THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FKIDAYJT17J1915. " - - m i AiriA Art 1AA LhiI. . 1 1 TWO Social nd Personal CAEOL g. EIBBLlJ. ll V V W V llUUUIIILIlll I HUH IU UU. Ewnedy for Kidney. Bladd er and All Uric Acid Troniu tl C EJTDI U V C li iro nTT- r rouw 4 1 corned the opportunity of meeting her' again by honoring her with numerous K'i'iitl attention!. LuHt Sunday evening Mm, Williams gavo a in Oct intercnting locture at the vaairelical church on Word nan been received from Miu Mabel l)e lone and Mien Kunane Craig who are touring California, that their trip bua more than fulfilled all delight ful anticipations, both as to the inter- eat and accnic beauty of the placet via- the work of the census department, on ited, aiiil aim the genuine kindlinew which the is exceed! n(ly well qualified and widespread hospitality of tfeir to speak. Mrs. Williams leaves next: many friends in California. Of theaejwoek for California to attend the Pan Wrs. Matilda Eckerlen Cornell of Los ama-Pacifie exposition. Nhe will return Angeles, a former Halein girl, enter- Kant by way of Oklahoma where she i lamed in. honor of -Miss lie Ijong ami i will visit ner sister. Hum Craig last week inviting especially as guests olc time resinenlH or naiem, who were in Lo Angeles at the time. Among the former well knrovn Salem (firla present at the tea were Mrs. Mar garet Wilson Morgan and Mrs. Pran'Jtie "Newman Dillon. Miss Craig and Miss Long will return home about the first of October. ' Alfred Oliver left thiis morning for Corvallis, where he will enter his sec ond year at O. A. C. Miss Vera Mae Wright lias returned from a twommtlis' vacation in Kant- era Oregon, whero'uhe visited her sister, Mrs. Kaymond K. Drtiko at her home near lone. Mrs. Ilrako was formerly ill hb Kin in a Wright of Kulciii. .'Miss flaynl lliildwin is spending a week iii Portland, after which she will po to Pendleton tu attend the Pendle ton Hound l'p. Harold Hager leaves toniorm-.Y for' Harvard to c.ter upon his senior year. Minn Mign'o.i Oliver has left for Seat tle, Wash., whero she will spend the winter. Among other interesting features which will constitute a part of the cal endar of the Halem Woman's club for this year will be the organization,' of a HhnkeHpiviero department which will fill a long-felt want among many of the club women. It is thought also tuat his department may be of some service to the high school students this year, iiinsiuuch an an attempt to introduce Hhnkiwpeare plays the dramatic' activities of the high school is hci:ig planned thin year. The Shakespeare department of toe club, as well a all the other departments of the Woman's club, will lie u;iilir the supervision of a general department committee composed The New Fall Overgarments are Meeting With Ap proval on all sides. This store is prepared to supply your wants on WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND CHIL DREN'S READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS AND SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS SUITS, COATS, DRESSES WAISTS California Oregon Shipments Will Be Affected After October 15 Over 200 advances in freight rates on commodities to be effective October Jo. Dr. Zberle and Dr. Braithwaite as Dr. Pierce during many year rf well as Dr. Simon all distinguished mentation has discovered a new , on the Southern Pacific between t ali I describe, svmutoms. ifornia and Oregon points are contained free medical adviee after Dr. Pierce's Authors acree that whatever may be the disease, the urine seldom fails in furnishing u with a, clue to the princi ples upon which it is to be treated, and accurate knowledge concerning the nature of disease can thus be obtained. If backache, scalding urine or frequent urination bother or uietress yon, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheu matism, gout or sciatica or you suspect kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr. Pierce at the Surgical Institute, Buf falo, N. Y.; send a sample of urine and You will receive i of Mra, Jos. P. Palmer, chairman; Mrs. The chirr of Ht. Joseph s Catholic , j,.ln Cartwrigh. and Mrs. Klm.