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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1915)
TWO Social and OABOL 0. A new feature in educational lines t lie itate fair this year will be the kin 4ergartci work vuder- charge of the Oregon toiigrcua of Mothers to be sup ervised by MiM Nellie Caaebere. Pre vious years, tbero haa been entertain ment provided far the children, left in the care of a competent committee in order that both tbo mothers and the juoall folk could enjoy the fair to the utmost advantage la their own lauiiion, out this year regular kindergarten work will be introduce!. This not only inrushes pleasant occupation for the little tots but nlw will add a kinder garten exhibit iu the making to the general educational display. Mine Case We is excnptio'.&lly well qualified to supervise this short course for begin ners, as she iia studied l.i one of the best schools in the Kant, at Wanning ton, 1). C, vhiiro tho aim of the school it to sUadardir.o tbo work (if kinder garten throughout the country. The first week in October, Miss (.'asebere will open a thoroughly equipped kinilur garten conducted under modern methods at her home, .'188 North Winter street. Khe will bo r.ssistcd her work by Miss Kthel Cnsebere, a graduate of Willam ette university. Tho kindergarten will be permeated with a hunu liko spirit which caul nut but be greatly strength ened by tho attractive surroundings now under preparation for tho wee folk of Hulem. t Mr. and Mrs. if. T. llellyer enter tained at diu.aT tlio first of the week, Mrs, Hooves, of Lebanon; Dr. Wulto.i, Air. and Mrs. W. I). Hinith, Mis (I nice rmith and Miss r.ha niiuth, of Ha leni. a a Karl Ilurr, who Iins bei'ii spending the Hummer nt the homo if hi pnrmi'tH, Mr. Mrs. Theo. M. Hair mi North 1'oiirteculh street, has returned to Col umbia university where lie will enter bis second year nt college. Mrs, George Iliiigliani lias left, for San Francisco, wilcre bIio will spe.i'd two weeks visiting the exposition n:nl otuer points of ritercat. a The ladies of tin) Eastern Star held their find regular nieeting irf the venr this afternoon' nt their hull on fcltn'.e .id Commercial strei'ts. During the summer months, the Knstern Htar lius met outdoors at the homes of the mem bers. , Mrs. K. T. Trvon, of t'resswell, Ore gon, was tho guest of Mrs. W. 0. As eln over tho week end. V. W. McDonald, of Medford, spent yesterday .i a guest at tho home of J'r. and Mrs. K. K. I'imier. Mr. Mc Donald who is a former lowan acquain tance of Dr. and Mis. Fisher, was re turning from a trip tu Centrulia, Wash ington. A mos enjoyable reception was held last evening whe;i (he lust year's IVul iy at Willamette university entertained informally tholiew members of the fac ulty at l.niiKHuiie Mall. Thine who con tributed in a largo measure to the sue reus of tho evoiii-ig wero tho committee i elisrge of the affair, composed of Mrs, F. Von Kscbe.i, Miss .lunin Todd and I'rofensor Wallace MacMiirrny. Miss (lenevieve Avison ni.'d Miss Car rie Cooksey assisted in serving. Miss Anna Cook left this nftermon for l'ortluud to spend a few dnvs. Mrs. II. H. llninter, of Kingfisher, Oklahoma, who lui'i lieeu visiting her rousins, Mrs. llnl Sheldon, in Fast Hn lem, ami the Woods llros., of Nilvertml, left today fur l'ortlnml, where she will take, (he steamer Tuesiluv for Han Fran- Cisco. Trom there she will go to I.os Angeles where she will visit nt the bomes of Mr. and Mrs. .1. ,. Wood, and o PENDLETON ROUND UP Sept. 23-24-25 rtur of earlr Western Day Reproduced Low Round Trip Fartt fn m all stations on SOUTHERN PACIFIC Ask the nearest Aeut. JOHN M. 8C0TT. Gtneral Feuer AfcnU j ' I Personal DIBBLE. Mrs. L. M. Wheat (nee Bessie Wood) former residents of rialem. a The Ladies Aid Circle of the First Methodist church will meet tomorrow afternoon as follows: Fast Circle and Naomi with Miss Kodgers. Houth Fast and Knglewool with Mrs. Nels. Mavage, eorner of Trade and 14th street. West Central and Vew Park with Mrs. Baker, 545 Court street. Houth Central Circle and Lucy Anna Lee in the church par lors. