Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 14, 1915, Image 1

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. ..:.;,.:
Administration Is Still Insist
ant On Main Point
at Issue
Situation Is Still Critical But
Outlook Is Regarded As
By Charles P. Stewart.
( I'nited Tress Staff Correspondent.)
Washington. Sept. 14. The German
foreign office lias assured American
Ambassador Gerard that it supports
Ambassador Von Bernstctrff 's assuranc
es that liners will not be torpedoed if
tliey do not resist, aiiil do not attempt
to attack submarines, according to an
unofficial report from reliable sources,
niriViit amu.ig diplomats this afternoou.
The administration', it was officially
utnted, has abandoned plans to arrest
.lames Archibald, American correspond
ent, used by Austrian Ainbussador
Liumba as message bearer.
lie will bo questioned, however, when
he arrives in New York Saturday or
Monday, a.id further action will depend
on the account he gives concerning his
It had been feared lately that Von
Bernstorff bad lost his influence with
Berlin, but if the roports concerning
the Gerard assurance are bctrne out,
tension with Germany will be greatly
Germany Must Disavow.
Washington, Sept. 14. The adminis
tration' insists that Germany disavow
its sinking of the liner Arabic. President-Wilson
is not considering arbitrat
ing the question of loss of lit' o on the
This was declared flatly today in 0
statement from the White House.
The statement threw light on the de
lay in negotiations between American
nml Germany, inasmuch as it idieatcd
the administration is awaiting a reply
i tneso requirements.
It was understood too, that the ad
ministration has refused also to arbi
trate the justifiability of the torpedo
ing under the mistaken idea that the
Arabic was about to ram tho attacking
While tho issue was still critical, the
:utlook was more hopeful than yester
day. Secretary lousing hopes to begin
his vacation the latter part of the week,
indicating that no immediate crisis is
Wilson Against Arbitration.
Washington, Sept. 14. Reports that
I'resident Wilson is favorably consid
ering arbitration of the question of rep
aration for lives lost in! the torpedoing
it the liner Arainc were denied today
iu high administration circles.
Arbitration is not the issue, and it
was not discussed in the Benistorff
Lansing conference yesterduy, it was
Only a disavowal of the act of the
submarine will satisfy America, it was
The nilmi.iistrntion has settled down
t a wnitirfj game. In his conference
yesterday, Secretary Lansing again put
up to Ambassador Von Hemstorff the
administration views on Germany's
submarine warfare, ami these were for
warded to Berlin. No. action is possl
Me until Berlin replies.
Berlin's replv to tho American views
is expected in four or five days.
Oftieiuls feel that affairs are at a
Hume fellers even fergit t' give a
fountain pen back. Pinky Kerr wiir.
"'iiinted int th' Palm Beach Club.
J'xterday, an' aworn t' secrecy, How
'Her, we're reliablv Informed he
l'id $2.75.
8 3$ A
critical stago anil that everything de
pends upon this answer. Peudiug its
receipt, the administration will nut dis
cuss any other phase of the internation
al situation with Bernstorff.
To Deal With Archibald.
Washington', Sent. 14. Solicitor Gen
eral Davis of the department of iusticp
mm msirici Attorney ivinrsiinll or JNew
York are considering tr.lay how to deal
with James F. Archibald, American cor
respondent, message bearer for Austri
r; .... x . , " .
an Ambassador Dumba. Archibald is
due to arrive Saturday and Sunday at
New York end his detention lias been
ordered. Whether he will bo prosecut
ed criminally for his part in the Dumb-i
affair remains unsettled.
What his intent was in carrying the
messages tor million, ami also tor At
tache Von i'apen' of tho German em
bassy, is the issuo involved in his case.
Archibald himself has maintained that
lie knew nothing of the contents of
tiic messages, and professed to feel
that Dumba had made him a scapebout,
when it was revealed they bore on the
plan! to cripple American munitions in
dustries. The German embacGy was annoyed to
day -over publication of the- message
Bernstorff transmitted for Dumba to
the Vienna foreign office saying, "1
beg your excellency to recnll me. on
leave of absence for personal report."
