Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 09, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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rTlHAR,S two things yet to be invented
A a gun that'll shoot around the cor
ner, and a "process" that'll take the bite
out of tobacco an leave the flavor in.
Special Today
The Lindons- Marion
and Tim
Sayings Songs Steps
The Angelus Duo
Classy Costumes change and
Harmony Singing Act.
The Eleventh Dimension
Two Part Universal Feature
Her Friend the Milkman
Nestor Comedy, Featuring
Eddy Lyons and Billle Bhodes
A great many Snlem women, who
lave an abundance of beautiful huir,
know about a remarkable hair formula
which every woman ought to know
bbout. For a number of years Salem
flruggists have been continually culled
tapon to mix this formula. Undoubtedly i L
the use of this formula is largely the
secret of the beauty and luxuriance of
the hair of very many Salem womon
and men too. The formula consists of ;
six ounces of bay rum, two ounces la-,
vona do composce, and one-half drachm
of menthol crystals. Some peoplo add
a tcaspoonful of perfume. A Now York
V(i ..i. j ...! i, J
ficacy of this mixture and they both i $TIut"! Mastorpicture produced by the' Lnnn.mous approval of military pro
nay they know of nothing hotter to do-1 Nen' yr M"10" iVture Corporation,; paredness for national defense is spread
troy dandruff, stimulate hair growth, was We" ,"?Wn during his eMeii" ! 7 1 ,hc Te,"r(l f the American
cleanse and invigorate tlio scalp, stop
falling hair, and to make the hair fluf
fy and give it lustre. Any druggist
can furnish you tho ingredients which
you can mix at homo or will mix them
for you. Apply to tho sculp night and
morning and rub in with the finger tips.
Dr. Chace Arrives
To Assume Duties
T)r. F. W. Chace, of Sewicklcy, Pa.,
arrived in the city yesterday accom
panied by his wife, and will mako their
home in tho school of music building
of tho Willamette university.
While Dr. Chnee and his wife are
from the east, yet they are not strang
ers to this part of the country, ns for
six years he was director of music in
Iho First Presbyterian church of Se
attle. He hns been successful as a
vocal toacher and also as a teacher a"
piano, pipe organ nnd musical theory.
For a number of years he was director
ef the school of mnsic of Albion col
lege, Michigan. While ivinsr in So-
nine, he trained tho grent oratorio
iaI L ' t. j i . I - . 1 ; ;
"oty which rendered the music during'
ue international Kpwortn League con-
;m.iun u row years ago. no nas re
cently given organ recitnls at tb Han
Jiego exposition and also nt the Pan-nma-Paeific
exposition, Hnn Francisco.
He conies directly from Sewicklcy, Pa.,
where he has been in charge of thee
music for the St. Stephen's Episcopal
A well-known medieal writer Bays:
"I always first iireneribn Bianrnted
Magnesin in every case of hyperacidity j
(sour acid stomach) thnt comes to me." I
A tcaspoonful In ft fourth of a glass of
hot wnter usunlly gives INSTANT RE
LIEF. Sold v 1) druggists in either
tKiwder or tablet form at 8 cents per
VELVET is cool and biteless because it is mellowed
by age. Two years the .best Kentucky Burley is
ealed in wooden casks, until every last vestige of
flavor and fragrance is brought to the surface but
every particle of rawness eliminated. The VELVET
way is nature's way. 1
A Big Surprise
I 400 Tents at cost prices for this
f for camping. Don't fail to see us
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
The House of Half a
302 N. Commercial St.
Mrs. Armour Refuses
To Prosecute Robbers
Chicago Sept. 9. Gustave Smitt and
John Flanagan were taken into cus
tody early today by the police in con
nection with the three thousand dol
lar jewel robbery in the home of Mrs.
.1. Ogden Armour, one of a series of
lootings which have netted holdup men
uu,uuu worm 01 ,eweis ami plate
withii' a few months.
mre. Armour reruscri to inspect the
suspects, ana has advertised a reward
l'or return of her gems, with "no ques-
T I T r- 1
who supports Bessie!
