" TTTT? nATTV n A BIT A T TlT'r VT AT CAT TAT rtnnnnr tmn..n... " J vntiinii iiutn.inu, ormmn. vyjvriUUlN , V fj UIN fiSL) A I , ocirl. 15, IlQ. THREE The Greatei TTHM 39c WILL BUY Corset Covers worth 50c and 60c. 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea. Men's 50c Work Shirts. 1 Dozen Boxes Matches 65c Satin Table Damask 50c Child's Outing Gown During Our Sale. H5c WILL BUY 5 packages Arm & Ham mer Soda. 1 pair Men's 50c Suspenders. - 6 cakes Diamond C Soap 2 pairs Men's Heavy Wool Sox 4 Cans Condensed Milk Boy's 50c School Caps We Want Your Trade $1.98 WILL BUY Men's $3.50 Wool Sweaters. Child's Caricule Coat Ladies' $3 Dress Shoes Boys' $3.50 School Suit f $3 Heavy Wool Nap Blanket. Ladies' $3.50 Wool Dress Skirt. We Are Price Makers. The Greater Chicago HORSE TRIES OLD TRICE Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 15. Hearing a band tooting "Circus Solly," th docile steed of Mounted Policeman C. H. Mar ion obeyed an impulse based on ais youthful experiences the sawdust ring and ' dend" on Hill street. ' played in the midst of the heavv traffic Marion sustained bruises. In his circus days, it was the horse's duty to lie down and roll over when the band pluved "Circus Solly." 11 Magnesia For dyspepsia, indigestion, souring of food, gas, and hyperacidity of the atom- '' (acid stomach). A tcaspoonful in a fourth of a glass of hot water usually Rives INSTANT RELIEF. Sold by all jj'"KRists in either powder or tablet wrm at 60 cents per bottle. Hi MM MM MM WISELY SELECTED THIS DATE FOR ITS OPENING 'BEGINNING OF SCHOOL, JUST AS THE HARVEST IS OVER, JUST AS THOUSANDS ARE RETURNING FROM THE HOP YARDS, ORCHARDS, LOG GING CAMPS, ETC , JUST AT THE CLOSE OF THE SUMMER VACATION OR SEASON'S OUTING, JUST AS EVERYONE IS IN NEED OF -JUST SUCH ' MERCHANDISE WE ARE SHOWING. ' The Time To Sell Is When The Public Want To Buy READY TO WEAR Ladies' Caricule and Per sian Lamb Coats Ladies' $10.00 and $12.50 tailored Suits of Serge and Tweed $5.90 and $7.90 Ladies' $7.50 and $8.00 one-piece serge and silk Dresses $3.90 Fall At 6 l-4c 10c and 12'2c Dress Ginghams, light or dark colors. Good assortment. At 48c One lot Ladies'' Waists,, up to $100 and $1.50,' at 48c while they last. At 19c Boys' Blue Bib Overalls, worth 25c and 35c, all sizes. At 75c Ladies' 16-button White Silk Gloves, double tip ped, regular $1.25. 4 For 25c Best Gloss Starch; Krin kle Corn Flakes, Aster Condensed Milk. At 49c Children's 85c and $1.00 Felt Hats, all styles and colors, fall stock. Intervention In Mexico Is Near Declares latt Who Opposes That Step Los Angeles, Cul., Kept. 15. "We are nearer intervention in Mexico than wo have ever been becnuso of the policy we havo pursued. We neither watched nor did we wait. I do not want inter vention in that country because it means a tremendous responsibility." This is what former President W. II. Tatt told interviewers today at th Alexandria hotel, immediately after his arrival from Han Francisco, "Coupled with his remarks concerning the Mex ican situation, however, ho stated he believed President Wilson should be supported in his course, not as a mntter of politics, but because he is tho chief executive of the nation. ' Touching upon candidates, Taft said: "I am out of politics permanently. I believe that a republican president will be elected. I did not find many progressives back east. They have col onels and generals and lieutenant Ren- i. onli.mnlv (n council to erin wnw iv - I decide whnt shall be done, but they have not taken a census or tncir ioiiow em." As to the possibilities of the return bowmm b MnMaMBmnaflMHMBBHMawmi nnillinmirn nr tup rnn innrn imir . - I bUUIMKIto Ur Irit DUU Alio LIMN II &a vn 4 ii i nm rnnnni ninTninm nr n iv rn mnrn lmtdHU tJlUiC I lii 1 1 obnuUL Ulolitlblol Ur rLAA; OU AbKto MILLINERY Ladies' Velvet, Satin and -sjfifZi Combination Shapes up to 2 $1.50 and $2.00 f, ' 98c . m Trimmed Hats, all new lfv Styles, up to $3.50 and $4.00 $1.98 Black and Colored Velvet Trimmed Hats, latest New York styles, up to $5.00 and $6.00 , $2.98 AtlOc Ladies' 15c and 18c Fleeced Cotton Ribbed Top Hose. Buy all you want . At 8 l-3c 15c Bleached Huck Tow els, size 18x36 in. 50 doz en in the lot. At 23c C h i I d r e n' s Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, all sizes. Regular 35c and 40c At $1.49 . 