Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 07, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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No. 759th Wednesday Surprise Sale
A Sale of Desirable Huck Towels
2 for 25c
Generous in size and of good quality with pink or
blue border, these towels should appeal to all
housekeepers. It is by a special good purchase
that we can offer these at this price. On sale
Tomorrow Surprise Prices 2 for 23c
Sale starts at 8::0. See the window display.
Special Sale Prices on
for Winter
Around Town
Dr. Mendolnotin, specialist In fitting
glneuci correctly. U. H. tank blJg.
Oscar rail, k Umber feller of the
Spauhling Logging company, nt Hlnck
Rock, m wriounly injured yenler
day, o
Dr. Stone'i Drug store. tf
Frof. Otistav Ebsen and wife ar
rivVil iu the city yesterday from Hu.k
liiuinon, W. 'u. Jlit will have tiiu
chair of modern languages in Willaiii
ctto llllivomity,
Dr. S. T. Mclntire, physician and
urgoou, 214 Masonic, bldg. 1'honu 410.
ym rt unnni.iH - i . . .
atu vt. nttuiiiuuiB, luiniiivuiH necro-
tary of tho Commercial cluh, in taking i
t, n nuttnn fl.lu ....... I. ...... ...I I .. .a 1.... .1
-" . ! "'! n'iiuinK mi. uiiii'i
at bin prune rnneh, south of tho city in
tho Liberty district,
tf i
Dr. Stone'i Drug Store.
W. A. Linton, the real estate and In
surance man, will leave, tomorrow by
auto for a thrnn wocka' business null
vdoimuro trip to I.nkeviow and Klumuth
Dr. Utter, dniiUnt, will return from
' ., 1 .. 7 . , nun IIM'OmUH'll-
Nntloniil Dental ( oiiKiena Heptemlier' dnlioiiH tin to oriinniat nnd chorister
111 OfficK 4U Kill,.,,, K,i,,I f l.,.i'l'lin i.m.si;,.., I.,
13. Officii
iimrro llldK-
The Model Print Shop U the name of
a new job prlntinx firm, located In the
Hteuidoff building. The pnrtnera nrc
Hurry llniiHon and D. A. Malone, nml
bpnidcii other work, thny are getting out
tho movto iro ru tun.
The Maple Booming House haa been I
ncilntiuili'il and linn been 1liiiriiiiliK-i
... .....r.u ,.,,iH xAwiinp nun uovn
dinciinlinned and liui) been Ihorouuhlv
rnuovnled nnd iniule new throughout,
ami a piMinunent nchool of expienslon
hnn been entulillnlie.l by Mm. Anna
liodgern KUh.
The rlier today haa the same depth
, , ,iin in ...i
below low water mark. At Albany it Is
b.w.iP lltHt. .,...'.. 11... i .
ii nun inreo ween bro. Tina In feet
, , "ii.i." .. in,. i" i'.'iui rors or tlie South Fork
lower 1 hail at any time for tho punt four : of the Snntinui, in which they nlnve.l in 1
yearn, Din tins J..I feet l.olow r.ero inaliout 100 tier cent luck. TI,'.J mi
low record here, even In dry Hummer;
1 kn IIUI. I
. ., . " ". .'.v cur anu ever ttiiveUs Short.
A big crowd out to the Cottage- ly after arrivi.g ,ho ,,ig grouiAl
farm lanl evening to hear the concert buck wim killed by Dr Skiff tl... ,.'
K Ve,lbytho c,biiiedlu.i.,ln,h,.Sule,n!d..y .1. A. Gwin,, "killed another , , ,
Wilitary and Asylum bands, about ,t(l ! tbn following duv nnolher buck
picccn in all. After the concert, the shot. '
'. ! ..in voiinui' iiirin i
tad iiiiteiiiiinoi ,ll. 1....T...I . , ..
.,,, , . """'
Card of Thanks.
einM'.v our luMirtfelt :
kUd'utsV' ,! :":'!'''.!:::":!, ,,,r. "",
U !!!' "", ,,0'',,,l ",vi,,Ki department of
-Military bund, on account of tho work -the
ncason ill be ee
week, wi.i, pr;;,,lim ,: :
final entertainment
Alvlu WlevenleoJrv of Oregou City,
linn nieuilicd his intention of nttend
ing Willnmctle uuiM'isilv thin full. ),.
went up to the finals ( the Oregon in
ter m liiilaslic d. billing league ,.f l!M
; ; " """"' """""':
in i.i.'fi.ii ny, win also attcui . j
.. .. . '
Oamr Do Oommerclo Interiintlmul .
