Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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An Immense Showing of
Autumn's Most Stylish
I Beautiful are the new Autumn Styles in our Ready-to-
Wear Store: during all our years as specialists in
Women's fine wearing apparel we have never presented a
larger more comprehensive assortment so early. Styles
are so varied materials and effects so charming that its
a simple matter to find garments particularly suited for
every individual taste. Prices, too, are unusually attractive.
i ' I t I M
"f V
U I t!
Native of New Jersey Was
..Killed When Hesperian
Was Torpedoed
The report of the referees iu the case .
of Klnorn Witzel and Wagner Lee j
against Clara Cainiibeil, Kvelyn Brady,
Llareine J.ee,
Xo. 1)021.
Report of the Condition of the N
, in the State of Oregon, at the Close of Business .September 2 i
KKHOl'KCES. ' ' 1Jli
ieri .( e I.u
lloisy, vera i-irani anu .uuen u,
I ianitiun suit was iileil tooay in ine
eircuit court of this county. The refer-j
j ecu surveyed and divided the farm ill;
'jurM iwi v. hi.. I, consi.-tei! of 344.-i0 I
acres. To Klncfi V. It.i) wr.s awarded!
i tract Xo. 1 coio-istiiii: of 71.5ii acres on
Loans and discounts (except those shown on' b) $A0J ,088.(52
Total loans
Overdrafts, secured, l; unsecured. .)!l!l.;iu'
ii en, " , ii unvi' uiru. '.'i.uu ....,..,..
osited to secure circulation (par value).. $ 3J,obu.l)u
London, Sept. H, Xo confirmation
was obtainable early today of tho
Daily Mail's report that 'nitol states
(',....,.. l.,.. -J, l,,..l ,.-,....1
I I ' vjinui mini ui uceilM'JM 11 Htm t,"i'i
I that a man named Wolff, horn in Xew
j Jersey had been killed in He-ten, ex
T ' plosion. Tho Mail claimed i'rost's ad-
vices were official.
fl Department Takes Notice.
i W'ashini'tiin. Sent, s. The state de
partment is mailing every effort today
to aseertain the truth of the London
report, that an American, Wolf, or
Wolff, was lost with the Hesperian, as
there was no official confirmation of
the report here.
condition that she pav $72u to be divid
ed equally between Uernice Lu I'oisy.
Vera Grant and Albert M-.uw to whom
was awarded tract Xo. 4 containing 70.
o!t acres. Lvelyn Brady received tract
Xo. 2 containinc 07.i! acres, Clara
Campbell received tract Xo. 3 of 07.50
ai res and L. W. Lee received a tract
l iM,tit;iiiiiiiir (17.52 acres. The referees
! were J. S. Duncan, Henry Keene and
i James Culver.
. S. bonds ueiios
T.itnl I" S In, mis
Bonds other than L'. S. bonds pledged to secure postal
savings deposits $ 1S,250.00
lionds and securities pledged lis collateral for State, or
other deposits or bills payable (postal excluded) l33)?l,J.2:i
Securities other than II. S, bonds (not including stocks).
owned unpledged v $-50,502.:! t
Total bonds, securities, etc
Subscription to stock of Federal Keserve bank, if 12,000.00
Less amount unpaid 6.000 no. j.
1 2.11(11) m
II. ('. Willing today filed an applica
tion for a judgment foreclosing a tax
lieu against lieoree loss. A. I. becby
Meyers' Five Free Exposition Trips
The September contest closes the 20th of
this month contestants are running close
only 10 more business days to decide the
winner of this fin.'il contest for a trip to the
world's greatest exposition.
Standing of Contestants at last
Ethel Trindle . .
Mollie Pearmine
Birdine Meyers
Phylis Kellogg .
Asks Tor Information,
ihington, Soot. Ambassador
rard at Merlin has been asked by the
state department whether ('ciiuany is
informed concerning the circumstance
surrounding the torpedoing of the Al
lan liner Hesperian.
