Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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Watch Our Window
the "Daily capital journal, salem, Oregon, Wednesday, sept. s, 1915.
Never were we so well prepared to serve our friends and patrons.
Never has our stock been so complete at this season.
Never Have the Prices Been so Attractive
Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Blankets, Bedding,
Hosiery and
Ladies' Ready - to -Wear
of Dame Fashion's latest decree, fresh from the importer and manufacturer
shown in endless variety. All of the latest fabrics and colorings are now here
Fall Millinery Galore
Hats of every conceivable shape and style are here awaiting your inspection
and selection. Whether the large velvet, plush or satin Picture hat or the
small close fitting Turban it is here, and don't forget
Our Pure Food Department
A new department just added for the benefit of the thousands who know
anp! appreciate the many advantages offered in this line
A look will convince. We want your grocery business. ;- Give us a trial
order. See what cash will do. Reduce the high cost of living.
Street Committee Proposes To ,
Force S. P. To Protect
Pavement On 12th
i n
I whose title was simply "chief of the
army." Later, it is reported, the duke,
treated the czar curtly when the latter OPEN FORUM
visited the front. . . . . .
. The rrand duke is of a stern, strict
! type, unaccustomed to intimate friend-1
! shins. He mav be of the type, popular
This Is the Inference War
Expert Draws From Czar's'
- Announcement
By J. W. T. Mason.
New York, Sept. 8. With
control, presided over
. The voters of the citv of Woodhnrn
Public Market Location. yesterday voted to issue $40,(100 in
when victorious, but friendless nnu suitor i aitjiui journal: iyuiuij u"u .u i - ' -""
without a chance of holding a command1 me spat- m jour daily to maae cor- Wuil.hng in that city by a vote of It.'
when disaster falls. j rectiou in an unicle published in the to 2?,. It will be necessary to pur-
The duke attributed his reverses in last Sat... nay issue, pertaining to the chase a site for the new building out
it i..o.ilitv nf thni rrrv .tr.-.a iml.in- market. of the amount voted and it is probably
ivtrntrriiil war office to supply him with! From ti. article, it appears that Ij that about $35,0(10 will be put into the
Pntl-ncrrflit i
sufficient ammunition. But certain high am indiffeieut Or in favor of the pres-
quarters criticised turn personally, enc mantel location; inai u uumuni:,
Recently reports were circulated that
the duke was extremely1 ill, and needed
a rest. These stories, probably were
part of a plot to force his retirement,
JL never was, and am not in favor of
tlm TiroRPtit. locution, nr. all. As to this
! thr U little or no difference of to make one of the best educational in
! opinion either between the farmer orj stitutions of the smaller towns of tho
nconle. The ures-: state. Architect fieorge M. Tost is
Grand ' ,,,( of a shift! Wntion is ubiectiouable in more! preparing the plane for the new build-
Duke Nicholas removed from commands joubtieM the culmination of a long! than one rc.Spect, first it is on a street! ing.
of the Slav armies, the Russians here- .. :nK,. th duke. But. the whom there is but very little trafficjl
after will be directed by a board Ml hilll.eif ha8 n0 particular military second, it is between two large horsejfi ATADDU fAHCETl
by the czar. . .... i i t0 him the cam- barns, where it can have the full bene- WllMlUlll VnUUlil
r , . -n.Bt i luaHrprM , ... ... f iai nrc nri. n 11 nun ue-
iJb Ul 11IU HIV", . "J - - "J
ing ou the south side of a large frame
l.ini.liiii. where it L'ets hot enough to
cook eggs. True the hot weather will Must Be Destroyed Before Catarrh It
soon be over, you say, but how about j self Can ..Be ..Cured, says Specialist,
the rains and the south storms, with no Wonderful Bosults from Breathing
shelter or wind break whatever ou the Medicated Air.
. .L. .. njav.
SOUTU, DClUg IUW BAUemca uvvu n. a.
