Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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    the daily capital journal, salemv Oregon, Friday, sept. 10. 1915.
mmxxwwii I nFATH (IF PilliniNP
Never were we so well prepared to serve our friends and patrons.
Never has our stock been so complete at this season.
Never Have the Prices Been so Attractive
Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Bedding,
Hosiery and
Ladies' Ready -to -Wear!
of Dame Fashion's latest decree, fresh from the importer and manufacturer,
shown in endless variety, All of the latest fabrics and colorings are now here.
Fall Millinery Galore
Hats of every conceivable shape and style are -here awaiting your inspection
and selection. Whether the large velvet, plush or satin Picture hat or the
small close fitting Turban it is here, and don't forget
Our Pure Food Department
Pioneer Sporting Goods Mag
nate Was Once Star Ball
Boys' Two Pants
School Suits at
Lowest Prices
A new department just added for the benefit of the thousands who know
and appreciate the many advantages offered in this line
A look will convince. We want your grocery business. Give us a trial
order. See what cash will do. Reduce the high cost of living.
San Diego, Cal., Sept. 10. Messages
of condolence from all parts of the,
United States arrived early today at;
the home of the late Albert Goodwill
Spalding, famous sporting goods mag-1
nato aiul capitalist known as the,
"father of baseball," who' died here of,
apoplexy last night. ,
Funeral services, which will be held;
tomorrow afternoon, will be private.
Spalding leaves a widow, Elizabeths
Churchill Mayer Spalding, a son, Keith I
Spalding of ( hicago, and an adopted
son, Albert (. Spalding, a violinist of
national reputation. His mother is still
living and resides in Orange, N. J. His
only brother J. Walter Spalding,
partner in the Spalding sporting goods
concern, is in New York.'
About ten days ago, Spalding suf
fered a slight paralytic stroke, but it
was not thought serious. .Last night he
chatted with Mrs. Spalding concerning
plans for the future, and started to re-
tiro ubout 9:30. He complained of a
pain in his head to his valet, and was
suddenly stricken, passing away without
regaining consciousness.
Spnldinir wns 05 vears old. He was
born in Hrynit, 111., September 2, 18.10,'
his parents removing to Kockford, 111.,
a few years later. Here Spalding lie-f
enmo interested in outdoor sports, tak
ing up the game of baseball from a civil
war soldier. Ho introduced it among
the Hockfoiil school boys and later or
ganized the famous 1'orest City club of
Hock ford. I
Ho made his first professional appear
ance with the Hostou elub, winning for
that organization the championship pen-;
nant four years in succession, 1872-3-4-5.
In 1H76, Spalding went to the White
Stockings ns manager and pitcher and
again won the pennant, establishing a
record that has never been equalled by
any other professional league pitcher.
During these five yearn he played al
most daily, pitching in nearly every
Ho was identified with the national I ""
game for vears, later founding tho ... ,. .
sporting goods house which bears hi .FUDllC Health 1WSC IS
Spalding came to San Diego in 19(10 , KeCOmmeilfled f Or lllieS
Sturdy Norfolk Suits with two
pairs of pants to give double
service. Made of dependable
materials in the new colors and
patterns for Fall 1915.
In fine worsted, cheviots,
homespuns, etc., all with two
pants, and Norfolk coats, at
$5.50, $6.50, $7.50 to $12.50.
Long Pants Suits for boys and
youths, in English and semi
English styles at $9.45, $12 and
Boys5 School Shoes
The kind that wear the longest
at prices that mothers don't
mind paying.
Pony contest now on. Win the Pony by buying here.
Votes given with every purchase
Brick Brothers
The House That Guarantees Every Purchase.
S.l lie
H""l H C
"Vital sintistickus, " said Levy,
"have been nitisi'ied to publish mean
ingless t'igmoii and force the health ol
ficer to get out of the resulting diffi
culties ns best ho mig'lit. It is time
we cull on them to deliver the goods.''
