SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 17. 1915 MMttt I t f, Sport News BOSJON IS CRAZY i i STANDING OF THE TEAMS OVER NATIONAL GAM IE U- I'll Thousands Flock to Fenway rark to Witness Game With Tigers National League. v.. I.. ilalelphia 77 57 Hrooklyn 7.1 C4 Boston 72 ;s St. I.ouia 7 72 Chicago (51 fjo, Cincinnati 05 71 Pittsburg 05 75 New York Ul 73 Pet. .575 .5.13 .533 '.4S2 .4sl .478 .4'i4 .455 By George Holmes. HoHtuu, Sept. II. Hoston is baseball tt'H7V. Convinced thut the only hope of the! Hull for representation iu the world' iwries rests with the Kcd Sox, the rul; tured rooters flocked in drovea today to Fenway park to witness the second: game of the crucial surTes with the De-. Iroit Tigera. I Houra before the ticket office at the : 1ark usually opens, it was announced that all aeata for thia afternoon 'a game I had been sold. , "Tessie" waa the official song of j Uoatou today and the " Koval H outer,., ciuo" organized ita fuecs early pre juratory to marching in a body to the jiurk and cheering toe Carrigunitea to victory. t'ndiNrnoriiirfld ItV iha wilti..! .f,.f..... of the scries, Manager Carrigan'a pro-! toges expected to come bark atrougi thia afternoon and capture the second 1 COliteat. "Dutch" Leonard n oen-! Aralll' eilipctcil to Mnneikr itn iha l..l, I .. 1:7.". ' .. . runu or uuiiicn nui oe .tiniingor Jen Dings' aeleetion. ir i'troit wina tin aiternoon 'a American League. W. I.. Hoston 90 45 Detroit 61 Chicago HI 57 Washington 74 01 New York 00 7.1 St. I.ouia 57 79 Cleveland 51 SO Philadelphia .,..;! 94 Federal League. W. I.. Pittsburg T5 00 Chicago 74 03 St. I.ouia 74 0 Newark 70 02 Kansas City 09 04 Buffalo I 01 09 Brooklyn fA 71 Baltimore 41 i0 Pacific Com League. W. .. Han Francisco ... !'S I.oa Angeles 93 Vernon m Halt Lake SI J'lirflnnd 71 Oakland 74 72 7S Hit HI W) 97 Pet. .007 .0'5 .5S7 .54-4 .452 .419 .372 .29.1 Pet. .555 .510 .530 .530 .519 .500 .49 3' rvt. .577 .514 .502 ,50 .441 .433 ! ; There are other , good cigarettes In tart, aooe other dgarara . may just happen to hit ' YOUR particular taste tw. ur than Faumaj. That Isn't strange, in spite of ranma s enormous pop, larity. A few men like a Car stronger and heavier ciga rette than Fatimas. But if you would like a SENSIBLE cigarette cool and friendly to your throat and tongue and without any "mean feeling" after a long day's smoking jrou thould try Fttiwt: Fetimaa are the most SEN SIBLE cigarettes you caa smoke. Prove this for yourself uday. SUBMARINE IMS New Models Are Being Worked Out By Naval Constructor EfflMA trmne, Boaton'a grip on the top rung of the American league ladder will be al most broken. A victory will bring the Tlgera within a fraction of a game of the Bed buz. SPORTS OF ALL SORTS I ! Yesterday's Remits. At Portland Vernou 2, Port land I. At Oakland Kan Frnnrineo 1, Oakland 0. At I.oa Angeles I.oa Angeles 5, Salt I.nke 2. Watching the Scoreboard New Turk, Kept. 17. Fight promot ers here talked to Willie Kiteliie today about his challenge to Tuckey McPur land for a 10 round bout to determine how much of the defi was real and how much "stage tttlk" Kitehin iim-fa he is mncere. Me nays he is willing to let McFarland fiilit at 117 lumml. Mveuty thniisand Bowtonians went1 Oakland, Cal., Kept. 17. Friends of'"1" ,u "etroit Tigers meet the He. I Oscar Vitt, third basemnu of the )c :,s,x 2t.no0 gnats were lost, troit Americans, heard today that Vitt' Timers had it all over Boston win lie married to ..irss Irene Freiind i ' r'"" ""' ""l the lied Sox fans ,) By Bond P. Oeddes. (L'nitH Press Staff Ciirreepoiident.) , clianges in the )ype of new submarines to be built for t':icle Sam 's navy are being worked out bv the chief naval today that some new wrinkles in sub- mcrsibles probably would be adopted when ennprpM nnthr.rt7.a the i.rooosed new fleet of undersea eraft which will renresent the latest thought in such construction. i Especial attention Is being aiven, i Secretary Daniels states. ti the ques-i tion of submarine construction. A cort'S of experts, at home and abroad, are collecting information to be asimilat ed in the next new I'. S. submarine. Electric propujsioa is the latest In sumbarin'ea, according to the present determination of the naval construct ors. It is probable that electric motors may be used exclusively in the future. Naval authorities also contemplate di- VestinCT thl. nrmurnt flaat of anionflrinps of ga9 engines and substituting electric power. (in d!er;iiv :n ,iA n.v tj iT s ; naval progress in building submarines is the "patent monopoly" which con-; this government to one type of1 submersible. This is the Lake type.! While other types with some most de- airable features are being built, Pec-1 retary Daniels anys the government has I never been able to reach satisfactory! terms with