Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1915, Image 1

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    3(6 )(C 3js 5 lc 5(c 3E c jC )(t ft 3(t
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Ambassador's Efforts To Cripple Manufacturing Plants In
This Country Results In Demand For His Recall-Action
of State Department Creates Sensation In Diplo
matic Circles Consequences May or May Not Be Ser
ious, Depending Upon Austria's Action
By Charles P. Stewart. i
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Sept. 10. delation's be
tween America and Austria-Hungnry
were strained today to the breaking
point, following America's request for
Austrian Ambassador Dumba 's recall
because of iis efforts to cripple Ameri
can munition plants :n which Austrians
are employed.
The threatened breach may cause sev
erance nf diplomatic relations between
the two nations, but this would not
necessarily result in war, was the con
clusion.' reached in authoritative circles
here. Ccrtninly, admitted high officials
the request for his recall is pregnant
w ith possibilities of an ?pen break.
If Austria refuses to heed the Ameri
can request, and recall Dumba, the
United States government will hand
him his passports. Such a course, it
is believed, would be followed by Aus
tria's handing passports to American
Ambassador l'enfield at Vienna.
There was good ground for the be
lief that Dumba V home government
may back him up in his recent activ
ities. It was pointed out that he ap
parentlv wag acting with the direct
approval of Austria, though the foreign!
orliee pernaps did not, know the exact
teps he had taken in his munition
crippling pian.
Think Austria Will Comply.
.Should his government support li i in,
officials said a more serious issue would
be forced thi.n the mere elimination! of
Dumba- as diplomatic representative
nere. The administration, however, con
fidently hopes that Austria will comply
with the recall request.
This government is alreadv arrang
ing with tiie allies for a safe conduct
tor the envoy. The general opinion
here was that Dumba will be recalled
but that Austria will not immediately
appoint his BiieYessor. Baron Erick
Xwiedenck, counsellor of the embassy
will be made chnrg d affaires, it is
Prompt action is expected from Vi
enna. The American request is al
ready there. An answer within two
days is anticipated because of a prob
ability that Austria wishes to prevent
more grievous rupture than already
ennrronts tne two nations.
.Dumba 's passports have been prepared
and will be forwarded to him ns soon
as Vienna. 'a plans are known'. He will
not call again at the state department,
and probably will not return to Wash
ington. '
It was officially stated that Presi
dent Wilson' was most reluctant to net
against Dumba, desiring to avoid n
broach, particularly at a time when re-
bilious with Austria's ally, Germany,
are already strained.
Bernstorff Involved.
The piesibility was suggested that a
similar issue will be raised with Ber
lin on account of German Ambassador
Von Bernstorff 'a relations with Ameri
can Correspondent Archibald, and the
envoy s alleged interest in a German
plan to call out German munition work
ers, as Dumba contemplated doing with
Zeppelin Raids Have Been Berlin Advices Say Affair Fifty Acres Burned Over Be
Productive of Bitter
If Austria supports Ambassador
Dumba. and insists that it was not only
his right, but his duty to warn Aus
trians against rorking in munition
plants the crisis will be reached.
Dual Citizenship.
In such an event, there would un
doubtedly be diplomatic negotiations
to thresh out the old dispute of "dual
citizenship." The issue of rights of a
foreigner, without naturalization in this
country, has not arisen in a long time.
It was regarded as possible, however,
that to avoid a further breach, Austria
would merely register its displeasure
and give its moral support to Dumba
by failing to appoint a successor.
JMplomutic etiquette practically re
quires his recall. The "code'Vof re
lations between governments gives
America the rigiit to determine a dip
lomat's personal desirability, though at
the same time, it would not prevent
Austria, in the present circumstances,
I'm ii making an issue.
J. tie American government s action
iguinst Dumba created a distinct sen
It had Vicen known that the admin
istration was distinctly displeased at
his course, and while' indications of
drastic action were given late yesterday
officials had not generally known that
this government intended to go as fnr
as to ask recall.