Dr. John W. Trash, of the C,
He was a enndidato for tho United ;
Stales senate in 1910, being defeated in 1
the California legislature by .lohn D. llochester, N. Y., Sept. 10. A Caun
Works. He ban been interested in the ,,,, i,-.,v',,.ii,,i lie C. J. llnstiiiL's. of
good roads movement and was the bead, .,,.,,,, Homothi.nr 11PW and ! vvo t RH hil
. ' ; lienor mat me niga dentil raie iitnoiu:
interesting to the American 1 liblic , 1,1,., miyt, ; m)t Inherent in the
Health association meeting hero today, j colored race and that the situation cm,'
lie suggested a tmblie health nurse, 1 be rcinedie 1 in this country.
,, ," ,.,,. ..i,!,,',,,, The onlv wnv to beat the housefly's
who would earn her s ary as June. m-cordim- ,o .,, ,. , MeCor-
,phvs,c,s earn inoirs, ,.y iiceping j,,.- of ..v,, N v , , ,v it
pub lie. well. the Imiseflv's wnv, whieii is eliiirnc'ler-
ine .pun i.cu,, ... ,,,.., . , , . . .,..:.,,,.., N..., , ,,,,,
in destroying ferries on which tho
Mexicans secretly crossed to this side.
One Mexican officer has stated un
officially that Carrunzistns would not
j fire across the river at American troops,
j but would attack Texas rangers and
armed civilians who approached the
Danger of this, however, is reduced
General Elizondo Thought TouZ
, . . , . . v ,.. -. ...
inland. - i. .
Have Been Responsible
For Trouble
Brownsville, Texas, Sept. 10. Gen
eral Elizondo, second, in command of
the Ciirranza forces at Matamoros,
It is an unusual thing for a druggist
Portland Firm Lands j Founder of Yoga Cult
State Plambing Contract Lashed by Judge Dykeman
uf u big realty corporation here.
Prominent Educators To
Speak at Linn and Benton
County Teachers' Institute
, L ,,, 1 ,, , ., ,,. ., , i:.:., l.cl ehiel Iv liv pcrsisietico.
II.,,,..,,,.. iiKt i ,, .,. 1 1 iiiuued mi- . . . i ,,,,, v-Ki hug Ms terns wi serve or the i-
I logi.inis nine jiim nun issum no . r f i-ki hi :tc in a recognized sel not i . . . . . . . .
,,,., imr tin. iniiil mi'i'iiiK, of the an-1!" V- ., ' . 1 sc ves, he siik , ci ics must e can up and
iioiini nig tee ,oini nutiing oi mi "' . tiu, in i n ui l' ot nurses, roouire that , , ' 1
iiuiil teucne'B institute tor hci.ton iimt, , . , nm.einl training as ft!
l-inn counties, to be held in the new ; tllori,(IKis nrH. ft child welfare!
junior high school building lit Albany '.. u ..,.,.hni ,lrB1.. tiaininir in I
nr. rse ue m rer i . io i.i, n is r n ;
, keep clean.
Wash., Sept. 10. "Dr.-
! Seattle,
Tho Apiilinji-Clriggs eompnny, ttl' i Knlpli M, Deliit, fnunder of .Seattle 's dress the general sessions: .1,
Portland'," has been awarded the eon-1 Yoga cult, was still wincing today from ! ill, stntesnpeiiiitciulent;
tract for the heati
system tor the new
II unnnit'i Nit - . , .. ,.o ., , ,, , .v , ug t u'hij x i i jiii , . . , ',..,.
ling and ventilating tn(! verbal lashing ailmhiistered him by i Wells, nssis
w teacher's training sl"'""r Jii'ltf" King Dykeman, whe'nlW. ' 'J1'''1--
t 41111 touchers will be present. The j !:,, .. ., ,.,,!., h,.r to ...("'.rv"", Pr- l'l'- .HI.-trttml'H II.
following OregKi educators will ad- ,,ff ;,,',,,, ,.,,,.,.1 wrvi,.,; ,,(M,t . oolcry, who lias init been il tor very
'V.' "i""''-!ai.d in fnet, she must lie the lioine-iiiak-1 '." ' '" 111 y'.
