Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Thinkers ChewTIPER
Famous inventors, scien
tists, doctors, lawyers,
statesmen thinkers in
all lines are "PIPER's"
earnest friends. -
Once a man starts chew
ing "PIPER" he finds
more tobacco satisfaction
and joy. Get a plug today
and see what a pippin of
a proposition "PIPER"
o a re to:
Cacwiaf Tobacco Champa pa Flavor
, It's that delicious tang to
"PIPER" the famous
"Chamoaene Flavor" that
pleases so many thousands
of men.
This relishable taste min
gles on the tongue witt, the
natural, mellow sweetness of
ripest, richest, carefully selected
tobacco leaf.
' "PIPER" is the highest type
of chewing tobacco in the world "
as pure as a pure food, whole
some and satisfying."
Sold bjr dealers every,
whare, in 6c and lOe
euta sanitary, foil,
wrapped, to preaam
tia "PIPER" flaw
i iw -
V i ,,,E CUM-
Saa Fnidtce,
Send 10c and
your tobacco
and we'll send a full-size 10c
cut of "PIPER" and a hand
some leather pouch FREE,'
anywhere in V. S. Also a
folder about "PIPER." The
tobacco, pouch and mailing
will cost us 20c, which ws .
will gladly spend because
a trial will make you a
steady user of "PIPER.""
. 1 '
L A K f
L1 s I
1 v - is ' " r
It vt
' ?
I - -
'M.ir iiffi i inftni ivi wftiiri Til
- 4
Kmsaalrti .InJfaJ.a.
answers this question at
Sunday and Monday
and a Clever Company
"Walk This Way"
A Musical Farce
Eugene Walter's Drama Is Filmed... A
Warning to Extravagant Wives.
' ' When lovely woman' stoops to folly
she always comes off second best, soon
er, rather than later. Mere nuin, if he
makes a foci! of himself, suffers, 'per
haps, but usually manages to wriggle
out of his troubles without fatally hurt
ing himself. Nature, but, why labor
the point! 'Woman always pays; mac
nuuicuiit-B. jjei ii go at tnat.
Kugeno Walter in tho play of "Fine
Feathers" nnintert th
around the text ot it constructed a iilav
i f ., '
ivgjBiuiuu a gmti Butxess on Hie
"reClllar" Stone. Tnmntotinn 1 nh..
comes in tho way of a young couple in
ivnuru lur wnicn mo who can escape
from tho bitterncHD nf lifo nn 'e; n..r
week in a New York suburb, i. e., Sta
ten Island. There are no "classy,"
well (IreaspH nnr-!n in V.iw Vi.l omi.
of Thirty-fourth 'street. Jane Reynolds,
la "Milestones of Life," however,
this modern phase of psychology is so
realistically presenter by a capabl
compac'y of players, headed bv capti
vating Mignon Anilcrsou, I hut it is
bciind to furnish the means for na
tion wide discussion. Marital problems
date back to tno foundation ot society
itself, but until tne recently herulded
advent of psyeho-annlvj-is no definite
solution nas ever been reached.
Psycbo-analysis, a branch of psychol-l
ogy which of recent years has been the
earnest study of learned men in this!
country and Europe, but which Until I
recently had never been placed before!
the public because of the lack of defi-
nite results, is used as the theme for;
"Milestcries of Life," a four-part Mu-j
tuul Masterpicture produced at the
Tlianhouser studios in New Rothelle.l
N. V. I
Northwest Section Harvested Premier Wins Czar From
119,000,000 Bushels This
Year, It Is Estimated
ifwi pic
Street Concert at 3:30 p. ni.
Box office sale at 9 a. m.
Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1
Janet Beecher
The Belasco Star
The Great Broadway
Success as a Photoplay
10c Admission 10c
Today and Tomorrow
the aspirant after Fifth Avenue fine
! leathers (it's on this gilded thorough
fare of Gotham that sho buys 'em)
i thought this way, when the tempter
came ulon'g and persuaded her to in
diico her liusbanil to pass on an in
ferior quality of eemeut for a great
lain then in corire of construction.
"Hob" Keyivolds fell for the bribe
and dauo got her fine i'euthers. Toe
gambling mania got "Hob" and lie was
financially ruined iu doublo quick time.
t ine miming or tne dam, due to the
I bad cement completed tho tragedy of
j"Fino Feathers." The chief culprit,
tho tempter, committed suicide, and the
young couple resolved to ciinmence life
all over again! und go straight.