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Meredith are en tertain'jng as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Meredith and Miss May Meredith, of Byracuse, New iork. The visitors are enroute to the expositions at Cali fornia and will nlsn visit st the home of Mrs. K. B. Lockhart, their cousin, during their stay in Halem. a a Professor C. W. Boetticher,' superin tendent of the Albany schools, and Mrs. Boetticher spent Holiday in Halem with his sister, Miss Ida Boetticher, of the Woman's Fxchange, ca their return from a motor trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Roberts aie spending a few duvs in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Dnuglns Minto and son, John Doug'as, left tulny for a week 's outing at Newport. Tho members of the Junior fiiiild of the" Kpiscopnl church were entertained this afternoon hy .Mrs. Joseph Haiiin- gartner at her homo on Center street. The first order (if books listed in the year's course, of the Chautauqua Read ing t lire In has arrived from the Fust. Tno meetings of the circle will begin tho first week in October at tne library. Miss Inez; (lollrn lias left for Port land to resume her work at Heed col- lego, who enters upon her fourth year, a a a At their 1 (me on Halein lleiuhts. on Halom Height avenue, Mr. and Mrs. N. I. llellyer hud as dinner unests on Mini ilay.uvoniiig, Mrs. Curd, Mis. Catherine lirown, Mrs. Hough und the Misses May and Ruth Rough. Announcement 'nave been received in Halem of the intirringn of tlrnce Tay lor Webster to Robert Jerome Hhepnrd on Friday, September 3, UH.'i, nt Haines Alaska. Mr. Hhepnrd is a brother ir Mrs. John It. Lewis of this city, mid will be r umbered as a graduate of tho Willamette law school a few vears ago. Mr. Hhepnrd was elected as principal of the Haines public school, His sister, Miss Ruth Hhepnrd, was present lit the wedding. NORTH SALEM ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Tyler mid son, Paul, of 2!l2i! N. Front street, have gone to Lebanon for a week, Mr. mid Mrs. Forrest. Davis, who were murried Heptember 1, have re turned from their honeymoon, spent at HeaHide. They will make their home iu' North Halem where Mr. Davis is a clerk in W. K. Richardson ' grocery. Mr. ami Mrs. J. Fav Morrison, of Perrvdiile, with their baby daughter, Pauline, spent Hiiuiluy with Mrs. Mor rison ' father, Mr. L." H. Peebles, of N. Liberty street. They were accompanied by Carl Morrison an'd lady friend. Little- Lucile Itunii, who has been quite 111 ut the inline nf her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. ( has. Whitney, corner of Columbia and North Liberty streets, is improving rapidly. Nearly every body Is gone to the hop viinln just now. A few families re turned the latter pert of tne week. HAD VISION OF DEATH. ik Los Angeles, Oil., Sept. I I. "For we are but of vesterdilv and know nothi.ig because our days upon earth are a shadow Job 8 0." That ipiotntion written' with chalk iipim Hi,' ,,or of su out iiouso indicates to the detective that Johannes Nclieive, 70 years old, an artist, hud a prciuoiiitiou of hi death. Ncheive arose early today, walked from his room to the back yard and drop ped dead. Dcaln is believed to have been,' caused by heart failure. The matter was reported tu the cor oner and he will eider an autu sv held la oi, In- t determine the exact cause of death. The widow of the dead mail is visiting in Pes Moines. ajt ji 1(1 it TKT A JOURNAI, CLASSIFIED AD THEY ARB BUSINESS GETTEHS ONE CENT A WORD. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, One Hundred and Four Teachers In Salem jCity Schools Assignments of the 104 teachers in the Halom public schools were an nounced at the school board meeting last evening, with the total salary for the school year. Three teachers were added this year, one in musie and two for the new McKinlcy building. On account of the building of a new school, and the junior high schools, several changes will be made ia the district for each buildiug. These will be announced this week. The following is a complete list of all the teachers, showing the department iu which they will tcaen, school build ing, and, the total yearly salary: Senior High School. James C. Nelson, principal $1,740 English Department. Kthel I. Kigdon, head 1,035 M. Regina Long 600 R. Mae Hopkins B00 Matilda Amberson 810 Mrs. Wm. Fleming 855 Margaret A. (iruham 7(15 Ida B. Davis, public speaking... 855 Mathematics Department. F.mily (1. Palmer, head 1,0.15 K vi' I vii Jones 855 History Department. Jessie I'. Cox, head 1,035 Kthel M. Jones POO Commercial Department. Merritt DaviH, head 1,400 James F. Norton 705 F K. Horning 720 Gertrude Walling, shorthand und typewriting . ... 810 Foreign Language, German and Latin. Ruby C. Knmsdcll, xermnn .... 855 Linn Heist, German 810 Klva M. Hmith, Latin POO Hclence Department. Herman Clurk, head 045 II. O. Clancy, physiography and athletics '. ." 945 William P. Murphy, physics .... 810 Home Economics Department. llerthn Edwards, heud 1,035 Marie Ilofer 7(15 Manual Training Department. (I. R. Bonell, head 1,500 C. Fdwin Piatt 855 Art Department. Kthel Merriam 000 Teachers' Training. I Mrs.) Olive Metcnlf Hand .... BOO Music. Miunettn Mngers 675 Washington Junior High School. F K Onnnctt, principal $1,100 luntlin Irvine, matheina.t, ..... 720 Ruby K Iy, mathematics .... 705 Mabel Robertson, history 7(15 J. F. Axley, history 810 Louise K. Weniger, Knglish .... 7(15 Lorn Milam, Knglish 720 Clara L. Hchnasse, languages .... 720 David K. Brace, science and athletics 810 Mrs. I.ousie Biggs, science 720 Grades. Kdith Fiigate, Room 1 075 Ada Dayton, Room 2 720 Jessie Cromwell, Rnom 3 (175 Klsio White, Room 4 (175 Bessie H. Shinn, Room 5 (175 A linn Pohle, Room (I 720 Grant Junior High School. F. A. Miller, principal $1,100 K. B. Fletcher, history 7(i,r Louis J. M unlock, science and athletic 720 Walter Hines Page, Looking After By Wilbur S. Forrest. (Cnited Press staff correspondent.') London, .-opt. 2. (By mall. The : name of the busiest American in Ku rope today is Walter Hines Page i To nvernge Americans who may think j that nil American ambassador in l.on- dnu is ('donated ill war time to drink 1 nips of afternoon ten with itinerant I'liuntiyincn; to tin ml out fatherly ad I vice when they are in triable; tn'lmnil jthem money when they nre "broke" J iiini perform niyriud ether duties of n niriui nature, they line got another i think iiul'. ( For the busiest American : it tit ion that he had convinced the Turks that (in Europe today ia located ut No. 4 $200 was a far inon- reasonable figure lUtosveuor Gardens the American em-1 than $2,000 and (lie Turks had agreed. ; '"'"'y- l' "irn, this fact wa immediately Com i Hero the iMii'iiiv