Dumba was popular with the diplo
matic and social set of the capital. He
had served here nearly three years,
marking the culmination of over 30
years of service in important capitals.
note Luspatcueo to ronnem.
Ambassador l'enfield was instructed
by cable yesterday to deliver the fol
lowing note to the Foreign office:
"Mr. Constnntiu Dumba, the Austro-
Hungarian ambassador at Washington,
hns admitted that he proposed to his
government plans to instigate strikes
in American manutncturing plants en
gaged in the production of munitions of
"The information reached this gov
eminent through a copy of a letter of
the ambassador to his government. The
bearer was an American citizen, named
Archibald, who was traveling ir.der an
American passport. The ambassador
has admitted that he employed Archi
bald to bear official dispatches from
linn to his government.
Diplomatic Propriety Violated.
By reason of t!ie admitted purpose
mid intention of Mr. Dumba to con
spire to cripple legitimate industries of
the people nf the I'liited States and to
interrupt their legitimate trade, and by
reason ot the tragi ant violation of dip
lu-natie propriety in employing an Am
erica n citi.en, protected by an Ameri
can passport, ns a secret bearer of of f i
' in I dispatches through the lines of the
enemy of Austria-Hungary, the presi
dent, directs me to inform Your Excel
lency that Air. 'Dumba is no longer ac
ceptable to the government of the Tin
ted States as Jlic nmhnssudur of his im
perial majesty at Washington.
"Believing t'Jint the imperial and
rovnl government will realize tiiut the
government of the United States has
Iiondnu, Sept. 10. Anti-German out
breaks here aie feared today as a result
of Wednesday's night Zeppelin attack
against the city and eastern counties.
German shops, boarded up since the
recent anti-German activities, and the
subsequent interment of alien subjects,
are under close guard, lest mobs wreak
their fury upon the establishments.
Feeling as a result of the raids is at
fever height. Nothing thus fur in the
war, ns it affects England, has aroused
such horror and resentment as the last
sweep of Count Zeppelin's air ships..
The public, is angered, however, rath
er thun terrorized. Nevertheless in
suranee companies are swamped wit
orders for protection policies. The gov
ernment insurance bureau is charging
less than fifty cents per $500 airship
insurance on dwellings, but in the case
of protection for business buildings D
rate is higher.. This, was regarded as
evidence that the business community
at least anticipates further destrtictiou,
The horror of the nation was voiced
today in editorial comments in the leua
ine papers. A typical comment was tne
editorial in the Telegraph.
'The raids ginned the Hermans no
military advantage," said the paper.
"aud they were unsuccessrui in terriry
ine civiliuus. At many places, the spec
taclc of the Zeppelins with searchlights
flashing on them nnd with shells Durst
inir around them was enjoyed as a uii
iaue and thrillinir experience. Other
feelings were aronseU where the bombs
fell, but there was no panic.
"Even if the foul strokes are re
neuted. nud more persons are murdered
in tliidr hnds. tho cnminnls will bo no
nearer their gonl; there will merely be
a uVeper loathing of the name Ger
mans. "The only moral effect has been to
stiffen the nation's determination td
crush the brutalized spirit inspiring
these useless outrages."
Second German Note
Relates to Orduna
Bv Carl W. Ackennan.
Berlin, Sept. 10. The note handed by
the foreign office to Ambassador Ger
ard last night related to the submarine
nitn.dt nn the liner Orduna. nnd con
tended that the attack resulted from the
captain's effort to escape after he had
been hailed by the German submarine
commander. I nm informed this after
noon on the highest authority.
Pittsburg ' s 1 0
Nehf, Barnes and Whaling, Gowdy;
Adams und Gibsou.
Second game R. If. E-
Boston i! 4 o
Pittsburg 2, 4 ,
Rudolph and Gowdy; KuiitlelnuT aud
Gibson. 10 inningB.
In Galicia Not
01 FI T00AI
fore Fire-Fighters Con
trolled Flames
.French Driven Back By Liquid
Fire But Make Counter
Attack .