18 in Ostrich Plumes, black and colors. Regu lar $2.50 and $3 values. At 89c Men's $1.25 Heavy Cot ton Ribbed Union Suits. All sizes in stock. At 25c Boys' 50c Hickory Work Shirts & Blouse Waists of the leaders of the progressive party to the republican fold, Taft said: "If a man comes back to the repub lican party he must conic ns n republi can. There is no other way." TELEGRAPHIC BRIEfS Olympin, Wash., Kept. 35. Joe Pur- rot, convicted of murder in the first degree for killing Fred Weiss, Olympin tailor, has been denied a new trial by Judge D. F. Wright. Salinas, Cal., Hept. 15. Hearken to the hunting story of Abulnrdo Cooper. Hunting in the Hau Lucia range, he found a four point buck with a green glass eye. Onkland, Cal., Sept. 15. Louis FTBiikenheimer's horse stumbled over a stone on the old Watson ranch. The spnrk he struck fired and destroyed 800 acres of feed. Washington, Pept. 15.Hecretary tit the Navy Daniels announced today that Admiral Winston has succeeded Admir al Thomas B.-Howard in command of tho Pacific fleet. Howard has been ordered here as head of the naval examining board, Seattle, Wash., Hept. 15. "Swift- .frn I i iatit m nDnvo SALE. JUST AT THE 48c WILL BUY A regular 85c Corset Children's 75c Koveralls Men's 85c "and $1.00 . Dress Shirts. I Ladies' $1.50 Fur Neck Piece. $1 Child's Wash Dress A 72x90 Blea. Sheet Let Us Get Acquainted. 69c WILL BUY Ladies' $1 Crepe Gown Men's $1.25 Flannel Shirts. Ladies' $1.25 House Dresses. 3 lbs. Spccial Blend Coffee. $1.00, Messaline Silk all Colors. 1 gal. Picnic Pickles. Tell All Your Friends. 98c WILL BUY Ladies' $1.50 Middy Blouse. Men's $1.75 Wool Sweater. Warner's $1.50 Rust Proof Corset Ladies' $1.75 Crepe Kimona. Men's $1.50 Wool Un derwear. $1.50 Rattan Suit Case Our Aim Is To Please. Store I water Hill" Cntcs, one of tho most spectacular figures in the early history of the Yukon und Alnska, is in trou I ble again, this time with his motber-in-' law, Mrs. Ida Beebe, of the New Cecil j hotel here, who claims ho is not sup ! porting his twelve year-old son. Bill I is under arrest in Hpokune, Hovcrul I fortunes were won and squandered by (tutes in the Klondike. NELSON WAS ANARCHIST. San Frunoiw'0, Sept. 15. Gregory ( hesalkin, better known as George Nel son, the ban'ilit who committed suicido Sunday alter a bultle witfl the police, was a rabid anarchist, according to a statement today by Jules Pinhurd; for whim Chesalkiii drove a jitney bus. Finburd said ( hesalkin never lost an opportunity to express his defiance of organized government and continually incited Russian workmen by prcachig his doctrines. PROHIBITION WINS Columbia, S. C, Sept. 15. It's going in hn wen a " lonffer time between drinks'thnn it used to be hereabouts. Prohibition leaders rimmed today they had woa overwhelmingly in the referendum to decide whether prohibi tion should replace the present local option law. . -J.-' ,K3f New Lines Have Been Estab lished For Coming School Year The following instructions have boon issued by Superintendent KUiott, giv ing the exact boundaries of each of the nine schools in the city. Although this rearrangement o fdistriets may take pupils to a school different from that attended the Inst school, year, yet on the first dixy, next aronduy, all pupils will assemble at the rooms that they were in at the close of school last June, with the exception of the seventh ele mentary grade. The pupils of this grade will go to the junior high. school situ ated iu tho district in which they live. The instructions are as follows: Tho Salem public schools will-open Monday morning, September 20, at ! j o clock. All pupils will assemble in the same rooms' and buildings that they were in at the close of school in June, except that all Bcventh grade pupils in the elementary schools shall assemble in the junior high school situated in the district in which they live. The junior high school boundaries shnll be as follows: The Grant junior high school district shall include all territory within the school districts limits north and west of a line drawn as follows from the bank of the Willamette river on the west boundary of tho city running east along Division Btreet to Cottage street thence north ou Cottage to Al ill creek thence in an easterly direction along tho creek to the intersection of Summer and Pnrrish streets, thence east jjt Far nsh to Twelfth street, thence north on Twelfth to D street, thence east on D to Fifteenth street, thence north on Fifteenth to Nebraska, avenue thence east on-Nebraska to Seventeenth street, thenco north on Seventeenth to Frick - ney street, thence east to