uiwl nlicii iimiiili.M in miiiiicul...! t, !.., li-t,:i. n J a. ... , ,v. uriiisii ((ovi'i Hiueiu TGieut Hiituiu, ol three warring nations ( and Hie ransom was paid, though in i look for money to buy their daily food: i directly, fur ransom is a word of which J look for advice when they need it und 1 the British government takes no cog I v i 1 1 look for protcrtion when protec-1 ui.ance. lion is lie essnrv Tj Fioni mi authoiitntive source, the ll'iiited Press learned today that lain 4 deeds of thousand of American did lai have been I'cessary and will in future be expended to care for tne He; 'Illicit ihaiges of Ambassador Page is the sole ici icki nlnlive in II rent Itntaiu not only of America, but tier niany, Austria ami Turkey. Nearly twenty buildings in Loudon, property of these countiiis, are in direct charire or iue ami'iisMtiior ami lie not only lias ... ui, i, iu,. iiipiomniic c.rrosmui!oiiee lerrognting the as to his ante of Ins own nation to handle but the ver-1 cedents and must aiiiuwl require proof liable "bales" of mail snd telegraphic i that the applicant at some time or eth exchanges ran led on with oilier war ! er had been born. After the firs ring powers by the kaiser, the emperor : round of questions the liberty loving of Austria nod the sultan of Tm key. : American begins tu tet mad. IVfore he I'n iiinke this wmk possible the Ameri-, has boon wormed out of his eutire 'life 's can embassy has iucressed its uoimiil ; history, he or she n . the esse miiv be. business teu fold. It has eiiudovi..l is thoroiu.hlv l .. .. i l. i .. i' ' , , . .i .., ,.. ,,, secretaries , ,i0 wii- si r, inm ii-ii to tnree Petoie the , '"" '"K"t;eo 'rp hi rxpeit ccouiitant und clerks who respectively k. ul. .... ,1 : II hi . . . 1 ii. iii mi- iiiiuuiitivi iiisoursemeuts I .... i .I--.. i i. i 1 iMiiiiiri-vis or iiiH'umetits ilv. The lllolier thus ain-iil fur V',,..u,,.i '. enemies during the wr will be repaid to I'nile Sm when Imstilitir cem, but in 1 1,.. ,.,.,,., ... r....i.. . i . , ... .... .... n , , ,r r-nlM p HM'SeiS must be the source of a never ending supply, lu addition to bcinff in ctmituiii '' t touch with the state deportment i at Washington, the Amcru an'eml.,.:' ! a London i. .1... I.. ... Hon w i.h the ri.,1..!.. . ' n .t .V v . I an, Coustantuiople, Komr and I VI rug rail l-l f O TtrVrmin which cause the costlv iiterchnnge of Tl I I N I " I I r7W telegrephle eorrpod..ce at les-t trlBBV''"ll-l I Lit J time the volume of peace time. Oc casionally telegram cvM the (nvera- Are Assigned L. May Raneh, English '65 Miss Allen, 1-2 to Lincoln 765 - Qrad.t. Carrie II. Chapel, Boom 1 720 Alpha Donaca, Boom 2 765 Edith Wert, Boom 8 :t0 Bertha Duncan, Boom 4 75 Lincoln Junior High School H. T. Durham, principal $1,110 Mrs. E. Mae Tlllson, history.... 720 Mildred McBride. science 720 D. E. Cooper, mathematics nod athletics Miss Allen, 1-2 German Grades. Abbie 8. Davis, Room J Julia Iverson, Boom 2 720 720 675 075 Mabel Temple, Boom 3 675 Mrs. Mary Meador. Boom i .... 675 Englewood School. Mrs. Marie Earner, principal and room 5 $1,050 Adella Chapter, Boom 1 675 Esther B. Byan, Boom 2 585 Carrie Martin. Boom 3 75 j Olive Chenault, Boom 4 t)30 Garfield School. Margnrot Cosper, principal, nu pervisor of elementary grades. .$1,200 - Grades. Bertha Byrd, Boom 1 7t5 Dollio Hmith, Boom 3 585 Gladys Luthy, Boom 2 55 Ocie Brown, Boom i 585 Greta Phillips, Boom 5 75 Hibyl Harrington, Boom 0 585 Grace Davis, Boom 7 (''to Highland School. Mrs. LaMoino B. Clark, principal and eta Grades. Mrs. F. It. Brewer, Boom 1 Daisy M. Carter, Boom 2 Ellen Currin, Boom 3 Eva D. Fisher, Room 4 Ruby V. Hazlett, Boom 5 Genevieve Hobinsoh, Room 0 .. McKinley School. Emma Kramer, prineipul and Room 2 ' Grtdos. Delta Dillnrd, Boom 1 Ermine E. Mushnell, Room 3 .. 