Janet Ik'echer plays the lend in this
photoplay, which has ninny good and
stirring scenes, notably a view of cab
aret life, at Murruys, the well known
New York restaurant, and tho bursting
of thi) Feco Jtani and the inundation
of the surrounding country, Miss
Heecher will bo remembered because of
her aHxocintioii with the Hclusco forces.
"Fine Feathers" will bo shown at
the Oregon Theatre on Wednesday and
A eent a word will tell your
wants in a Journal Ad undor
New Today. Try it.
Very often the ability of a company
' nr Hfimn nn'i Trinn1iir nf that cnniminv
iis considerably over-estimated, but it1
rau bo taken as an absolute fact thatl
there is no possible way in winch tiie
work of Mr. Hilly H. Clifford can be.!
"Walk This Way," is a light comedy i
that is full of soup mid ginger ami still ,
retains a story through its entirety
which for simplicity and beauty, will;
not bo equalled in a loi.g while. This
unusually rlcver piece will be seen at
firnnd Opera House on Friday evening,
.September 17.
The staging of the piece hail required
untiring patience and with a wardrobe
that will seldom be rivalled, it is no
wonder that the company has firmly
established itself in tin hearts of com
edy lovers as well as tlioe catering to
the mimical variety as shown in this
bill. There are two distinct features
combined into one ideally perfect
whole. A la. lies' brass band of li
ninces ia carried this year and will ren
der a popular concert program on the;
streets at .f.W p. m., and again in ironi
of tho thentre that evening.
Portland, Or., Sept. 15. The Pacific
Wrcthwest this year gathered $119,200,-
uuu tuisncls ot grain compared with
i u,4U,uuu bushels a year ago. accord
ing t statistics compiled iby Hyman
u. conen, crop expert of tho J'ortland
Journal. Tho harvest is practically com
pleted in the three states, only a very
6mall area lemainin'g uncut.
1 ho. size or the wheat crop is-the
biggest surprise. In July, previous to
fiio harvest, the estimate of (i(i,000,000
bushels was considered bv some to be
iar too nign ine acmai nnrvest snows
a total yiold of .60,3110.000 bushels for
tho three states, 3,3;l0,000 greater than
the July estimate and 8,300,000 bushels
greater than last season. It was the
biggest crop of wheat ever harvested
in the Pacific northwest.
With its immense acreage of bath
spring and winter sowing it is but nat
ural that Washington fields should lead
the total of the three states. The
Kvergreen state this season produced
a totnl wh'Mit crop of 3!l,000,0o0 bush
els, Oregon 10,000.000 bushels and Ida
ho 11,300,000
(Medford Mail Tribune.)
What will it avail for Jackson eornn
ty to send a delegation to the congress
called by Governor Withycombo to
formulate a program of action in re
gard to the disposal rif the lands of the
O. & (!. grant, when the program is
cut and dried in advan'eef
The rules of order adopted by the
preliminary conference provide the or
ganization and the progrum. Tho rules
"No speaker shall be recognized by
(he presiding officer except those whci
have been." invited to speak, and no
questions may be asked of any of these
"All resolutions will be rend by title
and name of author only and then will
bo referred to the resolutions commit
tee. Vntil the reso'ution committee
reports, the rules provide that the con
ference can take no action on any mo
tion or resolution."
The spenders have already been se
lected. The officers have been chosen.
The committee ou resolution has leeu
appointed. ' There will be no chance
for free speech, lest ns Governor Withy
combo says, "There is danger that rad
icalism might predominate."
This land grant conference is on n
par with waterpower conference called
by tho recent reactionary legislature to
meet in Prat land Kepte'n.ber 20 to 23.
This conference is called in the interest
of the power trust to oppose Hecretary
I-ane's Ferris water power bill. The
Oregon delegates were named in the
resolution calling the meeting.
Governor Withycombe, staunch
friend of the predatory interests, has
called on the gvernors of other west
ern states, except California, to send
delegates. These delegations are com
posed of representatives of tho water-
power inter' sts. ( aluornia was not in
vited, lest Governor Johnson send t
delegation representing the cause (if,
the people. The National Conservation
association is also barred. j
The program of this conference, like
the In rid grant conference, is prepared ;
in advance. It will oppose all legisln-!
tion providing that the public secure
smie benefit from the public heritage ,
and favor speeiul privilege.