Harriscnlfl in "The Mating," a five-part'
I - t . J , . .
j.r'S.'vi : '- ' '. y . . .-:-;l-:v:i'
'"'J & ''" '
UH a luniuuii nun, iiuwiig jiill ru ill ""in-m unmiciuucn in me lorm Of rcs-
severnl championship games. On oneiolutinns adopted on the proposal of
occasion during a spectacular end run'C. A. Pugsley ex-congressman, and
Cody was tackled and so badly hurt ' President of the Westchester National
thnt for a time it was thought he was; honk, of I'eekill. N. Y.
permanently injured. A robust consti-j I'ugsley asked the adoption of the
tution, however, aided by expert med- resolution following a stirring address
icol attention, brought mm around."" National Defense" by Henry D.
after some months.
Today, Tomorrow and Saturday
Mrs. John C. Wells, who died August,
31, and whoso maiden nnme was lor- j
enco Cummings, was born in Trcmpeal-,
eau county, Wisconsin, August 4, 1H75.I
She received her education in the com-!
mon schools of thnt county, and taughtj
school in n isconsm nnd South Dakota.
Ia 1H93 she removed with her parents
to Oregon, where she taught during
several vears. On October 12, 1904, she
united in marriage to .lohn ('. Wells,
who with two daughters Lois and Mar
garet aged 9 and 5 years, and two step
Hutu aged 19, nn.l urnce
so-oiroH 2.-are left to mourn a devoted
w;fe and mother.
After a lingering
illness she died
Auinist 31. nt the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cummings, who
with three brothers nnd three sisters
and a host of friends and neighbors,
will cherish the memory of one whom
none knew but to love and respect.
From early childhood she was a
consistent and faithful member of the
Methodist church.
The funeral services were held at thei
home of her parents conducted by Kev.j
II. C. Stover. !
Interment in City View Cemetery. I
Seattle. Wash.. Sept. O.-C. J. Falr-
hurst, whose antomoinie ran mio n-
p,,,,,, 'r. Moore, salesman for a Port-
an,t Oregon, publisning nousc, is sun
out on ms personal in '"""- ...-.-
although Moore die.l ycsieruay
noon, suffering from a fractured skull
and bruises siil.iincd in the necident,
which occurred Tuesday morning.
for Hop Pickers
week only. Also everything needed
if you need anything in' this line.
Million Bargains.
Phone 808
Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 9.
The first of four special trains,
loaded with I'uget Sound lum
ber, had started east today, over
the Chicago, St. Paul A Mil
waukee line. The other three
will leave within the next ten
days. The first train, loaded
with 1,000,000 feet of lumber is
from the Grays Harbor Lumber
eompnny nt Hoquinm, and is
destined' for Baltimore. The sec
ond train will go for distribu
tion through eastern points from
a middle west junction. Rail
road men predict this activity
is the forerunner of a winter
revival in the lumber industry.
National Bankers Choose
Officers of Association
Seattle, Wash., Sept. . Action of
the Americnn Bnnkers' association on
the report of the nominations commit
tee was scheduled to take place late
this afternoon, us the last business to
be transacted by the association nt its
forty-first annual convention which hao
been in session here nil week. Peter
W. Gocbel, of Kunsas City, Kan., -.was
nominated for vice-president of the as
sociation. His opponent was Sol We.
ler, of New Orleans. Goebel received 2(1
votes in the committee against Wax
ier 's fifteen.
James K. Lynch, of San Francisco,
was unanimously chosen president.
The executive council will choose the
association 's treasurer at a meeting
tonight, N. p. Gntiing, of New York
City, is the most prominently mention- j
ed candidate for this place." McLftnc
niton, ot Pel Citv. A n.. nn.l V. w
I Ming, of Laf 'rosso, 'Wis., ore the other
The secretary will be chosen also by
the executive council. It is considered
unlikely that nny candidate will oppose
the re-election of Colonel Fred E.
Fnrnsworth, of New fork.
Kansas City. Mo., it is expected, will
ir i-ii linen an rno nexr convention city
although Atlantic City, N. J. is a
strong contender for tlif. tmnr
Enstabrook, of Xew York, and the con
vention passed the mensure without
"I believe,' Enstabrook said, "that
the association should earnestly support
our national government in all' practical
Affnrtfl tft. fifclMII-n nnnii n..:i .1
fon Xo true Americnn is for war'
but p.eparedjicss may be the surest
guarantee of peace."