1,0011 ti.'IO 075 720 75 MO 030 1,050 075 810 Lulu Walton 075 Fork School. U. S. Dotson, principal and Boom 0 1,050 Grades. Heulah Baldarree, Boom 1 585 F. Ruth Fugnte, Boom I t75 Kdith Campbell, Boom 3 t;75 Minnie Cornelius, Boom 4 7 Amy E. Mnrtin, Room 5 720 Elchureiul School. Anna Fischer, principal und Room 2 iiCO Grades, Christabel Jewett, Room 1 .... t',75 Adonn Cochrane, Bo.,i 3 075 Etta P. White, Room 4 585 Mary Ewiug, Boom 5 C30 Supervisors and Special Teachers. Jessie v. Miller, music Florence V. Wucst, drawing .... Evelyn Cash, physical educa tion Frances Alva Aitken, home econ omies Edith Hhaw, home economies .... O. W. James, manual training .. O. C. Hart, iianiinl training .... Flora N. Case, libiariun (100 !l(IO 90li 810 075 000 810 Busy Man; Americans Abroad ment $1,000 each. An amusing episode was the outcome of a series of such roWmnl.;,. changes with the American embassy in Constantinople, it has just been learned. I Ambassador Morgentunu reported to London that the Turks had imprisoned 'many British whom they were bidding fur ransom, the sum of $2,000 being required in each ease. The Ainer- ' lean embassy, in London immediately communicated its information to the British government and word was sent back tu Mnigenthau to that effect. The next inessnee from Mnn iIm, ' u,- However, hind w, rft is but a part of the troubles of No. 4 (irosvenor Squure. The greatest are passports, The docu ment, henrine the irreat seal of the state department, w Inch guarantee safe I'oniiuct ior American travelers in h'n lope, is now the most riiridlv drawn ot any nation, but b. tore war was the loosest, Efficient clerks delegated to handle the passport department at the embassy have become nervous wrecks and new "hands" nr.i onstiintlv n..,...t. sary. The passport cterk begins bv in- in,,, nr. vw suv, iwnvi-B "ic emunssy heapuii! ,-oal of tire on the or the men who are delegated to nmninisier tno affairs of America in n I "Good l-l - 1 1 1 I lllclBI II To You Th rin i . v , , . ,1" I ".. . ",ut Ji4 Algesttoa; als "P W 60W,t tg..t. Stcmach Bitters AGRICULTURAL IRK OF CLUB IS OUTLINED Commercial Club Will Pro . mote Corn and Potato Siow In December A mnfimr nt the airlcultural depart ment of the commercial club was held met night to discuss general plans ior club work. Besides the corn shows ana farmers' institutes to be held in several parts of the county, plans were made for a corn ana poiaio snnw 10 uo in Salem four days, beginning Decem h 1 This show will not only take up the discussion of corn and potatoes and an exhibit, but will devote one day to dairying, when a Marion county Jersey cattle cluub will De tormea. Anomer day of the Salem show will be known as horticultural day, when soils, crops and live stock will be discussed. At the suwrestion of L. J. Chapin, the advisability of sending on exhibit of corn to the first ivationai corn snow at St. Paul. Minnesota, was discussed This corn show will attract farmers from all tho central and eastern states. and Mt. Chhpin is of the opinion that if thm county should he properly repre sent.ed, it would be a great advertise ment "The general impression among many Eastern farmers is that this is a fruit country and that ercn, cannot be raised," said Mr. Chapin, "and it would be a fine thing for us to show what a fine grade of corn can be raised in this part of the state. This idea cannot be carried out un ions tho m,r ev