It was explained the onery was not
0 request on Berlin to make a report,
our, oniy a,,step to learn it
to lie expected by this
from Herman sources.
and James (.ess. 1 lie iiropertv in
volved consists of about two acres in
T. S S. R. 1 Y.. and the total of the taxes
and penalty is $7.71.
The road and highway warrants and
also the general warrants for the Aug
ust bills of the county were mailed out
this afternoon from the office of the
county clerk. The road and highway
warrants for the month totalled 1
liM.S.'i which was nlmut flll.OIMI less
than last month. The general fund war
runts amounted to (1.97074.
Says Definitely Settled.
sages today said it had been definitely! "''"-gating liquor to a convict. I'cery
settled that an American able seaman.1 las ??tv? ln th? e'":mt '"1,rt
named Wolff from Newark. X. J.,. hud, 'A npplerl the case to the
perished in the Hesperian disaster. The f rep-
American embassy, however, was with- ri'f"'B the appellant and defendant.
out eoniirmation.
nine of bankiiiL' house (if unencumbered )
Furniture and fixtures
Heal estate ow ned other than btimking house
Xet amount due from Federal Keserve bank
Xet amount due from approved reserve agents in New
York, Chicago, and St. Louis ,.f $ 3i,552.86
Xet amount due from approved reserve agents in other
reserve cities $ 71 884.53 .ni 4-17
Xet amount due from banks and bankers (other than '
ineiuueii 111 y or 10; -
Other checks on' banks in tho same city or town as re
porting bank
Outside checks and other cash items $ 110(17
Fractional currency, nickels, and cents $ 8.32.91
Xotes of other national banks "" I
Lawful money reserve in bank:
Total coin and certificates j.
Legal-tender notes
lieileiiiption fund with I'. S. treasurer (not more thnii
. 0 per cent on circulation)
Due from l". S. treasurer ?....'.
. l.OoO.OO
1.5511.00 '
. 100,000.00
I Uistnet Attorney Emtio appeared for (Wml t,.lr ....!.! i
the state in the supreme court this aft-1 Surplus fund
einoun to argue the case of the State Total capital and surplus
' i- tu ."" K"v""g . ndivideu iirotits
l.ess current expenses, interest,
Cireulatinfi. notes ....
Less amount on hand and in treasury for redemption' or
in transit ' j. jo oqo 00 ''1
Due to banks and bankers (other than 'included Yn 5 w U)"$ 8jio,r)!s!l
Salem Big
Department Store f
All Around Town
Dr. Manileliinlin
gluaaei currently. U. W. bunk bldg. !
yesterday and discussed plans for mak
ing Thursday, September .10, Klks' (lav
as well as I'oitland day, the big du'v
I of the fair. Invitations are being sent
!to nil the lodges in,' the vallev, and the
; eh am-ex lire that the big Kl'k bund of
i'vrtlnml will accompany die bovs from
i that city.
Among those who will sail on the
Northern Tncifio steamer from Flavel
tomorrow lire Joe Hewitt, William
ripnyd and .Miss liesnlo K. lluiley.
Dr. Stone's Drug store, tf
T. 0, Albert and family are borne
from it three weeks' vacation at Ocean
I.eke Turk. IiiMlead of resting and tak
ing life easy, Mr. Albert put in his time
building, n family eottngn,
Dr. R. T. Melutire, physician nd
mgeon, 2H Mnsonie bblg. l'hono '110.
elte vallev preltv close to '.Ml.linu ln,l.,y
The first estimates were lLTi.Oild, mid
later were lowered to 100,1100, iiml now
thorni who are well led on ..,.'.
milium, are niiiigiii). ii,,.
The funeral services of Mrs. Flora E.
(Iridium, who died at the Salem huspitiii
I'uenlmy, September 7, will be held to
morrow morning at I0;:i(l o'clock from
the chapel of Webb & ('lough. Services
- . it hi in- ill iii in- i t,v Tint if. ic v.....
estimate still I of l'ortlund, and iiiterme.it will take
place at the City View cemetery.
