Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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The Salem W Oman's club will bold its!
fir it meeting this year at the library morrrnr for Kugene where siie will en-1
auditorium, Saturday, September 11, at Iter her second year at the I'niversity
2:30 p. m. The program will be inof Oregon. Mrs. Tischer will arcom-j
rhargo of A. C. Itarber, vice-president j aay her to Eugene for the week end.'
of the Oregon Photo Art association t . . ,
who will talk of the innibilitirs of! Honoring Mrs. H. A. Richardson on
tee camera a a medium of art That! her seventieth birthday, a prettily ap-l
the simplicities in that line are aa dif! pointed dinner was given last evening'
fieult M the difficulties, everr nir at the home nf Mr in.t Mri Rnv V
who has tried to take an artistfe pie- j Richardson, 270 Mission street The
tore, knows, and Mr. Barber, among 1 guest t4 honor is a mother of Ms.
tker things, will toll what the Photo : Riciiardsoa and is n visitor is Salem
Art association is trying to do, to erfveifrom Vancouver. Washington. Pink
them. The taU will be illustrated trand laver'.lar astern formed delicate
the best work of the members during I table decorations. Miss Linna G. Rich
tie year. There will then follow a bom-! ardson, of Portland, a (laughter of Mrs.
nesa meeting, at which the subject of . Kicharrlfon, was present for the oe
tafl state federation and its entertain-i easion. Covers were laid for ten.
Bent will be discussed. Mrs. V. A. j ...
Wliott is the president of tho club for Mrs. W. T. Pooler, of Prairie Citv,
the ensuing year. jf'rcgon, is visiting h-r parent-. Mr. arii
'Mrs. C. F. I-ansing at their home on
Miss Agnes Itayne an.l Miss Rubv (Jardea Road.
Wilson have returned from a airnt en-1
joyablu visit at the Panama Pacific ex-i Mrs. Marv Y. Kin . ,1.11 and her
I9''""- j daughter. Miss Ruby Iiarn.icl. will re-
I side in Mrs. George el'arre home this
Mjaa Hazel Downing left today for year, during the absence of Mrs.
Kugeae where she will be a guest at 1 Pearre an.l her daughter". Mis lliinn
the IMta liclta Iirlta House for about dell will hive ..ru'c or' the U.ni.an
tea days. Ietrtmer' in the hiu'h t heed this vcar.
. ...
Mr. aril Mrs. A. N. H i.h. their aotise-1 Mr. an 1 Mr. Walter Tooe and Mr. '
Ruests, Mis Alice lrwn and her fath-M'harles Kr(lni. an 1 dang'.'er. Paul
er. of We"ifiel-, M.isa.-hiieits. and inc. n.i.Mrci to .-tawna on Sun.lav.
Mrs. Harry lay ti t,!,,,-.,! t,i K ifiene cm , '
Labor Iay. j Ray I-mi. of Kugene, is the week '
end gnet nf K-igene Houston.
Mrs. Arn,;n T. stcit-.-r has )r ft for' ...
ro liay where w,e w.il ...) three or Mr. and Mrs. '. A. Frederick from'
four Week. the Imperial alloc ia California arc
' '.h- )..!,- of M's.' II. S. poisal. Mr.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Irtu -"v-crscr are
rpndirp severnl
wo. l.i, in son Fran-
t at a.
Mr. and Mrs ,1-d-n ..lan.! have re
turned from Kan Tr-ini'm where th v
aiitenle.l tne i'isij,a i'a- .fic
Miss Karbur.i St.iner
will spend the
rl h II.. II I.. ...I.
will be the guest at a dinner party giv-'
ra by Miss App.-r-on and Miss Ki.lgcrs.
