Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 16, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Sport News
! Deciding Games In
I American League Will
Take Place This Week
Coach Matthews Has Green
Squad to Hammer Into
Shape For Big Teams
Willamette', new foutball much, H.
I.. Matthews staled thin morning that
h liinl a promising n(iiH(l out u n'.l
though Iff'''" ut the game, they were
beginning to show good form. Too ini'n
have been practicing with the. tackling
dummy. The eoech believes in' good
thorir.igh workouts and his men tin; fust
toughening up for t lie varsity uluiiini
game, which will ho played at W. L'.
Jit'lil September Tlio schedulo for
tiiis year will ullnw the people of Salem
jo Hi e more games on the nonie gridiron
than was possible last vear. The ached-
ule is not entirely completed, but uh it
stnml the folliiwiiig games will lie
playeil: O. A. ('., at Corvallis, Oelolier
Si; Albany College, here, October 9;
October 111 open elate; Pacific College,
at Hnleiu, October 2,'lj V. of ()., nt Sa
lem,, October JIOj Cheinawu, here, No
vember I!; Pacific 1'. ut Forest (Irovo
Nov, III; NmemluT no game as
yet, but either Montnnu state college,
Whilwiirth college, or I', of Paget
Sound, will he pluye.l here. The game
to be playeil October Ml, between' V.
anil Oregon, will be one of great in
forest ilue tu the fuet thilt in all prob
ability Hnizier Small, the well known
half back, who won too game for V.
II, from Oregon two yearn ago, will be
buck in' the game.
Of the (dl men who were on the
aquad last year, them are only a few
left. Captain Klcgul who plnynil full
buek last year is out ami in 'working,
bard to make his team winner this
year', dates, A. Irvine, Stoeves, Chap
In r, I'. Miller, and Fletcher, lire baek,
.limit h is expected in loilay ami several
others who lire working will bo back
before tho week is over.
The new men wiio ure out thus far
are, .lackson, Archibald, McClelland.
nan, i riiiuv, icrnrscm ot v. .1, t ., j,
VI'.. 1 , . . ' 1
luiiiiirr, iiiini, mown ami iieniiriclis,
if Oregon.
Han Francisco Sept. HI. Hrynliniah,
John Lowe's thoroughbred, Unlay Is
the champion of the exposition running
rnees. Itrynlimah has made fivo ap
pearance, during the meet, and bus won
"very time.
Denver, Colo., Sept. 1(1. -Sam l.tmg
ford will meet Sam McVey in a twenty
round bout here September 30.
San Francisco, Sept. 1(1. The ex
position stable, were Increased toduv
on tho arrival of a number of noted
horses belonging to Mint l.nulu Lung.
of K'liiisns City, They will be entered
ill the exposition horse show. Thev in
cliidn My Major Dare, a I0,000 undent
en stallion, one of the finest Kilted
horse, in the eountrf.
(lermnny has suggested to
I'resideut Wilson, through Chan-
K ccllor Hcthmaiiu Von Hollwog,
in reply to mi inquiry us to the
)k uossibiiity of making peace, that
the C. S. elicit from Knglnud,
Fraiice und llussia the terms un-
iler which they would discuss
i pence.
j i The KusHiaii army is Hearing
i Prxeiuysl.
i Austria is railing to colors
all men aviiiluble, including
iniiny previously rejected as
i) Daly orders nil reserves in
Paris to report to the colors.
He (leruiiiny denies Knglish mid
French reports of victories in
T National League. jT jrit ,i -
Philadelphia ili 07 . 571 SsJ iTVS -.i- X
Hrooklvn ........ 7.1 CI .5.'i , ' ' A.
ChicaK fi3 n7 .4S5 f - tl tfMA . M '
Cincinnati Wi (11 .47H iSii&Hk '
l-ui 65 73 .471 If -4Uf f V r& , - '
I'ittsborK S 74 .41.7 Sa, " tl - '
New York CM 73 .452 f jf'W' - ' , SLfo ' , A
American league. j v. 'f ' ' w iiAr., e ; n
I Detroit fo 4s .r,r,a I im'" f .s V4'r ' '
Wushi.,Kto, 74 m .552 lU JjrH$ m&',' '
New York 51. 73 .447 f 'A f iU fWl V ' - - 1
St. Louis 5.i 7!l .415 f ll U 'JW &&XL " - 1
Ovelnnd S2 K .3K0 t2 i'A&fa WFfPt ,
Fliiladelphia 3!' ft .2M Vj If, J ' & 4 I
ns .530 ft 4WvI " H V -
7i .m . -iV-AV..5i'----- ri-.,tj.iv;A,::.