The Grand
Lenore Ulrich
The Petite Charmer of the
Legitimate Stage, whose three
sensonsjn the role of the Hawi
ian Princess in "The Rird of
Paradise" have made her known
from coast to coast, will be seen
An artistic romance of a child of
Ethel Grandin
At whom you laighed when you
saw her "In Her Daddy's Foot
steps," is a two-reel picture.
You will like this procram.
Coming Sunday Mary Plckford.
Tonight Last showing of
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 9. "I m an
William Howard Taft, former presi
dent, thus closed what he termed an
"Economic and Political Summary of
the Generation Just Closine. " in a
lengthy address before the American
Bankers' association today. His speech
bristled with pungent sentences, as he
slammed one thing after another that
appealed to him as hindering the best
development of the American people. In
this category were the initiative and
referendum, the recall, general primar
ies, arrogant capital and nrrogaar, la
bor. But in conclusion, he declared him
self an optimist who could see that good
would result from men a catastrophe as
the present European war.
Paragraphs and sentences from his
speech follow:
"The rapid growth of wealth be
tween 1880 and 1900 absorbed the at
tention of all our people. We were all
in the chase for toe dollar."
"The principle of combination was
found quite cs applicable to politics and
party government aj to machinery and
"The time came when it was possible
in! some great coriwrations for tho of
ficers and directors to issue, with the
same nonchalance, orders for st?el
rails on the one hind or tor the deliv
ery of delegates to a national political
eoiivjntion ou the other."
"For more thru two decades the
controversy went on between the rail
roads and tho government until the
weakling board of 1SS7 grew into the
powerful tribunal of 1910, ond the rail
roads found- theninelves brought ui-'der
complete control.
"This histcry of the interstate com
mere law and Hz enforcement contains
one of the most useful lessons to those
who would defy the people in the pride
of intrenched power. It may Uke.
years, but "all the people cank&at be
tooled all tho time.
"Corporations have been driven out
or politics, and wnile, of course, cor
ruption is not ever absent, the danger
of plutocracy has disapjiearcd and the
purification of politics has constituted
a real reform for which all good citizens
must be grateful.
"Nothing is so timid as canital. a.-.'d
nothing is so easily ablo to t.ike care
of what it nno. A hostile spirit m.uu
festcd iu legislation buttons up the
pockets of those who control wealth.
"We must grant increased rates to
the railroads v.-hen the conditions re
quiro it, and crn-.-J; them quick.' Mil
lions own thoir stock They employ
millions of meu.
"We should repeal the full crew bills
that impose upon the rnilroid coin
panics the burden of employing un
necessary labor."
"No change i: our social condition,
it seems to mo, has been moro bene
ficial on the whole , to tho working-
men than has thi:, reBO.t to tho power
or eomhinatio.i nr.'ong them. There is
no doubt that at common law the. rules
governing the relation of the employe
and the employer wero framed in the
interest or the employer.
His Commander at Matamoros
Furnished Arms and
Brownsville, Texas, Sent. 0. Thnt
General Nnfarette, Cnrrnnzista com
mander at Matiunoros, ncross the river,
has been furnishing arms and aminuni
tion to MexiciMi border raiders was the
charge reported to have been made to
day by a member of Mexican band
which murdered two Americans last
week. In Ms alleged confession, the
Mexican deelare.l the t.arranza chieftain
who has professed to seek pence nnd to
prevent raids, has really furthered the
trouble, and has gained aid by promis
ing Mexicans safety when they return
to Mexico.
Officers claiming to know the murder
band sny the majority are cftnstitution
alist soldiers.
Seven bandits waylaid Sam Robert
son, a rich man, eight miles north of
here today, und fired several times nt
'him, but succeeded only in hitting his
hat and putting his automobile engine
out of commission. Robertson escaped
into the brush.
General Carranza's Reply.
Washington, Sept. 9. Ocneral far
rsnza's reply to the Pan-American
peace conference appeal will hrrive here
, before the end of the week, Consul Sil
i liman at Vera ' ruz advised the state
department lodny.
A conference of the delegates will be
i held afterwanl.
Meantime, officials aro keeping a
watchful eye on developments around
iTorrcon and Chihuahua at ono of which
it is expected a decisive ( arrnnzistu-
Villista battle "illbe staged soon.