the limits of the district. The Washington junior hiL'li school district shall include nil territory south of tho boundary of the Grant junior high school district as given above and north of a line starting at tho bank of the Willamette river running east along Mill street to Winter street, thence fob I lowing the street car line south on Win-; which flax may be grown. Mr. duly, tor to Oak Btreet, thenco enst on Oak j who has supervision of the plant will nt to ' Twelfth street, thence south on ; tend to this or a practical farmer will Twelfth to Mission street, thence east ' be selected to supervise the field work on .Mission to fifteenth Btreet, thence south on Fifteenth street to Waller street, thenco enst on Waller street to Seventeenth street, south on Seven teenth Btreet to Hines street, thence east to the Turner road, thence out the i Turner road to the dimits of tho dis trict. All pupils residing south of this line shnll attend schunl in inc Lincoln junior high school. The boundaries for the elementary schools shiill be an follows: The Highland district shull include nil ! territory north of a line starting at the Willamette river nnd running east on ; Shipping street to Fourth street, north j on Fourth to Norway street, oast on J Norway to Church street, north on j Church to Jeffersoi street, east on i Jefferson to tho car line, northeast on the car line to Madison street, them e out Madison to the Southern Pacifie railroad. The enst boundnry of the Criint school district shall be the Southern Pacific railroad. The southern boundary of tho Grant district shall be a line running along Mill creek stnrting at its mouth on the Willamette river to the intersection of Church mid D street, thence out D street to the Southern Pa cific, railroad. The Englewood district shall include all territory east of the Southern Pa cific, railroad and north of a line .run nigg from the intersection of Twelfth anil B streets, cast along B street to Eighteenth street, thence south to Asy lum avenue to Twenty-first street, then south on Twenty-first street to Marion street, thence east on Marion to the limits of the district. Tho Onrficld school district shall in clude nil territory south of a line run ning along Mill creek to the intersec tion of Church and 1) streets, thence along I) to Summer street, thence south on Summer street to Trade, thence west on Trade to tho Willamette river. The Washington school district shull include nil territorj south of a line beginning nt the intersection of Summer and D streets, thence east along I) to Twelfth street," thence sniill on Twelfth to B street, thence enst on B to Eighteenth street, thence south to Asylum avenue, thence east on Asylum avenue to Twentv-first street, thence ! south on Twenty-first to Mnrion, tliencr east on Marion street to the limits of the district, and nil territory north of a lino drawn from the corner of Twenty-first street and State street, west on State to Seventeenth street, thence south on Seventeenth street to Trade Btreet, thence west on Trade to Sum mer street. Tho west boundary of the Washington school district shall be Summer street. The Richmond school district shall in cludo all territory south of u line drawn from tho intersection of State und Sev enteenth streets, cast along State street to Twenty-first, north along Twenty-first street to Mnrion sreet, thence enst on a line with Marion to the limits of the district, and nil territory east of a lino drawn from the iiitc section of Seventeenth and State streets, south along Seventeenth to Turner road, thence out. Turner roud to the limits of the district. The Park school district shall include all territory sooth of a line starting at the Willamette river going enst alone trado street to Seventeenth street, thence south along Seventeenth street to irurner Iroad, thence out Turicr road to the limits of the district. Tin southern boundary of the Park school shall bo a linn running along Mishim street from the Slough, cast on Mission to Winter street,1 thence south on Win ter across the Aereuge to Davidson street, thenco south on Davidson to Howard street, thenco east on Honard street to Berry street, thence south on Berry street to Rural avenue, theme east on Rural avenue to Twelfth street, UIVIll IU UMJHLIV Board of Control Decides! Against Large Tracts of ! Flax for Next Year i morning und decided to limit the flax aereuge for next year to .10 acres for olio grower, and the flux growing dis trict must lie withiu a radius of 10 miles from Sulem us. the convict flux pullers will not be sent out for a great er distance. The minimum that may be contracted for is five acres and only 500 acres will be contracted for this time. This acreage will be increased before the flux planting seuson but no more than 1,000 acres will bo contract ed for next year aud thero is a possibil ity that thin may even be cut down to 700 or 800 acres. The board will furnish the seed to the flax growers at $1.30 per bushel and this price will be subtracted from the price of the straw when it is delivered ... l.a ,,., tit C1.iv .ilni.f ft ... .' ,,, ,.,..,; , ,, .V.;,. 