' Berlin, via The Hague, Sept. 10.
Scoffing at the Russian announcement
of an "important victory" before Tnr-
nopol, the wnr ottice issued a state
ment today, declaring the czar is at
tempting to deceive his own people in
order to suppress a growing feeling of
revolt. N
"The 'important victory' before Tnr-
nopol belongs in the same class as the
recent Russian naval victory in the gulf
of Riga," said the statement, referring
to persistent Berlin denials of Kussiun
claims of a sweeping detent of the Ten
tons vessels.
The statement declared the Slavs
concentrated Tuesday about Tarnopol,
planning to check the Austro-iierman
advance. The first Slav smashes, i
was admitted, bent the Teuton cen
ter, but the ground lost to the Russians
was re captured Wednesday,
Russian Center Suffers.
Berlin, Sept. 10. The Russian cen
ter has suffered ngaiu from Teutonic
battering, it was officially announced
todnv. General von Illniienbnnr Rtnrm
ed three heights of Kiosko on The Zeis
wankn river, and the Bavarians captur
ed Ol.nnkn.
Co'icerninir operations in the west
the official statement declared that
German forces fiercely stormed the
French trenches near llnrtniaunswcilor-
kopf and Schratznmenelle Inst night, in
rlicti iiar severe losses on the enemy.
A lull was reported in the Argonn'e
where the crown prince made gains yes
Stubborn Russian attacks around Tar
nopol were repulsed, it was Mated.
Field Mnisiuil von Mackensen's fore
e are approaching Kmsovo, 73 miles
.-.orthoast ot Hrcst-ljitovsk, niaUing
irroat progress on both sides of tho rail
way in the direction or i'insK.
The Paris statement claimed that
tiiouili the Germans had temporary ad
antngo at Scliiatzmaenello und Hart
inannsweileikopf they had been driven
out from positions they gained.
Hussin had claimed a victory nroum
Tarnopol, Whether Berlin refers
ic same engagement or to subsequent
fiuhting was not manifest from the of-
H' i ill statement.
American League.
Wyckoff nnd McAvoy;
R. II. E.
2 !5 2
7 13 0
Hath and
R. H. E.
2 7 3
0 9 2
.. i , '. , .i .i . ii i no iiltei iiiitive but to reouest the recall i ( 'levolniwl
tale Dumba fetters. 1:, return!., to!"' Alr- 1)m.n,'a' "." u,','""t uM,i" . l,,.,m'H uml. V'"K'': KI!'K,:'n'!,,
Liiiri,.n ...win,- ..,,, proper conduct, tne government oi wie N,.ll. t ovulosiu repia mines, m
America, under nn emergency passport
issued by this government and an in
vestigation of his part in tho Austrian
and perhaps German plans will be
instituted. Archibald was quoted this
"eel; ns saying he hud been mude a
H'-upegout by Dumba, not knowing the
in t en t a of the letters he was carrying
tu Vienna. If he proves this, it is be
lieved that the Vnited States can make
no case against him.
I'nited States expresses its deep regret
that this course has become necessary,
and assures the imperial nnd royal gov
ernment that it sincerely desires to con
tinue the cordial and friendly relations
which exist between the 1,'iiited States
ami Anstriii-liungiirv. "
National League.
Xew York
It. II
.. 3 7
haul replaced Covaleski; Baker replaced
Ul,me- k. ir. e.
St. I.oiis 3 I) 0
New York 1 7 1
Hamilton and Severoid; Vance and
Russia Reiterates Successes.
London,. Sept. 10. While Germany
was denying Russian claims of a victory
about Tarnopol, Kussin today claimed
tresh successes in that vicinity. The
Kussiun official statement, received
here early todnv snid the Russians had
iken i.OOO soldiers und KiO officers
Tuesday and Wednesday in a struggle
southwestof Treinlilowa, forcing the en
emy to bent a hasty retreat toward the
Strypn, The statement claimed 17.000
men and 3S.1 officers had fallen Into
the Russians' hands on tho Hereth front
iii the past week.
