Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Highest Quality -:- Lowest Prices
Let Us Get Your Boy Ready For School:
All Around Town
i W
School time is steadily drawing nearer only a
few days remain, and you want him to be ready
for the first day. His suit is one of the most im-
H- nnrtant items. Our efforts for the Fall and
ti unci .-xracuii 111 uic uus ciiivu v-uuiumc guuu
taste newest styles and serviceability. From
the dressy suits for little boys 3 to 8 years of
age to the tasteful patterns and fabrics for big
boys up to 18 years you'll find the same good
style and quality. We guarantee satisfaction.
& i
'1 L lA :
yifH :
Dr. Mendeisolm. frxdAUst In fitting Amcgemeati Urt beea made ty tie
flaasti torrectly. C. 6. U-k tic. 1 eity eccil to secure tie lament o,
., , the Mastic temple as a rest room fur
- . ' the wtiten ar.d cbillren dttriig the state
,,LVC '.Ttrt. to. A comt.teM mrr,a will I placed
he sab-m . M. (.. t'. t - cryihi::? jit.le wf
K..Jay OB lm-.,;!.! ... U k t0 a3ke it pWasar.t for the
as, .nation. He wii r'tj.'E t' n.crrvw.
J visitors.
Dr. Btone" Drag Store, tf
The river today is 3 3 feet beio low
water mark, which hit Wa eiaciiy the,
static of the river in-c .V:oi.-t .';!. One !
vear a0 today the -"'Si f "' T
b-.-lu- zero.
Dr. E. T. Mclat:re.
surgeon, 211 laoni' r
plvsicisn and
Ia order to accommodate the extra
traffic hf tie rtudet. of the iisbcr
educati-tal iiifito:-ii -i the s-dte re
turn to Kegel and to Corvi.i! the
southern Pacific will run a s j --iss 1 tram
ssnday afterncor. s. pt ember 12. from
1' tt:-ji:.! to Kajr-ne. The Train will stop
:.t W. MlLurn at 4:30 p. m.. in this eity
at r-:25 and in Albany at :Vj arriving
Kuf'-ue ht
with two pairs of pants, all sizes up to
18 years
Priced $3.00 to $10.00
Sizes 5 to 16 years,
SjjOO and $6.00
"Munsing Quality"
Priced 75c to $1.30 a Suit
The most popular and wanted styles
of Boys' Hats and Caps
Hats $1.00 to $2.00; Caps 23c to $1.00
Rer. A. A. Winter, part or c! the Uait
fi hvai: -)-) ehur ' :'. -r
..'!!;.. i;tiiiar aft." - u: 4 ''. '
at the W. O.'T. V. I .'.:. ' ' :: ri.' : ::.!
ai.J I' rry street.
Dr. Stone's Drag Swre. tf
Tie Drager Fruit company today re
ive.1 i y exj-re- a -rte "f 1 runes
at -neit'.i.! greeti. 11 I runes To the
FiL-.irir.2 at 'hi- rate. tLe
We have a few 1'oys' Suits which we offer at an attractive price. These are
of the "Meyers Quality". Plain coat model. Regular $5.00 to $8.00 grades
Extra special while they last $2.95 a suit.
H. May
i-oiice oi)
eJ as he returned f
Independence. He
await trial in poll
im ajrenei ty the Salem
Dr. Utter, dentisr.
Natinnal I'ental ( .,:
V: Offiee 414 Sal
merce Lhlg.
wJl return from
'.--? "t t?nber
a fcsi.it of Com-tf
m.jiii n.ake i'i jouuis dried to the
l.jshel. Thr-?e iflivste to n:e extent
ti.e fin' (juality rie!;rje-. of the
prun-s this .!, T:.e I:a.'. r plant
Xpert to ship a ear load of jrunes
Lilt Wick.
"The Henerietta," the greatest the
atrical attraetiiTj in the country EOtr
layiriir at '"an Francis, o, wii! uppear
in .r.!etn at the 'iraad. eptemr.er 27.
This will he the only stand between
s-:in Frare-i o and I'ortiaii.i. The . at
includes Wm. H. Crane. Thomas V.".