Miss Amelia Balhock enlertained the!
two primary ftiinl.iv school classes .if
, i.i iiiiM-tiii? niicm sie.soerm n iimrmt will. i p. vi. ..u fut ,n.
the Bungalow church last Saturday af
ternoon in tiie curd, parlois. The par-;
i. wu ine ouicume or a contest be-1
twem-; tho two classes to gain tho mult;
new inettihers, the losing class to en-
tertain tho winning side. Miss Hons
Allen and Miss Habcock are tun re-;
riii-cuvo earners (,r in,. tww classes
I','""- H'li,",," children
i"i- unerr.oiin was passe.1 witli
merry games followed by refnlents.
.Mjsa Alice Baker assisted .Miss Hut,.1
tock jn entertuiiiing the small folk,
Tne Misses Wilcutt of, flrnn.L
Junetiio, Colorado, urn stopping a few
days in Hulem on their return trip
through the ljirthwcst, after visit to.
the exposition, Tney nre frieiicls of I
Mr. uud Mrs. Williaiii Kichmond undi
Mr. and Mrs. N. T. deliver. i
Mrs. O. L. Skofstnd and little .laugh-
ters, Phyllis, Miitcelle and Huriel Na-1
theule, have left for Seattle to be gone
si i weeks. On their return Mr. Kkof I
mpiiy them.
Is it possible there is a woman in this country who ron
tmues to suffer without giving Lydia K. Pinkham's VVcc
table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con
tinually being published, which .proves beyond contradic
tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer
ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ?
VVc have published in the newspapers of the United States
rriore genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub
lished in the interest of any other medicine for women
and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen
uine and true. 1 lore are three never before published :
I-rom Mrs. 5. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I.
lWiiiKNCK, l l.(ir tho Wnrnt ,.f vv,.,iu.n xvhosutlVrrts I h.tv
JtitH tiimo or.no. 1 ,lul W,11W hottvy lifii.w u.ul Tho .1 1 i
CL, C nlhM V,,n,nm! ,"ti... sot in, .hot, norvim,: ,mk !
Atr 1 ,v;VVlT.""til 1 ,"k,,, ' y.liu K. link,
wbon 1 lu-arof u wmmn with u-mU, iko mw I tt v to hul i V or
From Mr. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y.
IViir.N.V.--lVforo I took I.y.lia R Itiiktiain's Vogvtalilo Com
Tj .ml 1 M yrry Irn-suiar u.ul Im.l .n.uh min. I laVl C I mi
.h M.vn.H.,,1 folt uon, out ttl tho ti.no. 'l'hi.s I mo, i ' ,
Uil't iV'"- V1"! ,,,,rLs,! 'a;t.lono,Hn,l I am thankful e very day
UiatlUmkiu" Airs. AUuu Iuwin, ItF.I). 1, lVru, N.V.
Prom Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, V. Qulncy, Mas
.,1aJlltmu.YMVn,0,,:v,nr'ul,l ,,,llt 1 hlMl orpmUnwiWe
1 u- Lv V: i a w m ' ,.,u,.H.'ul 1 y 'vliof. 1
. -i I I I . I i , K'111UH
Tr I ?ir.i u V " Mul fou",, nM 'f,v i
ib.Wwd tho tihit ImUIo. I w,i,ti,nuHl ukliiR it all
tlimiiKh inkMlo h(o ami am now a 8timir, healthy
ywHU ami earn my own livlnir."-Mm. Jam 1).
jiwuan, rowm Avenue, et yulnoy, Miisa.
UO.M'll'liXTUL) I.YV. II
Your lttr will Im fiseiK.,1, rrd WBWert,j
Jby wouuui nd licld In nrlct cuuttdeuvo.
Mis Marv Tischer will lewve to
a, Mrs. Frederick have be
so lourn-
mg tlirongh the
sjmt'I o".cral we
to. thwc
'ks in S;
' rind will
Der'tou '.lave
elis' trip to
Walter A.
Mr. and Mrs.
returned from
San Francisco.
a four
Mrs. Donald W. Miles, and small son
llranston. have left, tor Incago to
i ..... .... . '
Before returning home tiiev will visit
in.' loa
Dr. and Mrs. II. II. Olinger and Dr.