Kranli K. ! ,.,.:.,,, t'r ,,, ,, ,.,,. ii, ,,.,H. died Tuesday nilernoon of piieuinonia.
state superintendent;! f , , H , , K..xt!.M;. Woolery was an old soldier ami
. . ' , -, Iti. , mini, I tn I in fli-iiiul Jli'inv tin I n.
1, or exi.teico. lleretolore ciiii- ... v .....v. .... ...
iicini services ni'in iicui hi ins icim
deuce, witn interiiient at I lie rioneer
cemetery not far from (iervais.
provident Oregon Agrieitl-
across the Eio Grande from here, will I to sell medicine under a guarnntee to
tnr Afnvicr. Pitv. at refund the money lr n aocs noi cure,
leave tomorrow
General Carranz-a's direct order. His
associates sought today to explnin that
ho was to undergo on operation, but
the real reason for his transfer was be
lieved to center in recent Mexican raid
ing activities along the border.
General Nafarette, commanding ni
Yet this is the way Daninl J. Fry, the
populnr druggist, is selling Mi-o-na, tho
standard dyspepsia remedy.
Never before has he hnd so largo a
number of customers tell him that a
medicine has been successful as with
Mi-o-na. People who a few months ago
M.ta,no os, it . understood, willalso looked like walking skeletons ha put
tmtA nWwhero soon. Still ! on flesh and today are ruddy and vig-
and civil of-,orous witn pencci uigesuuu mm j
be transferred
ol her Mexican officers
ficinls are reported to be under investi
gation for alleged participation, direct
or indirect, in the recent border up
risings, American regulars arc now engaged
mi' n f 111 I HI .,1 (II III Nil I II II V I II I .tMiliJIIUklKi 1 ....... .... ...... u I'll u hum , , , ummi min' ' .......
normal school board. Their bid was guardianship of little Areal (iorber in O'egon r.ornial sc ico ; h. . ucssicr , (,lt(1. s,.1,lmii(,f,ir ,;,.),, offimes, il
7 !.i(i fi:l.r bi.U w-erei T. M. Barr. . favor of neither Dr. Kndoloh (lerber. ,'',lwl" r: lf'''"1.' ' '"'B"1' Ar icim ruble . ilni'.inize has been done.
nf'thi. cil v 7 7 IS- HiiHlilitflit & HaB- the father, nor "Is.uia Deltit " (Iorber. ' rieulturnl college; Dr. Dc Husk , o the j,,,,,!, ,p ) the source
"'.M , , - 7 i ... C I I...,.,,. i, . W 1'ittlllflll I ... i 1
torff, Portland, '-'07; Mcl'hersou com-i the mother. I ,, ' .. .V .' ' 1 'Usease iind tne vanons ways mm incms
pany H,244. .1. (.'. Knglish of Portland, i Judge Dykeimin placed the six year " 11,1 r """,ns ,"' , ."'r' ''' 'i'' ''' . Zu! i ''' w,li,,h il iH transmitted frmi one per
...i.i ....... ii. .;,;. ' i , . " L .. ...... . normal scncoi nun i,. .i. nui i m.;iiiii, i ,,. r.,...iir.
