmltx, Assistant, 180 X. 21st St,
SSa'-rveraac., u, o( ck,iau Bj;r7fi i