Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 18, 1915, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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    Copyright, 1914, by
tt was a morning atark still, clear
nine above, wttn white mm drizzle on
the snow. Tbe way led up a long wide
Nlope of cront. The; moved llko weary
guosts In a dead world.
"Somottilng la going to happen," La-
liUkwee wlitapered. "Don't you fel
It bare, there, everywhere? Every
thing la strange."
"I feel a chill thut la not of cold."
Smoke answered. "Nor la it of nun
"It la lu your Lead, your lieart," b!i
njrrecd eieltwlly. "That in tliu way 1
fpel It."
A quarter of an hour laU;r they
imused for breath.
"The air la getting tlilek and heavy"
in Id La Male wee. "It la bard to breathe."
"There be three suns," McCau mut
tered hoaraely, reeling aa he clung to
bla stair for aupport.
They anw n mock aim ou cither aide
of the real ami.
"There are Ave," (in Id La bisk wee,
and as they looked new. sunn formed
and flashed before (heir oyns.
"liy hmi von. the sky in tilled with
suns bcyunt all couulln'," McCnn cried
In fear.
Which waa true, for, look where they
would, half the circle of the sky duz
rleil and blazed with new auna form
ing. McCnn yelped abnrply with stirnrlse
mid pain. "I'm atungt" be cried out.
then yelped again.
Theu Labiskwee cried out, and
fluioke felt a pricking atab ou bin cbeek
no cold that It burned like acid.
And then a ahot rang out, strangely
niullled. Down the alopu were the
young men, ataiidlng on thulr aids,
and one after another they opened
"Spread out!" Smoke couiiniiHiled.
"And climb for It! Wu'ro almost to
tho top. They're a quarter of a mllu
Mow, and Hint menu a couple of
nillca the alait of tbem ou (he down
Ruing on the other alilu."
, '"J'hank the Lord," Smoke panted to
Lablnkwee, "all these auna Hpoll thulr
"It shown my father'a (emper," alio
wild. "They have orders to kill."
"How atruuge you talk!" Htnoko anld.
"Vour voice sound far away."
"Clover your mouth," Lablakweo
cried aiuldenly. "And don't talk. 1
know what It la. Cover your mouth
with your sleeve, ihun, and do not
I a Ik."
I'roni the crent, looking back, they
wiw the young men stumbling uud rail
ing ou the upward cllinli.
"They will uever gel here," LnblHk
wee aald. "It la the wlilto death. I
t.uow it, thougli I have never seen It.
I have lien id the old men talk. Komi
will come a mint tiiilllui any mint or
fog or frost tmmko you ever auw. Few
li:ive awn It and lived."
Mi'Cau gaiptnt uud atniugleil.
"Keep your month covered," Smoke
comma uded. MeCnu bad sunk down,
mpiattlng, on hU skis, hi mouth and
iyw covered by bin anna.
"Come on, miike a Mart," Hmoke or
tie rod.
"I can't move," Met 'an moaned.
"Ut lilm be," Lnlilikweo iniillereil
Hut Sinoko persisted, dragging the
man to bin feet in id faelug him down
the long Mlopu they must no. Then lie
nun led him with n above, nud Mec'iiii.
Imikiiig niiil steering with his atnlT.
Mint Into the sheen of diamond dut
and disappeared.
Hmoke looked Ut IjiIiUK wee, who
Hiulled, llioiiu.li It ns all she could do
to keep from sinking down, Ho nodded
lor her to piwli (iff, but nIio came near
to lilm, and, Hide by aide, a do.en feet
npiii't, they tlew down llirouyli the
Ntliiglng lliliknen of cold lire.
llrnUo lit he would, Smoke's beiivler
lvly rallied lit na past her, and lie
dashed on nloiie, u long way, nt tiv
meltcb.iw apetsl, tliilt did not slneketl
(ill bo came out ou a level, crusted
plateau, line be liruked till l.nlilsk
wee overtook It t lit. and I hey went ou,
ngulii aide by Hide, with diminishing
Sliced, w hit-It llually reused. The leth
aty had grow n mora proiinimeod. The
wildest elt'ert of will could move them
no mure than at u Hiiail'a pace- They
IxiHNitl Mot'iin, again crouched down
mi hla aki, and .Smoke routed liiui with
ills stuff lu passing.
