Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 09, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    THI-PSnAY. SEPT. 9. 1915.
i 7 Y A
44 . t NSfi
) p
Highest Quality -:- Lowest Prices
We're ?eac(y to.Fif Oaf -Kcrnr i?qy
School time is steadily drawing nearer only a
few days remain, and you want him to be ready
for the first day. His suit is one of the most im-
L portant items. Our efforts for the Fall and
Winter season in the boys section combine good
taste newest styles and serviceability. From
the dressy suits for little boys to 8 years of
age to the tasteful patterns and fabrics for big
boys up to 18 years you'll find the same good
style and quality. We guarantee satisfaction.
with two pairs of pants, all sizes up to
18 years
Priced $3.00 to $10.00
Sizes 5 to 1G years,
$3.00 and $0.00
"Munsing Quality"
Priced 73c to $1.50 a Suit
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsobn, specialist in fitting
glasses correctly. U. 8. bank bldg.
District -Attorney E. R. Eingo and
wifo went to Lebanon today tor a short
visit with frieuds in this ei'y.
Washington, Sept. !). An ex
plosion aboard the Decatur, ot
the first division torpedo boat
flotilla, Asiatic fleet lulled Leci
J. Klkins, pinner's mate of the
second i-lass, and seriously in
jured William l Ilcydeii, chief
gunner's mate; Edward Brnsn
ear, fireman of the second class
and '. Pelos. Santos, seaman,
while anchored in the Cavito, P.
I. naval station, the navy de
partment announced this alter-noon.-
The cause is unknown.
Dr. Stone's Drag Store.
The most popular and wanted styles
of Hoys' Hats and Caps
Hats $1.00 to $2.00; Caps 23c to $1.00
We have a few loys' Suits which we offer at an attractive price. These are
of the "Meyeio Quality". Plain coatmodel. Regular $5.00 to $8.00 grades. '
Extra special while they last $2.95a suit.
SCHOOL SHOES--If he is hard on shoes bring him to us
The House
Salem's Big
Today Is New Year's
the moral stir which men should feel! The United Ai-tisnns have paid the
when they conloinidnto their exnor-! death chums of .lnrv ('hilil..,-,, ni.,i ' i
llaV Of Inmipli Mopp ll'lllt'a 't "'''li t'r re eiiriiic'eineiit or( no(i.ers, who were members of the
ua Ul JVVTIOll latC Ihrir hopes. The calls are also an ap- lodge. Th chocks for the claims were
pent to the largo sense of life. Week- received today.
The Jewish New Year begnn Inst , ,hV winIioh and pravcrs lire self-renter- j 0
evening with uu ornate solemn service ! ,,,1 W1 ,l not give a perspective of, c,,ntB ,-,,, T , ,,
in all temple, nnd synagogues. As one's relations and oblivions to thn' Stte Commander J W. Sherwood,
there is no Jewish house of worship lu -c.in.nui.it v nnd fellowmen. lint ,1,,.; , ... , "."'" 'I"'0"' V hm' ,0(l,'.v fr,llu
Halem. then- aro no services held here.' N,.u- v....;-. ,l,.v ..ft..,. .... .! .."""" ")('KI"8 "Her the ulttiirs ol
but tho Jewish population of the city reaffirm rosncc't for and trust in IW. )T.,UtTi "ml l."m? W1!h ' '(u'"'
observe tho day. This morning, where, , idone,,. The Jew comprehends this us U WlM,'V ot aot,ve wo''1-
the ceremonies took place, the service.,, comfort In the. ease of misfortunes' 0 r
comprised a more eluboralw form 01 , nd as monition in the si esses he1 SlllB' ' represented at the eighth
worship nnd combines some vestiges of ' m,)v lnivo. The func tion of the New """""l convention of the Northwest
aiiliipm ritual with expressions of hu-j Year's dnv is to establish a mor 1 Electric. Light & iWer assoeintion, now
limn experiences mid feelings true and , judgment 'in life nnd experiences. . '" session ut i'ortlund by V. .M. Jim,,,
real for everybody mid at all times. ' j ilton, mil imii- of the l'orllnud Jiuihvnv,
Tim Jewish New Year's festival is A track bolmiKlnz to the Gideon Stoli I 1-ight & Power company, II. K. .Morton
the oldest of all festivals celebrated in, eompuiiy wns dainiigod to the extent j and ,1. A. Hronsou. The sessions opened