necessary to make the display is vo'ed by the commercial club, Ar.otuer suggestion made nt the meet ing last evening, was that scene time next spring, Halem should have a good roads day, when every member of the. commercial club should select a special tract of road and make it his business to put it in proper shape. There seems to be a general feeling among tho members of tho agricultural department that an effort should be madn to secure a government specialist who would stay in this valley and study tho prune situation and assist tn combating the brown rot and other dis eases of prune trees. Other states have secured government specialists, and it is hoped by the agricultural department that the claims of this part of tho state will bo put before tho proper Wash ington authorities and a study of prune rur.umoes no tnaen up ny an expert. DroenMAio 1 liUOVUALd Walter E. Keyes is in Portland tollm en business. Ileorge Mc.Corkle, of Halls Ferrv, is in the city today. Curtis Hoss. an attorney of Silvertnn, is in the city today. M. A. McCorkle is on business here today from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Stafrin, of Dal las, are in the city today. J. S. Johnson, "of Xampn, Idaho, is in the city today on business. W. A. Decker, of Joplin, Mo., is in the city, visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Seymour, of Falls ity, were in the city yesterday on busi ness. C. T. Pomeroy returned this mornim' from r visit of several davs in Port land. K. (1. Loo und daughter, Miss Tenn Loe, were visitors in tho city yester day. T. D. ,Ines and wife, who have been spending the summer at Newport, re tumid today. D. K. Durtruff. or yalem, spent the week-end with friends in Eugene. Eu gene Register. M. ). Evans, of Corvallis. assistant stute lender county agent work, V s department of agriculture, isinthecitv today. J. W. Bristow, special representative "t the Pontic Mates Fire Insurance company, is here today on company business. Frank Neuner left tl, ... Ior Siil., ii f.. I .t . , . . i . ii..,, "en i ii me siiiily of lav in "inaniette uinversitv lieview. Roseburg . "!"" ',T- I'l'rvine. who luls l WM. ng hop lueses in the Independence dis "I'' fM. is in the eitv today on business. Mi A. K. Town, of S,,, ,. ' ", VI1"'.'"1K ' ilrshfi,., ,,,i ' this i city. !,. f,,r her l,. yestei ituy. Kosebuig Keview Mrs. Myrn Albert ViggiH, of Top-P-'iHsli, Wash., who has been visi.i,', re atitvesiu the city fur the past week Ml tins ntternoon by steamer for San rriiimsco. Mis (reuevieve Frajcr. 1, ),,, Martin during the s,,ner moiiths, wiP return to Corvallis ue.xt Thursday to at tend the O. A. C. duri.ii. ti... whoi I year. (. "1 ' "in i mj; Mrs. (ienree Brown, wife f At foreign dime. lime cools anger, however, and in variably the applicant is back within . day or two to ask some favor of tin n ml hi iii.l, ,v X:.. . . ,, ,"'; ""' "'ues out of ten. . iiiniiii( oe granted because of strict rules that regulate American cmbtissies. A favorite r..,i.,., i- n.... valuables be ,,t i the "embassy sate. One woman brought a string of lH'nrls which she insisted should bo put away for her until sl. returned Seme want mail scat to America in the embassy p;.tb,m while other would hold pm onged chats with the nmbas sailor relating; to family r business nf fmrs. All these matters are imp,.,- lrrevpective of the smaller trifles it ha. b-vn learned that the administra tion of affairs by Ambassador Page for the governments of Cormnnv. Austria and Turkey has evoked highest praise Trom these government who hnv. in dieated the hope that the day will come wheu