"Now we mum atop," Labiskwee
whlsperetl painfully, "or we will die.
Wo must cover tip-au the old men
She did not delay to untie knots, but
bt-gaii cutting her pack lushing.
Kiuoke cut his. and, with a last look
at I tin llury death mist mid the mock
ery of auna, I hey covered themselves
over with the sleeping furs and crouch
ed III each other' arms Tliey felt
iK.ily stumble over them and fall, then
heard feeble whimpering (trow nod In a
violent coughing tit aud know It nt
McCan who htiddletl against tlieni aa
lie wrapped bis rvlw about liliu.
Their own lung strangling began, and
they rucked snd torn by s dry
cough, aiieamodlc aud uncontrollable
ths Whtslsr Syndloato.
Hmoke noted bis temperature rising iu
a fever, and Labiskwee aulTered simi
larly. Hour after hour the coughing
aiiella Increased In frequency and vio
lence, and not till late afternoon was
the worst reached. After that the
mend came slowly, and between spells
they dozed In exhaustion.
Smoke awoke with Hps touching bis
Hps. Ho lay partly in Lablskwee'a
arms, bis head pillowed on her breast
Her voice was cheerful and usual. Tbe
mil 111 ed sound of It had vanished.
"It Is day," she said, lifting the edge
of tho robes a trifle. "See, oh, my
lover, It Is day! Wo have lived through,
and we no longer cough. Let us look
at thn world, though I could stay here
thus forever and always."
"I do not hear McCnn," Smoke said.
"And what has become of the young
men that they have not found us?"
He threw back tho r olios and saw a
normal and solitary sun in the sky. A
gentle breeze was blowing, crisp with
frost and hinting of warmer days to
come. All the world was natural
again. McCan lay on his back, his un
washed face, swarthy from camp
smoke, frozeu hard as marble. The
Iglit did not affect Luhlskwee.
"Look!" she crlod. "A snowbird! It
Is a good slgu."
There was no evidence of the young
men. Either they had died on tbe oth
er aide of the divide or bad turned
There was ao little food that they
dared not eat a tithe of what they
needed, and lu the days tbat followed,
wandering through the lone mountain
laud, the sharp sting of life grew blunt
ed, and the wandering merged half
Into a dream. Smoke would become
abruptly conscious to And himself star
ing at the never ending hated snow
peaks, bis senseless babble still ringing
In his ears. And the next he would
know, after seeming centuries, was
that again be was roused to the sound
of bis own liiniiuderlngs. Luhlskwee,
too, whs light bended moat of the time.
Cm mo a day when it turned cold and
a thick snow, that was not snow, but
frimt crystals of tho size of grains of
Hiiud, began to fall. Kor three dnys
and nights It continued to fall. It was
Impossible to travel until It crusted un
der the spring sun, so they lay In their
t urs and rested and ate less because
they rested. So small was the ration
they permitted that It gave no nppcaso
meiit to the hunger pang that was
much of the stomach, but more of the
brain. And I.ublskwee, delirious, mad
dened by the taste of ber tiny portion,
sobbing and mumbling, fell upon the
next day's portion and crammed It Into
ber mouth,
Then It was given to Smoke to see a
wonderful thing. The food between
ber teeth roused ber to consciousness.
She spat it out and with a great auger
struck herself with her clinched list ou
the offending mouth.
It was given to Hmoke to see ninny
wonderful things lu the days yet to
Clime. After the long snowfall came
ou a great wind that drove tho dry
and tiny frost particles as sand Is driv
en In a iiantl.stnriii. All through the
night the sand frost drove by, and tn
the full light of a clear and wind
blown day Smoke looked with swim
ming eyes aud reeling brain upon what
ho took to lie the vision of a dream.