3 iMiH,-ll lib ,11V mulling 11,111. 11,1. V farmers in one district of this county were willing to contract for 401) acres of flax between them but State Treasurer Kuy was of the opinion that the flax growing should be as widely distributed as possible and that only the best land for this purpose should bo allowed for flax. It was stated that this year the Btate lost money on some patches which were i as small as one-half urre and that some ..1) tlmm -u-nvA an fill- iliututtt tlmf tlie ni)t0 ,s for hauling tho convict flax pullers to and from their work, cut lIown any profits that might nccrue. jn vicw of these facts the minimum was ! iix0ll at five acres to ono patch as a ' K!,11(? 0f ;jo convicts will pull five acres ; ; 011P (iHy nn(i ,.,,, to the institution , lt ,,1, jj i also probable next year : that at the lamer patches the convicts , will be established in camps, where they j will remain until the work is completed, j It was not definitely decided at the I j board meeting this morning as to the j man to have charge of the flax planting ' and the selection of tho lands' upon for the flax growing industry. W. Ar Jones, secretry of the state fair board, was present this morning at the board meeting nnd was given permission to borrow a few bundles of the flax to bo used for decoration at the state fuir grounds this year. The ilnx will not be placed in n special ex hibit but will be used only for deco native purposes. AFTER IX YEARS Salem Testimony Remains .Unshaken. Time is the best test of truth. Hero is a Salem story that hns stood tho test of tune. Jt is a story with a point j will come straight home to many of us. P. W. Brown, fnrnier, l.'IOll Slnto St., Salem, savs: "Three' years of mill wright work in a damp atinosphero dis ordered my kidneys. I often hau lnmo iichh nnd soreness across the small of my back. When having an attack, I heard of Dona's Kidney Pills and got a supply. They removed the backache and soreness, together with othe.' symp toms of kidney trouble." Statement given Jan. .11, illiKI). After a lapse of more than six years, Mr. Brown said: "All I said recommending- Bonn's Kid neys Pills when I publicly endorsed them before, holds good. I usi them occasionally when 1 have symptoms of kidney complaint nixl I never fail to get quick relief. Another of tho family has also used Bonn's Kidney Pills for kidney weakness nnd hns had tho best of results." Price .We, nt all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Brian's Kidney Pills tho same that Mr. Brown has twice publicly recruit- ! mended., Foster-M illrurn Co., Props. Buffalo. N. i. OLD COUPLE REMARRIED. Seattle, Wash., Sent. 15. Orson A. Drake, aged id, of Sun Francisco, ami Mrs, P, Drake, aged (15, of Piiyallup, are remar ried here today. Their first wedding was HO years ugr They were divorced '.'0 years Inter. 4 Their children brought uluiiit the reunion, Mrs, Drake said, today. I jfc )fc c )( sjc )fc )c )c sje )c thence out Twelfth street to the limits of the district. The Lincoln school district shall in clude ull territory between Mission street and n lino drnwn'from the inter section of Davidson nnd Ilownrd streets, thenco along Howard to High street, thence south on High street to Superior street, thencn west on Superior to the boundaries of the district. Tho McKinley school district shall in clude ull territory south of a line start ing at the boundiiries of the district ritiinilic fiOMt. lilfintr Simerior Mtfnut to High street, thenco north on High to I (run run tee of "money buck if you want Howard street, thence enst on llowurdl11.. ,v,ry ,,nx f Mi o tia thut ho street to Berry street, thenco south on 1 A guuraiifeo like this speak Berry to Rural avenue, thence east mi i '"""'s for tho merit of the remedy. Rural avenue to Twelfth street, thence I " 1 south on Twelfth street to the bound !, '"'sbiirg (iii.clte. If ), t,in)( arles of the district. (keeps up it will be considered profuri- "y r tell anybody to go to Mexico. A Big Surprise 400 Tonts at cost prices for this week only. Also everything needed for camping. Don't fail to see ue If you need any thing in this line. H. Steinbock Junk Co. The House of Half a Million Bargains. 