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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1915)
SEVEN Fop ' This Have We Daughters , Drawn by (BUFF STERRETT THE SALEM DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE.. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8. 1915. V SAV MIZf "' . ' ' HAOOM OWC VBS z' rl AM' LISTEN MA 7n """ " MV vmkT I " ' Ll ! . MAVtOM' MAUVE VioutTy. ' V, l-7 1 3 rL . ?? SHL I ; , W Iftl Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion! MONEY TO LOAN Oa Ooixl Boa Estate Sectrltjr THOS. K. TOED Orer Ladd ft Bub. 9ank. Salem, Oreg 01 CHIROPRACTOR CONSULT DB; MAY, experienced and successful Chiropractor, for acute and chronic disorders. Has practiced six years in Oregon, rree consultation; Hours, 9 to 12, 1 to . 805-0-7 Hub bnrd Bldg. Lady attendnnt. rhoae office 572; residence 982-R, CHIROPRACTiaSPINOLOGIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. . If you have tried everything and have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 40G-7-8 V. is. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 82S-R. DRY CLEANING PRESSING CLOTHES CLEANERS Pressers, re pairers and dyers. One trial will con vince you that our. work and charges ore right. Cleaning parlor open to 8 p. m. Goods called for and delivered free. Thone 728. Apparel Service Co., 1.18 S. High street. MAGNETIC MASSEUER AND SCIEN TIFIO MANIPULATOR IP YOU WANT YOUR HEALTH BACK Go to Dr. Hagel. He enn get circulation when all others fail. He treats for all bodily ills, aches or pains. Come and see me if you are Ailing. Treatment, ifl.OO. Bush & Breyman Bldg. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer iun Rplinol lit OsteoTinthv. Kirksville Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nerve aiscnsos at l.os Angeies eoncge Trent acute nnd chronic diseases Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505-500 U. S. Nationnl Bank Buildinff. Phono 8."9. Residence 340 North Capitol street. Phone 400. SCAVENGER. fe LEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed ou monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yards nnd cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main ?.24". Residence Main 2272. JrniTvT rnr.RT AnnF.Y MAUSO LEU M The better way. Dry and sanitary. Building always open to visitors. Sundny 1 to 4 p. m. J. W. Gaskill, manager, 828 South 12th, Phone 1308. . . t - UNDERTAKERS LEHMAN & CLOrOH C. B. Webb, A M. Clourrh morticians and fnneral di rectors. Latest modern methods known to the orofessioii employed 415 Court street. Main 120,Maiu 9S8. I'-'IGDON-RICIIARnsOX CO. Funeral directors nnd undertakers, 232 North High street. Day and night phone 183. WATER COMPANY. r-AI.KM WATER , COMPANY Office comer Commercial and Trade streets For water service apply nt office Bills payable monthly in advance. DENTIST. lilt. O. A. OLSON', DENTIST. 1 oom 211. Plume 410 Mn.inie Temple. Salem, Oregon THE BAKER J. T. JOHNSON, Prop. 01.1 Ferry St. Phone 297 Hoard nnd' Rooms. Rooms 2."e and Up. Attractive Kates to Students. We can please you. ' DR. EVA MURPHY Magnetic Healing and Electric Baths Cure all kinds of diseases, female trouble specialty. - Com and see me. Room 17, Bush k Breymsn Bldg. MSHBDnnnaHnntiiMnEBBBBO I A. 0. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2.; Meets every Monday evening at 8 in the McC'ornack hall, corner Court ana Lduerty streets. A. Aurrance, i M. W.: b. A. Meiauden, recorder; A. L. Brown, I'. rWTTlAT mnnusn 1S KfP ' CKNTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P. i MeCornaek building. Tuesday even-! ing'of each week at 7:30. F. F. Schrnm,.C. C; W. B. Gilson, K. ofR. and S. ! SALEM LODGE No.. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month, at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.j S. Z. Culver, secretary.. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications thiw t ri day in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Niles, W. M.; Ernest H. Choatc, secretary. R. N. of A. '-'Oregon Grape Camp," No. 13G0, meets every Thursday even ing in McC'ornack building, Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Miss Syl via Schaupp, 1791 Market, oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Co., recorder. MULTNOMAH BOYAL ARCH CHAP TER No. 1, R. A. M. Regular meot ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Al fred F. Marcus, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, secretary. HODSON COUNCIL No. 1, R. & S. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each month, Masonic Temfilo. James Plant, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glea C. Niles, recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDER Y No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., ia Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights aro courteously invited to meet with us. Geo. rl. Uurnett, L. v.; Frank A. Turner, recorder. CHADWICK CHAPTER No. 37, O. E, S. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. ni. in tne Ma sonic Teini'le. Elizabeth Read, W, M.; Ida M. Bnbcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Fridav nicht at 8 o'clock iu McC'ornack block. Oscar DonnldsonJ C. C.: L. S. Gecr, clerk. 507 Court street. Phono 593. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. in Moose hall. Mrs. F. W. Cook. M.-A.; J. T. Penn, secretary, 413 Masonic Temple. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D, Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretory. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for iuvesti- gntion. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 521fl,meets every Thursday evening at o o ciock in MeCornnck hall coruer Court and Liberty streets'. Elevator service, w W. Hill, V. C .: Rex A. Turner.clerk FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU HAVE Any good property for exchange we can match you. We don't handle junk property. A new 5-room house for rent. A. E. Bell, Room 229. Hubbard bldg. Kept, 12 TOR TRADE. 40-ACRE well-improved farm to trade for modern house, closo in. 82-aere farm for rent. Stock and implements for sale. Geo. B. Jacobs Co., llnync PI. I,. 311 Klnle. tf l""fc-t SalemFence and Stove Works R. B. Fleming, Prop. Depot American Fence To Hop Growers: Morl7'i M BUM Stands the strain. Bur now and save money. Don't wait until you need them. Or order now and get them later. K0 Court Btrot rbena 1S4 Bick of ChJco Store LODGE DIRECTORY. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. jau.s Leijjh to Dora Shreve, part j. -p. Limh claim 10-9-1W.: part D. Kirlqmtritfk claim 10-9-1W. nvi,l s r;,f,,i,. t,w n tiiw t v lot h (!oo(le A(iminu t0 SnU.m. part ; lot 6, Tuxedo Park addition to Kalom. Lewis Uodgers et ux to Adolph N.I . . . v . . IV US l'urt M" U fllu,U! ' - .., mi fr ,'iUVw ' I .;.', .'..,. . . ,r . . M n pt Jofiah L W c I 1 iieinnanit oner et ux to narriei : . ln 1-71 VV. fiov E King et ux to H E King, V of lots 5 and 6, blk 10, J Myers Add Salem. . TOR RENT. NL.iLY furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable, bdo .North Commercial. FOR RKXT-3 furnished housekeeping rooms, xsorm commercial, oepio FOR RENT Ono large front room, furnished or unfurnished, 1WUU ten ter, tf FOR RENT Vcrv desirable, strictly modern six-room flat; close in. Phone 1351. Sept9 NICE furnished housekeeping apart ments at the Lincoln, 033 ierry. Phone 404. Also siniflo rooms. 