Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 09, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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    1 f
Social Personal
cation.' departments at Willamette uni
versify this year.
Mrs. B. C. Kriesel entertained the
Oriental D. M. ('. Embroidery lub
Friday afternoon at her home on South
Fourteenth street Laven.lar chrysan
themums intermingled with ferns form
ed a delicate decorative setting for
tho drawing room, while f'apa (J.Kvtier
rosebuds graced the dining room. Mimic
was enjoyed during the afternoon, Mrs.
Horton eivinj several vocal selections.
A guessing contest nan also held, id;
which Mrs. Walter Smith won the' Barbara, California, is upending the
Mb Hess E. Bailey left laxt niht
for I'ortland. Sho will be joined there
by Miss felana Hailcy, who will ac
eompany her to San Francisco. Tln-v
will nail Thursday on the Northern I'a
Mrs. I'hillip Austen Robins, of Santa
first prize and Mrs. John Bicwer cap
tured second honors. The eolor motif
of pink was earned out in the refresh
ments, Mrs. Bicwer assisting in the
iwving. Tiie members of the club are:
Mesdnme Wallr.ee, Hchwnb, (,'hase,
Iugh, Biewcr, Hmith, Xcwbcrry, I.a
bree, Kriesel. Additicmul guests ashed
in for the afternoon were: Mrs. (). W.
Assoln, Mills I'attorson of I'ortland,
Miss l'rince, Mrs. Orant arid Mrs. Dor-ton.
Mrs. C. II. H'nelton, of Washington,
1). ('., the recent housei'iiest (if Mrs. K.
Cooke 1'attoi!, is spending a few weeks
week with iier brother, Thomas Larkin
v liiiams.
Captain and Mr.t H. 8. Offlcy, of
Vancouver barrack.',, are being enter
tained as the gucuts of Mr. and Mrs.
W. . KIdridge. The Kldridges a::d
their guests accompanied by Lawrence
1'urvine, left enriy thin morning for a
two weeks' trip to McKenzie bridge.
Among the pinny schools anil or
ganizations in Salem which are pre
paring for tiio fall ftienir.'g within the
next few weeks, none will start under
more advantageous condition" or at
at Portland and Henside. Mrs. Hholton I tractive surroundings than the school
plans to return to Nnloin the latter part of expression, co -rtm-t.'.J by Mrs. An-
if tho month for a short time before na Rogers Fish. Though the school was
leaving for Washington, organized last ..pring and the work of
the pupils lias been stemlilv continued
The Unitarian Woman 's Alliance will throughout the summer month". .Mrs. I
meet tci'norrnw afternoon at ton lioinoi Fish will I'm mall.v open the school nt
of Mrs. Kichnrd Cartwright, 7.14 Ferry a recital to be given shortly alter fair
Ueet. I week. This recital will mi only re-
I veal to thi' public what has heeii nc
Miss Oorlrudo KnKiii is (.pending n couiplishcd in the three courses of ex
few weeks in hf (Iranile an the guest pression, cultural, ilramatie and normal.
Of her brothcer, Kobert Kakin. r by the students during the siimuier
Imoiitlis but, will cNii (rive promise of
Mrs. Alico M. Crano and Miss Alice future developments in the individual
rNibi.cy, of I'ortlnnd, have left for the powers of he class, during the winter
East to Btini v i.neie in Boston. Until the school recitals will be held uucitlilv
Mrs. Crane a.il .Miss Dnl.noy tire well au'l scleral t'oiinal recitals will also
Juiown here, as they are former re.u- be Kiven. Those interested in dramatic
dents of Halem and fre.jiiently visited expression are also anticipating the .-i-thcir
many friends in the city. jening of a class in i lent dramatics,
in connectio.; with which miiiiv of the
Miss I'.dilh Hazard has returned from i shorter modern plnvs will lie produced.
two weeks' (citing spent III the mouu'-ITtie sclu.d of exnression 1 I, ,.'
titlus near Mills City. Miss Hazard the corner of l.il,..rtv ,..,,1 11 1
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hofer are ex
pected nonie this week from Agate
Beach where they have been spending
the summer at thei - ccittage.
Mrs. ,T. If. Ressinin'e and son, of Ev
erett, Washington, are the guests (tf
Mrs. Charle3 ameron, who holds a
position at the Feeble Minded school.