All about towered great peaks, and
from tin- tip of every peak, swaying,
undulating. Muring out broadly against
the iiiiio sky, streaiiUHl gigantic snow
banner, miles lu length, milky mid
nebulous, ever waving llr.hts and shad
ows and (lashing silver from the sun.
l.ablkwee sat up among he furs.
"I diva in, I.ablskwee," be said.
"Look. lo you, tot. d i vii m within my
d i earn?"
"It Is no dream," she replied. "This
have the old men told me. And after
this will blow the warm winds, and
we shall live and win west."
Smoke shot a snowbird, nud they
divided It. Once, In a valley where
willows budded standing In the snow,
he shot a Miowshoe nibblt. Another
time, lie gut ii lean while weasel.
"It Is minimer lu the lower valleys,"
said Ijihiskweo. "Soon wilt It Is) sum
uier here."
The days lengthened, and the snow
began to sink. Kach day the crust
thawed, each night It frose again, nud
they were afoot early and late, being
compelled to camp and rest during the
midday In mm ,if uiw when the crust
could not liesr their Weight. When
Sinokw giw snow blind Lublskwee
towed lilm ou a thong tied to ber
waist. And when she was so blinded
she was owts by a thong to bis waist.
And, starving, In a deeper dream, (hey
struggled on through nn awakening
land bare of any lire sure their own.
The time came wlieu the last food
was gone. The high Hak receded,
the divides became lower, and the way
oeuod promisingly to the west. Hut
their nwcrvca of strength were gone,
aud. wit limit food, the time quickly fol
lowed when i hey lay down at night
and In the morning did not arise.
Smoke weakly gain. si his feet, col
lapsed and on bauds and knees crawl
ed about the building of a Ore. But,
try as she would, Labiskwee sank back
each time In nn extremity of weak
ness. And Smoke sank down beside
ber, a wan sneer on his face for the
automatism tbat bad made him strug
gle for an unneeded tire. There was
nothing to cook, and the day was
Wonder of Woman.
LABISKWEE lay in a stupor, her
breathing so Imperceptible that
J ofteu Smoke thought ber dead.
In tho afternoon tho chatter
ing of a squirrel aroused him. Drag
ging the heavy rifle, he wallowed
through tbe crust that bad become
slush. He crept on bands and knees
or stood upright and fell forward In
the direction of the squirrel that chat
tered Its wrath and fled slowly and
tnntulizlngly before lilm. He had not
tbe strength for u quick shot aud the
squirrel was never still.
So profound was bis weakness that
be lay like dead through the night, nor
did dreams disturb blin.
The sun was In the sky, the same
squirrel chattering through the trees,
when Lablskwee'a baud on Smoke's
cheek awakened blin.
"Put your band on my heart, lover,"
she said, ber voice clear, but faint and
very far away. "My heart is my love,
and you hold It In your hand " A long
time seemed to go by ere she spoke
again. "Itemember nlways there Is no
way south. That Is well known to tbe
caribou people. West that Is the way
aud yon lire almost there and you
will make it."
And Smoke drowsed In tho numbness
that is near to death until once more
she aroused him.
'Tut your lips on mine," she said. "1
will die so."
"We will die together, sweetheart,"
whs bis answer.
"No." A feeble flutter of her hand
checked him, nnd so thin was her voice
that scarcely did he bear It. yet did be
hear nil of It. Her hand fumbled and
groped In tbe hood of ber parka, and
she drew forth u pouch that she placed
In bis bund. "And now your lips, my
lover. Your lips on my lips nud your
bund on my heart"
And In that long kiss darkness came
upon him uguln, and when again he i
was conscious be knew that ho was to
die. He was wearily glud that bo was
to die.
