Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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ntttmrmrnn"" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimwua
Improvement Is Sentiment
Spoif iVeu;s
of Business Is Apparent
I Telegraphic Sport Briefs
The Ancl" linmli-cl the game to the
lleen 10 to 3.
The content was no decayed 'me
faun said respirators should have been
nerved with it.
Tiie seraphs not fivn pa H i J swat.
Hun HrHiii-isvo woke ii ill thi' IuhI of
the nililli, garnered three tallies and
beat OiikInmi.
Pitcher I-evercnz forced in ISeatty
with tho winning rim.
' Clinch Ward, n Portland yi gster,
robbed Vernon of several runs liy hcii
nitional spearing around short, and
whaled out a liur that won for the
Mnnpmrd Hew up iu lha sixth and
,M. Louis bent Brooklyn.
The, Ht. IjOii'ih Americans bent Phil
adelphia four straight.
The Yanks lout their seventh in a
row. Itroit un top.
Han Francisco, Kept. 15. Freddie
Welsh noon will bo ready to step into
the. rotied arena for a strenuous eani
imign, he said today. The lightweight
ehiiinnion declared ho hud no many
bouts last year that lie became nick of
the. areun, but with a long rent id now
fit for action again.
Welsh took exception to thi reports
emanating from small towns in New
York where he boxed no decision
jatche that ho wait oiitpoinled by locul
fit. Paul, Minn., 8ept. 15. Jack Ien
ter wan barred from participating in
future boxing bout iu Minnesota by
the state boxing commission, it was
announced today. It in charged he
"laid down" in a fight with a local
fighter Friday night.
The decision of Referee fleorge Iter
ton iu disqualifying "Kid" Williams
for fouling dohuiiy Krtle in their con
test here Friday wus upheld by the com
Surprise (Irnnge met in regular ses
won at Turner on Hatiirday with both
sessions full. Curing the lecturer's
hour, the following topics were discuss
ed: (lur duty toward the public school
mill how to leach u boy to save. Mis
ter llnuiilloit presided during this hour.
At noon II big dinner was had, and
it the close of the afternoon session, li.
I), tlrny, of Turner Statu Hank, treat
oil the 'liiilher and sisters to a bounti
ful supply of ice cream, w'.iicb was thor
mighly en joyed by all.
Surprise (linage is to have team
work. The followim; ucrc nanu'd on I he
I i'ii in: Sinters Kli.iibcth Cornelius,
Whitehead Schil'tcrer, Itoberlsnn,
tlrnybill, Mini, llcrrcn, Ilium, llclkn'upp,
innl Hrothers, Wliipper, llclknnp, dray,
I'el.ell, Thii'ssen Karl, Whaler, Wright,
and Nye, Urotoers Hen Hohcrtson and
Si'liill'erer, musicians.
New School District
Formed Near Newherg
The county school district hoiunlrv
board foriueil a new school district lit
iu regulur session this morning when
it granted Ihn potitio.i of ('. F. V eager
.iimI others for the new school district
In be formed out it' parts of the St.
I'iiuI and (ieelnn diftricts. -The new
school district located in the section
known as Kay s bottom nerosa the river
from Newtierg.
Tiie patrons of the new district will
hold a special si lioul meeting iu' about
1(1 days at which time tho oil leers of
(he district will be elected and the dis
trict organization completed. It is pro
posed to begin at once on the erection
of a new school limine in this district
which, will be number UT in Million
North Pacific Beach
Hotel Is Destroyed
Uoquiam, Wash., Sept. 1(5. Search of
the ruins of the Coliasset hotel is being
conducted today because of rumors thai
a young man, whose name is unknown,
wat believed to have perished when tin
hotel burned lute Inst night. The ('oh
unset, which was one of the largest am
linst known hotels on the North I'm li b
beach, had been closed for two weeks
How the fire started Is not kaom
The loss will be t'.n.npO. No other
buildings lu the vicinity were damaged
Portland, Or., Sept, 15, - Making 1151
points out of a poxsiblc 1300 team No.