appreciation may be expressed in wore free and easy mnnner. In the meantime Ambassador 1W and his wartime staff are hard at work and will continue on until pioe shine, br.thl n?r Europe ' wur d.rkened aeruia. Many Letters Mailed at Post Office Are Only Partly Addressed If a letter i carefully stamped, and then addressed to Mr. A. S. Witt, care of G. Sidenberg, what can tne post master dot Of course if the writer had taken the precaution to make a notation on the upper left hand corner of the envelope to return to a certain address within five days, it would have been easy enough. About all that can be done in mis-directed letters is to post them in a eonspicious place, trusting that by some streak of luck, the writer will happen along a ad take notice. Iu this city, these mis-directed let ters are placed in a giass covered case, near the general delivery window for public inspection. Here may be seen a letter marked with the received date, September 3, addressed to Miss Myrtle White, Union avenue, care Lambert house. Possibly with the aid of a hotel directory and a fair amount of luck, this letter could be sent, on its right way. Another is addressed to Mr. A. S. 'Witt, care G. Sidenberg, and the cancelling stamp shows the date of August 23. A lettci to Mrs. W. E. Parker, 1308 Terrace Court, is undeliv ered, as there is do Btate or city given to iudicate in what state there is a street named Terrace Court. A letter to Miss Esther Sicbert, addressed to Huntsville, Orcv mailed September 7 is held up for a better address, and on Sept. 3, some party carefully sealed and stamped a letter and delivered it to the oostoffice, but failed to put on any address whatever. There are good reas ons why many arc looking for the letter that never came. Iho postoltice depart ment for years has urged the use of the return directions, placed on the upper lctf hand corner of the envelope. HOW TO ABSORB AN UNLOVELY COMPLEXION This is what yon should do to shed a spoiled complexion: Spread evenly over the face, covering every inch of skin, a thin layer of ordinary mercolized wax. Let this stay on over night; wash it off next morning. Repeat daily until your complexion is as clear, soft and beauti ful as a young girl's. This result is in evitable, no matter how soiled or dis colored the complexion. The wax liter ally peels off the filmy surface skin, ex posing the lovely young skin, exposing the lovely young skin beneath. The process is entirely harmless, so little of tho old skin coming off at a time. Mercolized wax is obtainable at any drug store; one ounce usually suffices. It's a veritable wonder-worker for rough, tanned reddened, blotchy, pimp led or freckled skin. Pure powdered saxiiiite is excellent for a wrinkled skin. A n oiincn .if it- dissolved in a half pint witch bawl mimes a rcireslnng wash-lotion. This renders the skin quite firm and smooth; indeed., the very first application erases the finer lines: the follow. CHILD IS KILLED. .Sonttle. Wlioh Sn..( 1-1 .. M01 -ton 1, ,0,,ths old du.igiiter of Mrs. I. U . Mnrlfltl in .Inn.l I h.. .- " i"(iny nnu her motner is smferiiig painful, though not Rprirria iiim;n0 l n ..... ', " 1 ri-siui or nn autnnioliilo wreik on the I'arifie high- nniiuf 5aiiiniav night. The nmihino skidded. Tho baby was dash "d against. B telephone polo. torney General H rnun unin 1 Lome yesterday to Milem. She wi visiting here n few davs with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. A. j. Uollows. Hiiselmrg lieview. Miss Kthel Tooze. of Kugene, h0 tO lllivp tlio I. , .. - - .uu.ui uniuc in tne local schools this year, arrived Katur uay evening. She is a I'niversitv f I'reijon irrmlunte mwl .1. ...' ... , , " , " " ''i iiiuriiuirii teai her. Huseburg lieview. ., V-',,'' ""ml,"' of Kugene, hi sun. r.. I-.. Met lnnnlinn 1 a 1 .... ... , ' "f -iui;i-ies, I'.u tiillinchani. stnti. lil,r,.ri,. ..7- und Chester Chrismnn, ef Kugene. left iiniriiing tor the lower SiuS. law. where they will fisli.