Tho Woman's Alliance of the Uni
lariau church will meet with Mrs. Dr.
( iirlwriglit of 71.1 Kerry street I'riilav
at 'J:;io p. m. All an nilicis mid fri s
are iiiMled, linpoitaii1 business will
couie before I he meeting.
0 -
Hie in ru e tin morning after a two '1
weeks' Micnlion which wiih cut a few'
days short on iieeoiint of the rush of
W. L. Alexander, a landscape gardon
or of Chicago, writes the Commciciu
club that he innv locni,, ;,i ii... ......
lleiides In' i n ir n Inn.Un .'..
" I iaeludes tree repuii'in'g, timber es
ory, secreutry of the Bute' timnlinif and u stmlv i i...;.i..
Service cnminisHioii, returned to! o
Music HtudmitH redisterod. Mr. nmli
Mis. Kie.b'iie S. Mendenhall now lone
their studios locnled in tiie II ubbai'J I
Iniililiiig, where sluilenN wishiuu i,i!
Dr Pioim'u nnur" n.r. i register in any line ui' musical wink1
Dr. eione u Drugstore. tf amy do s,. ,,i l;, 'j. j
tto,',i. v 7 1 .V ' k."W" TUwe are " UMllcaUoiw of busi-
I ,lVI '. " ."' "'"'i """'V ,,r""" "lil.v. Hint in.di ate to son,,, tx.
ruling Attorimy J. M Deveis, uf Ku- tent u ivtolu to , 1 business e ,n-
gene, are in Sulci, loduy to argue the' diliuns. Kepnir nien nre ,m i
supr.mo court. , ,.,., liu, ,r iH K,,m,ni (mt
Dr. Utter, dentistIll returu from ! IfclX.!! " " ' ' "
Xiltloiml Dentiil t'liugress September'
Office 414 Suleiii lliinK of Com-! a i. . .."
ineree llldg. f, Assistant Stato Superiiitoiident of
,, j I nolle IimIiucIioii ('. K. I'lirb'tun .
he hlis been for two weeks. Mr. Cmle
Dorothy, the five -months old baby of
Mr. and .Mrs. Kulph Mills, "II South
Kighleeutli stieet, died vesterdny even
ing lit 7:45 o'clock. The bodv was
taken to Xew berg fur burial this' after
soon. The reuular .Hiiml iv
' nitniiaii church will begin with Hie
firt, Suiuliiy of Uetn'ier, when a Suiiduv j
s. IuhiI .ally will be held. '
o - -
Placards Lt been placed In the
Stuie windowi ou Conimi ioial street an
liiiuneing the t n t fair from September
1.'? to October -1. According to the best
of inforiiinlion, th,, closing dav of the
state tuir i Snturdav, IVlobe'i 2 mid
not October 4,
New class iu shorthand and -teueo
tvpv ll I',' I'uinilH'lli ,, , ( I'llptlul
tiisiiies college mi Mieidny. September
l.'l. The piiiicipul is in ,u ol li, n Hi li
day llns week to niiswir nopin ten,
." i . ii i ie-
ton allended the convention of the .
noimi I'.iluciiHoiml ussoeiiition held in
Sun Francisco and then remained ..
week longer to visit the fair.
The department of commerce, Wash-
Bidding against two Portland firms
tor the stool and east iron to be used
in the construction of the IJoth build
ing. a Salem firm, tshunii & Marcus, was
warded the enntract. The Portland
linns submitting bids were Hie North
west. Steel company and the I'acific
lrm Works. Sliaiid & Marcus nre the
pioprioioiM f th,. Salem Iron Works,
on Front nn, state streets.