-r T. church will si:ig Locschs mass in )' next ,uddc.i'. Monday. Also by special reipiest, Dan. K Jjlngenberg 'will repent the Ave Mr,, j-"r:1I1n Hrown and son Keith Maria by Itosewig. Hoth of tnese com-1 m v returned fr, t vvi. weeks ' visit positions an. of a very high order mid,,, ',.ndlclon. Mrs. Hrown was the Ihose who attend the services lit lU.IIU , ,,,, : t,,r ..,,, H11.... ,.,p..r. ,,i Piinday will hear them fit their best. I ner stav, mining which was a brii luncheon given hv Mrs. .1. It. .liKol Mrs. Piper of '.iii. il, Idano, arrived wnVi t)l ,vjf(. ot: , nssistunt tunsi In Halem today to visit her daughter, i ..j,-, , ,i. i-,t,. l,.,,it.. I i, .',.-i', 'lurk, i Oreinn. and ll ten oiven liv ilm s Knitted Underwear Muslin Underwear Infants' Outfits Kid and Silk Gloves Silk and Lisle Hosiery Black Cat Hosiery Phoenix Hosiery School Supplies Dressmakers' Supplies Richardson's Linens Bedding and Blankets Jewelry & Leather Goods I SPECIAL SALE WOMEN'S AND MISSES' FLEECED UNDERWEAR AT REDUCED PRICES Pictorial Review Patterns U. G. Shipley Co. 145-147 North Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Alls. orrected tariffs filed I chemist has examined the urine this service commission. hp earpfuiiv ti0Be without charce. iiuiiu oml vftn will ha.nnrinr nn nh itrilfuin. Mrs. It. O. 'Shucking, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. tJii liert, rctiiined yesterdiir from n most nnjoyulilo motor trip through Califor Ilia. Itesiiles attending both exposi tiins the party visited Vosemite, lyiiko W given Vincent ot that citv. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Kdmi U. ndcisnn, I the yn ingest daughter of Professor ami .Mrs. h. II. Anderson, to Lewis Aiiioth, sit ;:t Mar T,.l ,n, ,.lhr ,.:nl. ,.f u,,.,.. ,.l l.lwl""' '""'P "'' I- lit till' 1rest to the motor tourist, being gone j """" ",,,tl"' ,'1l;i',1"'" ! "''. "r New l,..i ul ..,,1,11 I., ii berg. Mihh Hilda AmlciNon was the Tim Monday Night Dancing club held a business meeting lust evening to discuss their pinna t'ur the season. A bonrd of directors was chosen to man ge the affairs of tan club given during tun winter, the members went exceed ingly enthusiiislie in outlining thoir activities for the. year and some, very Jilensiirnhli) social evea'ts am anlini jsteil this Mason, 'Dim dunces lire given once a mouth by the club, which n um bers tfliuut Till members. Mrs. J. A. (Irny and her daughter, Miss Nellie (irny of (Spokane, Wash., lire house guests of Mrs. It. 1;. Kteeves at her home ni North Church street. Visiling Mrs. Htceves' sou, l.aba.i, Hteeves, is Pred Teal of Han Mn!io, Cal., who intends to enter Willamette university this venr. ' Doi.'uhl Hynl has left for the Pnl versily of Oregon, where ho will begin his sopiimnoru year. ' Wis, Klin KiM'ul Williiiins nf Wpish ington, 1). ('., has been visiting at the Jiomii of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. K. Woyal, oa North Twenty first street, inr inn past two months. .Mrs. Wil maid of honor. The cereuioiiv was per formed in the presence of a few relit- city yesterday. Inst evening from n'two weeks' v Mrs. I.. (1. Curtis is a business visitor the Man Francisco oxpoyitien. in Portland today. Mrs. T. B, Kay mid .daughter. numer iioiversnn, ot Mivcnon, wasj juric, are visitors in Portlund teili.v. in the city yesterday . I C. 0. Oraham, agent fur the Oregon Arch Jerman, ot Mission Bottom, was Cfty Transportation coin.ninv, iumI wife. ., visitor here yesterday. I returned lust evening from a wo liuvmoiid jMshcr was in the citv yes-j ..noi, ;:, ; r,::..iT c i : . 