For a number of years the first hops
to bo dried, baled and stored at the
DbIIss warehouses were fWn the ranch
of Mrs, Fern Allen, near this city. Mrs.
Allen's record was too good to lose, so
she made sum to lay claim to the title
this year by semliag in a ton of gool
hops on Saturday. Dnllns Observer,
Always cheap and always
dependable a Journal
Want Ad.
"We should know that the unions
have come to st-av and to remain pow
erful factors in the progrec-j of the com
munity, uut evil tendencies have ap
peared in smb. corbinatiorjj hint as in
combination of capital. Trades union
ism his tended to crctte a dead levol of
industry and skill among wage earn
ers. '
"But tho chief f round for criticising
the recent policy of trades unions is
tho itoct that tho power they have
legitimately acquired by combination
and have properly used for the better
ment of their conditions, they are now
attempting to rbuso by seeking to place
organired labor ia r. privileged class."
"If it be true that a people liavo not
information!, and intelligence to select
from their own number competent and
honest agents to do their work, they
certainly have not tho capacity to
porfu-m tho much more difficult task
of passing useful judgment on statutes,
frequently difficult to coiistrue or un
derstand. Again, the duty imposed up
on the peoplo in legislating by initiative
ami reirrvuuiiiu is su inueii more uur
densome than that imitosed by tho rep
resentative system in selecting agents
to ito this worn that tho majority ot
the voters too frequently rofuse to per
form their electoral duties, and thus
leave to a minority of tho electorate
the decision Oi important quentions
submitted by referendum."
"The business of legislation is an
expert matter. It is something that
requires a knowledge of tho meaning of
legal terms."
"It is just as absurd to proposo to
build a bridge without engineers, to
build a house without nn architect or
a competent contractor as to propose
detailed legislation by votes at a popu
lar election."
"The pure democracy attempted in
Athens proved to be a failure, and gov
ernment in thoie days was so much
simpler than in our cities and states
that even a temporary success in such
a community would ::ot justify a resort,
to the snme method now."
"If an executive officer is dishonest
he can in effect be recalled by im
peachment or by criminal trial' and
conviction, and sentenced to the peni
tentiary. Under the new system of re
call an hoiest official, before he has
had time to work out and vindicate his
policies, may be ousted by nn' ambitious
rival through misrepresentation in the
uress nnd the hasty judgment of tho
minority of the electorate who go to
I lie iioi I s. ' '
" I'nder such n system Liuco'n would
have been recalled."
"What is true with respect to tnc
stati is true with respect to tho party.
Parties are essential to popular gov
ernment. In no other way practically
can tho will of all the electorate be in
terpreted nnd embodied in affirmative
action, legislative and executive. Un
der the system of tho general primary
if the initial letter of the candidate's
name comes early in tho alphabet, und
he is first in the list of candidates, he
may receive thousands of votes moro
haii the man whose name begins with
W. H. Taft Talks Politics
To Seattle Republicans
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 9 Former
President William II. Taft arrived here
last night ai d spoke critically of the
political future of the republican und
other parties lor 191(1 nt a reception in
Ins hoivir given nt tho .New Washing
ton iidtel miner auspices ol the yomg
Speaking of the organization of the
progressive paitv Tal't declared that
a "formidable member ol' the old par
ty" strayed from the fold and "mixed
together with some sound principles, n
eray quilt of niillenial nostrums, fads
and proposals dangerous for free cori
slitnlioi ill government. ' '
"Popular government is only pos
sible," he sliiil, "through parties. When
the country divides into thren parties
of nearly the same size, tho will of
the majority, inste.nl of being carried
out. is defeated."
He urged republicans to secure the
selection of candidates for crcigress,
the senate nr.VI presidency, wlin feel
themselves plcilf!'d to support repub
lican principles.
"It is a porvers'on of popular govern
ment," ho mi I, "when one who iH
elected on the republican' ticket herds
with democrats or progressives in the
United Ntates tennte and house of rep
rese, 'stives." '
Tuft intimated that, if the progres
sives and republicans merge under the
standard next year, the progressives
would be forced to drop all republican
"The keystone of tho progressive
structure," the ex-president said, "is
thn recall of judges und judicial de
cisions. To tliis the republican party
is opposed, and when' former progres
sives become republicans they give up
this and many other progressive doc
trines equally grotesque."