iim cinu.eii worm, him h in uuicpio ior or lew clays nno wnen It wns run ."""""f ine .tiuituumiili hotel. Tli
its significance us well as for its unti-j into by a truiii on the Kouthorn i'acili
ipiily. llie secular New ear (on .Inii-nt Jefferson a few days ago. It seems
uaty 1) is u day of gratifications: meni that when tho driver found that I
rejoice In what tliey have ii' lileved; it ; could not avoid h collision, he jumped """I"111. and was responded to bv
is a dav for sordid inventories. The; nnd saved himself. I Mayor Albee, of Portland. The regular
Ji wish New Year's day, however, Is u! o business sessions will continue until
tunc for serious thountit on the ineau- Hop conditions in the Ornnd Ro'.ide i 1 n"" eveniuc,'. Niturdny and riiiiilnv
iiil' of life: It evokes iiious coiiteinn a- count rv in iimlii I count v are r rl 1 1
lion of tho difficult and Inevusible bad by those who have recently lciu
problems as to iilit and wron. drivincr through tlmt section. Very few
The antique features ofthe rilunljof the hop owners sprayed clnrini; the
of that day express the aspirations all early pent of the season, with the re
men feel ccpially. The trumpet culls' suit Hint in many ynrds there will lie
conMitutin,? the central part in the, hardly any plckine;, nnd lu others only
worship of that day are appeals for half u crop.
convention was opened bv an address
by franklin T. (Iriffith, "president of
the Portland Kuilwnv, Unlit & Power
0 L'lVeil to t 10 Ollti'llimm,.,.,! ,.f
the visitors.
A. B. Huddleson received a telegram
this morning telling of the death ot
Jefferson of K. M. Thomas, an old and
respected resident of that place. The
funeral will be held at Jefferson at 2
p. m. tomorrow.
Dr. R. T. Mclntlre, physician and
surgeon, 214 Masonic hlig. Phone II11.
The season seems to be still on foi
Fo.d ears as the following have h. conic
owners the past week or tn davs: (!.
W. Hobson, Dr. W. V. Byrd. T. A. I.ivcs
ley (oujiany, Dr. K IT. lotcjol.sti,
(liitlin Pop Company and 0. K. Toeis,
nil of lorn.
Mrs. Frante Frickey wishes to inform
her friends that she is not one of the
musicians pinviiig ut the hoo vnr.l oain-
es at l.ivesley. ,
The fourth quarterly conference of
the Leslie Methodist Kpiseopnl church
will be held at the chinch Friday ev
ening. The conference will hear the re
port of the church activities for the
past year, and also discuss plans for
the Coining twelve months.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store. tf
The state prison board after a trip
of inspection through the flax factory
building.! of the state penitentiary this
morning decided to vacate the part of
the building now occapicd by the tile
works and will set up part of the flax
machinery in this si'tire.
Dr. Utter, dentist, will return from
Nntionnl Dental Congress September
13. Office 414 Salem Hank of Com
merce Iildg. tf
Children are rather scarce in the hop
yards this week, especially those that
usually enmo from Portland. The eitv
schoolR of Portland opened Monday,
about two weeks earlier than usual, and
for the past few days, the children have
been returning in order to be at the be
ginning of ;ho school year.
Special meeting of Salem
Lodge No. J, A. V, and A. M.
this evening. Work in the M.
f. degree. Visiting brethren
The Artisans held an informal ses
sion Inst evening, which included music
refreshments nnd n visit to newlv weds
After a program at the lodge ' room,
the members went to The Hpu for re'
treshmcnts and then adjourned in
mmi.v io visit .nr. and Mrs. Fred
Cook, at the home of the bride's moth
er. Mrs. O. (i. Smith, CIS .North Witn
The Fourth Quartcriy" Conference of
he Leslie M. )'.. church will l,o held
riday eve.iing j:, the church. )r
. nines Moce i vrM,h. hiro,. ,!
tendance- ol the membership c tl,
ch ii rch is expected as important mut
ters will he consi,,..,.