Do HiMml in the heiul.iig in poriueue...
ou le.ter , ehed n, ?he n
club, written by tl ctarv of th, ,
boy. roinpnnv The letter in da I '
Angus, 7. aid disc,,,. . t 1
i.K-1. iiiiiki n.io utcmi to ifo hiHiiics.i ,11
Uranil, may nemie ltuporinut informi,
Offli-eri for the rowing yesr will be
elected tom.irtov." i.lleit.eon at the
quarterly mooting of the Wninnn'n For
",gu Minaimiary no.iety of tl,e Fi i
Metilodmt CJIli-ch, V. Ill, Il lliectl wr
Mm. 11,-nr" Tulbol, Kiinlml! coll,
1 ian. will be couiplcle,! at Uu. eutf
All Blankets Prepare
Cold NOW
;rr () imtictil brum h i ting to bo
ihohl in Snloiu, October 7 10.
Dr. R. N. Avtson returned last even
ing from n two weeks' visit nt
1'inil, Minn., where he went especially
to official,! nt the wedding of his oldest
P. E. Fullerton and family and Joe
timber nml family returned hint even
iii from u three days' niilo (rip into
thu Silota country. Keturuing, they
.nine over tho new roud up the Silotz to
Itock creek 11 ml then across to Falls
City. Mr. Fullort.ui snys tho new ronil
emu ho ensily traveled, nml for a Bceuic
roiito, it can't he Iient.
joiiii urnner tried to carry away the
old hand stand on two truckn yesterday
..II. . .
John Oraber tried to carry away the
uiivi Miion, jiut i or noma reason, while
tint idea wnn a good one, it. wouldn't
work, ho today ho loudcd it on two wug-
jinn nm I hnulcd it hlm, , rt of
kcopnnke, nuggestivo of tho onrly hnml
Mi.vo in nuioiu, ii mi niNo to bo used iih ii
piny h mi e by hin children.
The official board of the First Moth
odwt church will meet Wednesday even
ing at tho church, the Uov. (. .
hoii preiidinjr. The comuiittee of music
"in minimi m.i reimit w II i-,vo,inm,.
1 " i"i'ntnin vill it inn ciiiuii un nt t'ii
liieeliiHT lis to wiictli-r Hie i,,,, ,.,,..
snouhl l.c iimmi for other than cliur.h
Ed Bullock, who hnn charge of a
restnurnnt on Nrlh High Hti t, wan
bruined nnd pninfully injured lust ev
ening iibout 7 o'clock wiien run in to
"ill"""" mule Htmitliiiif n
"" ido f Hie dnorwnv of the Western
IIIIIIIL'll. It Hci'iim ll.l i.: . .,
4 ...... mi-in i,t in me
our lost control of the tuiichim. just us
il entered Iho ll'lllliri. L ii. .. L I .... 1
Mullock down
nt opped.
before the cur could he
n t
Dr. Seymour Hktff m..l T a n...i
ycnniruuv irom a deer hunt
on tho North Fork of the South I t
l... u.. .... . .. . . 1,1111 roiK
returned yesterday from ,1...., i,
miles north of Foster ..ml ui'.... .i. '.
mil.. ;.. .i in.-.-
,. Y .' ". nuiii iiirinei
hnn any cur hud ever traveled. Short-,'"
o .
Th. a..i. .. . i
iiomou ice iota during the1
,'""""' ' AOgunt, ntampn nnd ntnm,H.d !
inner . I . ..i...... .. j i ...iu ....
pontage fur necon, clnnn matter ninouii't-1
'd to '!H3.H0 nnd for tl,i,.l I t !
r'r -3i t." !
- - ' :" V"""
, ' "(in 111 swim
acioHn the mouth of i. f i,i.; .:....
at Aslorin. The rier at thin point is,
five mile, wide, ami from tepo.tn ro-1
reived, it neeinn tlmt the wind wn blow '
'"I! ntroiig and with the rough wter I
the nnimmer could mnl.. b.,i .. ..I
.L .. .HI .i ,
me i,vi miles. ,s, vv,..i 1 1
niother. m,. k,ii u-,...