This is the most probable inference t0 j naiirn will bring forth worst disasters
be drawn from the czar's telegram to 'hR u has alrt,a,iv suffered. Hence,
President Poincare announcing he had;. ... ,,,,,,1,t:,,,,'ui1iv surround him-
himself taken command, followed by1 wth a boar(1 of strategy, to ad
announcement that the duke had been. direct tl)e situation,
made viceroy of the Caucasus. ,
The grand duke could not be publicly ' . p. l
disgraced after having supreme eom-JJ JJJ JUg OlOUldtU
mand for more than a year, out
privately he could be reduced in rank
bv just such action a the czar has
taken. At tho beginning of tho war,
the grand duke was made commander
in chief. He superceded even the czar
Is Dangerous
A bill for on ordinance to limit the
speed of steam trains to three miles
per hour within the city limits was read ;
at the meeting of the city council last ;
night and referred to the ordinance!
! committee. A remonstrance against the i
j paving of the Fairgrounds road was;
also read nnd the council decided to j
authorize the heaMi and police eom
i mitteo to provide a rest room for t,
use or the people visiting tins city i
during the state fair. The remainder
of the business coming before the coun
cil nt this meeting was more or less
The ordinance introduced by Alder
man Cook, chairman of the Btreet com
mittee to regulate tho spend of train:;
was explained by him as an attempt to I
compel tho (Southern Pacific to build
a retaining wall along Twelfth street
where the paving between tho rails of
the truck was of planking. It was re
culled in council that the railroad corn
puny first paved with Belgium blocks
which were set in cement but it. was
found that the heavy trains crushed
i the cement nnd caused the track to
settle. In order that the section crew:'
could repair tho tracks without ob
structing the streets the railroad com
pany wns'givon permission to tear out '
the paving' blocks and to put in planks !
provided the company would build a
retaining wall at the edges of the pave-!
mcr.t on cither side of their track si j
I the pavement would not hang suspended
without a support nnd crumble with the
weight of the trnffic. It appears thn-f
the retaining walls have not been built !
and tho Btreet committee reHirts that !
the property, owners who paid for the
pavement object to it being spoiled ;
through tho failure of tho company to
build retaining walls. ;
M. L. Hamilton nnfl IS others, all ;
property owners along tho Fairgrounds
road remonstrated against the paving I
on the grounds thnt they were in fa- I
vor of a pavement if the state could
appropriate $2,000 and tho me
the city would put ui ano
but the petition states that both
havo failed and tho property owners
uo not reel nolo to pay tor the pave
ment under tho conditions.
The health and police committee re
ported that they could secure a room
in the basement of the Masonic temple
for a rest room provided they would
elect a nfatron to keep the room in order
and to provido for the comforts of th'
patrons of the rest room. This is to bo
in use during the coming stato fair
A representative of the Montague
O'Reilly Paving company was prese.'i
and offered a cuiupiouiiNe in the mut
ter of the curbing on Mill street, tie
payment of which wns'held up liecaure
tho property owners were dissatisfied
$40,000 High School curl ib was sublet to another party and
too iwontngue-u Kcilly people were not
responsible for the wink as actually
(lone. Tho city was withholding tl.NNi'
nnd the company agreed to discoui;'
this bill 12 1-2 "per cent or $2.15 and
their propositi was accepted by the
The report of tho street committee
relative to the widening and opening
of Cross street stated that the city
could purchase from Charles II. Jours
wo strips of land needed for the sum
of $400 nnd the street committee recom
mended the purchase of this land. The
street committee also asked that the
old church building which has been
stniviliug lit the corner of Outer ami
Liberty streets be removed from the
streets by fair time.
W. Al Jones, secretary of the state
fair board, was given permission to
advertise the fair by stringing a line
of banners across the streets. The sum
of !'40 wns received and turned over to
tho treasurer as the contributions of the
Our fall goods are all in now and we are about to
dress our windows with the very latest -
Men's and Boys' Shoes, Clothing
and Furnishings
School Outfits and Clothing
for Boys
Everything new for Boys "
Suits of neat styles and patterns.
Shoes that will stand tough wear. -Hats
and Shirts to complete the outfit
Every purchase at our store -is guaranteed.
Brick Brothers
Corner State and Liberty Streets.
offers exceptional bargains in New and Qocondhaud Camping Supplies.
We buy, sell or trade, new and secondhand goods of every description. -'
Best cash prices for all kinds of Junk.
Western Junk & Bargain House
317-327 Center Street, corner Commercial.
Fhone 706
Si A Big Surprise for Hop Pickers i
rtv owners X . ...
400 Tonts at cost prices for this week only. Also everything needed 4
for cnmping. Don't fail to boo us if you need anything In this line.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
The House of Half a
302 N. Commercial St.
Million Bargains.