four of the Itoneburg Coast Artillery
corps, Oregon Natiu uil (lunid, raptured
the cliauipioii.dilp in the state team
rifle range at Clackamas todav. The
(earn of Cirupany It, Third infantry,
Portland, was second In the same class
with 1135 points out of 1300.
lu cIhii II, Coiupai.v A, Tiilid iiifnn
try of McMiun ille scored highest with
1029 points out of MOO, while the Fust
Company Coast Artillery corps of Ash
land, was second with a score of 1010
out of Moo points
a tor 2c COLLAR
f ciuTr, hqp co
Philadelphia 71!
'iJoston VI
lirooltlvn 7.'1
Chicago di
Cincinnati 50
Ht. Louis 05
Pittsburg 04
New i'ork 00
h. Pet.
5(1 .570
02 ..OT
(.'! .5:ifl
7 ,4HI
01 .479
7:i .471
74 .40.'t
7.1 .452
American League.
lioston mi 4.'i
Detroit W
Chicago 7i
Washington 74
New York 59
St, I,oiiis 50
Cleveland 51
Philadelphia 3
Federal League.
Pittsburg 74
Chicago 74
St. Louis 7S
Newark 70
Kansas City 09
Puffalo 0W
lirooklyn 07
Ilaltimore ... 43
Pacific Coast League
San Francisco HO 72
Irfis Angeles 112
Salt Uke HO
Vernon K2
Portland 71
Oakland 74
At I'ortland, Portland .1, Ver
non 2.
At San Francisco, Han Fran
cisco 4, Oakland 3.
At Los Angeles Suit Luke
Itf, Los Angeles 3,
Special Attention Will Be
Given To English Spelling
and Penmanship
In tiie subjects assigned fur special
study in the three years of the junior
high school, special ut tout ion will bo
given to tlm study of I'luglish, spelling
and pcnmnuHliip, These are required in
I lie first two years, and in addition to
the regulur leeilntion's a week, thirty
minute periods will be given lit dif
ferent times during the week. Willi
these hours given to the subjects, bol'ure
tho pupils tench the hio.hcr grades of
the high school, the)' will be pretty
thoroughly grounded in their Kuglish,
spelling and penmanship.
Toe studies required nnd elective in
the three nchis of the junior high
schools, Washington, Lincoln and Grant
are as 1'iillows:
Ftrat Year (Snvoiilh Grade)
per week
I'liif li.ili, Spelling and Penmanship.
I'livsicnl Kiliuatiun
Fleet ive.
Manual Training
Home Kcoiiiimics (sewing)
Second Year (Eighth Grade)
Kuglish, Spelling and Penmiiiiship.
Ilistoiy Civics.
Physical lOilm atiun
Science. .
Gcrmn 11.
Manual Training
Home I'IcoiioiiiIch (Cooking)
TUlvd Year (Ninth Grade)
I'livsicnl Ciliicatini'.
Gerinii 11.
Ancient IlistoiV.
Manual Training.
Hume Kcouomiis (Sewing)
I'euniauship nnd Spelling.
Investigation of Arson
Trust Has Commenced
Portland, Ore., Sept. 13. Investiga
tion by the grand Jury of an arson plot
resulted today tu the issuing of nil in
dictment against Siinl'urd W. Currier, a
building routiHctor. who is in jail ac
cused of letting fite to his house here in
August, 1912.
Several other men are accused In con
nection with the allcurit state wide ar
son ring, but only one, Grant llawley,
has been arrested.
Currier is said to have confessed to
listrl, t Atlio ney Kvana that he made a
fairly profitable business of building
houses nnd burning them for the past
ten years. His operations, It Is assorted,
hne extended over California, Oregou
und Washington, Out of a half dixen
specific cases, (he grand jury wdected
one 011 which to Indict Currier. In this
ease he Is said to have obtained 3.000
from the Oregon Fire belief association.