Officials pointed out that tho Ameri
can request for Dumba 's departure
specified a "recall," niot a mere lenve
of hbsence. If Dumba 's government
decides only to give him a vacation, as
he requested in the Bernstorff message,
it is believed more vigorous representa
tions will be se;it to Vienna, and that
perhaps this government may go as far
as to summarily hand Dumba his pass
ports. linmors Rumors were current tolny
thut Attache Von Papen, who is in the
administration's bad graces for his part
in tne utimon arrair, will never return
to tho German ecbassv.
Dumba Is Inaccessible.
Lenox, Mass., Sept. 14 Austrian Am
bassador Dumba was inaccessible today,
but it was understood that packers will
soon come to his summer home to pre
pare his furniture in anticipation of his
enforced departuro from this country.
Session Met Today to Consid
er Taxation, Conscription
and Munitions Problems
London, Sept. 14. Parliament met
Questions of conscription, taxation
nnd munitiois threatened to provoke
sharp verbal clashes, and possibly crit
icism of governmental measures.
The government lender.) sought to dis
courage dcbalo but there was a pos
sibility that, radicals might force the
issue nad cause discussion of many im
portant matters, The government
forces maintained that debate would be
"rontrnry to public policy."
At the outset.it was understood that
the cabinet stood twelve to nine against
pnssnge of conscription legislation. Lord
Kitchener wns non-committal. It was
believed, though, that because of tho
strong labor opposition to compulsory
enlistment, tho measure would nut be
In the taxation proposals the govern
ment seeks to meet a dailv war expen
diture of $20,000,000. To' do this, the
proposal was to increase the income
tax, lowering tho exemption figures, so
as to include, salaries of $10 weekly.
Furthermore, tho government proposed
to put heavy taxes on "war profits" of
big employers; and to tax imported
When tho session opened at 3 o'clock
this afternoon, the attendance of mem
bers and visitors wns extremely heavy.
Premier Asquith announced that he
would move for a further war credit
tomorrow. Tho taxation budget is ex
pected to rone up next.
National League.
R. 11. K.
Philadelphia 4 11 0
Pittsburg 0
Chalmers u;ui Hums; Adams, Hill
nml Gibson. Hill replaced Adnms.
H. 11. K.
New York 8
Cincinnati u 1,1 1
Schauer, Muthewson arid Duoin, Wen
dell; Lenr nnd Wingo. Hitter replaced
H. 11. K.
Huston ' 1 1 -
Chicago 1 3 u
Rudolph n;nl dowdy; Lavender and
IlrcKiiiiliiiii. Stiuilrigc rcpln-cd Laven
der. R. H. K.
Hroiklvn - u 1
St. Uuis t. 0 11 U
.Mnrqnanl and MeCarty; Boardmnn
and Snyder., Clio. ley replaced Mur
quard, American League.
K. II: K.
Detroit "' 1
New York 2 2
Londcrmilk and Htnnnge; Miyrulgc
and Alexander. Oldham replaced Loud-
"rmilk' r. n. e.
yo ' 2 ;
Hoston ; 1 A
llenr, ami Nchalk; Kuth and Thomas.
Russell replaced Ben..
R. It. K.
,12 11 3
St. Louis
fiWi- " r.. I : yr' f
First aero squadron of the U. S.
army; Lieut. Col. Samuel Reber
(left) and Brig. Gen. George P
Scriven. Comprehensive plans for the im
provement of the aeronautic branch
of the war department as part of the
general scheme of national defense
are being prepared by tho signal
corps under 'the direction of Brig.
Gen. George P. Scriven and Lieut.
Col. Samuel Reber.
Col. Reber has just returned from
the Pacific coast, where he went as
member of a commission authorized
by congress to report upon available
locations for an aviation school for
extension of this branch of the serv
ice. It is said that trips will soon be
made to seek location on the Atlantic
and Gulf coasts.