patentees of other subma-j rines than the Lake variety. Negoti- j ation's are In nroeress. however, by I which thff adopt some trf the more desirable fea- nirrn oi oiner patterns. The P-OVernmpnt. vnnlil tint t hfirrpil I from using the other submarine patents ! in caso the V. 8. became involved in war, nowever, according to secretary Daniels. Ha ndmittoil thri. tim av. Santo Miuiiea, Cal., Sept. 16. We ernment would nut hesitate to appro 3Lg Turkic Blend Curette g 20 for W SEATTLE CINCHES PENNANT Seattle. Wash.. Scot 17- Tl.o K,.m. club, ilanuger Tealy nayinond, cinched the Northwestern leugue pennant, by defeating Spokane club here yesterday afternoon six to one. The Seattle club was 19 games In-hind Spokane on July 4, won eighteen straight from them and thirty-two games out of the last thirty six played. The teum has won 5S out of the last 7S games, und has gained 22 1-2 games on Spokane. The Seattle club iiIuvh H. P.rft, Const league club here Monday. Kindest Burglar On Record Is Discovered of this city, as soon na the baseball sen aoii is over. Miss Ft.-und'a mother will not confirm or deny the report. San Francisco, Sept. 17. The Napa stock farm has purchased Huiinvmcde. one of the greatest Knylish stiilli.jns, it waa announced today. The coniidcra tion wns not stated, but It is believe I t" liBve been close to 2ll,000. Two year ogothe stallion aold at auction for 'I7 5(10. have had many "meanest burglars," but hero's the kindest one. Mrs. (ieorge Jo.mson, 00, awoke just before dawn and saw a burglar taking her money from a teapot on the mantle piece, where she hid it. She pleaded with him: " 1'leas. don't toLa flint It' All l . ..., i have. ' The prowler darted to the door. There ho hesitated. Mis. Johnsita repeated her plea. Cautiously, the burglar re turned. He tossed the handful of coins on the bed and hurriedly departed. When Mis. Johnson counted the mon ey, she found $." more than there had been before. DODOER3 WANT BART1I ; Largest Lumber Makers 1 of West Coast Meet Seattle, Wash., Kept. 17 -The Brook lyn National club by wire vesterdnv osked Peggy Hart if' he would nign a contract for the 1913 season at once. Itarth, n ..1(10 hitter, answered "ves." Itiirtlt I .1... ,i.:..i .1...- .a .r . ........ . ,,: ,1,11,1 nil-, niter Ol I 114 ,e- . title club to ifo to Bro.iklvn 11,.! .. l,'t Oakland left bunded pitcher, and Deli, are now with the Dodgers. Harth is a tit i 1 it v maa. took it out ill lliollllinir the udnm.ry Alsii, Tyrus Cobb hurled his but at Pitcher Mays, mid Mays whizzed sev eral buzzers close toTy'a conk. "Butchered to make a Boston holi day" might almost been an appropriate title for the afternoon's pastime, but the police arrived in time to prevent bloodshed. Philadelphia Nationals massacred 10 to 3, grubbing six runs in the first t'ranie, largely through knocking one tieorge nil over the lot. The Cubs whitewashed Brooklyn in 1h innings. Th : " " """g11" "'"' rates on lumber traffic. The inter Pierev, of Vernon, ,,eld Portbuid to I V"" . CU""'"'rfe '"."'"""T" '",1l,mi"'J two hit-i. ""'."id to j twenty-seven questions for them to San Francisco ut I,;. i answer, apropoi of the desired de- i,l !.. it,. i, i , creases. Delegates declared that whilo the Chicago, Sept. 10. Seventy five representiitivea of the largest lumber makers iu the West Coast Lumber . , ... ir,de ,,i ,1 ,i n t iuanuiuciurers assocmtion ffntbered ' it three strai l t !' u f ru,n i heretoday in a., effort to .ecuVe lower ; it tnrce striuelit. (nlneiin hh.i ..... . . . , if i for tola, a Want Ad will tell it . rate is now too nign, ine reciassittcation journal u( products, asked by the commission, is objectionable. re Will II Fall Suit? CERTAINLY AT THE STORE where your dollars are worth the most. THAT MEANS OUR STORE, we'll crowd your dollars just as full of value as possible, but not only in merchandise. Service here is just as much a part of business as salesmanship itself it is just the kind you would give if you were in our place. It has made our Store the choice of good dressers. Let us serve vou. HOYS' CLOTHING Hart, SchalTner & Marx guaranteed Very few can show you the assort- Suits, in the "'Varsity 53" and many incut of Roys Suits that we can, from other models, neat worsted and Cheviot the Knicker Trousers age 6 years, up patterns to the neat English and Rox back models in ages 15 to 16 years $20.00, $23.00, $3000 Driate the Rllhninrin. T.ntpntu nn.l oar. them in building its own submarines iu time of war. Compensation would be given the patentees, of course, or they could resort to the courts but after the government bad received the benefit of submersible patents. The gdvernment, according to Secretary Daniels, would not hesitate tn ndnid such a policy, as a matter of defense in a time of national peril, without re gard