The visitors are being shown the many
points' of interest in aad about Salem,
including a visit to the state buildings.
This nftcrr.mn Mrs. Mary Farrar enter
tained informally for Mrs. Kessinine
at her home on the corner of Liberty
and Center streets. Mrs. Cameron and
her son are en route from the fair at
Sari Francisco.
- ' '
ttiiitmmnmm' iiiiiiiiiiitii;iiiimminmmiitiimim(lttmga
By William Philips Sin. I between the bricks and rock for ventila-,.-
, " 'muv , , . in two tiers. There is a hospital with
fn.ted Press .staff correspondent) to J . &
(Copyright 1915 by the I n.ted I ress. vovaeers in New York would
I.. , ., ' "I A ,.ou...
Copyright in Great Britain.)
With the French Army at the Fct-j liyhtfully invigorating.
Aug. 7. (By maii.) France is puning
her reliance in her men, her entangle-
One finds innumerable beds or bunks. ,
in two tiers. There is a hmospital with !
ments of special barbed wire ef Amer- a spotless operating room. An inde-;
: 1 j : - 1 . r f ru.l. ! nAint wnterwnrks svstem. With two
icun miiA ouu tu ner wo" -....v ,
ous trenches. No longer does she depend j power stations (in case one goes wrong)
. ? 1 v,..., n Aar.o;tv u,ifficienf for the needs'
visited at the home of her brother, F.
jr. imzar.i.
iA motor parly consisting of Judge
and Mrs. Thomas (Inlloway and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Benson, spent Labor
liny m Tillamook and othor Ibeaih
Mrs. I. W. Hurlt, i.f I) bulge, Mon
tana, has been Hie house guest of Mrs.
IK A. Kingaleyr for 11 few days. Mrs.
Hurft was en rout.i to the i'uunina I'a
cific. exposition.
streets 111 the hmhlimr furmcrlv b ,.,,,!' esse
as the Maiiles, hereafter to be culled bv Streets.
mo name, of the school itself. A Suite
He a happy addition to the cultural and
educational advantages of Salem.
Mrs. W, A. Ilened ict. of Centriilin
Washington, and her L.i.'iu,l,li,,.,t,.,-
Mrs. ',,' (V, 1 .! ,' " ' ' ! "
1 . , ' " " " """"," ive reiiiriie.i 10 their h
eiiit uii uriiiuiiiic reaiier, will ho
inn guest of Mm. Helen Miller Hcn'n
and Mrs. Kinina (lilles(iit of Portland,
Friday niht, when she will read George
Klliolt's " Spanish Gypsy." Mrs. Benu
will arrive l.t Sal next week to take
ehargo of the public speaking and elo-
nines, hav
ing passed the summer with relatives
!"! fri Is in Hnlem. .Mrs. Benedict
is the motner of Mrs. Bernard ('.
Brewster at whose home thev have been
visaing. A. S. Find, of CUiiiille, (Ire
gor, a brother of Mrs. Benedict, ul:o
accoiupiinicd them.
4.-i.4.3leik3fc3kak3k3k3fc:ki nrimarilv nnon her forf
T -r -r -i- -r T -r -r- . . . . . . , j----- ---- - , . , , , . -.. ,,,,: : , T1!.-.. :0 ..n :mmflnu.
I HO better prOOf Of IBIS crjUlU K M uv,vw prufiir. im-ir 19 an mi'"
I C perry is in Portland today on I furnished than the act today of Mili- store of grain in air-tight metal casks;
bu-incsH ! tary Governor Courtam'cau in showing 'and a large grist mill to turn the grain;
K ll. 'llnssev. of Coneon.lv, is here to-. me the secrets of the organization of j into flour A bakery has sufficient
dav on business " 1 the defenses of Verdun. ovens to furnish all soldiers and eivils ;
l")r F I I enis was in the city yes- ; " The Germans have announced that in the fortress with bread. Besides the ,
terdav from silverton. Verdun is on the point of falling," a grain there is flour much being f rom
S. 'A. Hughes, the contractor, is in staff officer suid. "We want you to I America in the sealed metal boxes;
Dallus today on business. have a look for yourself, then to let ; ulso canned meats in enormous qunnn-
Mrs. Wm." Coin and son, Varian, of i -u jU(1K Verdun is in dun-j ties.