Col. Reber says that San Diego,
San Francisco, Portland, Tacoma,
Seattle and Spokane were visited,
and various sites well looked over.
There is need of more aviators for
army work; the machines can be
turned out whenever necessary. -"To
furnish pilots in event of war is the
"It Gets My Goat," He Ex
plained to Wife In Note
Before He Disappeared
San Francisco, Kept. 4.--Kp in Alas
ku. where John Neiltion has Ix-en seek
ing his fortune, he heard no talk. He
liked the "great silent places," but
there enme a day when he wanted to
get buck to civilization to the wife
and kiddies here.
So he came. Yesterduy was the great
fete tiny. Ncilson seemed luippw, even
proud, flint he could tuko the wife and
kiddies to the restaurant, theatres and
automobile riding.
But John wnsn't exactly happy.
Late lust tiight ho and the wife and
kiddies stopped their automobile at a
beach cafe for just one final round be
fore going home.
"(live them anything they want,"
Neilson whispered to the waiter as he
excused himself and went inside.
An hour passed. The joyful wife an
tho now sleepy kiddies, grew restless.
Finnlly desperate and fearing some
thing untoward hnd befallen Neilson.
his wife sent a wuiter inside to find
out about Neilson.
flhe learned.
"Dear wife I have been in the great
silent places for so long thnt you 'r talk
gets my goat. I will send you money
from time to time. Good-bye, John,"
wns the message he hurriedly scribbled
nml Nont buck,
Thnt's wliut she told the assistant
district attorney today.
Stocks Open Quietly
But Later Are Irregular
(Copyright 1!I by the New York
Evening Post.)
New York, Kept. 14. The stock
market opened quietly, but with prices
well maintained, grew somewhat irreg
ular by mid-day with tuitrary move
ments in a narrow orbit.
Perhaps because the recovery of rail
way stocks Imd slackened professionals
devoted tliemfselves afresh to "war
Having lately made lip its mind thut
the propnslicd loun to the allies will u
through with flying colors, nnd would
perhaps be doulde the amount origin
ally suggested, the stock exchange ex
perienced 0 reaction.
Philadelphia 4 5 1
Pnrkes and Leary; Knowlson, Wye
koff and McAvoy. Anker replaced
Wvckoff. Knob replaced Parlies.'
it. II. E.
Cleveland 0 2 1
Washington 3 0
' Curter nnd O'Neill; Duuiont i:d
Federal League.
K. If. K
Baltimore 1 12 1 !
Chicago H ID 2
Hugijs and llunsell; Brown and Wil
son", llendrix replaced Brown. Johnson
replaced Huggs. Owens replaced Ku-seil.
The law under which the aviation
corps has been organized provides
that army aviators must be lieuten
ants, unmarried, a id less than thirty
years of aire.
Force of Two Thousand Comb
Cameron and Hildalgo
Americans In Sonera Have
Been Warned To Leave
the Country
Brownsville, Texas, Kept. 14. Two
thousand soldiers and rUU civilians and
Texas rangers combed Cameron "and
Hidalgo counties today for Mexicans
believed to bo massing in the direction
of Harlingcn for a big attack. Hang
ers pursued an armed force in that
vicinity, while niithoritieg held every
suspicious Mexican for investigation.
Tho government has ordered thnt
male Mexicans be excluded from cross
ing to tho American side, following the
influx of (too on the ferries yesterday.
Half of these were men. Then, too,
iDO families ciiine across the Matamoros
bridge into Brownsville.
United Stntc troops are digging
trenches near Fort Brown, opposite the
Carrnnzistn trem lies at Matamoros, ns
a safeguard niinst possible attack
across the river.
Warn Americans To Leave.