Hotel Proprietor Kills
Wife and Then Suicides
San Francisco, fc pt. 0. William
Armbruster, proprietor of the Hotel
(leorge, shot ami killed his wife, Kiilin,
and then committed suicide hero curly
The bodies wire found in the bed
room bv Airs. Chriles Stevenson. Arm
bruster 's motlier iii luw. No shots were
The police are nt a loss to ascertain n
motive for the crime. The couple last j
night apparently wero on-good terms.
It is believed a jealous quarrel resulted j
In the shooting, however.
In the dining room nt the time thej
shooting is supposed to have occurred, j
were tho couple's two children, Paul,
aged nine, and IJertliold, aged three. I
Armbruster was a druggist but lind
not engaged in his business for several j
years, lie enme here from CnnnJn twoi
Servants of Mrs. Nichols Plot
Robbery and Victim Is
Strangled to Death
New Yorh, Sept. 9 Onney Tails, held
in connection with, the robbery and
murder of wealthy Mrs. Elizabeth
Nicho's, corfesscd today, according to
other young criminals planned the rob-'
Dory ana murder.
After an all night third degree, Tails
broke down, and furnislicd the police
wun nis accomplices; names. i
Deetetves are now' hunting them. !
It developed today that the men 1
failed to secure a half million dollars
worth of jewels they believed were!
hidden in a strong box, and fled after I
tearing off the widow's rings and ear I
rings, valued at $10,000. i
Five reputed nssociutos of Tails were ;
rounded up by the polico before they
wrung a confession from him. The ;
authorities said Inter, however, that r ;
certain former servant of Mrs. Nichols I
wanted In connection with tho murder,1
had not yet been arrested.
Second Man in Custody.
New York, Sept. 9. Workiifg on the
bnffling murder of Mrs. Elizabeth j
Nichols, a millionaire widow, the po- I
lice today tcok into custody, Onney
Talis, her second num. ' I
Mr Nichols, uKod (JO. Iwitlow of !
James W. Nichols oi' the grocery firm
of Austin Nichols & Co.. wus strangled
to death in her palatini homo by mask
ed men. Inst niff ht. Jewels, valued at
many thousui-.'ds af dollars, are miss
ing, giving the motive efor the attack.
inspector Fsurot 'tind tho best de
tectives of his staff are engaged on
the case.
According to the story Tails told to
day, the basement bell rang at S o'clock
Jast night. He nnd the maid answered.
Threo masked men; jumped intu the
house, he said, grabbed tho two ser
vants nnd bound them. Later, Tails
said, he heard shrieks up stairs where
Mrs. Nichols wus. The other servants
were out.
Struggling free of their bonds, Talis
said he and the maid dashed up stairs,
found tho aged widow with a sheet
knotted about her throat, und deep
finger marks showing livid on - the
Her elu'hii.'g was torn, her hair dis
heveled, her side combs broken and
bits of her spectacles were scattered
over tho floor, showing that she had
made a desperate fight against her as
sailants, Tho police, however, are suspicious of
Tails' story, lie declared the crime
was committed nt 9 o'clock, a wiui'e
hour after he admitted tho cmnskc.d
men. Physicians arrived at 0:.IO and
asserted Mrs. Nichols had then been
dead an hour nnd a half, slain at the
umo wnen rails said the men wore lid
mitted to the mansion.
Servants interviewed by the police
inis lorenoon sivoro that they had seen
li.reo men, mentis ot Tails, loitering
aruimi tun mansion about o clock lust
Confronted with this evidence, Tails
gave the authorities the names of sev
eral pool room habitues and accom
panied Insperlor Karoiit, on a tour ol
Harlem pm.' rooms to pick them out.
Nothing, however, resulted lom this
Mrs. Nichols hud n passion for rare
gems, and had u fortune of them in
her home.
Wonderful Target Shots
at Fort Stevens Practice
Fort Stevens, Or., Sept. 0. --Coniplotn
reports by the observers on the naval
lug who witnessed last, night's target
practice at a moving target are await
ed with interests and it is believed a
r'rw record for mortar guns will be
set. Twelve half ton shots were fired
at h distance of approximately five
miles at a target towed directly away
from the batteries by a speeding boat
with rily .'1(10 yarda between the target
and tho towing vessel. It is estimated
tO per cent of the shols fell within tho
lurget space. The observers used ."i00,
000 candle power searchlights.