Jefferson, are in the city today. . i , , , t I ' 7 ZZSl I 'Vl n
Kobert I'aulus was a passenger this : " " i": v' " :, ',"'' .,'''
morning on the Oregon Klectric for 'r'"" " ' i Z': 1 T ' :
Portland ..o.iw. rau uiu ,,.. .....
,, . ... , , . 'down winding Btnirs, down, down until . used only in case Verdun is invested.
T. Bhgh and Henry I.ce motored to , . ,,- . P . ., '. , ' , .,, ,. v..,rn rilv r thr,,M,
Tillamook today for an outing of sev-; ,.,. t,-inPt. . , ,,. .k,.!.),,, Il;,i,ir, tn'hni.l food ,,t,lie ..m.
eral days. I ,..,., ,,t i,'i,. ,. i,,,, .;i,!.;i v;,- i...,frw. i;,,i,t ,.i.,,,tc
llr. M. K. I'omcroy and Bay Potneroy ' aiKi tnUvn of corridors are filled with ! nuarnntoe the idace nL'aiii.st"darkness
went to Portland this morning on the I miles of foodstuffs, ammunition arid the j and there are two more being built as
wrcgou i,.ci inc. 11K0 in broad, tall rows; we saw the inn extra precaution.
W. II. Noon, manager of the Alsea j general staff at work in some of these j Officers' quarters have been prepared
Logging company, of Philomath, was In corridors now rigged up as offices; wet in one of the subterranean passages,'
the city Wednesday. ; Suw tho whole plant and lastly we were i those being simply small rooms built1
Frank I.. Smith, who has been nt the 1 admitted to the underground "retreat of 1 of thin boarding -o provide a modicum
Breitenbush springs tor the past two. the general. ! of privacv. On the door of one little
" 'K "-.turned today. , "You may say," he said, "that we ' room the' upright planks of which are
Oiiny M. Wasson, of lumer, manager ' are prepared to defend this citv until perhaps a foot higher than the others
of the Turner Lumber company, was atho last round of ammunition is gone j arc the words:
business visitor here yesterday. ! and the last man dead. " " Military Gov. rnor. " I
1). it. Mosher and pnrty returned last I Tho subterrnnenn chambers of the The Germans, led bv the crown prince 1
evening from tin outing of several days, - citadel of Verdun can accommodate at ! at the noith. and the' Bavarians consid-'
about twenty mi es beyond Cascadm. j least 50,000 people with-the suppliesieral.lv to the south, commanded ' by
Isaac I.ug.vihl. of Bluftton Ohio, is. necessary to their comparative cm-j Prince liuprecht. at considerable dis
u 1 ,';r- v KT'xV'"f. lr?- -'Ury fort- 1,1 Germans shelled Ver- i tam-e form a three-quarter circle about
lloumard Uo, North Winter street jdun with 380 milimeter long range guns. , Verdun. It is rep .rted that the frown
Mrs. George L. llalloway, of Port- 2li shells falling on the town. n, i prince is partic,,l!-y eager to take the
land, is in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. ' much damage was done, but profiting ' citadel since it was fiere he met his fir t
...... .ui.ier aim nnginaw , Dy the experience of Dunkirk which great failure last September But now!
Wan seven.1 timea t.f.n.l, ,-,!. .1 f., !.!,, . -,...i.... : s . . ... . . .. . '
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Anderson, of Port-; poaition of 20 miles away, the ath,,ri-: shelling, ami wh l,er f v , r v " Z
Oregon State Fair
Week beginning September 27th
Races, Fat Stock, Poultry, Agriculture,
Horticulture, Manufacturing
All the activities we are interested in
will b'e represented.
Reduced Railroad Fares
from all points in Oregon
Sale Pates, Sept. 2.1d to Oct, 2d
Tickets limited to Oct. 6th
All trains direct to the Pair Grounds
Ask our local Agent for train schedules,
aud tickets.
John M. Seott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
01 in roc in roe hi.iu.v .-oonoi o 1,., .... num. arc 111 trio citv. .l r. Anderson Iiiih : to.u nt n,.