.ml Mr I. I- '...i
;nesduv evening from n two weeks' visit;
at tho I'liiiuma l'acfic ciposition.
. f
The. Senior King's Herald (.iris of'
tho First MetJiodiat church will iiold a'
Jubilee Fartv this afternoon at li :.i(
o'clock at tho home of Mrs. A. A. Lee I
A irirls frnm eleven r..ilri..n v,..
aro cordiully invited.
Washington. Sept. 10 It was
leiiincd on oPliciul nuljliority
this iifternoon that Hie admin
istrution is considering prose
cution of American ( onespond
ent James Arehibnld and the
New York Uiii.'gariiin editor
who eooerntei with Ambiissa
dur Diiinbn of Austria m his
plan to cripple American muni
tions plants.
aksl fll
rwniiinmr milium iiiii iuiiii'i miiii'ii n t u u i
I tAuLUOUt OtbllUll nIU UMOO mJIUI.0 jUmiu luumnni iu i
ill .-iihi i i ii .. aiiiuaar aiiiuaii (iiiaaiiiiia . i
i Press Censorship, Howeyer,
Presents Papers Giving
New York. Sett. 10. London's ei-
cluive west end was probably attacked
in Wednesday night's Zeppelin raid.
Though Lot'.lm today still maintained
tje strictest cer.sorslii concerning the
raid, the Berlin official statement,
pa?cd by 1-ondcn. said that section of
tiie city was raided.
It was regarded a? probable that the
Zeppeiin passed near or directly over
Buckingham palace, the king's resi
dence. I're.s dispatches indicated that the
raid" occurred earlv in the evening, af-
.... k u.-.. ;;ii...i n.i .k.i i
the crowds flocked out f. watch as the'l.T09 'eiwe d is here
.,, .o,i vi-.. Ihe convention 'of tongrega:
ings, it is thouglit. have been given
that the populace must take the raids
more seriously in the future.
That the "Zeppelin! Clew low over
Trafalgar Siinre was evidenced by the
fact that newspapers spoke of the raid
a a "'spectacle" apparently plainly
visible and much observed.
A portion tf the press demanded
that the Kngli-h retaliate frir the raids,
by striking at ''olngne and Strassburg,
within easy distance from the allied
Several persons wounded in Wednes-
In at tac! are dvmg.
Thirty-seven Were Killed.
London, Sept. Id. Thirty-seven per
sons were kiUed in Tuesday's and Wed
nesday 's raid" against London and the
nst coast it was ott'ically announced
Four r' tiiose wounded Tuesday died.
Three (,f the ' in issi tig ' ' were later
found in the debris.
Laborites Want Peace.
Bristol F.ng.. Sept. Hi. Hesolutinns
deiiiun.iir.g that the Lahorites in parlia
ment formulate and suggest peace
terms were defeated by n, large major
ity in today's s-ssion'of trades union
-Mrs. W. ft. Allen
is a visitor todav
at Dundee.
Dr. Beam linnip, of Silverton, was a
visitor here 1 liiirsdav.
f'lias. Mumper, of" Brooks, is a liusi
: ness visitor here today.
i ('. A. Met row , of Dallns, was register-
! ed at the Bligh yesterunv.
It. 1). (irny, of the lii.nk of Turner
was in the city yesterday.
.1. A. I'rt.pp is home from a two
months' visit in Minnesota.
0. A. C. Hansen, of Falls Citv, was u
business visitor here vesterdav."
- . Van Dyke u"nd K. V. Wiggins
were in the city yesterday frum Meda,
II. I). Trover, the iihotoc-rnohnr n,o.,f
his prune rmieh near I ihi.rii- .,.
-Miss .Muriel Stnley, of Itoseburg, is
in in.- chv ior tne week visiting with
t riends.
Mrs. A. M. Diilrvninle and son nr.. ;..
