1 M i - - It. t Editorial Page of 'The Capital Journal" CHARLE3 H. FIShebT Editor and Manage TIM'KSIMV KVKMVd, K-.lintliT !. lfll'i. PUBLISHED F.VEBY EVEX1X0 EXCEPT SCXDAY, SALEM, 0BE0O.V, BT Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. LB. BABXEH. President CHA.9. H. FISHES. Vie-Pr?sidnt DOHA C. AXDRESEX, Ott. and Treas. BL'B.SCKIITIOX BATES Daily by carrier, per year 15.00 Per month. Daily by trail, per year 3.00 Per month.. ..45c . .35c SPLITTING THE TOUGHEST STICK FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN' BE PR ESEXTATIVES New York Chicago Ward !.e j- illinni S''rirtl Aency Tfihune Kiiilili'i If you are confronted by a number of tasks that ought to be done during the day there is one sure way in which to come to the evening with a clean slate, and that is to do the harder thing first. Most of us are disposed to warm up on some easy ! work. We will idly glance through the book before we ! begin to study; we will build castles in the air before we ; put our minds to hard thinking. A Galley o' Fun! Harrv R. Fisher Cc So X. Dearborn St. IN 1300. Brother Giles. I tell you, this over-production of books is getting to be a ereat evil. Rnr Ininrr trio oqcv triincro fircr Viae cntviorViin tr rn t hp Brother Absalom. 1 ou speak I uui.uvii.6 w.v. .u,j .bo 0,lKum.s " uooth Look at Anslem, over there, i same effect that comes when we begin dinner with the finishing inscribing his third book I dessert. A piece of pie rather spoils one's appetite vl1"- and ,hat ! plain bread and meat. ! Th. Capital Journal earner boy. are in.trueted to put the paper, on the. But when '0U begin at Once and accomplish the task .' n'-,"""! bv "sociMy 1 porch. If the earner doea not do this, niisne vou, or neglects getting the . , -n i n al v i i Oyke has been dropped D society, piper to you on time, kindly phone the eireulation' manager, as this is the onlvi VOU dread JOU Will ieel like the man WilO StartiS the day ' V.'yld. Yes, he made himself un- rwliain 8drermine whe,br "", the """" " foKowUg iBS,ruc,ions- j with a cold bath, ready for anything that may come next. 1 JniT soda! ligations ' nt "'" . ! When the hard task is done then the rest of the day's ' ' ' , ! i, i:j ,1 nA THE REASON FOR HIS AB- ; vvuin vwu ruuc uunn gicaccu vvajro. j SENCE Begin the day by splitting the toughest stick, by WOl'k- , Parent Is my boy precocious, do ing out the most difficult problem, by writing the most Dr. W. A. COX WHY AMERICA IS DIFFERENT PAINLESS DENTIST 303 State Street SALEM, ORE. All Smiles Yes, Smiles vcm think? takes a real shock to wake some persons up. For perpiexing letter, by doing the most dreaded thing, and .hee'Te.alrbVen5 'si instance, a great many Americans have for a long time th(. chances are that pvenin ,vi1 Pftmp linnn . fll,ffav's with a sick fricn.i. wondered whether they ought to be proud of this country work well (ione and & a soul that ig saisfied or not. They accepted its opportunities, its freedom, its ' J broad, liberal principles of government as a matter of H Ford promises to employ evenr ict released course . and grumbled about small things that were not to fr0m the Michigan penitentiary at five dollars a day. their liking until they really thought the old-world nations Since an honegt industriJ0US man would appreciate couiu snow us Muneuung in uie way oi goe rniiieni. ine a five dollar a dav :fth thp sWw nf fn 5r "u wm he told sitting up i l .1 i a. i. .e . i . i war. now ever, nas cnangeu uie Mfuponu oi a wnoie iui ;1 tprm in thp stntp Thfl, nU -nnf hnrv of these people and they are so glad they are American; the best lic; ig mogt assuredly6 d&ue for the jun citizens that the lesson .will last a good long while. The heaplong ,vitn a lo't of other old.fasfeoned notions . Pendleton East Oregonian calls attention to an instance to regonian of this kind in the following One of the victims of Hesperian was native of New w:i: cm i i . e : t ..t t. . has just returned from an extended tour through the : J Si was when that little pa ch of; European war zone, has discovered that the difference ivS khatdJyu Union, but now: between the United States and the warring nations isi( of Woodrow Wilson and its the difference between their rulers. dangerous to