He found his band resting on the
pouch. With uu inward smile at the
Tlire Days, With No Further Food, Ha
Fought West.
curiosity that made him pull the draw
string, he opened It. Out poured a
tiny tlood of food. There was no par
ticle of It that hu did not recognize, all
stolen by Luhlskwee from Labiskwee
bread fragments saved far back; snips
and Btrlngs of caribou meat, partly
gnawed; crumbles of suet; a hind leg
of the siiowshoe rabbit, uutouclied; a
bind leg nud part of a fore leg of the
white weasel; a wing, dented stilt by
her reluctant teeth, and a leg of the
snowbird-pitiful remnants, tragic re
nunciations, crncHlxlons of life, mor
sels stolen from her terrible hunger by
her Incredible love.
With mauliiciil laughter Smoko flung
It nil out ou the hardening snow crust
and went back Into the blackness.
He dreamed. The Yukon ran dry.
In its bed, among muddy pools of wa
ter and Ice scoured rocks, he wandered,
picking up fnt nugget gold. The
weight of It grew to bo a burden to
him till he discovered thut It was good
to eat. And greedily be ate After
all, of what worth was gold that men
should prlie it so, save that It wao
good to eat?
He awoke to another sun. His bralu
was strangely clear. No longer did his
eyesight blur. The familiar pulpits
ttou that hud vexed him through all hi
frame whs gone. The Juices of his
body seemed to sing as If the spring
had entered It HIcKscd well being had
come to Iii in. He turn it I to awaken
I.nhlskwce and saw and ivnionitered
He looked for the food flung out on the
snow. It was gone. And be knew tbat
lu delirium and dream It had Ihvii the
Yukon nugget gold. In delirium aud
dream he hud taken heart of life from
the life aucrlflce of Itblskwev, who
had put her heart In his hand and
opened his aye to woman and wonder.
He was surprKd at the easo of his
movements, astounded that he was
able to drag her Mr wrapped body to
tbe exposed thawed gravel bank, wmcn
he undermined and caved upon ber.
Three days, with no further food, he
fought west In the mid third day ho
fell beneath a lone spruce beside a
wide stream tbat ran open and that
he knew must be tbe Klondike. Ere
blackness conquered blm he uulashed
his pack, said, goodby to tbe bright
world and rolled himself in tbe robes.
Chirping, sleepy noises awoke him.
The loug twilight was on. Above him
among the spruce bows were ptarmi
gan. Hunger bit him Into instant ac
tion, though the action was infinitely
slow. Five minutes passed before he
was able to get bU rifle to his shoul
der, and a second live minutes passed
ere he dared, lying on his back and
aiming straight upward, to pull the
trigger. It was a clean miss. No bird
fell, but no bird flew. Tiey ruffled
and rustled stupidly nnd drowsily, nis
shoulder pained him. A second shot
was spoiled by tbe Involuntary wince
he made as he pulled trigger.
The ptarmigan had not flown. He
doubled and redoubled tbe robe that
had covered him and bumped it In the
hollow between bis right arm nnd his
side. Resting tbe butt of the rifle on
the fur, be tired again, and a bird fell.
Ho clutched it greedily and found that
be had shot most of the meat from tt.
Tbe large caliber bullet bad left little
else than a mess of mangled feathers.
Still the ptarmigan did not fly. and
be decided that It was heads or noth
ing. He fired only at heads. He re
loaded and reloaded the magazine. He
missed; he hit nnd the stupid ptarmi
gan, that were loath to fly, fell upon
him In a rain of food-lives disrupted
that bis life might feed and live.
The first he ate raw. Then he rested
and slept, while his life assimilated the
life of It. In tho darkness he awoke.
hungry, with strength to build a fire.
nd until early dawn he cooked and
ate, crunching the bones to powder be
tween his long Idle teeth. He slept,
awoke In the darkness of another
night and slept again to another sun.
He noted with surprise that the fire
crackled with fresh fuel and that a
blackened coffeepot steamed on the
edge of tbe coals. Beside the fire,
within arm's length, sat Shorty, smok
ing a brown paper cigarette and Intent
ly watching lilm. Smoke's lips moved,
but a throat paralysis seemed to come
upon htm, while bis chest was suf
fused with the menace of tears. He
reached out his baud for the cigarette
and drew tbe smoke deep Into bis
lungs again and again.