The Coniiiiercial club is already list,
leg rooms for 'uir visitors. Those who
'in ..iccoiiimoduie n few visitors during
the fiur. should let the fact be known
at the ( oniuierem' club. wivii,K their
name, ublress pmI cumber thev can
accoioinodate, nn.l n I.-.,. p,i,.,.. Wit'h t lair,
inlori.iulion, the e,vnt number that
coin,, every yeni to spend a few dav
can properly 1 e taken cure of. ' '
A case of Loju will be presented to
( ol. Samuel Moody, passenger tnil'fic
K"nt of the Pennsylvania railroad
when . ps..H through the eitv toilav
in Ins special cur, en route "to s,i'c
Irnnci, co. p,, Schmidt, representing
the Northwest Fruit P,oduc.s compai, v,
' ' 'I" I'1' '"". for the CommeV
;1"1'' "'H Col. Moodv and
for h the v.rlnes of l.ojn beveiage
ami tel him what n great ndvnntage ,,
ould be to ,l,e PemiMlvani,, sv'ten,
lo serve l,,, on their dining ears.
Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott has
","'" ""' tVmnicrcial club permission
,' l"'',1':'"'?'' wnf'' "-! sandwiches
a Ihe state lmnu ..... . , . .
..... , ..-, OIM .H I I' ot t .,
Kleven widows are seeking to force
Judge Bushey to grant widows' pen
sions in this county, and alternative
writs of mandamus were filed in the
circuit court yesterday afternoon. There
were three suits of this nnf,,,.,. r;i...i
York I ?,b"r,t two months ago to compel Judge
11 rK Bushey arl the county commissioners
I iu conn- into court nmi either grant the
: applications for pensions or tcr show
I cause why they are not granted. The
following widows made niltllicntinn C.
i ii r-1 -1 T,ii,tL.;n.,n. t it t . . .
,!.,, 0.:.,i.. ,i: :'.. o:.. .. : i " " . "ler, iiiree clll!
...... ..n mcKM ..,,., .. on. ren, -t-o ; Uora i. Kephart, four ehil-
Ihe street never was worried over thei dren, $:i2.o0; Ollio Lewis, four children
Dumba incident, international oolitic t:!'r,li. rii '.. L. ' "n'
. . ' - 1 , ' vi.tfc 1 ' hi ijioii, lour ehi 1 ren
ceased to be disc,, I. !:IL'.50; Kva Mdfe. ' f ive IT."'
The market opened irregular, sold off i 10; Jennie Headrick AVooIev Dora
fractionally, and then grew stronger.' B. John, Murv L Finlev T.,!.,in m
Wall Street Banishes
International Politics
(Copyright 101J5 bv the Xew
Evening Post.)
X'ew York, Sept. S. Attention ii
Wall Street today was strikingly di
verted from foreign politics to home in
mistrial nttairs. I lie Hesperian
and taxes paid if
nine ami zorn Baker, each bavin"
ond child and each asking lo, nd
l.et ie loho, eight children, .f.12 50
r 1 T, - '0"z, R,ul - Hidinii,';
ot Dallas, represent the plaintiffs.
A suit for divorce was filed today
1. the circuit court of this county bv
w"1 -Mcoerueiser iH'iiiiir in..,.,., n-
. . . ".iiii,- ,v .
The advance, however, were not we
distributed and the trading was light.
A point advance in the bid ouolation
for Flitted Stntes irovprnment. bonds
innv have reflected feeling over the
Herman issue,
Foreign exchange continued uncer
tain, but the indications pointed to a
teml.'iw'v to tiei'niii.i ulKnili'
sterling neenncii cent, recovered i , , "" 1,1 w ineli the plaintiff i
nearly two cents nn.l fell from the I ''t'.s "'"'l al inhuiunn trentmont
nlmvel I'"1"""' "v,'f n period- from Iss.j wln.
! '7tK"i' mani,Hl ""'ii 'be pivs.
'" "".c. 1,11 ere have l.lT; livo
ilren born to th.. .1.. .. .""
,. ...' 1 , . uur, 1111 or wiiom
W. F. Elliott, of Eocene, who recent-! 7 V'," ''!' ""f " n son. rni,.i
ly purchased an inter.',! in the Wether-i con, , "l-.i, .''If "? , 16 yoars' rhe
........ mi 1 1 mm 11 'iiimrtf ,.f
ouple has been divi ' ..n-
Individunl deposits subieet to cheek
Certificates of deposit due in less than .10 day's".!!!!