torpedo one of her native sons. "In America he finds President Wilson 'seeking to dis cover what is best for the people of the United States and what they want him to do, while in Nothing but smiles when your Dental work is done by us. All work is carefully and well done, and in the most satisfactory way possible for any man to do and with the least pain. One trial will give you a complete conception of our ability and also convince you of the reasonable fee. All Work Guaranteed for 10 Years Lady attendant. Phone 926 For the Telephone GirL . , . . , I THE AIRSHIP'S PREDECESSOR A great many writers, especially m the magazines, are "Stephenson broke another record EhVtodthe LW:feUi?"rT's colL.stal war t. .Why not nS,Xr S- ..l,..o ,l;n 'Wl,nt .Wl T ft,,, l ""J JiailOIlS Wiucn are inClUlffine m me and Ic.i the ra.ls only twice." '2. ' 1 1 i IllYlirv nt hnmnn c n nrrnror onrl rnicf nf noiocoih- n,r llr.v rcinark.iDie acniccmeiit, lo do lor me: r 7 mi o .b-i umo uzoaiij iaj,v. "His tour of Europe has convinced him that America! counts. U m ho thvU th,. nn.sid,nr Lm tn !, . ho1 V newspapers are all talking about the old men who ' thrift and forethought, thoughts of the masses ho is serving while in Europe he flVTmgil t ami6S m the Eu,r0pean ,But d?,S found in the rulers an indifference to the thoughts of the hat Plof e Jhat yunEer commanders couldn't do as well, people so long as they fought according to orders." j eNen 0eUei " i a ijf cry but you can't tell me that the i team-engine will ever be of any rea' practical value." THE COMING LAND CHANT CONFERENCE The apple crop of the Northwest selling at higher prices than for several years past is one of the surest' The land grant conference in Salem next week is le-: t,vitlences of burning prosperity. j me young nuband and wile were; cliuriiiiiiRly busy leathering tlieir nest ' "A little pains now," quoth they ' -agi-iy. may mean an extra cylinder or two when we come to mortgage atcr on!" Showing that thrift and forethought were traits by no means extinct liter all. Sutherlin Sun: Twelve men have been parole 1 during the past few days, WPW? an'1 11 is 110til'eable that the Republican UlnlL llLllJ pnpers are not making such 8 howl sjjiHDotit it as they did when Governor iieai paroled convicts. "The hop harvest has now been io, progress a week, and the rain has not come,'' says the Kogtie River Courier. "Old Tinier seeing due for a shock to his nervous system, for he has harped long on the rain "that alwavs comei with the first week of the happicking season." ing criticised in advance by a good many state papers. This might seem a little premature if one did not under stand the situation, and know how cut and dried it is planned to have the gathering. The chairman has al ready been selected and he turns out to be W. Lair Thomp son, president of the state senate. Most of the speakers on the program are men known to lie closely allied with the. railroad interests. It looks very much like one of those investigations the company always holds after each wreck or fatal accident on its lines, the verdict never being anything but a complete exoneration of the com pany. We do not profess to know just what the special and corporate interests would have done with the grant Lloyd George seems to have a Welsh coal strike for breakfast about every morning. M RipplmgRhijimi5iJl SJB. V -Walt Maton 1 l l iT M.f i -f Jl' I - HIS ARDOR. Mifs Gladys Guiles (covlv). !" '"' rully love inc. Cla'en'cJ? Clarence Smirkles (passionatelv). - Love yo'? Why, I analyzes yo' 'so hit I'd radder lieah yo' chew gum !!" to listen to a minstrel band I'at's l'.ow 1 loves yo'l Ma- SUCH A QUESTION! Dentin. Will you have gas, nn. h rests witli you. Puritanical Patient. You don't "pme I'm going to let you grupe iri.uud in the dark, do you? Ik CITY AND COUNTRY The rush of the crowded citv snfm fi iJlVtrt f fVli-i in,..nl iiuv nui ovum i ii i. iuiik llil nil Llltllll i i i ,i . . -' it iv, c tu U1L ILllitl land, but we expect to know beyond any question of a uo vn' aml ne,.tllinks " a beastly pity that peoole must doubt after the di-Wates b:ive i.