8op8 TPS flAIE, FOR SALE Tomatoes for canning. Buv direct. Cunimiiigs. Phone 29-F-13. SeptS SMALL genera! stock of merchandise for sale. Inquire 119U JNorta Cap itol street. tf THREE BERKSHIRE BOARS For sale. niuo months Old, sent C. O. 1)., subject to Inspection, tlli each. Registered free. John O. Post, Philomath, Oregon Sept9 FOR SALE Cheap, modern home, now, two blocks from car lino and paved street, basement with' modern conven iences for washing; large lot, with plenty of fruit. Year's supply of wood in tho basement. Phono 470 or call on Square Deal Realty Co. HOPPICKKR.S, ATTENTION We are headquarters for tents, camp stoves, stools, gloves, cots, springs, granite ware, everything to satisfy your wnnls. Lowest prices. Pectz Furniture Co., 233 North Commercial. FOR SALE Canning peaches, deliver ed to any part of town or bring your boxes and come to the 'rchnrd, second grade peaches sold cheap in tho or chard. The Imlah orchard, 1-2 milo north from west end of Snlera and Polk county bridge, on Wallace road. Phone 52 F-11. Sept. 10 FIVE choice lots in popular reaiden-1 tial district; will sell or traile ror country property. I'laco hns good ; house and barn, bearing fruit trees, i largo garden spot, cement walks and: other modern- improvements. Near I high school and car lines. Inquire of! owner, I!. I. Maxwell, 574 North Ki f-1 teenth street. Kept 10 MISCELLANEOUS. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY Iet us dn vour weclilv washing. We use snnilniv methods. We cull and de liver vour washing for 50 cents.' Give us o tiial. Phone 2171. Fir-! teenth nnd II streets. WANTED. WAN'TEP 000 lbs. Plume 1720. vetch seed, j SeptS (1ST Small coin purse, containing small chan-e and livelier, Tuomli.v mailing. Kernnl for return to tht' Humes' l'ni Stori-. Sept 1 1 I L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chineie Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, J Salem, Ore. Phone 283. J THE MARKETS There seenu fo be but little change in the markets. A general feeling is notice- niarnets. A general .s not ee-, ble among buyers that wlient has i struck bottom, (.specially as there has Iffn practically no chunge for the last "k. The market is weak today in Portland. The price here is nnVwhere I The price here is anywhere 1 VI 7? V!,',Ut ,ittU' hnvinir T murlif hfl mill t ml nr tirpH. ent there is no market for whent and oats. "'V " - , Pork, both dressed and on foot, is weak today and prices cf f about hulf a cent. The egg and poultry market is strong and buyers seem to think there will be another advance coming next week. Otrama. Hay, timothy, per ton OWa, vetch 1 .eat Wheat, new crop vius, new cruu uv - Rolled burley $31.50 Corn .'. 40 Cracked corn $41.50 Braa $29.00 Shorts, por ton . i $31.00 BTittr. Butterfat 30c Creamery butter, per pound 32c Country butter 17c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 20c Eggs, case count, cash 23c Eggs, trade, 25c Ileus, pound 12c Roosters, old, per pound 7c Spring chickens, praind 15c Fork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, drossed 11 l-2c Pork, dressed U(ft9 l-2c Pork, oa foot OfeO l-2c Spring lambs 5 l-2c Btoers 6&5 l-2c Cows 3 (H 4c Bulls 33'jc Ewes Wethers 44M0 tfeirotables. Cabbage 40c P lomaioes, wregun "; String garlic 12 l-2c Potatoes, new, 75c Now nons '. 4c Cucumbers Walla Walln onions Beans Sweet Potatoes . . .". 25c 75c . 4c 3 1-: Traits. Oranges, Valencia Lemons, per box .... Bnnanas. lb ... $5ffi5.25 $1.00(ii 1.50 On California grnpo fruit $3.00 Dates, dromedary, case $3.25 $1.00 i .. $1 $1.50 1 $1.25 I Kard dates Cocoasuts, per dozen ... Oimtaloupos Watermelons Retal! Price . ..r dozen Hullr ,.no H,rr' n ,. .... 30c, ; $0.75 $0.55 40c or 2 for 7 5c : ... ifi.orir.' ... $1.15(11 l.lliii Creamery butter . Flour, hard nlo'iil Flour, valley PORTLAND MARKET. I Portland, (lie.. Sept. 8. Wheat!- (Jluli, Me. Illueslem, .)''. Outs: No. 1 white reed, '.!. j Feed, $2:i. I Hogs; llesi live, ill.lm. - I Prime steers, li.o"f'"i 7. i Fnncv cos, $."C' 5.25. i Calves, $7rr; H. 1 Hpring lunilis, $rt."