302 N. Commercial St. Thone 808 fT4TT4TfTnm4TnTTTTT4HHnTTHTfmHt The Standard Remedy the safest,' most reliable and most popular for the common ailments of stomach, ; liver and bowels, is always BEECKAHfS FILLS TluUrttrt Salt S Any MfdunMinUu Wtrii Sold uv.rrwher. a besot, 10c, 25c. s!: ' WAR NEWS OF ONE YEAR AGO TO0A7 Gorman forces in Franco re ported strongly reinforced and have taken up favorable defen sive positions. Severe fighting for several days around Sois senna. Manbcuge, reported captured by (lemmas soino days ago, still in allies' hands. Russian official sources give Austrian losses slnco full of Lernberg ns 250,000 killed nnd wounded, 100,000 prisoners and MW guns. F.mperor William reported at East Trussian front. John Redmond calls on all Irish to support England 's cause. President Wilson, answering the kaiser's note alleging use of dum dum bullets by English and French, snys it would be unwise, premature and incon sistent for a neutral government to pass judgment now. CATARRH GERMS EASILY KILLED Only Way To Cure This Disease Is To Destroy Its Cause, By A Specialist. If you hnvo catarrh and want to get rid ut' it yo'.t must kill tho genus which causo cutnrih. Stomach dosing, oint ments, sprays, crenms, douches, etc., fail because tlicy overlook this fact. Thov j H 'vlp by giving temporary relief but they do not reach tho germ life, that ha found lodgement in your hcud, noso, throat, and could not destroy it if they UUl. The best Known way of destroying tho dangerous germs of Catarrh 'ami consequently ending tho diseaso itself, is to breatho into tho uir passages of your noso and throat the pleasant, pene trating air of Hyoiuei (pronounced Uigh o-nie). Hyoiuei hi iiunle front purest oil of Kucnlyptua combined witi other powerful, honling, antiseptic amt gunuiciilul ingredients. You breatho it through a littlo pocket inhaler which Daniel J. Fry und other leading drug gists in Salem and vicinity are furnish ing with every complete treatment sold. Eveiy time, you inliulo tho sweet, l'rn graiil air rf Jlyomoi through this litllo device you nro drawing into your swoll en, iulliinieil, germ laden membranes i medicated uir which will not only ro diico all tho swelling and inl'liiuiiiiatiuii aud open your clogged nose ami stop ped up air passages, but will absolute ly ami positively destroy every truuo of Catarrh germ life it reaches. Drug gists urn so suro of the blessed, lasting relief that Hyoiuei brings to catarrh sufferers that they sell it invariably on me positivo giiarautco that money l"li(1 wi" refunded if silcccsslul re sin i h are nor secured lroni lis use. uct a Hyoiuei outfit from your druggist to ilny und begin at once to drive thi.i dangerous and disgusting disease from your .system forever. Former Secretary Bryan Confers With Henry Ford Detroit, Mich., Sept, 15. Former Sec retary of Stute Bryan mlide n flying trip to Detroit lust night and confer red privately with Henry Ford, mil lionaire automobile maker, for an hour over the bitter's proposed tlUJIOOJ'OU peace plan, Ford's secretary said today that no definite plans hnd been made. STOMACH MISERY QUICKLY VANISHES Your money buck if you want it is the way in which Daniel J. Fry, tho popular druggist, is selling Ml o ua, tho great dyspepsia remedy. This is an unusual plan, but Mi o na has so much merit und is so utmost In variably successful in relieving ull forms of indigestion that lie run but . little risk in selling under a guurautuo of this kind. Do not bo miserable or make your I friends miserable with your dvspepsia. Mio-na will help you. It doesn't, tell Daniel J. Fry thut you wnnt your money buck and lie will cheerfully re fund it. , A change for tho bettor will be soon from the first few doses of Mi o-na and ils continued use will soon stnrt you on the road to perfect digestion and enjoyment of food, Mio-na bus been so uniformly suc cessful that every box Is' sold under a positive guarantee to refund the money if it does not relievo, Whnt, fuifer proposition could bo made. Daniel J. I'ry gives his personal for Hop Pickers !l V