"I have not smoked for a long time,"
he said at last In a low, calm voice.
"For a very long time."
"Nor eaten, from your looks," Shorty
added gruffly.
Smoke nodded and waved his hand
at the ptarmigan feathers that lay all
about "Not until recently," be return
ed. "Do you know, I'd like a cup of
coffee; also tlapjnbks nnd a strip of
bacon." 1
While the one cooked nnd tho oilier
Kto they told briefly what bad hap
pened to them In the days since their
"The Klondike was breuklu' up,"
Shorty concluded bis recital, "an' we
Just had to wall for open water. Two
IKillii' bouts, sis other men you know
'em nil, an' crackerjneks an' nil kinds
of outllt. An' we've sure been a-com-lti'-iollii',
linln' tip, nu' portngln'. Hut
the fulls 'II stick 'em a solid week.
That's where I left 'em, n-cuttln' a
trull over tho tops of the bluffs for
tho bouts. 1 just had a sure natural
hunch to keep a-comlti'. So 1 fills a
pack with grub an' starts. 1 knew
I'd Dud you a drlftln' an' all In."
Smoke nodded. "Well, let's get start
ed," be Bald.
"Hut you're feeble as n kid baby.
You can't hike. What's the rush?"
"Shorty, I am going after tbe biggest
thing In the Klondike, nnd 1 can't wait,
that's nil. Start packing. It's the big
gest thing in the world. It's bigger
than lakes of goia and tnountulns of
gold, bigger than adventure nnd meat
eating and bear killing."
Shorty sut with bulging eyes. "In
the name of the Lord, what Is it?" be
queried huskily. "Or are you Just slm
ply loco?"
"No, I'm nil right. Tcrhaps n fellow
has to stop eating lu order to see
filings. At uny rate, I have seen things
I never dreamed were in the world. 1
know what a woman Is now."
Shorty's mouth opened, nnd about
the Hps nnd tn the light of the eyes
was the w hltnslciil .advertisement of
the sneer forthcoming.
"Don't, please," Smoke said gently.
"You don't know, r do."
Shorty gulped and changed his
thought. 'uii! I don't need no
hunch to guess her name. The rest of
em bs gone up to the drnlnln' of Stir
prise lake, but Joy (Jnstell nllowed she
wouldn't go. She's stltklu' around
Dawson wnltin' to aee If 1 come back
with you. An' she sure swenra If 1
don't she'll sell her holdln'a nu' hire a
urmy or gun lighters au" go Into the
caribou ciuMiiry an' knock the ever
lusliii' stuMln' outs old Snasa au' his
whole gum ,n' If you'll hold your
horses a couple of shakes I reckon I'll
get packed up an' ready to hike along
with you."
niK txu.
Christopher IWIIrw, a Underfoot, starts
for th KloiiJlk in a gold ruth ami pluck
lly works nt th tiM.-k brwklng toll of
iwcklns trtight.
He men a beautiful aW Joy Onsttll,
tWru hit own prly, and Ix and Sliottv,
a n acsjumntanc hlra out to two
wealthy projectors, Joy hs nicknamed
him "Smoke "
Smoke and Shorty befriend a mn nam.
ed Hrtv end nriv- perteh in attempting
to eroee Luke Ibarge because of the
useleuueei of their employers.
Smoke and 8tiorty take -vommand by
fore end gt through to Daw eon City,
where they ere dUchargevl. On Bretk's
tlt Hwy etampede lor Hu.ua creek.
rr-i .... tnv fin atl I and tlCT fa-
ther. To help the Sea Lion crowd Joy
treacherously leads them away from
Sjuaw creek.
Smoke saves the girl's feet from freez
ing. He and Shorty by mistake lump a
miner's claim and lose it. Then Smoke
rinds Surprise lake, the bottom of which
Is covered with gold.