(7fl.75. j Hotter: fit v creamery, 20 l-2e. Eggs: Sclei'tcl ..cnl ex., 27(fi2Kc. Mens. 14 1 2e. Broilers, lie. (leese, We. OOLD IS GUARDED New York, Sept. K. An explosion in' the new subway near tho building; where $H0,00O,MIHl in English goldAvns' temporarily stored, threw fifty armed guards Into a fever of excitement here today. The guards were placed about the vsst fortune In gold to irevvts any possible attempt nt robbery Mini with the explosion it was feared an effort was being msde to resell the treasure. Later the gold was transferred to the VHiilts of J. P. Morgan It Co. The $hii, 000,000 was moved ttirough the streets ia automobile trucks. CHEMAWA NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Chemuwa, Or., Sept. S.ltiuco Willis! leaves today '1W ISi'lem where he will; be employed 0 v.-eelu nt Stolz' vin:gar factory.- ' 1 na.ley no,; x-nnts complete.l wori; on Mom av. Tue output was of a high ,lnss qimlitv. The ClaggeU and lies yards will fin- isl, hop picking Wednesday of this week. The srme crowd of nickers are Bailey hop yards completed work on j week. The srme crowd of pickers arei employed at both places Keiser school opens September 13. i The Misses Mnrthn nnd Anna Denny and their consin. Miss Ida L. Denny returned this week from a delightful vacation spent at the Great Fair. They ascended Jit. Tninnlpias near tho city cf San From i:ieo, nl:o attended several sessions of the, N. K. A. convened nt Oakland, ('aliforni:., The William Wwtleys left Saturday for Kola whero Mr. Wentloy will be em ployed nn the government jetty being Snietwl n t tha point Thnn... Poller v the m,est of Che niawa friendn this week. Mr. Potter WM formerly superintendent of Che niuwa school, r nd is now in the omployj of the ngrii'tiltuml department of the N. S. nt ilorie, lilnhii. where ho re sides with bin wife nnd two young sons. ,W. Earnert Savage of the Keizer View Dairy, is count i acting a great silo on his farm to tcke rare of the output from his 10 teres of corn. Mr. Tender. Tul.". inli has returned from a trip to Panhandle, Texas, where the family formerly lived. Mr. Fi a nil Mat then, wilh 8 Jiond of tho'rouijhlirei; Shropshire lambs, passed through here todny taking this choice flock to the fair grounds, to be ex hibited by W. Al .Tones. Mrs. Frank Miller, of Chcnmwa, han 1,000 designs of crwhet work. Many of them were S'ciircd on her recent trip abroad. ' HOLD COMPANY CULPABLE Portland, Ore., Sept. 8. More con spicuous grade enmsing warnings and signals is one of the recommendations of the iurv which today charged the O.-W. R. & N. Railroad company with 'culpable negligence in the death of Charles R. Rav and Louise Williams, who were killed when the automobile ilriven by May was struck by a train near Frecwnter Monday. Several witnesses testified that no warning whistle was sounded by the locomotive as it approached tho cross ing where Ray's autcunoliile had stalled. Our Great X. Family Bargain" The Capital Journal FOR 3 MONTHS McCall's Magazine (Monthly for I year including Free I'altern) Ail For Only $1.35 Subtcrlptioni may ba n.w or r.n.w.l f Writ, or c.ll.t Ihi. off ica jlM''CAir5MA(,AZINE, M U ft mnlAly Ohlr tiociuw of a rurr "Krlil rrnire men with Hie iullihi Md'AI-l.'.1 MAIJA.INKein wriilvajfnii ihalii-ni-llmf ttit rnniu'T-isTlnif i'liilonT. MerAI.I. S li ihi KkIiIiiii Aaihorlty ml llouimki'fp Ini llalixT of mora wmnau tutu sur ollmr uiuvtilue la Ilia world. Coins In or wrlia to nee t sample conr. All tlis Intent mylcs nut hnrf work Srarr month ; ilallKluful ilorla lint tflielM. bn.lilea rasular dfiiisriiiiaula In conklns, buiiia ilrxmomikliiK ami Iiuiim karuluf that luihlaii houvcit (oil tn uiuuor. Lotd br wouiau uvarrwhara. Don't MisThi Offer HUE McCAlX PATTERN MSI" W f tttm m 99t w , vt4 iff' sjl lh f.