New Orleans Stalst It is no viola
tion of coufideure to say that in tplts
of President Wilson' desire to remain
at pci with all the world, the Amer
ican people are aires ly preparing to
absorb a larg part of turkey oa
November J,
Vw York Sent 11. A number of 1 succeeded by betterment io home con
', "epi. 11 ix,;. cm h i... Cor,, are some
iinoortnnt features in tho geueral fin
ancinl situation suggest improvement in
sentiment. One is the progress already
evident towards recovery in the sterling
exchange situation, thus removing, in
a corresponding tiegrce, me return iu
centive for liquidation by foreign hold
ers of American securities. The arrival
at this center of tho able representati
ves of the British and French Treasur-
.... .i i...t,; i,,t..rai miloiilitedlv
opens the door for improvement of a
permanent character. Their object is
to arrange for a substantial credit in
I this country on acceptable terms by
, mo., ,.f uliii.h imri'linMHfl nf sui,olies
may be paid for as deliveries are made.!
J As so-called war supplies are consii
; tilting such an important factor in our'
I export trade situation at the present
1 time, there seems encouragement to
believe that an adequate plan for meas
urably restoring the international ex
change will soon' be consummated In
this directum.
It is true that there has been some,
recrudescence of U.e strain in diplomat
ic circles, result!'. from the sinking of
1. IL..i nn.lna n r ,i . I t tl a OriQtaf
which our own government has protest-.
ed. The Austrian ambassador, too, has
unfortunately complicated affairs by
his proposed campaign of interference
with lubor In iinluntrial plants or tue
Cnitcd States, and our government has
been constrained to request his recall.
Hut while theso are developments that
are to be deplored, any broad-minded
view suggest!) clearly that their im
portance during current times of ex
citement is very npt t bo overrated!
War between the United States an'd
any of the present warring nations is
niL'hlv improbable. INo one wants it
and there is no incentive of a practical
1111 til re to I) run' it about. Hut until tho
war is ended it is not improbable that
from tune to time there will recur
shocks resulting from the numerous
enuses that can appear so unexpectedly
at inopportune moments.. However, our
national executive has shown sucn a
commendable degree of calmness and
firmness in connection,' with this war
that it seems safe to presume that these
varireis shocks will continue to be hand
led In a satisfnetury way.
Tt seems fair to assume that wo have
not ynt experienced the full volume of
foreign liquidation'. During tho last two
months especially this feature of tho
stock market has been exceptionally
prominent. Kiuopean centers nro most
probably today as bare nf American
securities as they iiavo been at any
time in many years. This in itself is by
no means 11 depressing influence so far
ns our own market prospects are con
corned. It Is iu fact a fundamental in
fluence of strength. It means that the
American savings hnvo been steadily
investing in securities that were form
erly held nbrond. The flouting supplies
have nlmost completely been returned
tn this side nf the Atlantic, The move
ment begnn in earliest at the time of
the Halknn wars. There since have
been 110 repurchases of nny important
amounts. At. liie time 'of the offerini
of the latest Hritisli loan' tho privilege I
of converting consuls and the older warl
liriiiH into the new one called for the
accumulation of u very large amount of
ronily cash. It was necessary in order
to convert the older issues into the
new Ion 11 to subscribe to 'i'i hitter to aa
amount equal to that it was desired to
cunvert. Deuce Hritis'.i institutions ns
well us investors realized on their hold
ings of our securities us their quickest
asset, there are still large amounts ut
American sleeks nnd bonds held abroad.
Those comprise some of the very best
of securities listed on tho New York
Stock Kxehange. They are being eager
ly purchased bv American investors
whenever offered nt concessions and it
muy, I think, be taken for granted
that they- will continue In nctive de
maud. Thus there no longer is reason
to fear t'.ie old time bogie of Kuni;ca:i
liquidation. Tables luive completely
turned in the hist year or so. Instead
of tuning such liquidation it is being
welcomed 011 the ground that it will up
eruto effectively in steadying our in
tcr national exchanges.