Phone 808
Woodburn To Have New
Wnodlmrn prnposes to have an up to
date hih school with all the modern
onveiuences and equipment that f?oos
Physicians Becommend the Use of Mag
Sufferers from indigestion or dyspep
sia should remember that the presence
of ens or wind in the stomach invar
iably indicates that the stomach is
....l,l.w1 hv excessive acidity.
This acid causes the food to ferment
..,.1 v,o (Wmnntintr food in turn pves
umi uiw .v....- n ... i. . i iL.I
rise to noxious gases wnicn uisieim u.0
stomach, hamper the normal functions .
of vital internal organs, cause acute)
headaches, interfere wim me v..
' the heart, am
A miblic market ought to be public,
and not hid away around some corner
j where people have to inquire aud hunt
In fin.l it
The proprietors of Barnes aud Stock
ton stores, havo consented to have the
market there.
Dated Sept. 0, 1913.
! Governor Withycombe
Issues Requisitions
ericre Willi -i , , : m CWJlluinrw nun iicuiuig mm
1 charge the blood stream Governor Withycombe yesteruny is-, Bllti(l(,pH(, jn(,rp,H,.,,ts. yoa breathe
poisons, whiclf in time! sued requisitions upon the governor or, n fl thr011Ki, ti, mouth and nnso by
e health. Fhvsicians saylthe State of Washington, the State tnl(ans of a iit, ),ari rubb.r inhnlor
with deadly
ntnat nun tne neami. . -j - . .
that to quickly dispel a dangerous ac-i ; California, aud the Btaie or w,i.h druggists furnish with it. This
cumulation of wind in the stomach and follows: . . ! medicated germicidal air penetrates in-
food fermentation which: Upon the governor of the state of. fo f()d mvl(,e of ,h(,
, oi the ess the acid in the stomach Washington for tne exirau.uu , mP!nbrnno of your, no.o and
rreates the gas, ine !, i Hnasinan. who is wanted n- ... ,.',. ....
:..'. l, ,.,;, nt ""'Hl, Kins ui" .oioiui H:mm llini
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names
Most annroved methods, Pri
mary, Grammar and High
School Departments, Com-
n I TT Dionn
Fieie OUrBtJ in amp, i conditions. Bisuraten "'"R 7' ir":t"his wife and children.
Voice Culture, Violin andltainable in powder or table foru m. l guverr of the state of
Harm0ny. No interference bXf X'
with religion 01 pupus.
Modern Conveniences
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
Becond Monday in September
Medicine taken into the stomach will
never cure catarrh. And neither will tho
sprays, douches, lotions, creams ttnd
other temporary reliefs that so many
catarrh victims make a habit of using.
To cure catarrh so it won't come back
you must first drive from your body
the millions of germs that nre flourish
ing in the inner recesses of your noso
and throat and are causing tho
There is a preparation which docs this
called Hyomei (pronounced nigh-o-mc).
Hyomel is a germ killing vaporized air
formed from the purest oil of Eucalyp
tus combined with other healing and
?)( JC JjC jfC rjC ijc ?J( 5ft ij )jc
Portland, Or., .Sept. 8. The
highest price for apples in five
years was paid in t big ileal
hero todny which involves ap
proximately 4IK) carloads of
the fruit." Every box of "(',"
grailo apples controlled by the
North Pacific Pruit. Distributors
this seuHun was sold, the trans
action totaling more than
if I -1,0(10, being at tho rate of
M.) cents per box. The snnio
grade of apples last year
brought only OU cents.
; Eugene Bosse Comes Back
From War-Torn Belgium
(l ovtlmiod from rage Ono.)
airship that was a myo speck in tho
sky and thnt niht or rather the next
uiuming at 2 o'clock just us it wiri
In-caking da,V five machines circled
over Ihn city aud dropped bombs In
to tho flerman forts, hilling fifty-fun-
property owners along the 'north three
blocks of Haginaw and the west one
half block of Mission' lor oiling. The
Orpheus .Male chorus was ullimcd $1(1 to
pay lor the moving of the piano to tli
band stand at the dedication excrcii
of the new band stand.
Mayor Hurley O. White wns out of
the city last night and Councilman Mills
wns elected to act as mayor for the
regular meeting.