Meantime iciina was claiming n vic
tory for her forces in the capture of the
Dublin fortress, in the triangle of t
I.utsk Diibno-Kavsk fortresses,
federal League.
R. If. E.
0 3 0
2 8 3
Blue jucket
Burger nnd O'Connor
0 and Land,
and Mevers; Mcyuillen and , Newark "
St. Louis 3 (I
R. II. K.I Scalon ami H-uriilcu; Davenport and
1 9 1 Chapman.
It. If. E.
English Munitions Output
Is Still Unsatisfactory
Rv J W. T. Mafton.) Inlitim of union rontrirtionn to nlluw
ter si.ee. I ill turiiiuu out munitions,
V...I. u....i in After tiirec. (ieoiL'e Lansburir nn'd other socialist
nnd n half months n's minister of muni- lenders explained that the woiking men
!,.;,l l.lnv.Wieorifo is unable to will never consent to expioiiniion oi
obtsiu n satisfactory output of war
I.lnv.l .Gem ire's SP "
before the
their patriot ism. Ho declared they an1
fiehfini the pinplovers greed. In e
.i.oiise to this. Llovd-GiDrge told the
i ii a i
Mrs. Tipton Bud's brother writes
"nit he may decide t' remain in Cali
f'Tny unless he kin git fair price
fer his watch. Too many folks in
vest first an' investigate later.
r KrmTHI Wll tit P II 1 1 It rl III lilt? JMiniwi I Inan "n
S',s''a: ,:;;;t re arding hislprofiU have -he,,, c.imiiuitcd fro,,, :
ins ir.i ,., ,i. i.iive'i.er rent of the munition factories.
worn ns in , ii i s i e i - v . ,..,.... i. riu, in de
daring the workers must struggle to
i.n.pt the hii'h cost of living. It is im
probable that Britain will solv the
munitions problem until the iiroblem
fnlli.winir the rise of 33 per cent In the
cost of living this year has been solved
been erected and equipped than there
are employes for them, is the basis of
Movd-Geo'rge's rotnpluint. He 'l''1r'';1
the munition plants are nri ,v
skilled workers, and 2000.000 unskilled
workers. Only 10 per cent of the ma-
i.' ikui uliints is operated at
night." He made an appeal for the ab-
Fire of an unknown origin started at
2 o'clock this afternoon in the cupolu
of a hop kiln in the Livcsley hop yards
nt the station of Livcsley, and seven
out of the nine kilns were completely
destroyed. The fire soon spread to the
gross on all sides of the buildings and
by 3 o'clock this afternoon had burned
over fully 50 acres, besides the seven
kilns, two houses belonging to pickers
nnd all their household goods were
destroyed and other buildings used by
t lie hop company.
Farmers are now plowing furrows to
prevent the spread of the flames. A
strong wind is blowing from the north,
but with tho uid oi tue pickers, tue
flames are under control. T. A. Lives
lev is on the uround assisting in pre
venting the flames from doiug further
All the hops that had been picked lor
the 11 duys past have been burned. No
ostimato of the loss cuu as yet be
given, la the midst of the roar of the
tlamcs could be heard the howling of
a dog that had probably been tied in
the path of the flumes and was slowly
roasted to death as it tugged at its
chain but no help could get to it.
It is thought that the tire may nave
started from a spark from an elevator
at one. of the kilns which reached the
dry timber but nothing definite hud
been ascertained nt a late nour tuuny.
Hod Growers Suffer
From Incendiary hres
Independence, Or., Sept. 10.' An ap
peal to the governor for protection is
being discussed loony o,v nui num-io
this section of the state as a result
of apparently incendiary fires which
have destroyed mucn nop riuicn jinqi
eft V.