Iitxt f ir Veil I'M. 1 i.i' lilt'
wun nvMiiiit'ii hut nmum i iwi m4"' (tin if ri. k r in use i1 k v iiih ituriuiiHi
tures on a bid of 4S.1.50.
tho low bids received on all of
L'irl. tor whose ciistodv ilia unriiiilu
J. M. Walsh have been fighting for weeks, in the
7.r) and the Morrison Kleetrir .j lall,H of the jv,.ii,. (.0urt, until one or
ny bid 704.2"). On account pfi)h0 (),1(,r of ',), ,,.(, proves worthy
w bids received on all ot the;,, -.(! i,,..
of protecting her.
work there will li nearly i,iiuo leiii ., .,.,,, i,i(.Pi ,,,, ,...
for liimlscapew.rk out of the amount . . . . ' relaH- wit , ,..
aiipronriated for the new building,
nnoolt 4c Trnvcr, ol alem, liavo tne
Hit and the cult and endeavor to demon-
ontiact for the building and are nowi""1" "" ",e B"i.ii.is,p
inshiiig the work to nil early completion! or tlt'1 , - '
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of thei ft T'j;"J0c,Tr
Sisters of the Holy Names
There is no lonaer any need for nny-
onc suffering or making their friends
suffer on account of dyspepsia. Mi-o-nn
can ulways be relied upon. The per
centage (if cures is so great that there
is little risk to Daniel J. Pry in guar
anteeing to return the money if the
medicine does not relieve. And he
stands ready to do so without any ques
tions. Headaches, all forms of indigestion,
specks before the eyes, dizzy feeling,
poor sleep, ringing in tho ears and all
forms of liver trouble are helped by
Mi-o-na. A few days' treatment should
show considerable gam in health while
venr for the enjoyment of good health,
I and Mi-o-na will put yuu in such perfect
I condition that you can enjoy ecry
I minute of them.
'How to Avoid Cancer
Till A I- .1
Most approved methods, Pri-: 101(1 Dyuregon uociorb
mary, Grammar and High; .((r,iar..i. or., 8.pt. io.-k you would
School Departments, Com- avoid J''Z:,
and the structure will be ready for oc
cupancy about January 10. '
AVhile abroad lat evnr, a" matron i Mrs. Montgomery. Ted, the small son
much envied for her youthful looks, 1 1 understand, will innko a trip to Kontli
generously confided to nie several littlej Dakota, probably to lemain tnrongh the
beiiutv secrets which I prize highly.i winter.
One of the best of these is that straight ! Arthur .Slmltz and Miss Homo Kvnns,
industrial field worker for the state de
partment of education.
Hour For Federal
Suffrage Has Arrived
San Francisco, Sept. 10. "The hour
for federal suffrage lias struck," will
be the keynote of the convention of
the Congressional t n ion for Woman
Huff rage which will open a three day
session here September 14.
A group of women of world wide note
will be among the speakers. Mrs. (). II.
P! Ilclniont, famous New York society
The W(m,an and suffragist left New York
There i vcHteidnv to attend the convention, lie-
was in the i.cnl sonic exchange of prop-j eomimnicd by a large corps of secietnr-
crtv, the dilterence in money going to'i.
Among the oilier prominent women
, Arabic Explanation
Is Not Satisfactory
(Cor tinned from rag OneO
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Friiitland, Or., Sept. 10. Mrs. Mont
gomery has sold her fi4 acre raiw h to
(ieo. W. Walters of Kast Salem,
price is about the if'yOO mark.
must. imrt. ivnir.ned within (lie tire-,
ciucts of too university and laboratory. I
Tiiis knowledge must be dciiiocrnti-'cil (
h l.niuli, I,,) '.,-in In. iiilmri, ll.ltt I llpi
iiimi'lnt.'d by the housewife in (iie itio.il regnid to party will endorse the
hum!, lest homo und bv the niiiu on the l,,'","l't l "r' "i""-
street. This en.i iindii ibtedlv besi lie1
laccomiilislicd by the public health Submarine Not Seen.