September 10 "Children's
Day" at Medford Fair
Superintendent of Public Instruction'
I. A. hiirchill has ben notified ton I
September I (Mh has been designated
"Children's lny ' at, the Jackson coun
ty fair to be held ut Medford the latter
part of this week. Superintendent ,1.
Percy Wells has notified tho teachers
of the county to clone their sehou's on
that, day in order to give the cnildren
an opportunity to atten'd the efiiir.
Theje aro many tempting premiums in
thn children's department. In the club
project contest, two boys will win free
trips t the stale lair nod titiee girls
will ho given free trips to t 'niter lake.
Washington, Sept, 9. Following an
announcement of a sliakciip of Aiuinpn
lis officers on tho teaching force, lie
ennse of the recent cribbing scandal,
Secretary of the Navy Daniels today
nniiotlr'ccd that six more midshipmen
had been reccnniended for dismissal
becniise of hazing.
Theda Bara
Charles Chaplin
and monday&ws
A Mystery Play By
The Isolated House
Saturday Only
"The Battle at Elderbush 1
Produced by
Who says that this is second only
to his greatest work.
"The Birth of a Nation"
Admission 10c
HARRY Windowcleanor.
Phone 768.
FIR WOOD, fM.50 per cord.
WANTKP To trade for ntnim
l'honi) i9Flt. Sept H
OLD LUMBER for sale, cheap.
U0 Court street.
Phono )."il',22.
ont hay.
Sept 10
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
room; clo.-o in, O. W. Johnson. tf
l.f STANDS of bees for sale; modern
hives; cheap. Ht. 8, Rox 103, tf
l!OVS LOOK Angora rabbits for sulu,
2."iC each. 1160 Court street, or phono
Sept 9.
Fol'Nl(ioc.ls, value l.OOO.OO. te
your wife. Fred's Night Lunch.
Sept 10
I'lVK ROOM house, i,i good condition,
for rent, I S3 State street. Phono
i ;m t.r. s,.pt ii
FOR SALK Choice pointer dogs, trniu
to field work. Phono 21 F2. Clms.
Swegle. tf
WANTKD Place to work fa- board by
student during school year. Address
101 S. l lth. Jspt 10
FOR. SALK 1 1) I. 'I Twin Indian, in good
eor'.lition, $100, Inquire Carl Muths,
O. C. T. dock. Sept!)
sale, cheap, or will trade for diamond,
.loinniil ."'I,
WANTKD Man wants plawing or oth
er farm work with tcum. Route 4,
Pox ;U, Sulem, Oro. tf
l'(ll KENT Housekeeping rooms for
liulies only. 910 N. Church, phono
7-I.j.I, iil'ler tl p. m. It'
SIX HOOM modem house for rent,
coiner Winter and Trade streets, $20
per iiiii.illi, Puono 1122. Sept II
IILAt'K HKl(lilKS-2.V per gallon do
livercd. Leave ir phono orders to
Royal Hukery. Phono :I7S. SeptlH
FOR TRA DK New International drop
head sewing mnehine, for old fir
wood, or flub (ink. Call .Vi I Ferrv
street. tf
FH( It I 'NT-- Furnished or unfurnished
house with one acre of ground, cheap.
I'airview Ave., near Twelfth. Sirs. W.
F. Peters. y( pt U
SKWINO MA' II IN KS- We have n few
slightly lined, good drop head ma
chines, tin, !;- to t20, must be sold
ut once. 2il."i Mouth Church street
Sept 0
slenotvpy will be commenced nt the
Capital lliisin'css college on Monday,
September 1.1. The principal is in
his office each day this week t
answer' Inquiries.
MON KY TO LOAN On improved
farms at 7 per cent iinhtuul interest.
1 am representing Ihe Commerce Hal'n
Deposit. &, Mortgage Co. of Portland,
Oregon. Quick delivery of money.
Write me or call at aMrioii olltel. F.
J. Merger, Salem, Oregon. tf
A cent a word will ttll your
afory in fi Journal New Today