.,,11 ..,. . , ., ' ' vl
'"u:.1 '.v "t.'smcr for Shu Frnncisc.
'"" 1 ll,,,1,ll".v"
.., ,.. . IT0
',u " ""J" V V , f
,, , , , K' ( the
'i ' "f . A,"fM-' ,l""1" '"' tw.'lvo
rl ZZ V"
,. """ii "I'm ceil ,11,11,1 on,,,
'.'"'"Ie 'y t,, ,..,,, llf ,.,,.,;
:lic.-.e, we,,. tcs.it,s, nil tvpl,i,l'
lever. Hot three f tl,,.,,, ,.,,, (lf
r i,l,,...l r. 11-
O. .1,11111 e 1...
1 1 ' ' """i ..q'ie living out or
the cty, t!n. typhoid developing H few
da.vn utter their urrival. Tin. two citv
canen were contracted bv pmticn dii ik
mif from a cef.nii, well, no thai wow it
!,y, ho,d whatever ( ,h ,:i!y
u.nv on it:,c in v .11,. I ik.,...
IS 110
Justice Harris Hands Down
i Decision h Famous Marion
Ccisaiy Land Case
The Fiijiirinc court reconvened this
moiT.'iiii; nl'ier n imuiili's vu'-ntion nnd
liiimltil down four ilicisioiis iiii-liHliiig
tin- ctise of I., .limes n'uinst Cfcorgc
1 ('. Shefler nnd oilier., nppeuled from the
l'-i si ii n of .Inde AVillintn tJnllowny, of
! tliis county, by the pluintiff. The de
cision of Justice lluiris was n nioilificu-
! tion or' tiie opinion icn'liTcd in tlie iii
cuit court depui'tiiient No. 2 of Marion
con n't y.
Thin was a suit liroupjit by M. I.
Jones against (icoin ('. Slicflci- and
Hello M. Wiefler, his wife. V. J. Kir!
redge, the Sn.stiku Fanns company,
.1. II. I 'uuiriiiiiKs, J. C, Wolfe moF K. j'.
I.iindy and ,'it'lcr beiti( tried iu the cir
cuit court before .ludj,'e (!i;lloiay was
apieaci by Mr. Jones lo the supreme
court. It nppcars that Mr. Jones was
the i. wnci of two farms contniniriL' 71(1
and 5(1(1 acres respectively incumbered
by a niort,'tige of .-"i,(Mi(i. ' 1!. A. Frond
foot nas the owner oP the I'm.,- li,,t..l in
! I'oitland which was valued nt .li.000
and was incumbered with n mortnai;e of
:iS,0im. Mr. Jones traded his farm
property for tlie hotel but tlirnmrli tlm
nircncy of Shefler, who cliiimcd he had
claims niiniiist Mr. I'roudfont. Ilv rens
on of these cliiims the defendant.H
(i(j;reed that one fnrni should be deeded
'to Mr. Shefler and the other to Frond
foot, Accordine to Justice llnrris' opinion
the facts of the ense were that after
considerable trading nml high finunce
to complicate the deal it transpired
that Mr. Shefler never had aav cli.im.
(iKiunst l'roudfoot nnd thsit Mr. Jones
liud been imll.l out of his fnrm of
!I0 aeien. Judge (ii.llownv ret aside
the deed to Shefler but nwurded u
.liiilgment of t)i II, (mil ngainst Mr. Jonc
m fnyor of the Swnstilni Farnin com
pany by virtue of certain improvements
that Inn been put on the'lund. Justice
1 urns' decision holds that the eeil
nhnll remuiti ci, I, d ns by the -decision
of the lower court but that tin
judgment, ahull be set nside ulso nl
Ihough Mr. Jouch is held responsible
tor the debts ugniicHf the hotel prop
erty. Attorney .Ii.I.m ri u..v
-. . , ' ,ni v re ire-
"ented tho uppellant and (.'. A. Mur div
and .1. A. Cnnley tippenied for the re
npondent. Tho other decisions lian'deil down
were un lollown:
(Irnud Fli.e llvdiunlic. Ml,..,. ,.i
npi'WInntH vn. It. Uoswell et til, nppenl
ed from Josephine county, motion to
iHimsn appeal j,.,,),.,, inim .
two llenson.