Miss Dorothy ShankTof this city, left
today tor. ll,,v, where she has nccp,.
dc a posit, on as instructor in the new
."'''' school. Miss Minnk h
,,,, ,,. Mls. Tonr V(llll.tt ,
of Xilvertoii and was r1--elect,.,l
comiliL' venr liot ,-.,u; i .
.1 ."" .."S,,r" IO
rosin,.,, ut Allian
will tiach ,.itl,,,r V,,,,iii.
Lire Geneva B. Clarlin was interrupt
ed bv the police la-t night while she
was doing a Highland fling ami a few
ether fnncv steps on the sidewalk and
taken to the police station where a
drunk charge was placed against her.
Mnen searched it was found that she
had three razors concealed about her
nerseii and this morning these were re-
uruecl to their owners and no charges 1 f DlVnoile
,, this eleme nt of the case preferred, j JV6rCll2r6S 01 KailrOaQS
She was given a sentence oc u..?! n.
nil which was susjieuded np"ii hel i
agivement to have town at once. ;
o ! !. Angeles, Cal., Se),t. 0. Address-
At a meeting of the state board of -ul tha t.0UVl..,itinu of the I'uited Xa
control yesterday at which Warden jf,r; l'ostal Clerks assoi-iation iiere to-.
Hurry Miuto of the pen. and Mr. Cade rongressmnu C. II. Kandall ns-
weie' pre.-ent, it was proposed to -, rt-il that the government had been
stall flax machinery in the room now n,,,,i millions of dollars by over
occupied by the tiling machines. As ; ,.;,iir,res on the part of the railways car
there wi re several engineering problems 1,-ving I'nited States mails. He said:
involved the matter was taken under j ".. u,i,ertake to say that this gov
advisement until further investigations t crr.nu'nt has been robbed of hundreds
were made. Next year it was stated 0f millions uf dollars by overcharges
the flax would be threshed as it was : It:t, ownright fraud on the part of the
kn.mrlit into the lien and so much slor- I ,-iUv:i v vet. the couiitrv is literally
flooded with literature aim inspiieci
editorials which attempt to prove that
the postoffica is treating tne ranwajs
Rob Government
Bureauicrats Who Have Cot
trolled Nation Low In Ess
mation of Czar
(By. J. W. T.,Mos;
an, written f.
L'.iited Press.)
in her history
Russian arms
age room would not be needed. There
are now about lifift tons stored at flic
State Labor Commissioner Hoff re
in ui"garclly fashfrni.'
liae.dall declared tnat prevncis mves-
turned last nii'ht from Portland, where ' tic.nt inn had revealed certain railroads
he was present vesterdav at the hear- fpurchased the editorial columns of more
ing of the cnses'of alleged violation of than 1.000 newspapers to mould public
the labor laws bv contractors working 'opinion.
on the Columbia' highwnv. John Jioei lie said: -"We so now a tremen
Clarke. of the Clarke &'Henerv com-Idoi'.s campaign to pulsc.n the public
pany, was bound over to the grand jury imir,!d and espeeinlly the congressional
(n a charge of working one of his men mind as to facts about railway mail
overtime. The case against the Pacific i pay. " '
Bridge compnnv on tho same charge was j l Al
r..anl!?e.r?i-0liIl?ftnrrTff ','v (German Consul Objects
on,imefoVertin?ePd Wrki"g ' s To ExpOSitlOIl Advertising j
Captain Hobson of Merrimac fame, ! Francisco, Sept. !) -Because bill j
or rather now it is Congressman Hob 1 atlvortiHiiiK tne I.us.tan a .how
son, of Alabama, leader of the national j t the exposition, used the term assass
prohibition movement, will lecture in I 111 -b'scnbing he (.ermni. sub-1
Salem sometime during the month f, marine which sank the vessel, the b.g ,
November. U. P. Tavtor. state super-! ia,T D(ls a "ar ?" ,TS 'm"!ls , .