rumnciiil circles are beginning tu
feel the influence of the grain crops,
which once more, considered as a whole,
are to establish a new high level for
American farm production. The wheat
yield will not be far from a round bil
lion luishels, a figure tint t has not
heretofore been approached. The 1914
crop of SUI.llOO.OOO bushels was itscll
an' unexampled one at that time. Com
if present pnrospects are confirmed has
hut once licen exceeded, namely, by the
.1,1-4,0(10,11110 tin. iliel crop of 1912. Oats
have a yield eoiuidorubly in excess of
earlier years. Our wheat crop will be
needed abroad and will be sold at pric
es based on the exigencies of war. There
will be cm repoudi?iglv large demand
tor other grain crops, Hence the grain
expori summon is one truit merits care
fill coiisidcr.ltio.i ns a favoring factor
in the stock exchange situation. The
iinlioiids are to have a large grain ton
nuge. There Is t.i fact already a drift
111 market circles from the wild speeu
mum 1 nut mnrKcii mo no caileil war
stocks back to the rnilioads and to
more eonsorvtttive trading as a whole.
There are also heavy yields of hay and
t'ruit. Nut lire has indeed smiled once
more upon the American farmer, whose
proiliu'ls litis year are estimated at
ubout f 1 0,000,000,000, and this in spite
or mo lower prices somctimci resulting
t rum tins sett same liouiitv. The oulv
notable exception Is cotton, which has
been adversely affected by t.ie war.
The situation is .not ns bad, however,
as is made to appear in political circles,
for the contraband pnidem has been
much clarified ami tile loss to German
and Aiistrinu consumption, amounting
to nearly 3,000,000 bales is compensated
tor ny the smuller crop and the mi
mouse quantities used in the mamifac
turtt of explosives. Traffic in the west
is already increasing owing to the grain
movement, but exMrta of the latter are
still under the Influence of the ex
change situntio.1 a.ul the certainty -wf
a lug rush of Kussinu grain wncni (he
IVniaiiellcs Mr opened.
Industrial activity thus far-has been
confined chiefly to the iron trade which
is sustaining its reputation of being
either prince or pauper. Just sow it
is decidedly the former. Our stel
plants are now running at nearly full
capacity an'd pricc.i are ateadily rising.
tf xurM this ia aliuoit entirely Ju to
war orders, which nieaus tint such pro
perity is purely ephemeral unless it t
ditions. Of the latter tnere are some
sigri. Railroads and other big buyers
r uhminini arnunit with a View 0t
placing orders for necessary replenish
ment before prices rise too high. Per
haps it is fortunate that the domestic
demand is not urgent Bince otherwise
the industry would be so deluged wit.i
business as to induce unwholesome spei
nation ni "ore or less r" "'r" ,
One satisfactory symptom in the steei
trade is the rccemry in K'"
port trade. Quite a change 11a ox c urred
in Trim ueptnme:it ana ine
visions of some of our largest coucerns
'are rushed with business of the regular
type and not munitions erf war
the war is over American steel manu
facturers will doubtless be called up
om to furnish much of the material
needed for reconstruction and for rail
road equipme.it, machinery, tools, etc.
There should be a ;ood inquiry until
Ktirope is once more able to meet her
own requirements.
One substantial proof of business im
provement is found in hank clearings.
The total for all cities in August was
$14,200,000,000, against $9,9Uu,0OO,OU0
'' "' 'asi year an n.vc r
must of course be attributed to activity
on the stock exchangp, which was
closed a year ago. Unt all the large
cities showed gain's. Sci did nmny of
the smaller manufacturing towns iu the
eastern states which are busy on war
Our foreign trade is still running on
abnormal lines heavy exports and
small imports but the exchange situ
ation is being somewhat relieved by the
liberal arrival of gold aiil securities, es
timated at about $15,000,000 during the
lust few weeks.
Large Conference
Meets Here Tomorrow
(Oortinued from Page One.)
Grant County.
I. orin'g V. Stewart, Dayville.
Crook County.
J. F. Blanchard, Prineville.
Polk County.
Walter U Tooze, Jr., Dallas.