, , , . ,. . v nti uuuui ...iiKiii veiuun u. irencnes aim American barbed
remodeled tor the occupation ,.f the '." ss here that w.H keep hm, , the ; "safe." This was done by using the j about her outer girdles i wo Id a,
.io,,l and a I will soon be in readiness "ty nb.... two weeks. j corridors, and chambers umfcr the cita- a very difficult U-
lor reiriilar html v. A are.. u ..n. Dr. J. II. Garniobst went to Portbin. H ib. ...... .... ..... , J-, . ' ...
f" -l "'"'r Mrs. Fish a competent this rnor g ,0 aitend the Oregon State th gnrso , Tnd V Z ,1 be h ' iy ! to 0 , rare frmn" 7tTZo " "Tr
nistruclioi. tho school cxiesio,-.' will Medical association, which meets In i nn..in .. "."',1 ,"' l''s U( ,t"t. ivi , to op rate from. It is not considered of
n --1 I..., ui.iii; linn, is
that city September 10 and 11.
A. I.'. Fisher, of Hodney, Iowa, ar
rived in the city today from 1111 ex
tended visit witii his brother, Dr. O.
A. II. Fisher, and nephew, Dr. K. K
Geoi'L'e It. Parks, of Portland, cel.-
npu.es date uncn tor the most part
about .10 years and are from 100 to 200
feet below the surface. Thev are cut
any other fortress in the west. It is just
one point in the great system of de-
i.n.-i.c numn wine, srrercn Trom sea
Big line of Waists, House, Dresses, Silk Goods, Men's and Boys'
Suits, Pants and Overalls, Ladies', Gents, and Children's Underwear,
Overshlrts, Sweaters and Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Fancy Dresses'
Neckwear, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery, Gloves, Comforters, Blanket
Embroideries, Laces and Mattings. '
We make up Dresses, Wrappers, Kimonas and White Underwear. All
goods selling at lower prices. . .
III tn not mttiKilt i ....... ... 1 - . . f . ...
'"'" nnve raise to wltzeland and is important for
wnlls and ceilings of brick, with space1 just that much.
eral agent for the Commerce Safe Do- j lnHVC " I'nnc county where he has pur-j
posit and Manufacturing company, is in. chased a paper.
Unar'' ,""ft'rri",f B,li"Kfr & Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, who had
'"iLK. Hodges, of Silverton. Vho re- 7" ''"S a' he H"" r!""h with
cently sold the Silverton Appeal, is in I mui Mrs- L- Armitnge for about
the city today on business. Ho will j a month, returned fbja afternoon to her
,homn in Salem. Judge Harris, who has
! "" "ecu Hiuying at the ranch, returned
Get the Boy's Winter Outfit Now I
Every day we are outfitting the young- men for the
Fall and Winter. Now is the time, as they are get
ling ready to attend school.
We have the things that they need and the styles
the Iwys like the best. Everything is fresh and crisp
and it will he a pleasure for you to make your
-Monday night. Eugene
W e feel it is a part of our business
to offer you wide selections in fabrics
and styles. That is why we have the
Hart, Schaflner & Marx, Bishop's All
Woo! and Stratford Clothes.
Prices $10.00 to $23.00.
The new models in Overcoats will
certainly please you and the fabrics
are excellent.
Prices $12.50 to $25.00
Fall Underwear
A great many wear light weight
Underwear nil year; we prepare for
them as well as those that want the
heaviest with a complete line of
Union Suits from the lightest to the
heaviest weights.
Prices $1.00 to $3.50 per Suit.
The English last seems stronger
than ever this year with the bovs, but
we also keep the broad and high toe
lasts for those that prefer them.
Just Wright Shoes please vou at
$1.50 and $5.00.
Mallory Hats are looked upon the
country over as the leaders in styli
and the standard in quality. We sell
these two best lines ."Roberts S.'l.OO
Hats" and the "Mallory Cravenette
$150 Hats," blue, green, grev, brown
and black shades.
This year the soft cuffs on the
shirts are selling more than ever.