Certified checks ;
Cashier 's checks outstanding !!!!!!! !J !!!!!!! !
Postal savings deposits !!"!!!!!!!"
Sfate, county, or other municipal deposits secured'
item 4e of "Resources"
Total deuosits. itenm 4 o c 7 ,,,,.1 u
Time deposits (payable after 30 days, oV 's'ub'i'ect'to
days or more notice):
Certificates of deposit . . . ;
Other time deposits !
. 30,402.28
. 2H.05
. 745.02
State of Oregon. County of hi,;
Subscribed and ,worn , before me this 8th day ofeSi,nr:Alo!5.ri,S,'iPr'
Correct-Attest: JEXXIE BEST, Kolury Fublic.
J. i'. ROGERS,
higher figure, but closed a cent
yesterday s close.
r, 1
bee & Jones drv coods store in Inde
pendence, left tlii-. morning with Mrs.
Elliott, to make his home in that city.
E. C. Eddy, of Williiininn, will be a
parther of Mr. Elliott, lie has been
a traveling salesman for a Chicago firm
with headipinilers in Eugene for eight
years. V. . Welherbee recently moved
his fimily to Eugene. Eugene Guard.
Menitt Davis, head of the Cotnmei
cial depiii'tineiil of the Salem high
school, is busy this week laying mil the
work for the finnine venr. It l.i
j intentions this year to divide the work
j in his department into two courses. One
will eni.iasi?c stenography, and the (
J other give r,eci:, attention to book
keeping, accounting and salesmanship, j
j This is ,.,ue iu order to comply with lo- I
' cal conditions and to prrpnro the
; graduates to take positions that may be '
offered in the city. T11 Invino-' not I
, 1 ucse niii ci a iv,mi
w ith busiiieis tin'.
no- c,,v. hi ,,,,1,.,. t,Hl ,,s Nt,,.nts mav
I study exactly what is needed here. So
i far, he has been fortunate in securing
positions f,.r the crnduates from the
commercial department, and as n result
; of their thorough training, nil nre niak
. ing g,.od.
mere are no property
"-lved Martin & Mtlrfn !
ocs for the plaintiff.
ights j
atlor- j
I ,. , ," (,t t,le '"."''"'t conrt.toibn
".' I, oecree grnr.tnig divorce
''' ii ;unr ir in ... . ..
!;;;-.. HBB,,i
i,V. ;V,. . "' " "r.'" 1 4. and tl
..u i state that th
deserted the nhmitiff 1
'"..Miiuteii cruel and
"lent, her,. , .-, ,
,.,,. ,.; 1 . . ,,v "" niiureii or or.,!
ei'v lights men v.i :., .1. . . I I
and the ,i,.f 1. ... ' '" "': ' roversy
to dr. ., . , ' ""s 4:'ven the
1 1 .11 ill on ti
resume .r maiden
her ,'..'ti,.,,..
inhuman treat-
lie ,t
''in her i,,i, .,...1
"Kmc of Dnisv
A motion l.e il 1 ..;...
'lr. Davis eoiwoltcl suit and ilk. , j,,. '., ' '
psofessionnl men of' granted byr,,dge p'mvy P ,-''i'it W8S
""v. ""' suit of U.;v r" '
against w 1.' i,....- . "ussoiu
trick v :.r" "'K Vl' E.
J ;""'r l:y iM reeve
of rn;;'-- iue'sseb
1. mm.
I'd out
She Wrote a Letter to Herself
Tloris Willnrd. siio1,1....t ..i.i v.. '
frumi.v ,. V Ille nT"" fi'rl9 because of her
' Z WS"1 cm"!'r.v a newspaper the photograph of
letter to he r,. f n ' 'r' 8t college football 'player, so she writes a
ui r to herself, purportino; to havo em,,., a ; ,. , ,
111 wiiieu at-
' ".,.. "crseir purporting to have come frn.., A
-M.s ner to bo his wife. This is the pivotal incident ill
The Mating
A Thomas H. Ince Feature
Starring Bessie Earriscale
That brings together for lif !, ,
' 11 ster an,, a s.iiKc.t f .V ,, , "" :, l "lre iinuginur ot a e
Mastoi d, , IL ' 'rt f"0,l",U el""ni'ioii. See this five net :
Etra Komic Comedy.