Portland for an indefinite visit with her
A. M. Holter. of Urooks. n nriinii.ia.il
hop grower of that section, is here to
day on business,
Mrs. Hal. I). I'atton returned Inst ev
ening from a short visit with her im
rents in I'ortliind.
Miss l.inuii: (i. llichnrdson. of I'ort
liind, is in the city, the guest of her
brothci, 1(. V. Hi. 'hardsell.
K. I., round, commander of Sedgwick
post, (i, A. K mid wife, returned to
day from n visit of tvo weeks nt
I Jacob (I. K urn in, repn'senting the
I llcnvcr I'enient company of 1'ortlHiid,
1 is here today on business, and visiting
j with friends.
doe (tonrlmrt is here to enter for the
, coming year at Willamette university.
I l.nst year lie was president of the uii'i
rsitv . m. c, ,. .
' "i c-cinimici-. Kilo tins been in:
I swit.M 'land tor the past five months,'
is hi re visiting with his brothers nt !
Hi" I nirinuiiiit dairv, !
burl Hcg, I, (,f Portland, is here to I
enter for Ihc coming vclir III tin, YVil. i
i- i t I. ,
: lainctte university. He was a member I
ot uie lootlmll T on in l;it venr.
President's Note Caused j
Concern In Wall Street
; C'opwii;ht l'tl.1 by the New York
livening Post.1
! x, ,v Vork, Sept. lii.-TW statesman.
Iile limine of this government 's note
inviting withdtiiual of Austrian Am
bassador hiimba hs I n greeted with
iindoiibt.sl approval bv American opin
io,, lit l,lr,. 11... :. L. . . - '
'... ; ,1 ,,' "M..ie.t Minor-;
i 'ft,: ,. ,. . i
I hi, , wa. no relu vrd by intimations
'"" "'''. f't. that the Cer-
imu m.litHry attache, co operating i,,
he unlucky Dumb ....1,1 be taken in
It 14 tl . I - loiil .,,,,. I it,... lj. .-!:..
" ' ...i.i 1-,-inn s lOCH OI ,
complete satiKtH. tim, " in the Arab
case would not be found to be ours.
Some houses with foreign comic,..
Minns professed to take a grave view of
both epiode, and this was the basis of
mure or less pressure on prices.
i ne nimitniv I int.'.l Slates steel
.Corporation's remrt of unfilled orders! San Fran.i.co. Sept. 10. Mrs. FW
i August :i came in for much attention.! ''"ce Sinreer nmtr icd ker love against
The decrease of 20,000 tons for tlu ' ", Pacific o.va.i n id lost, she asserted
month astonished the street. It wa ",,r fetitloa todav for a divorce from
hardly surpiismg, however, in view uf,'1'''' F.neineer C, . Spencer f the
the pace at win, h the daily output has
been brvvecditii.'. new order. -..l.i
.have to be of unprecedented volume to
(Veep up with the output the last month.
Hanks in this city gained MK.noo.OOtl
in cash within a week, chieflv though
!iut whollv, in gold from Iao.Ki.
tn,lianslis News: The failure of
ithosrt lrcgo womea to see I"rwfraor
ITaft at Portland rather lead to the
'suspiciua that he taw uem ttrwt.
Humane Treatment and Relief i
Work Not In Interest
of Peace
San Francisco, 8ept. 10. "Red Crom
nurses and humane treatment of sol
diers only prolong war. This may; som prison today for the murder of 1U-.
seem brutal en the face of it. but one j year old Margaret Milling last Decern-,
must realize that an increase in horrors; ber,
hastcna the end of war so in the long he emerged from the cell in the
run ita the most Humane thing to lave condemned row a deathly pallor over
no relief fur-Us or nurses That's 'h.v f,rf a(j his fale. A eynieal smile played
. i... .uc ..cu vivos.