Two ban's on the big hop ranch
owned bv Wigrich, Richardson & Co.,
south of' here, together with a large
quantity of hay and farm machinery
were binned bv a mysterious fire lust
night. Another hop house, owned by
George ltuef, was also destroyed, to
gctucr with his entire crop.
Hop raisers attribute the series of
fires to disgruntled pickers who have
been discharged.
. Four large hop houses owned by K.
M. Young, four miles north of hero,
were destroyed by fire today. Young
had nearly finished harvesting his crop
yesterday ami more than seven thous
and boxes of hops were stored in the
buildings, all of which were burned.
Kxtra gunrils are being placed about
different vards ns many ranchers have
received threatening letters.
State Department Officials Begin to Doubt Sincerity of
German Professions-Do Not Believe Story of Arabic
Torpedoing Is More Than Subterfuge to Forestall Ac
tion On Part of United StagesSecond Note Has Been
Delivered to Ambassador Gerard at Berlin
By Carl W. Ackennan.
(United Press staff correspon
dent.) Berlin, Sept. 10. American
Ambassador Gerard received
Germany's second note on the
subject of submarine nttneks at
il o'clock last night. It's con
tents, however, huvo not been
made public.
The contents tf tho messnge
nro a mystery. It was learned
nnthoritntivoly, however, that it
does not bear on tho Hesperian
caso and it was reported to bo
n noto supplementing the Arabic,
ilar hope in the Dumba case had been
If it was decided that Von Tapon
must be eliminated, this government
; would probably hint to Ambassador von
liornstorf f that it would be "aeeept
!able" to have tho attache removed.
I Then, should Bernstorff declino to act,
I he, too, might himself become persona
uon grata.
Roply Is Forecasted.
Officials intimated that, in replying
to Berlin, the administration would
! point out the discrepancy between the
Hard Fighting In West.
Paris, Sept. 10 --Germans are nttack-
lie henvilv in .vsnce nna ine vosges.
Combininir rifle lire, use of gas bombs
and artillery they are heavily assault
init the French.
At Schrittinacniieio, tne iiermnns
soraved the lower slopes with fiery
liinii'd. forcing the French out of their
positions temporaiily, but the impetuous
Wench "blue devils" returned duriiigly
to the nttack and hurled the Teptons
from the cnpttired points, heavily de
feating them, the official statement to
day said.
Clouds of gs lrom inn tiermnn lines
wafted over the Krpnc.li trenches ut
liui tHiiiu in, woilkpf but the cliausscrs
infiiin faced the Teptons when the pois
on cloud lifted and re-took tho posi
Greuuile nud h.mib uttucks were vio
lent about i ii in- l.e Chateau and liar
azec, the slat "t claimed, but the re
sults werp uniinp"itnnt.
In the Arrus and (hnnipngiie regions,
the artillery duel continues.
French binlmcu continued active,
bombarding tiermnn batteries nt Nun
neiibriiek, and railway stations lit Lot
teibach and Grand Pre.
French Aviators Killed.
Paris, Kept. 10. To French nviators
were killed hi in Alsnce when in Innd
inir. thev struck a barbed wire fence
aud their bomb cargoes exploded, ac
cording to a Geneva dispatch today.
' ZfliiDeUn Crew Killed.
Amsterdam, Sept. 10. Tba reir of a
New York, Sept. 10. Am
bassador VonBernstorff of Ger
many, and Ambassador Dumba
of Austriu, conferred at length
today in the St. Regis hotel,
while utliiehes were busy de
claring that Dumba hud left.
Htill in earnest conversation,
presumably over developments
in the international situation
which resulted in a request for
Dumba 'n recall, the pair emerg
ed from the hotel elevator uml
separated. D bn and his s
retnrv went to luncheon, while
Von Bernstorff returned to his
quarters at the Bitz-Carlton.
Newspapermen's questions fell
on deaf cars.
fiUf York World: Although tho col
onel's Plnttsbnrg speech incident is
officially cl d, it carries still tno
moral that the hat can be thrown too
often lnlg the ring.