Pacific Coast League. VyV' I Y V , ,r WV ,
... 07 72 .57ft IB H , . ' 1 V - ' JT
Rl SO .503 b,.:;, , O v '
S3 83 .500 l-.'V'V'- i') H;".i'''r
7i h .414 I -Amh; ..Avll coJrtI,..,b,
til. - -S- Conilmntly. man who
r miijn havatarncdthatripura
Ci? sm-f-r v " s amokatm an bainf
fiS tS?i J1 iJ cioaen members olfio
-KaT-v LJ Cu6." HaniaJ.H.
S fir, "Nvr-eStSj Srreef, rVew Vort City.
' WlJJe,M,, 'Innnrv-TTl no",n Ae
. i! U iWifh i ' Jn(AFl? il toilyjoya of a j,mm?
w KVr-ji7r if J,Mr" d-
By George II. Holmea.
fl'nited 1'ress staff correspondent.)
Huston, Sept. 1(1. With only two
(junieH stniiiliiij; between them and the
, league leading Hcd Sox, the Detroit Ti
I ers arrived tuduy for n series of four
! (.'times which probiibry will decide
whether the American league pennant
: will fly over Huston or Detroit.
Mutineer Hughie Jennings was con
fident mid eockv over the four straight
victories the Tigers achieved over the
Highlanders in the Inst series. Jen
nings showed a disposition to lie kind
ly disposed towtird tne Chicago Sox for
rutting down the lend enjoyed by Hus
ton prior to the Hoston Chicago series.
Kultured Boston is aflame over the
series. With the weather clear und hot,
crowds similar to those which attend
ed the deciding gnmes between the
Ilrnves and (mints last year are expect
ed to attend this series.
It is expected that either Dnuss or
Dubtie will take up the burden of the
mound for the Tigers today, and Foster
for the Hed Sox.
Watching the Scoreboard
The Hees again stung the Angels
while San Francisco was beating the
Looks like it 's all OVlT lllt tilt1 (tlu'd'H
in the J'. (,'. I..
Vernon got four runs to Portland 'a
one when (ieorge Kahler succumbed and
yielded three in the initial canto.
The Cubs bent the Hrnves 1 to 0 in
(Jiir farewell meeting of the year and
tncy stnged n fist fight between Um
pire Hyron and Ited Smith ns a finale.
The 1'irates beat Philadelphia 1 to 0,
Kuntlehner winning his own game with
n wallop in the eighth.
The Red Sox couldn't locate Faber's
shoots and Wihte So won.
Federal League.
W. I.
Pittsluirg 74
Chicago 714
St. I.ouis 4
Newark 70
Kansas City .... 09
Huffalo !
Hrooklvn 07
Baltimore 44
San Frnneisco
I. oh Angeles
Salt I.uke .
Vernon , . ,
Portland ..
Oakland 74
Yesterday's Results.
At Port laud Vernon 4,
land 1.
At San Frnneisco San Fran
cisco i, Oakland 5,
At. l.os Angeles Salt I.nko
3, l.os Angeles 0.
Prince Albert 1
just does this
Ettle old thing:
Lets you smoke a jimmy pipe
all you want to; lets you smoke
all you want of roll 'em cigarettes!
And that holds good every hour
of the twenty-four, Sundays in
cluded! Talk about home to
bacco, or office tobacco, or srreef
tobacco, or traveling tobacco!
Well, you just , uncork some
P. A. smoke in your mouth!
You'll feel like putting out a
Special Extra to spread the news!
Patented process Axes that
and cuts out bite and parch !
When we tell you, and men every
where say, -that here's tobacco
that reaches every desire in your
pipe or makin's department, you
head for
Dairy Judging Contest
Will Be One Feature
of Polk County Fair
Springfield l.iopnlilicnn:
lloise Penrose's denunciation
short bullot was just tho indorsement
it needed.
ly thousands
of moiorisis
ed Crown
4he Gasoline
(Capital Journul Special Service.)
