Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1915, Image 4

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    Page of "The Capital Journal
Editor ana Manager. '
f('t(viiliir 15, 101").
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
8ec. and Treua.
Daily by carrier, per year $5.00 Per month..
Daily by mail, per year 3.00 Per mouth. .
New York Chii-Hgo
VirurJ Lewis -Willicm Spccinl Agency Harry R. Kinder ('o.
Tribune Huildinu 3) N. Detirborn St.
Tho Capital Journal carrier boyj are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way iv o enn determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions,
(hone Main 81.
Some of the editors in the state would like to advise
their farmer subscribers whether or not to hold their
wheat for higher prices but fear evidently to risk their
reputations as prophets. Here is a fair sample from the
La Grande Observer: "From every part of the Grande
Ronde valley comes the statement that wheat will be helc
for higher prices. In most instances men who produce
wheat can afford to hold it without inconveniencing them-
Attorney Tooze Tells
Abut That Filing Fee
That is a big kink which has developed in the British
pond, and bigger ones are soen in the German mark, the
French franc, the Russian ruble, and the Italian lira, but,
bless you, the American dollar has seen worse days than
any of them.
Here are a few items from a receipt given by Jacob
Opn on St. Patrick's Day, 1781. He kept tavern at
Kaston, Pa., during the Revolution:
"To one bowl of punch, $:!0.
"To one grog, $8.
"To one washing, $).
"To 21 quarts of oats, $02.
"To 12 meals, $200.
"To lodging, $10"
There was also "one nip of toddy at $10."
Sad days were those for our forefathers when Amer
ican money was so raggedy 'and cheap that a morning
bracer left no change in a ten-spot.
But plenty of men and women can recall the premium
on gold during our civil war. Our Northern money was
than far more depreciated than that of any belligerent in
Considering the stupendous cost of the present war
which England has undertaken to finance for her Allies,
the remarkable thing is not the G or 8 per cent shrinkage
in her money, but its amazing stability.
Dress may give an added touch of charm to the beau-
llullas. Or.. Sent. It To the Editor:
It .1. . ' c i .. I 1 '..I
i . i . . . i . . .. li n me iKiie ui me lu "uu ..uh...... v.
selves, ana as a result tne product ot this valley, generally j iillit Mondav. ;, .1 in the iss the j
speaking will not go on the market at an early date, i ;J'"j; iYl"-rv0ir!'!o:ni! !
This is a year, however, when holding grain of any kind KjVeu to cover filing fees in the circuit
is very uncertain. Not that this paper would advise sell-; ;; J ZXuZl
ing on the present market. Far from it. But the future,; i been stopped, this is true. The j
judging from history, is uncertain. So many things com-' lt!
bine to influence the price of wheat' for the immediate, that mvh a thing has occurred. This
future, that we doubt if the oldest grain dealer dare It j!;', lnro' v'y
hazard a guess on the future tendency of prices" ! Iiist '"" ,h;,t Hliti,r iias fM i,la,i-
. 1 j lied in taking such a course with reter-
" :enee to any check drawn by him. t.'ir-
An exchange calls attention to the fact that at this tam-es niter eases, and iet wwa
1 11 . 1 i.1 ' mi irers:on mav no uuimueu i annum
time a small army of young men are marching upon the 1 iike t0 state the other side of the con-
American educational institutions. Thev are armed with ! y, 1 ,iu
,,11 ij.11 i .1 .11 i 1 Marion county who niiLiht be misled bv
text book and notebook, pen and pencil, crucible and re- j the articles in question. 11 r. uoiman
tort. T-square and compasses, microscope and telescope, ' '.'"V, "'Jy1,!' ""' u7""4 t0 ,,ullf-m'u tlie
, , 1 , 1 T ' r 1 ' i Widows Pension Law iu .Marion conn-
hopefulness and energy. In Europe the young men who iy, and secure to those widows who
would and should go to college are going to war. Instead j TltipZ To'aTJt
ot preparing themselves for useful citizenship they are ' purposed bringing mandamus proceed
electing themselves to useless graves. It is one more j tt
obvious contrast to indicate the good fortune of those 1 "'" having tailed to make any order
who today are Americans. Thev are savin? themselves. "T "i1,'"'! l,
which is good, and they are preparing to benefit the , beiMi 1,uid(, "Pi'1 -ouid have been the
vitlj 1 .,11. ...... , ..i... int. .li.l.l.ltia UUllIll I.Ul
lie. We made this perfectly dear to
tho clerk's (it lice, liefore any peti
tions were filed, we several times care
fully examined the records in the office
of tne county clerk to find if any orders
bud been made by Judge Hushev. and
on Tuesday of last week, between' the I
nonrs of 11.311 a. m. and 2.:i0 p. m., we
again examined all tho records, and
found no orders. Immediately we com
menced to file our petitions and orders
for alternative writs of mandamus as
signed by Judge Galloway, paying in
filing fees, the sum of S'l'i.iM in enul,.