'......nr. n was killed nml the machine
wrecked when nn explosion resulted
from the craft's crushing to earth hi
Brussels Wednesday, uccording io re
ports reaching here today.
By Charles P. Stewart.
(United Fross stuff correspondent.)
Washington, Sept. 10. A new crisis
in American relations with Austria ami
Germany wbb reached today.
The issues, on which America's fu
turo courso hung, wero:
Its demands for Austrian Ambas
sador Dumba 's recall, because of hit
activities to cripplo United States muni
tions factories.
An unBfttisfaotory and disappointing
note regarding the sinking of tho line
Arabic, wherein Germany disavowed
indemnity for American lives snuffed
nut in tho disaster, and suggested, ill
tho event of a difference of opinio i
this point, submission of tho question to
The Hugue.
The two incidents linked to form n
critic.nl Situation. Germany is involved
in the Dumba incident, through rela
tions of its ambassador with American
Corresiiondeiit Archibald, private ines-
snge bearer for Dumba; to say nothing
of a reported German plan to carry out
a munitions crippling plan similar to
linml.n '. At tho same time. Ausli in
la evnee ted. ns Germany's alley to sui
i i.rt anything the kiiisi." duos in the din-
iiKreement over tho Arabic.
A break with Austria and retirement
f American Ambassador l'enfield from
Vienna were regarded ns possible,
should Austria uphold Its ambassador's
hands in his munition plan.
In his conference with newspapermen
today Secretary of State Lansing ex
plained that this government would
wait a "reasonable time" for Austria
to comply with American demands for
Dumba 's recall.
The intimation was plain, that this
government was prepared to hand Diiui
bu his passports if Austria does not re
spond, but that tho administration is
confident this notion will not be neces
sary. Lansing said a refusal on the part id
Austria to grant the Americun request
would bo unprecedented, Iniisinnch as a
mere request for recall, with u state
n t tl.i.t nn envoy's usefulness hie
ended find ho was personally undesir
able to the government to which ho was
accredited, had been unirormiy regnn,
ed In diplomacy as insuring recall, lb-
did not expect a rc.piy iron, nm
before next Week. Ambassador l'en
field has not yet acknowledged receipt
of the recall domnnd.
Relations Much Btralned.
dfp;,.li.U kiiiil confident inllv tliut re
lations with the Teutons hud never been
morn awkward than at present. 1 here
I 1 n times, it wns said ween hos
tilities between Americun and Germany
seemed nearer, but never bud there
been so many complications. The per
plexing problems Involved in tho re
enll request; In Washington 'a query as
to Austria S pretensions to rinu "
terfcrio'g witii American industries; the
question of the extent to which Cap
tain von I'apen, German embassy mili
tary attache, was involved in the Archi
bald incident-nil these offered com-
siibniarlno commanders report and the
affidavits of Arabic officers and pas
sengers, who claimed no submarine was
seen and who asserted no effort made
to ram a submersible.
Secretary Lansing said he had no
had timo thus far to Btudy tho Arabic
noto thoroughly but it was unrflerstooa
that tho proposal to send tho question
of reparation to Tlio linguo triounai
was unsatisfactory, while the refusal to
acknowledge obligation' of indemnity
was entirely unacceptable.
.Plana are under way ror a cabinet
session to consider tho note and de
termine this nation's future course. No
meeting has been held for sovoral
Dumba Not Located.
Now York, Sept. 10,---Austriun Am
bassador Dumba 's whereabouts today
were unknown but there wero evidences
he is secluded in the Bt. Regis hotel..
While he left Washington Wednesday
night, ostensibly for his summer homo
at Lenox, Mass., it was stated there to
day that he had not left the St, Regis.
At tho latter pluce it was declared
left last night for Lenox which is only
a few hours from here.
The relations between Von Bernstorff
and Archibald center around alleged
transmission of a private letter, for the
embassy's military attache to the bit
ter's wife in Germany. Despite the
fact that tho lid ter was personal, of
ficials suggested that, if he had used an
American to pass it, the embassy wan
guilty of an impropriety. The letter is
said to contain slighting references
about Americilii officials.