Nogales, Ariz., Wept. 14. Ainericniis
owning properly in Honora where white
men ure worl'.ing suid today they had
received notice that Washington wants
all Americans to get out of Mexico im
mediately. Several automobiles l,nv gone across
the border to fetch the Americans
working in the mines ami on the ranch
es. Consul Frederick Himplch at
Nogales, Sonont, refuses to confirm or
deny the report. He slates that he is
unable to discuss the matter.
That some kind of warning hits been
received is indii iited, however, by the
statements of the men notified, who say
Simpich received an urgent telegram
from Washington asking him to get all
Americans in his Mexican territory
across (he boundary at onco. i
Keep Mexicans Iu Mexico.
Laredo, Texas, Hept. . I'ncle Ruin
is preparing to confine the Mexicans'
celebration of their "fourth of July"
Thursday strictly to the Mexican side
of the border, to this end, the border
patrols are being strengthened, and
probably no pretext whatever will be
accepted as a reason for admission to
the American side Thursday.
The Mexican military commander
(Continued oa Page Tbrea.)
Plan to Borrow Billion Dollars
May Find Obstacles To
Defeat It -
jc)(jjc)cjt)jc)(!c )t Jjt )fi jt (C S$4 jjc )(
Milwaukee, Wis., Kept. 11.
4s (ferninns and (iennnnAmciicnns
jj in Milwaukee will withdraw
se their savings from any bank en-
sjt tering into the proposed loan of
a billion dollars to the allied
i'ii'jinciul commission, a proinin-
ent banker said tivlny.
Tho majority of bankers,
jjc however, were silent as to re-
, ports that just such a mow
i jje would follow in the west if tio
jije deal were consummated. sfc
Washington, Sept. 14. A portentous
new complication was injected today in
to the already complicated internntinn
al relation's, shall the United States
government become the allies' "bank
erf" I This uucstion wns raised as a n-Hiilt
.of the proposed gigantic Anglo French
loan, which big bankers and the allies'
fir.'iinciiif enmmission are now trying to
arrange in New York. Officials regard
ed the subject as almixt as important
as the controversy with (ierinany over
submarine warfare. In fact the two
are inter-related. It was reported thut
the Teutons will protest against the
loan as unneutral.
A treasury department official is In
formally meeting with the conferees.
Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo is
keeping the closest watch on the pru
Reports here were that the American
bankers will sound out the ndininjstra
lion before closing the negotiations. In
this connection it was pointed out that
the government has nlremlv frowned
iipu i loans to belligerents. From auth
oritative sources it was reported that
if nllics' bondi, otherwise nii'securcd,
are tho only security offered for the
proposed billion dollar loan, the lulioiu
istrution will be disposed to prevent
coiiHiiinmiitioii of a plan as a grossly
unneutral net,
America, in effect would be financing
the allies, it VU1S held.
Strenuous objections to fulfillment of
present indicated plans at New York
are an'tii-imiled from Ucniinn sources.
The Herman ambt-ssndor is watching
Oregon: Tonight
and Wednesday
partly cloudy and
nccu'uomillv rainy
west; fuir oast
portion; warmer
east portion Wed
nesday; southerly
the conference closely and is reporting
developments tn Berlin. , .
Numerous objections are coming
from western.' banks against using the
proposed loan lor purchase ot mu
nitions. In some cases the objection is the
banker's personal one; in others, it is
said, depositors have complained.
It was believed that tieriuan, lntlu-
ences were responsible for this situa
tion. But it did not mako tho problem any
easier for the financiers convened at
the clearing house.
iintisto treasury bonds were suggest
ed as ono form of security But, one
conteruo dei lured, mi savings bunk in
his territory would buy theiu. A New
lork banker, assuming that n .in It ml-
liou loan could bo arranged, recently
canvassed tho west, but, as a result,
estimated that less than $100,000,00(1
could bo arranged.
Lord Heading, lord chief justice of
Knglund, and member of the commis
sion is laying particular stress oa Kng
htnd's desire to "stnbibzo exchange"
and thus inuke possible the export of
tood stuffs, ilu Ignores the question
of munitions.