Flunk 11. Overland vs. 0 -W R &
-ompany. nppellnut, appenli'Ml ' from
Mnltuomnh county, motion' to dismiss
appen dented, opimun by Justice Henri
Willinm R. Kelly vn.-A. W. Weaver
't nl, appellants, uppealcl from l.nne
county, petition fr reheuring denied
l"on by Chief .lv,Nti.-. Moore
!." 'i.""'."' n''l,lllt, vs. ( nv
'out & hud company, appealed from
( oon county, petition for rehearing de
me. , op,,,,,,,, by Chief Justice M,,re.
MoUonn f,,r rehearing, were also de-
od .,, W ,11,,,,,,,, vs. ,,ll(.ific s
pany, olmberg vn. Jacobs, llnvnen vs.
iiebinch ,,"",I"'.V, ".) I.Wight vs.
Mrs. W nnlfred Clarke, deputy coun
y clerk, left thin city S,v t', Sun
Ibego, where she will spend a month
vimlin nt the home of her parents, Mr
and Mrs. W. T. Kigdoti.
H. B. Thlelsen rctunicrt n,ii, t
I ten dnyn' visit ut Sun Francisco, lie-
niuen uueu.tiug tlie exposition, he went
be Present ut n meei,,,,. ,.f ,i... . .... .
officials ot the Masonic I, nine
8lnte "'Kw
State HiKhway Engineer CnnOne re-
turned todnv from n ui.. tl ,u. .
"P I'ouutv over the c..i ....i.i.. i.i..i. .... '
,,,, , , "k " " ii,
, ,, ,. .' , nisi ninoH nt
' ""' ,lnnl''1 1,1 Mitf ln-ll I'oin,
v., .,i.,.r uay. uns in cans th .
of the famous irni.l.. ....... i 1 '
i . . '-""
M . i ii, .. . ".iu a run ini
Mitchell n l'o.ut of the Columbia hi-h-way,
engineer John II Lewis left
il.:- . . . ... ... . . L' Wit
".'"" win, i, fnn,iv f,.
1 1V'VK" v""t in Cab'orci,, ,,iut
which tin... M .. i .... . ,, . "M
llli""al li rigntioi, ,g,cnn "to be
I Stockton. At l,u ,
t deliver ,; .,,,:;
i September U on "State Control
I nguiion iMsiricts. ' '
j C. A. Vlbbert and Elmer Ai-mstrcng
were the only two S,,!,.,,, ,., j,,,
.... . ....,.- ,ne rortlnml Koning
, ...i.u.r nay piutille from S
, 'ortlund. In alt. ,i were in the
rtl.ll l.ir, mt t .. I..I . .1. ..
......... .. , nuii.iny iiiniuii,,,
lh. Sunday .night cn,p w !,,
..... .ewnerg, 1.1 milen hiiMm-
I made that day. The remainder of th,
, n. i'.i...iui-, J 0 clock Moil
I iiltcl noon.
A atateiiient mas issuel today
State SuiH'Mliteluleiii 1 C 11... .1..
.. .'
nrueut. for
stulcment from nil itl,
' onuhn of the
business Scntcmliei- ' Tl..,
ni m.rs ut me-.,. , ,
. . ., . ' iisnii
liui call or 1 he national coiiiptioll
currency to nil n.ituouil I . ;..
lIM.nt was
1 f
Htntc for n Mntcmonl covering the an,
' "- n- rive culls n,,i,,
nunlly nml todnv 's the t.unh
Inst one nun made June 2.1.
At tho Annual election held yesterdni
afle,lio.i,l In Hi., I',.... m .1. . '.
1 . 'ii ilioil,
church, ,.ff,cers ,f t. ti,l iVopl..",
Home for the coming mr wee elected
nn toiiown; M, 11. 1., Steeven
dent; Mm r,,,in C. ri.r....ii.
vice prem, lent; Mrs. A.
wcond vice prcsiilcr.) : M
A. Cderh.ll
Van nie M
lVna. recording necrvtnrv; M
1 V, -., n.Mnming nccretnrv
'Mrs, II. K (lurrier, treanurYr.
Salem Street Rakay Cars
Make First Appearance On
p . i a..