London. Captain Vance Hawker, oiu j
of the latest airmen to win the V. ('..
comes from a family whose crest is th j
hawk, and whose motto is: "The hawk j
seeks booty; we seek glory."
.Liberal Reform Policy En
dorsed by Duma
By J. W. T. Mason.
(Written for the I'nited l'ress.l
New York, Sept. 15. Tho fight to
noeranze ilusnia has begun. Premier
Goremykin has apparently decided hot
to grant reforms urged by the duma.
Moreover, progressives cannot hope to
obtain these changes through the re
actionaries' voluntary retirement from
tne councils or stiite.
Tho premier has' returned to Petro
grad from the czar's. field headquarters
wnero ne explained to the ruler what
the duma's reform program proposed.
Simultaneously, the government an
nounced that it considered this program
"Tho government," means bureau
cracy. Sometimes, the term also means
the czar; sometimes, it does not. The
presumption, however, is that this time
it indicates the czar.
Goremykin apparently succeeded in
winning him away from refurm, at
least for the present. But the next men
to get the czin 's ear may undo Goremv
kin's work, especially 'if the Teutons
coiitfniin their advance. Undoubtedly
the czar realizes, partly at least, just
how far bureaucracy hus been respnos
ible for Hussion defeats. But it does
not follow that the czar must turn to
a new democracy as the onty alterna
tive. On the contrary, ho may reassert his
own autocratic power, which the bu
reaucrats have largely undermined.
In fVt, he is probably going to do
this, counting on the loyalty of the
peasant clnss to support and sustain
him. Bureaucracy may fuvor such a
move temporarily, as tending to check
tho demands of the liberals. Moreover,
a stiffening resistance to the German
onslaught, since the cznr succeeded to
the chief command in place of Grand
Duke Nicholas, favors his pretensions
to such a method.
But, the cznr cnniiot play absolutiest
if the Teutons continue to advance.
The liberals will be vastly assisted in
their plans to democratize Hussia, if
Field Marshal Von liindenburk seri
ously threatens 1'ctrbgrad.
London, Sept. I The govern-
meat will not force the constrip-
tion issue iu the present parliu-
ment session, Prnaier Asquith
uiinouuccd this afternoon when
parliament convened.
His statement was greeted by
cheers, especially from the labor
ir,..ir, I',,ul. Thp oemilfl of the
north are no more to be judged by the,
criminals or fools of that soetion thani
nro the people of the couth to bo judged)
by the assassins who murder prisoners.
London. In a serious scholarly
psychological analysis of Charlie Chap
lin, sn Knglish writer brands "Chnrlcs
of the Movies" a "highly emotional
actor; not a clown, but an artist; not
a comedian, but a genius."
A Vitftgrapa Blue Ribbon Feature
At the
This Week is Preparing for
College Boys and
High School Boys
. are especially interested in
New Suits and Overcoats
we are showing at
.. $15, $20, $25
New Fall Hats Are Ready
May We Not Have the Pleasure
of Showing You?
Hammond-Bishop Company
167 Commercial Street
"The Toggery"
Wilson Satisfied
With Latest Note
(Outlnued Irom rage Que.)
Same Safe Blown Open By
Robbers Last Year and
Not Yet Repaired
Th Hubbard postoffice was robbed
last night of ifiiO iu casn, $135 in stamps
and two checks agKrecatinp $00 with
som other papers of moro or less value.
The robbers did not find it necessary
to blow the safe as it was the last
postoffico safe cracked iu this county
over a year ago aud had not been re
paired, since. The robbers broke open
the section house at nulituird, took out
what crow bars and other tools they
needed, and then pried open the rear
door of the postoffice.
The stamps tiiken included 3,000 two
cent stumps, 2,500 one cent stumps and
the remainder were fivo, eight and ten
cent stamps. There is no eluo to the
robbers who worked silently and left no
marks, indicating thui tney knew their
business. I ho store w as locked up at
about midnight lust night nnd the rob
bery wus not discovered until this morn
ing when the store was opened. .Sheriff
F.sch was notified but with nothing to
work on the officers are seriously liiin
dicupped in 'their work, l.iist year
there was an epidemic, of postoffice rob
beries and the work was only stopped
when a burglar was killed at St. 1'iiul
and the two puis, Grady and Numeyer
were captured and are now serving
sentences in the pen.
tailor Dumba's request for "leuve";
and his plans for curly departure teud-
! ed to decrease tiie lea'siou. The stuto
'department is arranging a sale cemducti
i for iiim to Holland, and. it is under-1
stood he will sail tho latter part of I
uext week on a Dutch steamer. ThoucU
his departure will bo "on leuve," ruin
cr than on complete recall, it is be-
I lioved Austria wil not .ro opcu tho dis
pute by later returning him.