Want Ono BiUlon Dollars.
New York. Sept. 14. Ono billion dol
lars is the figure at which the allied
financial commission stood pat today
in its efforts to got a loan from lend
ing American bunkers, according to ro
liulilo informution.
This amount wns wanted without se
curity other thnn notes of bankers of
tho allied nations, iieraUns in closo
touch with the situation said. That
there might bo n hitch over tiiis pro
posal was hinted. Somo baukurs gasped
at tho idea. Others seemed not to be
In eftoct, they sunt, it was a proposal
to plnco the credit of Knglnud and
r ranee heretofore regarded ns strong
es tlibrnltnr behi'id the lonn, The gen
oral opinion, however, hnd been tnfit
the tulies would oner gilt cilge Ameri
can Beciiritiou, h-jlil in Europe, as col
lateral. The loan gave somo difficulty on the
question of neutrality. It was ques
tioned whether tho government would
regard tho propcnnl, particularly with
only nllied notes as backing, us un
neutral, Schwab Is Making Millions
But House of Morgan Will
Be Greatest darner
Chicago, Sept. 14. America is breed
ing a new crop of millionaires.
The Chicago Tribune's tublu of stock
advances siuco tho war started showed
today that tho market vulua of thirteen
representative listed coiupanics, benefit
ing from war orders, has increased
$102,(100,000 since January 1. Scores
of largo unlisted corporations, ns well
as hundreds of smaller firms, were nlso
described an "wullowing in wnr pros
jporityi" though iex!nci;ry Blow inuch
was not indicated iu tho tabulation.
Charles M. Schwab's steel properties
hnd a market value of $7,(100,000 be
fore 'orders for wnr goods piled up.
Today tho value bus snared to $111,000,
000. "Over all of this, astride the stntes
l-ke a Collosus shunting into his coffers
the golden st renin that has poured from
every corner of the land," suid the
'I ribuno, "looms tho figuro of .1. P.
M orgnn.
"Not millions, but hundreds of mil
lions, according to the estimiite of per
sunn on the inside, will have come to
the Hiiuho of Morgan when the last
dcnth dciiling shell explodes in lii'll en
tangled Furope. Tho Hoc.kefellers will
be outdistanced."
The Tribune point out that it Is not
spy plots that the cuptniiis of Indus
try four tit this time of their gigantic
prosperity, hut rather tho growing in
sistence of workers for a more equal
share in the profits of these enormous
Going After Public
Utility Corporation Rates
Portland, Ore., Kept. 14 A. C. Hough
of Grants Puss, nppeariug before the
state public service commission ns at
torney for the (,'alifornia-Oregon Pow
er company in a hearing to determine
whether rates and service are equuble
admitted today that champiigne glusses,
highball glussen, and claret tumblers
are not necessary adjuncts in conduct
ing a public utility.
Commissioner Aitchison precipitated
the subject in the course of his ex
amination. The use of the company's
building at (told Kny, Ore., was under
discussion. It developed thut the third
floor of this building hiis used ns a
club house for employes. The drln'
ing glasses appear in the inventory of
the company's holdings.
The investigation is a result of com
plaints filed by the cities of Kliimnth
Falls, Medford and (Irants Pass.
Juni-uu, Alnslui, Sept. 11. Unless
congress nppropruitcs additional fun-Is
Immediately, tie Nelson schools, scat
tered over tho territory outside of in-
I corjKirnted towns, and Intended for
white children, will either have to close,
' - . in i.- -I . . .1 rt. .
Or llie icrilin win on niiurieurM. i .in
I schools' percentage of the Alaskan
I fund Inn been overdrawn to meet the
I expense of erecting 11 new school build-Ingi,
Seventy-five Thousand Sol
diers Killed la First Year
Of War
Russians Will Continue Re
treat By Evacuating
Vilna .
. .