Adults loc
Bligh Theatre
The general esUmate of experieiiced
hop men place Hie crop in the Will,,,,,.
of all the commercial clubs i the world I mid (in nt .,,'! ' l'"' ""
This directorv will f f, IC ,!', ' ZZ !" 't?
tho Coinmeic ul c 1.1 r,. ,,.. .. ;,i '.. , .... ' ."'stead of hnviuc
'of iissi,,,,.,,,. to (! who want Infor. , 300 in ' ,h , , I 1 ' L,,,.,,1U,,;-. .
mation regg y eily in , ,.;,,,, ,hi , ,. ,.Zl
0 I i .'!.' . ' U,,M l''""""" f d, inking
Attorney Olenn E. Unmh returned to-: sniwiX CIZmI , i'"'' "''
day from a ten days' s.ny , ,iN f, , , nngi K , hv . ,1 , , ' ' ' "',
near Ibivlo... lie i-..o,,r. tl. w..i ... . ' 1 '" "''"c.l by seve.nl
ht sclion will n erni e n no t nil ,.. ' ' " ""' 1.1'.
cent of a crop, sir.es will run from .'lo's
to -til's and me drying lienvy The
gram , r,M ( tht section ro nil much
above tne nvcriige nud the genersl con
dilioin me Mitilnctory.
Tho I ',1k rominlttM .,.,..i ,
l ien ,v llMion,
Sev ,,r hk.ff.
W , 1.. Sluler nn.l ir.
met will, A I .l,,e
When Your
IVpond mi glasses, you w.mt
glasses you chh depend upon
the Kiii, )p nmhe.
Ask for Khiidoii Lenses au.l
ShurOa Mountings.
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
208-2011 Hubbard Bid. rhone 109
4 no engineers of the state highway
'lo lor redeckiug the sicel bridge ,,'t
' -oge,,,, w.il, ,'reo,leJ o, bb
'Wlulc tins bridge ,..,,.,, , , ';
l.ears ago ,,e three inch plunking ,s
wenri.'g out lied ,he !.., co,v ;,.
in.ssione.s re seeking so,e-.u. per-
"'"lout '''"V"- To put down w'o,..
'" V,,,r'" '''g''t on 11...
I'Mdgo and it w.ll be nfiMy ,
stieagthcn some of the reinforcing vi
H- st.ucture ,0 lHlla lu. BlK1
Reports coming in from the prune or
chards thr..iigt the countv. indicate
that drying is Lei,,., don-., much curlier
this year than l;,vt. All the driers are .
now w,., king ,,; .,.,, ,, tlt, wm.k
is bcin... p;,,,,,! ,,, HV0;,i ,, ,,nrv
rains. Trees i,r,. U,g s),nken hnrd to
get all that ,il) falL lis the growers
tear the bnuvn i. t. According to Ivan
0. Alcnni.iels, i the I.ibertv district,
all orchar.U me beng'pieked' this venr
one week e:,H,.r t tutn test, as n year
ago nil were ccught in' tho carlv rains.
I runes nre n, .1 :,s irg,, on an nveruge
throughout the , ,trv. but thev are
heavy ;,, ;lvrU(,,, p,lw,
"" Tic p,.,it,. ,.rp !.,.
unusually hit-,, iM u ,mrta uf ,
The Commercial club Is Just In re
ceipt ot 11 teg'.. I,., 0.iitainir' the names
o' u.l the bin, ,s and sellers in the
1 luted Mates. This book gives th 1
"""' "I all the manufacturers in the
coi'iny. ami i,,(. !hlv limkCi B111 nlwi:
tae name, of M,-i buying agencies, j
lhe M hic.f the b"k is from the fact
that should a in. i. hant want to bin- ,J
cerium article, ti.,, b0k will K,v,
t ,'t nil the fun:, 1U the county mniiii
tactuiing ,i, :1, uUg 0u, (,(.iu
ngciici, s in t, ,,lulltVl
fice of th,, ...