K..SI-. Ma.-lyn Arbuekle. Lawf.n Hope
Crews and Mabel Tahaterrn nve of
The Wexford ij drawing good houses tte greatest stars io the theatrical fir-
w ith is comninntK'n of rr.( vn;
and vaudeville. Th I.int'n
evening were jjjener-'ii'i.v crci
sinpng and daoeiair l"t; i:
preciated by the aud.t;..'e.
uet last
. tioir
;it!y tip-
SCHOOL SHOES'-lf he is hard on shoes bring him to us
The House
MggMv'Hk V
JJL - liopoplopops
Salem's Big
Store X
New class in shcrthiLd aud -teneo-tvi.v
will be roiniue-"'-! at the Capital
liusiness rolle(!e on Mr:.iay. f-ept-bt.
The prinripel is m his oftiie
flay thi week to an-'rr iroiiries
If dd this week. The owner writrtj
in to tell bin property at a aurrifire;!
houe, birn, wiudmill, 3 lut 1 it'xl 50 ft.,'
all kinds i f bearing fruit tree, l'riec
tlW; tetu.i. l'ropeity is well worth!
-',KA. 1
Well Improved 5-A. Tract
Trie l.'iOO; term. W J.TCKl; holme.
barn, two well,' all kindi of berni; '
fruit iree and lerrie rlune in, bet fii
in the vlley. Let ui how you lhi
Trty tiwiay. j
Sole Agent i
317 8tt Bueet Phone tf2
Come to New York to Talk
Over Situation With Amer
ican Money Kings
When In SALEM, OREGON, atop at
Strictly Modern
Fra and PriTat Bath
RATES 76c. 11.00, $150 TEE DAT
7 only hotel in the butineu ditri t
Neareit to ail iH't,!, Thetri and
Capitol tiuil'litik,'.
A Rome Away from Horn
T. O. EUOII, Prop.
Both Fhooea. Fret Auto Boa.
New Viifk.S.pt. lit.- lieiireentatie!
of ln ost tinee ipmrter of the wold's
wealth lie hue t(iny, fimn Knland
und Kraiire, for a toufen me with fin
iinrieiit Htiiih is etpeted to test, ire the
-tlility uf iore,u e Iiane, nd to
rriii;e fur credits for the allies for
punht.x j i.i tin I'oiintry.
The rtiiiiuisMoiii-is, alining !te hist
ni(;ht. nre.siiol to a iniii- U.n
in thin rountry.
lu the pfiy, !iih taken in
ha i ) by .1. I'. Morgan ari l lleii'y I'.
l,t oifoTi, life I.of.t r::' f .lii.V.ie Kead
f Kiit'!a.i,t; l!:,,il K. liia.kett and
Mr Henry Snutii, of the lritih 1ron
ory di'pait'iieiit ; Sir l'.-lar. 11. Midden.
iinnKiii' dii.iti.r ef the lmdon City
mi l Mi. linn I bar.K; im. tiniest Mallet
rind i-t!i MmiiiImv Tcpie.i-ntnijj the
i'ren, h tu-n-iirv ilepuft'lu tit.
The rtiioti.i.ni'M :i. 1 : t ! t.i con
fer noli .1. I1. Morrun aiol llo r prrto
ii.eot luliii' n:. piaiiy in flan's
If the ciinuiiiviin tertihiltn bil.
cemi'h it liny linnet Kvikeis frmn Sn
riaiu t hicao. lioton( llener and
oilier Inriii' ntie.
'Salem's Best Market Place
Tomatoes For Canning
Ktr file.-!.,!, buehel 73c
Fall Butter Pears
O.h.J one, biuhel 75c
King Apples
lirue and I. nod, buidirl 7.V
Mann .lar. l"t. .'tV, Qtn. (iV,
1 'i (inlloin ,s".c do.'cn.
Kioiioiny !ne, 11.0", 11.1.1.
Y.. Seal Mc, tt'.e for .,nit.
I'ure Hum Jar l!i,bber. 1 d "'.. - V
Tearing KiiiM loe.
l''a, pound Lie; be. I Va
li"r i, k);e
Jelly dlai Ov- doien.
MiiMtn or bconoitiv t ap! "c Jo.
Hi;f ti.70 Nark.
Y. er thim; for t'unnirj.
11 Ntrti TLh "treet
Orocery Thoet &30; Meat Tboiia 110
i Five Acddents in Marion
County For Week Reported
There were fho accidents reKrted
from Marion county to the Mate in
duitriil accident eorninission for the
week, ending September H. of which one'
an i.jKirted trom rs.ilem. P. H. H.jmes. '
or tin citv, niiMuir.Vd a brok'eu lej;
while working as a telephone lineman;'
Kail Ruble, of !-:leru.n, finder ent.
sswinill; Km iik Ko.l'el. Siherton, leg,
cot. biili; liwinee I i.-K. Mill I'ity,
aiikl- liroken lni ii . I laude Smith,
foot lmied. iwimll.