Such waa the unusual view point ex-
Un ll!u IV.nelnnC I IrC T-
i uu..'.....
c. nraiiuj yvuuv itu' c nv.n-i
suffragist, who attended The Hague j
tO atteuu ,
Congregational con j
gress of peace. j
"War brides are somewhat of a fic-
tion," she continued. "Few girls were
forced into unwelcome marriage". Mar !
riages that had bee.i contemplated were :
merely rushed. Tho woman nature '
wanted a little tO:ch of affe. tion
fore tho sweetheart died on the I -a ttle- j
I field, that was all. That comer.' will
cease 10 near cnil.lren as a means
limiting war is equally a fiction.
-Miss J ankhurst was undunMe
right when sue said prVygamy will be
practiced after the war. lint polygamy
and war brides are not the r.-nl tragedy.
The tragedy is in robbing tiie homes
ot Husbands, fathers and sweetheart
"1 came back-to America hoi ir.g to!
aid in peace week, only to find that
this eountry has been spread with a
militaristic spirit too. It was terribly
discouraging. Women have much work
to do along peace lines and should or
ganize better to do it.''
A suit was filed today in the circuit
court of this county by b. S. Mnsterson
against George H. Smith and Alice .'.
Smith in which it is alleged that the
defendants gave two notes, one for $100
and ono for 200 to Henry Scaton
who transferred them to the " laintif f.
It is further alleged that neither ot
these notes has been paid and Hint they
are now overdue. The plaintiff seeks
judgment in the sum of $.!0ii with $ti
us attorneys fees. Lot 2 block 3 in
the llroudway audition and lot 211 block
2 iii the Burlington addition were i.t
Inched in connection with the suit. John
Buy ne is attorney for the plaintiff, t
Carson & Brown have brought suit
in the circuit Court to collect money
alleged due for ejl services rendered
the tnlls l ity-Nilfni Lumber company
in connection with the suit iu which
1'. W. Bornemnii was plaintiff fcgainst
the defendant in the present suit. The
plaintiffs seek to recover $100 a'tor
ney's fees alleged due in the former
Buit and state Hint they have paid out
$24.75 of their own money and have
received but $:!l.lifl of the entire amount
and as a result nshk judgment in tiie
sum of $!i:i.U and the costs of tin
J. K. Slopcr has brought suit against
L. C, Payne, htta B. Payne and K
Diinngan and F. H, Reeves. The plain
tiff alleges in his complaint that the
Paynes gave their note for $iiS0 which
were secured by n mortgage on a lot
in Stayton and a laundry. The plain
tiffs seek to foreclose the mortgage and
to collect so attorney 'a fees. S. II.
HolUcl is appearing for the plaintiff
R. D. (iruy & Co. has brought suit
against James L. Ward to collect the
sum total of $17,1. 02 in claims assigned
to the plaintiff by other alleged credi
tors of the ilefeniiant. The claims are:
li. D. tirny Co., goods, $14; Robertson
Si Head, groceries, $K6.2S; Bones Bros.,
blacksmithing, 4:1.40, and two mites
aggregating $ '0. In addition the plain
tiff seeks to collect $20 for attorney's
fees. Carson & Urown nre attorneys
for the plaintiff.
An inventotv ,Utl appraisement wiif
filed todnv in the probate court in the
matter of the estnte of II. 1.. Schiilt'
deceased. The ap raisers set tt value of
1 I'.L'I M on tl... ..mnnil urnnertu nf
I the decensed. The aiiprnlseTS were Hen-
rv Z..rn,
Kstclla si
I.. P Snail and .1. K. Smith
hultz is ndministrntrix.
An order fixing October 13 nt lb
o'clock a. m. as tie date for the finu1
hearing iu the matter of the estate of
Felicia S. Holt was issued today bt
County Judge Bushey. The repott fib
states tluit the iii'ifuirs of the stale
have been f illv ndministered and hi'
clnims against the estate settled by the
admiiiist rntor.