-K,l(ree : Salem's Educational Directory : Music Business Law Art Schools and Colleges Capital Normal aad Industrial School Terra of 12 week opens September 13-la ra of 12 week opens September K l"th and Wilbur Streets, Salem Music Frcderio S. Mendeiihall I"inno Orpin Theory. Myrtle Long Mendeiihall ViiiiiA CiiIi.i.a Stiidin, room 211. ll,ii.i,....i lildg. Students now registering. Fnnk E. Churchill, Pianiste. ! I upil of Em I l.ielilin,f r.i V... , I ate of Wester,, ,. " '"K".r"""- c,,,: oiury, 1 nieago. Stuilii-lieoms :, or(,ra ., Ke. l'hono 1071-K, MiM Beatrice Shelton i Teacher of piano. Studio 343 Marion St. n,ue 12w Elma Waller I ., 1'ianist I.isihitezky Technic iui,l Pninir SvJ tern of Improved & ... Beginner " i I hone 1331 6'.5 N. Li.srtv William Wallace Graham j, ., Teacher of Violin te..u:,.,.a.,;, SmS. tu07ny V'' J--hi. Mar- 'ne and one half year Fiirn,,... l"n,''' comniendalion from them, ginner. ' r.ropeau experience. A specialty made of be- I. hone h.te"oH1urVoVMui Maw ul r,on' F" PH.intii.ent, I hone 154" M. ,ry WUltt, Assistant, 1 HO N. 21st Pt., rvTsi vt r x iu ixiatLCi UUW line the steak, toast or other meat Hot or cold it 'will be better with Free trom Bcnzcwte ofSnrl ' """llliii nr Chicago Herald: Wben this country gets a force capable of keeping Colonel Roosevelt from speakinc riirht nut . actly what he thinks, it will be able to lay down the law to both hemi spheres. IN EVERY DROP" Black Silk Stove Polish Is duttrent. It does not dry oar; can m axd to die Jut drop; liquid tnd past one quality; abiolittely no waato; no duat or dirt. You get your money 's worth. Black Silk 1 Stove Polish 8 not only most Monoraical. but ft (rive ftferiltl Mt, silky luatTB i that annt hj obtafnrd with nnr nib off-it Jam four times u long as ordinary polish so It buvcs you lime, work and moocy. ant stove poli-h, be mire to KkforUlackMlk. Ifttisn't tho best stove polish yon ever uswJ-your will refund your money, HI..! till- C. B-I.L Works, Sterling, Illinois. H ITm Rl. filib . : . 11 , I Iron namal on ffralin, ri-u-lalers, atovo-pipeat and auto mobile tire nma. I'revtnta tuatinB. Try it. U; Black Silk Mn.l Pol. Ian for silverware-nickt'l, tin ware or braaa. It works oulckly, caaily and loavca a brilliant atirfacti. It Iiha no cquai ior uae oa autoinobyes. ai a an Sacred Heart Academy Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names " SALEM, OREGON BOARDING SCHOOL AND DAY SCHOOL Most approved methods, Pri mary, Grammar and High School Departments, Com plete Course in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Violin and Harmony. No interference with religion of pupils. Modern Conveniences Domestic Comforts Scholastic year begins second Monday in September Address, SISTER SUPERIOR nrlllnm!-. TTlllAIcUO Open September 13-15 vmi vr, vuu j a I. II. Van Wluklo, Dean of Law School and Art Ban F. Langeuberg Husso-l'aiitante I.ato pupil of F. . Arenr.. Studio 311-15-10-17 Hubbard Bldg. I'hone 2070 Mrs. D. T. Junk China Artist. Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby Teacher of Tiano Tlione 1D50 W. 679 N. Cottage t. ' Mlsa Laura Grant ' Tiano and Musical KindergnHen S.")U Center St. Thone 20ia l Miss Lucile Barton Teaeher of Voire and Thoorr 101 North Twentieth St. I'hone 064