From September 3rd to !'th inclusive
there were ropu-tel to the state in-du-lrial
accident eniii!i-sion 1'lri 1
dent of which 2 wtre fatal, (if the
total reported were vuhject to the
act; t'l wer fiorn public utility enrpor- 1
aiouis; l;i w, re from firm an. I cor
poratinnn u.io liai e rejeetnl the act;
arid one was ftctn a firm riot emplovnn;
labor in a hazardous oeeiition. The
following shuns the i.uinl.er of aci i
d"iit by industry: Sawmills :;.!, U
iivl Jo, railroad opeiation 1!'. construc
tion 1.1, iiun' and steel w.rks t',. nieat
pa.ki.m ,1, pp,r mills 1, general con
t rai-t iTiii, rink rriihir, telepnone line
men ;t t-a.-h, milling, laii-enterii.,;. and
laundry 2 each. The fill,,n i r. i: one
ea.-h: 1'o.kint, pluud.inn. .Ircln .
dertriial wor!,, ditchitu;. j h i i. t i ti u .
I nri;e operations, aut"o.olole wi.rks, iir
pleinent house, telegraph rm veneers,
iiioreie i -v i ii r. wK,i,'n niili. 1rnn
tirlaiion roinpuiiv, Kteain boating, pow
er ewn.pany, departmeiit stnre, ladro.i l
ii,;.t. railmad t.-j ver. pile
,l'ii'ik'. poldisnnij roininy.
Lieutenant Colonel Goodiar
WiD Be Court MarHaled
Wi,. hinion. Ss-pt. In. The war de
paitiiietit this afternimn or len d Lieu-
tellttlit ('oko.l'el L. L. (iocdirt of the
.'ii.U-e it,, ate ec-ieruls off n e I'a. ifio
co.'i-t diMn,n rourt niartiahd i n the
halves f Hindu, -I picuolicia) to t.ie
ser, e.
Ooodier I SUent.
San Vrmirivo, st I. 10, - I.i, utcnant
olonel i..,liei divlimd this atteri.'non
til cieiii'ciit en i. ns timii V.riin;toii
;lit he hal b.eu (n.i.rc.t court n.ar
t;nl.d but he s,im,d silipilsed.
-oip in miliinry -l r . ! her,. Mas to
Ibe e!f,-,t : l.at lioolier nenised over
erioM, it,;:,. tn hi mn. Captain
i; ber in tu' a, -h. plane fall at the San
l'iei;o Mtin lnt t.,11. fc: anuos'd the
Mtiiu!..i-.ui of lapla ii in ivin, -,
n:il cerji, m command t
The jminter tino l er, with butii lcts
(. tored, his spi-ie h i r r . and n.'temal
Iv in line.), was fwt ,'i,r, ,l f,,r at the
an lii en li..piial. lo t later, tliroitb
hi father influence, n nis said, w.(.
rrnuned to ihe Lelto-nin liojitnl at
lh l'rvidio en
Dr. F'oyd L. Utter is home from a
vis.it to the .San J'raaeiKO expiwitioii
and short tour into other part of the
state. Beaide atterdirg the fair, he
wan preseut at the mcetiuus of the Na
tional Iiental eonpr--ss aLich met in
that i ity last week.
The Salem Woman's club meets Sat-;
urdiiy. 2:10 p. m.. at public lil.rary.
The "Art and the Camera" will t the
subject tor the afterno.i.
For the two story choo! building to
be erected at Huhhnrd. th lo-.vest bid
submitted wan by (Jeorje Hubbard, of
Portland 12.2.! The f.llowinc bids
were fubmitted hv Sr.lim firms: I.. C.
Denison. n.Sii5:"r. A. Krixon. ?15.nil;'
Fred E. Dalrymple, 1L749.
Danco Saturday evening in hall over
Pomeroy 's Jewdry tore. ,1e per 'iuTue.
George W. Johnson and John W.
Kowland. of tl .s c:ty, went to .leff.r
con today to attend the funeral of E. N.
Thomas which will lie held in that eity.
Mr. Thomas na a well known resident
of this county :' l had resided in ,1. f
ferson for ovtr f fry years.
TEffiDr meeting of Mult
a iion.ah ' hapier No. 1, K. A. M..
l&hl Mark Va.vr deeree.
on i a: i. .i welcome.