W'.IS a liiL' ,lnv n. .1...
ii.iv ,.i...i7.. "
Hit w., 1 mi tfl
" ' . C .I, i,,r ,
'" largest :niount
"es ex." us v.- l .1..
when tl..., - . lavs
'ics alone. This U
ever taken
history ,.t fi.
j " Always the Best OWldren 5c jj
i 1) f& BkTi
f,. I '- MU jv i u 1; J l a
Wnshington, s.pt. .
jvlodcsale shakenp of naval 0f-
V""' l!'"'"-' " teachers at the
AmmHis naval ,,,,,..
"Mnunce,! by ,, ,j a'.
'",'"t "' "fter ,. 'Abo, a
tWn U;B'U 'I'TartmeuU
"ere ordered detached.
Represfntativf, w'ere elected last ev- 1 rxr r",,!!""111
'mng by the Ka.g,,,, 0f Pvthia, to th t 8ALEM, OREGON, stop
liriiu.l o,g,. ,,. ,i ., i,.. ... ' D I I II tf m
Sivrrtary of State Olcott 1, unable
U. I.a.l any trace f the "frown Jewel
Home wl.i.h Harry Moiclmul Mhl,h .,
VMing man in 1, Angel.., s,lv, ;1,
l. .ited near Portbind in lyi;i ! t un.l .-,
Mr. Olcu referred the mor 'u,
tleorge P. Litchfield, of tl, city. h
i.r .enlarly veil informed on tie
cn.ly history of tin. state ami y,
l.llchf.eld .ay. that there w, ,.Vl.r
such a charitable- institution in th,
state. The records of the ..tate do not
show th,lt .it ever received Mute ,,
nd U is evident thf the young man
wan mistaken in the p.,,.,, smith said
he i t.ikcii kiii ,t it... h. ...... u l
. - - -. - . "viur qi'U an
niMut his antecedent, I Noniber 1 ! v-toncr to
''liiine M. i'ord. a prntni,,,,,,, H(,rn(.v
ot-lb'itn.wasi,, S,,,e, May tlB
; which
I a ml 1.
Ml. ().
! Ku.lclt
'e: W, It, i;,l.n ;.k n . : .. . l. ,....' .V vu -IH FEB DAT
"Itcrnate. t v"""'7,?01 ' "I district
Ine ot the IVnuiin of On
m.'cts in .,tlaud, October U
. as follow,: J. c. Terrv. with
N-helbcrg ., slterniite;' A. J
""a V. M. 1 In 11 sen us Ii,.m,.
Stlictlv Mrul.
Tree and Private Baths
nAit,a 7oC, 11.00. 11 an tin.
Tolk county voted J200 for t display
to be ma.ie of if, pr,,.t at the Mm.
1 f Met nr.ira ' .. I 1 . .v .
' nn.l l.llll.l 'm. I ,,.. ...... ...
nearest in 1 n n..
(. an to Hii.(:..-
A Home Away from Home
T. Q. BUGH. Prop.
Botn Phonta. Tree Auto .
No Time Like the Present to Do Your Canning
ThG Finiw? r GJown in 0regn- -75c per Bushel
1 Itbeive them now. before if mine
' - - Minimi
The Last of the Season 60c and 75c per Bushel
Elberta Peach
Sa!ecs Very Fincst $1.00 per BShcl
Removal Sale
AllJars Must
i ASON Pin0 Vn , ul in,season.
-" . . .Pmts oOc; Quarts 60c; Half Gallons SOc
Schram Jars
We have a few gross .of Half Gallons; take all you
. vant at oc per Dozen.
and I
Roth Grocery Co.