(n fci, IMNII 4lfa U Th W' sill www mm sMaj mi it'-H-'-i---"'' I- - J9 r COULD NOT SCARE A STAYT0N GIRL. i , . i tAinanj uemocrar.; A Stayton girl received a proposal' nm fo fourth wus divorced. The week ,U1(1 00i a we,.u t0 cosidcr it, in tho is up and the wedding will soon take ,. , ,:..!, .i...... "" " -" """-j ' Something New in Salem Poole's Drug Store recently purchased a supply of the best Eczema remedy in the world. Ask him to tell you about Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin and Moist Zensal for all watery eruptions. THE .DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quickhandy reference for busy people Telephone EVEE7THIN0 ELECTRICAL. fnlem Electrie Co., Masorde Tomple, 127 North High Main 1300 LAUNDRIES. Sulom Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 2 PLUMBING, STEAM flTTINQ AND TINNINO T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial Btreet Main 161 UNDERTAKERS. Rigdon-Rlchardson Co., 254 North High stroot Day and night, Main 183 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE. Salom Truck & Drsy Co., corner Wtate and Front streets Mala 74 job paiNTma Bosver State Prlntors, Patton Block - 15H 44 TRAVELERS' GUIDE 4444444-44-4-K4--4'-' SOUTHERN PACIFIC. North Bound, lfl Oregon Express ... 5:00 a.m. 54 Hound Special 6:110 a 28 Willamette Limited 0:22 a.m. 12 Hhnsta Limited ...11:55 a.m. 18 Portland Passenger 8:00 p.m. 20 Portland Passenger 0:00 p.m. 14 Portland Express . 8:00 p.m. No. No. I No. I No. No. No. No, No. 222 Portland fust Er't. 10.118 p.m. No. 220 Locul way Er't ...10:30 p.m. South Bound. ,No. iNo. I N i No. ;No. I No. 15 California. Express 3:.t2 a.m. J7l()webiirg PnssongorU:20 a.m. 6.'l Imposition Hpecial 2:IJ p.m. IS) Cottage drove Pas. 4:20 p.m. 11 Hhtista Limited ... B:4.'l p.m. j7villnnictto Limited 0:10 p.m. 13 Han Francisco Ex,.10;38 p.m. No. No. 221 Han Francisco Fast Freight ViM a.m. No. 225 Local way Fr't... 8:10 a.m. Bulem Goer Line. No. 73 Arrives at Halnin.. 9:15 a.m. No. 70 Leaves Bulem ... 9:50 a.m. No. 75 Ar. Kulem (mixed) 2:00 p.m. No. 74 Leaves Halem .... 4:15 p.m. No connection south of Oner. No. 101 L. Hnlem, motor.. 7:00 a.m. (No, 103 Lv. Hnlem, motor 9:15 a.m. i No. 105 Lv. Halem, motor.. 1:10 p.m. ' No. 107 Lv. Halem, motor.. 3:25 p.m. No. 109 Lv. Halem, motor.. 0:15 p.m. No. 230 Way Fr't lv. Halem 5:00 a.m. ! No. 102 Ar. Halem 8:40 a.m. No. 104 Ar. Halem 11:25 a.m. No. 100 Ar. Halem 3:15 p.m. I No. 108 Ar. Hnlem 5:30 p.m. 'No. 170 Ar. Halem 7:45 p.m. ' No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Halem 1:35 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Lv. Hnlem 4:35 a.m.. 0:30 0:45 s.m,. 11:20 a.m.. Tialn No. Ar. Portland ... 2 Owl .... ;.. o 10 Limited 12 6:65 a.m. , 8:45 a.m. ..11:35 a.m. ,. 1:45 p.m. 1:60 p.m 14 .. 4:10 p.m .. 6:50 i.m 4:00 p.m....- 10 Limits'1. .. 5:37 p.m W .......... 7:55 p.m 22 .. 8:00 p.m. ..10:00 p.m. Ono had received $2 since niarriago and worked nil the time for her lis children: another was a school teacher who had to support her husband, a third .(l , hef wftg h(,r Q Bouthhound. Lv. Portland Ar. Bulem 6:45 4.m.... 8:25 a .n 10:40 a.m 2:10 p.m .... 8:55 a.m. 10:11 a.m. ......12:05 p.m. 4:33 p. . 5 Limited 7 9 ....... 4:40 p.m 13 Limited 6:40 p.m. ;i:IO d.iii iJuilv except Sunday. 0:00 p.m 17 Local 8:10 p.m. 9:20 p.m 19 11:25 p.m. 11:45 p.m 21 Owl 1:55 a.m. MOrUlDOUUU. Lt. f'orvullis 4:10 p.m Lv. Kugeno 7:35 a.m 1:50 p.m 0:10 p.m 12:05 a.m Lv. Salem 4:35 p.m Lv. Salem 2:00 a.m 10:15 a.m IiV, Hnlem 1:00 p.m... Ar. Haleia 5:37 p.m. Ar, Halem 9:45 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:55 p.m. 8:10 a.m, 20 10 Limited , 10 Limited , 22 ... 2 Owl .... Southbound. Ar. Albany ... 0:35 p.m. Ar, Eugene 7:05 p.m. Ar. Eugeua ... 7:50 a.m. ...12:25 p.m. Ar.. Albaay . 21 Owl 5 Limited 2:05 p.m. Stops at Corvallis Lv, Salem At. r.ugene .. 8:50 p.m. 0.10 p.m 13 Woodbiirn Local Dally Except Sundays No. 01 Leaves Sulom 3:40 p.m. Arrives in halem 3:25 p.m. CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS. Northbound, Lv. Corvallis Ar. Saless 8:20 a.m 10 9:45 a. in (Local Albany to Halem.) 2:32 p.m 16 4:00 p.m. 4:10 p.m 20 6:37 p.m. 6:05 p.m 22 7:85 p.m. Bouiuoouua. Lt. Halem 10:15 a.m 4:35 p. in 1:00 p.m 0:43 p.m Ar. Corvallis 5 9 7 13 ...11:34 a m. ... 6:02 p.m. ... 2:32 p.m. ... 8:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER BOUTS'. Oregon City Transportation Company. Steamer Pomona aud Orr-gona leavo Bulem fjr Portland and way landings, dally except Huuday, at 6 a, m.