The following parties have engaged
passj.ge on the steamer Great Northern.
sailiLf from Flavrl for Sen Francisco
Saturdav, the eleventh: Mr. sad Mr.
S. Z. Culver. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Albert
lr. ". R. Sundlmr?. (A Dallas, ui
Kr Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hines. of Dallas. Dur
ing the month of August. 1M passengers
from Salem were carried on th's
of .steamers, between Havel and
in the
George Chambers, of Newberg, is vis
iting a few ,::. nr.U the -family of W.
H. steu-h.ff Int. re returning to Cor
valhs to ' .'i i.i, .,- j, , m miles in the min
ing engineer ing j nrtment. He lias just
conic Irorn H.ker .ountv where he re
ports th
ie g.
.- all pri'sTous
W. IL Egan. a prominent farmer of
-npplied the Oiog,.n
Kraneiwo fair m;
plea that weie raised
is edd im his Moun
t's of thin advanced
mi gi ml bearing con
i. rountry and their
-the longevity of
When Your
r'ep'nl on glasses, Jen want
(;i.e you raa depeaj upon
the kinj we mike.
Ak fof lihu b n Uiirt aud
Shut Va Mouutinjs.
Miss A, McCulloch, Optometrist
20S-209 Hubbard Dldg.
Phone 109
Exposition Takes In
Almost Million Net
Sjn l'incie. v,-;n. l't-ln ri f.
foul stateieenl i.'.i to.Uv, t omp.
tr..ll,-T H.i,ev S, luukee of the Pan
ama la. ifu- npoMtioit nu,i. that ttie
cMn tion t.ns rolled np a net income
of :it.ii,'.13 in ire its oenirg oa IVb
tuary i'u j,t. Krni Aoiiit V to Sep
temlvr A, the team ef t;i.lj;;j w
taken in from various sources while
4ln.los,t;: Ih.t amount waa ti
e.;i,-.l, eMUJ profit of t.U.O 1 .1 0 1 ,
for Ike U.l n.i, alonr Purkce tate
that the esitio ia free of all debt
:ta Ihe ra.eptioa of approiimately
-"i',ii.i la nut.la iduiif rlaiina whi. 'h,
will tie ii,l off within toe .t few
d. The net and nro iasome the
la.il period mi nr. nier tiiaa any sithrr
period in te ei.ntioa ' hutory ad
iloe not include the rrve'tt from j
bsir lay and Admitmoa lar. two uf
1 1 Ihe fur 'a higirr't acaiey staking Uv
Hopni.re, h:
eXiilblt at the
i"Ute pcurs m i!
tiiuii trees o,:
'Mil View fi.ru..
age winch are
liit'eii are ri,:e n
ir.diot sp.-uks
f ri.it trees ill tl.
The bo.trd cf c
'. r. a.U, s ,p,
p;:mt at tl
the -tr. ef c;,r ,
ib' ll lea n U !.
flux as In :ng
I'adv i...le t., .
fuviisl- -1 ly t:
"f s I'M l.-it ..,
"it r li e I- nr l
til T.e, , : Mi'V :: v
John A Propp,
tr et. nt-tu. d
n.,-i th's ,,r
ef the ..pi ,. .
in the . , i !!,; .,
"'er h' ,"e ,i ., .
b-d j;,v.-r
V'mI ftier,.. ,;
t-i.r's of t .';,
is no such t! k-
'! I- 1 lit p!
talks vi ,i)i ,
I r, ..i.-.i io w-, ., ,
f r...l-;;! .
r fi t H '
The French Shop, the millinery
store at l'i5 North Liberty street, will
move to its new location on state street
about the 2th of this month. The room
adjoining; the Scotch Woolen Mills is
being entirely remodeled, with an up-to-date
plate giass front. In this newly
furnished room, the French shop will
have better facilities ror showing their
new fall styles.
The Elks lodge at Medford. No.1168.
will dedicate their new home Thursday
evening. September and have in
vited the members of the Salem lodge.'
No. .'i.iii, to come down and take part in
having a gnud time. The dedication
will also eelebrate the sixth anniversary
of the Medford lodge. At That time. :
there will also be taken up the proposed
organi:iti..n of a state association of'
K.ks. The state' organization of Elks
!,;is been meeting with favor in several
states, and there has been a feeling
lately it) favor of such an organization !
in Oregon.