"Raffles" In Real Life
Robbed Armour Mansion
. i men. -Anti uiiciatt guns ami cannon
jj, I were trained on tho machines but they
j were too high.' The (lenniins, he said,
.Jdid not. permit the raid of tho airships
Tiand the killing of their men to get Into
I the press dispatches,
l "Did you iiee miy fighting" he
i was linked.
"No one sees any fighting," he re
plied. "Th" cannons ronr and you cau
niit. hear yourself think und men ur
killed by hundreds but all are uudor
ground. The cauiioii un over on tliv
other side of a hill or hidden by tren:i
nuil only the scream of the shells witii
their mt'Ksugo of death is heard but yon
do not see anything. Karller in tile
war it was a common sight from llrus
sles at night to see du.eim of village
burning and lighting up the sky with a
red glare, somo near and some fin
away, Later, hundreds of refugee:
would como to llrussles or any where
else to get away from the scenes of
their ruined homes but overvone in
j Belgium is more or less of a refugee
miw and such tilings are common. Ii.
is uorrible, tho war is a crime."
Asked about the crops in Jiolgium,
Mr. Uosso stated that there were never
n.; ;..., ,.;n ....... i... .i,.ir.i ii newer ero . i.iere r nun tins year dug
fleneral I'un'ston carries out his present I ' a". for tl.o (lermans. (ler
, 1 iiiiiii ol fieers weii(t, to each Belgian
l"l""' I flllllier. " uii.l h... "ii.i.I ,il,.l 1,1,
I Ho expects to throw his lines along how m,i, h, wheat, outs, bailey com or
j the entire border in this region as a, other commodity his farm w:ould pn.
result of tho recent serious ruids by duee. and he told them. Then they
j Mexicans, That a concentrated show asked him how many horses, cows, or
General Funston Is Said To Be
About To Issue Military
lirownsville, Texas, Sept. S. Martial
law along the Rio (Irnnde, throughout
must be nentrali.ed ana tnai ior
purpose there is nothing quite so good
as a teaspoonful of pure bisurated mag
nesia taken in a little water immediate
ly after meals. This instantly neutral
izes the acid, thus stopping fermenta
tion nnd the formation of gas, and en
ables the inflamed, rti.ten.icrt "', "'"A, ' failing and refusing with
to proceed w th it. worK f , ', ' I ,,,, , ;,,, and sufficient cause to sup-
thRt ,h. bi,rto.l .Wh the Physi. i -o.y.ny.
presenile euqumi " -
I.os Angeles, Cal.. Sept. 8-Tl.at a
mysterious dirigible airship f ys a m
rl'ehtly at great speed over the desert
3 of Parker, Ariz, sweeping the
country with powerlal searchlights wan
the assertion nere ".'" , -
, prudent of the Vista Land om
nanv Dr. E. J. Vcrmilyes, of Kcdlands.
and H. E. Olond, surin.endent of the
Caltona Mines companr-
11,1 ' 1 InAira trinfa anithcfl Tfffltinna mnA itnm
larceny by bailee. He is now being ; wolen infIaiIlf.,i membranes, stops
held by the authorities at Vauuwcr, , (lj(charfe an poniI p tll0 cIKKCl1
Washington. . n0Be an,i B;r passages ln a truly wonder-
Ipon the governor of the state or fu) wRy Jt l)oM nM Jn We
California for the "'""Vl.h 1 n.inutes from catarrhal distress of every
W. C. Hi", who u " :;kind and if vou make- a practice of
breathing Hyomei for a few minutes
each day for just a few weeks not only
will all the symptoms of catarrh vanish
hut the disease itself will be t thing of
the past. No one need try or buy Hyo
mei on pure faith. Daniel J. Fry and
many other leading druggists in Ralem
and vicinity sell it with the positive
guarantee that it must cure catarrh or
that the money paid for it will bo re
funded. Hyomei is very inexpensive
and with this protecting guarantee be
hind your purchase there is absolutely
no reason why any sufferer from catarrh
should not give it A fair trial.
Falling Tree Limb
i . Breaks Man's Back
Dallas, Or., Sept. 8. .1. H. Full, aa
employe f the Hpnulding Logging com
wl.iln fcilinir trees Monday was
struck by a falling limb niuj his back Los Angeles Express: And while the
.... itrnkon. H is at Dallas hospital b'ovs of Kurorie nre pret.nring to march
and will die. Full has a wife and two to war, the boy:i of the United Ptntes
children at Etflo Creek, Oregon. ' are preparing to merch back to school.