-iken npfuin llv in town, to toil o'er the p v i - e- i i.i . .. ...v. tiuiuic, nemmeti in by the wa s of hi this sunht planet the roses are growing ' the Anyway the conference promises to lie a tame atl'air unless a few free lances chance to attend and are able to t-tart something. As for an assembly dominated by the amc men who controlled the late state senate taking any action in the interest of the plain people of Oregon well, we might imagine such a thing but we are not going to do it. Even an editor's imagination has a limit to its elasticity. The Daily Astorian. like many othor newso:mris great prosperity for this country in the not distant future wnenineoig war passes into hi Uigie: I hat two hundred millions of doll a quarter of a billion dollars worth of I'., . 1 A .1 1 iu nue come io i ne Ainonenn mnii..v A PROTRACTED ADIEU. v swilt the maL'ic hnnr mnl i tiight: I mint he gone, the clock near bi Jive in town to toil o'er the pave granite SSlnSu1 I'orvallis Ga.etteTinies: The Cor vallis flouring mill holds the record for havin made the largest parcel post shipment from the" city of Silverton, whore the company operates a cereal and Hour mill. The shipment consisted of loini pounds of flour and cereals, and was consigned to three different nnrtip at View Point. I.nke ,-nnntv Thol amount of postage required was $17.11")' The distance from Silvertci.i' to View; Point by air line is about 15U miles. However, it was necessary to send it around by Portland, The' Dulles and Bend. Prom the last named point it is hauled by freight teams. The routerta ken covers approximately ."fill miles. Condon Times: Old Man! Grasshop-' per has informed us that this is the last year that he and his iiumernis' family will bother the people of Gib, bam county, as he intends to leave for greener fields and pastures new and will not return for In whole years. Wei told the old uen't if he ripver'eaine hack! the p..(,,l,. would lose no sleep over it.' We then s-hc. k his leg and bid him Cod. speed. Imping never to see him or hisl obnoxious fibc again. j From the end of a condenser of a still located eight miles east of Albanv, mint 'il. "f a quality unexcelled in the world,' ". o-ou oiopping the past few dav9. It makes the development of a new in- . "i oregon, more profitable than: the growing of any grain or vegetable! ii"W raised in this section of the state. I cannot leave your siqht. io clock, wc can but hear iimlniuht loud and clcar- good-inghtl ei, now luckless the ones who AwM in ?;i,Vhe Il!i,(l5it.,?ffl,,arr' COnfusion and ' oi loar and smell! 1 1 lee from rh? nn,i ' strikmc match.., n rattle away to that farm of mine, and flirt t. uty noisiein cattle, and play with the the pace. -.Mill wnen irom tne lh Rhinoceros roar and riot the dweller in town repairs, 1 C2?T to rest ,n he country's quiet, and breathe A a ,r asp you tight; one. l our ocre the stair- surveyed tin "Alter all. 1 maimer of speak- l,nti,llt...l ... 1. Ml , . . . ' I. v.v story. This is its ,U1 N ne s nueu in a day with leucine for racket ,,:,.,,,:,'"t tlie otllcr as" h o : ars in uold ami J,mi hU3,v a!ul stnlt. for streets where the crowds nre; Weii. if, . fart- the ri,; 1 negotiable securi- . TT" r"ral " man says the civihnTe t,?" nvirL,f f..,,, v1.' i, miu UcUl'IS Il'Om towns ! k.o.K. T fU., or nun w,.t, i;i - ... . ',T. "w Jt x piij Hie llllUCf I Pr"-perity note in t'ninn Scout, ""cnige Johnson tineshed M 12 bushels ;"t Marcus wheat from a field of 14 jicre-.. This is the wheat that has been lately ir.tn.lnced and continues to grow ;iu popularity with farmers. M.r ,lohn- son s wheat was grown north of town n land farmed for many years," t iiie uios i say Harbor urges "direct jo tion Sey.ral young ia,iit,s of Xo h ; 'J!''' av0 lla,i llI,1(,lsa, ox,.orioA-o. , , t ate. riiese are ot sneh seriousness ' , that tney need not be discussed. We! i hpe that the offen.ted ladies will arm! , themM. ve m,,! i. . ....,i imi;nr. . ,s : ''U. time that the community was rid' ot that elas,, of offenders. "Raymond Walker has leturned from the harvest fields where he has been for several weeks. It is reported that he saved $90 on the trip and we are wondering why." Staufield Standard."' Probajily going to start a bank. According to the News they're giv'uij "jitney" dances at Gold Hill. Sounds reasonable enough. VICTOR POINT NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Victor Point). ept. St. The stork visited Philip Fisher's homo leaving a boy and in tiie same week left a girl ic A. T. Savage Jr. 