They are comfortable, wear longer
and are easier to handle. Our Arrow
and Emery lines are the biggest in
the country. Prices $1.50 up.
j W'-i
1 C vr ; i
1 ? ' s
.i ,r-
The case of Robert A. Wit.el against i
J. L. Ahlers and others, a foreclosure'
suit, which came up for hearing of ar-'
gumcnt before Judge Calloway this'
moriii.-.g, was settled bv stipulations up
on which the decree will bo based. It
was stipulated thai the equity of rc-
demptiou belonged to Mr. Ahlers and
-Mr. McKenm- and that Mr. Bohrusted
''.i l.uecin the proierty within 11
month, by settling their claims asrainst
the property. The property consists of
iil out, 'Jtm acres of land in the Waldo I
Hills and t.K iiiifi-tgago to be foreclosed1
was ot a total of .tlll.iioil with interest!
and costs and ;i'U which weie allowed'
as attorneys fees. Attnrnev A !
the Oervais state bank was up for a
hearing in Judge llalloway 's depart
ment of the circuit, court this afternoon.
The land in question! consists of 17.5
acres located in the vicinity of tlervais
and the plaintiff asks that the land
be divided and the defendant asks
that it be sold and the proceeds divided.
Katie Siefer w:.s recentk- .livnr,.u.l
from Aiion Siefer and at that time was i
given a two thirds interest in the. prop-1
eitv and Anton Siefer a nne-thir.l in.
terest. The tlervais state hank holds
a mortgage for $275 on part of tiie
land. Attorney C.eorge ti. Hi ogham i
appeared ior tho piamtitt and Max
1'age l'or the defendants.
K. A. Truitt nns filed a certificate
os assumed business name at the office
of the county clerk using the inline, Sa-'
lorn Auto tiarage, for his establishment !
colluded at 240 State street. i
A report of sale of 10 acres of la.id
in the matter of the estate of Jesse D.
Leonard has been tiled in the probate
court by liordon W. I.aflnr. adminis
trator ot the estate. The report states I
that the laud was sold to R. M. Temnle
ton f: tir.ou cash and the udminis-l
aiy Knighton who has been serving K- . .u ''V c,t 11 "'"'tRaRe of,
days in the citv jail whTl" hen fh ,he .,BB,, ,lu ,ll!i,a
. .. - . ' nin uer the nsycssinentv nf u. -
re 'resente. t in n i .ii if ......
Caroi:; St Hrown, Smith ic Shields, W
II. Inndle, mid Xlc.Nary & McNarv re,,-
..-semen in ititlerent defendants.
(Free from BenzoatejifSodn
Has just enough season
ingafJdefi to the delicate
flavor of the fresh, ripe
tomato to make it a real
tomato relish. It
appetizing pure
Mai-v K
a tew
...... ..,,,; .ii.usen in, waa ,,om.i
muted to the dreg,..;, state hospital for
the insane today by Judge Hushey af-l
ter an examination by Dr. I. ). jtvrii
Mrs. Knighton aas been treated at"the'
asyluin befure and before her arrest I
was on parole from the feeble minded!
home. I
We have Neckwear, Hosiery, Caps and all furnishings
you want. e can outfit you completely. Come and see
the new things.
iVe will measure
You for a Suit
$15 to $35
Get a
Sport Cap,
lairenj silk ons,u with ruffled
Mit. Waist and lower half of
s.eove laced w,th ,ffe,a
rd otr with tassels. Standing collar
faced with white satin '
Sensational Divorce Case
; Filed at Oregon City
( Oregon City, dr,. sit. 9. Mrs.
Sherman A. iVildwin, who was Miss
Sherman Dana, u populnr Portland g.rl
: (rraduate of the I.incdn high vrhool mid
who went to California last year as a
i star in moving pictures, is plaintiff in a
MMisationnl divorce rase filed in the
I (lackmnss county circuit eourt herv to
j dav.
1 lrs. Baldwin alleges she married
laude A. Hnldw.n in San rrancim-o or.
March 17, l'H4, ,,d that o the wed
ding day he locked her in a room of an
apartment house and triej to fore h.r
into life of prostitution. After t
we subjected to treat meat which wrwh
J her nerve., Vrs. HiUdwia allege she
"aped fro the apartment houM aest
j y aad has acea her huibaad lut one
I nice then.