Streets of Uns lily
( hi-rry red for' the . heny City
first of tiio new cms for tiie
street Railway coaiai
its antieurniii. nt. tl.n
vi ii ii h inii'le
tii'.'ts of riiis
city today. The new car i-; number V.-i
and is one of the n:rs which l.fs been
in use in tiiis city, remodeled and re
painted lor the strict radwav svstein
in this city whi.-h iciims to 1,1. tlie
I'ortl-.irnl, Kngeue & Ka-'en, and is now
the Salem Stre,.i K'fi.K -ii- ,.m,.,i-
.inoiuer or tile o i .in
. wa sent
avciton hist
.voikcrl over
as which is
'wiry lo re
intention of
vei c one of
to the s'noi.s at p.i
night where it will In
i nd returned in about i"i
the length of time in e.
model one car. It is tlie
the fomnnuv tn ,..,. i,.
tin: II! service cnri ill dailv un' on tic
streets of this citv nrrordfn-' t" Super
lntoridont T. X. '.illiiigsly and by tin
lust of next vein- nil of the ears in us-
in MHem will lie the net ( 'm-nv
Kven the ntrcct car band has been re
named nnd the bi.se drum remodeled
and repainted .until it bears a flaming
cherry red sign aiiaoii.ing that the
band represents the Salem Street Rail
way company instead of the I',, K & );
lis formerly.
During fair week all of the ears of
trie eoriiDiinv wi I
I " i ' i' i- lint
of the ,, s to eonrnr'n ,'' ""it""- !
rednid Cherry ' I " ., j., lu
A liot eufl wan sent In yesterday aft
ernoon from the hop yard run bv Don
Mcf arthy of the Zollcr Hop comimnv
north ot this city and Sheriff Ksch and
Ueputies Needhum nnd Rower went out
to investigate. They found that about
thirty of the pickers had become .lis
sntisfied and ilem.i,,.l,.,l i,:..i
, . . , ......... (iiiiei Huees.
elu.in.ng ttat they should ho paid !".('
. ,,r' 'I I0r ,l10 "est hops and
()0 centn fi i,.. n.. , . .
down. MeCarthv ... .
i " r'li.'inK hi cenis
por box and declined to pay more ns
ho said that this was the standard price
thin year. 1
While no vinlencn I, . ,
. . nui iiei-ii aiiemotei
wan S!d that the ring lenders of the
strikers shut. t).u .....:.. ,
- Hn'i ii'llillllg XO
yard and when some of the strikers
, . , " -"i"i- ui ine s
........picii to go to the yard had call...
.. ii. scuus anu told (.cm they wmil.l
I'O lieaten up. The ring lenders we c
interviewed by sheriff Ksch and said
they were willing tri gt nf the y,,)
f permitted to go and they went. - Mc
Carthy .was removing the household
and enmping e fectn of the remainder
of the disgruntled pickers today.
A Sllit fur ill, ,., 1 v
t ie circuit court of this county bv
t azel M. stough ngainst Ralph Htouei,
l .'Kiiig cruel 01..I inhuman rentmen
The pluintiff states in her compla
that lier husband called her vile , ,",
mo' .TT;1 f? ,"'ovi,,, " h0' f
hat she left hin home in Missouri
;.."', 10 mother in New
... . ,. ,., i in
..,.. , .
In 11.10 nnd have one e l " ."""I'j
four vearn. of whom th , Z .1 I , "ml n 1S ,luw I'OKsib e t
tlic custody. V cvV MaT ' in Z TTi ' 'T V""y ,'0,1S,, ln ,'",t
'V f".' the p a ariff attot- of he cty. Larger pipes are being re-
l"""lff- . '"' I'etween Bellevue and Oak streets
A number of week-end . I 1''l,rt.v, ami on Bellevue, between
vere i s u byT,'. i (',l,!'""'r i1' This hist work
Snturdav after about U ' 1 ?! "C '" with the
activity!, i ., , , k "f I""" I stl'l'''t improvements now under wav
fre 1 T n sT"1 n!nrt A1 ! '-l-vi'n..-..t are also under w v t , J
iM.iq,! r, ii moMiie- met ii re iu.,t... i
A'igel. and Nor i; s't r . ..