O. A. Muey, Independence,
J. Waldo Finn, McCoy,
K. K. Paddock, Independence.
Ira Mehrling. Falls City.
Bonton County.
A. J. Johnson, (,'orvallis.
Dennis Stovall, Philomath.
J. W. Poster, AlHea.
It. W. Scott, Corvullia, V. II. I), No.
W. 11. Mulone, Corvallis.
Marlon County.
F, O. Deckebach, Salem.
It. P. Poise, Salem.
W, J. Culvor, Salem.
II. Overton, Woodbiirn.
C. I j, Mc.Nnry, Salem,
Linn County.
Gale S. Hill, Albany.
II. II. Hewitt, Albany.
Amor A. 'fussing, llrowusvillo.
W. W. Poland, Shedd.
I). It. McKniglit, Albany.
Klamath County.
James Peltou, Ft. Klamath.
Francis .1. Kowne, Bonanza. .
.1. Frank Adams, Merrill.
H. W. Short, Klamath Falls.
I. V, Ktiyken'ilall, Klamath Falls.
Tlllaniook County.
G. II. Me I, end,
W. W. l ouder.
W. G. Iiwight.
William Maxwell. .
I, . M. Dinner.
Lane County.
H. A. Haul It, Kiigeno.
I, . K. Mean, Fugeiui,
J. S, Medley, Cottnge Grove,
I. It. Cushiuan, Acme.
II. L. Howl,', I'.'ugene.
Dr. T. W. Harris, F.ugene.
Duutilla County.
C. P. Strain, Pendleton.
Columbia County,
A. T,. Clark, Uaiuicr.
J. (i. Watts, Scappoose,
W. A. Hall, Clalskaaie.
Carlton Lewis, Ilainier.
W, A. Harris, St. llelaiui.
Washington County.
R. W. Haines, Forest Grove.
Wm. Sehulmcrich, llillsbi-o.
John Thornbiirg, Forest Grove,
W. N, Harrett, llillsboro.
I.. A. Long, llillsboro.
Curry County,
W. A. Ilishel, liiihl Beach.
P. M. Littler, Gold Beach.
W. J, Ward, Biookings.
.lames P. Itussoll, Un'glois.
J. A. Ihmninn, l.nnglois.
Was-o County.
N'. Whesldun, The Dalles.
Ii&ke County.
Virgil Conn. Paisley.
Multnomah' County i
('. C, Chapman, Portland. I
T. .1. Cleelon, Pintlnnd.
J. K. Wheeler, Portland.
II. G. Calvert, I'ortlanoS
A. K. Clark, I'oitlnnd. j
B. H. Hack, formerly a resident of
this city, but recently of Portland, has.
moved to Hutte, Monisna. I
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. iteno and son1
from Salem visited at the home, of Dr.
r raak Itlackerby ever Sunday.
Mrs. Kathrine Mathews lias been1
jwiiy for two weeks visiting a brother,!
Pearl Jarvis. who Uvea at The Dalles.!
Hock Pros, fuilsln.,1 tli harvest of!
Klieir peach crop Wednesday. They
were successful in ving their entire '
Miss Cassis Itlackerby expects to'
take up duties as teacher at Towusendl
I h' . 1. . b I . I . . , . . . I
... I..IHV 1- unown as tne cnton uis
trict StMitember 27.
Miss Shank, who has taught for sev
eral years in the Silverton schools, has
accepted a position as teacher la th
Junior high school at Albanv.
The families of Hen McUinnls and
Hud Thomas returned from Ttble Rook
Monday evening with fifty gallon of
huckleberries, lk-n say thor It still
lots of them left.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Triton and daugh
ters. Anots and Cleon Uuisness, of
Portland, attl at tto Julius Aim
noma th first of the week. Mrs. Trite.
ill bo remembered by manv her as
M.m. Wm, Guinness.
Th. Fern Miller fsmllr will lev for
Olivia, Minnesota Monday. Mr. Miller's"
condition remans about tht asuie as It
J NA " f!C jr.