ian',1 check for .flill.OO. I left Salem
nnd returned home before they were
1 all filed. Upon returning tit the
j clerk's office later in the afternoon,
Mr. Uolinnu overheard mention of the
"Long Distance"
You can now talk by telephone to
1800 cities and towns from Vancouver,
B. C, to the Mexican line in the States
of California, Oregon, Washington,
Idaho and Nevada over the Long Dis
tance Lines of this Company?
generations of the future, which is better They are sane
men.Miving sanely, living according to the will of Provi
dence and the dictates of science and common sense.
One hundred and four teachers in the Salem public
schools means a pretty big payroll of itself. In Walla
Walla, where they claim a population of 25,000 only 77
teachers are employed and the school enrollment is sev
eral hundred less than it is in Salem. Is that city smaller
than the census returns showed it to be, or is Salem con
siderably larger than our modesty permits us to claim?
If Your Sack is Aching or Bladder
Bothers, Drink Lots of Water
and Bat Less Meat.
When your kidneys hurt and your
It seems that while thev were able t.n sppjivp fnr nnhli
the members of the mob telling the newspapers what hap- 'rt "s i""i.t,lu'' th" petitions an.i i fot of drugs that excite the kidneys
lWnprl nnd ivW ur-io cm'rJ T?b U U:,,r"t,rs .,H.r ,Tn,.s of a'"lms. the ml irT;tl.,K ,un ;. traet.
, -..v-w h..va uo Bum iu x laiirv, it ajjcata LU uc eouniy judge nad enterecl orders in the
difficult for the officials of the state to get anything that j "'i
wm it'au to arrests
cases. Of this the
business said nothing until nftur nil
our cases had been filed anil the fees
One prominent Eastern banker fears that the great neci.leiit, stumbled upon, the' situation.
and irritate tho entire urinary tract.
I T"nn vnnr lfirlnnva plonn tilo vnn tropn
denutv t:r. i
citi. whom we trnnsneted on'r .:, u,m..? :,luu! llusulnl5 'UCUI
moves the body's urinous waste and
stimulates them to their normal activ
ity. The function of the kidneys is
expansion of business due to the war is hb tn vpcuH in tr- ""''". K" to withdraw! ! f:iUef tUe k ?. J0"
,, ' 1 1 1 i. i 1 1. . . , . . .. . . .Uu.v ... uie cases am a reiiirn of hi filimr fnna 1 airaiu irom u ouu grains or aciu ana
tiful woman. Dress may yield an insight into character a panic later on. We 1. et us have a whirl at the pxnnn- tm,. was refused. ti. .V LZ ;! waste, 80 we caa nadiiv understand
to the thoughtful ) mind. . sion awhile, anyway; it will be an acceptable change ivom tXi:;- Stt.n evsttrtance of koepiB8 th9
bin to i ri(! lniiicu'd in appeal anco. uie anxious many,! the curtailment which has hppn thp nnpr nf trip Hnv fm- ter. The denutv -i, i.,,.i c;i',i Drink lots of wnrer vnn en n't drink
... r ..i. ...I. f i . . h,. I,. ..i,...., f i .. i. i. . i ... i
IllllP tl'Kr 11 1 nuswercci tne rail. Ilei luu mucu; e.iso gei irom any pnarma-
C1UIUW null. JJUOl. :staed tiiat the collnlv in.l n..l, : e.Ut nhrrnt four nnnne. nf J,t Snlt-.
were on file on Tuesday morning, but1 take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa-
""' 1 11 entered when we examined ter before breakfast each morning for
tiie records but that his office had been a few dnvs aud your kidnevs will act
recording them during the day. I asked 'fine. This famous Baits is made from
i n why l. did not tell us ,f these or- the acid of grapes and lemon "juice,
l i e!!,,"'0 i '1',' . th0 l'l,itin"., combined with litiiia, and has been
it from both sides, .Tudgi
dress should come as an inspiration, a comforter, whis
pering confident hope of better things.