fia'ys Death Eatcs Toll Nothing. Herman claim in its note to the I'liited
Th 't present ntntisticH on deaf.i rates States that the commander of the so'
! iicaeiiigl sn f.c'd useless was the' murine winch sank the Arabic com lud
declaration of I'l. '. l.evv, of Kichniond, ! ed th vessel was about to nun and
Va. No distinction as to conditions arei sink him, the White Slur line tudny re
made, lie said, Mir ns to preventable! iterated ils declaration that the sub-
lind ,:on pieveii'ti lil.' diseases, The work marine was not seen, aii'i hi e that
du e by ii good health officer, in l is . w lis impossible the Arabic, attempted 1
opinio, i", fi.ids m: reflection in such attack her.
attending will be Miidnin Marie Monies- 1
sori, M lid ii tn All Kuli Knlin, wite M the;
Persian ambassador to tho United
States; Miss Mabel Tiilliafcrro. actress;
hair enn be made wavy and surlv over t"-" populnr yining peoiB of trio l)ethelMi ' M Wilsoii, of Nevada; Mrs.
Charles v. Knyser, of Illinois, ami Mit-s
Klsie Hill, of Connecticut.
Moro thlill 1,000 deb.gates are expect
cd from twelve western sdites which
have eipml suffrage laws.
...... i: . mil,, lumiil oisinct, were iiiuici in marriage a lew
IUUI11 U III.-H IJ 'l,'.'"K I"' ., ,ni t'f ,
silmerine. Some peculinr attribute of ' . ' , 7 ' " ., '
this harmless fluid causes the hair to ! ' "' ' .
, , ., . . .i i I it nun nuini. in.- .uiiiiu iTuuiiiu IIHV,-
lrv lii tint iiinur nyiimsiie colls mil1.. ... . n '..
illlll l.l.t Vtiklllm I.I tlllU IllllllllllllilV fill. I
Lni'i,,.. 11 llii. ti tn urn rn ni'ii tit . " ! . .
nn. in, ii....uK . ii-"- ,a bright liituie ami soino other things
mi.; mi i ii i m in-. ! await them.
My friends who have tried this are, A , ,,()1.f( o. rUl;HM vMnK
Bimjily delighted. I find that P'eihis hops at (lei r stution 'Wednesday p,
liipiid siliiierine can bo procured f rom ; 1M "X, crop was fair for this season,
any druggist here, and a few oiiurosj .Sihuilz, of Vcomaii station, also
will keep the hair in curl for several ; finis,,,.,! jjckii.g Wednesday, hight
weeks. Theres' nothing gummy, greasy i crop.
or messy about it J on the contrary, it is ' , C. in,, I licit Dressier have been
quite pieasant to nse. I'm sure if you, transferred from the Livesley hop yard
will try this tonight apply with a;nt (ninaby where they have been
clean tooth brush a look in your mirrort bailing (not hauling, as the compositor
t,,t..rrmv inorniiiir will cive von a most got it last week) to l he ranch south of
Anitn. Am her 8 nin -in iich'- i.icm-y mhimiii iiu nie
. v. iwiirvn nil' I tniuii I i,k ,i.i. d
plete Course in Harp, riano.r ,,'t i,ni.i a pipe always in the same
agreeable surprise.
"Beauty Talks."
Die From Exposure
and Thirst On Desert;
Calexico, fill., Sept. 10. A party of
American hunter arriving from a trip,
to the Colorado desert reported today
that thnv hail seen seventeen bodies of'
men who iucl irom
Voice Culture, Violin and
Harmony. No interference
with religion of pupils.
Modern Conveniences
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
Becond Monday in September
(Cottage (irovo Piitiml.)
A newMiiniicr'is about the only institu- .i
:i iiiiiiiiiIh
vour inrrith; yon II catch; i;n !,, a cuninniiity that refuses cash,. . .. lMVi'. i,ui ,. i, ,Hj ! It would
biisineis. nv few foiss ininK oi mis, hustle some men with two hands to d'l
but It is so. What other business in a,UH wr, e is undo to Mr. Koff.
community refuses business from tho Mr. Koff and Mr. Merchand havo had
ratiilo" fconse, of from the liquor house, .nic clover hulled this week.