A mighty good doctor
says to me once: "When
it comes to curin' folks,
Nature is the real M. D.
I'm only her assistant."
That's the way I feel
about curin '
tobacco for
has been fur Rovernl months pnat. A I
sistor of Mrs. Miller came on! from thoir
homy town to assist in tho moving.
Considerable of a change among the
barbers of this city has taken place
within tho pnst few'ilnys. llarrv itrav
. " ra
hit I position in Taylor shop. Oh-
Oca Uivens, who was working t JZ L V
ShoeklPV, has Kone to Salem. exf',dl,turs th'8 coulltry
H. 8. Comatock brought to this office 2ec nred to,lay. to b, "j8 most Potoilt
Tuesilny a branch taken from an Kng- f."0'0" menacing - tlie future prospQr
lish walnut tree which has since the! 17 f .Amorioa, by Arthur Reynolds,
first of July made a growth of 7 feet. p9t oPsident of the Continental
ine ireo is of tiie lute variety and dirti
not leaf out until the above date, but
after it girt started it has surely been
going some. A windfall auince' which
Mr. C'omstock picked up and brought
nlonlg with the branch measured nearly
one toot each way. They are now on
display at Ilubbs real estate office.
San Francisco Chronicle: When nil
a;! lne China is having no In European countries, ana their short
more difficulty with her republican ago of exports, which they nro enabled
form of government than Mexico or i to buy in tho American market. After
IT'S hard to show Nature any
thing about curing tobacco. So
we have adopted Nature's own
way to make VELVET the
smoothest smoking tobacco slow,
patient ageing.
Men may "process," but they can't
put into tobacco any finer pipe
qualities than those Kentucky's
limestone soil so richly gives to
the Burley de Luxe
But these qualities can be improved.
They are brought out in their fullness in
the aged-in-the-wood mellowness of cool,
slow-burning VELVET.
For two years the finest Burley leaf remains
in sealed wooden casks, and then only is
it ready to be made into VELVET.
Get your tin now join the growing ranks of trie
army who have found VELVET tobacco a delight
without a single drawback.
Send a 2c stamp for "Pipe Philosophy a
bo6k of Velvet Joe's philosophy and verse.
10c Tins JjgdGtAfa&&mk
5c Metal-lined Bags St. Loui?, Mo.
One Pound Glass Humidors Copyright 1915
Expansion of Business
Menaces This Country
San Frnnctsco, Sept. 15. A great ex-
! I,a"3ion or "-"tension of business, local,
natiolllll aa forui ... . ,..'.,. J
-'"""''-"" "" vmcugo, wno is
mm irum iuu uuuiters- association at
"A great many people anticipate an
era of unprecedented prosperity after
me ciose or tiie war," said Keynolds.
"Thero will be a first blush, followed
by a gradual readjustment of condi
tions a an countries of the world which
n.lll It. 4J .... i
. uuvu us l'uwi on America, ror
a timo -we will fee tho lack nf in,l,l
I Ttiat. m my opinion, there will follow
Longer wear
better wear
We guarantee it
with every
Suit and Overcoat -$15.00,
$20.00, $25.00
the greatest era of prosperity ever ex
perienced in Amorica.
"Lumber, your greatest product on
the Pacific coast, is and has been in a
bad way, but except lor tins tne i u
cific coast is in an excellent condition,
as compared with the other sections
of the couutry. I find your crops good,
your business men and bankers optimis
tic and confident. The Pacific coast is
bound to benefit from the accumulation
of money in the east and the great in
crease in industrial, activities resulting
from larger sales due to the war.
Oregon Pioneer Dies.
Peter Hurie, founder and ex-president
of tho Bank of Brownsville, in Lijm
county, where he had lived during thirty-six
years of his forty-eight years of
continuous residence in Oregon'; ex-pros-ident
of the Brownsville Woolen Mills
and founder nnd president of the Bank
of Sellwood, died early Sunday at his
home, 567 Nehalcm avenue, in Port
land. Ho had been ill only two weeks.
Until the last few days his condition
had not seemed acrions.