Chicago, Hept. 8. Detectives todny
believed an uptodate (taffies with two
partners was responsible-for the holdup
uud robbery of .Mrs. .1. Dgden Armour
in her Michigan avenue mansion .Mon
day night, when jewels worth f .1,0011
wern taken,
They had rounded up Melville Hooves
of force will havo as much persuasive, other livestock iie had. Ilo told them.
force as American bullets is the belief Then they asked how much it took to
of military men. feed the stick, nnd ho told them. .V
Following out of tho view thnt size 'simple sum in subtraction and the tier
impresses a Mexican, Funston intends: man officer informed the farmer that.
to mass all available troops while he they would de I upon hi in for just
leaves tho interior situation to be '"'t '"any supples and if ho did not j.ro
cared for by state ond local forces, j Oiem well ho must produco
Authorities coiitiniu to find incrcas I tliem.
alleged "society" burglar, and planned ij PVi,,.nco of widespread acceptance , "''.vl ertninly they would pay in
, I'"""": """ of the plan or Han J)iego, whereby, " lur7"" ",c .
identificntioii purposes. Thnt, sun will M( - t() m,ize ft ponsirtornble1 , 'Everything is 'after the war on, I
urn i.eiitui imiiier pi'iunps will ei
tions!:""" ",v . .. V. . . .. win perhaps he will mit
withl!" 'na,r " ""'"""'"' "Every one loses in war," said Mr.
it is una u.o. mowM irms "' ' I Jw. " no mutter who wins. "
K.o (Irnndo have not been unorganized Mr J((lNW ,,IM tW( a)lJ U(iwll,ws
raids, but (leneral iMinston is now fihtinK T?i the llelgiun ariny now somo-
li.ieni, rani concenirnuiiii ur i i mc.i ,vhere on the French border.
States trmips
their growth.
lie amo to mara nun. n ne is ine ..... , . .,:.... i...i ,
guilty pnrty, is the police belief as she i" ' !,Z , ll,iJ if ,''f'"".v wins and if the nllioi
eaimiy gniiieren complete nocr
of the men while one covered hi
a revivor, r.nd the others ransacked
her jewel deposits
Hi-eves told the police as cnluily and
suavely as though he were discussing
society In n drawing room that he
knows absolutely nothing of the Arm-
forms closely In ono of the
them by Mrs. Armour.
iree given
Asftoria. Or.. Sept. 8 The (five
masted Herman bark Kurt which has
been anchored in tho Columbia river
hove Tmigun Point since the opening
of tho European war is to be sold. In
structions to this effect were received
by Captain Toiinison today from the
owners of tho craft in (Icrnmny. Ac
cording to Captain Tonniso'i the bark
is to be disposed of provided that a
fair price Is offered for her.
The bark entered the river Hcptombor
11, 1W14 nnd is one of the finest ves
sels of tho kind thnt has ever entered
the river.
will completely check
Serious Blow to Villa.
Washington, Kept. 8. What may he
the final blow at (leneral Villa's army
was reported today In state department
messages detailing the full of Maltillo.
The Viilistas retrcatou lowani ior
"1 did have three," he said, '
in tim war."
"I am glrtf to get buck In America,"
ho concluded, "but the scenes, and tin
war und hoiror, and tho suffering, it If
a crime. ' '
At his homo near this city he said ho
intended to again tuko up his life long
profession, that of producing fla,
abandoning three trainlonds of I wni, h Intends to grow ou a largo
n- ii I .
soldiers and most of tho Villn artillery
(leneral Huoul Madero's troops were re
ported to havo been isolated.
The dispatch wus dated Tuesday at
Lakepnrt, Cal., Hept, 8. Edward Kit
gerald, one of the three bandit who
today uud throw himself, upon tho
mercy of the court.
Judge Hnyro immediately sentenced
to life in Folsoni prison. "If it hint
been left to a jury you'd have been
hanged" said tho jiiilye.
Arthur FiUiicrnld and Hubert Dolli
Other gang members, are now serving
V .. ' . t-r .11... l..!..l. UIH,
loi,i up an.l s.ii.l """ "ilife sentences. Th erbnt Wl tom
an express .gciiv uk.v, , uitteJ ft Jw(