1- ... 1' . II I '.''lltllll It leruuy, lniiu rtuotioorii l(eiiier Allen, former postnuiHter of lives nun Alter N'ptnmber silvorton, is in the city todny Mr. ami airs. Ainotii will he at lionie Kml i.0i prominent farmer of Hil it inrii iiKuinn uii inrl illill rilMi'll near Nrwbor. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Vleteher nnd fam ily are domiciled for the winter nt their hoinii on North Winter street, having returned from their farm homo ut North Powell yesterday to spend the school year in town. Mrs. Florence lliiulmiiii nnd Miss Mary lliu'diiian, who hnve been visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. II. I'rntheru of the Jefferson rood, left yesterday for II two-weeks' stay in Portlund, Seattle and Hrilixh Columbia, They will re turn to Siilem later. fluy Woods, a graduate of Willamette university, who was formerly with the Barnes store, linn again taken n position i vcrton, wns in tho city yesterday. ur '"" ) Miss Florence Cunningham returned', Hubert Peterson, of Aumsville. wus yesterday front a two weeks' vacation. ,'n the city visiting friends yesterday. ! rie wits on nis way to ( orvitllis to nt j tend the 0. A. C. the coming yer.r. Miss OriineiK Ryle, of Del Keo, Cal.. arrived in the city this morning. Dur ing the winter she will attend the junior high school, making her home with J. C. Nelson, principal of the high school. Pennoyer Knglisli, n rrnduute of the W15 class of the. Salem high school, Will Hoggins returned lust evening from a visit of sevei.r dnys in Port land. Mrs. Ida X. Ilussell left yesterday on a business trip to Portlund und ren dletou. U. F. Hichitrdsmi will motor to Tilla mook tomorrow morning for a week end visit. ft PERSONALS V W. C, Knighton is in Portlund to- I ".v. P. S. Cox was hero yesterday front Albnnv. dellllrtlllllllt lit VnHliiliu-1 Itnv fUlier .if v, ,,,,11. u ; ., !,., ton, is a former resident if Salem and citv yesterday. her many friends In the citv hitvo wel- Fnv Clark.' of Macleav, was in the liums, who holds an important, posltituij in tho census department at Washiuu-1 His Majesty The School Boy Will Be The Honored Personoge Tomorrow at yt lJKt lii-U) M JJ I Buster Br own School Shoes for Boys and Girls W. W. Hull, n druggist of Clutsknnie, I left yesterday morning for Corvallis to nttend the O. A. C. the coming school year. Mr. and Mrs. Kldridge Hnsmcr, of Seattle, who have been visiting with the family of W. P. Morse, left tins morning for I.ugene for a short visit before returning hemic. J. II. Collins, of Rainier, representa tive from Columbia county, is in the city attending the Land (iriint congress. He will huve charge of the Woudhurn schoids the coining year. Tho Spniilding Lugging company to day shipped their second car of Indinnn silos to eastern Washington, the car today going to (Irnndview, Wash. The other ear this month, was shipped to North Ynkiins. is here, us delegate tu the Land Grunt congress. . Chris. Schumiiii returned this morn- i ing from a visit to the Snn Francisco exposition. Asahel Hush and wife returned yes terday from n visit to the San Fran cisco exposition. Coiigressmun W. C, Unwley nnd wife went to AHiitny this morniag on the Oregon Fleet ric. Mrs. Hubert U. ' Nicholson has taken it position with the Hitrues store during the busy season. .1. P. lingers and daughter, F.lennnr, left lust evening for a visit to the Pttiinma Pacific exposition. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. V. Ryder returned in fifty pages of wita the public Most of the advances are bound shipments. Following are some of the advances made from California points north bound: Agricultural implements in carload lots, 3 to 3 cents; less than ! carload lats, 6 to 11 cents; brick, 20 . to L''.-i ce'.its; canned goods, 20 to 23 j cents; coffee 11 'i to lii cents; cart-i ridges, from 20 to 23 cents to 20 to 29 cents; fertilizer, 20' to 23 cents; dried fruit, 3 to 2i cents: hardware, 20 W 22y cents; plumbers supplies, California! poiuts to Portland, 23 to 2b' cents, to' other points, 23 to 2!l cents; petroleum; products generally about 9 per cent;, sugar from Alvarado and Crockett, 20j to 23 cents; twine and rope, 23 tu 26 cents. Some of the advances for southbound shipments follow: Canned goods, For est (irove to Ashland and intermedi ate points to Stu-kton, 5 to 8 cents; hay ar.d stiaw in carload lots from (iervais to San Francisco, 33 to 30 cents; minimum weight for shipments of grain, etc., from Portland to San Francisco changed from 20,000 to 30, 000 p(. :nds: grain, etc., Portland to Keruicia, 20 to 22c cents; condensed milk. McMiiir.'ville to Stockton, to Z'.t cents; McMinnvilln to Los An gelis, 40 to 421-.. cents: Hillsborn, For est (iiove and Newberg to Los Angeles. 10 s Vl- cents; Amity tu Sacramento 2.S';. to 30 cents; packing house pro ducts. Portland to Beuicia and San Ftaiicisco. 20 to 23 cents; paper from Portland, Ortgnn City. West Lynn and Leliai.nn to various California points. 10 tu 25 pi-.r cent. which is thirty-seven times . ' miT erful than lithia in removing Uri, from: the System, -If: you arc surf from" backache or the pains of rheum 5 ism, go to yonr best druggist and . I for a 50 cent box of "An-uric" n,, by Doctor IMerce. Dr. Pierce's FavnJ!! Prescription for wean women and ri Pierce 'a Golden Medical Discovery f the blood havo' been favorably knnl for the past- forty years and They are standard remedies today well as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant PeIi"e,J for the liver and bowels. You can hav a sample- of any one of these remedie, in Tablet form by writing Dr. Pierce ' Adv. . -. . : COURT HOUSE NEWS J SK;), Judge Percy R. Kelly will open court in denaitment So. 1 nf tln eirenit court of this county tomorrow morning .vi tu o chick 10 near motions tor new and to transact all other court business that might come before hi: at this time. n n 11 ri II II n tJ li it li 14 n ra M II u n M Kl 11 ri II There are none better. No in utter what price you expect to pay, you can't get uroiied Muster Hrown Shoes. If you pny more fur School Shoes than we ask for these, you pay too "much. ' If vmi pay less, you waste money on inferior Shoes." Hosier Hrown Shoes lire hon-' estly built over proper shaped lusts, of solid leather thmughout nnd give the wear (hey ure expected to give. I J. V. Lenvitt Co. hnn brniurlil unil against R. M. Dimmick to collect 14li! 1.) alleged due for goods sold nnd deliv ered und nlso for $Ml.3fl nlleged duo on a bill for $17,t!il.2i for automobiles sold und delivered. B. K. Knnpp was today appointed re ceiver of the laO.Oii acres of land in volved in the suit of R. K. Knntin. trustee .against W. K. Mullorv, Rose Miillory. Mu M. Mallury and Mary M. Mntf. In a complaint filed Inst month the