!c...i.,t , .i. i...:Lc t ' . al German Consul Boon objected in a
,11 i ,-mui-ii 1 CM III, 1 1 MM1 I. I'lil' It' IT ' ' .
for tin
or ma-
'Salem's Best Market Place
Tomatoes For Canning
Kxtra selecled, bushel 7fiC
Fall Butter Pears
C.ooil ones, bushel 7.riC
King Apples
Large and sound, bushel 7oC
Mason Jars, Pts. ,'iOc, Qts. 00c,
1 J Callous Soc docn.
Kcouomy 110c, $1.(1,", iH.I.'i.
V.'A Heal "lc, P.'ic for ipinits.
Pure Hum Jar lluhhers, I doz. 2'ic
Pearing Knives 10c.
Paiawiix, pound l"c; b'ed Wax
10c pclvngi.
Jelly I Hansen ;iOe doen,
Mason or Lconomy Cups "Jile ..tr
Sugar III. 70 Sack,
F.vorylhing for Cunning.
Oeorne Noimer, Jr., district attorney
of Douglas county, is in this city to
argue a ease before the supreme court
Ky a coincidence Mr. Neuner is nguinst
mo eoiiiiiv in this ens.. ,,.! in
, , . , , , ,'i in- , jci-i-
(.eneriil Hrow n in representing Dougla's she
-....,,, ni ne supreme court. It lino- ti,.,,i
pen- that .Mr. hrown was district uttor-1
ney of Douglas county before his dec - Whlln fh. .
t;o m nttorney geucrul and while . , ."Z,, itiTT aPPntl by
Mr. Neuner was prnettclng r,.v in exc, " I 0 "nnge for an
lose crgho represented the plniniiffs ! .( , i ' , , '"ill,tHn " the big
Hic suit against the coumv, bv ' to "" , ,' """l,.k,1" specinl efforts
nr be wns retained in the ruse i int..... i ." ' !"' Ir",,b .VBt ho
titter Ins election ,t jUf,t fr rHW
ine title 0f the case is Hem
i.cc.Hii'in It nil s vTcwmi , .1. .
... ' ' " "Kin ill I III"
1 ...... a T, M.,4. Afnn.n r,ln-
Jortland, is in the city todnv and is,,el1" lu f ""V , , '
arranging for a lecture, although the ninnd.ng that the ob.ectionalde word be f
... . n 1I .,.l r,v ia i.n.nuvinn C.I0KO1I
exact Hate lias not as vet lieen dp. . -""'"-"
cide.L Congressman Hobson introduced ' Through the assistant executive were-1
into the house of representatives n bill 1 tar', thc ""ma roa was pnrtinlly ;
favoring national prohibition, and dur- i futisfiftl that no insult was intended, j
ing the- last session was its champion '"lt Director Burt ot the concessions ,
With Senator Sheppnrd of Texas, he has -1(ckTCS P"11 he s,,ow wlU "clt
become a nationul leader in the prohi-, cln,se- . , , , . , .,
bition movement, besides advocating a1 Despite the reported calming of the
larger raw. ; consul's wrath, Germans have been
0 j called for a mass meeting in the tier-1
The state tax commission decided at man h."usp S!lfur(l!iy "'t'1'1 disc"8" the !
a meeting yesterday to wait Until after suuai.1011 runner. ,
the Oregon & California land grant con-1
ference before fixing the assessment of 1 PrncnOfifir VftV Frilir
the lands and it will then decide wheth- j 1 1 UoJUHy 1 UI 1 1 Ull
er the lands are to be assessed at 2.50 Ic Inriirofar1 riV altfC
an acre or at about 9 an ncre which I l IUILdieU UJf OdKb
more nearly represents the taxable
value. The c'cmmission decided thut ! I'ertland, Or., Sept. 9. Prosperity
spurs, switches nnd other pieces cif the fruit growers of tho Pacific
track in the secondary class shall bo 11s Northwest is indicated by the latest
scssed for 1D1!) on 11 basis of 5(1 nor con sales of both pears and apples at the
01 me vaiue 01 tne main tracks. This
was in accordance with a law passed by
th l'.iK! session of the legislature. Prior
to lin.'l no taxation valuation was
placed upon secondary tracks.