1 hey are a sorry lot the afflicted in appearance and; The press dispatches eravelv inform m that. th
you meet them at every turn of the way, each with his' financial representatives of the Allies find it a big task to
or her own pathetic tale of woes. j borrow a billion dollars. Well, most anv of us would hate
There is tho too-fat woman, who is always sighing to tackle the job if very much depended upon its con
u nd wishing for the figure of a sylph. There is the too-; summation.
thin woman, who has worn herself thinner over her'
hapless condition. There is the homely girl, who mutely! Secretary Reynolds, of the rennhlir.-m nntinnnl .m.
apologizes for living, the fussy woman whose nerves are mittee. savs there is not a single standn.-ittor in thp m-nmi
always on edge and who soon gets yours into the same! old party. Then what has become of Uncle Joe Cannop 'IM ,';",'l""l rUi.t "to n,e;"ud"'t
condition; and the helpless, hopeless dowdy, young, mid-j Elihu Root, Bill Taft and the rest of the old guard? ' inn'lla!r,'liva;;;;;i''1,,''vi'' "
die-aged ami old, who is too tired to care. umii the matter were it Zl t !",','.
W ., RipplingRhijmQs
we t int w -... l.i t .. : , , ..
filn il.em win, : 4- i""uV' "Ul i UM;u Ior generations to cioan ana stim
it 1 1 ( i iNii i Jim in our
t r."-'!!, Mo stnte.l t.mt h
C WHS y;ef
i ulute clogrd kidneys; also to neutral-
1ZR tilt ni'idu in nrinn on 1 in nn l.inrrn
having .-ond, him f,.- .,v. ... . ii ' " source of lrtation, thus ending bind-
H..!ninu about it .,,, iii " . ' , ai'r weakness.
e ion's were aroused and he , 'in I- w I . J,ld y".lts '3 '""pensive; cannot in-
gatm. I told liim that tl. ti,; 1"r,; m"kes a delighttul effervescent
iiuim-iwuer urwiK wmcn everyone
should take now nnd then to keep their
There are other types too of those who are haplessly
or willfully afflicted in appearance; but much that may!
lie suggested to any one of them applies to all. Care of
the health, care of the person, self-knowledge and the ap-
plication of it in selecting the designs, materials and
colors for costumes all these aid in the attractiveness'
of dress. So to do is a cheerful and easy matter. i
lo take
I that
i .....
l j I . ...... u iii-4 uiU,
., ,Mi payuu-nt upon mr (.;,,.i
given In ni for filinK es. This notice
"' oen,r,. oaiitving hours on.
"V, HUM Hie ClH'Ck WHS i, i-.in
I reach
I Wed
in titter
banking hours on Tuesday
Itll this I'.oth i' in hie V
l'lii'''d the check in circulation, 'and
'"'''"";' ean hardly be bhuned tor'
in-n-.i. ices lit .f.i.lHt
i ue n
incident to
kidneys clean and active. Try this, and
no doubt you will wonder what beenme
ti f your kidney trouble and backachb.
also keep up the water .drinking, and
Capital Journal Special Service.)
(South Bottom, Or., Sept. 13. The
rush of the hoiinickihi' season in nvor
The Portland Journal and several other newspapers
You nlant a rosebush hv vnm. ,1.,..,. 1 .
... j'in viviui. ami murium' ,, ....
iil!-aciOU. , iut .,.. 1 ...I. . .. , nil, ,nn, . o ...... :.. ,
tll-lt when' tl, .1 unci c - u . it icu n seining HOW 11
, "cvrcMn-re was cleared "lu m inai pace.
P sonic-wliiit, I w.mld see that he not trttfl'i.- has left til
... inccnev, ii ,,,, ,,,i, ,,, . - . i,,.ss
meant that. nnJ ,, ' .
The unusual heavv
roads rough and
"'me repair work is clone before
winter, autos and heavily loaded wag
ons will have difficulty to pass and re
pass dming the rainy season.
A band of 2(5 Warm Spriugs Indians
came over from their reservation east
of the Cascades and are picking hops
in the Wolff hop yard..
v nne tno yield in several yards is-
liffhter thin senann than sliii.irwr 4'.....,.
--CC ----- .miiu .U.ll.d
years, yet a few yards report a full har
vest. Orey Brothers' vines produced
1700 pounds of cured hops per acre.
This is about the average returns per
acre in the Jerman yard.
The hop picking machine on tho
ranch of T. A. Livesley & Co. has been
closed down. The crop in the L'J5 acre
yard is now being gathered by 3-")U pick
ers. nttsburg Gazette-Times: It is as
serted that only one person in every
7316 in the United States buys a book
a year. But thing of the busy borrowers!