Reports were received in the city to
day if the burning or five hop houses
bciingine to K; h Young, of pub-pen-deuce.
The entire crop .f Mr. Young
had j;t been placed ill th line
rooms. H. -ports were also received ,.f
llie burning hist night of a hop house
Wong-tig to a Mr. Keutf. near Inde
pendence. The lure,. I.,,, belonging to
the Wig an it Ki'luird-on hop rtuieh. just
across the river from I n.icpeiuieiico.
was reported burned last evening, al
though it is Lot known R yet whether
there was my b -s of live stock.
Here if a efcrmee for ambitious young
men who ) iv,' takets g 1 cmv of their
hoa!;l to be,-oire teal patriot- and serve '
their r. entry. Sergeant s, human ol
the Man",' i',,.,,, l'ectui'iug rnti.ii is"
here, an.'i has t-ikrti up 1:, a 1. miners in
the pos.,,.'f;,0 bui'.ling. Hefore any
yoni'g man can join ihe i,av lie inu.t
stand a pref y m- ere l.v-i. al eau,ina
tion. as 1 ml,. s,,m is rath, r backward
anon' lo .'cptiiiir ; recruit
feet health. The lust tin
Are You From Missouri?
If you buy groceries from a store which pays
big rent you must pay a high price to that mer
chant for your goods so that he can pay his rent.
High rent is one of the chief factors in the pres
ent high cost of living. You must help bear the
burden imposed by the landlords bn the mer
chant. - .
Buying and selling for cash and having .o
Rent to pay, enables us to sell for less money
than credit stores. If you are from Missouri
give us the opportunity to Show You.
Gold Dust Flour, special for Saturday
$1.25 per Sack
Vim Flour, made from the Best Hard Wheat
obtainable .$1.60 per Sack
We buy direct from the mill which enables us
to sell you for less money.
Creamery Butter, our price 3-5c pound
Pure Maple Syrup from New York, our price
$1.65 per Gallon
Olive Oil, quart cans .70c
Gallon cans $2.65; 1-2 gallon cans $1.35.
We don't care if you pay $4.00 per gallon f or
Olive Oil, you can't beat the quality of this oil.
We buy it direct from the growers in California.
Walla Walla Sweet Onions, 25 lbs 25c
Per Sack 85c
Our Special 30c Steel Cut Coffee, Saturday
only 25c per can
This coffee will compare with any 30c coffee
ever put into a can.
4 pounds of Small White Beans for 25c
14 pounds of Sugar for .$1.00
6 large Rolls of Toilet Paper for . . . .25c
Country Club Milk 85c per dozen cans
3 cans of Corn, Tomatoes or Salmon for 25c
6 pounds of Broken Rice for . .' 25c
3 1-2 pounds of Head Rice for , ... .25c
If you want to save money on your eatables
buy from 'Damon.
Damon & Son
855 North
Com'l St.
" ..liLjmMi iium jl in au'l'itl "flTl
2 p. m. to 10 p. m.
Sunday & Monday!
Adults Children
20c 10c
"Lady Audley's Secret"
.itrol baa decided that
i 'endent of the flnx
ven, shall patronize
a litney when emu eg
1 neheon. While the
lied in the. fields Mr.
rk in an automobile
': te at a monthly cost
ef in
i 1 ditio
'. 1't, ,1.
i has
-s in ver
r. ' ruitiiiL'
ottlce v,as established lute t'ol th.
navy, niai.v came but few we-,, ehosen.
r.iriioui;li any yo'ino man
lieicht and lair physical c
a (.'ood chance of being ;;,
Walter A. Denton, liinnnccr of the
Movers' store, and wit',.. i, t ir-;ed ves
ter.lav from n three weeks' visit at the
exposition. IV. IVntuii cm, l,,,tv.- fill
...t i. ..1, i 1. . ... ...