Vortlniul. Ore , Sept. 10. Finding for
im, ,,, m,-
dnniiigc suit ot , i:, Ingersoll and wite
agninst W. H. Wa'ren. private sveretarv
A:ivr M,,c , t,',r,,ff n,e,bers of
th,. wturned a venl.ct
todav after having been out aince earlv
vi'stcr. Il- nflerno.,,.
The le-rs.ll ullcged false arrtt
, and iiiMTisormci
aeeount of beinr
arrested in n laid on
the police.
local hotel bv
! American llswsuau pteamship com
i panv, Her hiisband'a ifAsrtion for the
I'l-ean was stronger than his love for
jher, she said. No stwng in fact, that
I he would not leave his ahip, when in
pon, 10 see aer,
1"hiliidelhia North American: Strange
enssturea. we Americaaa. We've been
polntf to Fur-ipo bv the tkoamads
everr sunimer to see a "finished eoua
trv," and now when It's nearer fin-
ihfd t.ian ever we stay at home.
Murderer cf Little Margaret
Milling Pays Penalty On
!-'a rarr.tnto, Cal., Sept. 10. David
Fountain paid the death penalty at Fol-
orniin,! h S mr.lltli an.l lllS eVCS Stared.
i With a guard on either side he
mounted the three
iron steps to the
.... - i 1 . i l:.. i l
s--atlo .1 unassisteu anu .urnea n (
lunanin lite Miinu iuiuujj ui cj'vu i iu. ,
a guum .jiuvi tua.Tt mi
pettier while another slipped ttie noose
over his head. A third adjusted the,
black cap. As the cap was finally
placed over his head Warden Smith
j;ave the signal and he dropped. The,
i,0.iv .wiv swaved from side to side1
for a moment. Dr. D. A. Frazier, prison ;
j.hvsi-ian. mounted the small platform'
t,t. liatii the bodv and applied the
The trap sprung at exactly ten sec
onds after Hi o'clock. At twelve min
utes and fifty five seconds after the
hour life was pronounced extinct.
The first minute after the trap was
sprung his heart action registered "4.
Two minut.-s later it rose to 145 and
lowlv recced until it feeblv registered
j 74 again. Life was pronounced extinct
' a minute Inter.
! Fountain wore a plain black suit.
Kcv. ,J, K. Mi'Govern, the prison
j chaplain preceded fountain to the scaf-
fold and boian the Lords Prayer as the
j condemned man stepped upon the trap.
I He continued his prayer until life was
j pronounced extinct.
j On December 14, 1014, Fountain out-
; raged and murdered Margaret Milling.
10 years of age, in tiie basement of the
Herman Lutheran.. church m Sacramen
to. Fountain was tiie ianitor. He had
been hired from a public mission and
little was known of his past, fountain
confessed his crime. His only defense
was that he previously had been an
inmate ot an asvlum in Iowa.
Large Woodfcurn Store
Now In Receiver's Hands
The store of W. T. Binkley & Co., of
Wooilburn, one of the largest stores in I
the citv, was placed in the hands of;
in . . . . 1
x ranees .i. rvemp, as receiver, tnis
morning. The filing of the suit of R.I
L. Sabin against W. T. Binkley & Co.,
in the circuit court this week, brought
a number ot other creditors to close in
and shut up the store. t It is estimated
that the stock of the store will appraise
about. $12,000 but the total amount of
the debts against the firm is much
larger than this amount.
Frances M. Kemp who was appointed
receiver is one of the first women to
practice law in this state and her ap
pointment as receiver was made by R.
S. Bean, judge of the district court of
Vnitcil States, district of Oregon.
Armstrong Is Leading
For Gulf Championship
Hcl Monte. Cal.. Sept. 10. E. S. Arm-
strong, ot l.os Angeles, was 1 up on
....inn .-cmni.il. or me v inremont
duo lit the end lit
tit tin. n.l ..t' tl... mi,,.:.... ..n
oi' tu
, . '... '", ...... hiiiu ioiimii
tueir .It, hole match here today for
ialitor.na state golt championship,
.... .-.,.o. .., su u- gou cnampionsiup.