Lime Starvation
Causes Tuberculosis
The Medical Record (New York)
or Ireceniber IK, 10011, cuntnlim us
article on The Treatment ot I'ul
monury TubercnlofiU. finned on the
Amiuniptlon That the Dietetic Um
of the Dixeaae ia Lime Starvation,"
hy Dr. John K. ItuHsell, who n.Kl
'The condition which la rrcRnl.i-il
aa iirecedlny the active dcvel4imcnt
of tiiherculoHia in the adult may be
counlilered a due to lime atnrvntloa.
Auiuiik InorRanic aubMlaneea
lime aalta aitpear to be of apeciat
phyttloliiHTlcnl Importance
but If the !( are not In organic!
conililnutlon It la dllHcult to aupiMine
that the vella can appropriate Ihcm
for food."
Years of widespread use confirm
us In the belief that the success of
Eckman'a Alterative In cases of pul
monary tuberculosis (consumption)
and chronic throat and bronchial
troubles ia due In large measure to
Its content of lime, so combined with
other Ingredients jjs to be easily ap
propriated by tho cells.
Doubtless this has had much to
do with the results obtained in many
cases of these affections, which ap
pear to have yielded t'o Eckman's
As It contains no opiates, narcotics
or habit-forming; drugs, It Is snfe
to try. Your druggist will order It
for you or you can send direct.
Eckrann Laboratory, Philadelphia.
or the state ot democratic leanings are makmK a big fuss glories three or four;-you mow the lawn when whiskers "- ZrZ'V tr-". 1
over the removal of ( onimandant Elder of the State' green upon its countenance are seen- vou'inT" ! wi-!,h n"1"1' '"- 'v IniifL" IW'L'lft
Soldiers' liome at Kosehurg. They have little or no reaM.n T-TT take the dead cats to the ,1 fi an fi'x h ! WMiWFM
for complaint, however, when all the lacts are con-'lr.,.JfiNl lence and paint the pump and trim the fiir- !)rr;l,v:,Vu' "v"uU '"' """''-rk'. "WW CQA
Mderetl. Elder was no doubt a good ollieial, but he had M tree and the vine, and L i l;,t,5 .ntt'leV'r ffi ' 'jM - POO
n I s - . ,m I I I II .
1 lit I-' ' i
: I .. ?fllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimitiii'iiiiinilll
i y r rirf fi h:iiiiiimii iniiiini niniiiimiuiimiiiiiiiirNik-. s . i
held the post twelve years and quite likely another might
discharge the duties just as etliciently. Life tneure of
ollice is not altogether desirable in this country and a.i
administration should have the right to place its friends in
it iv. : ! . ,i iiii ic
nit- uinci's pnivitiuig iney a iv gooti aim capaoie nien. we
notici'tl that preceding democratic governors have fol
lowed this rule, and while a majority of their appointees
were republicans thev were nlwnvs sunnm-levs nf Dm nd.
ministration. It would have been far more herninintr on jays can well deserve the ivublie mviwo
t of Mr. F.ltler to have placed his resignation in the. oishborhvoil that lay all ragged, gone to 1
' 7W
ny .1
fairly shine. And neighbors who h .'IVP irnnn us of th
to seed, whose lots aiv vviw n t, o-i-oco '"K "t
e are vit.-illv inter,.t..,l ii
slu.iil.l oi be ie,,,i',ed
senr. li .... .
In. c .. ..... . . . '"" "'"I coil-
weed, will soon er late observe your game, ;
and feel a burning sense of shame. They'll r i,hi,,h f'lu' wl! ',.
say, "That fellow's nlaee. sn Mf. U n?i ; J l'" ''-."-
he sinoothest on the street: it makes ours Kve1';:;''!'''' '''' j;.-"": .