's home. Silos are under construction on the 1'o.x Bros, dairy rain h and the Mellow Lawn fnrm. H. . King's family is near Inde pendence spending the hop picking season. Albert Olscci s hop vnrd will be a scene of jdekers the middle of the week. Fisher bailer is now bailing on the Cove farm. Victor Point band will meet in th near future for the first time since harvest. Jacob Doeffler has now finished hauling his two thousand bushel of wheat and is planning a trip to the cons,-. Jo i. Alberts and Dr. John Griffith, of Salem, visited in Victor Point last Sundav. Croat liritain and France since the first of the year has J.wu"tr' foll''- I Pty the hayseed rube!" T been admitted by bankers and government agents who , ni!n w.ho llkl's il-tho town with its light ai are busy tucking away in the sub-treasury vaults here , 1 ol tho man who hikes il with glee iiown the latest ?;0,()00,000 money import from Canada. (Wlo"g- rhe town for and song; the his furrows lk-ii inir l h.i i,i,,i. t.,. i,.,i.,.,.. ..r .. I .1 1 -n . .. ' , "v ""'"i "'".hut 01 aimosi a ouuon dollars r r from these two nations now held in American hands to' tx-lonvicts to Get the mm ()0() reverse payment sent from this city to five Dollars Per Div the Hank of Kngla.ul only a year ago, the financial wise- U3y acres of Wall Street are predicting a big business boom u'i"""; ,M,"'V s"" " i- h,K-i all oyer the country as soon as the possibility of war en!;i---'',i':"Ml;::,,!;M'd;;;: IX langiements may he ohviatet . V i h Tnd,. s;.-.m hn.nir r:'""1 """" .'" ' ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. 11,!, t . the keys of credit for all the warring world, the people of the United States will soon see money enough to back every business venture." pmun.e.l that lie Mmil.l ...,. I,.. them, hi la.; us they me- di hiuvi-d, at LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1S6S ttPtl $300,000.00 Transact a general banking business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT DEPUTV COLLECTOR NAMED I. inn W. (.,niith. ,,r tliicit. ttniid ui the lle .lamei W. Ncimtli, at one tone l ulled Mhi,., MiHtir, yt' t . dHV .!.,,i,t,., ,,t, i.iternal reve ' hue clbsipt l Milton A. Mdler. In ! teriml lei,u, cidl.vter of Htcn.Ml.' lie re. oMiineneded for tlie pin, 0 bv I "He 1 Mm,-. S. niit.,r I.-iiie. Mr. Ne. until wrtt no, re tar v to I. . I'lCk-lisiu. strtte .eimlor, M ' tho InM '"""I "!' t.,e Icii.lHlHr,. and bolore Out mvrelary or the dcimvrntie ' eentml cohiiuMt.-e, lie n R i;,,,t,. of the law d. partnient ot Wdlamette mil ctit, Mr. Nesnnth n, u,. to fort lend to.biv to l.fn, h,, miv ,l(1, j If it's for $aU, m Journal Want Ad will $tU it. : A.Keiti-, He k, M Hell, Mi, Cm, Hole: t'eloiij;. M I'oLh, 1 , M v 1'iiiicaii. h Oilman. M.. ,i:i "-uniiniiis r'ev. Mr. ,), ClIt.eTt. ... , ,., Gillespie, K.,., Giierin, r . Ginll.milt, M, tlolnics, Ten. t . k.ou, i ,si her S, 1111 ' SATISFIED. R.Ktu.- 1 Sce dat bank dat you ha 4 j'Hu.i money in done fail. An' vog .v.is exicctin' Slx per cent, off 'da iiiniicy, wasn't vou? aiiil.o IVti't y.ui knock dat bank ivy dun Rive me six ner rent n. soon as dej .nixi.-v K...I. ' nu.-tcd! Vl';.edn. Old. .In .lac.l .lenKu, ,'ec!l. Mi Kmil'mnnii Mr. V M: K,. e, care of John! :aret. "nan, icf. 1,'ira. WELL, RATHER! '! '!,,""'! 4,10w'"8 city hoj tne (,.rnO.-, ;l,l 5r city eddi ...o, So,,y, .lrrjnt j . know U,Kh Skle you milk , oa h ncnSrei 1 d0! "inter aidcl It's tilt lie!.,v, Mr r. , M. Millan, i, . Munoa, K. .1. I'r.'o. 11 Kaihoa.i Minin , 0, fetter. Mr i v Miiielkv. Mr, "'r, Tlor, Mr y a i idi' an kksthv. r. ; Dor THINKING OF SACRIFICE SALES. Mr, r.arcandv it K.n tin. W hat 1 m ... ,i.i. Mr. llarKandv. 0-o-v-oh! at why to liuny uUyers to it? And it ruslierl NEVER. Mr. d,is.-!i,t uliy ,10-, . "ihncVd" h"M ' ' Mr. Willi. I ,lM,-t vknt ,hat "o..,n-.K,.Mii(! ca,h,er to know how illicit money I've sut in thercl A poor or inferior buttei will make the best bread distasteful THEREFORE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Marion Creamery Butter "Meadow Brook" Tt costs no more and you Get the Be; st t