. us, ook inrnc.i in u cant ot ,i.i and! ' "e corn was raised from seed grown
' , ' . ... , , . i"i Million county and the vield this
In he seinidinal match, woman 's year discounts all theories, which have
state championship Mrs. T. S. linker de- j prevailed in former vears tiiat cora can
" t'o" 1- V v VJ'N"; 3 "'' "!"' r lK' ralwl in the e V 1
- to plav and Mrs. A. H. l'omincr de-i lumette vallev.
leiueii .miss r.ilith rhesebriiugh
Fi'tresl Mills, h. I Sept
ar.d west . t i v i . t , , . 1 .i.i.
when representative, f the champion
lean, ot.ter.nm experts from California
met eastern cracks on the local court
Mumice M.hougiiliu J ??n X o.
runner up for the national title d..!
... i,-i i .. ... . I
lor tne national title de-
11. Hehr ti-4, S-t!, (!- f,.-'
' of l., Angeles the",; lost
R. Pell in a match which
tinted Karl
Tom lluiuiv
to rheodore
ni carrieil into five sets ti-4 " li
.1-0, ti-4. ' " '
Johnston and Griffin Win.
Unrest Hills, .. Sent Ini I.,,-
ence (.nftin ni Willi,,,,, ,l,ston of!
nn Francisco, national tennis chain
1'ions iu doubles .leiiKcistrated this af
ternoon that their recent victorv' wa !
no fluke wheu they defeated Xorri
- ...o.uis an.l vv iiiiniii Washburn
er., cnainpions ti-4. li ;, ti-4, j t
tne east
virvis wit nintc'ies lieie.
t th,. Sn!., 1 !..
Th,lr.l.,v .....' . '"'I'.'"'1
. . '. ' r'ciooer li, HM
. " me nge of 4i venTs.
."surviving .r. besi.l... ... i.. .',... V
.'ohii oo.ey. is a daughter Mr n:i.
of this - itv. Vunernl services will 1
held next Monday from St. 11 V hpis
Ming. Interment will take place at the
Itty View cemetery. Mrs. Woolov'n
home was at '.'Jl 1) street, Salem. "
New York, Sept. 10.l.,uie Stores
lohn Wanamaker. dr.. son of the mil
lionaire merchant, for alleged breach
of lirom.se. The actio,, tHmP know n
when her attorney filed bond in an .
ldication for transfer of the case to the
federal district court.
r ' ii. i.i lift-;..:
(leveland Plain Hosier: la colloquial
"'" Bl.Vl 5",,t Hussi.n.
""git r-e termed wutt in.. ii, t
1 b,, " -v nnnisn
Shipley9 s Store
New Fall Apparel
at Remarkable Values
Women's and Misses' Smart Suits in the New
Popular Fur Trimmed Box Coat Suits, Semi-Tailored
and Strictly Man-Tailored Models.
Price, $15 to $75
Children's Coats and Dresses Every Item for
Women, Misses and Children "Ready to Wear."
Pictorial Review Patterns
U. G. Shipley Co.
N. Liberty Street Salem, Oregon
jjc 5)c jJc 5js sje jjc sjs ijc ji sjs jJj j jjt ?Ji
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 10. Ac- :
cidentally shot in the wrist i
when he dropped his gun while i
hunting 10 miles from Seattle, sk I
Karl J. Bassett, aged 30, a !
Northern Tacific railway train ;
dispatcher, found the arteries !
severed and fashioned a tourni- s; !
quet with a fish line. Then he ;
walked to a highway, hailed an
automobile and was brought to
Seattle, where the hand was
amputated above the w rist. It is
believed he will recover.