Fire Chief Harry Hutton and
wile returned today from n two weeks'
trip to Itreitenbusli spiings where they
spent an enjoyable time in the moun
tains, where they had no trouble in1
catching all of the ttsh needed for th;' !
table but report that the finnv denizens I
are licccuning shyer and do not bite as .
readily as they did earlier in the vear.
"liocley" Johnson was the other 'fire- i
man who took his vacation at this time!
and after a short trip to the bench witl I
his wife returned lo this eitv and went I
t" the hop yards. This winds up the
summer vacations of the members of
the fire department as the chief and
Johnson were the "last two to take their
161 Ncrth Illfth Ftxwt Grocery rhona 830; Meat Phoat 140
i ihc 1 ii'iu .. . i . .
I HM Ml 111) III itiiiifn .1
''"umittce, i er ,i ,.,
yiniay bes,V'u,e,I.TIN commit t,.." is I!
I'onr.l cf Director, f sd,,,, "' S' M.vm.11, August iluclc.
' ami the eouutv clerk of l).,i " """ """" Kay.
o is,5''e Sin.potmanagcr of the
,,, . near Corvnllis,
The second largest claim ever set-
'i oy llio Mate Industriiil Accident
't Vest, i,
suite oanie ,.l,,i
''I ,,",'",, was closer, yesterday when ! fair. He j, ,, , ,. "
the .lepurtnieut ,,Kr 1 , ,mv ,,, ,,,, greater mu,,,!,,,,- , ,,
sun, o, I;,.X .,2 , ,. ;,,. ,, fjV(l. , , ,, , "
children C A. Wood, who was kill,,', will be t, , ' " ,
August It, when tree f,. ,, him the exlnbi,. r.
"A Little White Rabbit
Among a Lot of Hawks"
That is what "llullet " Pi, k
Willnr.l, the heioine in
Vmes, the footbnll hero says of Do
The Mating
A fne nt Mutual MuMcrph tute.
Doris n a comctfv U nnd the other Kiil in the eollcse lniide fun
of her ami planned to huniilinic her before Dick, llw he spoils their
plum, it the clnuiix in Mrikiag plav of college life.
Produced by the Nee, Voik Motion Pictuie CoriHUiitlcin with Iteui
Psiriscule m) !.' is Willmd, .s.. n
Bligh Theatre
AdulU XOc
Alwsyi th Best
Cfclldrtii 8c
"" ""K ,"'s skull. This sum will .
I'nui in installment extending ever a
period of .U years :t months 1,1 ,!,.,
for the widow who is now .11 years old'
nnd of nearly :?l years fr th'e young
est child which is five month, ld T,
pay this sun, r,,!!iS .15 wns set iii,,.
One of the five children draws noth'
mg and one draws but 2 per month '
'"' ""'. ary to eut down the '
monthly allowance t Keep it withi,, the.
niainiuiii limit wl.jeh is f ; x,.,i p,
statute. DnriuR th coming year, the pupils'
of the junior high schools will
tiiinly receive n lliorcmgh course in the'
study of Knglish which will include
writing mid spelling. 1 addition to
the tne hour periods each wck. they
will ., given .,.iB drills in both wi,t ,
mg and si-elling. The tweiil'v period;
ol study laid out for vm-h week, will
iiiilndc in,, hours for Knglish. three
houis in history mid civil government,1
four hours in arithmetic, three hours in
science and one hour tu physical cul j
ture. The other four courses of the
twenty arc elec tive. The pupil mnv elect
to take two periods in lioininn. ,',r two
in the uiiiimicl rts, or two in the fine
arts. The innmial arts will include rook-i
ing, sowing or bench work. The fine
arts Include music nnd drawing. In
addition to the twenty periods of stu.lv
for each we-k, thirty minute period
will ho devoted to stUiV'Ut riedv nrtii..
ties Hud to the special drlla in' spelling
nun nrilllig
planning for the
at the coming stute
ting to exhibit a
rv this year, .