Ofisiiinn in
caivcer or the Hps u ju no.
Don't rasp your tongue over a rough
ened tooth; it invites cancer uf the
tongue. ....
Don't eat vour food hot. It irritates
the stomach a.id tends to bring on tan
cer affection.
Tilde are some of too warnings
sounded v the Orrgm Slate Medical
asfocintinn, In session hero today.
Cancer was declared to be on tho in
crease. However, in a paper on the
...i.;,. ,n,l bv Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie
of Portland, it was
or from some patent medicine concern,
nr frini some specialist, or from some
out of the-i'itv merchant. Vet a news
pnper is etiected to refuse business
from the people, usually does refuse it,
and would refuse il whether expected
to do so or not.
The Sentinel has refused eonsiderabl;
asseVted that the,. Rising fron.
it iri -1 - -
dread disease is c irai'ic --'' '". .... ,, m,,,h.,,il;( :u the sam
c.rlie.. stages ami puj Mines are not advii'tutti.
thirst and ex-.
posure while trying to cross I ho wilder
ness from the "(lulf of California ti
Portland and Ktigcn.! line. They have Mexican. J ho Ameii. iins tirougni n
uitc a long inn. threo siirvivois. i lie survivors say -i
I in le Hilly," a man well up in ! or tneir coinpnuioiis uo u in un- in---i 1. 1
lyears, deseives spc-inl mention as a All were aliens, i hinese pi iiicipniiy,
I hop picker. Wednesday at the A. 1. 1 who intended to walk to civilization
Koff yard his days work weighed up after having been lai neur ine
This h going some for a desert by a llritish inerchiintiiinn.
i i
The Stayton school will begin Mon
day, September 20, The Inst teacher bus
linen hired, and tho full corps of tench
era are; W, C, (Iniintt, principi.l and I
superintendent; Miss Tiffany, of All;
baay, assistant; l. ' . I'nvis, oi orviu
lis, coinmercinl; Clyde llaffcr, of Stay
ton, music, writing and thawing; Miss
Crnbtreo, of Stayton, seventh and
eighth grades; Miss Phillips, of Fern
Ttidge, fifth and sixth grades; Miss
llollister, of Salem, third and fourth
grades; Mrs. Pratt, of Portland, first
and second grndes. Mail.
M M mm Tm H
1 he most
pleasant and agrecaMo
EFFECTIVE laxative known.
of Figs
and Aromatic Syrup of Senna
To maintain a healthy nystcm tho howels muni ho
kept opi;n nnd regular, inm is onu in inuiuiu
wisu provision which muit mi un inoreu.
Our formuli has hcn III uu for yenm nd its uftlclnncf
bus liccn lli'irout'lily proven. K.iiccully clfi clivt
lor tuu Utile oiiun, wno enjoy n uiomnui; wim.
(fliHllt)H 1)1 'H
rHjIM'H UV i'Kl
,! i h mi
Clii'iitiiA fid
huh iwii"i i fiwr
Mrs. Dora H. Shrevo sold her entire
Interest in the Stayton Klectric, Light
company and the final papers were
signed 'today transferring the plant tn
C. K. Taylor, who bun had charge of it
since September 1.
Mr. Taylor will probably make n
statement to the public, in next week's
issue. Mail.
Should any I'llHOl. A
Product (ml to li
llipurlronuld will tie
chnvrfully ndunilcd
by your local tlcnlr.
TWO mUS, MS tnd M IE.S19
Opera House
offerg exceptional bargains In Mow aud fecondUund Oanipliig BuppUes.
We buy, loll or trade, hew and iccondiand goods of every description.
Beat cash prlc.es for all kinds of Junk.
Western Junk & Bargain House
317-327 Center Btreot, coruor Coinmorclal.
rhone T06