London, Sept. 14 British cas-
unities lor the first year of tho
war totalled 381, IW2, Under Sec-
rctary Tennnnt announced in
parliament today. .
Theso figures includes 7.1,957
killed, 251,0(18 wounded and O t,-
0."7 missing.
Paris, Sept. 14. French air forces
are waging a terrific campaign against
ucrinan railrond junctions to aid the
men in tho trenches who are battering
the renewed German assault.
Apparently hoping to chock some ot
the supplies for the Teutons, hlrdmen,
in flotillas, attacked a number of these
junctions nlnivg tho (.lerman front, it
was officially announced today. . A
number of bmnbs were hurled.
The Argonno battle continue with
m'ftbated fury. In that reglon lust night
French artillery damaged (lerman bat
teries In the Montmnre forest, and
wrecked li trench In this salient.
Vilna W1U Be Evacuated,
l'etrogind, Sept. 14. Evacuation of
Viln'n Is destined to follow the Teutonic
cuttiifg of the Vilnn-Petrturad railway,
it. was sumi-ollicialiy admitted today.
The (lennnn forces reached the rail
way midwny betwee:i Vilna and Bviusk
mid now one (lerman force Is sweeping
eastward to the north of Vilna, while
author is making un eastward dash
ironi orony.
ltussiaa retirement from this salient
will probably bo necessary within ton
The battle ta tho southeast of Riga
is daily growing morn furious. Field
Marshal Von llindenburg has rein
forced (leiienil von Itessler in the tat
ter's efforts to slintter tho Dwinn front
from lh'hiNk to within ,'Hl miles of Kiga.
Tho Teuton hordes are again attempt
ing tit rross the Hwinii near Linden, un
der the curtain of a terrific artillery
The Teutons from the southwest hnvn
udvnnced five milcH a!nng tho Vilko-
min road toward Dvinsk, it. Is ndmitted,
but assaults directed ut Dvinsk from
the west, it is stated, have proved fruitless-.
Kngngcmentfl of the bitterest kind ant
raging from east of (1 rod net to (lallciu,
but without results.
Russians continue their victories
around Tarnopol, ami huvu taken a
number of prisoners.
Austrian forces In tho extreme south
east have suffered heavily In their ef
forts tit innke counter moves against
tho onslaught of tho Slavs.
Prepared for Zeppelins.
London, Sent. 11. When Count Zep
pelin's ui-rial warships return they will
Mild London ready.
The city's del'ense against the rniderx
has been radically changed, following
iiltnelis Inst, week and Kiinday and thut
on the Kentish const yesterday.
A conference hint night took steps ti
gunnl London from a repetition of the
visitations. Admiral Scott, an authority
on naval gunnery wns named to take
charge of tho defenses ugainst Zop
lieliiH. Other secret plans were formu
lated, It is known, hitwever, that oiu- of tint
plans urged was adoption of thn I'nris
system, in when a strict nir pntrnl is
This method has I a found efficaci
ous, lis it has kent the eiioolins nwnv
1 1'rom tint h"nrt of the city proper most
or llie time for week s past, though some
biinlis have been' dropped on outlying
The conferees ndvi.catcd innintcniini'S
of a niuhtly patrol along the east const
of Knulaiul, to give warnli.'g of tin
raiders nppituch.
Hammering at Dardanelles,
London, Sept. II.- Hy land und sen,
the allied forces have resumed their
hammering at the Dunlurlelles, Alliens
dispatches indicated, thnt after com
punitive quiet for some time, tiio al
lies iince prepared for a concerted at
tack against Scd-nl huhr und the Stivlu
; bay region.
Two British cruisers, making their
way Into the strait, wrecked batter
lies which hnd been shelling the allied
treu'hc at the southern tip of (InllipoU
peniiisulu from across tho strait.
Then, moving in closer, th crniseri
hurled their shells nt thn Turkish left
wing on tho peninsula.
(Contluuod on I'ngu Tbrea. J