plaintiff in this suit, asked thj certain dieds given by V. K. Mnllory to the other defendants be set aside, alleging thnt they were-given nt n time when the defendant, V. E. Mnllory, knew himself to be insolvent and to dis pose (.f them before he filed a petition tor 1 tnkrvptey. Last Park Concert of Season This Evening Boys' School Suits Stout Fabrics, Smartly Tailored, Handsome Suits for Boys of All Ages Every Suit in our splendid line was selected through the im p!se of this one thought SERVICE. Every boy will fret tho maximum of wear for the - r . . v i v. u a v ivic ranee nf fuhrina nml n-i Ho - Libiua -me laiinnmr i nr tho and the fit perfect. $2.65 to $7.G5 best 1m The Best and Largest Scratch Tablet YET SOLD FOll 5c 150 Sheets of khh quality Paper, extra larpe size. Note Books, Tablets, Slates, Pencils, Pens, Inks and Var ious articles used in school. Sweaters. Underwonv. .Stockings, Hats, Caps Anything that your boy may need in the way of wearables wil be found here in splendid assortments and dependable qualities. Our prices are based upon the spot cash plan of doing business that's whv our customers need so little time to decide, they make purchases quickly and are satisfied. i n n ci n u n n n u n M a n a p ti n rt M n u ii n trt li II, III ri n n ti 11! Mi 11 11 II tl Si tl 1 Get Wise It's Free! We give free a guaranteed 25c Tooth Brush with each 25 cent tube of Tooth Paste or Tooth Powder bought at o ur store Saturday, September 18th. This is no fake but absolutely good goods. Remem ber the place, Saturday only, ; POOLE'S DRUG STORE 372 State Street Phone 276 Association Estimates z Total Yield Put Down To 80.- street, was badly sninked and a hole burned in tho floor this morning afc 4: when it caught . fire from th? I ehimnoy in the "Jitney " coffee hounfti burning out.' The lluo is in the brick wall between the two establishment anil the tin which stopped up the holr I into tho bakery wns covered with, layers of paper. The heaet of tiie. ! flue binning caught tho paper' in tho j bakery and th burning paper dropped i to tho fliur and started the fire. J A large iiole was burned in tho floor jand about -100 loaves of bread waieh; j were piled up on a tabic were done to ia crisp. J. W. Hastings, the proprio- tor of the bakery, estimates his loss at about $75. Tho loss was partly covered'' s by insurance. : The Oii'gcn hop growers expect to reap the profits of their policy of "watchful waiting" according to J. I,. Clark, secretary of tho Oreirnn Hun (irowors' association, who snid tmlnv that from all reports recived thus far by the association tne hop crop could not possibly exceed N0.000 bales. "In fact," said Mr. Clark, "all indi cations point to a much smaller yield. By October 1st we will have n'uarlv complete reports in from nil sections of the state and will know within a thousand or two the exact amount of bales harvested. This information we will give you as soon as obtained, no ports from all hop producing sections of the world are of shortages. In the face of this, we arc very optimistic thnt values must advance as soon as tin brewing trade realizes the correct situa tion. Never for years has the outlook been so promising and if the growers will rest easy, they will reap the benefit or these conditiniiQ " The present market is still quoted as' 'nominal" and no business hns been! done lis vet. There nrn f, n, anil even those. outside of the associa tion are prone to hold for hingor prices It is expected that as the sample become more widely distributed and thr . .