.1 ii... I int. U t
'CI..... ti. - fmi nil these mutters. Ger-
mlllly's- position.' toward ti.n Arabic was. Port a ml. "rcgo
t -only disnppointing, but co-Hi.incdl !" '''' '
only the most nualified and Inferen-. I nited HI ilea Kov
tiul assurance of respect nr Americun
rights aril lives in Germany's submar
ine warfare.
Authorities snw no reason why Aus
tria should not lake tho request for
I hiimLh 'n recall ns a solely personal nn
. i. .1. .1. .X. L. Uj I
. i. ' I1'1'! mil, Slid romiiiiio in r ". ......... , , - ... (. i:
1,1,,''' But. in view of the strain or inntinn Willi power nm. -
re I,. I inns between America an., nimmn
and Hcrinimy, It was feared tiiut there
would be no such cool headed consul-
Tonslon Is Revived;
Washington, Sept. 10. Tension over
the torpedoing of the liners Arnbic and
Hesperian was partly revived today.
The administration was known to be
extremely disappointed over Germany 's
note in the Arabic, case mode public
last night.
Its disavowal of liability for repara
tion for American lives lost aboard the
Arabic and hence, infereiitially, also
for Lusitaniii victims, presented u fresh
dispute which may embarrass settle
ment of the submarine controversy.
Prospects were that Ameriua's reply
to the Arabic note will sharply Indicate
displeasure at Germany's new stand.
The German note while expressing re
great that lives were lost in the Arabic
torpedoing, justified the commander s
action oa the ground that he anticipat
ed from the Arabic's movements that
he intended ramming him. Despite this
"regret" Germuny maintained It was
unable "to acknowledge nay obligation
to grant Indemnity in the mutter, even
if the commander should have been
mistaken as to the aggressive intentions
of the Ar-iliic. " ....
In the event of failure of the two
governments reach a "harmonious
opinion on this point," Germany sug
gested that the differences of opinion
be submitted to The linguo tribunal for
Dumba Fross Comment,
.San Francisco Bulletin: "There are
many Americans who will find it
ficnit. to work themselves into n frenzy
against a project which might improve
conditions in the steel mills. Part or
the working men at Bethlehem are sti'l
hammering out twelve endless hours a
day nnd seven endless days a week,
possibly this Is a worse crime against
humnni'ty than any that Ambassador
Dumba Ims plotted.''
Portland, Oregon, Journal:
the neinnnii or
rnment for the recall
of Austrian Ambassador niiinnn, m
Oregon Journal today asks: "llow long
would an American last in Germany
should he attempt to cripple the great
Krupp worksl"
The real Issue It thinks, Is whether
the I'nited States "is a sovereign nn-
,1. i ion nt the situation.
Beeuiiso of the close relations be-
t h.I Auulfiii mil li V I li -
It I. ,.1,1 nsil I 1 WH'H IMirillUllY U"'l rir.i'(
' . lieved H break with one would Inevit-
ublv menn a break with tun inner,
T'ne Von Pupen case itself possesses
potentialities of trouble. It was hoped
H...I Ambassador von Bernstorff would
be able to explain satisfactorily his
subordinates alleged course in using
Correspondent Archibald as a message
bearer. But, It was pointed out, a siui-
Oregon, Fair to-
east portion; hut
unlay fair, warm-1
er east portion;
easterly winds.
li. 1.1.H01111I life, or whether
In onlv a modified sovereignty subject
to the wishes and purposes of a for-,
elgn government."
"President Wilson's action Indicates
that the United Stales Is, and intends
to remain, n sovereignty."
Saeiiiinenlo Star: "The president
never hns acted hnstily. The country
has confidence that he is acting proper
ly In the case of Dumba."
Hue rn mentu 1'nlont "American
(CoatlBU4 M I'H Three.) A