Concerning the effort of the allies
In obtain a billion dollar loan iu Ameri
ca, the administration's present dispo
sition is not to interfere unless tne
Teutonic, powers formally complain.
Von BcTnslotff Optimistic,
New Yoii:, Hept. Jo. All lieriuaii
Anieiicun difficulties will bo settjed
within a fortnight, according to a
statement credited to Ambassador von
liornstorff, in tho Kvening World, in
an interview here following his return
from Washigtfm'.
" Von may suy for mo that i am sure
within a fortnight all supposed difficul
ties will have been settled permanent
ly," the World rpioted niiu. "(ler
inauy and America will bo moro friend
ly than ever."
Asked what gavo him tbis assurance,
Bern's! orff was quoted, us answering:
"Because I'm in churgo now," with
mock emphasis ou the "1." Secretary
Lansing and myself reached a compline
understanding. We iiuvii completely
snared eacli others views, we are in ac
cord, and you may publish what I
have said, if you please. Anything else
I shall repudiate."
Officials Are Pleased.
Washington, Sept. 15, Commenting
on The livening World's quotutiou of
Ambnsuwlor von HeriiHton t s a high
state department official said this af
ter noon, "1 n in glnd to know the nm
hassiidiir feels that way nlxint it. lie
is probably right in saving there is an
amicable understanding between the
lepnrtnient and nimsell."
On, eent Pr word each iriMr- '
tion. 1
Copy for advertisement aa- -
der this heading should bs la by '
8 p. m, .
HARRY Windowelcauer. Phone 708.
Oct I
WANTKD A ouo horse wugtin. l'hoii
Sept J5
SKK MACK For chimney sweeping.
J'1"1"" !! Sept 1 7
OLD LUMBKlt for sale, cheap.
J;0 Court street.
KOtt KENT Two unfurnished rooms.
0X1 North Winter. Bept i5
FOR HKNT Rooms fa" hoiiso keeping,
furnished, i'houo SOIIIIM. tf
each. Route 8, box 10X tf
I'OR RENT Furnished housekeeping
room; cliwe in. G. W. Johnson, tf
FOR SALK- llnod work team, weight
2700. It. W. Batt, phono 2 It'll. Sep20
Readers In America Advised
To Destroy Factories
Not Official Act
Berlin, via wireless to Siivville, h. I.,
Sept. 1.1 That Herman newspapers,
scut to America recently had enclosed
pamphlets advising leaders lo destroy
American ammunition factories was an
iviiinced officially today, together with
a disi liiiiicr of responsibility.
'Such a praetMc." said nn official
statement, "is officially designated as!
stupid and dangcro is. It. is evident that j
hot headed private citizens, who havu
been mislead, tried to agitate in' this!
manner by inserting the pamphlets. Io
newspaper office is responsible." i
Hesperian Was Mined. !
Berlin', via wireless to Sayvillft, Sept.
15.- Concluding that the liner llcsperi-1
an was mined, not torpedoed, the ad
aurally has disregarded tne alleged!
statement of a survivor that be snw;
a subiniiriiiH just before the vessel was!
link. Ill finals todnv remarlieil that.
this claim had always beer,' advnn I.
ven alter it had been established that j
mines were responsible. j
The admiralty pointed out Hint at the;
time of the Hesperian incident no sub
inariri'S were supposed to be neur her
A report has not yet come, from the
only remaining submarine then at sea,
officials are confident Unit when this
arrives the mii.'e theory will be confirmed.
Strange Bottles of Liquid
ReveallPIot to Police
New York, Kept. 1". I'olicn officials
felt confident today that discovery of
two strange bottles of liquids, secreted
in No. 2 hatch of the White Hlar liner,
Lapland, munitions ship, hud frustrated
a plot to blow up iir set firo to the
ship. -
Tho bottbs were strangely construct
ed nnd the police believe they were in'
tended 10 break or unsenl readily so that
won the two liquids mixed either an
explosion' or fire would result.
Authorities are keeping close, watch
in outward bound ships because of the
tire aboard the Ni'ita Anna loaded with
Italinn reservists, and the recent dis
covery of bombs abourd liners.