Smoke Is shot at witnesses the murder
of a miner by the unknown marksman
and is arreeted for murder himself.
Breck shows a Surprise lake nugget,
the Impromptu court Is stampeded, and
Smoke s life is saved. Smoke wins money
at roulette.
He continues to win. and the gamblers
buy him off His system was based on
the discovery that the roulette wheel was
Prompted by Joy Oastell. Smoke enters
a race for a million dollar claim against
some of the best dog mushers.
At a critical moment Joy supplies Smoke
with a fresh dos learn, and he runs n
dead heat with Blc Olnf for the claim.
Smoke goes to Surprise lake. He falls
Into a crevasse In a glacier, and a miner,
Carson, makes heroic efforts to rescue
Smoke cuts a rope to save Carson, falls
himself and is caught In a pocket below,
from which he is rescued by Carson and
Smoke and Shorty find a tribe of starv
ing Indians, and Smoke goes to Mucluc
to secure food and help.
Smoke forces Cultus George, an Indian,
to assist by stringing him up with a rope.
Smoke and Shorty llnd several dead men
in the snow.
They discover Laura Sibley's party dy
ing of scurvy and start heroic nursing
measures. One man, Wentworth, Is mys
teriously free from the trouble.
They discover Wentworth's secret hoard
of potatoes and save many lives. Lu
cille Arral wants Smoke to corner the egg
market and discipline her lover, Wild
Wild Water wants eggs for Miss Arral.
He agrees to pay $10 per egg If two dozen
sold him win her smile.
By a clever ruse Wild Water unloads
bad eggs on Smoke and Shorty and they
lose 117,000. They are captured by In
dians. Snass, a Scotchman, Is their chief. No
white man is permitted to escape. La
biskwee, daughter of Snass, admires
Smoke, Shorty and Dan McCan. another
prisoner, plan to escape, and Shorty gets
away. Labiskwee loves Smoke and wants
to go with him.
McCan Joins them and steals food. La
biskwee tries to kill McCan. They are
nearly strangled by the white death and
are fired upon by pursuing Indians.
McCan dies. Labiskwee starves herself
to death to save Smoke, who Anally gets
back to civilization, appreciating Labisk
wee's great sacrifice and more in love
with Joy Gastell than ever.
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entrance to Crater Lake was the one
most favored by tourists. The Herald
says this traffin l.n ,i,. ,i..i.i.j
and that 800 more automobiles have
ft iqV. 1 e roai1 thil 'eaT than "
The Baker Herald hopes that Baker
Will be Rltlrt in iitvtta I1 l
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system soon." 6
Stats of Ohio, City of Toledo I
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for Fashionable Women.
A dally necessity for the ladles' toilet
Whether at home or while traveling. It
protects the skin from injurious effects
of the elements, gives a wonderfully ef
fective beauty to the complexion. It Is a
perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pos
; ttively will not cause or encourage the
growth of hair which all ladies should
guard against when selecting a toilet pre
paration. When dancing, bowling or oth
er exertions heat the skin, it prevents a
greasy appearance. .
Gouraud's Oriental Cream has been
highly recommended by physicians, act
resses, singers and women of fashion for
over half a century and cannot be sur-
fiassed when preparing for daily or even
ng nttlre.
Great Jones Street New York.,
Dr. Stone's
Poison Oak Remedy
A mow whlU
medicine, o 1 1
nd soothing to
the akin, appUel
every hour a
once relieve sni
soon caret
' Pries 25o and 80
For aale by all
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. druggists ana
Drug Store
The only cash drug store in Cnta
and show eases are loaded with drug
medicines, notions, toilet articles, win
and liquore of all kinds for medicinal
purposes. Dr. Stone is a regular gradu
ate in medicine and has had man
yeara of experience in the practice
Consultations are free. Prescription,
are free and only regular prico fo
medicine. Dr. Stone can be foaad at
bit drng store, Salem, Oregon, fr
:40 ia the morning nntil a at bIr"
Free delivery to all parts of the eity
and within a radius of 100 miles.