look like also-rans, so we'll adopt that ""'" ' vl
smarty's plans, and prove to him that other Cr"
T.... lt:i,. ,,f .-,. " ' n
i ve seen a t,r. .. ... "."' ,..,V1' W,rt entitled ta
Kviieh nn.l V.,r . fii:. . ' " "'Ke our monev for
, . , . , , ' . . .. . 1 it. , " , ---or---i - uiucill UUll 1UIJ, limit eases W I, i,. I, bi., ,
n-nvtO'lim-'u li'inila nu nm ef u". I . n,.l ...1 ..,.,' 1)1:100 till M Dil h Dull) f. ln-i f lw K., .l 1 -i I.... .....i ...i.:..,. ere use-
7' ; ......v.... ..iit V.1V. uiuiu , . , ..v oiuui uvv.au.st.' some pugrim, ,,,, fV, Mll'",Wf W"W
lorceti io remove mm in oruer to maue room lor one ot 1,1 ca-anea un nis lawn am ttninoH h a tvn,.. fa..i, ' " r"''Tu'" the
I l...... .... !llld hmiOhr flnuus .! l l.l.l. . . 1 T :. t,.kiZ ... l'"''". orders,
uiv jmiiiuusirauon supporters. The no cv of ditribntino- i4 V ' u"",l-'"i-i's. inus gooa ex-i,nll, " f "'' ' " r "I"1 ""'ir n,i-
Mu .w,;u ..,... ii,., ... ' , : ', .KA 01 , s "'""""R.aui lo8 spur the souls of men w mYn ova 5trt tv,; .. k f, u,"' ,,,'- ith
it also compels tin
conduct of public
wi' i i v in 'in Dnnt it.tit iin.i I....I.,,. , . i i i - viutiii,ii iiiLVJ li i n "'Mini iim i
,n to mZZ- S,". the -orld slitle, the tail con-l.rmS?
; alTairs i """"""" w i.. ......tion. n un
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1S68
Capita! $300,000.00
Transact a general banking1 business
Safety Deposit Boxes
1 .liihn lletiiuu, K
:. Iter.,.;.
i, ,!!';' !" w"'- 1n"," t'iif.n.i
....... ..... . - H ,,, ,0(h ,,- N;(t,MMni
.. ... .. ,. , .-,, , nluI , l.toi'K
- """' ' u to Ja K Stio.l,..: .lohn IVer. ub,
run !. ii, iveirer eliiiiu o. :i.7 ; W.; et M,
pan r. I . Iei ter . hum I n, t .1-7 ;I V
Unlpli Acl.lev Ijhi.i (. , Krank .
Mnik et us, bi.., k I.I, U Hn,t ,
Inisien of l;einin);t,,ir land, Wood
but ii,
.""'I'll ll.itl.er ,-l m to A. A, M,,.r,
'ii Kill I' H IIKT lliir .1 n
I ....! or bad. or !,,. I ,, ' ",'V"!
in.', lots 3 an.) . blc k I lliuhev .1., . . " 0r 1 ,'"U'.i
'the law, sn. no ii,n.r. ,...i
Land Co. to,t' l'lee.l above that ' I,." :
4, .I. II Wl'ieb. l.a.s.e.l the law. 1 .I..? i. " ,
''"I. UtTVHia. I not fnvor.'.l, the th.. h . .. l" . "
to K. M. Surfneelr."' il i to enf.tr,.- ,t , '
et .". hh.iV :. ('.iiiii.i,,,, ..l.i; .i hae reanin. t.. I,..i; ., .
tien No. I to Sal.,,,,.' '; elerk "s of fi,,. ,,e.l under or.,.'r, in
Nellie Albeit.,,,,, and Alice M.'.Vrthur 'V'"1'," w"' i th matter, and that
o . W. An.ler..,,,, a a interest In lot ,lu ,,,'1',"' '" 'l"it with u, i, ot i
... ' "iHcnins,,!, ft al hv refer.f, ...r reijini; ,on ti,e
io vii,.c. m...i .... . . - . . ' meni ,,f ,.ilu... i ..i. '.""
lei H. ble. k I,.. Iti ... in . . : , .., '.. "l '. ,l.,.lr . . . '. ". la.lbwa
Sal,.,,, " V. . " ' """ "l"leic " "n"" liiai.m.i-tlmt
,r-M"B '0 ""I.' something
bio, k I.,, ,l , L.'.? CLASSintD AD l"'MH-"d to i,i.. it in the bo.l
lllriT In r nilllT irpcta t I i -
fr-'Kou and Califoruin I.,t OKB Mmt i n. .rv i,uly yours.
V. X. an, M. A, lerbv to C. II, and
I". I). Mi ii,. i ill ;,.' (, , i, i
-and I,
Round Trip
From Salem
With Meala nuA -du t
' ree Extra Features and Refreshments.
n,.m r.labornte Cuisine.
Road Lfrt Ky" 1119 N0rth Bnk
oad and the Palatial, 6-Deck, 24-Knot
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
Portia,,,, 0:30 a. arrive Snu
I ranciseo 3:30 p. m next dav.
Tlv . ' ARenf' Telon Elftt',ri(!
Great Xorthera Pacific 88. Co. .
,-A ja1'