...heflav pnllin, ia.i B n,; X an f ' thi' ity ZTZ
ml era the Bute an . . it,,,,,, s. ,, , ."J. ""it oi
ifettiii.nl Naiein. llavinc; had an
eiputtiiiii1v to compute the resources of
orei-on with other states, be has come
ti the conclusion that with ihe b,u,t
mtr spirit if ('nlitoriiin disidnvcd bv
1 fpj,T.y,w-S
K 1 North Eighteenth
esterdnv from a
nneimta with
Theda Bara
(The Vampire Woman)
In a Role of Stunning Power
In a 4 Act Comedy
'The Mixup", a one hour scream
"uT Sr .? fo',n 1 "f te. Ore ,.,, should
line that is found v, ., ,ako it!t ,,,,, , ., , , , ,,
s Besid,,. Uijs,,,,,,, f . ',. .,, f,
beat farm iu the i ,, ,,, , , "
e .ho had time to ' " ,, i Tl 7' ""'V
,.t.iv... ; ' 11 lflf '"?t cute center
elative in various
I to note that there
a bushiest de.e
the country. Vrom
mine men. the im
: that thi feeling
n to trikp the IV
compareil to ems. n,,r the beuutii'"'
home, nor the nttnotive sceueiv n.l
jacent. and Mr IVnton teds that even
eiti.:eii in the citv .hoiild i a clastintlv
boost for 'Heti' tiful Sal. in." ..,d the
finest valley in the world, the Willamette.
L. 1 Crispin, cut ty afrlcultunst. U
I ul'uii: in hi, t;,r,. i(; irrancitiR
for the fail ,. ! ....,r ,orn fain, and
"vricultiiml ii ..,tiit. s to be he. in wv
em! eti,., ef t iMimttr. V..r Anms
M'lc. the .lite hs. lefimtelv Isecn de
eded , n a. N ox, ,) , 5 ,n, n. The S.I
'"" !" b " t t vet bvn d.cided.
Tin. venr s.S. rt, n will hol4 it annual
Poultry .hen in e mi isftio with it ag
ricultiirsl insi,..;., ,j ,rn how.
A oooth wm se'urc4 ytrday at the
fair t.Min ( bv i mty AgrietiltnriM
1- J. Chai n f, r ti e demonstrttion in
cannirf. Siernl e rln from ("henun
nillnitKeiip i nr of th teamt. and old
er nill ,1 .,, in onlcr thai
there will W a cotit auona demonstra
tion in xck-etable. fniita. meat and
poultry at the tte fair. Special at i
tenton nil) be ru.i. to the eanninr i
of p.iullry. The Kmi), that nsd
taut ve.r Vs. nWteJ for this
year'a dcuoctratioea.
Oregon Doctors Almost
Enejn Fist Figlit
r.irtlanl. Or.. Sept. pi .-Fervid Ian
ensue and doubled fists enlivened to-!
dav'a sessieti ,,f the iVc.'ori Slate Medi-
cal aasociation nhi. h f .r a time threat !
encl to end j a free f,.r nil ficht.
lr. Andrew C. S'lii'h and IV. Calvin'
S. While iiilerrv.pted the .erene .l
orderly pr.s eeduie of the coin entiu,, l.vj
hnrlini nii.miiliii-entarv e)'ithet it'
each other. IV. White became so en-'
raced that he prng for IV. Smith d(
wa almut to land a winw. ,, the 1.
ter' iaw.-whcn rrotraine.t lv niher,
The friction mi eaued bv the td
tion of a Kvrctary of the association,'
Or. White taVln,r occasion to criticise'
the aomineca f,,r that office. I
Tae ele.-ii.ii, tesultcd a follow-leidcnt-lV.
W. Knykendahl, En-
The Fue Problem Solved
By the
Royal Blue Gas Producer
Own your own Ka plant nnd in a tin fa. 'in re vour pm as v.m tise it.
Humor will fit any family rnncc or heater.' Urge UM-'t ..r bolel
c-cs. See free denionst i at ion nt
Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Store
Ken,.; vice presidents, IV. Uobert C.
Vciiney, I'orllnnd; lr. Ih. F. Ferrell,
''end; V. II. J. Clement, Salem. '
Nuretary, V. M, It. Mareellus. Fort
laud; ti.asnrer. IV. K. C. M,,i,.n. Fort
la n, I.
Ihlee.te to American Medical ,.
nation, Fr. Walter T. Willmiimon.
Saturday and Sunday at
Darling's Delicatessen
. 495 Court St
CllAMnKliS ToTirnn.i Mra. Cl,m.
W". at 375 North Vonrleenth .treet
Pteaiber 10, l!.5. . M(1(l
atil child Hre doing nicely.
, Mione :,o. x coinpUte variety of
j home c,n,ed food, ready to tahe honm
and erve. Sp,.,-iR Suturdnv and lun
j 'ln : Hitf llaltiiiiore insler fried to
'jour order nhil,. ymi' wait, ami mp
' t'd mi they'll be hot when von gi't
; home, l.uii. h,., put p,
I 'Vb H ,1rj s,UB1,y, ; "
' J