Phina phensants
mportiint part of
me commission this
IflMIt f, 1 C.llll .1. .
i: "" ''' o icieas-
'"''""'it parts of the stute.
will bbei,,!,.
T..r.;!., ::rr 111 ,,,, ;
ening. ,, , 1 "" cv-
v.cni - Tli . locliicling Turner an, I
i the Me . T"!1":"! nil ): I'H'I
will l, I cHiiicn, itiiresses
- - - ..iii.ie
Plcsuleiit ot tli
Si h,
(eoiire A. M
he Turnvr district, C. W
O. R. Boimell, who has charge of
the manual training work in the eitv
schools is busy this week getting th'e :
four shops into working order The'
shop at Park school will be taken to
the Lincoln school, and hereafter al,
the luminal work in connect ,,, !,),.
manual training will be d aj the hie), ,
and at the three junior high schools '
Vjnsliingtoa, I.iaeoli, ad lirant. Por 1
the coining hool year, manunl trui,,.
mg will be taught ill the same grade,
as formerly. The ninth grade work will
lie the. satin, iid ti... :..
I ,i '." ! "" ""'B","''.' "! will be:Pollitta
.. ..... ...,,- mniiiici ii , an tlmt f
ein.v none in tiic lust year of
highest prices for a number of years,
In addition to the record business,
in "('" grade apples reported yester
day at So cents a, box officials of the
North Pacific Fruit Distributors today,
report sales in carloads lots of north-:
west Anjon pears at $2.7.) a box f. o, b. 1
shipping stntion. This is the highest
price for similar variety obtained in
the 1'r'ited States during recent years
and indicates a stronger trend in the
market for fruit generally, i
' t
Survivor of Arabic j
Disputes Gsrman Claim
San l'raiiciseo, Sept. 0. -The flerman '
explanation of the sinking of the '
White Star liner Arabic was disputed
here today by Audrey Haulier, of Sfan
Francisco, and liarles P. Kresser, of
Cakland, both survivors of the dis
aster. Hoth men declared that the Oeminn '
attitude that the liner nttenipted to
ram the submarine is "the merest pif
fle.'1 They said the submarine was not
even seen until the torpedo came rush
ing at the vessel. ;
Xcw Vork, Sept. 9. liussia is ,a tt(
verge of the most momentous te
lfepeatod defeats 0 ft
aro discre.litiii u. I
...i, , , :b I
iii,.niiu.. nu iiiiiii Kui.ieu miss,-,
destiny since the; boginninj 0
wa r.
The czar, teniperaiiiei'tallv ami i
stiuetively dramatic, may soon add to
his vc.lkn irohibitiou more important
political and social reforms.
Reformers in the diima are nnitci
and menacing. Although tiie jirogre--
sives urc-in the majority, itu renctior
aries are making determined efforts to
dissolve the Duma. Professor Milukort
leader oi the rn;ressives, has jjjy
assurance that if the diima is dissolvcl
it will meet again within a few weckj.
The results of these threats, if they
are carried out, are obvious. If the.
dniiia is dissolved, tho czar may havo
to put down n revolution as well as
fight tho Teutons. Germany has lung I
hoped that a revolution would cccnt.
the czar to coiicludc a desperate ami
disastrous peace.
A revolution is at hand. The tzar
apparently senses the danger, hut ban
not retired at its approach. Instead, "no
has advanced to meet it.
He has assumed open and personal
responsibility for the, army. Tnis may
mean that he will grant reficins. Tlicn
Russia would rise from her defeats and
become powerful.
State Fair (1 rounds., Thursday, Sept.