-.urns .wg,,, onlin(, , tho mnf Tic ,.l.., Mil;...,, i i . if', WI" '"'g'n t" hum and after a few HcqiuMs have been in-.. ! for "China- Tl V n n, town, 'When Vim .. t..i:.. ! h IU hira I mioin DL.. "TiH -arv; overture' "Vo " W , 1 V ""V? V,U ! ' '' -links ami selections ion, I nnncn. Hy reipiest Mrs. Ilalliel uirrish Hi-iges ,vill sin'g lionuie, ! The t,r,t number on tho program, winch will l. played by re,p,et. is tin) I ;;iiiil;i.-iti,.ii of II. N. Stooilenmever.l Nil. in hrt. This iiuinbcr was I I'Uivc the evening the now baud stand: wns ilc, .rated. ,M ,ct w, a V(.v! rcceptio'.i. Kltotts aie being made with the man-1 iicr ot one of the moving picture1 shows ,y Which. during t, ,.i ,, f . lne Mar Spangled llnnner,1, the flag ' in colors may I... thrown t. ,.N tain. " ith the r iDii i.f H In the Modern Bakery Tho Modera bakery, at til!) Court i --H f-f-f'f-H-f-H-f Sacred Heart Academy Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names : SALEM, OREGON BOARDING SCHOOL AND DAY SCHOOL Most approved methods, Pri mary, Grammar and High ' School Departments, Com plete Course in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Violin and Harmony. No interference wun religion or pupns. Modern Conveniences Domestic Comforts t Scholastic year begins second Monday in September Address, SISTER SUPERIOR : Salem's Educational Directory : Music Business Law Art Sill ll 111 ., ... , "'il"U. 1 IIO Schools and Colleges rt ""IMIin ll M 'lH 1 attendance of j lerm pf 12 ofeni September 1313 there has been n total I'OSSll. V over :i.. mill ..1.1 ... ,t . ,,iiiiiigii .tiunager i.ibcr regards tins as a verv conserva tive estimate, .-vyh-. tonight close n 111 iik r .,i....nuui-,.i . the of ,. pMi(. j musical stH;.,l,,.,t, ,, in thl, .. oral public latereM that been taken in the coacerts by the town people and ' ""I the MnToMoli.-.y, conntrv. OklAhoman; Wall,, valln, V,h i shipping IM to of prunes each dav! lusmes, , ,,.,,, j i()V0UMU,B1) unioiig boH.dir.g house mistresses. "'"' .Alien, e.l.tor ot the C.innt, vouncr, attcmling the l.nnc v.rum coniereitrr. l.tlK Ul:il l. . .. - "nuut mrcots, Salem Music and Art Willamette Univorsity Opens September 13-15 Carl O. Doney, Prosldeut. I. II. Van Winkle, Dean of Law Silifcl Frederic. S. Mendenhall IMano Organ Theory. Myrtle Loug Mendouhall Voice Culture. Mudio, Room 211, Hubbard Hide Are You Ready vi uur i np ( lane HORLlCI'vS Malted Milk Motoring, Ft.hln(f. or QolfinV. A nottliiottt.MiUrying Food-Drink In A good llKht lunch when Und ot run down. Simply diMolve in wter, fcot or cold. A Br nyhti mt ie auurtd JV tek cuplul hot txkirt rtitingv Our Lunch Tiblets era the acm of con voniwit nourlihtntnt. Dlnnlve few in the noutk whn httf uad or hungry. 'I'' KOKUCX'9, RadiM, WUl EOT SowsMtiH ka "luut Oood" M HwMrlCK S, th Original ; I Mise Beatrice Bheltin j T-acher of l'iano. Otud.0 345 Marion St. n,uu(l ; Elma WeUcr .. Pianist I ,em of "'"Froved Mimic. Studv for Beginners L K .. .. - M. Dan T. Langenborg liasao-Cantaute T-ate pupil of F. . Arenr.. Studio ;U4-15-10-17 Hubbard Iiblg. Phone 2070 Mrs. D. T. Junk China Artist. Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby Tcecbor of Piano Pliono IPPO W. 679 N. Cottage ft. Mlsi Laur Grant Pinnn nnd Mimical Kiii.lnrnnHen i venter PL Tbone 1010-11 Mini India Barton r .i .... . 1 v tu. . ,..r",UHr or V01,e B1 Theory J3 X. Ltwy, 1017 North Twentieth 8t Phone CM William Wallace Graham t-u, Uulif.j vHrkr", lL!:J V'v- ar Joachim, War Nine and one half year, Eunm-L 'Khat commendation from them cinnen. ' rn experience. A .n..:..n. i. K. "hon, hotel or"S;VoVaUaJ J1"1'1 M"rio'- For appointment, Phoae 1M7 5f. H " Mar Wult, Asai.tant, ISO N. Slit J?t, "-7"irwrt rr"--n'jw.