Dallas, Ore., Sept. IS The Polk coun
ty school superintendent's office have
issued the following rules to be used
governing the boys' und girls' dairy
judging contest at the Polk county fair
which ill be held on Thursday, Sep
tember 23.
First. Only boys iiml girls residing
in Polk county who have in the past
year attended a public school will tie
allowed to enter the contest.
Sccoud.- Four cows will constitute a
class and there will be one class of
rnch dairy breed exhibited. (Jersey,
(luernsey, llolsteiu, Ayrshire, and
Hrowti Swiss.)
Third. Knch competitor will be giv
en a blank card for each breed and
will lie reipiired to record the number
or letter of the animals which in his
judgment bo would place in first, sec
ond, third and . fourth places respec
tively, Fourth. Twenty minutes will be al
lowed in which lo study the animals in
each class and record their placing.
Fifth. All competitors must be pres
ent at the slock barns anil report to
the person In chnrge of the contest
not Inter than 1:3(1 p. m. on Thursday,
September !!3.
Sixth. One hundred points will be
given for the correct placing of the
Senator cows in all classes and u proportionate
ol the i number of points civea for such relative
Seventh. Aiinouneptiienta of tho re
suits of tho judging contest will b
made ns soou as all ratings are deter
mined. Thin contest will lie held under the
direction of Professor W. A. Harr, of
tho Oregon Agricultural college, at Cor
valliB, and will bo one of tho most ill
(cresting as well as instructive contest
during the county fair. For the past
couple of years judging contests have
been held in different parts of the
county by the school children and a
ereat amount of rivalry exists between
the different districts.
A poor or inferior buttoi will make the best
bread distasteful
Marion Creamery Butter
"Meadow Brook"
it costs no more and you Get the Best
Co urn f ha lane you '11 find tht
store that sells Princt Albert.
Toppy red bags. 5c; tidy
red tint, 10c; handsome
pound and half -pound humi
dors and fAot classy
crystal-glass humidor with
the sponge moutener top
that'll just tickle youit's so
nifty looking and keeps the
tobacco so cheerful-like,
the national joy smoke
You can smoke a pipe and you will smoke a pipe just as
soon as you get windward of some P. A 1 For it's real
man tobacco that 'ust-jams-joy into jimmy pipes, and
puts the merry sunshine into makin's cigarettes 1
Now, let everybody sit-in on this tobacco talk and discuss
it, pro and con, then get a supply and all hands smoke
up! For, P. A.'s built to test-out true-like-steel and the
meaner you are to it when you want to know how good it
is, the more you'll think of it when you get that informa
tion personally! . ,
Minn Cntherwood Entertained.
Mrs. 10. H. Hamilton entertained a
party of friends at her home on Clay
sired Monday afternoon in 'honor of
Miss Kdith Cntherwooil, who will leave
this week for (Vivullis where she will
at lend the Oregon Agricultural college
the coming school year. After a very
pleasant afternoon or social discourse a
delicious luncheon was served. The in
vited guests were; Misses Dorothy and
Marjorie Hennctt, Miss Marie (Iriffin,
Misses Ada and llelene Syron, Miss
Anna Anderson, .Miss Kdith Callier
wood, Mrs. .Maurice lnltoii.
rse Bad Check.
Ilnry Drake, a former employee of
Duiigau Hrothers, painters of this city,
is wanted by the county authorities
charged with having passed several bad
checks in this city recently. Drake
hud been in the employ of' the local
firm for the pnst IS mouths and seemed
a straight and honest workmau. He
came to this city from California.
Arlator to Fly at Talr.
Arrangements have been made bv the
, beard of iliiectors of the Polk county
i Diir to have an avia'or make several
i tiighls during the fair in this city ueit
1 week. This will b tne first timo e
i hibilion flights have I i held in this
ciiui.ly and ns a cmeipience the at
tendance at the fnii mil uo doubt be
i reeoi.l luei king.
rlr Notes.