1,-rk of M, , ". .., ' "l,r"'.IW'
and J o k. T i,i 7 B V V1,8,,1,k,'n tlmt city to be arraigned
W , r . ,, Minnie j 'T'" i1,"-"" ,,,,r, " " of" ob-1
Hurley, nl , f u- llJ-rT H"!'.V P-'tense .
cense Saturday
ini'd were married yen-
) fiiuin it ii
The company M rifle team which will
represent tin- Salem eompanv nt the
Mate rifle shoot which began 'today 0n
the ( lackniuun range left Inst liight
tor i',c ntle pi,,. .The Snlem team
consists of Sine MHI,..,I si
w, -
, ''? ! rnv,:- Hickox. stceves, .11.! North Ch c h i "" hl"r "'"?!' w thnt. f
oiM.Mii.Mi ur AUsiitlAN BATTETRIES FOR BIG DRIVF. nv vn,. i
f r L: V. Ill ! '
of 1,- .- I-" , ,rit yi U tt r
i Hx . sj-v 01 wn
, , viV-r ....h r.-.",v ,r y4ni
inbi .n (X 4t- ;' vlT' 1 FjTI visit
party P -V V T -J. . v sj
it.' 1 it f- vr.-r .. '-vit :r?.L . a.'" ? -w. :jk-t.?f-"UT .
mA'4! V? Kxr4 i&rj.
1 ' 1 - ' mm v,m. a.'m : 1 1 j 9t . . y - ' si jk . r- - - i j r -me
1 y&i? 1 'Mil
K .1 " ''-W-Cjjw "III I
. .
Calif crman Lost hrst bet but
W Tl. Aflmvp T
IJUU 1K1CC VU1C10 111
I.-,.,,.,, ii:ii t t ..t 7 w r
ri- ir
Johnstou. of Sail Francisco,
this after-'
i . i . .
noon won the national tennis
ship, defeated Maurice E. -M
in the title round.
Johnston won in three straight sets
after losing the first set of the match
to his fellow Culil'orninn.
The two last sets taken by .Johnston'
went to deuce and provided some of
the fastest play that has been seen on
the West Side Tenuis dub courts.
Fightecn games were played in the
last set before Johnston finally won
out, taking with it i 1 1 1 the championship,
which .McLoughlin sought to regain,
Scores by sets l-(i, (i-H, 7-3, lO-H.
Forrest Hills. I.. I., Sept. 7. Maurice
M...M,rl,i;,, ., tl,.. :.. ,i.,
,1 " .i, ...... i .. .'1,1 -. ' i ill I IIU
, liui; luiiini lor Hie Ililliouai T l1 11 11 1
I chanipionship her.
this afternoon from'
i W . M. .lohiiston.
e a!
I lie two ( ;i 1 1 1 orm.'i ns were givt
great ovation as they took the court in
their battle for the championship. Mc
Loughlin started with a terrifically
fast game, taking the first set li-l. '
Johnston won tlie third set T-o.
Johnston ,i,l not show as well in il,
first set us i l.is i,,t..h i.-iii. u';n;...
I'.iaTiir. in' .1 .i .. t. ..,,.4,11,. 1 A I
l-mghlin quickly smashed through ami .
t blood. the secnd set!
velous game and bv quick smashes and ,u'1 l0 "?l l'VV' '!!"', th? V"
'well placed returns quickly took the net I ' X"" T- ""i lro,0 th
i without losing a game. " ut ,sl""c m ,hof oar tutnre.
H-ui, .. - o . t- L"th leaders broke l.i out ,ot 2o birds
I h a score ot ng.unst h,m Mc-!.,10t Th(, .,., of tlu, ,,.,,,.
'Loughliu braced m the third set and by.f the shooter:-, in this special 25 bird
1''l'""'li"1'' recovery carried the set event were as follows:
: to deuce Johnston carried the game; F. Steusli.tf HI, C. Siensloff 11 Louis
In flio "I i mi ..f ':1. I ... i. .l .. . , i . i. .. ... .. .. '
i-,, ,,,, looii me ;iNiiuuii ji, I'nrce Jll, Jtunnett 10, An
nex! two games. demon K
Johnston was comimr in nfter Arc! In I'm. s n i.vn.it n,
after Mc-
J-OllgllllU S Service lllld met his returns
at the net in sensational stvle.
The fourth set went to deuce and a
sensational see-saw fight then .level
oped. Johnston won 10-8.
! turds'.