to the contract and patent rights of patentees. Secretary Daniels iiones thnt conarews will eventually authorize con'structkm by the government itself of all of its stibmnrines. It is now bnildmu anm, on the Pacific coast, the onlv govern ment plant at preseut equipped for sub marine construction. Theie nro nf th,. oil burning type. "Speeding up" private etcitractors on government submarine contracts is another innovation promised by the ec retary. He will insist that contracts tnv- en private concerns stiuulate ouieker delivery. The secretary believes that in the past contractors have been slow about completing the government craft. He cites the instance of the ill tated P-4, which sank Inst Mareii c.itside Honolulu harbor. This boat was only two veins old. ll'ivinu- been' conimlj. sioned in 1!KI, but five years elapsed! before congress authorized her construe- i tion aid the date, in 1913, when she) wus delivered to the n'nvv. I'" the other hand, the Fore River' Construction company of Massachusetts I has just completed ten electric siibmer- sibles for one of the allies iu tiie record time of eight months. They were or dered in January and are now Ivingi finished, in the ship yards at yni'nev.1 Massachusetts. By agreement with i ( harles M. Schwab, who took the order for one of the allies, the boats will be held in American waters until after the! war. SALE COMMENCES AT 9 A. M. Saturday Specials GET READY FOR SCHOOL BOY'S CLOTHING Strictly up to the minute Suits with either long or short Trousers , 20 per pent less SATURDAY ONLY Girls' and Children's Coats 20 Less Saturday Only. Men's Engineer and Fire men's black and tan Hose Saturday Only 3 Pr. for 23c Ribbons for' the Girls and Misses hair 30c and 35c Ribbon v.... 19c Barber Towels 3c each, Saturday Only. 10c PERCALES All Standard Colors Saturday Only VAc Yd. See Our. Guaranteed Hose for Children at 15c and 18c WHEM KniMtIM TRY SALEM FIRST ialmm eommmmeiAL cluu Venice, Cal., .Sept. 16. A lad der, set up in police headquar ters here, will be a test for al leged drunkard hereafter. If a man arrested as drunk can climb up and down t'.ie ladder without falling, then he will have proven himself sober, and will be released with an apol ,'.v. If he tries and slips the dungeons for him. A cent a word will tell you; 'lory in the Journal New Today Try Our flops for breakfast to-morrow. You'll find' them sweet, tender and toothsome. No one will lack an appetite when our chops appear on the table. The very looks of them are a temptation. A tasfe of them is a delight. Independent Market 157 S. Commercial. Phone 729 J. Ham. Lewis Onooses Big Foreign War Loan Chicago, Sept. K!. Opposition to the proposed billion dollar American loan to the allies was voiced today by Sen ator J. Hamilton I.ewiB In a letter to the public, lie contended thnt the loan would "invite a repetition of the 18T3 and 1 Sl;l panics." ne had already objected to Secretary of the Treasury MeAdoo, the letter said. The loau would take "half of the available cash from Americana," the senator warned. The 187.1 and ISM panics were cuused chiefly by the fact I mm America louneo; her money "to upholster the failing routines of Ku roH," the letter continued, and much j of it was not recovered because failures made the foreign collateral worthless. "Our busiue:ia men und farmers need all available uioney," said the letter,' "to initiate and sustain home enter prise, to employ labor and to Increase commerce. If don't need the money st home, I suggest that we lend it to .South America. There-is a chance to I build tip trade, and get collateral rest ing on empires of valuable land." I1SCHOOL Roys Norfolk Suits, $3 to $10.00. Young Men's Suits, $10.00 to $18.00. Rishop's All Wool Suits $15.00, $20.00, $23.00 Just Wright Shoes. Prices $1.30 to $3.00 SALEM UOOI FN Mil t Q STORE oizcs 4 to 16 years. Boys Raincoats $3.00. ft .. FRENCH BOT8 CALLED Parts, Sept. 10. The govern ment today introduced a bill calling the 1K17 class to the f olors, and ordering the class of 1SSS held iu readiness for serv ice. The measure will probably be passed without debate. Thia step brings to the French colors vouthe of IS and men of 47. I'nder the provisions of the Jill, a quarter of a million Preach boys, many of them now in school, will probably be or dered into training camps. (leveUnd Plain Demlert The fall of Novo Ueorglevak nay have been a glorious tumble, but, thank the Mutea, it eant be put Into a rhyme! HOES Get your School Shoes now. We are showing the most complete stock of Boys', Misses' and Children's Shoes ever carried in this city .Don't miss seeing this long line of Shoes for dress wear, school and for rough work. Big hne of Baby Shoes just arrived. Narrow widths in Children s and Baby Shoes. 366 State St. yoi m shoe Phone 616