Friday, September rl, will be aeliool
I day at the fair ami all the nchool ia
I tin county that have taken up nohonl
f ir the coming year will close that day
I in older to give the pupils a chance to
! attend. Superintended! U. 0. Seymour
has received word from a majority of
I boards stating that it ia their in
teution to close on that day, A cunning
d 'ministration given by 'the girls of
1 the county will also lie given on this
! Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Teats, who have
been ramping in the woods above lllack
I Keck this summer, returad home the
I latter part of las) week and have gone
to Independence., where- .Mr. Teat has
been appointed prinurpnl of tho city
Kaool for the coming year,
Miss I.eone Williams nnd Miss llael
Knight have gone to Eugene where
they will attend the state university
tho coming school year.
O. C. Hart, minimi! training instruc
tor in the Dallas high school, wus in
the city from his home in Corvnllis last
, Mian Delia Hiigeii, of Salem, was an
over Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs.
P. A. FinsetU.
Miss Mary Invin has returned to her
home in this city niter an all summer's
outing spent at Hood River and Hear
hart. Miss Pauline Snyder left Saturday
for a visit with her broflier, Frank, n't
Seattle, Wash. ; i
Ross Jennings, of Perrydnle, was n
Dallas business visitor the" first of the
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Van Nortwick,
of Cottage drove, were in the citv
Monday visiting relative and friends.
The V an Nortwiclis were formerly resi
dents of this city.
II. O. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. George
Scott and Frank t'niupriell left Mon
day for Kugene, where Frank will at
tend the stale university the coming
year. The parly ejpect to visit in Cot
tage lirove lietori'
Mrs. Sharp, of Salem, was a guest nt
the home of Mr. and Mra. II. P. Shriver
on Mill slrcet Sunday.
F. K. Taylor, of'Xdwlierg, was a
Dnllus visitor Sunday with friends.
The Company 1. rifle team romposed
- uo.iiii -! nil. vt . j. vunte, a. W
to the place of beginning.
Said mile beinK made subject to re
demption in tho manner provided by
Dated this 7th day of September,
Sheriff of Marion County, Or.,
B.v- w.- I- Needham, Deputy. Oct. 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Wing, of Eu
gene, were in the city recently visit
ing friends. The Wings were form
erly Dallas residents, .Mr. Wing being
connected with the office force of the
Oregon Power company in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Shaw have moved
their household goods to Salem, where
they will reside this winter in order
to permit their children to attend the
Salem schools.
Miss Winnie Hargrove, of Salem, was
ti Dallas visitor the first of the week.
J. C, Madden, of Portland.
(I,., ..If,. 1.... .. . . . m , ,. ,, " -"n,,,.., . UIINIV, J
ti e Ci il hotT ' u i n aPI,0,n,tcd Kweutor of tho eBtatej
vTL-orge iwuiiiKcr, deceased. All per-
sons having claims against the estate of
I r II Kirrwws,nn ,i('.p!'?lll'nt -'e required to present them
LhGAL NOTIPFS Wl "" ? r,onths from the dat6 ot tins
rrrV-' 'V 1 IKKuU notice, duly verified to the n,l;n
at the law office of John H. ItfcNnrv
Charles L. McXarv in TTnito.l
States bank buildiag, Salem, Oregon.
1915ated ,'"9 Hth ,,,y f SePtember
Notice to Present Claims.
Notice is hereby mven that, the nn
dersigned, by an 'order of the County
Court of Marina County, Oregon, has
(seven issues), beginning, with the issue
of September 2nd, 1015, and ending
with the issue of October 14th, 1915,
by virtue of an order duly made, rend
ered and entered in the above entitled
court and cause by the Honorable Wil
liam M. Bushey, County Judge of Ma
rion County, Oregon.
Dated September 1st, 1915.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
oucnu a oaie or Real Property on land
x oreciosure.