Carl Abrams Exhibits
Fine Corn Grown On His i
Marion County Farm
Carle Abrnms, w'uo is an enthusiastic
agriculturalist when he is not "com-i
mishing" i'or the state industrial acci-,
dent department, has on exhibition to
day seme corn stocks that measure a
few incnes over 10 feet in length. Mr.
Abrams states that this is cinlv the
average of uis Ml acres of coin this!
year and that stalks hnve been meusur-;
ed this year on his farm that were 12
feet four inches tall. Mr. Abrams has.
mst completed the erection of a 120,
j ton! silo on his farm in the Ankenev
: j ....... ... .ui- n imi-iii-v i
riottom about
I...,. :. : .... -
iiiioi ii is estimated that it will require
but 12 acre. of corn to fill the silo as
it will run about 10 tons to the acre '
it win run about 10 tons to the acre
J. Vnncouvcr. K (, Sept. 10.-C,,,,,,,,,) .
10. hast, ing a voyage around the w,.rl,l u... i......
siau narK t-.iu - vminn
ii a fVi , f' nfter'n' hA' 'i"
ous vovage of "(I'dnv, fr' v
1 Tl. , , i . , - ? fr nl A,1,,hnde.
! f 'f f laid
' S J.i Vn,h Rn, "'reatene.l to
hold her .,, til I, ,V "'0m''1 ,"
: " , , . '"' r frovieions gave out.
i the , or 1.1 vl, y''V ,mul,,
i U af "' tll!lt ,i"'t,
Jf it'f!or.'al a Journal
Want Ad will sell it
I Salem's Educational Dirpr tnry :
mm "
mus1C Businefs
Schools and Colleges
Capital Normal and Industrial School
Term of 12 week, opens September 13-13
inn, ... tivii.
--u minur Mreets, Salem
Frederic S. Mendetihall
i inno tirgnn Theorv.
Myrtle Long Mondcnhaii
( ,. 0''c Culture.
Mudia room L1. l.,,bard
Mudents now registering
rrank e,
P....H i:T.- .""".u"u' fianiste.
ate of V ''"'"'"P. ncaRo; g,,,,!,,.
R. J"hone 16T1-R. 1 " llo"tC BM-
Mlas Beatrice Shelton
icacncr of Piano
Studio 343 Marion St. ""V...
Ebn Weller
t :. i , ''iaaist
Phone 13il
65 X Liht,
Music and Art
San Francisco, Sept. 10.
Friends siiice girlhood, Mrs.
Flora Slonaker and Mrs. Chris
tine Dane were engaged at the
same time, married at the same
time, moved to this state at the
same tim! and today received
divorces at the same true.
j 1
SaJfe milk
tv for )
Infants and Invalids
The Food-Drink for all Ages
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
Fot infants, invalids iri growing children.
Pure nutrition, upbuilding lie whole body.
Invigorate nursing mothers ui the aged.
More healthful than tea or coffee.
Unlesa you say "HORUCK'S"
you may got a aubstltute
r ' .
t Dermatologist
t Parlors
Massage and Sham
pooing a Specialty...
My scalp treatments cure dand
ruff and s-top fulling hair. I
cure black-heads and pimples and
remove worts, moles, freckles,
hair on face, neck or arms.
301 Steeves Bldg.
Phone 393
' t
: 44-
Willamette University
Or'ns 8optembr 13-15
Carl G. Donev. President.
I. n. Van Winkle, Dean of Law Schotl
i Can F. Langenberg
I.ate pupil of F. . Arenr
Studio 314-15-10-17 Hubbard UMtf
Phone 2079
Mrs. D. T. Junk
China Artist.
Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby
Teacher of Piano
Phone lf.-,0 W. 67 X. Cottage ft.
Mist Laura Grant
Tinno and Musical Kindargarten
M (.enter 8t Thone 2010 B
ii,. T r "r mf Bd Theory
W1' K'th Twentieth ft Ihoni 544
. -"nei t