A 3 Reel Society Drama
A Nestor Comedy
Showing World's Sports War
and Financial Conditions and
many Other Interesting Scenes
from all over tho World.
and Mrs. Howard Foote
Formerly of Salem
Aril! AND OAK WOOD At a bargain.
.lohn 11. Hcott, phouo 1552. Bept 2a
TWO (II I(.8 WANT WORK puriiiu;
state fair, i'hoiio 711.1, evenings.
Sept 17
FOR f ALH Choi eo pointer dogs, train
to field work. 1'hono 21F-2. Chas.
fcwogle. tf
0 THOUSAND r'HET of lumber for
sale chc.up by M. A. Cudv, comer 12th
and Ferry. n,vt 17
WANTKD .Man wants plowing or oth
er farm work with teuin. Uouto 4,
Box XI, Sulcm, Oro. tf
FOR RKNT Housekeeping rooms for
Indies only. 010 N. Church, phono
TI.'iJ, after 8 p. m. tf
LOST lllack high schml sweater coat,
n, hi , c. .-smciii, rieasii
return to diuirnal. SeptlO
ASH Wool) First class, immeilinto or
future delivery, O. O. AlcClelluii,
l'hiiuo 32 or -172. Hept 1(1
A STI'DKNT-Studying fr ministry
wants wn;k of nay kind, in family,
for board, l'hon'o (170,1. Sept 1 5
SKW1.VO MACIIINKS (ioo.l d,,,
heads, slightly used, all must go at
once. 20."i South Chinch St. Sept 15
FOR Til A DK New International drop
head sewing machine, for old fir
wood, or pjriib ouk. Call .151 Ferry
street. (j1
LOST -Saturday night, between 17tli
ai.'d cross ronds on Harden nnd, end
gate to Stiidebiiker wagon. Leave at
Knglcwood grocery. SeptlO
I'Olt RKNT Houseekeeping rooms. '.i'M
North High, i'hone I. tf
LOST-Umbrella, initials "V, C."
Kinder phono 22lmM. Sept II
WANTKD An air cushion fur an in'
valid to lie ou. I'hone 'JI'.KU. Scptir
work. Housekeeping acceptable.
Kliiul Smith, 1.12 South Church. Hep I. I
WANTKD Monday, September 20li,
at Salem Fruit I nion, prune fuccis
and logunberry packers. Siilcm Fruit
I'll' Sept. 17
AITO TII.'K I T.( TI'H l.'S, blowouts,
etc., easily mid quickly mended with
I 'urn (iiim. Sold lit 10.1 S. Commer
cinl. Sept IS
1 L
.KAUAI Kolc KKNT-220 neres well im
1 pioved slink, dairy and fruit ranch,
j for cash only. Jus. Harder. 10.1 lliib
I bard llhlg, I'hone Hil l or 1722. Scpltt
MONKV TO LOA.N-l,nii(p t
mm, on improved farms. Tims. A.
I Koberts, 200 I', S. National Hank
Hldg., Sub m, Oregon Oct.11
KOI! SALK-Tni rocking chairs, 1
, couch, 1 li bra 1 y table, 1 largo minor
and ' many other pieces all chiwp.
Must go, 20.) S. Church St. Septl.)
H00.MS FOU RKNT Two pleasant
roiius, modern in every respecet, 4
blocks north of slnto house, 12 block
from cnrliue, terms to suit, SIO
I'nioii street. tf
SKI, LINO OCT my household furniture,
tables, biirenus, beds, rugs, stoves,
dishes and kitchen utensils, etc. Kv
eryihin'g at clean up prices. 410 H.
1 'ommerciiil street. Sept 1.1
MA Kill 111) MAN WANTS Woltlv
Km iwli pefxrrcd, but anything lion'est
accepted. M. K. Smith, 112 S. Church
street, SoptU
WONKY" TO LOAN On Improved
I'm ins at 7 per cent 11 run 1:1 1 interest.
I am representing the Commerce Haft
Deposit & Mortgage Co. of Cortland,
Oregon, 0,uick delivery of money.
Write mo or cull nt iiMrlou olltel. K.
T, Herger, Salem, Oregon. tf
TO KX H ANfi K 0 rami modern hoiiso
on K street, mar cnpitnl, large lot,
fine gulden, chicken park, cherry
trees. Want Mpnn't lot or sum II
place eli tie In. AIm) gentlemen 'h
roadster for vacant lot. Call 205
Hubbard Hldg.