Xotice is hereby given, that bv vir
tue of an execution duly issued orit of
tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
lor tho County of Marion and to me di
rected on tho 3rd day of September,
1!I5 upon a judgment and decree duly
rendered, entered of recurd and docket-
of AuZt -l ""1 Ia " 9. ourt of State of
Executor of the estnte of George
Whitaker, deceased. Oct 7.
ti.etr return to this in said Court pending, wherein William
r . I'iscn, as incompetent person, My Car
rie Olson, his guardian, und Carrio Ol
son wus plaintiffs and 1., R. Hansen
and Jessie E. Trestrail was defendants
in favor of plaintiffs and against said
defendants by which execution 1 ,,
Oregon for Marion Connt.v
Jay Bowermnn and Wayfo Bower
man, plaintiffs, vs. Naomi L. DeLong,
eo iaomi u DeLong, defendant. In
I the name of the state of Oregon: You
are hereby commanded and required to
commanded to sell the property in sai,l 1 1 Y, " ,nn8W" r otherwise plead
execution and hereinafter describe, ! lc ?Mlwt Mod by the plaintiff
Hennett and Akin ltbb have returned i l.'"-v tnf 8,1,11 plaintiff of twentv i ' ... , -ovic nt,t od court and cause,
from Clackamas w here thev narticinat-1 '!v h""'"'"! dollar, with interest : "et'll'r , 115, and if
ed in the annual shoot of the Oregon! 01
National tiuard. annum
.'i iks I.MIIO Harris, monographer in , n ' - ii u iweniy-two : ,i,;. ., '. nmxram
i... ii i, ..... . ii ol nrs. ami tli fiirti,.,- '. tllls court burnni? and fnn. i.
,i,,- -i,-i;iMi i ower eoniDimv a oltice is ' , , . .. num ui two ; it t , luicuiug.
taking a vaeahoi, tlus wk I hundred fifty dollars, attorney, fees, j "A,?"" the rijrht, title, and interest
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Biddle, of Al
imuy, were guests of friends in
Saturday. Mr. Kiddie is a busin
of that citv.
riauk Kersluke, a former Pallas busi
ness man now living j,, Portland, was
in the city this week looking after busi
ness interests.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). p. Patterson were In
dependence visitors I he first
O. I.. McMurphy. ,,f
lianas visitor Monday afternoon.
Mr ana Mrs. C. . shulu were S- Premises hereinbefore mentioned Vnd l WiUamptte Meridian, Marion C,,J
lein uusmesa visitors Monday after- described tn said eieenimn ..n. I Orecon. A
"iivu iib luiiuna. . r.. "'vuiiTTiiinprnrV;
e hundred dollars, with interest VJ U andlf
ereon at the rate of 6 per cent per!?i . l.i to do tho P''ntiff will np
num from the ssth dav of Mav l'tU- 1 i 1 . 1 le f0wrt lor tlle relief demand
til paid, less the sum' of twentv-two nBal,,1,t vou, which is for a decree of
liars, and the further sum of two ; 7,urt, bnrnnK ""J forever forccloa
ndred fiftv .loltn,. .i, ! "K all of the r irht. titlo n.,.i t
, : : "ii'iui-s ices, i, , - , ,n ' ----i luiureui
togetner with the costs and ,lil,r. ot ,he llpfl'"ilant in nnd to those eor,.in
in I alias '!"nU of "?iJ suit (itu' ni' 00-100 LrVTi ,Marion cou,,t.v' "gon,
i I11"?""'1 ' -il expense, of id f?", lrt and parce
miss uum oxfeution. I will 0 sntnrdny the ith I thVf.et f- "l-'cribed as follows:
.1... oi e-ctoiier. mir at the hour of 10 t 'T ' ""' lani from tlle
" " ""in uny at tlio west v. , ' 11 IK'iu ana sixteen (16)
dktir of tive county court house in ,'IJ ""mediately east of and
"" !"" voimiy, urcgon, 9l.u Bt public!1,'.', 'J
auction to the highest bidder for cash! whu'h ,ho
the ten (10) API1 tin r4 1 n ,1
said J. L. Smith
... . u
Notice is horeby given that the un
dersigned by an order of the County
Court of Marion County,' Oregon, haa
been appointed as Administratrix of the
estnte of Aldon C. Estos, deceased. All
persons having claims against such es
tate are required to present them with
in six months from the date of this
n'otico, with the proper vouchers to the
undersigned at tha office of 8. M. En
dicott, 306 Salem Bank of Commerce
Building, Salem! Oregon.
Dated this 2nd day of September,
ANN G. ESTES, Administratrix.