Golfers Are Thrilled. -After the rcv.ulr.r shoot a practice
Del Monte, Cab, Sept. 7. Heinrich' sluot wlls s,ilf,',d for the older marks
Schmidt, ngain furnished the big thrill ' lift' I'nrkor was high man
in ttin ..mini, ..i.. f..- i. .u i breakinir !M) ner cent of his tni-in.ta si.i.
in tno match n av for the stnto
chamnionshio today, hut tun unimiim
al up-sets also added to the excitement! !'''"' st,'1,s,Pf1' wll "hot in the
furnished bv the second round ! beginners shoot tried his hand wilh the
Schmidt beat Jack Neville 1 up toOT'-?"'1 hrokat ,.RW W,or,y
20 holes. Both played the ,nost M ' V" i t","-" ,n CC"t'
tional golf ever witnessed on the Del ' " Fatim b ''"t 'l
Monte links, making a score of tn.l L l'0," b,' "? 1 r an!
match wan even up nnd the medal score
tied at B9 when the players completed HI out of 25 and Siddall Bioko 17 Wil
tho 1811. hole. The lilth was halved and! son 10, Whorloy 12 nnd Tobiii 10
oclimidt then took the twentieth. I ' -
The unexpected happened when Hnrrv nl-U Wl L 1)1 J
K. B. Davis and K. Y. If uvnes wuro 1L1LJ1 Hall. II W Ijtl.ril
eliminated. Davis was beaten by M.
I'hillips, 1 up. Hayne fell before
I " up u,i - u) piny, t'tul-l
lips played a 71 to beat Davis, who,
score,! a oar 72. I
Considerable work is being done by'
tin, 1',, ,il,, ,,.1 l).,:i i , 1
......I. luiiini., i.ignt una i-ower
company in the Fairmount Heights part
of the city, (ins mains tire being hud
.io-sii.il cireer l0 nevoilil Wash-
I !?I?.n "mJ !n
ci,ri- t. . -
i.r" . " relVrn?a ,ro1" Stayton
"iternoon with John Scott, who,
wns taken to that citv .. i .'...
1 i ii iii i. i'ii tl... .
"IK. giving as his rcnsoi, tl,.. f... ,..'!""' Milling, mieht Iipov 'i.
i, ;.,,.i ... .., , . ': .'"
i . . . - i 11 1 I
. , - i (iiini.i iu uie circuit
uuiit nnd accept sentence. He was
bound over to the grand .jury t,y ,u.
justice ot the peace at stayton". "
The Queen EStherscTety of tho Tirst
.Met hoi ist i-linr.ili ,. :n i. .ii .. .
ening ineetiug toinonow ..v...,i,, . , .
' ' "in mini i nm
I i .. .
o,eees, ,110 .Mirth Church stroi.t
....... ' . "i -mis. ji. I.,
. '""""." -""torcyclo otfieer . Eugene
tftfy 'MQ t rS .-?Wy & A - i
r ' r i. r n t
Kelusecl to uiscuss tonrer-
I enro anrt .Wrpfarv
vjivv vv.v..j
i hilent, Also
nshniL'ton. iept. . Aiisinan im-
' Washington. Sent.
" ...
bassador Itumbii iiebl a twenty-live ;
champion- jninute contereuce witn secretary iaiis--cLoughlin
'"B " t,' 8lute d''!1"1'111"'1 this after-j
' 1 noon. " !
The ambassador declared his business j
was completed and that ha was leav
ing for -New York tonight. Neither he;
nor Secretary Lansing would discuss in
detail the result of too session tliaiigiii
Lansing is known to have expressed!
dissatisfaction at tho letter Dumba wr.sj
forwarding to his homo government'
through American Correunondent Archi-'
bald bearing on the proposed walkout, i
f Workmeu
in in ii iu mm uiiu on vi
, A request for Dumba's recall by I
! Austria is not anticipated, though oine
action is possiblu when I're.sident Wil-1
!...' , i..
nil 11 I I'l 11 , IB ,b 1 I IIUI l. Ui I II I D II L LCI IIUOIl D
" 1
Capital City Gun Club
holds beginners 5hoot
I -t 'I"' beginners
iCiipital City Kod am
shoot held at the
; (inn ( lub grounds
SiunUiy a iiumbe
of the shot gun art-
ists about town
were given their first
cuuuce io ::nooi. ui cn.y inn s. A v
;; ,0"' w"','1:-'1 er toed the peg r.t
;'n'''s. '' w.-t, harred imm c.,1;
ladies. Airs. Mmit Si, I, tell ., I,!,,", n.itl.
wns hiL.'.i with
iiv record of
breakinf 40 ner cent, nf
the birds shot nt. Mrs .1 H l.'.itn,,
and Mrs. Mngeis tied for second with
each -breaking 25 per cent of their
K";.i.,fl I....J .. u V. "-'v.'