A "''uscript of appeal ri the caso of'
l. M. Riilene. plaintiff and respond-1
cut, against !-. I). Moore, defendant
and appellant, has been filed , the
cir.nit court i.f this county from the
justice court. Wl.en the ca'so came p
for trial .July 20 in the justice court I he
decree el Judge Webster stated that
the idaint hi ..'.,! .,.,rf .... . ..
i ... ', . , " . ' ' " cu lanor ior
.the defendant for three months at the
value ot tlL... including board ami that
" ve,ye,, ;, lnil, , .
m the Mini t s(i as rendered in the
first cna-e l-'or the second cause it
wns alleged that the plaintiff suffered
damages in ,h"' ,!"'" ? "" and was,
uiven t:., as attonieys tees and the t-:
tal .lii.lgincnt awarded in the ;,,!,
court was tor the sun. of with j.
I.' rest and costs amounting (0 .f it si
turner Turner represented the plain-"1
; f ami McNary ,v M,.Xllrv ,, . &
Inge appeared for the defendant. "'
off1c,"",oJiT V"'" Wn t the
orfi.e ,.t ,,. county clerk vesterdav
a tcrnoon ,0 Kred A. I'mk, a bookkeep. i
r. ot tins city, and K,h M. Smith a
J-alein stenographer. ' .
The Burroughs Adding Machine eom-i
Pnny to ay f,,od ,. ui thri
"'urt ot this county au-iinst i;
.N?..,l:",.,n '"l'li"H machine. It
n.iciic.1 in te comi.lainf .1,
A loggers lien was filed against the
orvull.s Lumber and Manufacturing
company by Oelbert Jenkins, claimant,
tor the sum of $41.50 which he alleges
is due tor services rendered. Nmie land
located one mile north east of Hoover
was covered bv th lien
The results of the races at the
equity fair at Scio yesterday wc
. 2:30 Trot.
, ' -"'u.oy driver
Time HI, 112, .1-12. Half-mile
(".lug Seme, second; H,mit v()od,
Second Race, 2:25 Pace.
Chacato, K. (.'. staats. driver,
nne. l-O., l,M1. i.H Zmn Nl,t)i;
.Mauzey, driver, second. Wallac
i.uiv .inn, fourth
re as
O. 1
' Hal.
I Imperial
t Dermatologist
t Parlors
Massage and Sham
pooing a Specialty...
My scalp treatments cure daud
ruff and stop falling hair. I
cure black-heads and pimples mid
remove worts, moles, freckles,
Lair on face, necle or aims.
301 Steeves Bldg.
Phone 393
: Salem's Educational Directory :
Music Business
Schools and Colleg
Capital Normal and Industrial School
Term of 12 week, open, September 13-13
Willamette, University
Opens Senteinher 1.1.15
"th and Wilbur Streets s.,1,,,,, , Carl - Doney, President.
. ....is, ,alcill T. w. r-!,n .w. , - o-l.-,l
-maiu, unan ui JjaW Ok m-'
pm.ntitr sold a machine to the u. i
.coin,,, , tor thp
and that on IVbr.my 1 of this year it !
an paid for but .4 for" which I
the Plaintitf sues. La.ourette 4 ,
A th fault in.lntiw, -i i i
f..rec1(.,re was sZVJTr'.
..-t wtts for the
. ',co"," a,,', tee,
e mortgage ordered foreclosed w,
, c., n. 4 containing in all 1 tii
Trtnb m. . ... ' 1
iPnPU ."-te.
Studio-Room. Tl ,w ,; ' ' h"'Rn.l
Tie partition snit of Katie SiPf..r
Ktit Antoa Siefer, J. B. Ofaer aid
MIm Beatrica Shelton
o. Teacher of Piano
345 Marion St. '"rhon.
Ban F. Langeuberg
Late pupil of F. . Areni.
Mudio 3U-lS.ie.i7 Hubbard Bl.lj,'.
Thone 2079
Mt. D. T. Junk
China Artist.
Mrs. Bertha Junk Darhy
Teacher of Tin no
rh("1 3930 W. 679 N. Cottage St.
Elma Welle, I ..r'"0 an,l Musical Klndercartea
.' , 8''0 Center fct. ri,n- onm.ll
Uhiterhy Twhlie lnJ
"m Vl imftov:. St,,..; x :
;rh.,. np, fgmncra . , .Jlau iuait Bann
iooel351 , v I. Tea.her of Voic. .n.i n,.,.
unrtruoij .North Twentieth St. rione 564