9. The state board of fair directors,
fully realizing that the children uf t.
day will be the supporters of the fair
in the future as well us the nuuingeni
thereof, have trebled their efforts iii
providing entertainment for the oh1
drcn. and along that line has doubU'ii its
premiums, trebled its entertainment
and quadrupled the inducements to gol
the children to attend the fair. Tin
transportation lines in Oregon will
transport to and from an originating
point all exhibits offered by children
between the ages of ten and nineteen
years. Any child or any parent desir
ing to in?ike entry of any article niadu
or. grown by a child in Oregon will
be given full information by any coun
ty school superintendent, the superin
tendent of public instruction or by
writing to the secretary of the Oregon
state fair board, Hon. W. Al Jones, Sa
lem, Ore. One hundred ami seven en
tries havo been made of (Shetland poiu'cs
and there will be six races dailj by
these liftle animals, the delight of ev
ery child. Fond parents ami guardian's
desiring to visit sections of the state
fair that do not particularly interest
the little folks will find them properly
cared for if lift at the children's play
grounds. When Secretary W. Al Jones finished
counting the requests, received from pa
trons of tho Oregon stute fair for a
ladies' relay race ho found that 7S
people had made the Tcqucst. Someone
had evidently put up an endless chain
proposition and succeeded admirably.
-Mrs. J. W. lioberts, of Salem, a
daughter of a pioneer u! 18'iJ, con
vinced her husband that the better way
to enjoy the fair was to have a comfort
able cottage, and as a result .Mr. Hub
erts has the cottage about ready for
occupancy durinrf tho fifty-fourth an
mini state fair, September 27 to Octo
ber 2. The structure is n credit to l'
cottage city.
Mrs. Geo. Hoele, of Oregon City, lif
er tenting for fifty-three times on th"
state fair camp grounds, will this year
occupy a cottage erected last winlei.
Mrs. Hoove stands at the head in the
list of campers.
li strict
Or.. Sept. IX On motion.' of
Attorney (iodwin the case
Mrs. S. M. Collins, Bettie
lulia Moire and lilanebe Wil-
the Inch
ns to
A full
be made
,Sii",re JU,"ior uiVCU0ls have been th
,,, c tne v,uslmigt..n, I,;,,, ,,n
....... nun sciioois, mere lias been
count among eertnin students
which school they will attend
ai.'i complete statement ,)
I , . n Mipcrintendeiit l'llitt
jhn.R : just where each erade will ,.
,ml 'V1 the I Maries between
luce .piinnr high schools. .s , ,
Wh school ,, ,.,, ,1,lfi,.h. ,,.
elc led t nit Ik.. i... ...... . . '
reticrv f v. ....... .. ' c. :. e . . ' icceive. two
and the 1... ' ,.. ... ' ',. '."-v .. 4" "' """ ''''''. "ill return f ,1.,
I'"'"l""t of ,!, ," '. I " ,'Y"' I r,"'' l"gh school. Those who ve
" ''"! convoati,,,,,'0" '0""'-V ""'".v "ever attended hieh .e. r r !v . ,
any ine, s,. ,,,,,! ,...i:,. ,. ;n ..
force PalMc'tTZr.. .... . I"' ""' t the junior hieh .,..'. ".'
,,,-,i;,, ... .i... , ... , - "
" lite no I i ..rv ,i
io ne ma.ic next week.
Iiarged wit.i fonrerv bv Penult
a wealthy sheen liinn.'wiis .lis.
mi-sed, following n prelitninnrv hearing,
in. justice court todnv. Pollitta evi-;
lenily repented of tins charges against
woman nnd refused to swear tlint
signatures on chocU ,,i-,w,.,,t.,.i i
evidence were not ids own.
The Wilson wc nou testified that Vol.'
bttu was engaged to niiirrv her nnd'
gave her blank cheeks, signing them
tor her to fill out as desired.
I" moving a ilismi-siil, District
c iroo.v noiiwin chnrncterized the
ns a ' dirt v mess. ' '
cS ;-'.Mcro,ary0!::
night to t! ;J , , "'"""ed last It
tin, ,.! . ,V 'J"1" ' weeks'
I i C 4 I
he mad,, a fip ',,
,,v, Sl" ' cot,,,
will a s ,., l.,
st."us ii.
the ciIium;
l'tobabl,. tl.
tions will 1
gon state o,
t.. i... i. .. , '
: , ; ".i, ,Viii i,
lew davs.
during which tun,
et iinH-ction through
ii i.uil PoIsohi prisons
M. iv t studvii.c ii...
' ''Kue in these prisons for
"" ' the ris,.nor. It in
t sen.,. f rccommendn.