..in. j'l-i ccni, .lingers m l er
yard m.n lr l':., i.-,. ,..i i ...:.,.
f n J P .
UVCr UaVl(t f OUIltaill
"death watch
Cal., Sept. 7. The
I'liM.i Fountain, who murdered Mnrgar
et Milling in the basement of tho Ger
man Lutheran church in this city last
winter. Fountain will be hanged at
l olsoni state prison next Friday morn
ing, unless Governor Johnson extends
executive clemency.
Although he "declared during the
trial that ho would attend tho hanging
t the. man who brutally killed his
daughter, II. Milling ha not requested
(in invitation to attend the hnnging so
Sacramento, Cal.
, Sept.
-Milling, father rf
(be little
whose murder
I'llVHl fountain unll 1..
hnnged Fridiu
at Fulsoni will not see
the exeeulion."
He hud made a request for an invita-
n- !" Imi,v,df and five friends.
" llas wri,t' MilHi,K a
"lvii.K that the hung
I ? ' 7 ' that Fonntnh,
tm Mit-iiv lunvit -iii ........ t..
'll... ..,..:.. .... ....iv ii.
" i "e wariicon ad
nut to come.
vised li i tit
l'ortland, Or. Sort 7 -li , i ,
loss of i,i, .i I,'.,.7:sl,0,"l
I '" .''""'"idcr. nged 211, one of ,h"
... . . i.iis.-ii nie . in h to. uv
j i"o oiotiieis iniure.l eurlv Sun.i i...
then. i ... . : V "lieu
. . ..'."",.. ''"Mi.le.-I
Today and
"Romance of Elaine"
The Picture Everybody Follows
"Tools of Providence"
A 2-Act Western-'Drama some,
thing out of tho ordinary. The
stars of the play tell tlie story
"Wni. .S. Hart ami IMiea Mitchell.
Special Comedy for the children.
Always the Best.
Adults 10c Children 5c
- : '
- Tuesday. Seiiteinber
Salem hospiiftlj
I'Mo, Mil.
tlie ngc nf 02
Flora L'. Griihnni, at
Funeral services will lie held at 10:30
o'clock Thursday morning at the than
el of Webb '& Clough, and intcrmont
will take lfluce at the City View f(mp.
M'rs. Graham's residence was nt 1S08
Waller street. Yesterday, while pirkinc
hops near Kola, she complained of ilf.
ness and tcbs brought nt once to the M:i.
lem hosiital, vvhero Bhq 'died at 4:!5
o'clock this morning.
KIXSKY At Antelope, Wasco conn
ty, Saturday, Sep'teniber 4, li)15, n
I D. S. Kinney, sister of Hoyd Asbhy
j nnd Mrs. W. H. Humplirev's of thi.i
Funeral services will be held at "
(O'clock Wednesday afternoon' at th-
Aslihy residence, 210 South .Nineteenth
street and interment will take place it.
Maeloay cemetery. '
Word wns received today of (Tn
death of Mrs. M. H. Milliorn, of North
Bend, Ore., at the age of 25. yearn.
Surviving her, besides her mother, is a
boy, five vearn of n.ro. nml tn-.,
tors, Miss Ruth Tower and Mrs. R
T mpilt lillflr,r oil .....1
.' "i ,'iiii-in, hiih uir.i
brothers. L. Tower of Salem, Chas. Tow
er or .unrsniieid. ami John, Tower
looston, Ore. Her father. A. Tower,
nieo on tlie titth of Inst M:iv Mr.
nlsn nt .Ti:nr!t '
""""hi i vn un-1 i vi;i
also adjunction City.
The funeral of Miss Mabel Cam ph.
"no (iien September 0, "will be
Wcdnesdny morning at 10:.10 o'i
'do, I
from the residence, 724 Mill si reel.
Rev. Carl H. 'Elliott will have charge of
me services and interment will take
Place at Tw'n Oiiks .J''tj'r
Waite, wiro was pursuing an nntoniuhilc
The other brother, George, is in a
criticnl condition, suffering from al
inost Ment'n al in.iurios.
f c t y
M ft
s t :
HEALTH is the first requisite in
the enjoyment of life, and
HEALTH is largely controlled 1y tho
Stotnncli, Liver and Bowels.
vt lien weakness is
W hen weakness is manifested
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WtHllllu lll.llllll.Hl.lui,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
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