To the Policjrhoiders of
NOTICE is herebygiven that a meet
ing ef the policyholders of The Pru
dential Insurance Company of America
will bo held at the Home Office of
said Company in the City of Newark,
New Jersey, on Monday, the sixth day
of December, 1913, at twelve o'clock
noon, for the purpose of selecting fif
teen persons to be voted for by the
policyholders' Trustee as members of
the Board of Directors -at the annual
election of Directors of the Company
to be held on tho tenth day of January,
At suck moetinqr every policyholder
of tho Corporation who is of the age
of twenty-one years or upwards and
whose policy has been in force for at
least one year last past, shall be en
titled to cast one voto in person or by
of the right, title, intern ' twentV acre ffrf K Z El 'ue 8a!a
.said defendants and all p,,r,on, 0inilll. west corner of the farm of said J L
City, wn!iiig under them ubenn..n ... tk. o.l fcmith s tunted in ;.... c: J. , u-
May of Mav. i-'" "'... .! ' ship Six South n Pn-""S. ;.."WB:
Dean Collins and Rex l.ampman
have returned from .hurt visit iil.
Mr. ,lli.. i.. v-Y- ,:V,"t.; i ' 'i tr. '..'V' r" 01 109 " acre which
k..;.. .i :i : ' ticroea to pnnvA
mvH-mHM MR fo OW Hiir nninir 10 BAtd Kftther na t, " V," v'
Rt A Bt(WO OH th n. liM .K- rrmr i 'v' . 1 "e Bttl ton
wit: The west thirty (30) acres 0f rcd and lying .outh' of the sixtZ
e following described property to be?e hold and running to 1 h
1 1" X f T irr lmra",,l with immediately east of thoone ac e S
was a
Johnnie Burch, of Rickreall,
Dallas business visitor Momlnv
liy Lynch wa un 0Ver Su'ndnv via
itor with relatives ant friend ia'Tort
land. Mrs. Kugene Kayter and Mr. H. O.
lllnck.were Salem visitor! the latter
part of last week.
K H. Strnbble, of Corvallis, wa nl
the city the first cf the week the guest
of friends.
Mr. and Mrs.
wet Dallas
I'red Boydston haa returned from
ovoral week.' visit at San Francisco
"her he has ben taking In the txponi-tion.
0. F. Akin, of Salem.
visitor, the first of the
.. . .. ...... ... ,,,rr x'u-i - - ...,-in-u in nnn thn
nar.on ijjmt ciaim of .)ohn m an,,; tract referred to being ad oinVl .k
..',,n v R- 2 w of ,n Wil. W Ka.herine Dick twt and ImL?'
amette Meridian. In aMrion Canntv.i atcly east thereof immedi
uregon. sani stone beiiur 32.75 chains' And cancelling .ni a i .
north of the South of sajtha, ,er ui c0Tract made ".nT" .""2
cairn; thence north srt degree, and 30 into on March U t j "dt enstC
v:" " . with k.oi u ivu bdJ;'
" caiem ami Maelear
county road, thence north S.1 degree's
and 13 minute, west H.ho chain, to a
,t0?C X ? ,t!, in rol. thfce
south S! degree, west 4.1.25 cjain, to
the west line of the Stipp claim at a
point where it, west line ero.se, the
middle of the said Salem and Maelear
road; theace north 14.43 chain.; thene'e
east 60 ehaiiu to the east line of Mid
Stipp claim; theace south 1J.U chain,
premise, free and clear nt in i -;
..ad equitable in the premi m
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the last
will and testament of Zarilda Miller has
filed her4 final account in the County
Court of Marion County, Oregon, and
the same is Bet for settlement on the
lsth day of October, at ten a. m.
Any objections that may be filed
against snid account may be heard at
said time and place.
,.Pted this Hth day of September,
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will and
testament of I.aura Chambers, deceased,
has filed his final account in the Coun
ty Court of Marion County, Oregon,
fk .1 f mme l" ,et settlement on
the 18th day of October, at 10 a. m.
Any objections that may be filed
against said account may be heard at
"aid time and place.
i9i5 '"l ,hi 14,h day ' Spr"n,b'r'
" - ""uu OI ' eonsecutive weeks