' l"t in effvt at the Ore-
Th. ........
, " V "1C "fmaifs club
...... , ..,. trm ,
t he K Cit I', ....... i, .'
.. iiiuie.
nrtistie immi,l,l..t ,.c ... .
Oil, 111,1 in ,...1.1 1 . . . I "s
" R "' green, k v iil' the
name, of ,1,,. ,lffil.,.r, f
"'r he makes his r.Mi.irf b..r. .1.. ..,.. ,, '"' " ",0 ""'m
i,, . i. . . . ' ' iuii. i tie
raiiiiseo. Sent 0 t:, f.
liner. .Mcum.i. from Sydney and New
f''"'1"" .' Vll ''"I te, arrived todnv af
ter a disastrous trip all the wav 'frcm.'
'"h'ti. I i,o was discovered 'in the
;m bunkers wheiv two days out from
n ete, and was permitted to smother
"selt out. t in. 1...H , .
caused bv
Keep a lookout on your prunes, is lhn
n.lnioiiition of ,1. O. Holt, nuinagir of
the locul cannery, to the fanners cf
this viciutv as some of the prunc.i now
being brought to the cannery are shew
ing a dark center and when dried nuiko
a poor article.
lust what this disease is .Mr. Holt
said he could not tell. A quantity of
the affected prunes litis been sent tit
the nprieultural college at Corvallis for
examination and u remedy which will
cure the trouble, ncked for. If it i ,;l
serious disease some united action will
be taken on the pnrt of the prim'
growers here to ormlicato it.
The disease' s'nov.g up by the incut
directly nrciiii.l the seed turning black.
Kvcry lariner should keep n close
wntdi of his trees, snys Mr. Holt, and
see if any are producing prunes fins
affected. Last year a few prunes .-honed
up thin way at the cannery, but this
year a larger cpicutitv seems to be ut
fecet.l. Kncem. U,.j.iBter.
spouluiicons coiulnis-
lire brct'.e nut i tl,., , .
' 'l.ni iiihI tor three onnrter- f .... i
threatened to Ii
C' oiu,. serious.
done within
ofA,heh?:r,1i,vvu,e ?ffic,ai bri
st evciimg, .rof. T
S. Huberts
ereiuii.t t... -
vesr. ,, Dr. rr,.l k- w , " , '
o,r d,r,,..,,r. ; J
! tl'-ho.. of music for the
.l.tferent committee,. ,,
program for the season of lfiKVM 1 Tl,
; j "8le.l and federat'ed
1W 1. Meeting, nrc ),,!, ,h
:..,,c.cy or enci, nicntli at the M,bli
comer of state d Winter I
flic otfu-ers 'for th
vctvr nre r..n...,-u. o. '
- .. p . ., ri i n
I L-ll: ... . .
. i. iiiuii, president vt i-
1 ) .. 1
"'" I, nr.. M il l M .. ' . it
Uai.Mng cuasciousu,,-, ',:. ' .... . .'
cut. v "'v neci-
libra iv
Ibu k was To veers old.
'tueritel Del M01lU
New Yoik World; Too tiftcii.
tltlll illlliels men tn wtrivrt 1.r
Sept. O.-Vavorites
tac lncirning hall
tne ( nlifortiin
"'I'. Hcinrieh
If sold this week. Tho owner wrilen
"s to sell his property ut a sacrifice;
bouse, bam, windmill, it lots 13('xl ") ft ,
"H hinds of bearing fruit trees. Pro "
llmi; terms. Property is well worth
Well Improved 5-A. Tract
Price 1."..m. t.. ic. ji-iTiin. house.
barn, two wells, nil kinds of bearing
;run trees nnd berries close in. best son
in the valley. U-t us show Vou thn
I'ropciiy today.
Sole Agents
347 Stat 8Ut
place thut kit already w
Thoiw 4i
"l 'n A. A.
three i,n t)r. : '"'"'ronK w.
. - -. -...,,,,-n r.icv,.,.
1 ' '1",,ii."i-"iii - "asw.Trn imiumii.. '